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No. 2 2020



NEWS Webinar “Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam’’ with Dezan Shira


Digital High Level Dialogue ASEAN Italy 2020


VMARK Design Sharing & Networking event


HOANG HAI Charity Fashion show - Fundraising INMI Spallanzani


MoU with VKBIA


Dialogue with HCMC Leader’s EVFTA & EuroCham Vietnam Whitebook 2020


ICHAM and Press: “Electronic customs clearance is a big step forward for Vietnam Customs”


True Italian Taste Project in the second half of 2020


Special flight for long-term experts and their families to Vietnam


Second Roundtable Sharing about challenges and mitigation of the Covid19 crisis


Webinar “A trip across post-Covid19 Southeast Asian markets”


Webinar “Critical Hiring - Winning methods for selecting key people in Vietnam”


Webinar “Commercial Contracts in Vietnam – A legal and fiscal review”


Exportway: F&B sector presentation


Leaflat – Innovative material for Interior Design


ICHAM Executive Director at Italian Interpreter Contest


Italian Cuisine Week - A taste of Italy every day


Vietnam Country Presentation – An Encounter Between Vietnam and Liguria


MARKET INFO ExporLounge B2B Networking Platform


The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Free Trade Agreement for the Asia Pacific Region


New amendments to Law on Investment (LOI) and Law on Enterprise (LOE) from 2021


Malthop – WineCellar



Organized by Dezan Shira and co-hosted by ICHAM on June 10, 2020, the webinar “Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam’’ was held in order to provide manufactures with the latest updates on the supply chains in Vietnam and equip them with a winning methodology for supply chain relocation to the nation. Rebecca An, Business Intelligence Assistant Manager, discussed Vietnam’s supply chain network and the pull factors for investing in Vietnam as well as the different regions geared to specific industries in the country.

Discussing the drivers for relocating business supply to Vietnam, Rebecca pointed out that though the process of relocating has already happened, the main factor accelerating this shift included fast-growing middle and upper class, political stability, open economy thanks to 14 free trade agreements and Vietnam’s amazing ability to address the pandemic.

As Vietnam moves from agriculture to service to high-tech manufacturing, certain industries are becoming more prominent than others due to increased investment and government incentives. In this context, four industrial clusters primed for a supply chain shift were garment and textile cluster, automotive cluster, electronic cluster and lastly food, beverage and feed processing cluster. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure to decide on a location. Each industry, market, and location is different and thus each must go for a tailor-made approach to each business as per the specific requirement. Businesses should conduct thorough due diligence before embarking on the relocation process and are advised to seek professional help when considering a supply chain shift. Processes that should be considered during a relocation include: - Market study; - Initial screening; - Preliminary due diligence and long-list locations; - Detailed due diligence;


- Comparison model development; - Final site selections; and - Organizing a visit. Image Source: Asia Briefing Ltd.



On 2 July 2020, more than 400 participants from Italy and ASEAN joined the webinar, titled “Post COVID-19 and Towards Reviving the Economy between Italy and ASEAN”. This webinar was organised by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), alongside the Italy-ASEAN Association and The European House– Ambrosetti. This digital event was among the four high-level digital roundtables held to keep the momentum of the 4th High-Level Dialogue on ASEAN-Italy Economic Relations, which has been postponed to 2021 in light of the pandemic. The High-Level Dialogue programme is an exclusive dialogue and networking platform aimed to positively influence the economic and strategic relations between ASEAN countries and Italy. Key stakeholders from the public and private sector from these countries can tap upon this Dialogue to: • Learn about the opportunities of the two regions in the context of the Euro-Asian geostrategic and geoeconomic relations; • Interact on a concerted basis among peer visionary business leaders, together with the most influential politicians and opinion-makers of the two regions; and • Build profitable political and economic partnerships to promote new investments and enhance trade relationships. During the webinar, Dato’ Azman Mahmud, CEO of MIDA highlighted on investment opportunities in Malaysia for the Italian business community. He iterated there was much potential for high technology investments from Italy given Italy’s esteemed reputation for its high-quality machinery and technology, as well as Malaysia’s move towards strategic diversification to increase competitiveness, particularly in high-value products and highend services. This is in addition to the penetration of smart manufacturing and the rise of Industry 4.0 in various sectors in Malaysia. Source: ICE Kuala Lumpur


VMARK Design Sharing & Networking Event VMARK Design Sharing Networking was organized by VDAS Design Association on July 3rd, 2020 between nearly 200 local and foreign communities of Designers, Educators, Businesses with the presence of the Consul General of Italy in HCMC H.E. Dante Brandi, ICHAM Chairman – Mr. Michele D’Ercole, and some organization representatives’ with the theme “Smart


design, get creative, and change it up! At the event, there were many inspirational sharings and insightful discussions from and for panelists and audiences to find innovative ideas, creative solutions to connect and overcome challenges in this difficult period. Together, the designer community can find new opportunities to integrate and achieve great success.

HOANG HAI --- Charity Fashion Show --Fundraising INMI Spallanzani On 18th of July took place an evening of beauty, fashion, elegance, passion and - most importantly - solidarity. “Thuong” fashion show by the renowned designer Hoang Hai, powered by the Consulate General of Italy in HCMC, has showcased amazing dresses from the collections of haute couture, ready-towear and bridal. The dresses, which were accompanied by accessories, shoes and bags of Italian brands Salvatore Ferragamo and Cesare Zanotti, have been auctioned in a fundraising event for the Vietnam Child Support Fund and the Italian National Institute for Infectious Diseases INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome.


MoU with VKBIA O

n July 24th, 2020, The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam and Vietnam-Korea Businessmen and Investment Association (VKBIA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote cooperation and trade between Vietnam - Korea and Italy. Attending the program were Mr. Tran Hai Linh, Member of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, Chairman of VKBIA; Mr. Riccardo Papa - Vice President of ICHAM, Paolo Epifani Deputy Ambassador, Head of Politics, Culture and Press Department of the Embassy of Italy in Vietnam, Mr. Hong Sun - Standing Vice President of the Korean Business Association in Vietnam (Korcham) with a number of members and businesses from Vietnam - Korea - Italy.

professional services, participate in rich and fun social events and meaningful activities; promote the strength of the network of Vietnamese, Korean, and Italian business people and entrepreneurs around the world in order to enhance cooperation, joint venture, association; search for investment and business opportunities in and around the world, support domestic enterprises in the strategy of integration and development.

