CECA Boletín 8

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Ceca Europe News 8 June 2010

Contents What’s on? o Conferences o Training and study courses o Projects o Publications Zoom General Information o The International Board o Ceca Europe National Correspondents Meeting in Salerno, 14th – 15th May 2010

Editorial Emma Nardi Dear Colleagues, next semester will be a very important one for Icom-Ceca, in particular because the new board will be elected. In the Zoom section you will find all the information on how to vote. A survey has been jointly organised by Cultuurnetwerk (The Netherlands) and Ceca about our membership. The two pieces of information I am giving you are related because it is paramount for the new board to know more about members in order to better fulfil their expectations. The questionnaire is perhaps too long, especially for people who work in museums. However I do beg you not to forget to fill it because your opinion is obviously very valuable to us and it would be a pity not to know it. Again you will find in Zoom all the information you need. The second Ceca Europe correspondents meetth th ing took place in Salerno in June 14 -15 . I want to take this opportunity to thank once more the Provincia of Salerno, that sponsored the meeting, for their warm hospitality and perfect organisation. The National Correspondents from Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom attended the meeting. Arja Van Veldhuizen, Ceca General Secretary, Sonia Guarita do Amaral, board member responsible for coordinating NCs activity, and Melissa de Vreede (Cultuurnetwerk) were also present. The discussion

was lively and useful. In particular the following points were stressed: -

Icom and Ceca have to work on communicating with new members and the mailing list must be organised in a more effective way;


a common format for national reports has been agreed (see box below);


on behalf of Ceca–Europe NCs I will present to the board a new project called Icom – Ceca members introduce themselves.

I wish to meet you all in Shanghai and to have a new opportunity to discuss with you.

General Information Number of members in November 2009 Number of members in November 2010 Does a national Ceca exist in your country? Is there any other museum educational body in your country? If so, which ones? Strategic information 1.Did you succeed in involving members in Ceca activities or sharing experience with them? If so, in which way? 2.Did you work on the theme of the annual conference involving your country Ceca members? If so, did you succeed in writing a common paper to present at the conference? 3. Which new trends can you identify in museum education in your country?


Committee for Education and Cultural Action Europe

News Conferences July 1st–2nd 2010, Vienna (Austria), Audiences: Keeping the old, Finding the New http://www.communicatingthemuseum.com August 25th-28th 2010, Dresden (Germany), 21st Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetic, www.science-of-aesthetics.org September 6th-11th 2010, Foix (France), IFRAO 2010 Congress on Pleistocene Art of the World, SIGNS, SYMBOLS, MYTH, IDEOLOGY. Pleistocene Art: the archeological material and its anthropological meanings

http://www.cesmap.it/ifrao/ifraofront.html September 7th–10th 2010, London (United Kingdom), GEM (Group for Education in Museums) annual conference. Young People & Heritage, www.gem.org.uk September 23th-24th 2010, Vartov, Copenhagen (Denmark), Museums meet Adult Educators MumAE http://www.dkmuseer.dk/arrangementer/museumsme etadulteducators-mumae/ September 23th-25th 2010, Dubrovnik (Croatia), The Best in Heritage, www.thebestinheritage.com October 30th - November 5th, 2010, Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng and Zhengzhou (China), ICOM EuropeTour and Conference 2010, Respecting Cultural Heritage for Our Common Future, in cooperation with ICOM China and ICOM Germany, www.icom-europe.org November 7th-12th 2010, Shanghai (China), 22nd General Conference of ICOM, Museums for Social Harmony http://icom.museum/general-conference2010.html November 18th-20th, 2010, Vienna (Austria), Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Museums and Migration, Contact: r.wonisch@fzhm.at November 24th-26th 2010, Copenhagen (Denmark), NODEM 2010 - Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums conference; http://www.nodem.dk/

We are currently focusing on the ways in which we can work with practicing artists to devise a programme of CPD in response to our exhibitions and Collection, foregrounding the art, artist and building itself as a unique learning resource. This five-day international summer school will enable participants to explore new approaches to teaching contemporary art in schools through the context of the gallery. The Summer Institute offers an exciting programme of practical and discussion based activities, curators’ talks and artist interventions. Date: 26 July - 30 July 2010 Location: Tate Modern, Bankside, London Website: www.tate.org.uk

Giovanni Bellini : restaurations, expositions, réception. XIVe séminaire d’histoire de l’art vénitien. Venise, du 6 au 15 juillet 2010. Le programme comporte des conférences de spécialistes internationaux et des visites conduites par les responsables scientifiques des collections ou par les étudiants. Le séminaire s’adresse aux étudiants en histoire de l’art de second et troisième cycles des institutions françaises et étrangères. Renseignements. Ecole du Louvre. Palais du Louvre Mél. : international@ecoledulouvre.fr Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. E-mail : ivsla@istitutoveneto.it Patrimoine immatériel et objets culturels. Séminaire international d’été de muséologie : Paris, Calais, Dunkerque, du 30 août au 10 septembre 2010 Ce séminaire s’adresse à des étudiants avancés ou à des professionnels débutants de nationalité étrangère. Informations: www.ecoledulouvre.fr Mél : international@ecoledulouvre.fr

