Ieee khi newsletter 2016

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MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR ' S DESK IEEE has always aimed at providing its members a professional platform to enhance their technical, academic and soft skills. With that in view, IEEE Karachi Section, which falls under Region 10, works for the sole purpose of fostering technological culture among the students and continues to follow traditions and standards of this global organization. I was part of the editorial team of the IEEE newsletter '15 and now, as the editor-in-chief for this edition , I am highly honored in presenting the 3rd edition of IEEE Karachi Section newsletter for the year 2016. While working on the letter I came across some exceptional events and seminars that the branches had organized and was glad to see that the Karachi Section is very active in this regard. This letter seeks to highlight and appreciate the efforts of IEEE volunteers who are so eager in helping their society grow and in keeping up with the advancing world. They shape the true meaning of 'volunteers' and inspire others. Keeping it short, I am grateful for all the branches that contributed in this newsletter and all the section members who gave me and the entire team this opportunity. Lastly, I would like to thank the whole team whose unwavering interest and promptness resulted in the completion of this newsletter. I hope the readers find the ingrained dedication and passion; the IEEE volunteers have put in their work and praise their efforts. Sana Faiyaz Editor-in-chief


IEEE | Karachi Section

Shaista Naz NEDUET

Bushra Saleem NEDUET

Rawash Asif NUST

Aisha Mehboob NUST


NOTES IEEE K ARACHI S ECTION ' S C HAIR Pakistanis have been ranked 4th most intelligent people across the world in a globally held survey. “Pakistanis are equal to people of developed and industrialized countries when it comes to intelligence,� quoted the survey held by Institute of European Business Administration in 125 countries. As a Pakistani and the Chair of the Karachi Section of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, I am proud to be head a vibrant and evolving professional organization such as the IEEE Karachi section. I am delighted to see the 3rd edition of the IEEE Karachi section Newsletter and welcome you to the IEEE Karachi section.. We at the IEEE Karachi section recognize our responsibility in contributing to the technical and professional development of engineers in the country and have been doing so for nearly the past four decades. In the age of entrepreneurship and innovation, the economic, we believe it is our foremost responsibility to make good teams of engineers according to their capacity and potential by inculcating a sense of ownership among them, ensuring collective responsibility and by trusting their abilities to work for society and the greater good of the country. This year the IEEE Karachi section has received numerous awards based on its performance, including the Membership Development Goal award which is a testament to the commitment of the engineering community to IEEE in this region. Furthermore, seminars and other events have been held. All credit goes to the team of members, volunteers and all involved who have made endeavored to make this possible. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry Chair- IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE | Karachi Section


IEEE K ARACHI S ECTION ' S V ICE C HA IR It gives me great please to express my thoughts for this issue of IEEE Karachi Section’s newsletter. This issue is the result of untiring efforts of the Section Student Representative , Ahsan Qamer Sheikh, and his team and they must be commended for this. IEEE, like many other organizations, is run by volunteers. These volunteers devote their time, effort and technical expertise for educational and other worthwhile activities while asking for nothing or very little in return. Today’s engineers and technologists face varied challenges for which not only do they need to have strong technical knowledge and skills but they need to be knowledgeable about their legal responsibilities, civic duties and of contemporary issues. They should carry out their work in such a way as to respect the physical and human environment. They should also be able to articulate their thoughts appropriately for their audience. IEEE, through its various programs such as EPICS, SIGHT, TISP, etc., engages the wider community with its activities while helping its members develop their technical expertise and soft skills. The IEEE volunteers, while not getting much in terms of material rewards, develop important technical skills and gain valuable experience in working with the wider community, team building and presenting technical and non-technical ideas to audiences with various levels of technical sophistication. These and other benefits provide enough incentives for all electrical engineers and electrical engineering students to seriously consider joining this global organization. In the end, I would again like to commend the efforts of publications committee for bringing this newsletter to reality and wish them success in such endeavours in future. Dr. Mohammad Shahid Shaikh Vice Chair, IEEE Karachi Section

IEEE | Karachi Section



IEEE Student Branches Logos'


Executive Committee 2016




International participation



Karachi Section Participation in Pakistan Student YP/WIE Congress(PSYWC)’2015



IEEE Karachi Section Student/Young Professional/WIE Congress (KSYWC) 2015



Student Branches' Report



Student Activities Committee (SAC) Events



IEEEE Volunteer Leadership Training Program (VOLT) 2016



IEEE- Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS)



ICIT '15



Technical Seminars



IEEE Young Professionals



IEEE Karachi Section's Achievements



Future Events


IEEE | Karachi Section



FAST - National University of Computer Engineering Sciences

NED University of Engineering and Technology

University of Karachi

Hamdard Institue of Engineering Technology

IEEE | Karachi Section

Mehran University of Engineering Technology

National University of Sciences and Technology

Usman Institute of Technology

Indus University



Chair Prof. Dr Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry

Vice Chair and TISP Coordinator Mohammad Shahid Shaikh

Past Chair and SIGHT Coordinator Engr Parkash Lohana

Chair, Computer Society Chapter Prof. Dr. Zubair A. Shaikh

Industry Liaison Coordinator Engr. Tahir Saleem

Section Activity Committee Chair Engr. Murtaza Hanif

Secretary Dr. Muhammad Shahab Siddiqui

Chair, Communication Society Chapter Dr. Faisal Karim

Chair, Membership Devlopment Ahsan Saeed

Treasurer Sarang Shaikh

Young Professional Chair Rabeet Sagri

Chair, Awards Committee Prof. Dr. Asim ur Rehman

Section Student Representative Ahsan Qamer

IEEE | Karachi Section



In words of Dr. Bhawani Chowdhry: th

I arrived on 5 March early morning in Bangkok to attend the meeting. After checking in the hotel, I went straight to attend the meeting. After the Roll Call, Region 10 Director Prof Ramakrishna Kappagantu presented his welcome address. He mentioned that year 2015 was R10 year of value creation. He mentioned that R10 took the lead in promoting CollabraTec in sections across region 10. Several sections were pilot communities and now it is widely adopted. Industry engagement was addressed through the various outreach by IEEE President, IEEE Board and R10 Director across Japan, China and India . Metro Area Workshop (SmartTech Workshop) was successfully conducted in Bangalore and in Tokyo. Several programs were conducted for increasing the awareness of Entrepreneurship across sections in India as part of India Strategy Initiative. Internship & Entrepreneurship Programs: 2400 participants, 30 speakers across 11 cities. AIYEHUM 2015, the humanitarian idea and project contest was a success with engagement across regions (6-10). In 2016 it's being made a truly global event with support across IEEE Regions (1-10). Humanitarian support project for Earthquake relief in Nepal was approved by IEEE board with a grant of $60k and the work is being executed by team of volunteers from local and IEEE R10. Discussions were initiated with EAB Vice President for introducing IEEE MOOCs in India and across R10.. New Petition approval process was put in place and over 325 student branch applications were processed. "Skill Connect" Initiative for developing a model for employable skills in India and was driven under educational activities. New Mobile App strategy to engage the new generation of members was conceptualized and executed with app ready for final deployment. The strategy is to make the app as the platform where members / non members can discover local events and engage with volunteers. The plan is to leverage this across MGA in future. Webinars were conducted across R10 on both technical and management topics to engage members / non members via online meeting rooms. There

