Final newsletter

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Membership offers Opportunities to:



































Build and share your knowledge Gain expertise in your profession Expand or specialize your network of colleagues Advance your career Give back to the profession and your community

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Sana Faiyaz

Message from Editor’s Desk I am delighted to introduce the 2nd edition of IEEE Karachi Section annual newsletter 2015. IEEE has extended its roots to different fields of study and this is what makes it different from other organizations. Either it is a humanitarian activity or an engineering project, IEEE Karachi Section always tried its best to serve the humanity through its activities. While working on the newsletter, I felt really pleased after listening to so many stories and viewing some great reports from different student branches made me realize the fact that our volunteers are the real hard workers and it is because of their dedication that IEEE Karachi Section has raised the bar high. Also, IEEE Karachi Section has produced some great volunteers that are now working globally and making us feel proud. The basic purpose behind issuing this edition is to get recognized the activities we are organizing and to set the benchmark for students, professionals and women engineers to come and join us with pride.

Shaista Naz

I’m highly thankful to all the student branches who contributed in this newsletter, IEEE Karachi Section, executive committee-for providing us the opportunity and my editorial board members for helping me pave the way between our members and the world. "Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another" Erma Bombeck Ahsan Qamer Sheikh Editor-In-Chief

Saim Abdul Rab

Message from Chair IEEE Karachi Section I feel very happy to express my thoughts to see this newsletter of IEEE Karachi section, though this newsletter has been published after a long gap and here on behalf of executive committee, I congratulate to the NED University Student branch and their editorial board, SSR and SAC chair for their untiring efforts in bringing this issue of high quality and caliber.

Bushra Saleem

We must not forget that evolution in science, technology and engineering is for the benefit of humanity, not pursued for the sake of development of engineering and technology or knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The application of science is engineering and technology, has become the source of power which may be beneficial or destructive, depending on how we use it, that is where humanity comes in and we all engineers must think from pure, kind and compassionate heart and it will never cause destruction for humanity. Taking this opportunity, I request all members of IEEE to contribute their new innovative ideas, later the idea may be converted into product or service in the domain

Page |4 of engineering, science and technology for the uplifting of humanity particularly for the deprived communities of the society.

Connecting and Advancing

I wish you all the best and assure you of full support on my and of the IEEE Karachi section’s behalf in this noble effort and wish to encourage you to keep up the good work.

Expand your Professional Network

I would like to place my personal commendations on record for the sincere and dedicated team efforts of the publication committee for making this accomplishment a reality and for nurturing the positive traits of our students.

Take advantage of the multitude of global opportunities IEEE offers to locate and interact with colleagues who share your passion and commitment to move technology forward today.

Engr. Parkash Lohana

Learn all that membership has to offer:

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IEEE Spectrum magazine IEEE memberNe t myIEEE IEEE Job Site GoogleApp s@IEEE And more…

Chair IEEE Karachi Section Karachi – 75300 SINDH

Message from Vice-chair IEEE Karachi Section IEEE is just not a name or a showpiece, which we can place somewhere and be happy to have it. All of our volunteers may they be in Section or in Student Branches must realize that IEEE means a group of volunteers working for engineering community to solve human problems using our engineering knowledge and skills. What other things are inclusive in IEEE is standard, quality, honesty, humbleness, noble cause, caring and helping others, thirst for knowledge, hardworking, eager to work, being a volunteer and ultimately "Be Human" and "Be Professional". I hope, in the years come by, we will add more meaning to IEEE and serve humanity as desired by IEEE at our level best. We also hope that one day we will form IEEE Pakistan Council and highlight more IEEE Pakistan in the world map of IEEE. Dr, Sahab Siddique IEEE Vice-chair Karachi section

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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE myIEEE Control your member Experience with myIEEE myIEEE is your personal, customizable, web portal where you can access your membership features and services in real time. Adapt myIEEE and the resources displayed as your membership needs change.

Engr Parkash Lohana Chair

Dr Shahab Siddiqui Vice Chair

Engr Tahir Saleem General Secretary

Bhawani Shankar Chair,IEEE COMSOC

Sarang Shaikh Treasurer

Rabeet Sagri Chair IEEE YP

Murtaza Hanif SAC Chair

Ahsan Saeed MD Chair

Salman Ahmed SSR Chair

Set yourself up for success:,org/myie ee IEEE Technical Councils Technical Councils are groups of Societies working together in broad areas of technology. Technical Councils sponsor activities that benefit individuals in all of the member Societies. There are currently six Technical Councils with the following field of interest statements

Hanan Doudpota Webmaster

Dr.Shakeel A. Khoja- Computer Society Chair and Conference Coordinator

Junaid Ahmed Qureshi -PES chair

Dr. Abdul Rehman Abassi, Professional Activities Chair

Engr. Bilal Hussain

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Field of interest statements


IEEE Biometrics Council IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation IEEE Nanotechnology Council IEEE Sensors Council IEEE Council on Superconductivity IEEE Council on Superconductivity IEEE Systems Council IEEE Systems Council

The IEEE Karachi Section is located in IEEE Asia Pacific named as IEEE Asia-Pacific Region. It was formed as Sub-Section on 22 May 1978, and later on upgraded to Section on 17 July 1982. It is one of the three Sections in Pakistan - Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. Pakistan also have a sub-section at Peshawar as well. IEEE Karachi Section is located in the Southern part of Pakistan and comprises of two Provinces namely, Sindh and Balochistan.

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA)

The IEEE Karachi Section also have Chapters of Computer Society, Communications Society and a Joint Chapter of Control Society with IEEE Islamabad Section and Affinity Group of IEEE GOLD (Graduates of Last Decade). IEEE Karachi Section have 31 student entities ’which includes 23 ‘, 3 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Groups, 5 IEEE Student Chapters and IEEE GINI Project in the cities of Karachi, Jamshoro, Sukkur,

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) is focused on supporting and meeting the members' needs and IEEE membership recruitment and retention strategies and implementation. IEEE local

Nawabshah and Quetta. In 2012, the section was in its 35th year of working. Unnoticed Section’s anniversary was on May 22, 2012 During these so many years,section has seen many ups and downs. The IEEE Karachi Section was very active till December 2004 and then reactivated in May 2008 under the leadership of S. Imranul Haque, Chair, IEEE Karachi Section. The IEEE Karachi Section have organized and participated in several national and international events both at Student and Professional levels, which includes seminars, exhibitions, congresses, poster competitions, website competitions, project exhibitions, and workshops.

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geographic organizational units (Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches) provide unique opportunities for members to attend technical presentations, create strong peerto-peer connections, and participate in leadership opportunities that can make a positive distinction in IEEE members' jobs and careers. The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA Board) is responsible to the IEEE Board of Directors, has oversight of IEEE geographic organizational units, and is responsible for IEEE membership and member development.


FAST -National University of Computer Engineering Sciences

Hamdard Institue of Engineering Technology

Institue of Business Administration Sukkur

Indus University

Isra University

NED University of Engineering and Technology

Mehran University of Engineering Technology


Section, Chapter, or Affinity Group Members of IEEE automatically become members of their local IEEE Section, allowing them to share

University of Karachi

Usman Institute of Technology

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technical, professional, and personal interests with others in the worldwide member community of IEEE. A Chapter is the technical subunit of one or more IEEE Sections. Society Chapters are your local link to the valuable resources available from IEEE and its 38 technical Societies. Chapter activities may include guest speakers, workshops, and seminars, as well as social functions. Chapters provide Society members with valuable opportunities to network at a local level - enabling both personal and professional growth. An Affinity Group is the non-technical subunit of one or more IEEE Sections. The following types of Affinity Groups are active within IEEE: Consultants Network

Life Members


The student branch of IEEE in Ned University of Engineering and Technology once again came up with its tradition of educating and benefiting the young minds of NED and began its tenure with the seminar ‘IEEE Xplore ’which focused on highlighting the influence of IEEE as a global organization. Back to back sessions of the anticipated guest speakers were conducted. Our guests Mr. Ahsan Saeed and Miss Binte Zohra, encouraged the students to become a member of IEEE, compelled their listeners to ponder over themselves, and in their unique way, inspired them to excel in their talents. Mr. Amir & Mr. Bilal from department of Human Resources, together drew attention to the fact that, in the end, hard work actually proves to be the key to success. In the future, IEEE NED SB aims to conduct more inspirational sessions to refresh the young minds, keep them motivated and train them to be innovative and confident.

