IDA Global Connections - Summer 2021

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Summer 2021


CONNECTIONS Water-Energy Nexus in Abu Dhabi: An Opportunity to Accelerate the Transition to a Green Economy Page 16

Industry Innovations to Solve Water Recycling and Reuse Page 26

Living with Eight Decades of PFAS Contamination What is Known and What is Unknown Page 34

History Highlights: IDA Favorite Papers Page 38

The Elements Needed to Achieve Lower Desalination Tariffs An exclusive interview with Mr. Mohammad Abunayyan Chairman, ACWA Power International






62 | ʞ IDA TALKS













IDA Global Connections is published quarterly. The views expressed in articles contributed to IDA Global Connections are not necessarily the views of the International Desalination Association. IDA assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and/or artwork.

Editorial Director Shannon McCarthy Editorial Inquiries +1-978-774-0959 Sponsorship Inquiries +1-978-774-0959 This publication is produced on recycled paper in support of sustainability


MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL Dear Members and Colleagues, As summer begins and the world slowly reopens, I am delighted to present the Summer 2021 issue of IDA Global Connections! Our quarterly magazine features cutting-edge, globally conscious, truly innovative perspectives from industry leaders, researchers, and experts from all around the world.

of the Water-Energy Nexus in Abu Dhabi – an insightful and illuminating piece on the green economy. Dr. Graham Batemen, Chief Technical Officer of Hydro Industries Ltd., U.K., has also generously contributed an article on SDG6 and its role in water reuse, recycling, and desalination. Carlo Patteri and Jonathan Pressdee of Nanostone Water, Inc. also write in with an article on industry innovations in the water sector, including ceramic membrane filtration, ultrafiltration membranes, microfiltration, and more. Dr. Marcio Jose, CEO of Aquapolo Ambiental S.A., writes on sustainability, laying out simply the stakes of global scarcity and strategic uses (and reuses!) for the water we have left.

In this issue, we present as our cover story an interview with Mohammed Abunayyan, Chairman of ACWA Power International, which features his thoughts on a new water era, tariffs, future challenges for desalination, and more. We also hope you will enjoy a message from H. E. Eng. Mohamed Bin Jarsh We are thrilled to present the next chapter Al Falasi, the Undersecretary of the Abu of our Favorite Papers. Veterans of the water Dhabi Department of Energy, on the status sector have written in and recommended


excellent research that has stood the test of time, with topics ranging from membrane technology to the Yuma Desalting Plant in Arizona. These papers are timeless, admirable, and intellectually formidable treasures. Be sure to give them a read!

online. Be sure to look for opportunities to submit your abstract and participate in these long-awaited programs. We have missed the water sector community and hope very much to see you all again soon.

The articles presented here are for your And of course, we had to give a shout-out benefit. We hope they will inspire you. to IDA Talks, our exciting new initiative featuring short videos on desalination, Sincerely, Shannon K. McCarthy water reuse, recycling, and other relevant IDA Secretary General energy solutions. Watch these videos, grow your knowledge, sharpen your mind with the simple click of a button, and share your expertise by submitting a talk idea to info@! Finally, we are so looking forward to our upcoming in-person conferences, the details of which you can find in this issue and


MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Even before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal #6, ensuring water supply and sanitation for all by 2030, was already far off track. The commitments are not being met, and billions of people continue to live without safe drinking water and access to safe sanitation, even though both have been defined as human rights. Many water sources are being depleted, polluted, or both. Industry, agriculture, and power generation are multiplying to meet the needs of a growing population. The Earth is under increased pressure, and the ecosystems that provide water are disappearing. In addition, climate change is making water scarcer and more unpredictable, wreaking havoc and displacing millions of people. 6

Achieving SDG #6 is a national and global responsibility. Water-policy makers must accelerate plans and actions to conserve and generate water resources. When we invest in water, it acts as a catalyst in other areas such as health, education, agriculture, or job creation. However, for these actions to be effective, we must include all agents in society. Together, governments, civil society, business, academia, and development cooperation agencies can make dramatic progress in water and sanitation. And it will be essential to expand this cooperation in all countries and regions. In addition, most of the world's water resources are shared between two or more countries. The development and management of water resources impact cross-border river basins, so cooperation between all is essential.

Water is a critical factor in managing the into account government policies, financial risks related to famine, epidemics, migration, challenges, technology, and research, so that inequalities within and between countries, we can create a more sustainable future. political instability, and natural disasters. I invite you to register instead of sign up for This means that unconventional water the conferences and share the IDA's mission resources represent the only solution for the to connect people and ideas with water generation of new water sources. Technologies solutions. such as desalination and water reuse help to meet the high demand for water for both municipal and industrial uses, preserving Carlos Cosin natural water resources and the environment. IDA President Our two major conferences, IDA 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference in Rome and IDA 2022 World Congress in Sydney, will bring new solutions, projects, and innovations to advance unconventional water resources further. Leaders and experts will discuss best practices regarding reuse and desalination, taking 7


The Elements Needed to Achieve Lower Desalination Tariffs An exclusive interview with Mr. Mohammad Abunayyan, Chairman, ACWA Power International



1. What is your vision for a new water era and the role of non-conventional water solutions to offset global water scarcity? ACWA Power is a pioneer in renewable powered reverse osmosis desalination. We are proud to play a vital role in the lives of millions of people across Saudi Arabia and beyond, with a portfolio of 6.4 million m3/day of desalinated water delivered on a bulk basis to address the needs of state utilities and industries. Looking towards the future, we must first recognize that the need for fresh water will continue to increase rapidly in many parts of the world, due to global economic growth, coupled with water scarcity in many parts of the world. While it is clear that the efficiency of water consumption, including the re-use of water, should always take precedence, I would anticipate that a growing number of countries will have to rely heavily on seawater desalination, and this will require significant amounts of energy. Fortunately, there has been several improvements to energy efficiency of RO desalination plants in recent years with the help of technology and AI. Concurrently, we have also been able to bring down the cost of electricity from renewable resources- which is crucial because regions with a high level of water scarcity are blessed with abundant renewable energy resources. 10

Through our operational experience and technological know-how, ACWA Power is well positioned to serve the growing demand for desalinated water projects powered by renewable energy. Reverse osmosis technology will continue to improve its competitiveness in the next few years, on the back of further improvements to membrane robustness, but also due to the optimizations of the entire plant (such as pre-treatment) and operations and maintenance processes (O&M), by applying algorithms on the vast amount of data we generate in our plants. It is important that we continue to prepare for the future by developing nextgeneration technologies and reducing the environmental impact of water desalination, particularly with regards to brine reduction. At ACWA Power, we are strongly engaged in these fields through our collaboration with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

2. In the past 18 months we have seen groundbreaking water tariffs for desalination in the GCC capped off with the recent news about the signing of Hassayan at 0.27 US Cents. a. Is this level of pricing sustainable or is this a temporary phenomenon?

ACWA Power has set a new price benchmark with the Jubail 3A IWP in Saudi Arabia at a tariff of 41.3 US cents per m3, beating our own world record of 2019 for Taweelah IWP, which is the world’s largest and the first partially solar powered RO plant utilizing the least energy per m3 of water produced.

The trend observed in reduced or groundbreaking low tariffs for desalinated water projects could be attributed to significantly lower energy costs (when compared with other IWPs associated with solar power), falling capital costs, competitive EPC contract prices, and long concession periods.

Over the last few years, the number of desalination SWRO projects being tendered was relatively few in quantity in terms of m 3 /day compared to the number of tenders we have in the market today. A clear pipeline of projects with a proper economy of scale will enable contractors to predict and optimize their cost more efficiently.

But most importantly, these prices, which are scrutinized and controlled in every project by lenders, off-takers and authorities, are also the result of a strong technical, financial and commercial optimization process developed by ACWA Power, utilizing our comprehensive industry experience gained over years of operation, thereby enabling us to achieve sound risk balance and optimal risk allocation between parties. We have been able to consistently demonstrate this advantage to the market in the past years and look to continuing this in the future.