IEEE | Karachi Section


was a huge response with several hundred participant’s in every webinar. Proposal is to scale it up with paid webinars. Afterwards, in his address, Barry L Shoop, IEEE President 2016 talked about Mission and Vision of IEEE. He said our mission is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Our Vision is to be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and to be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving Global conditions. There have been several more interesting talks, presentations and reports on the first day. In the evening there was dinner Banquet in the same hotel. There was award ceremony as well. Next morning there were again several presentation, trainings and talks were organized. Also several reports were presented. There were “Addresses by IEEE 2016 President-Elect Candidate, Wanda Reder, and IEEE 2016 President-Elect Candidate, James Jefferies. In the afternoon, again there were several presentations including Address on Technical Activities by Division II Director Prof. Hirofumi Akagi and IEEE Asia Pacific Key Metrics and Offices Update by Ning Hua. After the group photo, there was a Cruise dinner in Chaophraya River. It seemed best opportunity for networking and knowing lot more about R10 activities.

IEEE K ARACHI S ECTION AT R EGION 10 S TUDENT YP/WIE C ONGRESS 9 TH T O 12 TH J U L Y , 2015 H O TE L G A L A DA R I , S R I LANKA IEEE Sri Lanka section in collaboration with IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Student, Young Professionals and Women in Engineering affinity groups hosted IEEE Region 10 Student, Young Professionals and Women in Engineering Congress 2015. This biannual event was held at Hotel Galadari, Sri Lanka from 9th to 12th July, 2015 with the participation around 250 IEEE members including IEEE Karachi Section student and professional members. The congress was objected to networking, Skills enhancement, Technology Breakthroughs, women's active involvement, socio economic aspects of technological advancements. All the delegates were very excited to get together with IEEE members of similar passion from different countries and different cultural backgrounds. Six person delegation from Karachi Section got an opportunity to attend this event. In which three were Excom members and three were students who were selected after closely looking into their profiles and their work.      

Sarang Sheikh (General Secretary) Ahsan Saeed (MD Officer) Murtaza Hanif (SAC Chair) Ahsan Qamar (NEDUET student) Hanan Doudpouta (ISRA Uni Stundent) Utam (Hamdard Uni Student)

IEEE | Karachi Section


Mr Ahsan Saeed Received the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award at IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE Congress 2015, Srilanka for exemplary contributions to IEEE Young Professionals in Region 10 and for continuous support to the IEEE Academic project. First day started with the first ever IEEE cricket league. Team spirit and passion showed by the delegates throughout the tournament brought a huge strength on the very first day to the congress. Later, an ice breaking session was held for the delegates interested in indoor activities. By the end of these couple of activities, many delegates were able to get to know each other. Same day, an inaugural session was glamorously held at Hotel Galadari with the participation of many prestigious IEEE officials which was wrapped up with the dinner. Second day proceeded with a presentation by Mr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu, IEEE R10 Director followed by a question and answers session. Next, Prof. Lawrance Wong spoke about IEEE MGA View on R10 Activities (Student/YP/WIE). Later, a practical networking session was conducted by Ms. Margaretha Eriksson. Prof. Takako Hashimoto talked about why everyone should be a WIE member and how to encourage women in technology. Subsequently, parallel sessions were conducted by dividing the time slots into three sessions, which were allocated to Students, Young Professionals and Women in Engineering. During the parallel sessions, Student branches, Young Professional and Women in engineering affinity groups of each section were allowed to demonstrate posters related to their IEEE activities. Following that Mr. Scott Grayson from IEEE USA conducted a session, after which preparations were made for the Awards Night and Gala Dinner.

Gala dinner together with the IEEE R10 awards ceremony marked the pinnacle of events of the congress. The ceremony ignited with the welcoming dance performances and music extravaganza. There was also a guest speech by Prof. Mike Lightner (Immediate Past Vice President, Educational Activities Chair, Nominations & Appointments Committee) on ‘Promoting brand image of a Not for Profit organization’. Mr. Chethiya Abey singhe who is a winning team member of IEEEXtreme 3.0 also shared his experience. The award ceremony itself was the platform to appreciate the significant contributions made by the students, young professionals and women in engineering members from every corner of Region 10. Dinner marked the end of day 2. The third day of the congress started with the speech by Prof. Ananda Jayawardane, Vice Chancellor of University of Moratuwa which was titled “A professional organization's role in the profile of graduates” which was followed by sessions on Humanitarian and Educational Activities

IEEE | Karachi Section


of IEEE. Next was a motivational speech titled “Never lose your smile at work”, from which the participants had much to learn. Parallel sessions started after the tea break. The first part of this parallel session was a more informative one in terms of IEEE societies where brief presentations were done on introduction to EMC, MTTS, PELS, TEMS, IEEE CS and EPICS. First session under the parallel track-2 was “IEEE Collabratec – Volunteer leadership orientation and training” done by Justine Spack. Next, overviews about IEEE Extreme, IEEE Academic and IEEE Day were given. After the lunch break there was training on “Stress management for professionals”. Next in-line was the speech on “Engineering ethics” and final session for the day under parallel track-2 was “Financial management for IEEE entities”. The third parallel session also consisted of some informative and interesting speeches done by several individuals. After the tea break all the tracks were combined to the main session again and a panel discussion on “Humanitarian activities” was held with the participation of several resource persons. Final session for the day also was a panel discussion with the title “Improving IEEE engagement in Industry”. The evening was graced by the most glamorous event of the entire congress, the multicultural night, with all the delegates adorned in their cultural attire. The night comprised of many fascinating events including outstanding performances of local artists. Also the event provided a platform for the delegates to share their native traditions, culture and folklores. The last day of the congress was commenced by Dr. Guruprasad Madhavan. He delivered an informative talk on “A New Mind-set for Career Development and Innovation” then Prof. J.B. Dissanayake delivered his speech on “Languages in Asia Pacific Region” in which he talked about some interesting terms in main languages of Sri Lanka. Next in-line for the day was a panel discussion to talk about “Region wide technical issues affecting the quality of life”. Then, it was time for the closing ceremony of the IEEE Region 10 Congress 2015. It started off with distribution of prizes for competitions held through-out the four days. After the vote of thanks, which was delivered by Nadee Seneviratne, time was given for the delegates to share their feedback and experiences about the congress.