3D Printing Workshop by Print-3D Pakistan Print3D Pakistan in collaboration with IEEE NEDUET SB conducted an eminent workshop about 3D printing and its technical aspects. Mr. Farrukh Bhabha, the CEO and Founder of Print3D Pakistan was introduced among the guests. He shared his motivation of perusing his career and research in 3D printing along with brief antecedents. Proceeding towards the technique of 3D printing, Farrukh further described the significance, advantages and above all the need of 3D printers. A detailed demonstration on software and hardware interface of 3D printing was conducted by him that developed zeal and enthusiasm among the students. The session became more interesting with the 3d printer being brought to lifeThe IEEE name with its logo was being printed. The completion of the printing object marked the end of session.

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Protech - The battle of designs Women in Engineering Young Professionals MGA vision and mission MGA vision Ensure quality member opportunities for continuous engagement. MGA mission Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE For the purposes of: fulfilling the mission of IEEE; enhancing the members growth and development through their life cycle; providing a professional home.

IEEE NEDUET SB held a competition in summer by the name "ProTech"-the battle of designs. The aim of ProTech was to judge the problem solving skills of students. Event comprised teams competing against each other to determine the best innovation and application. Student teams from few institutions of Karachi registered for ProTech. The event started with an introductory session briefing the masses about IEEE, and asking them to introduce their teams and purpose of competing in ProTech. Following, a welcome note by the event head on behalf of NEDUET SB team treated the audience. He demonstrated the contestants about event flow and wished them luck. As planned, round one based on techno quiz set things moving. Individual members of each team had to attempt the questionnaire within marked time. Next, our guest speaker Mr. Salman Ahmed Noor (SSR IEEE Karachi section) came up with his presentation. His brief yet informative session included the insights of IEEE and benefits of student membership and the organization’s help on various topics from FYPs to writing CVs. Soon he diverted his deliverance to motivational points which compelled the listeners to know their strength and weaknesses and also growing and achieving their goals. Next, IEEE team announced the scores of techno quiz session and the winner. After which lunch and prayer break was held. Back in the auditorium, our volunteers elaborated the do's and don'ts of circuit designing competition. The teams were guided to their respective labs for technical round of ProTech The circuit designing was composed of two rounds with each of them having a different level of design. The teams were provided schematics and were seen indulged into the activity. A faculty member was decided to judge the circuits and to announce the winners. Thus, the event came to its conclusion with everyone learning and gaining some skills and knowledge.

Seminar on Taking Charge of Your Professional Career Development by CISCO Representative Waris Sagheer , head of Cisco Service Provider, architecture and solutions at CISCO conducted a two hour seminar on how to take charge of your professional career NED university of engineering and technology He first gave a background as to what CISCO is and then addressed the students telling them about the basics of networking . Moving on to a more technical lecture, he explained the concept of networking without internet; ethernet and how this technology held the potential to expand further in the future After delivering a brief yet comprehensive lesson on ethernet and internet. He turned his focus to the topic of the seminar. In this section , he emphasized on the importance of technical skills in networking and softwares. He explained the process of job interviews and employee hiring at CISCO and as well as at other organizations Furthermore, he stated the fact of psychological involvement in one's career and how it played a vital role in one's climb to success. He shed light on the methods of communication in the professional world and pointed out the basic non-technical attributes a successful man must possess; leadership skills, emotional intelligence, empathy, punctuality etc. In addition to all of this, he stressed one of the undeniable characteristics; priority management. And thus, with this, the short session came to an end.

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As I started my electrical engineering undergraduate studies in 2010, the message and aim of IEEE forced me to voluntarily join this organization soon after. I have been an active volunteer for the last 5 years, and have served in various positions while working in my SB and in the Karachi Section. IEEE has helped me in every phase of life, and helped me link up with various professional engineers, allowing me to make many new friends and professional connections. It is a platform which helps me polish my presentation skills,

Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) Workshop HIET IEEE Student Branch hosted a TISP (Teacher in Service Program) with the collaboration of IEEE Karachi Section and Pakistan Science Club at Hamdard University Main Campus, Karachi. The chief guests were the director of HIET Dr. Fahad Azim and the president of Pakistan Science Club, Abdul Rauf. The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) imparts a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the applications of engineering, science and mathematical concepts It functions, essentially as a professional development workshop that is aimed at assisting teachers bring exciting and interesting hands-on engineering lessons into their classrooms. In the training workshop, the participant teachers and the students were divided into groups and their task was to make an efficient wind turbine in the time duration of 45 minutes. Every group was provided with limited tools to make the wind turbine and handouts were given for help. All groups showed their individuality and great interest in the activity by submitting their self-designed wind turbines and the participants and volunteers were awarded certificates by the respected chief guests

Big Data Day 2014 IEEE HIET Student Branch and Department of Computing HIET jointly organized a conference on Big Data, which was named as “Big Data Day 2014” here on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at FEST auditorium, Hamdard University, Karachi. Students of BS-Computer Science

final semester presented their papers related to the big data. In the end of conference Engr. Dr. ValiUddin, (Dean FEST), Dr. Ch. FahadAzim, (Director HIET), and Dr. Abdul HameedMemon, (Chairman Department of Energy Engineering), distributed certificates among the paper presenters and volunteers of the event

IEEE Day 2014 Celebrations and CPD Seminar As every year, IEEE HIET Student Branch celebrated IEEE Day 2014 on Oct 22, 2014 in a great way. For making the day more productive and meaningful a CPD seminar “Energy Auditing: An effective tool for energy analysis system and optimization” was also arranged. The guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Abdul HameedMemon –Chairman, Department of Energy Engineering, HIET, HamdardUniverstiy, Karachi. At the end of this seminar cake cutting ceremony was held at HIET Auditorium, which was attended by Dr. Ch. FahadAzim, Prof. Dr. Abdul HameedMemon, Ex-Com IEEE HIET SB, faculty members and the branch members.

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USMAN INSTITUE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY and gives me an opportunity to travel to different cities and countries, which provides an exposure which is difficult to find elsewhere. Networking, appreciating others, teamwork, leadership, and understanding are qualities you can find in people associated with IEEE. If there was no IEEE, I would have been completely a different person. Currently, I am SAC chair of Karachi Section and as SAC Chair, it is my responsibility to achieve maximum and fruitful outcome from the SB and students. This newsletter represents a chain of goals that we wish to achieve. This newsletter will portray what Karachi section is and will be doing.

Multi-Layer PCB Designing Workshop

IEEE Student branch of Usman Institute of Technology, took the initiative of organizing a one-day technical workshop to provide attendees familiarization with Multi-layer PCB designing on the Altium Designer. It was organized by consulting IEEE-UIT student branch counselor and Chair IEEE-Karachi Section ‘Mr. Parkash Lohana’.

The attendees were first familiarized by the editor environment of the software, followed by building example circuits and analyzing different techniques the design software has to offer. Furthermore, the workshop was carried forward with complex designs with focus on design. Various techniques and queries regarding implementing designed PCBs on physical boards were also discussed in details and common errors were rectified.

The workshop took place on May 15, 2015 and was conducted by Engr. Muhammad Asad Hussain, faculty member UIT.

INDUS UNIVERSITY Hosts of KSSC 2014 The IEEE branch of Indus University had the privilege to host KSSC 2014 under the supervisions of Zeeshan Ashraf, the chair of IEEE Indus University Student Branch who worked his heart out to put IEEE Student Branch on the track of success. He made every member to know how to avail opportunities in career through IEEE and, how to organize event and workshops. Such determination led to a successful event of KSSC 2014 The Karachi Section Students Congress KSSC 2104, was the third of its kind. The event being a full-day event, boasted a number of technical sessions, seminars and Workshops by leading Industry personalities as well as a Networking session for the students with Industry Professionals as well as IEEE Young Professionals.