Water tariffs result from a combination of energy costs, financing costs, EPC contract pricing, and O&M cost. Energy costs, in particular for solar PV, have seen a historic low in the past months, which has now been corrected in the market due to shortages in the PV manufacturing supply chain. At least for some time, this may put a halt to the continuous reduction of water tariffs.

Furthermore, the relation between ACWA Power and EPC Contractors is based on trust and partnership which in turn results in better commercial and technical proposals. Unlike other schemes (direct EPC procurements schemes), we pay great attention to ensure that during the construction phase design reviews and milestone schedules are in accordance with the 11

lenders requirements and adjusted with agility when needed. Overall, we make sure the financial process is well managed with all payments, and any adjustments required, done on time. Contractors also receive substantial support from our teams in order to ensure the commercial operation of the project is achieved as per the time targets set. In terms of cost management, we take into full consideration the project life cycle cost including the design component which is a crucial element. Such proactive collaboration provides a competitive edge and leads to improved EPC prices in the long run. Finally we optimize design based on lifecycle cost (not only EPC price) which in the long run results in having the best tariff.

b. Is there any “fine print” to this pricing? In other words, is it real or “smoke and mirrors”? Pricing reflects the market context, but also contractual conditions. Long term off-take agreements will naturally result in lower tariffs compared to shorter term contracts. In any case, we continue to relentlessly optimize every project, in collaboration with our partners in our pursuit for better performance. That is the spirit with which ACWA Power have been able to successfully drive down 12

costs, not only in the water desalination sector, but also in power generation and renewables.

c. It’s in all of our best interests to bring down the price of desalinated water, what needs to be done to get to this level of pricing outside of the more mature GCC market? What are the most critical levers to make this happen? In the GCC, the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model is well structured and benefits from strong governmental support. Furthermore, banks have more appetite and liquidity for water projects in the GCC, with flexibility in financing and a wider lending base. In addition, plant capacity, site selection, cost of energy, water quality requirements and RFP conditions are some of the factors which influence the cost to water. Seawater characteristics are more challenging in the GCC, and it can be expected that plants outside the GCC have higher yield and require less equipment and therefore lower cost.

3. What’s your view on the risk level undertaken by EPC contractors for being able to achieve the current level of water tariffs? Over the last few years, the number of desalination SWRO projects being

tendered was relatively few in quantity in terms of m3/day compared to the number of tenders we have in the market today. A clear pipeline of projects with a proper economy of scale will enable contractors to predict and optimize their cost more efficiently. Low pricing is indeed a key contributor to low tariffs and is part and parcel of the cost, risk and performance management process in project development.

5. What’s your view for overcoming complex situations with the contractors? Transparency between the EPC and developer is crucial to a successful partnership. Both parties should be deeply involved in the process of construction until reaching the Project Commercial Operation Date (PCOD).

6. What is your view on the future of 4. Do you think this risk level wastewater reuse in the GCC region? assumption could damage the vast wastewater treatment desalination sector / ecosystem, A having seen the situation of several infrastructure build-out is underway in the Kingdom. Much of this demand is relevant past players? In our view, the risk level is manageable as long as the EPC contractor enjoys rich experience on the Engineering component, wide market interactions with main OEMs for the Procurement component, and the right caliber of manpower skill (including subcontractors) for the Construction component. Keep in mind also that EPC risk is often mitigated by strong support from the project developers during the execution phase. In addition, Contractors with a positive cash flow are more likely to succeed in the desalination sector. With the tremendous amount of new desalination projects coming in, I believe contractors are well-placed to survive future challenges.

being procured via independent sewage treatment projects (ISTPs) and will drive potential for the sale of treated sewage effluent to industrial water users, however a more robust regulatory structure will also be necessary to facilitate this process.

7. What do you see are the future challenges for desalination? The main challenges in our view are: the application of more stringent environmental guidelines, with the aim of minimizing brine discharge or zero liquid discharge; the further reduction of energy consumption; introducing new bankable desalination technologies to the market and shifting risks from the off takers to the private sector. 13

We must also recognize that water desalination technology and projects are continuing to see substantial improvement. The industry is continuing to improve performance year after year, and ACWA Power is extremely proud to be a driving force in this sector. We were delighted to see our capabilities recognized by Global Water Intelligence (GWI) when they awarded ACWA Power “Desalination Company of the Year” at the 2020 Global Water Awards and the Desalination Plant of the Year for our Shuaibah 3 IWP extension project. These accomplishments are the result of the hard work and commitment of our people and our collaboration with our partners. We are proud to play an active role in contributing to the Kingdom’s leadership in this sector, which is of increasing importance to building a sustainable

future for our society and generations to come.

8. What energy challenges does desalination face? Currently, the most efficient large seawater desalination plants consume around 2.9 kWh/m3 for seawater salinity above 35 g/kg, and it is important that this consumption is sustained over the lifetime of the plant. Further reduction for future plants will require collaboration between developers, owners, EPCs and operators with main equipment manufacturers to work on a number of items – namely, the development of better performing and robust membranes, pumps & energy recovery devices, as well as Bio fueling control.

About the Author With more than 37 years of experience in the commercial and industrial sectors, Mr. Abunayyan serves as Chairman of ACWA POWER, Vision Invest, Dussur and numerous local and regional companies. He is widely recognized as one of the most respected leaders in the water and energy sectors. Under his leadership, ACWA POWER has grown into a leading private sector energy and water provider, achieving significant milestones since his inception of the Company.


Mr. Abunayyan chairs and is a member of the Boards of Directors of several worldleading organisations, in addition to holding a number of prestigious honorary and leadership positions focused on transforming and diversifying the economy of Saudi Arabia.



WATER-ENERGY NEXUS IN ABU DHABI: AN OPPORTUNITY TO ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A GREEN ECONOMY By HE Eng. Mohammad Juma bin Jarsh Al Falasi, Undersecretary of Abu Dhabi Department of Energy Today, as we rebuild from the Covid-19 pandemic, we recognize more than ever the need to decarbonize our energy and water infrastructures, to promote sustainable consumption and production of essential resources, and to enhance our resilience to climate change.

Abu Dhabi is committed to pioneering the paradigm shift towards renewable and clean forms of energy - this was one of the key factors in the establishment of the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE). With a mandate to drive change towards new forms of clean and renewable energy and to provide a comprehensive regulatory framework to implement integrated water resource management and ensure economic, social, and environmental efficiencies, DoE is instrumental in transforming Abu Dhabi’s energy and water sectors.

We’ve launched our energy diversification drive propped up by a number of key projects and policies that accelerate the shift to clean and renewable sources of energy in line with the UAE Energy Strategy 2050. We are aiming for clean energy to cater to 50% of the UAE’s energy needs, which will have 44% from renewable energy and the remaining 6% from nuclear sources. The emirate’s nuclear programme for instance was part of this drive. The delivery of the first unit of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant marks the beginning of a new era in Abu Dhabi’s energy history.


The Barakah Nuclear Power Plant is expected to bring 5.6 GW of clean energy to the Abu Dhabi power mix and offset more than 21 million tons of greenhouse emissions per year when fully operational. In parallel with these renewable and nuclear energy developments, there are key developments in our water sector driven by a need to ensure water security and by the energy-water nexus. We have government-led initiatives to reduce per capita water usage and rationalize water demand through wastewater re-use, reduction of consumption, minimization of losses in public supply and improving water use efficiency in the irrigation networks.

The water stress challenge in the UAE is intensified by its nexus with energy. As we all know, energy is required across the water value chain. We use energy for water abstraction, desalination, transportation, utilization, and disposal.