IEEE | Karachi Section





S E P TE M BE R 2015 Mr. Sarang Shaikh, Treasurer for IEEE Karachi Section 2016 [Past Secretary (2015) and SAC Chair (2014)] attended and participated in three different avenues to represent Karachi Section at USA in 2015. IEEE VOLT is a program by IEEE under newly created MGA Training Committee to train volunteers with enough exposure and knowledge to lead and serve better in their local sections. Sarang Shaikh being a Graduate of this program himself in 2014 was selected as an excom member for 2015 ad-hoc committee for VOLT. He joined the meeting on at Dallas, Texas in late September, 2015. Sarang Shaikh along with Parkash Lohana (Former Karachi Section Chair and Educational Activities Chair for 2016) and Hassan Idrees (Former SAC Chair for Karachi Section) were among the individuals to first found and create the first ever SIGHT group in Pakistan at Karachi Section. Sarang Shaikh represented IEEE SIGHT Karachi activities at GHTC’15 (Global Humanitarian Technology Conference) in Seattle, US. Moreover, he also represented IEEE Karachi Section at IEEE Membership Development Training Workshop on 7-8 November, 2015 in New Jersey, US. He also presented Membership Development trends and practices utilized by Karachi Section at MD Training and learnt the best practices and strategies to be employed in future at Karachi Section.

IEEE | Karachi Section






The 9 episode of biggest national level IEEE event of Pakistan PSYWC’15 was this year held at CIIT, Islamabad organized by IEEE Islamabad Section and IEEE CIIT Student Branch on Oct 2 – 4, 2015. The three-day event went superb. The wonderful congress was attended by a huge number of dedicated and energetic volunteers from across Pakistan. There were different motivational and inspirational sessions to encourage the volunteers and for their personal & professional development. The All Pakistan SAC meeting was also called at the occasion. IEEE Karachi Section’s participation in the PSYWC15 remained very successful. Section funded partial grant to the 14 dedicated volunteers from different student branches of Karachi Section. It was indeed a proud moment when three dedicated volunteers of IEEE Karachi Section received awards for their volunteer efforts and dedication towards IEEE activities. The awards are as follows:   

Hanan Daudpota (Isra University, Hyderabad) – Most Valuable Student Volunteer Award Muhammad Akmal (Hamdard University, Karachi) – Student Branch Leadership Award Ahsan Qamer (NED, Karachi) – Student Branch Leadership Award

IEEE Karachi Section officers including Engr. Parkash Lohana (Chairman, IEEE Karachi Section), Engr. Murtaza Hanif (SAC Chair) and Mr. Rabeet Sagri (Chairman IEEE Young Professionals) delivered great sessions at the congress.

IEEE | Karachi Section



On 19th December 2015, IEEE Karachi Section organized a conference in Karachi where scholars and speakers congregated from around the globe. The conference proved to be highly successful in its attributes, mainly because it was designed to enlighten the young attendees about the perks of thriving with IEEE in the long run. The purpose of the congress was for the ' youthful minds of today s generation to interact with, and to learn from the experience of highly professional academic and industrial personnel. 

 

The congress was attended by universities and IEEE affiliated institutions from all over Karachi, with more than 200 people actively participating in it. The chairs of different student branches across the city congregated at the Regent Plaza Hotel to witness this remarkable event. The congress was not only the fourth edition for the series but also one of the events by Karachi Section to have larger and diversified audience. A list of high profiled speakers, venue which is considered to be among top hotels in " " Karachi, team of volunteers that would listen word no to nothing and a team of professionals that have spent decades working in a field. That exactly is what made " " Karachi Section SYW Congress- a favorite and appreciated event . Karachi SYW Congress had motivational sessions, sessions on IEEE resources and initiatives, discussion panels and meetings. " " A discussion panel on Industry demands for graduating students was present, which hosted a panel including MD and CEO of Pakistan State Oil (PSO), HR Manager for " Wavetec, etc. Moreover a discussion panel (pictured right) on Why should we volunteer " for IEEE after undergrad was also held which consisted of some international IEEE volunteers as: Mr. Subodha Charles- past-SSR for Sri Lanka Section, Mr. Kavinga Upulpast-Young Professional Chair for Sri Lanka Section, Ms. Aisha Yousuf- an IEEE Region -1 (USA) volunteer, Ms. Mehvish Zahoor- RSR for 15-16 and Dr. Shahab Siddiqui- Vice Chair for Karachi Section. Ms. Mehvish Zahoor along with SAC Chair, Mr. Murtaza Hanif did SAC meetings which included student branch chairs & officers and student branch. Ms. Mehvish Zahoor along with SAC Chair, Mr. Murtaza Hanif did SAC meetings which included student branch chairs & officers and student branch counselors. The meeting

IEEE | Karachi Section


listened to presentations based on activities and queries from student branch officers regarding IEEE. Further, certificate of appreciation were also distributed among participating branch chairs and officers. Motivational sessions by Mr. Muhammad Ali Khan, Finance Banker by profession and Mr. Nabeel, a Ph.D candidate were given; moreover technical sessions on various topics ranging from Entrepreneurship, commercializing business and robotics were given by professionals hailing from MIT and MIT Enterprise Forum Pakistan. The event overall catered the interest and focused on professional development of every one present under the roof where Karachi Section hosted its 4th annual congress. Lastly, Mr. Sarang Shaikh, Secretary for Karachi Section 2015 also presented yearly activity/meeting report which highlighted major events by section and student branches, it also emphasized individual member experience and benefits. A closing note by Chief Guest, Dr. Aslam Uqaili, Vice Chancellor for Mehran UET, Jamshoro presented an enthusiastic ending note to all participants emphasizing the importance of volunteering and extracurricular activities in engineering studies, who was accompanied by Karachi Section SYP Congress Chair and an elected Chair for Karachi Section in 2016, Dr. Bhawany Shankar Chowdhary (Pictured Right with MD and CEO of PSO, sheikh Imran ul Hag). The one day event ended with awards distributed among the people who demonstrated dedication to affect some goals for the congress, which included ambassadors and volunteers. it ended with a smile on everyone's face and a fire kindled with energy to inspire, engage and involve.

IEEE | Karachi Section






IEEE Day is a global event which is held on the first Tuesday of every October, annually. It celebrates the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. IEEE day 2015 had a unique and simple motto: while the world benefits from what new, IEEE is focused on what's next. Thus, this year the theme of the IEEE Day was "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow". IE EE D A Y - M E H R A N U N I V E R S I T Y O F E N G I N E E R I N G A N D T E C H N O L O G Y Mehran. University IEEE student chapter in collaboration with IEEE Karachi section celebrated "IEEE Day" on 7th October 2015 in MUET's Main Auditorium from 02:00am to 05:00pm. The chief guest of the event was Engr. Syed Asif Hyder Shah, commissioner Hyderabad. The Vice Chancellor of MUET Dr. M A Uqail, Dr. Adam Chowdhry and Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali, registrar MUET, were the Guests of honor at the event. This time, the IEEE day was celebrated with full zeal and zest by decorating the auditorium. The chief guest shared his views and ideas for a prosperous MUET. The event was attended by more than 500 people and was made an exceptional occasion to remember the hard work and dedication of 40 team members. The event was wrapped up with Dr. Tauha Hussain- thought provoking address. Shields, certificates and cash prizes were distribution to the winners, best volunteers, organizers and speakers. IE EE D A Y - I N S T I T U T E O F I N D U S T R I A L E L E C T R O N I C S E N G I N E E R I N G The Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineering is a leading institute in engineering sciences in Karachi, and it celebrated the IEEE day 2015 with hard work and dedication. IEEE IIEE organized an elaborated session on IEEE and the perks of being in it on the long run, with many quest speakers from around the city. IEEE Student Section Representative 2016 Ahsan Qamer Sheikh also featured as a motivational guests speaker for the seminar. The event was well organized and was attended by more than a hundred students. Moreover, side activities were also conducted for the best interest of the attendees. Pop quiz took place and the correct answers were rewarded by miniature gifts. The event was concluded with a cake cutting ceremony. IE EE D A Y - N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O M P U T E R A N D E M E R G I N G S C I E N C E S IEEE-NUCES commenced its summer semester by celebrating the IEEE day in full swing. Mainly the celebrations included different competitions for students, and educating them on the IEEE day history by a succinct seminar. The main attraction of the event was a humungous cake cutting ceremony with tremendous decorations and a wonderful crowd full of members, who work hard every day to make this student branch among the top ones in the section.