Training and Study courses National trainings for Georgian Museum Fund Keepers Organizing agency: ICOM National Committee in Georgia – Two trainings for Georgian Museum Fund Keepers by the lead of Georgian experts within the trainings program of the Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia. The training will continue the cycle of training programs provided by ICOM Georgia for Georgian Museums. The training will cover the most actual topics concerning new styles and methods in museum field. The training was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on April 29th30th & June 3rd-4th 2010. Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature Web site: www.georgianmuseums.ge

Tate Modern Summer Institute Professional development for teachers and gallery professionals The Tate Modern Schools and Teachers Programme has recently undergone a conceptual shift in practice.

Projects SETAC - Science Education As a Tool for Active Citizenship - is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union and emerges out of the need to undertake specific actions for the improvement of science education. It draws on the cooperation between formal and informal learning institutions looking into the role of science education as a lifelong learning tool for active citizenship. Its products are: 1. Research on student’s motivation in dealing with topics of science and technology 2. New pedagogy for science education 3. Teaching resources on Health, Energy and Climate Change 4. European in-service training course for primary and secondary school teachers. For information www.museoscienza.org/setac, email calcagnini@museoscienza.it


Committee for Education and Cultural Action Europe

News Making History: Using Archives in the Classroom Theme: E-CPD for history teachers on using archives and libraries as a resource In this E-CPD unit, The National Archives share their expertise in using archival material in the history classroom, offering practical examples for activities. They lead you through the process of finding material, selecting interesting documents, identifying an enquiry and devising a creative final task. A section on educational research guides you in targeting students' misconceptions through enquiries to help them make secure progress. They also show you how to work with archives in your area to develop a local history unit. Website: www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary

News from Armenia The Association of Museum Workers and Friends (Armenia) & ICOM National Committee of Armenia organize the publication of the Second Number of the Annual journal “Museum”. The publication will include Museological Theoretical, Methodological and Practical issues (each paper maximum 7 pages); Activities of a Museum (each paper maximum 5 pages); Museum News (each paper maximum 5 pages) sections. The articles can be presented in Armenian, Russian or English. The deadline to present the articles is 15th of July 2010. Contact: aniavagian@yahoo.com News from Denmark As mentioned before in CECA NEWS 6, the Heritage Agency of Denmark (Kulturarvsstyrelsen) initiated a major questionnaire on the state of museum education in Denmark. Furthermore, they published a better practice of museums education. Both reports from the Heritage Agency have now been translated into Spanish and can be downloaded from their website. The reports will also be translated into English and will soon be available from the website: http://www.kulturarv.dk/publikationer/efteremne/museer/ News from France Projet en cours d’élaboration A la suite de deux réunions avec des collègues, membres de CECA ou non membres, une proposition de constitution de groupes de travail thématiques a été élaborée. Il s’agirait de tenir des réunions en parallèle (sur des thèmes différents ou identiques), de s’organiser localement, en tenant compte de la proximité géographique (celle-ci paraît la plus réaliste, du moins dans un premier temps). Le principe d’une journée de travail préparée par un ordre du jour semble raisonnable en termes de charge. Par ailleurs, l’envoi d’un compte rendu de la journée à tous les membres CECA est essentiel. Ce fonctionnement suppose qu’une personne se propose pour la coordination de chaque groupe. Quelques thèmes possibles:

1) Place de la médiation humaine dans l’offre de médiation actuelle 2) Nouvelles technologies, nouveaux usages 3) Différents publics, différentes offres 4) Evaluation. Les indicateurs d’efficacité 5) Les formations en direction de publics 6) La labellisation de la médiation produite par un musée dans une communauté muséale (approche inter établissements) 7) Le développement des publics (comment faire venir, diversifier pourquoi) 8) Langage naturel, langage d’expert. Pour les modalités d’échange, nous butons sur le fait que je ne peux donner les courriels des membres sans leur autorisation. Je cherche à passer par un site de type Agenda. Je me renseigne pour savoir comment rendre opérationnelle notre proposition de constitution de groupes de travail. Toute suggestion serait précieuse. Si d’autres pays souhaitent organiser des groupes thématiques nous pourrions envisager des échanges d’information au niveau européen. Hana.gottesdiener@wanadoo.fr

News from Italy Cycle of seminars for PhD Students From 17th to 27th May, Professor Colette DufresneTassé, CECA President, took a cycle of seminars for the PhD Students from The École doctorale internationale “Culture, Éducation, Communication”. The seminar was called “La salle d’exposition comme lieu de plaisir et de développement psychologique de l’adulte”. It was held in Rome, at Roma Tre Department of Educational Design and in the venues of the Museo Nazionale Romano. Education and mediation Committee During the first meeting (Milan, 12th April 2010) the ICOM Italy Education and mediation Committee decided to focus their research activities in the following field: the educational function of museums and cultural heritage as a resource to promote active and democratic citizenship. It’s important to remind that the active and democratic citizenship is a key competence established by the Parliament and by the Council of Europe. For everyone interested in the work of the ICOM Italy Education and mediation Committee, see www.icom-italia.org

Publications MLA Museums Libraries and Archives, Opening Up Spaces: bringing new people into museums, libraries and archives by supporting selforganised learning groups, Birmingham, MLA, 2010, ISBN 978-1-905867-41-7 Website: www.mla.gov.uk/what/publications Bourke, M (Ed.) Audience Development in Museums and Cultural Sites in Difficult Times, Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, 2010, Series N. 8, ISBN 978-1-904288-40-4.