As the climate debate intensifies, and the urgency for decarbonization grows, the delivery of the Barakah project is very timely. Abu Dhabi’s flagship Noor Abu Dhabi Solar PV Plant is one of the world’s largest solar PV plants at 1,177 MW installed capacity that alone delivers about 5.6% of the emirate’s energy requirements. In addition, the 2-GW Al Dhafra Solar PV project – the biggest single-site solar PV plant in the world set to be completed by 2022 - will bring the total solar power generation capacity in the emirate to 3.2GW. With our limited natural water resources, desalination remains one of the few long-term sources of potable water to meet the demand from our growing population and economic activity. The irrigation sector accounts for the largest part of water consumption and withdrawals; and desalination is a highly energy-intensive process.

We have nine desalination plants with a total capacity of up to 960 million imperial gallons per day. Over 85% of the water in Abu Dhabi is produced via thermal desalination in gas fired co-generation plants, that are also energy-intensive and depend on traditional The water stress challenge in the UAE is fuels. intensified by its nexus with energy. As we all know, energy is required across the Four of our current desalination plants in Abu water value chain. We use energy for water Dhabi utilize Reverse Osmosis technology abstraction, desalination, transportation, and represent around 15% of the emirate’s utilization, and disposal. desalinated water production. This share is 18

drive sustainability. We recognize the environmental impact of desalination and, therefore, we capitalize on continued innovation in desalination technologies, brine reduction techniques, and new water demand management strategies. By integrating renewable energy in the production management of the water sector Al Taweelah Power Complex is an example we will improve security and accelerate the of how we are using the connection between transition to a green economy. water and energy as an opportunity to expected to grow to 30% by 2022 when the new Dh2bn RO desalination facility at the Al Taweelah Power Complex comes online. It will deliver a capacity of 200 million imperial gallons a day and it is important to note that 41MW of Solar PV will supply the project with electricity.

About the Author His Excellency Eng. Mohammad Juma Bin Jarsh Al Falasi is Undersecretary of the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE), a government body mandated to enable the UAE capital’s energy transition towards a more sustainable future. Considered by industry peers as a foremost authority in the power and water sectors, he has been instrumental in driving the DoE’s mandate and rolling out its vision to power Abu Dhabi’s economy, sustain its people and protect its environment.

He also serves on several boards such as the GCC Interconnection Authority, and the Water Treatment Committee of the Abu Dhabi Government. Al Falasi holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering sciences from the University of Colorado, Denver, USA with the distinction of being the first UAE electrical engineer considered an expert in managing electrical networks technically and economically.

He has more than 24 years’ experience incorporating leadership positions at TRANSCO, Emirates Water & ElectricityCompany, Abu Dhabi Distribution Company and DEWA.



THE ROLE OF WATER REUSE, RECYCLING AND DESALINATION IN ACHIEVING SDG6 By Mr. Graham Bateman, Chief Technical Officer, Hydro Industries Ltd., UK Predicted rates of global population growth combined with the anticipated impacts of climate change have been and will continue to be the driving force to develop ever more sustainable approaches to manage global water resources.

What is SDG6 and why is it so important?

SDG6 Target 6.4 calls for sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater: “By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity”.

Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) is The future of desalination one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals for highly developed established by the United Nations General economies is expected to be Assembly in 2015 to "ensure availability more like Singapore – desalt and sustainable management of water and seawater once but reuse it sanitation for all." The goal has eight targets several times. to be achieved by at least 2030, progress against which will be tracked by eleven global indicators. Two targets of particular relevance within the context of this article Many forecasts indicate that by the middle of this century half the world’s population are as follows: will live in a water stressed zone. The human SDG Target 6.3 directly calls for more water population is using more water than the water resources available globally. There recycling: “By 2030, improve water quality by often exists the notion that more water reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and can be extracted from our environment minimizing release of hazardous chemicals to meet demand. This is not the case. We and materials, halving the proportion of need to reduce the quantity of water being untreated wastewater and substantially consumed. If this cannot be achieved, the increasing recycling and safe reuse globally”. distribution of water will change. 21

To meet the current and future challenges in water (resource) management, the required actions can broadly be categorised under the following headings: ʞ  1. Conservation. ʞ  2. Reuse. ʞ  3. Desalination. In terms of dissolved solids, the following typical concentrations are a reminder of the relative energy requirements involved depending on the final water quality required. ʞ  Wastewater – 1000 mg/l ʞ  Seawater – 35,000 mg/l ʞ  Gulf seawater – ≥40,000 mg/l Water stressed locations tend to be those places where people want to live, often cities and often near the coast, resulting in hot-spots for potential reuse. Increased demand leads to an increased uptake in demand for reuse as part of the supply, as does climate change. The future of desalination for highly developed economies is expected to be more like Singapore – desalt seawater once but reuse it several times. As much of the world’s population lives in cities on or near the coast, using the sea as a truly sustainable base load water source makes sense, but it then becomes too valuable to dispose of, leading to water reuse. In Singapore, a lot of treated water is much more valuable to industry than the domestic customer because it is desalinated, i.e., much lower dissolved solids. This has helped fuel the significant growth in the industrial sector there. 22

There will be increased uptake of holistic water resource management, e.g., industrial and municipal link-ups will become regarded as win-win scenarios, the ‘logical’ course of action.

Water Reuse and Water Recycling

The terms water reuse and water recycling have often been used interchangeably and can mean different things to different people. To date, a lot of research has been carried out to gauge as well as influence public perception of these terms. When we think of what is included under this banner, it typically includes but is not necessarily limited to the following: ʞ  Domestic wastewater treatment and reuse/ ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ

recycle for non-potable. Domestic wastewater treatment and reuse/ recycle for potable. Greywater treatment and reuse/recycle for non-potable. Greywater treatment and reuse/recycle for potable. Rainwater treatment and reuse/recycle for non-potable. Rainwater treatment and reuse/recycle for potable. Industrial wastewater treatment and reuse/ recycle for non-potable.

Note: potable reuse/recycling can be direct or indirect. There is evidence to suggest that “reused water” has been perceived as a lower quality product than “recycled water”, shifting the move towards the greater adoption by governments, authorities, and water providers of the term “recycled water”.

Reuse has gained growing acceptance due to political practice and recognised professionalism. It is important to have recognised professional practice – reasonable and consistent consensus amongst professional practitioners. This has been an enabler for rapid adoption/ application from city level and broader community level, particularly in the US. There has been an exponential growth in successful reuse programmes and an increased rate of acceptance of this practice in the community.

and better manage the quality and quantity of water we use must be taken. To make more ambitious strides in this direction the significance of policy development and legislation cannot be understated.

A wealth of research challenging traditional approaches to obtaining sources of water in a more sustainable way has taken place in recent years. There have been novel approaches incorporating innovative technologies to recognised and generally accepted treatment trains as well as novel approaches to combining well-understood/ proven technologies in different Policy and Legislation Since the early pioneers of reuse from configurations to achieve demanding water Namibia, Singapore, Australia, and the USA or effluent quality standards much more in particular, the world is waking up to the sustainably. reality that much greater steps to conserve


Sustainable water supply, water emphasis on nutrient recovery from wastewater, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, reuse and desalination A significant opportunity to achieve sustainable supplies of both potable water and energy exists with the growth of solar-powered desalination. This is due to the reduction of production costs for both desalination and renewable energy systems in recent years. Achieving this goal will require a shift away from overdesigned, large desalination plants to smaller, decentralised plants. In addition, energy recovery from wastewater treatment facilities needs to become the norm rather than the exception, and we should expect to see an increased

and organic carbon.

The most significant advances in desalination technology (for brackish and potable reuse) in the near future will be in the sphere of the enhanced recovery technologies. These technologies will become increasingly common, both in terms of incorporation into new reverse osmosis (RO) facilities and as retrofits to existing desalination plants. Applications will be driven by either 1) the need for increased water production; and/or 2) the need to reduce concentrate volume.

About the Author Graham Bateman is a chartered desalination specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in desalination, reuse, water and wastewater treatment and industrial systems. With an extensive background in the municipal water industry, industrial effluent and international desalination consultancy, Graham’s technical and management roles to date have included periods in the Middle East, Australia, Europe, the US, Africa. and Asia. Motivated by delivering robust, cost-effective technical


solutions, he has a history of communicating with a wide range of stakeholders in order to influence the best strategic outcome. Graham is now leading the technical strategy of Hydro Industries Ltd, a UK-based water technology solutions provider.