IEEE | Karachi Section


B ALOCHISTAN U NIVERSITY 0 OF I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY , E NGINEERING A ND M ANAGEMENT S CIENCES IE EE - ICT GR A D UA T E R ESEA R CH C OL LO QUI UM - FI NA L YE A R PR O JE CT POS T ER EX H IB IT IO N Faculty of Information and Technology, BUITEMS in collaboration with IEEE Pakistan and Pakistan Space Foundation organized IEEE-ICT Graduate Research Colloquium - Final Year Projects Porter Exhibition at Sir Syed Block, Takatu Campus, BUITEMS on August 1st, 2015. IEEE-ICT Graduate Research Colloquium is the platform provided rage final year students to present their original research which will be later published in the BUITEMS Undergraduate Research Journal. Students belonging to various departments participated in the competition where they expressed their posters through color and farm, accompanied with relative captions and slogans, many of them exhibited demos of their project along with the poster. PA R T IC I PA T I ON IN I EE E PS Y WC' 15 The PSVWC'15 was held on 2nd-to-4th October 2015 at COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology, Islamabad. Students got a chance to interact with highly professional academia, industry personnel and numerous other opportunities where students were given a chance to enhance their engineering as well as professional and communication skills. 21 students participated this year from IEEE Student Branch BUITEMS. LET ' S SK ET C H W IT H A R D UI NO ! The technical workshop on AURDINO was held on 15th & 16th September 2015 at the Training Hall New Block FICT BUITEMS TAKATU Campus arranged by IEEE Student Branch BUITEMS. The aim of the two days technical workshop was to provide an introduction of the world of physical computing of AURDINO. This preliminary workshop was introduced to the world of AURDINO IDE under the guidance of Sir Babar Ali, Sir Shafiullah, Sir Zia laved , Zulgafil Abbas(Alumni), Janzaib Masood (EE-7th). The workshop was divided into practical and interactive sessions. Certificate of participation was awarded to the participants and lunch was arranged at the end of the workshop for all the participants and speaker members. MA T LA B FOR B E G INN ER S - P HA S E 1 A MATLAB workshop was held on 20th Oct, 2015 at Pink Hall SS-Block PICT BUITEMS. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the students with the world of the image processing, data analysis, graphics, signal processing, communication, control system and visualization.

IEEE | Karachi Section





LEA R N T O WI N T R A I NI N G S ER IES IEEE UoK SB is recognized due to its innovative and new ideas that help the newbies of technology to explore the world and test their potential. Following the path, IEEE UoK SB organized a series of trainings followed by competitions. The overall idea was to enhance the skills of students and to motivate them to participate in interuniversity competitions. The training sessions were open for all students without any registration whereas the students must get registered in to participate in the competition. There were four major training competitions which are as follows:    

Game Development Rapid Programming Graphics Designing Web Development

IE EE U O K ST UD E NT B R A NCH EL ECT I ONS 2 015 IEEE UoK Student Branch recently conducted elections for 2016 at the end of their tenure to shift to the upcoming deserving Executive Committee. For 2016 Elections, IEEE UoK Student Branch went through fair strategies to successfully ale, the deserved ones who stood for respective positions and wanted to lead their branch. Online elections were held and each member could apply for maximum two positions in the Executive Committee. The online voting lasted for two days. A tough competition was seen among all the candidates. Results were finalized and were declared in the annual meet up. IE EE - A NNUA L M EET I NG - 20 15 The golden tenure of IEEE UoK Student Branch Executive Committee ended up with an annual meeting to in which the responsibilities were handed down to the winner of the elections 2015. This annual meeting organized to appreciate the team work and to cherish their extraordinary efforts to bring their branch to recognition among other branches. Moreover, results for 2016 elections for the new Executive committee were also declared.

IEEE | Karachi Section





A SOL D ER IN G WOR K SHO P S ESS I ON In the light of today's contemporary world, where technological advancements and developments are ever-increasing, IEEE Karachi- NUCES Student Branch organized and conducted a Soldering Workshop Session on 20th October 2015, focusing mainly on equipping and polishing the student's soldering skills. The workshop not only trained the young, enthusiastic student who were interested in mastering this art, but also delivered methods and techniques to overcome the hindrances faced during the soldering process, thus doing justice and living up to the IEEE's tagline. Collectively, the workshop proved to be a favorable platform, as a phenomenal response was received from the participating members

. A ND R O ID W OR KS HO P - A G EA T SUCC ESS On the 3rd of November 2015, a free-for-all training workshop was arranged by IEEE-NUCES Student Branch, Karachi at FAST - NUCES. The workshop's main objective was on "Android" and a three hour training session was held that efficiently guided every attendee on Android OS as well as getting a basic idea on the development of Android apps that are ubiquitous and are in use every day.

A D VA N CED D I GI T A L SI G NA L PR OCE SS IN G SESS I ON On Wednesday, 20th January 2016, IEEE NUCES held a session on Advanced Digital Signal Processing. The session was conducted by a known speaker, Syed Faraz Ahmed, who holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering and is currently working at Cemer for Communication and IT Research, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, K.S.A. His focus was the challenges of Digital Processing. Moreover, the speaker guided the students with regards to research paper writing techniques and process of application for Matters and PhD programs abroad. At the conclusion of the session, students converted with Syed Faraz Ahmed and were enthusiastic to learn about U W B (Ultra-wide band), Data Aided Channel and other related problems.

IEEE | Karachi Section


OBJ ECT I VE C W OR KS HO P On 9th November, 2015 IEEE NUCES Branch organized the Objective C Workshop for the final year students of FAST National University. Objective-C is a general-purpose, object oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk dtyle messaging to the C programming language. The workshop was conducted by Zohaib Kori who is currently working as a Senior Mobile app Developer at Access Group. The workshop's features included. • Introduction. Objective, • Setting up MAC 050 environment on VMWare • Developing apps Mr iOS This workshop, along with the others, has been one of the reasons of the growing popularity of IEEE NUCES Chapter at the campus and this ensures the future well-being of the society.