Committee for Education and Cultural Action Europe

News Huerta, R., ¿Qué esperan los museos de los maestros?, in InVisibilidades, 0, Dezembro 2009, ISSN1647-0508

http://issuu.com/invisibilidades/docs/invisibilidade s_0

Zoom Ceca Members Survey CECA Board Elections 2010 CECA members are now invited to vote for the new CECA Board. Please look at the Election page. Voting closes September 1st! http://ceca.icom.museum/01_cms/details.asp?ID =55

Some days ago, you should have received a questionnaire. It is essential to complete it, for it will provide a better understanding of the membership needs. If you have not received the questionnaire please click on the following address http://www.cultuureducatie.nl/ceca

General information The International Board • Colette Dufresne-Tassé - Chair • Arja van Veldhuizen - Secretary • Francine Lelièvre - Member • Michael Cassin - USA and Canada Regional Coordinator • Anne-Marie Ëmond - Information Coordinator and ICOM Education Editor • Emma Nardi - Europe Regional Coordinator • Daniel Castro Benitez - South-America and the Caribbean Regional Coordinator • Adriana Mortara Almeida - Publications Diffusion Coordinator • Umebe N. Onyejekwe – Africa Regional Coordinator • Kwang Sun Ahn – Asia-Pacific and Australia Regional Coordinator

CECA Europe National Correspondents • Armenia - Ani Avagyan, National Gallery of Armenia nga_education@yahoo.com • Austria - Claudia Peschel Wacha, Museum of Folk life and Folk art in Vienna claudia.peschel-wacha@volkskundemuseum.at • Belgium - Nicole Gesché-Koning, Centre de recherches et d'études technologiques des arts plastiques ngesche@skynet.be • Croatia - Zeljka Jelavic, Etnografski muzej zjelavic@emz.hr • Czech Republic, Jan Dolak, Masaryk University Brno dolak@phil.muni.cz • Denmark - Michael Gyldendal, The Danish Museum of Science and Technology mg@tekniskmuseum.dk • Finland - Leena Tornberg, Museum of technology leena.tornberg@tekniikanmuseo.fi • France - Hana Gottesdiener, Université d’Avignon et des Pays des Vaucluse hana.gottesdiener@wanadoo.fr

• Georgia – Inga Karaia, Chief Specialist of the Department Museums & Collection, Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia, karaiainga@yahoo.com • Germany - Christine Brehm, Stadmuseum Erlangen, christine.brehm@stadt.erlangen.de • Greece – Amalia Tsitouri, Hellenic Ministry of Culture amalia.tsitouri@yahoo.gr • Iceland - Rakel Pétursdóttir, Listasa fni Íslands/National Gallery of Iceland rakel@listasafn.is • Ireland - Marie Bourke, National Gallery of Ireland mbourke@ngi.ie • Italy - Silvia Ciriello, Centro di Didattica Museale, Università degli Studi Roma Tre cdm@uniroma3.it • Moldavia – Stefanita Ion, Ministry of Culture moldovean29@yahoo.com • Netherlands – Willem Jan Renders, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven w.j.renders@vanabbemuseum.nl • Norway – Marit Elida Angell Berg, The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History marit.berg@norskfolkemuseum.no • Portugal - Joâo Pedro Fróis, Lisbon University joao.frois@fba.ul.pt; simurg@mail.telepac.pt • Russian - Marina Cherednichenko, march-1mp@yandex.ru • Slovakia - Marcela Lukácová, Slovak National Museum Bratislava marcela.lukacova@snm.sk • Spain - Roser Juanola, Universitat de Girona - ICRPC roser.juanola@udg.edu • Sweden - – Berit Ljung, Stockholm University Berit.Ljung@uhs.su.se • United Kindom – Jenny Wedgbury, Kensington Palace, Historic Royal Palaces, Kensington Gardens jenny.wedgbury@hrp.org.uk

Next issue: October 2010 - Deadline for contributions: September 15th 2010

Editorial board Emma Nardi (chair), Silvia Ciriello, Cinzia Angelini

Copyright: Università Roma Tre – Dipartimento di Progettazione Educativa e Didattica – Centro di Didattica Museale, via Madonna dei Monti 40, 00184 Roma - http://musei2.educ.uniroma3.it - cdm@uniroma3.it


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