Exam 2018

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DATES AND FORMAT May 24th a.m. – calculator paper.  June 7th a.m. – non-calculator paper.  June 12th a.m. – calculator paper.  Each paper has a 33.3% weighting and is comprised of around 25 questions which get progressively more difficult. The papers are 1 hour 30 minutes in duration. There are 100 marks per paper available and the total mark out of 300 will determine the overall grade. 

EXAM BOARD AND RESOURCES OCR – home page is www.ocr.org.uk.  Select ‘GCSE’ from the qualifications drop down menu, and then Maths from the subject list.  Select ‘Mathematics (9-1) - J560’.  You will then find links to sample papers and various other helpful resources. As this is the first year of the new GCSE there are no pastpapers available.  The other exam boards (Edexcel, WJEC, AQA) are also a useful source as the content for the maths GCSE is almost identical across all awarding bodies. 

TO GET BETTER, FIRST IDENTIFY WHAT TO IMPROVE Sample papers/past papers – when you’ve worked through a paper make a note of the questions you’ve got wrong.  Your teacher will also use these papers to identify your weaknesses and will suggest priorities to work on.  Classwork – refer back to classwork; what did you find difficult?  Homework – what content did you find difficult doing independently? 

HOW TO REVISE AND IMPROVE DECIDE WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU – IT’S NOT A ‘ONE SIZE FITS ALL’ SITUATION.  Read over classwork examples and notes.  Use revision guides and workbooks.  Apps for mobiles are available – search ‘GCSE maths revision’ on Google play or App store.  Mymaths.co.uk has online lessons.  Your teacher will inform you of revision classes at lunch or after school.  Try producing flash cards and notes to check your learning.  Find a partner, family member or friend to help. 

USEFUL ONLINE WEBSITES www.mymaths.co.uk  www.mrbartonmaths.com  www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/gcse/maths/  http://studymaths.co.uk/  www.examsolutions.net/mathsrevision/syllabuses/GCSE  www.youtube.com  http://www.mathsrevision.net/gcse-mathsrevision  Millions of others! 

BE PREPARED FOR TOUGH TIMES AND BE REALISTIC Exams are designed to test - there’ll be parts of the work you struggle with and times you feel you’re getting nowhere. Stick it out!  The exam is a competition. Your definition of success may be different to that of other people – just do your very, very, very best and you can be proud of what you achieve. 

ON THE DAY Bring your own equipment – you should especially make every effort to have a calculator that you are familiar with.  Sleep well, eat well.  Read, Think, Answer, Check – and double check if time permits.  Show each and every stage of your working – the examiners cannot read your mind! Get your calculations down on the paper. Your working may produce something worth a mark even if your final answer is inaccurate.  Do not leave questions blank – guess if absolutely necessary!  Use all the time allowed. 



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