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I THOUGHT WE WAS JUST MEETING FOR COFFEE! I have to start this story to explain why I had my affair, it’s in no way saying I’m shallow or a bad person, but we all have our moments of weakness and we all do have expectations of what our partner should be to hold our sexual attraction toward them, and a lot of the time this is why people break up or get a divorce. When I was 22 years old I was in a long distance relationship with my then girlfriend (20 years old) whom was away at university. We were going through a bit of a rough patch as she spent most of her time “studying” and couldn’t talk to me online or on the phone during normal hours but then I’d find out later in the week that she was at the bars partying it up like every other college/university aged person would do. I never went to college/university myself, I instead started a career in the military. We had talked about me getting out to follow her and be stay at home dad while she went to work and made more than enough to support us. I admit it sounded like a good idea at the time, she was one of the smartest people in her high school when she graduated but the stress of university level courses started to make her second guess herself when she would fail quizes and tests she had been up all night studying for. I would get phone calls at 1 am of her crying and wanting to quit university, but I would remind her of our plans and she couldn’t give up on our future because I just couldn’t see us being together if her only option was to work at McDonalds for the rest of her life. This went on for the first year of her away at university, then she spent the summer with her mother traveling Europe. When she started back at school in the fall she met some new friends and started living in a house off campus. When I saw her she definitely exceeded the “Freshman 15” rule and put on a lot of weight. She started listening to different music and hanging out with new goth friends that talked her into trying marijuana, getting her belly button, tongue, and nipples pierced, tattoos during drunken spontaneous adventures, and dying her hair unnatural bright colours (her friends told her I would like these changes and I infact did not). By now she was 21 and I was 23, I was starting to think about buying a house, getting married, and having children. I started wondering if I had other options out there and signed up for a dating site to see what they might be. I listed myself for “friends only” because I wasn’t actively looking for a new girlfriend. I didn’t get very many hits in the beginning, but then after a couple of weeks one of the few women I started talking to was also listed as “friends only”. Her name was Kim, she through the corner of my eye as I

had blonde curly hair, and she was 6 months pregnant. She was using the dating website to find friends saying “she was lonely at home during the day because she was had started maternity leave early, and there was no father of the baby in the picture anymore”. I figured a 6 month pregnant woman was ok to talk too, she likely wasn’t looking for a relationship or even sex. When we started talking I immediately told her I was in a long distance relationship with a younger woman that was away at school and was a totally different person than I had first met and started dating almost year and half earlier. Each time we talked it was always in chat windows and didn’t go on for very long. We started out with friendly greetings and she would jump right to “So how’s the gf situation?”. I would just rant for a few paragraphs about a phone call early in the morning yet again or my wasted visit to her see her at her house where I ended up just doing dishes that had been piled on the counter for a week and neglected by her roommates. I even once had to clean her room for her and throw out all of the pizza boxes and empty pop cans that had been there for a while. After three weeks of chatting online Kim finally asked me if I wanted to meet up in person and have coffee together. She asked me to come and pick her up at her place, not far from where I lived. She said she would be the pregnant lady waiting on the side walk next to her apartment building. When I arrived there she was, an average woman with dark blonde curly hair in a long t-shirt and leggings carrying a purse. She wasn’t dressed to impress but I did get out of the car and shook her hand when we both

said it’s finally nice to meet in person, and then opened the door for her to get in. She talked to me like I didn’t know where I was going and directed me to the only coffee shop in town. I got a coffee and she got an ice’d coffee. She asked me if I wanted to drive around the small town and if I knew about the beach in town, which I infact did not. We drove down and it was starting to get dark out. She told me to park in the parking lot and we just started talking again. This is where she told me that she used to be in the military reserves and was taking time off to start a family when the father of her baby decided he was going to leave her and then go on deployment. She asked me a question about my gf that I do not remember because the next second her hands were holding my belt buckle and she was trying to get it undone. I said “Whoa! I uh...”, and Kim replied “I thought this is why what you wanted? A blow job isn’t really cheating now is it?”. I honestly had no argument and she just continued and told me to lower my seat so she could get in closer. The windows to my car had started to fog up and after a few minutes I couldn’t see outside anymore, but then I heard gravel moving in the parking lot that sounded like a car driving and I wiped away the window to see a local police cruiser. I told her we needed to stop and should go. “We can go back to my apartment if you want too, we can hang out there?”. I tucked my hard cock back into my pants as best I could and sorted out my seat before turning on the car and leaving the parking lot. The windows were defogged by the time we got back onto the road and I could see Kim looking at me with my girlfriend, it felt

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