INDUSTRY INNOVATIONS TO SOLVE WATER RECYCLING AND REUSE By Mr. Carlo Patteri and Mr. Jonathan Pressdee, Nanostone Water, Inc Water scarcity and degradation of water resources combined with increasingly more stringent environmental regulations are threatening the license to operate of industries worldwide. In many regions, decades of uncontrolled industrial development have resulted in pollution of conventional surface water and depletion of underground water resources. With population growth and hyper-urbanization, industries find themselves competing with people for potable water and are relying more and more on impaired water resources to sustain increasing industrial output. In particular, industrial operators are turning to unconventional sources like treated wastewater effluent from local municipalities as well as implementing tighter water management and reuse policies recycling water within plant operations. Economics often favor reuse and recycling over desalination and are subject to less permitting obstacles. Two primary sources of water supply can be considered to solve industry’s needs. In plant water recovery and the use of adjacent municipal wastewater supplies. With many industries the recovery of plant water can be

challenging due to the aggressive nature of particulate material and suspended solids. The development of new ceramic membrane filtration technology enables these waste streams, once problematic to treat, to be recovered reliably and economically.

At Nanostone Water we have applied our ceramic filtration technology to address these challenges at a major semiconductor manufacturing facility in East China. At Nanostone Water we have applied our ceramic filtration technology to address these challenges at a major semiconductor manufacturing facility in East China. This facility, focused on advanced large-scale integration assembly and testing, needed to expand and upgrade its wastewater management system’s capacity to meet new environmental regulations. The factory was treating several different wastewater streams and had experienced irreversible fouling and fiber breakage from abrasive solids, which damaged the polymeric 27

membranes. Excessive downtime caused the reuse system’s treatment capacity to drop 30-40% below the plant’s water requirements increasing demand for freshwater. After a successful pilot, the factory installed the CM-151 membrane systems which operates at a flux of 124 l/ m2.h with a limited footprint and a combined recovery rate greater than 95%. By investing in the new systems, the factory achieved reliable, stable operations with high quality permeate, reduced its dependence on freshwater, and lowered its disposal costs.

the PUF membrane and subsequent failure of their downstream reverse osmosis (RO) membrane, resulted in a treatment capacity that was below the plant requirements.

If we consider treatment of municipal derived wastewater microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), and reverse osmosis (RO) are the most common membrane technologies to recycle wastewater streams and provide the quality of water necessary for industrial processes such as boiler feed and ultra pure water supplies. Where implemented to treat municipal wastewater, In some applications, treatment of organic and biological active ceramic ultrafiltration waste is necessary. Most polymeric MF/ UF systems can provide the high-quality membranes have shown to treated water required to operate the RO be capable of treating system safely, provided that a sufficient industrial wastewater pre-treatment system is installed and directly, without a clarifier operated properly. However, in a growing for example, while delivering a stable permeate number of cases, systems are exhibit permeability loss and premature failure, due quality to the downstream to higher concentration of organic matter, RO. larger populations of microorganisms as well as other particulates. Downstream Another successful application to meet the RO performance is impacted, resulting in new Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD) regulations increasing chemical cleaning frequency and governing wastewater treatment, the replacement frequency. Xiaojihan Coal Mine, a member of the China Huadian Group, had to expand the capacity In these cases, ceramic ultrafiltration of its wastewater management system. The membranes have proven to several certain mine faced several issues with its existing advantages over polymeric membranes, wastewater treatment process, a submerged including less complex pretreatment polymeric ultrafiltration membrane system: requirements, an ability to handle a wider fouling had become a frequent issue, and range of incoming feed water quality the need to perform Clean-In-Place (CIP) had parameters, higher flux, better recoverability, increased to multiple times a week. That, as well as more robust and reliable operation. combined with frequent fiber breakage in In fact, in some applications, ceramic 28

by enabling the treatment and recovery of industrial and municipal waste streams. As we see greater innovation, increasing scale of manufacturing we can expect ceramic membrane filtration to be more widely adopted as a key strategy to recover Ceramic membrane filtration is creating valuable water. possibilities to solve our water challenges ultrafiltration membranes have shown to be capable of treating industrial wastewater directly, without a clarifier for example, while delivering a stable permeate quality to the downstream RO.

About the Authors

Carlo Patteri joined Nanostone in 2019 as Business Leader Industrial Water with the responsibility to set up and implement the sales strategy for industrial segments and grow the industrial water and wastewater business worldwide. He was previously Business Development Director for Veolia Water Technologies in South East Asia and Regional Manager APAC for Sofinter Group with over eighteen years experience in water/ wastewater treatment and industrial steam generation. Education background: Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and M.B.A.

Jonathan Pressdee joined Nanostone Water in 2020, with the responsibility of business development globally. He spent 30 years in water treatment industry, primarily in consulting and technology leadership roles. Jonathan has a wealth of knowledge of UF, electrodialysis, EDI, IX, advanced oxidation, and deep application expertise of seawater desalination, municipal drinking water, reuse and industrial process water wastewater.



WATER REUSE FOR ENSURING SUSTAINABILITY By Dr. Marcio Jose, CEO of Aquapolo Ambiental Water is the main reason for life on Earth and the most important natural resource for humanity. But it is a finite resource. Less than 3% of all Earth’s water is freshwater, and only about 1% is easily accessible and mainly replenished by precipitation – a vital component of the natural water cycle. The global use of water has increased six times over the last hundred years. It continues to grow steadily, at a rate of about 1% per year¹ due to the increasing population, economic development, and shifting consumption patterns, leading to tough competition for water, especially in areas with poor water availability. One study concluded that we could face a 40% global water deficit by 2030 if we keep living and working the way we have². Typically, the work to improve water availability is done on distribution losses and extracting additional volume from natural water sources, often distant and energy demanding. We in the water sector need to look sideways and see how other industries are recycling and reusing materials in a sustainable manner. Why not doing it to water? Water reuse is a safe and sustainable solution that can bring several direct and indirect benefits for its consumers and their communities or regions and the environment.

Strategically speaking, the great benefit of reuse water is the reduction of water extraction or the improvement of water availability in areas under stress and the contribution to minimizing climate change impact on water sources. According to the World Economic Forum, since 2014, extreme weather events have been high global risk in terms of likelihood, and water crises have been in the top five in terms of impact³. By reducing the demand and stress on freshwater sources while decreasing the amount of wastewater discharged on the nature, we are helping to recover the environment and consequently minimizing those risks.

Our reuse water helps many businesses, like petrochemicals, tire, copper, and aluminum companies, produce responsibly and reduce the impact of their operations on the environment. Another great benefit is in the quality of reuse water, which can be diverse, meaning it can be specified and produced according to its use and parameters needed, and based on the technology available or invested. This 1| 2| The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020


allows consumers to have one or more types of water suitable to all their uses and with different costs and tariffs. It does help to minimize some of the conflicts among the largest global water consumers – agriculture and industrial, including energy generation – and the municipal consumers.

In today’s circular economy, it is simply unacceptable to ignore the advantages of recycling and to reuse residual water or wastewater. By working with reuse water supply for industrial purposes – I run Aquapolo, Latin America’s largest water reuse enterprise – I am familiar with the benefits of reuse water for the industrial sector. Our reuse water helps many businesses, like petrochemicals, tire, copper, and aluminum companies, produce responsibly and reduce the impact of their operations on the environment. At the same time, these companies have lowered their maintenance costs due to reuse water quality, reducing personnel exposure to risks and consequently reducing their level of work accidents. Aquapolo’s customers also benefit from the positive image of their brands related to reuse water. Through sustainable production and by contributing to increase potable water availability in areas under heavy 3| The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020


water stress, they can comply with their ESG strategy and agenda. In fact, I believe the best way to generate value for our customers and ensure sustainability is through the ESG aspect of the business. Our customers are starting to see the great opportunities being offered by the financial market in green bonds or debt titles linked to sustainability goals. To access these instruments, they sure must change their speech and implement policies, actions, and targets related to water and sustainability not only on their sites but also on their communities while supporting the entire society. That is why I am so proud of Aquapolo’s

slogan: “Transform to Perpetuate”. It is the essence of sustainability, and a perfect example of the win-win situation only water reuse initiatives can provide. Governments, companies e people must understand the real value of water – a limited resource that suffers from pollution and over exploration, on top of the impact of climate changes. In today’s circular economy, it is simply unacceptable to ignore the advantages of recycling and to reuse residual water or wastewater. Humanity recycles so many different materials, and why are we so behind in recycling the most precious element for us?