According to the signed content, the two parties will: bring rich networking opportunities to develop their career; choose high quality Immediately after the signing ceremony, VKBIA and ICHAM agreed to co-host an Online Forum with the topic: “Connectivity for postCovid19 global economic recovery”. The program has the participation of speakers who are politicians, global economic experts, Group leaders, large enterprises with experience in dealing with economic crises and connectivity to recover the economy. PAGE 8 - NEWS

Dialogue with HCMC Leader’s EVFTA & EuroCham Vietnam Whitebook 2020

On Tuesday the 28th of July, the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) and the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee (HCMC PC) held a dialogue at the Rex Hotel to launch EuroCham’s WhiteBook 2020 Briefing. The event “Economic Development & Grasping Opportunities under the EVFTA” also discussed future collaboration between EuroCham and City Departments in the upcoming time. The event featured special VIP speakers, including H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee. Other high-level speakers included H.E. Mr. Vincent Floreani, Consul General of France, and representatives of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade, who presented the city’s import-export development plan and orientation in light of the EVFTA. It also brought together City leaders, Government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, Vietnamese industry associations, business leaders, and journalists, to discuss a wide range of issues in three thematic sessions: Infrastructure, Customs & Trade Facilitation; Smart & Sustainable Development; and

Consumer Choice & Healthcare. The Whitebook is EuroCham’s annual report, where the Chamber’s 17 Sector Committees raise the issues most important to their business operations and highlight specific actions the Government could take to improve the business environment and increase trade and investment with the EU. The Chamber holds this WhiteBook Briefing in Ho Chi Minh City with the aim of updating the European business community, which is mainly based in Ho Chi Minh City, and of creating opportunities for collaboration with the local authorities in the city.


ICHAM and Press: “Electronic customs clearance is a big step forward for Vietnam Customs” (VFT) - In his interview with a reporter from Vietnam Financial Times (VFT), Mr. Pham Hoang Hai - Executive Director of The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (ICHAM) highly appreciated the recent trade facilitation reforms of the customs department.

* Reporter: May I have your opinion on the recent trade facilitation reforms conducted by the Vietnam Custom Sector? Which one are you most satisfied about?

* Reporter: The EVFTA have been approved by the National Assembly of both sides and will officially take effect on August 1. What do Italian companies in Vietnam expect about EVFTA? Do you think that this will promote the attraction - Mr. Hai: In recent period, Vietnam Custom of Italian FDI to Vietnam? have had many reforms aiming at facilitating trade and we highly appreciated this effort. - Mr. Hai: Within the last 3 years, Vietnam The most important and satisfied reform is the market has been receiving great attention from electronic customs clearance procedure put in Italian businesses community. In fact, there practice recently. This truly is a big step, helping are over 6,000 Italian businesses doing trade businesses save time and costs. At the same with the Vietnamese market, making Vietnam time, this change also simplifies and increases the biggest trade partner of Italy in the South transparensy within the clearance procedure of East Asia region. It could be said that Vietnam Vietnam Customs Department. is a very promising market for the Italian In the past, tasks involving preparing papers, businesses. When EVFTA comes into effect on goods cost businesses tremendous time and 1st August, the trade influx of Italian goods in effort. This cost is required not only from particular and of EU in general will increase the party sending the customs clearance even more. This is why Italian businesses are application, but also from the party completing paying more attention and effort in appoaching the customs clearance (customs office). In our Vietnam market. opinion, this e-customs clearance procedure In the modern economic model, trade and is a huge step that makes us feel the most investment always go hand in hand, so if Italy’s efficient and satisfied. In addition, with the trade value in Vietnam develops, it means that Ministry of Finance issueing Circular 81/2019/ Italian FDI in Vietnam will increase in time. TT-BTC regulating risk management in customs next. In particular, with the current complicated operations and additional data that the customs situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, many Italian authority has compiled for risk assessment, companies find there is a major disadvantage we hope the goods clearance time will be in concentrating the entire supply chain at significantly shortened in the near future. one point (for example in China). Therefore, diversifying the supply market will turn Vietnam into an ideal destination for Italian businesses. PAGE 10 - NEWS

* Reporter: So, for the most convenient and * Reporter: Please state your opinion on the effective implementation of EVFTA, what project of specialized inspection reform in the suggestions do you have for the customs sector? direction that the Customs is the focal point to carry out specialized inspection at border gates - Mr. Hai: Actually, many Italian companies (except for items related to security, national wonder whether the General Department of defense and inspection,…)? Customs (GDC) will promptly update all the database of goods and customs codes to apply - Mr. Hai: We agree entirely on this proposal, new import duties from August 1st or not? especially with the enforcement of EVFTA in Many businesses wonder that if by the time context. Many products are currently under the Italian goods are exported to Vietnam and management of two or more than two ministries. gone through customs clearance, the new tariff This will lead to time and resources dilapidation schedule has not yet been updated, it will cause for both businesses and the authority. When economic impacts on businesses. Therefore, we we join in the wave of globalization and FTAs strongly urge GDC to promptly update the new increase in integration and diversion, having tariff schedule for all goods eligible to EVFTA’s too many managing agencies supervising one preferential tariffs from August 1st. sector of product will cost stagnation within With the aim to simplify the work of GDC in the working procedure. Therefore, it is our thought customs clearance process, as well as to help that the Customs Agency, be the first body to Italian businesses prepare their documents inspect certain criteria of goods, should also more thoroughly and fully before their goods implement specialized inspection function, arrive in Vietnam..., in our second proposal, we except for sector relating to national security are looking to open a hotline to GDC to support and sensitive goods that required more businesses in the export process. At the same meticulous inspection process. time, if permitted by GDC, we would publish However, accomplishing such task requires on the website of ICHAM Vietnam a separate synchronization between levels of govern section on customs clearance procedures in bodies for a certain inspection process, using a Vietnam. In this section, all industries that Italy certain set of documents to secure Customs role is exporting to Vietnam such as machinery, food, as the only focal unit performing specialized mechanics... will be covered. All the documents inspection functions that GDC requires businesses to hand in for However, to be able to do this, the government customs clearance will be updated on ICHAM’s needs to synchronize inspection process website so that Italian enterprises can use it between agencies and departments, using as an information channel for them to prepare a certain set of documents so that Customs the documents when they exports Vietnamese becomes the only focal unit performing goods. If this is possible, the implementation of specialized inspection functions, becomes the EVFTA will be very effective, bringing benefits to only focal point for enterprises to work as well both businesses and the Customs Department as to simplify the process. Once we achieve in saving time, simplifying and increasing synchronization of processes, papers, records transparency of the process. as well as all technical requirements, it will be is an important and very effective progress in promoting commercialization, globalization as well as promoting e-Government. Reporter: Thank you! Source: http://thoibaotaichinhvietnam.vn/ pages/nhip-song-tai-chinh/2020-07-10/thongquan-dien-tu-la-buoc-tien-lon-cua-hai-quanviet-nam-89366.aspx?zarsrc=30


True Italian Taste Project in the second half of 2020 ICHAM is honoured to be one of the few Italian Chamber of Commerce around the World that could host in presence many culinary events participated by import-exporter distributors, media, F&B Managers, influencers and food bloggers. Within the second half of 2020, we have organized six different events featuring different Italian delicacies. Both in our physical or virtual events, each and every culinary topic received enormous love and support from our partners, promising an even brighter future of Italian Cuisine on the S-shaped land. About True Italian Taste Project: The project started in 2016 in US, Canada and Mexico, now involves 28 Chambers located in USA (Canada, US, Mexico), Europe and Asia (Japan, China, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam) and provides workshops and seminars, incoming business and training activities, master classes, and events promoting authentic Italian products abroad. The project is promoted and financed by the Ministry of Economic Development, coordinated by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, with the support of the Italian Embassy in Hanoi and the Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City. The great stars of True Italian Taste activities are Italian food and wines: here, they directly witness their history, local areas, traceability, but also their secrets and the meticulous care taken in their unique production to enhance their authentic flavours and make their inimitable uniqueness.


