Standards in iGIP

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STANDARDS IN IGIP Everything you need to know to make GIP standardized in your entity! Read it, implement it, make it happen!

EU: No visa required Non-EU: EU: No visa required Non-EU: Check visa policies for different entities (if visa is required for up-to-90 days stay) For Global Entrepreneurs we will focus on Europe and United States.

Visa Type: Residence Permit - Specific cases of gainful employment (Aufenthaltstitel - Sonderf채lle unselbst채ndiger Erwerbst채tigkeit) Work Permit: No work permit required

If you are not sure if you need a visa to enter Austria, check here!

o The host entity will write in the Opportunity form options where the EP will be picked up. o Pickup from point of entry to the country is mandatory. In case the point of entry is not the final destination of the internship, detailed travel/transport directions must be provided to the EP at the time of Match. o EP needs to send the information of arrival (date, time and arrival station) to the host entity at least 48 hours prior starting the trip. o Host entity needs to prepare the welcome package (LycaMobile sim card, city map etc.)

VIENNA: Airport, bus station, train station pickup is mandatory. NON-VIENNA: Airport, bus station and train station pickup is mandatory. LANDING IN VIENNA, FINAL DESTINATION IS IN ANOTHER CITY: Airport pickup in Vienna will be done in agreement with Vienna entities.

o Every intern will receive support with departure by having at least one AIESEC member that will: o Take him/her to the final departure destination (airport, bus station, train station) – if it is in the city of the LC o Take him/her to the departure destination (airport, bus station, train station) from where he/she can reach his/her final departure destination and give him/her detailed instructions how to reach it – if it is not in the city of the LC

o Every intern will receive support with buying tickets to reach final destination and/or his home country o Every intern should write a short story or make a video showcasing his/her experience in Austria and send it to his/her buddy or the responsible AIESEC member, that can later be used for showcasing on AIESEC in Austria online channels *Extra: AIESEC entity can organize a good-bye party for the intern

o Every opportunity should have a clear description of the company that EP will be working for. The description should be consisted of one paragraph which should include: company description, company size, location and additionally company vision. o Every job description should have at least 4 paragraphs, each with 3-4 sentences giving the EP a clear overview of what EP will be doing during the internship. o Every opportunity should have a mentor from the company who is responsible for interns’ experience during the internship o One AIESEC member needs to be the account manager of this company and communicate with the mentor at least once a month (minimum) about the interns’ experience and development during the internship. o Job description and job activities must be the same as when matched and accepted through the AN forms. Any changes need to be in written form and agreed with the TN taker, intern and AIESEC.

Minimum duration of Global Entrepreneur: 6 weeks

Minimum duration of Global Talent: 8 weeks

Maximum duration of Global Entrepreneur: 8 weeks

Maximum duration of Global talent: 52 weeks

If the company wants to prologue the duration, it needs to be agreed in written form with intern and AIESEC by signing the additional contract with the new duration of the internship.

o Minimum working hours for Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent is 35 hours per week and maximum working hours for Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent is 40 hours per week. o Saturdays can be working days but they need to be defined with the first job questionnaire and clearly stated in the Opportunity online. o Overtime work is not defined during these internships and if needed has to be agreed in written form between the company, intern and AIESEC.

o AIESEC member that is the manager of the account and the contact person between the company and AIESEC needs to bring the intern to work on the first day. o If agreed and accepted by the company, AIESEC member (the account manager) will be present during the first meeting between the company and the intern. o If agreed and accepted by the company, AIESEC member (the account manager) will be present during expectations setting between the company and the intern.

o Every intern should have goals and KPIs defined in the first week of the internship. o AIESEC member is responsible for communication with the company (the mentor) to track if KPIs and goals are being fulfilled. o AIESEC member needs to react if the KPIs and goals are not met (conversations with the intern, company and sending entity) to avoid unpleasant situations during internship (firing the intern).

o Home entity is responsible for notifying the EP about the basic travel insurance that the EP needs in order to travel to Austria o Host entity needs to make sure that EP is having insurance during his/her stay in Austria (insurance is covered by the contract with the company and needs to be defined before arrival. If insurance is not provided by the company, AIESEC needs to help the EP to apply for insurance and make sure that EP is paying for it) o EP needs to submit scanned insurance 7 days prior to travelling to AIESEC member

The company needs to provide the EP with accommodation for the whole duration of the internship. If the company cannot host the intern, the company needs to cover intern’s accommodation for the whole duration of the internship. Accommodation needs to be defined and agreed on in written form between the company, intern and AIESEC minimum 7 days prior to intern’s arrival.

The company doesn’t need to provide the accommodation for the intern. The company is paying intern the salary that is high enough to cover basic living costs (accommodation, food, city transportation). AIESEC needs to support intern with accommodation search until the intern decides on the accommodation that he/she prefers. Accommodation needs to be defined and agreed on in written form between the company, intern and AIESEC minimum 7 days prior to intern’s arrival.

o The Opportunity form specifies if the Opportunity is paid or unpaid, if any financial or non-financial compensation will be provided to the intern during the internship. o Host entity will set expectations with the intern about the basic living costs in the hosting city at least 7 days after Matching. o Host entity needs to send the reception booklet to the intern at least 7 days after Matching with all the necessary information about the hosting city.

o The home entity has to provide minimum information to the EP about AIESEC purpose, inner and outer journey and role of exchange in it, during preparation for internship (OPS). o The host entity has to make sure that the minimum information about AIESEC purpose, inner and outer journey and role of exchange in it was provided to the intern at least 7 days prior to arrival to Austria.

o The home entity is responsible to set expectations from the internship before the intern arrives and to send those expectations to the host entity. o The host entity needs to set clear communication channels with the home entity and make sure that expectations were set. o The home entity has to provide the AIESEC standards and the XPP in written format to the intern and host entity has to make sure that the intern has acknowledged, understood and accepted them before the internship starts.

o The home entity is responsible to have an OPS with each EP before they go on an internship. o Topics they need to cover are: AIESEC purpose, Inner and Outer Journey and XPP o Home entity is obligated to send the agenda of preparation of EPs and the outputs (if necessary) to the host entity and if needed, to align it based on hosting entity inputs. o The host entity is responsible to clearly communicate with the home entity and participate in intern’s preparation for the internship (cultural preparation and specific preparation for the internship, if defined by the company).

o The host entity needs to organize any form of Incoming Preparation Seminar for group of interns or individually maximum 7 days after arrival of the intern(s). o The host entity can invite the intern to o The home entity is responsible for local trainings and seminars if interns home facilitated learning and tracking would like to participate in them the learning intern is getting during the o The host entity is responsible for closing internship abroad. of intern’s experience by doing o The home entity is responsible for evaluation and reflection on the intern’s reintegration after the experience. internship.

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