About the Author Marcio José is passionate about environment York Institute of Finance, and is graduted in and sustainability. He’s been leading Aquapolo Business Management from Universidade through a strategic transformation based on Anhembi Morumbi. ESG principles and contributing to change people’s minds about water reuse in Brazil. Over the past 23 years, he has been leading businesses in Brazil and US, in the industries of water reuse, defense, petrochemicals and capital goods. Marcio holds a Executive MBA from Saint Paul Business School and New



LIVING WITH EIGHT DECADES OF PFAS CONTAMINATION - ― WHAT IS KNOWN AND WHAT IS UNKNOWN By Dr. Mohamed Ateia, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University The recent estimates suggest that 5000–9000 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are already in the market taking many forms as varied as clothing, furniture, adhesives, food packaging, heat-resistant non-stick cooking surfaces, electronic devices, batteries and firefighting foam for combating high-hazard flammable liquid fires. PFAS – such as PFOA, PFOS, GenX – are practically unreactive, non-biodegradable, and incredibly resistant to extreme heat which put them among the most persistent toxic compounds in existence. Within just eight decades since their first production, PFAS have entered our food chain, water sources, and even our atmosphere – they are found in the blood of virtually everyone on Earth, including newborn babies. They will not change the color or odor of your drinking water, but many tap and bottled water sources are contaminated with varying concentrations of PFAS. In the US alone, more than 200 million Americans could have the toxic PFAS in their drinking water at a concentration of 1–10 part per trillion (ppt) or higher as studied

by scientists at the Environmental Working Group. The past decade has witnessed an increased attention and research activities on PFAS regarding their monitoring, treatment, and regulation. MONITORING: PFAS are everywhere around us. We almost always find them whenever we look for PFAS contamination. Studies have estimated that PFAS such as perfluoroalkanes have lifetimes in the thousands of years. Thus, PFAS will be present in the environment for centuries or longer, even if environmental releases cease today. Historically, the inability of achieving precise determination of PFAS from environmental samples have been due to the lack of isotopically labeled standards and the requirement of sensitive instruments to detect extremely low/trace concentrations (ppt levels). The exposure to PFAS occurs in complex mixtures of multiple PFAS, but fewer than 50 individual PFAS (often fewer than 10) are commonly measured in environmental media. Not long ago, new analytical methods show 35

promise for more comprehensive screening of many known PFAS and measuring total fluorine or organofluorine. To cope with the dynamic industrial production of various PFAS, the researchers need quick adoption of monitoring programs and analytical techniques that should cover those emerging compounds.

Removing PFAS from water and ultimately degrading them into products that lack carbon-fluorine bonds will be important for decontaminating our water resources. TREATMENT: PFAS have physicochemical attributes that challenge removing or degrading them in any aqueous environment. Their polar head groups make PFAS highly water soluble and nonvolatile, and their carbon–fluorine bonds confer environmental persistence. Currently, activated carbon and single-use ion exchange resins are the most used sorbents to remove PFAS from water. Yet these conventional sorbents have critical deficiencies, such as low affinity toward short-chain PFAS, and are impacted by background organic and inorganic constituents. The recent advancements in the development of PFAS-selective adsorbents now offer the possibility of short- and long-chain PFAS treatment using regenerable sorbents such as cyclodextrin polymers and amine-functionalized materials. However, current available data 36

the treatment of PFAS-impacted waters will necessitate a treatment train approach. Such tandem-mode setups would consist of a separation step (e.g., adsorption or nanofiltration) followed by a destruction process applied to the adsorbents, retentate, and/or regeneration solutions. In addition, most public and regulatory attentions have so far focused on anionic PFAS with carboxylate or sulfonate polar groups, but zwitterionic and cationic polar groups are also found among PFAS. These emerging classes of PFAS requires more detailed studies to ensure the removal of the whole ‘PFAS class’ from our waters. Removing PFAS from water and ultimately degrading them into products that lack carbon-fluorine bonds will be important for decontaminating our water resources. REGULATIONS: Due to their extremely recalcitrant nature and potential bioaccumulation and toxicity, exposure to PFAS may result in adverse health outcomes in humans and wildlife. A large number of studies have examined possible relationships between levels of PFAS in blood and harmful health effects in people. Very low doses of PFAS chemicals in drinking water have been linked to suppression of the immune system and are associated with an elevated risk of cancer and reproductive and developmental harms, among other serious health concern. However, not all of these studies involved the same groups of people, the same type of exposure, or the same PFAS. These different studies therefore reported a variety of health outcomes. Humans and animals react differently to PFAS, and not all effects

observed in animals may occur in humans and vice versa. Additional research may change our understanding of the relationship between exposure to PFAS and human health effects. Yet, our current knowledge show the need to develop sufficiently protective regulations. The United Kingdom and the European Union have introduced drinking water guidelines at parts-per-billion levels for PFOS/PFOA and an annual average environmental quality standard for PFOS, respectively. In the US, the absence of an enforceable federal PFAS drinking water

standard has embarked at least eight states to pursue more stringent standards than the combined 70 parts-per-trillion advisory level set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) for PFOS and PFOA. Recently, scientists are calling for regulating and managing PFAS as a ‘single class’ to replace the current chemical-by-chemical approach. The target is to minimize the exposure to PFAS by combining regulations with elimination of non-essential uses of PFAS and the development of safer alternatives.

About the Author Mohamed Ateia will be Environmental Engineer and Group Leader with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) as of August 2021. He is focusing on PFAS treatment at the Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER), Cincinnati, OH. Dr. Ateia is currently a Research Associate at the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University. Prior to joining Northwestern University, Dr. Ateia studied in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, then he completed a postdoctoral training at Clemson University. Dr. Ateia’s research targets the development of new materials and techniques

to adsorb and/or degrade emerging water pollutants (e.g. PFAS, DBPs, PPCPs, illicit drugs) as well as the mobility of new classes of contaminants in the environment (e.g. microplastics). His research at the EPA’s Office of Research and Development will target the removal of micropollutants (mostly PFAS) and the assessment of various separation and destruction technologies from lab-scale to Superfund sites.





Dear Colleagues, Once again we offer you the favorite papers of five veterans of our community. That brings our total to 15, enough to lure us into looking for patterns. But these are hard to spot. The dates ranged from 1966 to 2012, with a bulge in the decade 1980-1989. Sources included regular papers published in journals, papers delivered at conferences, a chapter from an edited book, and even a patent! Only two names (R. S. Silver and H. Lonsdale) appear more than once as author or co-author. Clearly these 15 veterans have read broadly! So there you have it. For the Fall issue of Connections we will shift gears and offer the favorite papers of five of today’s younger hot-shots. This should be interesting! We do need your help however. To date we have received virtually no feed-back on this little project. Are we really just projecting into a black hole? Should we continue this column? How can we make it better? Any actionable advice would be most welcome. Sincerely, Jim Birkett

Dr. Jim Birkett,


Favorite Papers

Energy Issues in Desalination Processes By Raphael Semiat* Rabin Desalination Laboratory, Grand Water Research Institute, Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel VOL. 42, NO. 22, 2008 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Nominated by: Dr. Vasu Veerapaneni


am nominating this paper (and some of the references within this paper) because of the importance of energy consumption in desalination processes and the general misconceptions associated with it. It is not uncommon to read about a researcher’s press brief release a new highly permeable membrane has been developed and it can reduce the energy consumption of seawater desalination by more than 50%.