On that day, some competitions took place, in which student from other universities along with Indus University students took part The winners were rewarded with certificates and shields. Also Indus University was honoured by some special guests who came from different cities of Pakistan, to be a part of KSSC event. Among those, one was Mr. Amir Zahoor, the Section Student Representative SSR at IEEE Lahore Section and the other was Mr. Ahsan Saeed, ambassador at IEEE Academics Pakistan. Seminars and Q/A sessionswere held as well.

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IEEE - An organization that provides a learning platform in every single institution. It commences events / workshops / webinars / seminars etc to promote innovation. As the saying goes; "If you are failing every now and again, it’s a sign that you are not doing anything innovative" IEEE encourages new ideas and innovation in any field of engineering. Our mission is not just to organize events but to make students capable to learn more and more and provide them a podium to acquire knowledge of technology. IEEE helps in promoting and creating creative / innovative minds. It’s like an umbrella where all experts of

IEEE UoK Student Branch Annual Meetup This annual meeting was organized to appreciate the team work and to cherish their extra ordinary efforts to bring their branch to recognition among other branches. The ceremony started with Holy Verses. Then goodie bags were distributed among the members of month followed by the distribution of certificates to all diligent members who put their heart and soul to their work.

Our honorable teachers Miss Humera Tariq, Assistant Professor and Student advisor at DCS and Miss Shaista Raees, Assistant Professor at DCS also joined the meeting and gave words of encouragement to the IEEE UoK Student Branch team for their staunch performance. The meeting proceeded with an eye captivating presentation on the efficient workings and biggest achievements of IEEE UoK Academia given by Syed Musfar Nayyar and Sohaib Ahmed. Another very important presentation was given by Balaj Zuberi. The final slot of the meeting was kept for the results of 2015 elections and the members to be promoted internationally. We were fortunate enough to have our fifteen members promoted as international. Then new Executive Committee according to 2015 elections was announced.

IEEE Student's Week 2015 IEEE UoK Student Branch has organized another student’s week this year. The purpose of organizing this event was to motivate and inspire those who have recently joined this department of Computer Science. The program successfully went for three days in a row with a different theme.

GET INSPIRED: The theme of the first day was ‘Get Inspired’ with the purpose to inspire the newbies and introducing them to the champions of the department, the respectable Alumni. Students took inspiration from their seniors who are now working on leading posts. GET MOTIVATED: Our teachers encouraged and aware the students about the new challenges and hurdles in the industry and shared their golden experience with them. The program turned out to be very informative and interactive for the students. GET CONNECTED: The third day was another massive success of the branch as it fulfilled the theme of ‘Get Connected’. The Session was about freelancing as there was great deal of interest in students in this regard

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particular fields of engineering are found and are easily accessible to every student. E-library of IEEE keeps us updated with the current research work and shows a new dimension to excel


2008-2009, Secretary IEEE Karachi Section 2008-2011 IEEE Asia Pacific (R10) Student Representative, 2013-2014 IEEE R10 Student Activities Chair I was inspired by IEEE and joined this technical organization back in 2003. The journey started from the city of lights, we call Karachi. IEEE helped me in many aspects of my life. Being a

ISRA UNIVERSITY IEEE Isra Student Brach is a society within the Isra University to promote young innovators and to give them platform to share their ideas and connect them with the outer world. Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Engineering and Management Sciences, Isra University, is the Head of Executive Committee of IEEE Isra Student Branch. Engr. Saad Khan Baloch is the Branch Counselor of the Society and also the Member of the Executive Committee along with Mr. Mutee-u-Rehman from the Faculty of Engineering & Science Technology. IEEE Student Branch has organized various events like Seminars, Competitions and other activities which include Inaugural Session on Startup-IEEE, IEEE Research Development Program Pakistan, Cloud Computing, CISCO Systems& Certification, Mobile Operating System and various gaming competitions along with many other Workshops in various Technological Fields. Some of Huge successes of IEEE ISB are:

iCube’13: On 27th of October’13, Isra Student Branch organized iCube2013, a national competition comprising of 16 versatile competitions seeking the attention of more than 300 participants from all across Pakistan.

University Hyderabad. iCube 2014 comprised of 22 competitions, where more than 1200 participants participated from all across the nation.

IEEE Envision: Seminar was held on 28th January, 2015. The topics included ‘Get to Know IEEE’ by Engr. Parkash Lohana(Chair, IEEE Khi Section) and ‘Nuclear Energy’ Dr. Engr. Abdul Rehman Abbasi(KINNPOE, Khi).

Workshop on “Android Game and Application Development”: It was held on Friday, February-20-2015. The topic was ‘Android Game and App Development’ by Wajahat Kareem (Symmetry Group, Khi).

Gaming Competition: A gaming competition was held on 20th February, 2015.

IEEE Evolution: It was held on 28th April, 2015. It included a seminar on ‘Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS)’ Prof. Dr. Shahab Siddiqui and ‘3g/4g Technologies’ by: Ghulam Muhammad (Zonal Manager, Mobilink).

iCube’14: The latest of the versions of iCube was held on 22nd of November 2014 at Isra

And now IEEE Isra student branch is going to organize the biggest event iCube2015 on September-7-2015

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member helped me to grow technically; however, I gained more value from IEEE membership when I started volunteering. Along with strengthening my technical knowledge, I started building the professional network, making friends around the globe, and developing my soft skills such as communication skills, presentation skills and leadership skills. Without the platform of IEEE, my personal and professional life probably would have been different. IEEE helped me work in professional environment even before I started working for the professional industry. Those all skills, connections, knowledge helped me in becoming confident at my work and achieving awards and promotions. IEEE is great

Institute of Business Administration Sukkur SIBACOM 2015 SIBACOM 2015, organized by the IEEE Sukkur IBA student branch was to bring the students from three different streams together to share their work and ideas and encourage entrepreneurship. Hardware, Software and Innovative Business ideas competitions were the main highlights of IEEE SIBACOM 2015.

About 80 teams participated in these highlighted categories. All the projects were evaluated by the judges’ panel consisting of senior faculty members and showcased for all the students of Sukkur IBA and other universities respectively. Mr. Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui, Director Sukkur IBA during his speech at the closing ceremony, appreciated and agreed with the IEEE slogan “Advancing Technology for Humanity”, he assured institute’s full support in the future. Other guest speakers included few faculty members. Later, cash prizes and mementos were distributed among top teams in their respective categories.

Telenor MSC Visit Under IEEE Student Branch Sukkur IBA, the 6th & 7th semester students of Electrical & Telecom Engineering had the opportunity to visit Telenor MSC (Main Switching Centre) located near Lansdowne Bridge, Rohri.

The students were divided into groups. These groups experienced about half hour lecture by the Telenor Transmission Engineer focusing on the working of MSC. At the main area, they were being treated and taught by the Telenor Engineers. They learned about call switch, switching routes and new equipments.

LU Factory Visit On the request of Students, IEEE Sukkur IBA this time organized a visit to LU (Continental Biscuits) Manufacturing Factory located at Sukkur. The students visited several plants, including the Ingredient plant, making plant, and the packaging plant. This was where the students examined the real world applications of the several courses that they learnt, especially Control Systems Engineering & Instrumentation. The engineers at the factory provided the students with masks and aprons to prevent toxic chemicals or gasses and retain the hygiene of the products as well. The students got to know different terms like Production Line, Plant Supervision and about machinery used in the manufacturing process.

Workshop on Leadership & Research The session about "Leadership and Research" to enhance students’ skills as a good leader and to aware them about research for their projects was conducted by Mr. Manoj Kumar

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platform with lot of opportunities; please take advantage of it and make most out of your membership. SOHAIB QAMER SHEIKH

Panjwani, who has served as Manager Corporate Evolution Pakistan, Speaker IEEE and RDP Pakistan Trainer. The workshop being open for all, gained the eyeballs of more than 100 students of which majority were freshies. Mr. Panjwani encouraged the participation of the students by performing activities, which made the students more enthusiastic and overwhelmed about the workshop and helped them boost up their confidence level to achieve their respective goals.