IEEE | Karachi Section





IND UST IR A L V I SIT - S CHNE ID ER EL ECT R IC PA K I ST A N IEEE NEDUET student branch came up with their first industrial visit of the year on Mar 18, 2016 and the team members got a chance to visit Schneider Electric Pakistan (Private) Limited. A total of 30 students registered for the trip. An introductory session was conducted by Mr. Alp Arsalan Sabir, Assistant Manager Head of QEHS at Schneider Electric Pakistan. Another demonstrator, Mr. Faizan Yaqoob explained the process of manufacturing, welding, and assembly of switchgears briefly. Students were advised to strictly follow the safety precautions. The team soon made their way to the production workshop where the technical staff demonstrated each and every process. It proved to be an informative trip as students frequently enquired about many technicalities of the machinery used in the plant. They also got acquainted with the functioning and maintenance of the workshop. IE EE X PL OR E’ 16 Once again the IEEE student Branch of NED University of Engineering and Technology began its year with Xplore 2016 on 21st March 2016. The purpose of the event was to call attention to the importance of IEEE as a global organization and the benefits an individual can avail being a part of it. Marking a milestone in its history IEEE NED SB for the first time hosted this collaborative event inviting all IEEE associations working within NED to host the event together. These affinity groups are IEEE WIE PES and NCS. Some of the prominent people in IEEE were invited by EXCOM 2016 to join us as guest speaker. The chairperson of IEEE SB 2016 Shaghil Haq warm-heartedly welcomed the audience and talked about the IEEE week that would encourage combine events from all the associations and societies of IEEE SB. The guest speakers were Mr. Ahsan Qamar Sheikh and Mr. Heshaam. They informed us about the hierarchy of IEEE and briefed everyone about volunteering in IEEE and its benefits. Mr. heshaam Ali introduced the IEEE MAD-C competition, its eligibility and deadlines. Miss Nafeesa Mazhar joined us through Skype. She highlighted the importance IEEE WIE which has benefited a lot of women engineers to achieve self-recognition for their relentless efforts in WIE. IEEE PES NEDUET and IEEE NCS also conducted their introductory sessions. They emphasized on the importance of maintaining a balance between co-curricular activities and learning technical skills. The event was a major success as the audience left the hall with new sense of direction and rejuvenated passion. IEEE SB NED would continue its efforts, in the near future bring more sessions like Xplore 2016.

IEEE | Karachi Section


A A G HA Z IEEE NED Student Branch organized an event named as Aghaaz to enlighten the concept of entrepreneurship among NED students on April 8th,2016 Dr. Najam Akbar, a successful entrepreneur and teacher at IBA Karachi, claimed that it is utterly impossible to conceptualize entrepreneurship without career counseling. Five basic principles of entrepreneurship were elaborated by him efficiently. Dr. Shahid Qureshi, another successful entrepreneur and teacher at IBA, brilliantly explained the basic concepts of entrepreneurship. As a question raised by the audience on women entrepreneurship, he expressed the idea of Islamic entrepreneurship as well. After him, a third year NED student from Electronics department presented his startup “The Inventors” and described the pros and cons of being a student entrepreneur. Massive student turnout assures the significance of Aghaaz and brightens the route to Envision’16. SMA R T IR R I GA T I ON ( PA K - GER MA N W OR K SHO P) The 1st Pak-German Smart Irrigation workshop held on 12th May, 2016; was a one day event. It was a smart water management project that was a combine effort of NED University of Engineering and Technology, Koshish Foundation Research Lab in collaboration with University of Kaiserslautern and German Centre of Artificial Intelligence. The event was graced by renowned academic personalities. The Chairman of CIS department, Dr. Shehzad Hasan, Dr. Saad Ahmed Qazi, dean of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, the vice chancellor of NED University. They all gave their sessions related to smart irrigation. A video message by Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel was also played in which he stated the importance of water. “There is a complex combination making up the agriculture possible. So we need to work on different elements all together” – as his message stated. After a short tea break, back to back sessions were conducted by Dr. Khurram - KFRL lead, Dr. Abubakr Muhammad- an associate professor of electrical engineering, Syed Saqib Bukhari from German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Dr.Raheel Hasan and Dr. M. Ali Ismaeil respectively. Subsequently, graduate and undergraduate students gave presentations regarding smart irrigation. The ideas were shared and exchanged. The workshop was a great success with new ideas and technological knowledge for everyone. IE EE W IE - R EA L M O F L INU X On Tuesday, April 7th 2016, IEEE WIE held an informative seminar “Realm of Linux” with the collaboration of 10Pearls, in the lecture hall of Humanities Department. The event began on 2:30PM sharp by President of IEEE “Jaya Rajwani”, followed by the recitation of Holy Quran by Hafiz Mohammad Talha. There was a short introduction of IEEE WIE and how it focuses women empowerment and elimination of gender discrimination in the field of engineering. After that Mr. Mohammad Ali, who is a distinguished trainer and a senior system manager at 10Pearls, was called on the stage. He gave a brief introduction of his software house and went on with the workshop.

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The speaker first elaborated the nature and identity of the Linux as an operating system. A brief history of Linux was given. He defined Linux as the most secure reliable and stable operating system that is preferred by the clients. He praised Ubuntu for its stability, amazing GUI and impressive computing performance. Later he explained how operating systems such as Red Hat, MAC OS X, Google Android are directly based on Linux. It was highlighted that it is now the fastest developing OS. Mr. Mohammad Ali also explained how to operate Linux. A brief info was given about the GNOME distros and KDE distros of the operating system, and how they are used by different type of clients. He explained the file structures for Linux starting from root to the binaries. Furthermore, he showed the audience some useful tips for Linux as how to search a command faster. He even briefed about the File Permission. All in all, the seminar was well conducted. Those who attended benefited from it in a sense that it was highly informative and the speaker, Mr. Mohammad Ali, was very thorough in explaining what Linux actually is and how it works. He provided a valuable insight into the realm of Linux.

IEEE | Karachi Section







A CCE SS IB LE CY CL E D ES I GN CHA L LE N GE S ESS IO N A session was conducted by IEEE-PNEC student branch on 25th January 2016 in Jauhar Auditorium, PNEC NUST to engage students from mechanical and electrical engineering backgrounds regarding the Accessible Cycle Design Challenge (ACDC). The Rickshaw Project Team, including Program Drivers Vishal & Anwer, and an External Engagement team member represented NOWPDP. Amin Amir Andani, Manager – The Rickshaw Project, introduced NOWPDP, elaborated on ACDC and shared inspirational stories of persons with disabilities. With a strength of 55 interested students and 10 faculty members, the session was followed by a question & answer session and a small Youth Speak Survey conducted by AIESEC Pakistan. The Head of Department – Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman Qureshi, & his team of Professors were extremely welcoming and informed us that their final semester students will be submitting their designs as their Final Year Project (Thesis). A token of appreciation was also presented to the two NOWPDP ambassadors from PNEC NUST – Saad Ahmed Warraich & Asad Khan, for their dedication in promotional and coordination efforts, especially for this session.