In this paper, the author first discusses the work required to separate salt from water based on thermodynamics and using van’t Hoff’s equation . Based on this evaluation, the author shows that the minimum energy required for desalination, by any method, is around 1.09 kWh/m3 at 50% recovery for a saline solution with 3.5% salt content. Then, the authors discusses the energy required for currently available technologies -specifically membrane based (reverse osmosis) and thermal processes (multi stage and multiple effect). Most publications present energy required

for RO plants as electrical energy and those required for thermal plants as steam, often making a direct comparison difficult. This is perhaps one of the few papers that discusses the electrical energy required for pumping water in thermal plants (which is considerable; for example, up to 2 kWh/m3 for MED), and the penalty for loss of energy production, as some thermal energy is used for water production. The author then discusses some of the “newer” technologies from energy consumption view point. The author discusses the inherent inefficiency of the humidification/dehumidification and why the energy requirement is more than 800 kWh/m3. And another primary drawback is the extremely large footprint, primarily due to the fact that the heat transfer coefficient of the condensing vapor from air is much lower than for pure water. The author discusses forward osmosis and why its energy consumption (both


Favorite Papers

theoretical and actual) will be higher compared to what was being considered at that time for the draw solution in the process. The author also discusses membrane distillation, which again depends on evaporation that requires 650 kWh/m3 and why energy reuse must be extremely high to lower the energy consumption. The lower heat transfer coefficient also results in larger footprint. Finally, the author presents a table that shows 1 to 2 kg of water can be

produced from 1 kg of various fuels and how this is much less than other energy suages. For example, the energy consumed to produce 1m3 of water from seawater can drive a car only 2 to 10 km or operate the air conditioner in a small room for 1.4 hours. Calculated differently, the energy required to produce water for a typical family is 3.2% of the total energy required for that family. This is a perspective that I have not seen before. 1| J.H. van't Hoff, "The Role of Osmotic Pressure in the Analogy between Solutions and Gases", Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, vol 1, pp. 481-508 (1887)

About the Nominator

Vasu Veerapaneni has a B.S from Kakatiya University, India, M.S and Ph.D. from Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. He has more than 30 years’ experience in water industry. He is currently Global Practice Technology Leader for Black & Veatch in advanced


water treatment, including reuse, desalination and concentrate management. He has worked previously at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CEREGE at Aix en Provence, and as private consultant. He is a licensed professional engineer in the USA.


Favorite Papers

For Want of a Nail By Silver, R. S Desalination, 1979, 31, 39, 44. Nominated by: Eng. Kevin Price


t is not often that the clarity of someone’s writing keeps coming back to haunt you throughout your career. Professor Bob Silver wrote “For Want of a Nail” in 1979. Whenever I refresh my thinking, I pull it out (along with IDA’s “Desalination at a Glance”). Why do I keep coming back? Have you ever answered someone’s desalination question with, “it depends…” followed by lots of words?


Professor Silver was a Scotsman proud of his language and a prolific writer to the newspapers, as well as a successful poet and playwright. He also had significant industrial experience culminating in his appointment to the James Watt Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Thermodynamics at Glasgow University. He has been credited as the father of the modern desalination industry for his practical application and theoretical explanation of MSF, significantly improving energy efficiency and process size. The small things in desalination can be reflected in a 13th century proverb:

For want of a nail the shoe was lost; For want of a shoe the horse was lost; For want of a horse the battle was lost; For the failure of the battle the kingdom was lost---All for the want of a horse-shoe nail. Desalination is defined by the small things, which requires a surprising amount of interdisciplinary work (including finance and politics). “One might consider the distillation process would be dominated by the physics and engineering of heat and mass transfer arrangements, it has not in practice worked out like that at all.” All that knowledge is useless if scale forms. It was up to the chemists, dealing with only 0.1% of the materials in the process. “It was burnt in on the souls of those of us in a previous generation who had to hammer and chisel off grotesque chunks of scale from submerged tubes.” While his work underlaid the first generation of desalination technology, he foreshadowed what was to come. “I say this is salutary for the future also because I think it is quite certain that the chemical preparation of seawater 45

Favorite Papers [or other impaired sources] for any method of desalination, including membrane processes, will continue to be a demanding feature.” He also pointed out that thermodynamically “…whatever irreversibilities do occur have a very great effect on the result. This is true not only in distillation but runs through the whole desalination field.” Ultimately, “the production of fresh water from sea water or other contami-

nated water when seen against all the vast and varied industrial activity of the modern world may seem a small thing. But unless it is provided it could prove to be the nail for lack of which the whole battle of civilization might be lost, even if we solve the energy supply situation.” Please take a look at the full paper. I’ve just scratched the surface of the importance of the small things in desalination.

About the Nominator

Kevin Price started his career in the early 1980’s studying ultrafiltration pretreatment for the world’s largest reverse osmosis membrane desalination facility in Yuma, AZ. He spent a 30-year career with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as a researcher, later managing water treatment engineering and research, and retiring as the coordinator of the Advanced Water Treatment Research Program. He has been a strong advocate for research and innovation including service on the boards of the IDA and AMTA, on 46

the WateReuse Research Foundation’s Research Advisory Committee, on NWRI’s Research Advisory Board, on the steering committee for the WHO Guidance Document on Desalination for a Safe Water Supply, and working with European, Middle Eastern, North African, and Asian countries. He is currently the Senior S&T Advisor for the Middle East Desalination Research Center and sits on the Industrial Advisory Board for the National Alliance for Water Innovation.


Favorite Papers

Applying Advanced Membrane Technology for Orange County’s Water Reuse By Joanne Daugherty, Kevin Alexander, Don Cutler, Mehul Patel and Shivaji Deshmukh Daugherty, J., et al. "Applying advanced membrane technology for Orange County’s water reuse treatment facilities." Proceedings of the AWWA Membrane Technology Conference. 2005. Nominated by: Dr. Craig Bartels


have nominated this article due to the historic impact of the development, demonstration, and implementation of an advanced treatment process to reclaim municipal wastewater for indirect potable reuse (IPR). Many articles were published by the team at the Orange County Water District (OCWD), starting with work in the mid 1970’s at Water Factory 21. The original concept of this plant was to make 5 million gallons per day (mgd, or 18,900 m3/d) of RO water and blend with 10 mgd of other reclaimed wastewater to inject into the local aquifer to minimize seawater intrusion. At that time, the treatment scheme was much different from that of today’s wastewater treatment processes. The original plant used lime clarification followed by multi-media filters prior to the RO treatment. Although, this scheme was serviceable, the RO membranes suffered heavy fouling and relatively short life.


This treatment scheme would ultimately be replaced by a micro/ultrafiltration (MF/UF) pretreatment and

ultra-low-pressure RO membranes, which is the normal process used worldwide today. This paper by Daugherty et al. documents the development work that was done by the team at Orange County and its various vendors and consultants that ultimately showed that secondary wastewater could be treated by a simple MF/UF process followed by RO, ultraviolet (UV) light and peroxide addition for IPR. This Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) would be the heart of the Ground Water Replenishment (GWR) plant at the same site in Orange County. The high quality water would be injected into the underground aquifer for IPR. I remember visiting this demonstration plant early in my career and was so impressed that they could treat such a difficult and variable feedwater to produce high quality product water with such consistent performance. Still, it was difficult to imagine this 5 mgd plant turning into a 70 mgd (265,000 m3/d) plant and eventually expanding to the final 130 mgd (492,000 m3/d). Neither could I imagine how this technology would spread to other wastewater


Favorite Papers

plants in the USA and eventually to Singapore, Australia and many other countries. This paper provided detailed design information for the MF and the RO systems. The Phase 1 plant utilized the Memcor polypropylene 0.2 µm submerged MF membrane, which produced a filtrate with SDI less than 3; this was a huge improvement for the RO feedwater. The MF was designed to produce 87.5 mgd (331 m3/d) of filtered water and operated at 19.3 gfd (32.7 lmh). They pilot tested many different UF/MF membranes at the demonstration facility, which was a prerequisite to be considered for the 70 mgd plant. Likewise, they tested many RO membranes at the demonstration facility. Again, only RO membranes that were successfully pilot tested were to be considered for the GWR plant. Three vendors of low-pressure RO membranes were ultimately tested and qualified. The GWR 5 mgd Phase 1 plant operated at set conditions during 2004 to demonstrate that the process was reliable and suitable for the 70 mgd plant.