The True Italian Taste goals are to: 1. Increase all consumers’ awareness of the benefits of “Made in Italy” and the precious link between products and their region of origin. 2. Educate food lovers to choose and to make the best choice in selecting “100% Made in Italy ingredients”, “100% Made in Italy” represents the complete process of sourcing the finished product completed in Italy. This protects both consumers and agri-food companies. 3. Support Italian companies whose products are certified, a niche product or a general product available for all segments to use for the aim of entering into foreign markets. 4. Enhance the complete integrity of authentic Italian food, promoting organic products, food supplements and food in general.

Olive Oil - Hanoi (July 10th) Following the success of the 2019 Olive Oil event in HCM, this year, Hanoi would have a chance to experience pure, authentic taste of Italian olive oil. Originating in the Mediterranean, olive oil in Italy has been exported everywhere around the world. Together with Spain and Greece, Italy is one of the leading EU olive oil producers, reporting a total cultivated area of roughly 1.1 million hectares. Dishes with olive oil are blessed with fruity, aromatic taste along with great health benefits as olive oil is a natural antioxidant, provides skin softening effects, provides a smooth hair and provides essential nutrients for the intestines and stomach.

Truffles - Quinessence of Italian Cuisine (Online Webinar, August 21st) Truffles have long been considered a delicacy of the European aristocracy. This precious mushroom absorbs all the quintessence of the soil, resulting in high nutritional value and a unique scent. Just a few slices of truffles are more than enough to bring out the perfect flavor of the dish. With favorable climate and rich soil, Italy is one of the largest truffle producer and exporter in the world. The two most famous types of truffles, the white and the black truffles, could be found in many regions across Italy. In the webinar “Truffles - Quinessence of Italian Cuisine”, our expert from Selektia Italia Srl explained to Vietnamese food importers and foodlovers about history of Italian truffles, how it’s made and how to combine it into Italian dishes. NEWS - PAGE 13

Cheese & Wine - HCM city (September 09th) The holy combination of Cheese & Wine has finally arrived in the “True Italian Taste”. Project on September 09th for distributors, media, F&B Managers, influencers and food bloggers in Ho Chi Minh city to enjoy. At the

residence of Italian Consul General in HCMC Sherwood Suites, participants had first-hand tasting and wine-pairing experience under the instruction of a professional sommelier from The Reverie Hotel. Small gathering as it might seem but the enjoyment and cheerfulness for the unique content was undeniable.

Tuscany Wine - Online Webinar (September 18th)

Tuscany region and steps on how to make the most of the wine tasting activity.

Wine can always be enjoyed virtually if one know how to convey its essence. And Vinis – our partner in Italy had all the ability to bring wine experience to Vietnam audience in the format of a webinar. Within one hour and a half, participants were introduced to the wine culture of Italia, especially that of

About Vinis: Vinis is a start-up working in the wine tourism field, designed to serve wine lovers and wine producers in Tuscany. They value the territory encouraging the development of the enotourism sector while providing all wine enthusiasts with an easy and quick way to experience their passion.


Authentic Italian Table - Hanoi (September 22nd) Italian table manners have been around for centuries and through the “Authentic Italian Table” event, ICHAM would like to introduce this fascinating aspect of Italian culture. On September 22nd, 2020, import-export distributors, media, F&B Managers, influencers and food bloggers indulged in a Tuscany menu under the guidance of an esteemed Italian Chef Nico Ceccomoro at Cugini Ristorante Italiano, No. 67 To Ngoc Van, Tay Ho, Hanoi.

Pizza Master Class - Hanoi (November 24th) ICHAM was honoured to bring authentic pizza experience to the capital city through the event “Pizza Master Class”, where participants learned more about Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), discovered the history and

culture behind pizza, and learned about wine pairing with a sommelier. Above all, the event featured pizza making show with an Italian Chef and Pizza tasting activity.


Special flight for long-term experts and their families to Vietnam


hroughout July, The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam had worked tirelessly with the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam (AHK Vietnam), the Association of German Businesses in Vietnam (GBA), and the Embassy of Germany and finally on July 30, 2020, we had successfully brought our Member’s Experts back to Vietnam on a very special flight. This flight is the first flight organized by AHK Vietnam, GBA Vietnam and the German Embassy in conjunction with Bamboo Airways of Vietnam with the mission to bring 220 diplomats, investors, business owners, experts and relatives from 15 countries of the European Union back to Vietnam on July 30, 2020. We would like to thank the Government of Vietnam, its specialized agencies and the People’s Committees of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, together with AHK Vietnam, GBA and other organizations and associates for facilitating and actively supporting the


organization of this flight. Successfully organizing a special flight that brings diplomats, businesses, development cooperation specialists, business professionals and their relatives back to Vietnam from Europe will promote investment, production and business activities, contributing to the successful realization of the dual goal of both promoting socio-economic development and effective epidemic prevention in the new normal conditions of Vietnam.


fter having received positive feedback from our members since the first round table, ICHAM hosted the second roundtable in order to create more space for member support and to provide a mutural network for all members to discuss and work together to come up with business solutions. The meeting was tittled “Second roundtable sharing about challenges and mitigation of the Covid-19 Crisis.”, focusing on activities of Italian companies in Vietnam, export, flight connections, and experts availability. With ICHAM Chairman Mr. Michele D’Ercole, the Executive Director Pham Hoang Hai, the Italian Ambassador in Hanoi H.E. Antonio Alessandro and the Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City H.E. Dante Brandi. Representing Liguria Desk for ICHAM, Mr. Massimiliano Margarone focused on next country presentations in Genova (physical or virtual) and the new platform for export B2B activities (www.exportlounge.com).




he first day of October took place the webinar “A trip across post-Covid Southeast Asian markets” organized by Confindustria Vicenza and FarExport, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo.

focuses not only on import, but also on export. TOP 3 EXPORT 2019 (million EUR) are: • Machinery: 271.2 • Accessories and leather: 150 • Chemical products: 39.5 TOP 3 IMPORT 2019 (million EUR) are: • Telecommunications equipment: 836.2 • Footwear: 240 • Agricultural products: 242 Other sectors worthy of note were the Digital Economy, the E-commerce, the Food & Beverage, the Machinary and the Furniture sector.

This was the last appointment of the cycle of webinars about ASEAN Countries that took place over the previous month, and the protagonist of this webinar was Vietnam.