IEEE | Karachi Section





' 15

In year 2015, IEEE Mehran UET SZAB campus proudly organized an electrifying event "iQuad" on 9th September with an aim to provide a platform to multitalented students to show their skills and ideas in different competitions. The theme of "iQuad" 2015 was "Power of I" that is innovation, ideas, inspiration and invention. Engr. Sanghar Malik was the chief guest who enlightened the minds of young engineers with new hopes and inspiration by showing his valued and commendable experience. On this event, department of Electrical Eng: MUET SZAB campus also launched its 1st newsletter which contained details of various events, interviews of technocrats and future events. Some of these enthralling events have been mentioned below.

Paper Contest

Gaming Competition.

Project Exhibition.

Group Discussion.

Quiz Competition

Best Click.

Poster Competition

IEEE | Karachi Section


H AMDARD I NSTITUTE O F E NGIN EERING A ND T ECHNOLOGY “LET ’ S JO IN I EE E” The goal of this event was to target the freshman, sophomore and junior classes to spread awareness about the mission, perspectives and benefits of IEEE and to encourage them to be the part of IEEE, and also to motivate female students of HIET to become a part of WIE (women in engineering), and to promote and facilitate the global recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines. Asst. Prof. Muhammad Owais branch Counselor IEEE HIET SB himself motivated the students and answered their questions about IEEE, and also appreciated the last year’s valued members and shared their work and efforts for IEEE. After that a quick quiz was conducted to engage and to build the interest of the audience even more. At the end of the quiz, gadgets were distributed among the audience. PC B WOR KSH OP A three day hands on workshop on “Designing and construction of Printed Circuit Board (PCB)” was organized by IEEE HIET student branch at Hamdard th th University Karachi from 8 of May to 13 of May 2015 and was attended by almost 38 students. The instructor of the workshop was Mr. S .M Akbar Ali. Students were taught to design pcb of a given circuit on software. They were taught to etch pcb, solder components on the pcb and silk art work. The workshop was a success and the attendants got an insight of PCB designing. D I G IT A L IM A G E PR O CESS I N G US I N G MA T LA B IEEE HIET student branch with Electronic Engineering Department organized a 2 day workshop on “Digital Image Processing using MATLAB”. Engr. Dur-e-Jabeen, the instructor for the workshop demonstrated the knowledge of Image Processing to students. On 1st day of this workshop, attendees were briefed with the introduction of image processing and MATLAB. On the 2nd day, the remaining knowledge was provided to the students. The students were able to learn few algorithms. They performed the commands and were able to achieve the desired output. At the end of this workshop, skills of participants were improved and they came to know the professional use for image processing.

IEEE | Karachi Section




Held at HIET on 24 November and 1 December, 2015, the workshop was held for building acquaintances between Arduino and students. Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easyto-use hardware and software. Mr. Iqbal Uddin Khan conducted the workshop. The objective of this workshop was to provide an opportunity for students to get awareness of Arduino thereby developing a stepping-stone towards the development of an Embedded System. The first day comprised of learning the basics of Arduino environment and basic programs. Implementing the programs on Arduino boards followed the second day. That included working with various peripherals including LED, Switches, Light Dependent resistance, Intensity variation using PWM and many more. HUS PC’ 15 IEEE HIET SB & IEEE WIE HIET AG organized HUSPC’15, which provided a platform for students to showcase their semester projects and FYP to a large audience while competing at th th interdepartmental level, on 17 and 18 december 2015. Projects, along with the corresponding posters were presented that included details about the project. The event was held under the supervision of IEEE HIET SB counselor Mr. Mohammad Owais. Chief Guests for the event included      

Hamdard University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Hk. Abdul Hannan Hamdard University Registrar, Mr. Nasir Ali Mirza Dean FEST, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin Director HIET, Prof. Dr. Pervez Akthar Board Member, Dr Zubair Ahmed Shaikh and Other Board Members

DAY 1: 101 projects, from 1st semester till 8th semester and FYPs were presented in groups and on individual basis by 278 participants. The projects were judged by Faculty Members of HIET. Projects were judged semester wise. Day 1 was concluded with the results’ submission and note of appreciation from Dean FEST, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin.

DAY 2: Prize distribution and closing ceremony was held on the 2nd day of the event. The winning teams of projects from 1st semester till 8th semester received a prize money of Rs.5,000 and the runner-ups received the prize money of Rs. 2,500, along with shields and certificates of appreciation. The winning team of FYP received prize money of Rs. 10,000 and the runner-up for FYP received the prize money of Rs. 5,000 along with shields and appreciation certificates. All participants received appreciation certificates for taking part in the event and presenting their projects.

IEEE | Karachi Section


S TUDENT A CTIVITIES C OMMITTEE (SAC) E VENTS J INNAH U NIVERSITY F OR W OMEN For the renaissance of IEEE student branch activities in JUW, IEEE seminar was organized th which held on 27 of February 2016. Around 150 students from the department of BS computer science and BS software engineering attended the event. The seminar began with the recitation of Holy Quran. After that Dr. Shahab (IEEE section secretary and chairperson, department of CS & IT and dean, Faculty of Sciences) graced the occasion with his presence and shared his experience of being an IEEE member with the students. Proceeding with the seminar, Mr. Hesham Ali (SSR Elect 2017 and ambassador of IEEE madc) gave a brief introduction about the IEEE madc and guided the students regarding the upcoming IEEE mobile application contest. After that Mr. Ahsan Qamar Shiekh (SSR IEEE Karachi Section) gave a glimpse about the history and hierarchy of IEEE international and IEEE Karachi Section. Next, Eisha Khalid (WIE SAC Coordinator) highlighted the benefits of being an IEEE and WIE member and encouraged the students to get the IEEE membership. At the end of the seminar, an interactive competition was arranged and the winners were rewarded with gifts. The seminar was concluded with group photograph of committee members with Dr. Shahab Siddiqui. The seminar was a success and brought the IEEE JUW section back to life.

H ABIB U NIVERSITY On 1st April 2016 the IEEE club of Habib University invited Ahsan Qamar, who is the Student Section Representative of IEEE Karachi, to visit Habib University and brief the students about the benefits of forming a student chapter. He explained how IEEE works and the hierarchy it follows. His presentation also included various different aspects of IEEE and the events that have happened in the past few years. The IEEE club of Habib is willing to form an IEEE student Chapter with the help of the IEEE officials working in Karachi. Ahsan being one of them, was approached to provide us with the information and help us in this regard.

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An active IEEE Student Branch can be one of the positive aspects of our University since it will open a whole new horizon of opportunities for our students to collaborate and work with the leading institutions globally. Ahsan talked about the popularity of IEEE Student Branches which are established at over 1,500 universities and colleges throughout the world. He also mentioned the student Branch activities and that they offer numerous educational, technical, and professional advantages through special projects, activities, meetings, tours and field trips. Listed below are some programs and projects that Ahsan talked about briefly in his presentation:     

Participation in regional conferences, workshops and competitions. Development of leadership, interpersonal and team building skills. Participation in awards, scholarships and project/design programs and student paper contests. Establishment of a Student Branch Library with IEEE's publications. Access to the immense IEEE online services and resources.

Thus, the event proved to be very helpful for the attendees of the session.

