LSS Urinary System
Alexandra Burke-Smith
Introduction to the kidneys + urinary system Dr Vikram Khullar (
1. Draw a simple diagram of the urinary system including the following: kidney, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra, sphincter vesicae, sphincter urethrae 2. Outline the means of urine transport down the ureters into the bladder + explain the mechanism preventing reflux of urine from the bladder 3. Describe with anatomical + histological features allowing expansion of the baldder as it fills with urine 4. Distinguish between the sphincter urethrae + sphincter vesicae muscles and their nerve supplies 5. Describe the mechanisms involved in the reflex contraction of the bladder in response to distension. State the approximate volume of urine in the bladder that normally initiates a reflex contraction in the adult. The urinary apparatus Main functional components of the urinary apparatus: kidneys calyces, renal pelvis + ureters urinary bladder urethra + associated sphincters neurological control systems for the bladder muscle + the sphincters well-adapted blood supply The Kidneys Location the kidneys lie posteriorly between ribs 11 + 12, and are overlapped by both the diaphragm + pleural cavity. They lie embedded in retroperitoneal fat o clinical correlate = kidney problems often misdiagnosed as chest infection the kidneys are described as retro-peritoneal organs, NOT abdominal, therefore pain is referred via iliohypogastric + ilioinguinal nerve (pain posterior, and travels antero-inferiorly towards the groin) the liver is superior to the right kidney, and the spleen is superior to the left kidney o the liver is a large organ, thus pushes the right kidney inferiorly, so it is not on the identical plane to the left kidney the upper part of each kidney rests on the diaphragm, therefore on inhalation, the kidneys move inferiorly on flattening of the diaphragm superior to each kidney is an associated suprarenal gland (also known as adrenal gland)