Bio: Sohaib Qamar Sheikh is currently the Chair of PreUniversity Education Activities in Region 8, member of the global Pre-University Education Coordination Committee of the IEEE Education Activities Board, and a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society. Note: It was back in 2006 when I was introduced to an organization called Itriple-E which

Workshop on Optical Fiber IEEE Sukkur IBA SB arranged a hands on workshop on optical fiber splicing, jointing and testing in summer 2015. Students of Engineering did practice upon OTDR (optical time domain reflectometer), optical power meter and also did splicing experiment on optical fiber splicing machine. The workshop trainer practically demonstrated different kinds of fibers. The overall result of workshop was quite good. At the end, trainer and participants were awarded with the certificates on behalf of Sukkur IBA and IEEE student branch.

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organized events in our university. Little did I know that the student branch in our university was just a small part of a well-oiled machine called IEEE that produces real change in this world. At that time, I was a first year student in my university (FASTNUCES Karachi) and wanted to concentrate on my studies and social life rather than organize events so I stayed away from IEEE but still kept an eye on it. In 2007, I finally joined upon the insistence of my seniors and have been hooked with it since then. I started with volunteering for an event called IEEE Week - a week long country-wide event with 8 competitions running simultaneously. Then came the participation in Pakistan Student Congress, IEEE events in Lahore and Islamabad, the Region 10 congress in Singapore and

IEEE Power & Energy Society(PES) First IEEE PES Student Congress IEEE METU Student Branch, IEEE Power and Energy Society and Middle East Technical University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department organized the First IEEE PES Student Congress on August 29-31, 2014 at METU, Ankara, Turkey. The congress covered technical lectures, a fair, IEEE/PES nontechnical workshops, both technical and historical field trips and was sponsored by domestic electrical companies. 40 students from 22 different countries and six speakers from five countries were together for three days and increased their professional network. Representatives from different Countries presented their activities of PES society in their university chapters. I also presented activities of IEEE PES NED Chapter, Karachi Section in Middle East Technical University Ankara.

As a prelude, the goals that I set before attending this congress was to:  learn about IEEE PES activities around the globe  obtain up-to-date knowledge on potential research areas in power and energy  increase my professional network for future collaboration My participation met all the preceding goals in addition to providing the opportunity to meet different industrial professionals, scholars and supervisors in power and energy sector. I hope this information and networking will be useful in teaching, research and further collaborations.

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slowly I started realizing that IEEE is more than just organizing events - it was actually helping me hone my soft skills, my presentations skills, and even my leadership skills. It was also adding to my technical knowledge through seminars and training workshops but the most important addition it made to my life was through networking. IEEE opened the whole world up for us and helped us create long lasting relations with friends all across Pakistan and the World. In 2010, I moved to the United Kingdom and got involved with the local IEEE Section over there. These relations in the UK, helped me settle down easily and also helped me get involved in Region 8. It was during the Honors Ceremony of the 2014 Sections Congress that I saw the real technical

IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING (WIE) NED UNIVERSITY'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO IEEE WIE STAR Program STAR Program was held at Shaheed e Millat Governemt Degree College For Women, Karachi: Ms. HIba Latifee conducted the second edition of Pakistan WIE Forum STAR program series in collaboration with Pakistan WIE Forum Officers at the Shaheed e Millat Governemt Degree College For Women in Azizabad, Karachi. She motivated them to pursue STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Math) as a career and to inspire them into becoming competent leaders of tomorrow.

Women in Coding A 30-minute interactive session titled “Women in Coding� which was conducted by Ms. Hiba Ovais Latifee, IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum (PWF) STAR Coordinator at Pakistan Student Young Professionals/WIE Congress was held at the campus of Fast University Lahore from 25th-26thOctober 2014. It was a part of IEEE PWF WIE Track 2014. Ms. HIba latifee conducted many activities regarding coding. She held a fun-filled trivia related to coding where the speaker of the correct answer received a purple merchandise as a token of appreciation. She then motivated and unveiled the many benefits of coding for women. Towards the end she held an activity about algorithms and the winners were awarded. To conclude. The session was inspiring and motivating especially for those who aimed to be professional


LEAD-lighten your career path IEEE - WIE struck with their event LEAD that focused on developing of the personality as the prime consideration of stepping into a life of career and professionalism. The event was graced by Ms. Shanze who identified the specifics of a leader engaging the audience with a number of self-assessing exercises followed by a one to one discussion. The second day started with an activity session by the WIE team. Guest speaker, Mr. Umar Sultan started off with the importance of this country. Session was based on the basics of being an entrepreneur. The last surprise of the workshop was a theatrical performance and a parody session that took place. The audience left the auditorium pleased.

Freeze Frame Starting with an interactive session the participants were ready to welcome the main guests. Mr. Asadullah Khan, enlightened the audience on the topic "Verbal Communication". Sequentially,

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power of IEEE. Among the list of awardees that night, many sitting among us, were technical giants including Paul E. Jacobs (chairman of Qualcomm), John G. Proakis (many of you would have read his Digital Signal Processing book), Cleve B. Moler (founder of Matlab) and Eric Schmidt (Chairman of Google). Being among the circle of technical giants, global networking opportunities and being able to contribute to change in the technical world has kept me motivated throughout the years and will continue to do so. Many of our members from Karachi Section are doing well in IEEE globally and I would recommend more to continue on this path but with two things in mind: 1) Keep a healthy balance between your private, IEEE and professional lives, and 2) Be more

Babrus Khan introduced us to his world of 3D animations via Adobe Photoshop. It was surely an event worth the effort as it provided a platform for the young artist within NED and motivated them to follow their passion

on the future of women education in Pakistan.

Women’s Day Celebrations Members of WIE visited a local government school to meet with those passionate and vibrant souls. Students were given the freedom to celebrate this day with full zest and zeal. The motivational session conducted by WIE for the girls aimed at encouraging them to prioritize education as their foremost responsibility. A small activity session also took place in order to provide the inquisitive minds with a chance to express themselves and share their views

HAMDARD INSTITUE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY'S CONTRIBUTION TO WIE MINE (Motivating, Inspiring And Navigating Engineers) Event was organized by IEEE WIE HIET AG under the supervision of IEEE HIET Branch Counselor, Asst. Prof. Muhammad Ovais. The featured speaker of the event was Dr. Charles Timothy Spracklen (Dean of Research and Continuing Education), from Habib Univeristy. He convinced, inspired and motivated the female engineering students to find a way they were passionate about and made their chosen career more than just a job. He very interactively showed the audience the video of NASA's "Curiosity Mars Rover Program" and revealed that the head of this program was a pakistani women. " Nigan Cox" He also told about “Sarah Alam Malik”( inchrage of the team that discovered Higgs Boson) and “Nida Farid” ( designer of a wing of A350 airbus in France) He motivated the girls to

pursue engineering and difference in the world



Dean FEST Dr. Vali Uddin was also called on the podium, where he proposed a vote of thanks and encouraged the IEEE WIE HIET AG’s efforts to organize such kind of event. In the end, honorary souvenir was presented to Dr. Spracklen by Dean FEST and Director HIET, Dr.Choudhry Fahad Azim.

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proactive in everything you do including IEEE activities. I wish Karachi Section all the best for its future activities! MUHAMMAD SAAD

IEEE ACADEMICS PAKISTAN What Is IEEE Academic ? "We believe education is local, so content should be created locally, based on what is needed”- Rui costa There’s no shortage of providers offering free massive open online engineering courses as well as other online educational resources. But those have problems. Because they must appeal to a global audience, many cover topics too broadly and most are given only in English. IEEE Academic aims to remove this barrier and impart education in a more attainable way. The brains behind this great initiative were a few students of the IEEE-IST Student Branch in Portugal. Rui costa, together with the help of his peers founded IEEE Academic, a pilot project involving the branch and the school’s instructors.