Then the Chief Representative of Ho Chi Minh City (Intesa Sanpaolo) Tomaso Andreatta outlined the Vietnamese economy with a strong presence of many young people who want to build a prosperous future, as well as the On this occasion, ICHAM Executive Director Mr. country’s growth at the time of the Coronavirus, Pham Hoang Hai intervened and explained how whose management has been excellent. cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City were among the most dynamic in last year (2019), The third and last intervention was made and that imports and exports with the EU and by Dr. Alessandro Dal Zotto of Confindustria especially with Italy were growing more and Vicenza, who gave us a detailed and exhaustive more. explanation of how to benefit from the Europe Vietnam Free Trade Agreement EVFTA. This The country’s young and growing workforce, agreement will reduce duties and tariffs in together with its competitive economy and the most of the sectors in which Italy operates, stable and growth-oriented government, make giving benefits to both Italian and Vietnamese Vietnam a promising market. investors. In less than 5 years, Vietnam has climbed 10 positions in the global competitiveness ranking. Data shows that from 2017 to 2020, both the middle and wealthy class, together, will almost triplicate, with an increase from 12 to 33 million.

Specifically, Export liberalization in by sector: • Upon entry into force: 100% fabrics, 70% chemicals, 50% pharmaceutical products. • After 5 years: 100% dairy products. • After 7 years: 100% mechanical components, 100% alcohol, 50% pharmaceutical products, In this perspective, a positive trend for the FDI 30% chemicals. is noticed. Especially regarding the commercial Agricultural products will not be fully liberalized, relationship Italy-Vietnam, some sectors stand in order to safeguard the 169 European products out among others. The Vietnamese economy of protected origin. PAGE 18 - NEWS

Vietnam also undertakes to gradually comply Strategy, adaptation, flexibility are the keys with European quality and manufacturing when making business in Vietnam. standards, as well as with intellectual property Special thanks go to the Vice President of regulations. Confindustria Vicenza, Remo Pedron for The EVFTA also helps importers, not only organizing the event, and above all because he exporters, as the reduction in tariffs is wider for made it possible for two countries as distant goods exported from Vietnam and the bilateral as Italy and Vietnam to interact in this difficult treaty allows a local content to include products time. from the EU and South Korea (minimum 40% to enforce the treaty).

WEBINAR “CRITICAL HIRING - WINNING METHODS FOR SELECTING KEY PEOPLE IN VIETNAM” ICHAM and VinAxia joined together in the webinar “Critical Hiring – Winning Methods for selecting key people in Vietnam” on September 14, 2020. Targeted for those in organizations, companies and multinationals that intend to discover and implement strategies to hire Vietnamese professionals and managers, the events received attention and participation from various business representatives. During their talks, Mr. Giuseppe Iamele - Co-Investor of VinAxia and Mr. Enrico Dalla Rosa, Partner of Axia had shared the general looks of hiring situation in business and provided participants their knowledge and methodology in assessment and recruitments. The job market is changing rapidly and the experience of a candidate is not anymore enough to determine the impact it will have in performing the job. It’s necessary to use the support of assessment techniques and to develop an alternative to data-based recruiting approach.


WEBINAR “COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS IN VIETNAM – A LEGAL AND FISCAL REVIEW” On August 27th, ICHAM successfully held our webinar organized in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Hanoi, ICHAM Vietnam and with the support of EuroCham Vietnam. We were honored of having H.E. Antonio Alessandro, Ambassador of Italy in Vietnam, and Mr. Michele D’Ercole, Chairman of ICHAM. They shared precious insights not only for Italian companies operating in Vietnam, but also for upcoming business opportunities within the recently implemented EVFTA.

became relevant since the covid outbreak. Continuing the webinar, Mr. Tommaso Colli, General Manager of PHC Advisory Tax & Accounting, presented the essential elements related to Vietnam’s tax system.

The Q&A was especially insightful thanks to the many interesting questions we received. In this section, participants and speakers got a chance to discuss which business sectors will benefit the most from EVFTA, the legal limitation period to initiate legal actions for commercial contracts, how VAT works in an import/export Mr. Filippo Scaglia from DP Group’s Vietnam context, and how online e-commerce and Office shared the legal framework for companies business opportunities developed on digital to consider when signing commercial contracts, platforms. especially marking some key points that

EXPORTWAY: F&B SECTOR PRESENTATION On October 6th, Mr. Pham Hoang Hai – Executive Director of ICHAM hosted Livestream on the Exportways Project Facebook Page to share information on Vietnamese F&B sector. With a population of almost 97 million, Vietnam is a developing economic with growth rate of 5-7% yearly on average. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, the national growth of 2020 was of only 2.15% with an inflation of 2.59%, an impressive figure, still, being one of the few PAGE 20 - NEWS

countries in the world to maintain a positive the EVFTA. Hai mentioned the protection of growth in this year. the geographical indication of several Italian goods of which consists both the food and the Referring directly to the Italian companies, Hai beverages sides, etc. gave out some advices to how to properly do business in Vietnam. First of all, he mentioned On exports of Italian goods in 2019 to Vietnam the ratification of the EVFTA on 01/08/2020, for the F&B sector: 42% are alcoholic beverages, thanks to which the majority of goods will 35% meat goods, 15% cereals and pasta, 51% gradually see their tariffs zeroes. Talking about coffee and tea, 4% dairy products. He mentioned the F&B sector, he mentioned the value of that surveys reveal that cooking Italian food at Italian exports to Vietnam for this sector: EUR home happens a couple of times per month, 100 million. Experts expected that in a couple and going to a foreign restaurant happens of years it would reach almost EUR 500 millions, almost twice a week for Vietnamese families. twice as double its original value, thanks to


hrough the webinar “Leaflat – Innovative material for Interior Design” on September 14th, 2020, ICHAM was glad to connect Vietnam Interior community and introduce leaflat – an innovative material for interior design industry. Leaflat was the product of FB Innotech, an Italian company specializing in the creation of innovative materials for interior design. The Leaflat is a panel made possible by high technology and constant research from a carbon composite with a thickness of 1 to 2 mm, and a weight of 1200 gr/m². Based on the design provided, each panel’s trim can be customized across the entire surface, with any type of leather, stone and other regenerated materials machined and inlaid with precision. Special resins also provide surface finish, gloss and protection into the product. Leaflat is the ideal solution for proprietary environments that require a high degree of customization. Its main characteristics are resistance, lightness, easy storage, adaptability; above all the simplicity and great speed of installation or uninstallation.


