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Dissertation Progress Report This report is to be filled out at the end of every semester until the student successfully defends their dissertation. Name of Student _________________________________________________________ Name of Advisor_________________________________________________________ Date of Report _________________for Fall _________Spring _________Year_______ Date Proposal Was Passed___________
Dissertation Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Progress on Project: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Concerns: ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Credit:___ DS 411 (6.5 credit hours, 8 before 2003 – credit given when data collection is complete) ____DS 422 (6.5 credit hours, 8 before 2003 – credit given when dissertation defense is passed) Grade: Pass__________ Advisory__________ (check advisory if in process but not complete) Annual report to IRB committee is due each year on date that proposal was passed Annual report is due on _______ and has been approved and signed by advisor Yes________ No ________ Not applicable with this report ________ Advisor’s signature_____________________________________________________ Candidate’s signature___________________________________________________