IEEE Academic Pakistan SAC Chair IEEE Karachi Section Treasurer IEEE Dallas Young professionals Conference steering committee member IEEE Boston section USA. It was in 2007 when I started volunteering with IEEE as a student member and since then I had discovered the amazing experience of volunteering. IEEE has changed my life in so many and positive ways that I feel I could never stop being a

Education is a base on which nations are built. Several technological advancement had been made over the past couple of decades which are making our life easier and helping us in several ways. But what about educations ? Can technology help us in understanding the concepts in a more convenient manner? These thoughts and many other always used to ponder in minds which led to the a thought of introducing a better education methodology in Pakistan. The starting period of every new initiative is challenging and difficult. When the idea was float to the professors, they took time to get convinced and understand the whole concept. They had several concerns about its feasibility. But slowly and gradually, things started to get in the flow and we started getting professors requests to record our lectures. It is a great endeavor of Ahsan Saeed, Founding Ambassador of IEEE Academic Pakistan, that what was once a Dream has now become a Reality.

IEEE Academic Pakistan -What can you expect next? Asma Sajid has been appointed as the 2nd IEEE Academic ambassador for Pakistan. My link with IEEE Academic is almost a year and half old. It started when IEEE GCUF Student Branch applied for IEEE Academic program. I am supervising their activities since then. I believe this experience of mine can help other student branches. In Pakistan, we have determined IEEE volunteers; Plan is to spread this initiative in more universities. Our focus would be to enable and guide those student branches who are motivated enough to learn and give their energies for generating content. To make things more systematic, there would be more opportunities coming in IEEE Academic Pakistan. We look forward to involve dedicated volunteers into our new team.

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TECHNICAL SEMINARS volunteer. I started as the founding chair for IEEE ComSoc chapter at the FAST NUCES student branch and later as a graduate student member, I had served as the SAC chair for IEEE Karachi Section; the youngest SAC in IEEE. From lifting chairs for participants at a host student branch to delivering a breakout session at the IEEE Region10 Congress'11 in Auckland, New Zealand, it's been amazing years with IEEE. Volunteering is the essence of IEEE and the professional learning experience that it brings with it, I would have never gained easily otherwise. Being a Pakistan representative to IEEE GINI industry relations, I remember we were busy setting up candidates for the interviews and placements when my other batch mates were struggling with

IEEE Karachi Section – Technical Seminar Series for 2015 Summarized Report for five technical seminars

5th: ESR- Part # 3 – Arc Flash Analysis and Calculations A brief summary of all five technical seminars is presented in following info graphic.

"By people from Industry, for people of Industry" Setting the trace for other volunteer groups, IEEE Karachi Section (a nonprofit, volunteer led group of engineers) made a huge impression this year among Industry, Academia and professionals by introducing “Technical Seminar Series for Professionals”. Having started from April 2015, the technical seminar series continued for back-to back 5 months and has achieved an enormous liking and admiration from professionals from all over the Karachi and the district Sindh. IEEE Karachi Section in past have organized many such technical seminar workshops of single days. In the year 2014 it managed to organized only two, where as in year 2013 it organized about four, this year in 2015, only by August, 2015 it has achieved a milestone by organizing five back-to-back monthly seminars, where as the plans are to organize three more by the end of year. In the wake up call for “Electrical safety and its requirements- ESR” among industry workers based not only at Karachi but in whole Pakistan, three of the five seminars were focused on this topic. The details of each seminar along with its topic name are as follows: 1st: ESR- Part #1 – Introduction to Electrical Safety Measures 2nd: Human Error Preventions tool and practices at work 3RD: ESR- Part # 2 – Case studies and requirements 4th: Value proposition of Project Management for Engineering Projects

With each workshop, a feedback form is distributed, collected back and analyzed for making improvements in future seminars. There has been tremendous support and appreciation from some of the regular attendee senior engineers in Karachi Section technical seminar series. The technical seminar team is working to make self-record by hosting eight technical seminars which require three more to be organized by the end of year. For more details about future technical seminars, follow IEEE Karachi Section website and face book page: Website: Face book Page: Section

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SECTION EVENTS finding jobs. This learning exposure along with a global network of long lasting friends is the greatest takeaway from my relationship with IEEE and I look forward to giving back to IEEE. My heartiest felicitations to IEEE Karachi section for the continued efforts in so doing and I wish all the best for the second half of 2015.

IEEE SIGHT MITHI Telemedicine Network– Social ICT by IEEE Sight Karachi was a great way to explore the talents of students from different sections of IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Activities (HTA). The agenda was to make use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance. To eliminate distance barriers and improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities. The initiative was to save lives in critical care and emergency situations.


I am not wise enough to dish out advice, but old enough to have formed memories with IEEE. One experience which stands out in my mind is the Region 10 Student Congress in 2011 in Auckland, New Zealand. As an eight person strong delegation from the three IEEE Sections of Pakistan at this

IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Activities (HTA) invited project proposals from its sections. 31 proposals were received from various sections. Evaluation Committee had selected 6 best projects for providing funding from Region 10. The team consisted of Parkash Lohana, (Chair IEEE KHI SEC), Dr. Fahim Umrani (Lead for project), Sarang Shaikh (Project, SIGHT Coordinator). With a funding of $1000 USD for this great noble cause.

All the projects and proposals were outstanding. The combination of telecommunication and information technology(IT) was great and it was very much visible in the presented projects. All the projects were with the initiative to provide better health care and quick service in emergency situations. The projects and the ideas were so fresh the project was also selected among 20 best projects from all over the world to be presented at IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference'13 at Silicon Valley, USA.

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IEEE TEACHER IN-SERVICE PROGRAM (TISP) four day event, we were meeting hundreds of students, making new networks, renewing old friendships, learning from others’ experiences, and sharing our own. We stretched it out to a two week holiday: having dinners with local families, scaling the Sky Tower, enjoying white sandy beaches, exploring the City of Sails, and ferrying over the Waiheke waters. The opportunity of understanding different cultures, acknowledging differences, and appreciating diversity is something IEEE offers generously. I believe Pakistani students need a healthy dose of this in today’s times, and realize that their goals include securing academic success and engineering merit, as well as becoming global citizens. I’ve enjoyed working as SAC Chair in

HIET IEEE Student Branch became the first Student Branch of Pakistan that hosted TISP (Teacher in Service Program) workshop in collaboration with IEEE Karachi Section and Pakistan Science Club on Dec 3, 2014 at their university. The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators. It functions essentially as a professional development workshop aimed at helping teachers bring exciting hands-on engineering lessons into their classrooms.

When the training workshop session began, the participant teachers and the students were divided into groups having four members each, they were given the task to made an efficient wind turbine , 45 minutes were given to each group. Every group was given some limited stuff to make that turbine and handouts for help, the groups are bounded to use the given stuff only. All groups showed their individuality and great interest by making different kinds of wind turbine within limited period of time.

At the end of the sessions all groups put forward their self-designed wind turbines. The session was interesting and learning. and all participants and volunteers received certificates by the chief guests, the director of HIET Dr. Fahad Azim and the president of science club Abdul Rauf.

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Karachi, for MGA Young Professionals Leadership Portal, for TISP R8 Planning Committee, and for MGA SAC Awards Committee.

Students Activities Committee (SAC) EVENTS Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT) Event


I have had the honor to serve Karachi Section as SAC Chair for 10 months in 2014-2015. I both enjoyed and learnt a lot from this position, moreover in my view that is the only position for any Young Professionals in any IEEE Section where an individual acquires deep strengths and abilities in soft skills. Considering the past successful and legendary proven record of SAC Chairs at Karachi Section, I had a huge pressure to maintain that pride which people like Ravendar Bhojwani,

It is in IEEE's long-term strategic interest to ensure that IEEE volunteers have the training needed to assume leadership positions of ever-increasing responsibility in the society. Keeping this in mind, the aforementioned session graced the NED University’s premises in the most predominant manner on February, 21st 2015. Student members of IEEE-SB from different universities of Karachi section joined us. Seven speakers from Karachi Section's ExCom sequentially addressed the audience. Dr. Khurram, IEEE NEDUET branch counselor, addressed the audience. He advanced a positive thought among the people about changing the world and contributing towards the goods. “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. He rightly depicted this idea and elaborated the need of modification in this world. Later, Mr. Sarange Sheikh and Mr. Ahsan Saeed came up with a short history of IEEE and IEEE SAMIEE respectively. A former IEEE WIE chair told the masses what IEEE - Women in Engineering (WIE) is. Owing to the exhaustion of the crowd, Mr. Sarange rose again and started an activity between all volunteers. He gave a task in which all people had to conjure up an idea; an event encompassing IEEE in any way. Hence, the talent of many bright minds was unmasked.