The operation of the plant showed that the dosing of chlorine to form chloramines adequately controlled biofouling of the RO, and the MF membranes produced a low turbidity feedwater which minimized colloidal fouling of the RO. The operation data did show that the RO still fouled and lost 30-50% of the permeability; however, this eventually stabilized for some membranes and did not drop further. This was later attributed to the dissolved organics which adsorb on the RO membrane surface, but do not build up further. The paper presented much detailed information about ion rejections, but also the permeate concentration of many micropollutants, demonstrating feasibility for IPR. Finally, the 70 mgd plant started to operation in 2007. The first set of RO membranes lasted 7-8 years, exceeding expectations. I had the opportunity to visit this plant shortly after it began operation and had the privilege to drink a glass of water from the product stream. It tasted great!

About the Nominator

Craig Bartels has a BS in Chemistry from Baylor University and a PhD from Northwestern University in Material Science. Since entering industry, he has over 37 years of experience in all facets of membrane technology, both application and development. He has previous-

ly held technical and management positions at Texaco Inc, Fluid Systems, and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. He currently holds the position of VP of Technology at Hydranautics, a Nitto Denko Group Company.


Favorite Papers

Yuma Desalting Plant Design By Mr. Ivyl G. Taylor and Mr. Lorentz A. Haugseth Presented at “First Desalination Congress of the American Continent”, Mexico City, October 24 – 29, 1976. Nominated by: Mr. Randy Truby


he Yuma Desalting Plant in Yuma Arizona is one of the largest desalination systems of any type ever built. In October of 1976 Mr. Ivyl Taylor of the US Government Bureau of Reclamation (BuRec) presented a rigorous paper describing the evolution of the decision to design and build the plant and the rational followed by BuRec.


This Yuma Desalting plant is a landmark installation, and its significance was clearly described in the paper: “The total worldwide desalting capacity as of January 1, 1976, is 526 MGD. Of this total 78 MGD was RO (reverse osmosis) and ED (electrodialysis) processes. The Yuma plant, with a production output of 108 MGD will represent a 133% increase in membrane plant desalting and a 20% increase in world desalting production. The largest ED plant is located in Benghazi, Libya, and has a capacity of 5.07 MGD. The largest RO plant is in Japan and has a capacity of 4.65 MGD.” (1)

In the paper Mr. Taylor explained that the BuRec bid documents stated that a minimum segment procured from a single offeror would be 20 MGD. BuRec also indicated they would consider a minimum of two and a maximum of three processes. Lastly a minimum of two and maximum of three manufacturers was deemed reasonable. Just to add some perspective one 20 MGD contract would be four times larger than any RO or ED system ever built at the time. The driver for building the Yuma Desalting Plant was a treaty signed by U. S. President Nixon and Mexican President Escheverria in 1970 following the recommendations of the Brownell Commission. The treaty required the US to reduce the salt content of the Colorado River before it entered Mexico at Mexicali. The measurement point was the historical water quality of the Colorado River at the Parker Dam in Arizona. BuRec organized the tender and to this day continues to administer the plant.


Favorite Papers In early 1974 prospective bidders conducted pilot studies on the Colorado River under the supervision of BuRec. Competing technologies were tested including three spiral RO modules (Fluid Systems, Hydranautics/Desalination, Systems and Envirogenics), three Hollow Fine Fiber (HFF) RO devices (Dowex, Dupont Permeators, and Toyobo), and two electrodialysis designs (ionics and Asahi). The testing was extensive and continued through 1978. Conventional wisdom believed that no sole bidder would be awarded more than one 20 MGD segment and that at least one spiral wound RO, one HFF RO, and one electrodialysis membrane would be selected. Mr. Taylor described the overall process to be used to meet the Treaty obligation and the years of testing at the site that BuRec was continuing to operate. The costs and problems anticipated were also described in detail. Two complicated issues required foresight and ingenuity to resolve: First the concentrate from the membrane desalination system would be in excess of 10MGD and over 20,000 mg/L TDS. Discharge of this concentrate required the Governments of Mexico and the USA to create a concrete lined drainage canal extending from the US side of the border near Yuma through 54

Mexico to the Sea of Cortez. Mr. Taylor described this drainage canal in detail. Second the energy consumption was significant, and Mr. Taylor provided an exhaustive analysis. The RO membranes in 1976 operated at 400 to 600 psi and thus BuRec included an energy recovery system in a separate building from the main pump room. This energy recovery section was novel at the time and clearly paved the way for the SWRO energy recovery systems that followed. The Yuma Desalting Plant was finished and commissioned in the 1990’s but was never put into full scale operation. The US Government diverted high salt content water from the Wellton Mohawk discharge canals away from the Colorado River and thus the salinity of the River met the treaty standards. The high salinity Wellton Mohawk drainage was transported to the Sea of Cortez in the drainage canal originally designed to handle the RO concentrate. The key significance of the Yuma Desalting plant was the implied endorsement by the US Government that mega membrane desalination systems were reliable and could produce the quality water needed in many applications. Mr. Ivyl Taylor’s paper told the global community membrane desalination had arrived. Four plus decades later the reality of that endorsement is evident.

About the Nominator

Randy Truby has been a professional in the water treatment and membrane desalination industry since January 1969 when he joined Reverse Osmosis General Atomic (ROGA) as a Research Assistant. He currently operates R L Truby & Associates providing consulting and mentoring services. Mr. Truby has been involved in the manufacture of reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and microfiltration membranes and systems for over 50 years. Mr. Truby is a Past President of the International Desalination Association

(1993-1995). He is also a past Vice President of the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA). Mr. Truby served as Chairman of the Board for the Affordable Desalination Collaboration (ADC). He has been inducted into the Hall of Fame for AMTA, and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Maritime Alliance. Mr. Truby has authored over 65 presentations on membrane desalination, water treatment technology and water market development. He appeared on the PBS television desalination documentary “By the Year 2000” and has been featured in Fast Company Magazine.


Favorite Papers

The Growth of Membrane Technology By Lonsdale, H. K, Journal of Membrane Science, 10, pp 81-181, Elsevier Scientific Publishing, Amsterdam, (1982) Nominated by: Dr. Jim Birkett


hen I first sought a favorite paper, I immediately thought of any of the papers of the late Professor R.S. Silver of Glasgow, the best wordsmith our trade has ever known. But no, however much I might admire them and him, they did not relate directly to my work. I then considered the work of Professor Barnett Dodge of Yale whose papers in the early 1960s outlined and quantified the minimum energy of desalination and which I have frequently quoted. No, not one of those either. But then I thought of desalination history, my long-time love and specialization. The choice was obvious. Harry Lonsdale’s classic paper on the growth of membrane technology won hands down.


Lonsdale’s paper concludes in 1980; its focus is on the rich development period of 1950 to 1980. (He does however

include an excellent but brief (4 page) overview of membrane work prior to 1950.) Lonsdale casts his net wide. Included are not just membranes used in separations but in other applications as well. Specifically, he gives important development in microfiltration (MF). Ultrafiltration (UF), reverse osmosis (RO), dialysis (D), hemodialysis, electrodialysis (ED), and gas separation membranes (including air-splitting and industrial membranes and artificial lungs). In addition he touches upon membranes in ion-specific electrodes and controlled-release medical devices. To me, the best portion is that discussing the emergence of microfiltration after (and because of) World War II and its role in the birth of such firms as Millipore, Gelman, Sartorius, Amicon and many others. I also recommend the section on gas


Favorite Papers

separation membranes, a field which nearly wooed me away from desalination (but that is another story). For each topic Lonsdale delivers adequate detail so that the reader can understand the challenges and technical advances to overcome them. Each such “story” stands alone in its own right. However for the reader who wants more there is a 429 entry, 25 page bibliogra-

phy which is a treasure trove of fascinating detail and supporting references. I heartedly recommend this paper to anyone considering him (or her) self to be a professional in membrane separations (any technology). It is also, as they say, “a good read”.