I NDUS U NIVERSITY Indus University IEEE student branch, 19th May, 2016 , organized an informative seminar on Health & Safety. Purpose of this seminar was to enhance the knowledge of every individual regarding certifications , especially, in the field of safety which is worldwide demanded as additive with your initial trade. Since it is a highly demanding nowadays with ever lasting effect on organizations; ZITC Group took this opportunity as on the request of Indus University IEEE Student Branch to gear up our individuals/engineers/students & professionals with demanding certifications which would definitely be playing as a trump card in their careers. These certifications will shine the students resume and help to bring them in spot lights in front of recruiters. The session started by the presentation of Mr. Ahmed Noorani (Lead Trainer HSE, Auditor & Consultant) on Occupational Health & Safety; the benefit of HSE and what HSE is. After that Mr. Saim Faiz (HSE Consultant) gave presentation on Health & Safety Environment and also guided the student with career counseling skills. Following, Section Student Representative, Mr. Ahsan Qamar Shaikh, our guest from Karachi section motivated our students and shared his experience of as an IEEE member and spoke of the membership's benefit. Closing remarks were given by Mr. Khalid Amin, chancellor of Indus University, who encouraged the students of IEEE Indus University Student Branch and appreciated the presence of Karachi section members' at the Indus University branch.

IEEE | Karachi Section


IEEEE V OLUNTEER L EADERSHIP T RAINING P ROGRAM (VOLT) 2016 Volunteer Leadership Training Program 2016 by IEEE Karachi Section SAC Committee, Usman Institute of Technology, Karachi Volunteer Leadership Training 2016 was started with the recitation of Holy Quran. Volunteers from student branches like NEDUET, UIT, NUCES-FAST, HIT, DSU, NUST-PNEC, PAF-KIET, IIEE, ISRA University, MUET, IBA Sukkur and NHU participated in the program. The program was initiated with the recitation of Holy Quran. SSR Karachi Section, Mr. Ahsan Qamar Sheikh hosted the event. SAC Chair, Engr. Murtaza Hanif began the training by giving a welcome note. He told participants about various international and national activities in which IEEE Karachi section actively participates which includes PSYWC and other regional conferences and congresses. He also informed about the funding opportunities and how members can indulge in local IEEE activities. Proceeding with the program, Treasurer Karachi Section, Engr. Sarang Sheikh was invited to discuss the strategies which student branch leadership can imply in order to revamp their student branch. After this interactive session, MD Chair Karachi Section, Engr. Ahsan Saeed was invited who briefly told participants about IEEE JOB Site, and IEEE Academics. Next, SSR, Ahsan Qamar Sheikh gave his presentation on how to file petition for any society. Proceeding, IEEE Newsletter (2015) team was presented with appreciation certificates. Then, SSR. Elect. 2017 and ambassador for MadC at Karachi Section Hesham Ali gave presentation on IEEE MadC. South Asia Young Professionals Coordinator Rabeet Sagri was also invited to tell the audience about IEEE young professionals. SSR Karachi Section was presented with token of appreciation for his contribution in the formation of new student branch at Nazeer Hussain University, Karachi. After the lunch break, chairperson Karachi Section, Dr Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry addressed the participants and encouraged them to volunteer. After that, two parallel sessions started one was IEEE Vtools workshop and other was Basic Designing on Photoshop. Sessions were conducted by Engr. Murtaza Hanif and Amaad Soomro (Graphics Designer at Region 10 YP). Engr. Hassam Mughal was then called to brief about IEEE Computer Society. An activity session was also carried out in which two universities had to group up and plan a unique event. The group of HIET and IIEE were declared winners by judges and were awarded with funds. The event ended with thoughtful speech of Past chair and SIGHT coordinator of Karachi section, Engr. Parkash Lohana. A photo session of all the participants was held in the end.

IEEE | Karachi Section


IEEE- E NGINEERING P ROJECTS IN C OMMUNITY S ERVICE (EPICS) HIET – Department of Computing, BSCS Final Year Project “Analytical Application for Baseline Survey” in Collaboration with Hamdard Public School (HPS) and Hamdard Primary Healthcare Center (HPHC) managed by Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry has been selected for IEEE EPICS (Engineering Project in Community Service). A fund of US $3,000 has been awarded for this purpose. The “Analytical Web based Application” will be a dynamic application, which holds the survey result taken at “Khuda ki Basti Scheme No. 3”. Around 2000 survey forms will be filled from the residents of Khuda ki Basti, suffering from different kind of diseases and living their lives below the poverty line. The survey result will be converted into useful information which will act as the bases for generating different report to analyze diseases cause and ratio to provide better health treatment. This program is headed by Dr. Siddiqui who is the initiator of the Funding Proposal. Also, the team spokesperson to IEEE. Currently, Dr. Mubeen, an NGO person – Hamdard Primary Healthcare Center has been working on the project. Moreover, Ms. Saba Khalid, Principal, Hamdard Public School, from where 6 students of ninth grade are the learners of the whole development cycle. 5 students of HIET are technically producing the software needed by the NGO under the supervision of Dr. M Shahab Siddiqui. The main focus of this project is to determine the root cause of the different diseases which affects people of a specific locality. The survey form will be consisted of 7 components to collect information to generate useful reports: Household member’s profile, Current married women of reproductive ages (15-49 years), Immunization status of children below 5 years of age, Births/Still births and deaths in the household during January 2013 to December 2013, Chronic diseases, Addiction status of each family member. The system will use a database that will hold the profile of each person from the survey data. HPHC at Khuda Ki Basti has a team of dedicated doctors, lady health visitor, community motivator, and computer operator visiting PHC on a daily basis. The report will be submitted to IEEE EPICS team.

IEEE | Karachi Section


ICIT '15 The 6th edition of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies was held in collaboration with IEEE Karachi Section at IBA Main Campus. Dr. Ishrat Husain, Dean and Director of IBA welcomed the guests and delegates followed by an inaugural speech. With over 50 technical papers presented this year, ICICT'15 brought together practitioners and professionals from national and international universities. The Conference featured keynote sessions from distinguished scholars including Professor John Bessant, Professor Robert F.Murphy, Dr.Akhtar Kalam, Dr Sibte Raza Abidi, Dr Imran Hayee, Dr Abdul Aziz Bhatti and Dr Jawwad Shamsi among many others. Research papers were presented in an engaging session under six general tracks comprising of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Networks, Information Systems, Semantic Web and Theoretical Computer Science. The conference highlighted many aspects of IT technologies and Mass Media expertise, which often fail to get recognition of their worth. Furthermore Audience generated sessions like Innovation Management workshop by Eram Abbasi on Day 1 and Workshop by Dr. Sibte Raza Abidi on Day 2 was very well received. The conference finally came to its conclusion on Sunday after two day s of extensive workshops, seminars, invited Talks and presentation. 'Innovative, Smart and Social', the theme followed by ICICT this year was successfully executed with a large number of attendees. In Pakistan where technology is a growing field, ICICT has always played a key role in promoting technological development and advancement.