ICHAM Executive Director at Italian Interpreter Contest

On October 22th, 2020, Mr. Pham Hoang Hai – Executive Director of ICHAM, had take part of the jury for the “IL GIROLAMO ITAHANU 2020” contest, an interpret contest organized by Department of Italian Language, Hanoi University. In addition to challenging themselves in a real contest, before each round, contestants had the opportunity to be trained directly from the Organizing Committee and received useful advices by the coaches and judges. Joining the contest, Mr Hai shared: “Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam believe that students are future assets of every company, and that’s where we should invest in.” The 1st “IL GIROLAMO ITAHANU 2020” contest was organized alongside with many other activities to celebrate the 20th Italian Week in the World. The purpose of the contest was to support and facilitate Italian language, creating favorable environment for Italian language students in general and the interpreting field in particular to try to assert themselves and inspire them to pursue their passion for translation.


In Vietnam, Italian Cuisine Weeks was celebrated with rich calendar of related events stretching from the 12th November to the 13th December.

The Italian Cuisine Week in the World is an initiative involving the whole network of 296 diplomatic and consular missions and Italian Cultural Institutes to promote the Italian culinary culture, which is at the core of the Mediterranean diet and so central to the Italian identity and lifestyle. Over a thousand events was be organized around the world during this week, to promote the Italian cuisine and its regional varieties.

For this edition, over 10 events were featured, led by the Italian Embassy in Hanoi and the Consulate General of Italy in HCMC, organized in cooperation with ICHAM and with the support of local partners in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Nha Trang. They included masterclasses with Italian chefs and sommeliers, food and wine tastings and pairings, cultural

events and exhibitions, cooking classes, Italian products fair in deli stores, thematic lunches and dinners with Vietnamese celebrities and Italian protagonists of the culinary scene in Vietnam. Last but not least, dozens of Italian restaurants all over Vietnam, from Hanoi to HCMC, from Da Nang to Nha Trang, from Vung Tau to Da Lat, presented for the occasion authentic and original Italian specialties and menus, at an affordable price, to be made available to customers from 12th to 29th November 2020. The ambition was to raise attention on the Italian cuisine and products, their connection with conviviality, hospitality, lifestyle and healthiness, but

also on the enrichment driven by exchanges between Italian and Vietnamese culinary traditions. The activities were also a way to pay homage to the entrepreneurs and the workers of the Italian restaurants, a sector that strongly contributed to our economy and gave prestige to the Country and is now greatly suffering the consequences of the pandemic.


Vietnam Country Presentation An Encounter Between Vietnam and Liguria


t 10:30 on December 11th, 2020, Vietnam came closer to Italy in the “Vietnam Country Presentation – An Encounter between Vietnam and Liguria”. The event was organized by ICHAM and Liguria International. Attending the webinar and presenting about Vietnam were H.E. Antonio Alessandro - Ambassador of Italy to Vietnam, ICHAM Chairman Mr. Michele D’Ercole, ICHAM Director Mr. Hoang Hai Pham and Mr. Massimiliano Margarone - Desk Liguria ICHAM. From Liguria, the organizer welcomed Andrea Benvenuti - Councilor for economic development of Liguria region, Mr. Ivan Pitto of Liguria International, Mr. Andrea Visentin of the Start-up 4.0 Competence Center, Mr. Andrea Razeto from Confindustria Nautica, Ms. Alessandra Giorgi – CTO\Owner of SPX LAB, and Ms. Rosella Scalone – Chairman of MEGA3 SRL. Within the webinar, attendants were presented with details regarding the economic prospect of both Vietnam and Liguria region, H.E. Antonio Alessandro - Ambassador of Italy to Vietnam began his speech by showing the opportunities offered by the Vietnamese market to Ligurian companies, drawing attention to certain sectors of strong interest for Liguria. The Ambassador cited various favoriable factors aiding Italian investors in joining the Vietnam market including the EVFTA, the RCEP, almost normal life due to the excellent management of the Covid-19, considerable social and government stability. Of course, the country still has space for improvement and development, noticebly regarding the lack of respect for intellectual property, infrastructural gaps, almost total employment of the population and strong competition from larger competitors from all parts of the world, in particular from Japan, South Korea or China.


Andrea Benvenuti - Councilor for economic development of the Liguria region, took the floor by celebrating the traditional Ligurian culture devoted to international trade and facing east. Liguria presented itself as a very popular destination for eastern tourism, hoping for a further opening of the country to Vietnamese travelers following the Covid-19 pandemic. Its region excels not only in the agri-food sector but also in the field of ICT, reaffirming the region’s willingness to support commercial initiatives and not towards the country. The turn was then passed to the ICHAM Chairman Mr. Michele D’Ercole. After introducing the work of ICHAM and the inauguration of the 4 ICHAM desks (Tuscany, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Liguria) which took place this year last in several Italian regions to better inform and support Italian SMEs interested in investing in the country, Mr. Michele describes the activities of the Chamber on the Vietnamese territory, such as the events related to the week of Italian cuisine in the world, other events related to cinema and the informative webinars held in collaboration with Italian bodies. In economic terms, Vietnam is one of the few countries to have positive economic growth in 2020 of around 2%. In the first 11 months of 2020, Vietnam’s exports grew by 5.3%, reaching a value of over USD254 billion, with a positive balance with imports of USD234 billion. The main products exported from Vietnam, the President informed, remain electronics products (think of Samsung, which has its largest factory here), textiles, footwear and computer components. In

terms of imports, there are always components of electronics and mechanics, fabrics and clothing. Specifically, Italy imports many agricultural, textile and electronics products. The Peninsula, despite a 20% reduction, still exports many machinery and agri-food products (over 50 million euros), and then textiles, leather and chemical products. The sectors cited by the ambassadors, MD says, will increase in value in the following years following the Italian investments.




ExportLounge B2B Networking Platform


ational companies that intend to expand their business abroad are now facing more challenges: expensive and/or limited travel caused by Covid-19 pandemic, and the consequent difficulty to meet physically potential partners and trigger new international collaborations. While finding solutions to these challenges, EXPORTLOUNGE was born.

WHAT IS EXPORTLOUNGE? EXPORTLOUNGE is an exclusive lounge created by SPX Lab and ICHAM to connect B2B supply and demand between Italy and Vietnam through the intermediation of ICHAM. Let’s bring your business to the world through EXPORTLOUNGE: • VIRTUAL STAND: Upon registration, the platform provides a customizable virtual stand in Italy. Through this stand, business can communicate their image and products/ services with potential partner. • ENGAGING ROOMS: The environment provides access to rooms where you can present products and services in a highly engaging and realistic way, uploading catalogues, images and videos, and creating interactive showcases through virtual reality and configurators. • BUSINESS MATCHING SCORE: A BMS (Business Matching Score) is assigned to establish the degree of compatibility and interaction between buyers and sellers, hosted on the platform. • ANALYTICS E MONITORING: Activity and performance on the platform are monitored by interaction analytics, to make the company’s digital experience even more rewarding. • B2B SERVICES FROM ICHAM: Business will receive direct support from The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, a unit with experience in languages, business and cultural exchange.