Mr. Rabeet Sagri, the chairperson of IEEE YP, Karachi spoke about student professional awareness activities (SPAA). Mr. Sarang Sheikh put forward a very brain storming presentation that focused on the questions of "why?" and "how?”. . Mr. Hanan Daudpota of MADC IEEE Karachi section elaborated the IEEE-SIDE and IEEE MGM and Mr. Murtaza Hanif spoke about Public visibility tools that IEEE offers. Thus, the event proved to be one of the most motivating sessions IEEE had conducted for its volunteers. The young minds left the room with much to ponder on.

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Karachi Section Student's Congress 2014 Muhammad Saad, and Hassan Idrees have developed from their sheer dedicated hard work and inputs. It would not be justice to say I did best, but I can assure that I tried really hard not to leave any bit and feedback with every possible opportunity and success to Karachi Section that I can. I am really looking forward to current SAC Chair, Mr. Murtaza Hanif to augment up the number and passing on the torch to better deserving individual in future. RABEET SAGRI - YP

IEEE Young Professionals is an international community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers. IEEE is committed to helping young

presented various technical seminars, talks and workshops.

The IEEE Karachi Section Student’s Congress (KSSC 2014) was held on 22nd November, 2014, at Indus University (main campus), Karachi. The objective of this mega annual Section-level event is to gather all students of Engineering, Science and Technology, both IEEE members as well as non members to bring them under one umbrella. This was the Third KSSC event. The prime goals that KSSC 2014 successfully achieved were : a) Networking between Industry Professionals and Academia, b) Technical uplift of the participating students and practical knowledge imparting by professionals, c) Providing an environment for Annual General Meeting of all Student Branch Chairs / Excom members to discuss problems, issues, ideas and come up with beneficial solutions for the same, d) to recognize the best IEEE members and award them to boost their morale and encourage new aspiring members to volunteer with more zeal and vigour.

The Karachi Section Student’s Congress achieved all these goals very successfully. The participants were from leading universities under the Karachi Section (Sindh & Balochistan), while the guest speakers and presenters from Industry

Academia participants i) IEEE Member Participants : 72 ii) Non-IEEE Member participants: 18 Industry Participants i) PCSIR Laboratories – Mr. Zain ul Ibad (Head of Calibrations), ii) ACT Automations – Mr. Taufiq Ali Kazmi (CEO), Guest Speakers i) Mr. Om Perkash Batra (via video conference) – SAC Chair, R10 ii) Mr. Parkash Lohana – Chair, Karachi Section iii) Mr. Sarang Shaikh – SAC Chair, Karachi Section iv) Mr. Hanan Daudpota – SSR, Karachi Section v) Mr. Rabeet SAgri – YP Chair, Karachi Section vi) Mr. Amir Zahoor – Lahore Section vii) Mr. Ahsan Saeed – Karachi Section The event was publicized mainly by print (banners, posters) and electronic media (Facebook, website). It was covered by print and electronic News media as well as on the event’s Facebook pages. The talks presented by STEP panel were very interesting and helpful as that has lead members of IEEE Indus University Student Branch to setup their own WIE affinity group and start a few activities under the IEEE Academics platform.

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Student Conference On Engineering Sciences & Technology (SCONEST) 2014 professionals evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network. IEEE Young Professionals Karachi is working with the following objectives. Focusing on nurturing and providing a platform for fresh engineering graduates and young professionals. Unite under one platform, to network, collaborate, and fuel constructive discussion, and, Building a career and a financial portfolio IEEE Young Professionals Karachi provides opportunity to all IEEE Volunteers for 3 months to show their willingness towards the goal for which IEEE and we

Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology (SCONEST) 2014 was held on 13 September, 2014 at Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan, under the banner of IEEE International. IEEE Isra Student Branch, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan had organized this conference. SCONEST is the most vital series of Research paper competition from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International, to introduce new scientists and Engineers with the field of purposeful and scientific research. It is held every year in different universities from across Pakistan as it is a national level event.

The conference was attended by nearly 350 students. 75 research papers on different areas/topics were submitted in initial stage out of which 30 research papers were shortlisted to be presented at SCONEST 2014. The top three research papers were selected and sent to be published at a research journal of IEEE International. The researchers were mostly from the cities of Lahore, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Khairpur, Nawabshah, Swabi, Karachi, Jamshoro and Hyderabad. In the opening ceremony the chief guest Prof. Dr. Mujeeb-uddin Sahrai Memon, Vice Chancellor, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan spoke on the occasion . He highlighted

the art of research, and said that informative conferences like these are very useful for the research & development of innovative students. He also congratulated the organizing committee of SCONEST 2014, IEEE Isra Student Branch, for organizing such a successful national level conference at Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, Chair, SCONEST 2014, Head of Executive Council, IEEE Isra Student Branch and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Engineering and Management Sciences), Isra University, Sindh, Pakistan welcomed the authors, dignitaries, guests and participants. He said the basic aim of this conference is to inculcate the culture of research and innovation among the students and to utilize the intellect of these young minds in fostering technological advancement. In the closing ceremony Prof. Dr. A. G. Kazi, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Health Sciences), Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan, was the chief guest. Dr. Kazi presented awards and shields to the organizers and the authors. The top three paper presenters were awarded with shields and cash prizes. In the paper presentation sessions authors from different universities presented their research work. The areas that were addressed included Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunication, Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science, Software Engineering and IT. SCONEST 2014 was sponsored by Isra University, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), IEEE Karachi Section and RASTEK Technologies.

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EPICS all are volunteering here. IEEE Young Professionals Karachi is in development phase and we all are here not only to build this Organizational Unit to perform better but to have a life changing experience for all of us to motivate ourselves and to motivate others, by doing some AWESOME work. RABIA KHALID

In 2010 Igot the opportunity to represent Karachi Section in the IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum and as myfirst project I organised the WIE session at Pakistan Students Congress 2010. It was akickstart to the WIE activities in Karachi Section. Pakistan WIE Forum then activated a few dormant WIE affinity

Our HIET – Department of Computing, BS (Computer Science) Final Year Project “Analytical Application for Baseline Survey” in Collaboration of Hamdard Public School and Hamdard Primary Healthcare Center managed by Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry has been selected for IEEE EPICS - Engineering Project in Community Service. A fund of US$3,000 has been awarded as proposed in the proposal. Another feather in the hat is that this is the first ever IEEE EPICS Project in Pakistan (51st overall in the world). Therefore, Pakistan Flag will be highlighted in the world map as the 18th country where IEEE EPICS Project is been started / approved. Headed by Dr. Muhammad Shahab Siddiqui- the initiator of the Funding Proposal for IEEE EPICS –The “Analytical Web based Application” will be a dynamic application, which holds the survey result taken at “Khuda ki Basti Scheme No. 3”. Around 2000 survey forms will be filled from the residents of Khuda ki Basti, suffering from different kind of diseases and living their lives below the poverty line. The survey result will be stored and converted into useful information which will act as the bases for generating different report to analyze diseases cause

and ratio to provide better health treatment. The main purpose of this software project is to observe diseases and to aware people about their real cause and provide precautions accordingly in a locality. The system to be developed is a selfcontained and completely new product and is not a continuation or advancement of an existing product. Since it has the data-centric architecture, ths,, it needs someplace to store the data. For that, a database will be used that will hold the profile and information of each person from the survey data. Hamdard Primary Healthcare Center at Khuda Ki Basti has a team of dedicated doctors, lady health visitor, community motivator, and computer operator visiting PHC on a daily basis.