IEEE | Karachi Section


T ECHNICAL S EMINARS E LECTRICAL E NERGY O PTIMIZATION -S EMINAR #1 First technical seminar for the year 2016, “Electrical Energy Optimization”, conducted by th IEEE Karachi Section was held at Sunset Club on 24 March 2016. Speaker for the seminar was Irfan Ahmad. He is currently technical advisor to Hydro China Dawood Power PVT LTD. And is also the part of consultancy team for K Electric transmission and Sindh Solar Energy. Mr Ahmad discussed 3 major issues currently being faced by Pakistan in overcoming power shortages. He coined the term “Sixes in the last over”, for the first issue. Certain targets have been set by the government for the year 2030, such as 10 % should be renewable and there should be no power shortage. However, the government is yet to start working on major projects and the projects have been dated to start at a later date which may further be delayed. Moreover, the government does not take in account the 7000 MW which will expire by 2030. Therefore the targets set by government look almost impossible to complete. Mr. Ahmad and other experts at the seminar advised that Pakistan have a potential of 50,000 MW, however the plans are only to produce 30,000MW. A great emphasis was placed on solar power for Pakistan. However, there are also many issues that needs to be resolved in order to make Solar Power feasible for consumers to be installed. Which included local production of Solar Cells and high quality inverters, awareness amongst people on using solar power and how to maintain the unit. Moreover, he suggested government should provide incentives for the people who install solar power at home because it will help achieve the renewable energy target and also help overcome the power shortage. The second issue is that major network is weak and third issue is that Pakistan only coverts 16% percent into useful energy. NEPRA reports that transmission and distribution losses are 22%, however the actual figures suggests that loses are more than 30 %. We use the same equipment and system as used by USA, however we only covert 16 % into useful compared to 40% by USA. It was suggested that by spreading proper awareness on energy conservation and optimization we can reduce our losses by 15 – 20% which is quite huge. Moreover, a transparent energy audit is required to point out the key problems in our system. Only then it is possible to overcome power shortage quickly and cheaply.

S EMINAR #2 Another lecture on Electrical Energy th Optimization was held on 25 of May at DHA Sunset Club and the speaker of the session was Eng. Tahir Saleem (VP IEEEP South & CEO of United Engineering Service). The discussion was focused on importance of conservation of energy in both domestic and industrial area and different remedial methods to save energy.

IEEE | Karachi Section


He gave the concept of LUX and showed how we can save a huge amount of energy by maintaining proper LUX level without compromising on the quality of light. He also suggested that use of motion sensing switches can reduce the energy consumption. He also added that in industries most of the electricity is consumed in operating motors. He suggested that this energy can be saved by proper maintenance of motors. He also suggested that method like VFD (variable frequency drives) and HFMS (High frequency monitoring system) should be implemented to maintain the voltage requirement, to increase the life of motors and to maintain the efficiency of motors. The seminar was concluded with the resolution that each participant will create awareness about energy consumption in his circle.

IEEE | Karachi Section





A one day workshop on Arduino was held on Wednesday, 27th of April, 2016 at Isra University, Hyderabad in collaboration with IEEE Student Branches of Mehran UET, Jamshoro, SZABIST, Hyderabad & Sindh University, Jamshoro with nearly 40 participants and was partnered with IEEE Young Professionals Karachi. Abdul Hai Khanzada, General Secretary of IEEE Isra Student Branch, gave a welcome address to the registered participants of the workshop. He further enlightened the benefits to attend such technical hands on workshop and encouraged participants to register for upcoming workshops as well. Then, Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi,pro-vise chancellor & head of Executive Councilof IEEE Isra Student Branch initiated the Workshop and expressed his hopes, the organizers' efforts and enthusiasm of the participants. Thereafter, Jahanzaib Chippaa, an Emerging Leader at IEEE Young Professionals Karachi put some light on the past, present and future activities of the IEEE Young Professionals Karachi. Engr. Shahbaz Ali, Lead Tech. & Maintenance Department; IITC Hyundai Elevators Escalator was the trainer of the workshop. He focused on getting students up and running with Arduino quickly, so that students will understand the basic procedures for working with Arduino and can explore further on their own. He covered how to install Arduino on your laptop, how to understand, modify, and write Arduino programs, how to connect sensors to Arduino and read them from a program, and how to connect actuators (LEDs, motors) and control them from a program. It was a very informative and helpful event for the participants

IEEE | Karachi Section



IEEE R10 SAC Chairs, Counselors and Mentors meet in Section/Council

MGA Retention and Recruitment goals for 2016 met by the section

IEEE K ARACHI S ECTION ' S W EBSITE IEEE Karachi Section,being one of the most active sections of Pakistan and of region 10, has recently formed their own website. It was developed by Murtaza Hanif, Student Activities Committee chair and its management comes under Shujaan Akhwand Sarmad. The website seeks to keep all the users updated with the activities of the section, recent and upcoming events, newsletters and reports of exciting events of the various student branches and also features news and events regarding the activities of the affinity groups of IEEE (WIE, PES etc). A distinctive feature is the archive option where a user can search through the records according to month and year. Moreover, it has an interactive "Get in touch " section that allows user to message the IEEE KHI team and ask queries and also serves as a platform for the IEEE members and non-members to interact with one another.

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Venue: FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Karachi. IEEE Pakistan Student/Young Professionals/WIE congress was started as IEEE PSC in 2007 when first event was organized by Karachi section under the chairmanship of Om Prekash. It was then decided that every section will take turn for hosting the congress every year. Young Professionals and WIE Congresses were merged for the first time in 2012, when the first IEEE Pakistan Student/GOLD/WIE congress was held at GIK Institute under Islamabad Section. IEEE PSYWC’16 is going to be held at Karachi. The primary aim of this IEEE Congress is to give all the engineers a platform to gather upon and share their ideas, innovations and discuss the way forward, as well as mixing the undergrad students with the professionals who are working in the various fields of engineering sector. So that they may learn and seek help in any matter, while it will also provide an opportunity to discuss the various research ideas that the engineers may have or the students may have, and make a collaboration to help each other.

IEEE SCONEST – (STUDENT CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY) Venue: Hamdard University, Karachi. SCONEST – (Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology) is the most vital series of Research paper competition from IEEE, to introduce new scientist and Engineer with the field purposeful research. Although research in the field of Electronics and electrical Engineering is encouraged, contribution in the other mentioned areas are equally appreciated. This year SCONEST will be organized by IEEE HIET Student Branch at Hamdard University.

IEEE | Karachi Section


The years, 2015 and 2016, have amazed us on countless occasions, and helped IEEE Karachi Section reach new heights and enlighten many youthful minds about our motto. Furthermore, now with WiE and PES in operation under our section, we believe that IEEE can always be on the rise in Karachi, gradually developing in stature and quality. It is our utmost belief that our Student Branches can thrive and help the section develop into one of the best contributors to the global IEEE cause

Contact Details: IEEE Karachi Section: Email ID: Ahsan Qamer Sheikh (SSR) Murtaza Hanif (SAC -chair)

"Success is never a big step tomorrow; it's a small step today" Jonatan Martensson

IEEE | Karachi Section


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