Ceca Europe News 8 June 2010
Contents What’s on? o Conferences o Training and study courses o Projects o Publications Zoom General Information o The International Board o Ceca Europe National Correspondents Meeting in Salerno, 14th – 15th May 2010
Editorial Emma Nardi Dear Colleagues, next semester will be a very important one for Icom-Ceca, in particular because the new board will be elected. In the Zoom section you will find all the information on how to vote. A survey has been jointly organised by Cultuurnetwerk (The Netherlands) and Ceca about our membership. The two pieces of information I am giving you are related because it is paramount for the new board to know more about members in order to better fulfil their expectations. The questionnaire is perhaps too long, especially for people who work in museums. However I do beg you not to forget to fill it because your opinion is obviously very valuable to us and it would be a pity not to know it. Again you will find in Zoom all the information you need. The second Ceca Europe correspondents meetth th ing took place in Salerno in June 14 -15 . I want to take this opportunity to thank once more the Provincia of Salerno, that sponsored the meeting, for their warm hospitality and perfect organisation. The National Correspondents from Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom attended the meeting. Arja Van Veldhuizen, Ceca General Secretary, Sonia Guarita do Amaral, board member responsible for coordinating NCs activity, and Melissa de Vreede (Cultuurnetwerk) were also present. The discussion
was lively and useful. In particular the following points were stressed: -
Icom and Ceca have to work on communicating with new members and the mailing list must be organised in a more effective way;
a common format for national reports has been agreed (see box below);
on behalf of Ceca–Europe NCs I will present to the board a new project called Icom – Ceca members introduce themselves.
I wish to meet you all in Shanghai and to have a new opportunity to discuss with you.
General Information Number of members in November 2009 Number of members in November 2010 Does a national Ceca exist in your country? Is there any other museum educational body in your country? If so, which ones? Strategic information 1.Did you succeed in involving members in Ceca activities or sharing experience with them? If so, in which way? 2.Did you work on the theme of the annual conference involving your country Ceca members? If so, did you succeed in writing a common paper to present at the conference? 3. Which new trends can you identify in museum education in your country?