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groups and made efforts to initiate new affinity groups in the section through training sessions and workshops. Indeed it was a learning process for me which helped me grow and stand out as an active volunteer. The platform of IEEE is full of opportunities, the key to get rewarded and recognized is to avail it and make the best use out of it. . For me it was a platform where I, as a leader and as a volunteer, executed my plans making the best use of the IEEE resources. Reward and appreciation was never the goal for me, it just came along the way. HIBA LATIFEE

Ms. Hiba Latifee an inspiring, passionate and talented student of NED university together

IEEE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (YP) Study & Field Trip at Engro Vopak Terminal

Pro Loop (Professional Loop) – A Mentor Program

IEEE Karachi Section and its officers at IEEE Young Professionals Karachi AG organized a study and field trip at ENGRO Vopak Terminal, Karachi. It is just one of the 80 terminals of Vopak around the world and Storage facility for bulk liquid chemicals and LPG in Pakistan.

Pro Loop, initiated by IEEE Young Professionals Karachi AG is a mentor program that helps undergraduate final year students and graduate students in Job Seeking Solutions & Corporate Recruitment Preparation Program.

IEEE Young Professionals Karachi also celebrated IEEE Day 2014 at Engro Vopak Terminal in order to reduce the academia-industry relations. Safety Orientation was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. Mr. Munir started the field trip very nicely. Participants were guided to all the blocks, operational plants, safety controls and GT of the organization as well as detailed information about all machineries. The main objective of this trip was to make undergrad students familiar of the industry and technology works at corporate level. The trip ended with a delicious food served by Engro Vopak Terminal.

During the first phase, the HR team conducted a basic recruitment test in collaboration with corporate partners which helped in training our participants for recruitments and interviews. First mock recruitment test led to the first mock interview activity for the participants. After a lunch break, another phase of recruitment tests ensued by other corporate partners. Participants were divided into different slots for taking recruitment tests of their interest. Sequentially, Mr. Hammad Yawer directed the skills of CV/Resume writing and career development. The closing ceremony of Pro Loop was a success, as the participants were highly satisfied with the initiative taken by IEEE Young Professionals Karachi AG and the efforts done by IEEE-UoK SB team to conduct such activities for the students of the institution.

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IEEE Young Professionals Karachi Affinity Group with the support of her university and her peers , has managed to stand out and take part in many IEEE international as well as national activities. Due to her services in IEEE WIE she was offered a lucrative chance to travel to the United States of America to attend the inaugural IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference (WIE-ILC where she served as General Coordinator and Support Coordinator. She became one of the first three Pakistanis to have been honored with such a feat, the only one from IEEE Karachi Section to date Her achievements are, no doubt, applaudable.

IEEE Green Energy Showcase 2014 @ IEEE NUCES SB IEEE NUCES Student Branch (Karachi, Pakistan) along with IEEE Young Professionals Karachi AG conducted an activity named ‘IEEE Green Energy Showcase 2014’. The activity was conducted under IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT). IEEE aims to give innovative ideas and designs for generating green energy. There were more than 28 projects of different types including kinetic energy, muscular energy, wind energy and many more. Shields and certificates were also distributed among the participants and winners.

listen and interact with one of the best professionals across the globe from recognize organizations. The purpose of the session would be to share their experiences with young and energetic graduates who wish to pursue such careers in future. The session would enable them to get an insight on how to know about that profession and that particular career path. The webinar would be followed by a Q/A session.

Future Upcoming Events and Activities  IEEE YP Karachi Monthly Meetings:  IEEE YP Karachi Technical Workshops:  IEEE YP Karachi Mentor Program  IEEE YP Karachi Study/Field Trip  IEEE YP Karachi Volunteers Participation in PSYPWC 2015

IEEE Student Transition & Elevation Partnership (STEP) IEEE STEP was developed to provide a dynamic program for facilitating the transition from Student member to young professional by introducing the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a STEM career. IEEE YP Karachi organized IEEE STEP event in IEEE Karachi Section Student Congress (KSSC '14) with a panel discussion on Entrepreneurship.

Webinar Series - IEEE Young Professionals Pakistan IEEE Young Professionals Karachi Affinity Group have initiated an idea of holding series of Online Session in which the graduate students and young professionals will get the opportunity to

 IEEE Local Benefits Project

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Pakistan Student, and WIE Congress (PSYWC) '14 The eighth session of IEEE Pakistan Student, YP (Young Professionals) and WIE (Women In Engineering) Congress (PSYWC) took place in FAST-National University, Lahore.

I Abdul Rauf, as a CEO of Pakistan Science club, want to share my personal views and experience while working with the IEEE (Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers). Basically I was engaged in the training program known as TISP in which we had to train teachers as well as the graduate students. I have trained many teachers and students of different universities and I absorbed they have insufficient knowledge regarding the Hands-on science projects. I think these training session from IEEE TISP will be very helpful for .

The event was most awaited one and many of the enthusiastic students participated in it. Moreover, 20 students from different Student Branch(SB) of Karachi Section were given the travel grant (50%) to attend the event. Sarang and Rabeet Sagri were the two to lead the teams from Karachi Section.

The event was very exciting as Sarang and Hanan had a meeting with the team leaders of all the branches from Pakistan. It was there that Sarang, Rabeet and Ahsan Saeed became the members of IEEE mentors forum form Karachi section. Furthermore, Rabeet Sagri and Sarang talked to the audience about IEEE SIGHT and HUMANS OF IEEE, whereas Ahsan Saeed shared about IEEE Academia Pakistan. With a Q/A session with the audience the event came to an end.

IEEE Pakistan Student Computer Society Congress (PSCSC)’15 IEEE PSCSC’15 was a three days long event that was organized on 24th to 26th April, 2015 in Government College University Faisalabad with IEEE GCUF Computer Society collaboration. More than 650 student participants joined us from all over the Pakistan. and 35 Guest

Speakers were invited in this congress. In the welcome ceremony, Ms. Asma Sajid and Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Talib presented their notes After which the guest of honor for the welcome ceremony, Mr.Parkash Lohana, Chair, IEEE Karachi Section addressed the crowd by thanking and appreciated the efforts of everyone involved in making this congress happen. In the session of “IEEE Academic”, Mr.Ahsan Saeed, Ambassador of IEEE Academic Pakistan, gave the awareness about the IEEE Academic initiative, specifically the technical details about how to start creating content for IEEE academic and how one can be the part of the IEEE. Throught out the congress around 8 tech-talks on various topics took place. Panel discussions were held and approximately 5 workshops were held to provide students a better vision. Keynote speeches on Entrepreneurship Seminar & Incubator Kickoff were also a major highlight of the event. IEEE SAC Pakistan Cake Cutting Ceremony was celebrated on the second day alongwith "Gala Dinner and musical" to provide some entertainment between the long continuous events of this congress. Thus, Ending the PSCSC with the closing ceremony,the congress turned out to be a huge success and paved the way for further such events. The enthusiasm seen on all three days by the participants was the evidence of the curious minds the children of Pakistan harbored and the talent our professionals carried.

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Teachers from local schools and students from FAST and Hamdard University were trained in IEEE TISP workshop where they learn and experiment about wind turbine and robotics etc. However the whole session was remarkable to me and I, personally , appreciate such training programs conducted by IEEE. During workshop, the responses of the teachers were satisfactory and they highly appreciated those sessions. I look forward to conduct more workshops with IEEE in future and it will help to deteriorate the false myth regarding science in many students and teachers as well. Such programs will be more helpful for future perspectives as well as in order to motivate the students to bring in the creative ideas and new inventions in the field of

KARACHI SECTION INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION IEEE Karachi Section Officials Trip to Dubai- IEEE Teacher-in –Service Program Workshop stage at earlier renewals. In second phase, Engr. Parkash Lohana- IEEE Karachi Section Chair on the note gave some useful insights on IEEE Karachi Section movements.

The IEEE TISP Workshop held at Dubai, UAE was scoped to increase engineers’ participation by raising awareness within D-I-Y project domains into them to nurture the high school young fellow’s inspiration towards engineering and positive community change. IEEE Karachi Section five (5) delegates participated in the workshop which involved Chair- Parkash Lohana | Vice Chair- Dr. Shahab Siddiqui | Treasurer – Sarang Shaikh | SAC Chair- Hassan Idrees and an Educator Mr. Abdul Rauf.