SPECIAL OFFER Vietnamese companies will receive FREE REGISTRATION IN 6 MONTHS! Italian companies will receive FREE REGISTRATION IN 1 MONTHS! After this period, you can choose to extend registration or terminate. To receive support during the registration, kindly contact us via email info@icham.org • Website: https://icham.exportlounge.com • Subscription Rate: https://www.exportlounge.com/pricing • Register link: https://icham.exportlounge.com/signup

Follow us to receive updated information: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ichamvn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ichamvietnam-25471610/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icham_ vietnam/ MARKET INFO - PAGE 27

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Free Trade Agreement for the Asia Pacific Region Introduction After 8 years and 21 rounds of negotiations, China and 14 other Asia-Pacific countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia,, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea) have signed one of the world’s largest trade agreements, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on November 15th, 2020 via the Vietnam-hosted virtual ASEAN Summit. Figures and Statistics The agreement, which covers a market of 2.3 billion people (effectively a third of the world’s population), USD 26.2 trillion of global output, amounting to 29% of global GDP according to 2019 data, is perhaps slightly limited in its scope when compared to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), as the RCEP does not cover labor or environmental standards, nor provisions on services and investment. However, the RCEP is seen as a major asset in terms of post-pandemic recovery within the region as analysts have projected that by the year 2030, the agreement could increase global national income by USD 186 Billion and add 0.2% to the economy of its member states through improved trade within the region. Upon becoming fully effective, the agreement

will create the World’s Largest Trading Bloc, larger than both the United States and the European Union. The RCEP also holds particular historical value in that it is the first free trade agreement between China, Japan, and South Korea (three of the four largest economies in Asia), and is the first multilateral free trade agreement to include China. Content of the Agreement The content of the agreement, which had been drafted during the height of the pandemic and has not been reviewed since, seeks to reduce tariffs incrementally over a 20 years period, streamline customs procedures between the member states as well as replacing a number of bi-lateral agreements within the bloc with a single unified set of rules for signatories. The agreement would take effect within the next two years after all countries ratified the agreement domestically, the main highlights of its contents include: Lowering Tariffs in the region Chapter 2 of the agreement grants national treatment to the goods of the other Parties and the reduction or elimination of customs duties within the trading bloc. The Chapter also sets out rules of hierarchy to determine the applicable tariff treatment in cases of different tariff preferences as well as providing the possibility for

sector specific initiatives to be carried out in order to better facilitate trade between the members in the future. Less Bureaucracy Chapter 4 aims to ensure predictability, consistency, and transparency in the application of customs laws and regulations, and promote efficient administration of customs procedures and expeditious clearance of goods. For express consignments and perishable goods, the Agreement contains an expectation that these goods will be released from the customs control within six hours of arrival of the goods and the submission of necessary documents. New Rules for Government Procurement Cooperation provisions will provide more transparency in the procurement process to enhance mutual understanding of RCEP parties’ respective government procurement laws, regulations and procedures, and a mechanism to facilitate consultation and exchange of information on such matters. The RCEP is significant as it is the first time that major ASEAN economies such as Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines will embark on meaningful government procurement commitments. New Competition Policy Rules Parties to the agreement shall implement competition laws and maintain independent competent authorities to

enforce such laws. The RCEP will set the legal framework to ensure that such competition laws are transparent and follow due process. The agreement also includes provisions on the exchange of information and allows for the coordination in enforcement actions. Businesses in the region will get a more stable and predictable business environment and a more level playing field. New rules based around the Industry of E-Commerce The chapter of the agreement on e-Commerce allows businesses and consumers to trade online with confidence with provisions aiming to promote e-commerce among the Parties and the wider use of e-commerce globally. Parties to the agreement are posed with the task of adopting or maintaining a legal framework which creates a favorable environment for e-commerce development. The Parties also agree to maintain the current practice of not imposing customs duties for electronic transmissions, which in itself is already in accordance with WTO Ministerial Decisions. Unified Rules of Origin Between the Parties The unified rules of origin determine which goods under the RCEP Agreement are eligible for preferential tariff treatment, the new provisions also allow for compliance costs to be reduced, as traders will have a number of options on the type of proof of origin documentation they may use. Effect on other Nations Around the World The RCEP also comes amid questions over the U.S.’s engagement within the region, with the US absent from two

of the most important trade groups that span the world’s fastest growing region – the RCEP and the CPTPP, as shortly taking office in early 2017, US President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the predecessor to the CPTPP. While under Trump’s presidential reign, the U.S has

adopted a more protectionist policy, it is within the realm of possibility that PresidentElect Joe Biden, will indeed seek to rejoin multinational organizations and amend his country’s trade policy. However, with substantial domestic issues such as COVID-19 and climate change perhaps more pressing and therefore the influence of the U.S. within the region may diminish in the future amid trade cooperation between countries within Asia Pacific. Another notable absentee was India, a significant loss in considering they were involved in RCEP negotiations from the start but pulled out of the pact in November of last year among concerns that the deal would result in a negative impact on Indian manufacturers and industry with the potential of cheap imports from neighboring Asian nations flooding the local

market. Even if India doesn’t return to the deal, the current 15 RCEP participating economies will grow to account for 50% of global output by 2030, according to reports released recently. While the E.U., which has seen the EU-Vietnam agreement entered into force this year and is also pursuing its own Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) with China (also eight years in the making) will take some heed in the news of the confirmation of this agreement with its investment partners in the bloc, as negotiations for the latter agreement enter a crucial time for finalization. Asia Trade Bloc Powerhouse The agreement provides Asia Pacific with the opportunity to become one of the largest trading blocs in the world at a very unique turning point in history. The geopolitical significance of the agreement marks a shift from a traditionally western influenced export orientated market to a more constructive and selfsustaining model for prosperity moving forward. In recent years, the world has seen a rise in more stringent and skeptical policies in regards to trade and globalization, with this agreement, Asia has shown a more open and collaborative attitude, which may bear fruit considering the effect on the economic climate postpandemic. All in all, the RCEP seems to reinforce the trend that’s been already underway for decades, that the global economic centre keeps pushing away from the established superpowers in the West and towards the East.

New amendments to Law on Investment (LOI) and Law on Enterprise (LOE) from 2021



he new amendments to Law on Investment (LOI) and Law on Enterprise (LOE) entered into force on 1 January 2021 while certain provisions has already kicked in from September 2020. There are several changes with regard to incentives and business lines. The foreigner investors should be more affected, in a positive way, by the new regulation.

ith the new LOI, some conditional business sectors will open to both domestic and foreign investors. Commercial arbitration, franchising, and logistics services are no longer considered The new amendments to Law on Investment (LOI) and Law on Enterprise (LOE) entered into force on 1 January 2021 while certain provisions has already kicked in from September 2020. There are several changes with regard to incentives and business lines. The foreigner investors should be more affected, in a positive way, by the new regulation.

This adjustment is to comply with international practices related to the spirit of the simple majority principle and will avoid the current habit where a company can be controlled by foreign investors with more than 50% but less than 51% interest, yet still be treated by the current LOI as Vietnamese investors for the purpose of their investment activities in Vietnam. Regarding public and listed companies, they will be subject to a different treatment regime, as their foreign ownership level may fluctuate frequently depending on the trading in the securities market.

With the new LOI, some conditional business sectors will open to both domestic and foreign investors. Commercial arbitration, franchising, and logistics services are no longer considered conditional business lines. Furthermore, the Government will issue two lists of business sectors and lines that will be restricted and conditional for foreign investors. This means that, in every other business, foreign investors will be treated as Vietnamese.

Instead, the new LOE doesn’t provide substantial changes, but rather deals mostly with administrative procedures for company registration, operation, restructuring and liquidation. For instance, the requirement to register a company seal has been abolished, while electronic seals have been recognized by the law.

The new LOI decreases the foreign ownership threshold from 51% to 50% to determine if an economic organization with foreign-owned capital must satisfy conditions prior to the investment. According to the amended Article 23 of the LOI stipulates that a foreign invested company incorporated in Vietnam is subject to the same conditions and investment procedures applicable to foreign investors (corporates and individuals) if more than 50% of its charter capital is held by: a. a foreign investor or investors; b. enterprise(s) under a. above; or c. both foreign investor(s) enterprise(s) under a. PAGE 30 - MARKET INFO

To ease the process and reduce the time cost, online and offline registrations shall have the same legal validity. Currently, after an online submission on the National Business Registration Portal, companies had to complete the procedure by redundantly submitting a hard copy of the application dossier. The new LOE does not require such paperwork.

Regarding the capital injection for new companies, the new LOE maintains the time limit of 90 days from the issuance of the ERC to transfer the charter capital. However some exceptions were introduced, allowing certain in-kind contributions where the time required for transportation/importation of assets or and completion of changes of ownership are not counted as part of the 90-day time limit.



althop VN was founded in 2007 and is now one of the leading companies in the wine industry in Vietnam. The company specializes in importing different kinds of champagnes and wines from Italy, France, Spain, Chile, USA, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc., beers from Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Holland,... Malthop VN/WINECELLAR. vn is a reliable partner in importing and distributing premium wines, beers & spirits to the Vietnam market, serving retail clients, corporates, Horeca clients and wholesalers all over the country. With over a collection of 1000 products including fine wines, beer and wine accessories, a professional consultant team and a system of 8 wine boutiques available in Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city, Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn offers the best wines, beers and significant wine accessories to customers all over Vietnam. The company continuously expands the cooperation with leading brands and manufacturers in order to select products with the highest quality, diversified price to meet all customers’ demands. Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn also use wine knowledge and experience to educate, train and entertain wine lovers and clients. The company provides tasting notes, organizes events as well as masterclasses in Vietnam. Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn also brings reputable critics and producers to the table to meet clients, talk about wine and answer questions during interactive wine tastings.

Wine is a complex topic and by no means an ordinary product; every detail counts. Therefore, Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn commits to assist and offer special guidance for clients to make the right decision; whether in purchasing advice or practical information on storage, serving temperature, proper glassware use, decanting, opening time, or even food pairing. Every wine bottle from Malthop VN/ WINCELLAR.vn is stored in the best condition and delivered with extreme care from the manufacturer to consumer for the purest taste. Not only a place for selling alcoholic beverages, all Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn’s wine boutiques are well-equipped with comfortable tasting rooms and premium finger foods (such as Spanish Iberico hams, cheese, salami, etc) to offer guests the chance to organise professional wine tasting events.

Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn’s reputation is built on the quality of the products and services, an ongoing commitment to clients. To achieve this, Malthop VN/WINCELLAR.vn constantly provides training courses for the consultant team with talented sommeliers, visit wineries throughout the year to acquire a deep understanding of wines, terroirs, vineyards and therefore provide the best service possible to clients - as the statement “We are masters of wine”.



2021 New Year Celebration

True Italian Taste Pasta Master Class

Webinar “Vietnam 2021 Essential updates for Foreign Businesses”

[Co-host] Summit “The Power Of Creative Entrepreneuship”


DISCOUNT PARTNER Let’s POKE – Healthy Hawaiian Sashimi & Salads - Discount 10% on bill for ICHAM members - Application conditions: Valid till 31st December 2021 Contact: Let’s POKE Branch 1: No. 19, 49B Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2 – HCMC Branch 2: No. 28, 2fl, 26 Ly Tu Trong Street, Ben Nhe Ward, District 1 HCMC Website: http://www.letspoke.vn Tel: 028 36369499 PARKROYAL SAIGON - 10% on food & Beverage at Garden Brasserie, Lobby Lounge & Lotus Bar - 10% on best available rate (not applicable to other promotions and packages) Application conditions: - Discount is valid until 31st December 2021. - To get the discount please provide your ICHAM membership number to us upon reservation and show your card to our staff on the day of using our services. - Discount is non valid during Festive Season and Special Promotions. Contact: Parkroyal Saigon Address: 309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Telephone+84 28 3842 1111 Fax+84 28 3842 4365 Website: https://www.panpacific.com/en/hotels-and-resorts/ pr-saigon.html D’AQUA HOTEL NHA TRANG - Discount 55% on pubblic accomodation rate - Discount 10% on F&B service Discount validity: 31/12/2021 Contact: D’Qua Hotel Nha Trang Address: 29 phan Chu Trinh street, Van Thanh Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: +84 258 383 7777


BHAYA CRUISES - Discount 20% off public flexible rate for all available cruise departures (1 night or 2 night cruise). - Applicable on cabin’s rate of cruise-only packages for Bhaya Classic, Bhaya Premium and The Au Co Luxury Cruise. - Non-applicable for packages with combined services (hotel, seaplane,…) and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. - Note your membership code when sending cruise reservation request to receive discount. - Discount is applicable for published rate on English version of website only: bhayacruises.com and aucocruises.com - Discount Validity: Until December 31st, 2021

SIR TAILOR - Free 1 bespoke shirt for every suit made

DAHI HANDI INDIAN RESTAURANT - 20% discount on F&B in Lunch & Dinner for all ICHAM members while dining in the restaurant (membership card to be shown) - This offer is not combinable with other offers the restaurant is running - This discount is not valid on food delivery orders Discount Validity: From 16/06/2020 to 16/07/2021 Contact: Dahi Handi Indian Restaurant Address: 48 Hưng Gia 2 Phú Mỹ Hưng, Tân Phong, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Tel: +84 28 5410 7955 Web: www.dahihandi.com.vn PIZZA LOGIC RESTAURNT - 10% Discount on total bill when dining at Pizza Logic Restaurant Discount Validity: 05/20/2021-05/19/2022 Contact: Oizumi Food Vietnam Co., Ltd (Pizza Logic Restaurant) Address: 44 Le Loi street, District 1, HCMC Cel: 0902880822 Website: www.pizzalogic-hcm.com