The event was planned to allocate slots into four different kinds of activities. At first, IEEE Pre-Education Officials briefed about IEEE and TISP. An interesting point was that one of the IEEE Karachi Section’s past active-volunteer Mr. Sohaib Qamar became IEEE Region-8 Pre-engineering Official. He along with Miss Lynn took the

Moreover, in third and by fair means the only active one was evolved with super D-I-Y activities and members carried out with projects. Also every educationist was given a chance to question, share, discuss or give any suggestion to the forum. Mr. Abdul Rauf, Founder and CEO of Pakistan Science Club and nominated educationist from Pakistan also went up on stage and shared his words of wisdom to the whole forum and participants. Event concluded with Miss Yvoune Pelham and Miss Lynn Bowlby distributing souvenirs to each Section Chair In-total there were 12 participants from Pakistan including IEEE Lahore Section Chair- Dr. Amjad Hussain and his team also.

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IEEE Section's Congress science. PAKISTAN SCIENCE CLUB Pakistan Science Club was born as an idea in 2007 and became a reality on 8th of August 2008 by the continual efforts of Mr. Abdul Rauf who stands as the President and Founder of Pakistan Science Club with Ch Qamar Raza as Vice President, Mr. Abdul Qadeer as the General Secretary, with the rest of the staff under general hierarchy of the club. The current situation in the Pakistan is that fewer and fewer of its citizens are being trained in technical/scientific backgrounds like scientists and doctors while scientific education in rest of the world like Europe, North America and Asia are on the rise. The amount of science being taught at the educational level across the country is dangerously

IEEE Sections Congress is a triennial gathering of Section leadership sponsored by the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board. An event that includes four days of working sessions and networking, Sections Congress involves hundreds of delegates from all ten Regions. At Congress, they learn how to utilize the resources of IEEE to maximize their effectiveness as IEEE volunteer leaders. Workshop, panel, and tutorial sessions are held on topics of interest to the Sections. Sections Congress is the one major meeting sponsored by IEEE that brings together the grassroots leadership of IEEE so that they can share ideas, concerns, and solutions. The Congress is also a forum where the Section Chairs speak as the collective voice of IEEE members, expressing ideas about how IEEE can better serve its members, both now and going forward. The issues generated at Sections Congress have had a major impact on the plans made by the IEEE leadership for the future of IEEE. The SC2014 theme was "Inspiring Our Leaders of Tomorrow" and it was held on 22–24 August 2014 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, at the Rai Convention Center.

Engr. Parkash Lohana, Chair of IEEE Karachi Section participated as Primary Delegate, moreover along with him Engr. Sarang Shaikh, SAC Chair 2014 was also selected as Secondary Delegate to represent Karachi Section at Congress. The Congress had people from over 100+ countries, it hosted “IEEE Honors Ceremony 2014” also. From three IEEE Sections of Pakistan, i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad; a total of 4 delegates attended Sections Congress. A group picture of IEEE Pakistan delegates along with former active volunteers from Karachi Section at Sections Congress. From Left to Right: Mr. Sohaib Qamer, Mrs. Parkash,Mr. Parkash Lohana, Mr. Om Perkash, Mr. Sarang Shaikh, Ms. Mehvish Zahoor and Mr. Maryam Saeed.

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IEEE INITIATIVES dropping. Science in this country is clearly taking a back seat to the other occupations such as business, sports, and other disciplines. To root out these problems and to work on a progressive level, PSC has embarked on a mission to make people aware of the importance of science and technology, its benefits and the nation’s urgent need for her technical manpower. PSC aims to target children till grade 12 and is also working to establish a research wing above the grade 12 level plus an awareness campaign year round. Also, weekly discussion groups will be held and lectures and papers will also be offered at different places after which discussion will be open for several hours. PSC aims to provide a scientific and working

IEEE initiatives in Community Service and its development - Community Engagement Workshop IEEE spends significant resources engaging community social workers, but what exactly are those initiatives? Considering the formatting role of engineers and civic participation in recent successful SIGHT pilot project in Mithi, IEEE Karachi Section has taken up the next step so not only to augment the scope of civic participation by raising awareness about the strategies and possible working options but also to develop initiatives that engages university, high school students and community social workers in creating a domestic society where every member functions as a social changing agent. The event was generally termed as Community Engagement Workshop, which was held on 25th January, 2014 by IEEE Karachi Section and the expense was funded by IEEE SIGHT Region-10. The agenda of workshop was to promote awareness about IEEE Social initiatives such as SIGHT, EPICS and TISP to NGO focal persons, Education Activists, Social Workers and Humanitarian developing Officers, so as to bring substance to promote on-going dialogues. The purpose was to tone professionals from humanitarian and education fields so as to have a productive discussion as to how engineers and volunteers from IEEE Karachi Section can provide their services in this regard. The event was planned to have two sessions, in the first phase IEEE Karachi Section officials delivered talks on IEEE SIGHT, TISP and EPICS. At first, IEEE Karachi Section Chair, Engr. Parkash Lohana highlighted facts about IEEE EPICS

and importance of IEEE to participants, following him up, Engr. Hassan Idrees (SAC Chair, IEEE Karachi Section) presented particulars about IEEE TISP program and last talk was delivered by Muhammad Hanan- SSR, IEEE Karachi Section on IEEE SIGHT. Invited participants belonged to various known organizations, whereas Dr Nazir Vaid – A social entrepreneur and Founder of E-Health Kits Pakistan, Director of Education Foundation, Miss Farhana Iqbal, Ms. Tayyiba Khanam, Academic Coordinator, KEDC-CMIS, Mr Abdul Rauf from Pakistan Science Club, Vajesh Partab from Sat Guru Naval Foundation and many dozens of other IEEE Karachi Section Senior and Student members participated. The second phase of workshop had its own unique motives to be special, where every participant was given a chance to question, share, discuss or give any suggestion to the forum. The discussion continued long and everybody presented his/her philosophies and strategies to work cooperatively, further more every participant gave their consent to be a working partner in future initiatives of IEEE Karachi Section. Event had the privilege to have Mr. Om Perkash- SAC Chair, IEEE Region 10 in between as Chief Guest, moreover live radio broadcasting for the pool of time of session was also provided by FM-105 Pakistan Network, which streamed the highlights of workshop to whole Pakistan over radio medium. ,

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IEEE ACHIEVEMENTS environment for the local public (students/hobbyists/ researchers etc.) where they will be able to collaborate among themselves and other institutions via PSC exchanging innovative ideas and creative mindsets as PSC also looks forward for collaboration with other institutes/organizati ons. The past projects of PSC include a humanoid robot, biogas plant, wind turbine, travel wind mobile charger, hovercraft, solar cooker, bio sand filter (water purifier) and a recycled plastic bottle solar water heater. The current research is being done in relation to renewable energy, mostly on wind and solar/thermal and recycling. Hopefully, in the future Pakistan Science Club shall see heights of great success.

VOLT Achievement by IEEE Karachi Section

In the call for educating and nurturing talented volunteers across the world, IEEE started a unique, first of its kind distance-learning fellowship program named as VOLT- Volunteer Leadership Training Program. Seeks to expose selected volunteers to a more in depth learning experience about the broader IEEE structure and organizational units outside MGA.

selected 37 people from around 20 countries in its second batch in 2014. Whereas, Mr. Sarang Shaikh from IEEE Karachi Section was selected as one of the fellow in VOLT-Class of 2014.

The vital objective of the training program was to embrace talented members with proven record in their sections, since they may not be responsive of all the openings IEEE has to benefit them, assist and cherish the worldwide technology groups and their indigenous branches. Moreover, starting in this year-2015, Mr. Sarang Shaikh has been included in IEEE VOLT Ad-Hoc Team for VOLT 2015 Program, which in itself is a big achievement for IEEE Karachi Section.

Moreover considering the MGA’s one of top goals in 2013 i.e. “modernizing the volunteer experience”, the VOLT launched in June,2013 as a pilot program, provided all important overviews and knowledge based sessions to 21 talented IEEE volunteers from around 15countries as first batch fellows. Mr. Hassan Idrees from IEEE Karachi Section was one of the fellows amongst 21 selected worldwide for VOLT-Class of 2013. After successful ending of first batch in 2013, VOLT went on to inspire, engage and inform more volunteers for IEEE. It

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