HERA JEWELRY & DIAMONDS - 10% on all jewelry, except loose certified diamonds - 15-30% on selected diamond and gemstone jewelry - 50% repair services - Complimentary jewelry cleaning - Free Birthday Gift with purchase Conditions: - Please kindly book for appointment via Website and mention ICHAM - Not combines with other promotions Contact: Hera Jewelry & Diamonds Address: 21 Thu Khoa Huan St., Dist 1, HCMC Telephone: 028 3824 8398 Website: herajewelry.com.vn

VIETNAM STAY - Discount 10% for ICHAM staff and members when booking package tours, private tours, join tours Terms & Conditions: Validity from now to 31/12/2021 - Minimum 4 guests per confirmed tour (applied to join tour and package tour) - The Price is calculated according to Vietnamese speaking guide. Additional surcharges apply to foreign language guides (English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese …) - Not applicable in conjunction with other promotions - Not applicable for peak seasons, festivals (February 10th – February 16th; April 30th – May 2nd; September 1st – September 3rd, December 24th – December 31st, 2021) Contact: Vietnam Stay Address: 4th Floor, 141 Le Duan Street, Hoan Kien District, Hanoi Tel: +84 437472597 Fax: +84 2437473482 Mobile: +84 835522595 Website: www.vietnamstay.vn Email: booking@vietnamstay.vn / yen@auroratravel.asia

NAM NGHI CORAL PENINSULA PHU QUOC - Discount 15% on Best Available Rate for accommodation. - Discount 30% on The Anmai Spa services menu. - Discount 15% on Food and Beverage at Ocean Reflection Restaurant, Tree House Restaurant, Pool Bar, Rock Island Club. Terms & Conditions: Valid until December 31st, 2021 DISCOUNT PARTNER - PAGE 35

- Applied for all days - The promotion will not be combined with other promotions. - Applied for holidays, Tet - Show member card/app at counter upon arrival. Contact: Nam Nghi Peninsula Phu Quoc Address: Hamlet 4, Cua Can Commune, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang, Vietnam Tel: +84 297 389 1234 Fax: +84 297 389 1235 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/namnghiresort Twitter: https://twitter.com/namnghiresort Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/namnghiresort/ mycompany/ GREEN BEACH HOTEL - 30% Discount on published rate (applicable for all room types) - Free airport pick up/drop off (01 way). Applicable for booking from 5 rooms or more. - Free upgrade to next room type. - Free Early check in after 8:00 - Free Late Checkout until 14:00 Discount Validity: From 1/4/2021 – 31/12/2021 Surcharge for peak season: See ICHAM “Discount Partner” for more details Contact: Green Beach Hotel Address: 1/32 Tran Quang Khai street , Loc Tho Ward , Nha Trang City , Khanh Hoa Province , Viet Nam Tel: 0258.223.6666 Email: dosm@greenbeachhotel.com Website: www.greenbeachhotel.com Sales Office Tel: +84 258.223.6666 H.P: +84 983.870.899 VIETNAM LANGUAGE GARDEN Discount 10% applied for the following packages: - 20 Hours Package, 6,600,000 VND => 5,940,000 VND - 40 Hours Package,12,000,000 VND => 10,800,000 VND - 80 Hours Package, 21,600,000 VND => 19,440,000 VND - 160 Hours Package, 40,000,000 VND => 36,000,000 VND Contact Person: Ms. Thao Nguyen Address: 220/15 Phan Van Han St., Ward 17, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC, Vietnam Email: contactus@vietnameselanguagegarden.vn Tel: +84 916 670 771 Website: https://vietnameselanguagegarden.vn/


SUNSET BEACH RESORT & SPA - Discount 10% on current promotions. Promotions will be updated when have change. - Discount 20% on Sunset Beach’s website and/or fanpage price when there is no other promotion program(s) applied at the time of booking. Kindly access ICHAM website to find more details. Discount Validity: From April 1st, 2021 to April 1st, 2022 Contact: Sunset Beach Resort & Spa Address: 100C/2 Tran Hung Dao Str, Duong Dong, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang. Email: mkt1@sunset.vn Tel: +84 2973 567 888 Website: http://sunsetbeach.vn

BENARAS CLUB - 10% discounts on total bill for Members and Staff of ICHAM - 15% beverage + alcohol discount on tables over 20 pax for over 20 people - 15% discount on 5th visit - 25% voucher monthly selected by lucky draw for any business card dropped in fish bowl Discount Validity: Till 31/12/2024 Contact Info: Benaras Club Address: Benaras in District 1: 5A Nguyen Sieu, Ben Nghe, District 1, HCMC Benaras Gardenia: 28 Tran Ngoc Dien, Thao Dien, District 2, HCMC Benaras in Vung Tau: 15 Thi Sach, Thang Tam Ward, Vung Tau Tel: +84 983433340 Website: http://benaras.club


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam Hanoi: Casa Italia, 18 Le Phung Hieu, Hoan Kiem HCM: The Landmark, 5B Ton Duc Thang street, Ben Nghe ward, HCMC Tel: +84 24 3824 5997

+84 28 3822 4059

Email: info@icham.org Web: www.icham.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ichamvn Instagram: www.instagram.com/icham_vietnam Linkedln: vn.linkedin.com/in/ichamvietnam Youtube: ICHAM Conneted


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Articles inside


page 31

New amendments to Law on Investment (LOI) and Law on Enterprise (LOE) from 2021

page 30

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Free Trade Agreement for the Asia Pacific Region

pages 28-29

ExportLounge B2B Networking Platform

page 27

Vietnam Country Presentation - An Encounter Between Vietnam and Liguria

pages 24-25

Italian Cuisine Weeks

page 23

ICHAM Executive Director at Italian Interpreter Contest

page 22

Webinar "Leaflat - Innovative Material for Interior Design"

page 21


pages 20-21


page 20


page 19


pages 18-19

Webinar "Roundtable Sharing about Challenges and Mitigation of the Covid-19 crisis"

page 17

Special flight for long-term experts and their families to Vietnam

page 16

True Italian Taste 2020 - Pizza (Hanoi, Nov 24th)

page 15

True Italian Taste 2020 - Authentic Italian Table (Hanoi, Sep 22nd)

page 15

True Italian Taste 2020 - Webinar on Tuscany Wine (Online, Sep 18th)

page 14

True Italian Taste 2020 - Cheese & Wine event (HCMC, Sep 09th)

page 14

True Italian Taste 2020 - Webinar on Truffles (Online, Aug, 21st)

page 13

True Italian Taste 2020 - Olive Oil (Hanoi, July 10th)

page 13

ICHAM and Press: “Electronic customs clearance is a big step forward for Vietnam Customs”

pages 10-11

Dialogue with HCMC Leader’s EVFTA & EuroCham Vietnam Whitebook 2020

page 9

MoU with VKBIA

page 8

HOANG HAI Charity Fashion Show - Fundraising INMI Spallanzani

page 7

VMARK Design Sharing & Networking Event

page 6

High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations

page 5

Webinar "Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam"

page 4
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