About the Nominator

Jim Birkett received his A.B. degree from Bowdoin college and his M.S. and PhD. degrees in physical chemistry, from Yale University. He draws upon his more than 50 years of experience in the study of desalination, advanced water treatment, and membrane separation industries and technologies. He has worked frequently and effectively providing specific industry and technology support in strategic planning 58

exercises, competitive analysis and in evaluating the commercial viability of new processes and process modifications. He is a member of numerous scientific and technical societies and is a past Director and President of the International Desalination Association (IDA). In recent years he has devoted much of his time to researching and publishing the early history of desalination and its applications.





We invite you to view a series of short videos from members of our community.

The program aims to share knowledge on essential topics in desalination, water reuse, recycling, and relevant Energy solutions. These talks present a dynamic way for Members and stakeholders to interact with the IDA community and a global audience. We invite stakeholders from different sectors of our industry to talk about research and innovation, pro j ec t develo p ment, finance, legal frame-works, operations and maintenance, incorporation of renewable energy, and many more topics through short recordings of up to 3-5 minutes. If you would like to share your knowledge, please contact


Ms. Shannon McCarthy

Eng. Carlos Cosin

Eng. Elena de la Vieja Molina

Eng. Sergio Iorio

Secretary General, IDA March 10, 2021 Topic: Sharing Knowledge on Water Solutions - IDA Talks Watch the video

Commercialization Director Aqua Advise April 22, 2021 Topic: Subsea Desalination Watch the video

President, IDA and CEO of Almar Water Solutions March 17, 2021 Topic: The New Water Era Watch the video

CEO of Italmatch April 22, 2021 Topic: CEO Point of View on Challenges and Opportunities in Desalination Watch the video

Prof. John H. Lienhard V

Dr. Ahmad S. Al-Amoudi

Mr. Devesh Sharma

Dr. Jim Birkett

Eng. Alicia Perez-Ballester

Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli

Dr. Guillermo Zaragoza

Dr. Marcio José

Dr. Mohamad Amin Saad

ALJ Professor of Water & Mechanical Engineering at MIT and Officer of the IDA Board serving as Dean of the IDA Academy March 24, 2021 Topic: Meeting Water Sustainability Challenges Watch the video

Former IDA President, Member of IDA Honorary Council May 5, 2021 Topic: Beneath the Timeline: An Early Decade Watch the video

Head of Solar Thermal Applications R&D at PSA (CIEMAT) May 26, 2021 Topic: Renewable Energy and Desalination Watch the video

President, Desalination Technology Research Institute (DTRI) of SWCC March 31, 2021 Topic: Non-conventional Methods of Water Production to Secure Supply Watch the video

Head of Automation and Control Department Acciona Agua May 12, 2021 Topic: Digitalization of Water Assets Watch the video

CEO of Aquapolo Ambiental S.A.

Jun 2, 2021 Topic: Topic: Water Reuse in Latin America Watch the video

IDA First Vice President and Managing Director, Aquatech International April 14, 2021 Topic: Industrial Water Watch the video

Member of the IDA Honorary Council and Independent Consultant May 19, 2021 Topic: The Post Treatment of Desalinated Water Watch the video

President, Principal Consultant & Trainer, MASAR Technologies Jun 9, 2021 Topic: Topic: Training Desalination Operators

Watch the video



#IDAWRR2021 64

IDA WATER REUSE AND RECYCLING CONFERENCE: MAKE EVERY DROP COUNT! Join stakeholders and industry professionals for IDA’s 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference to present cutting-edge solutions, develop business opportunities, grow your network, and most importantly, learn how together we can make every drop count.

The International Desalination Association invites you to be part of this vision. Join the Association in a global collaborative effort to implement best practices surrounding water reuse and recycling, taking into account governmental policies, financial challenges, innovative technologies, and cutting-edge research, so that we can create a future The International Water Reuse and Recycling where every drop counts. Conference raises one of the most important questions for the water sector: how can we REGISTER NOW make every drop count – and how can make You must be a registered delegate to gain every drop count starting today? With a access to the Conference. Registration limited number of natural resources, a rapidly includes entrance to all IDA activities changing climate, and a growing demand for including the Welcome Reception, Plenary fresh water, the urgency of these questions Session, Panel and Technical Session, is undeniable. It is time for our sector to meet Lunches, and the Closing Award Ceremony. the future with a new vision for sustainability, Space is limited so register now, before the using the industry’s brightest minds, best conference sells out! For all other information, please contact: research, and strongest leaders. Call for Papers is Now Closed


COMPLETE YOUR NOMINATION TODAY! The nomination period concludes September 1, 2021. Any questions can be addressed to

2021 WATER REUSE AND CONSERVATION AWARDS Deadline to make a nomination is 1 September 2021. At the 2021 Water Reuse and Recycling Conference, IDA will confer the prestigious Water Reuse and Conservation Awards to three outstanding individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional performance and contributions to the field.

Outstanding Professional in Water Reuse and Conservation Presented in recognition of exceptional contributions to the development and implementation of landmark water reuse projects; and the advancement of technology and applied science in water reuse and conservation.

Exceptional Utility Leader in Water Reuse and Conservation Presented In recognition of outstanding performance of public and private utilities that have implemented successful leading-edge water reuse and conservation programs and projects.

Industry Technology and Innovation in Water Reuse and Conservation Presented to recognize the outstanding performance of technology and equipment providers that have achieved disruptive advances in water reuse and conservation technology allowing for significant reduction in energy use, carbon footprint, and costs of alternative water supplies.

Meet the Water Reuse and Conservation Awards Committee

Dr. Jim Birkett

Former IDA President and Member of the IDA Honorary Council


Professor Maria Kennedy Professor, UNESCO-IHE

Professor Seungkwan Hong

Professor, Korea University

Hon. Fatma Awale

Former Minister of Water, Mombasa, and IDA Board Member

Prof. George Tchobanoglous

Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis

IDA 2021 Water Reuse and Recycling Conference Sponsors Platinum Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Lunch Sponsor

Memo Book Sponsor

Strategic Partners

Media Partners

To learn more about the conference and take advantage of early registration rates, please visit the IDA 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference website.




Upcoming Events IDA-SWCC-DTRI

IDA ANNOUNCES FEBRUARY 7-9, 2022 AS NEW DATES FOR THE SPECIALTY CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN DESALINATION To be held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia The International Desalination Association, Desalination Technology Research Institute (DTRI) and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) announce new dates for the upcoming 3-day Specialty Conference on Innovation in Desalination will be February 7-9, 2022, held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This premier event focuses on the latest achievements in science and technology of desalination and provides a forum for incubation and exchange of ideas aiming to propel innovation, creativity and disruptive advancements in this rapidly growing field. The conference will be organized in morning and afternoon sessions with two parallel tracks. The first and half of the second day of this Specialty Conference will include presentations by well-renowned international keynote speakers which will provide an overview of the latest developments in key desalination industry topic areas, of recent scientific and technology breakthroughs, and of new trends aiming at breaking the cost and energy barriers of desalination.

IDA-SWCC-DTRI Upcoming Events

The afternoon of the second day of the conference will include a visit to SWCC desalination and technology demonstration facilities showcasing a number of innovative technologies of the DTRI of SWCC that were recently developed inhouse or created in partnership with key industry partners such as Hydranautics, FEDCO, Toyobo, Waterise, Fluid Technology Solutions, ERI, Pacifica Water Systems, and the University of California Los Angeles. Some of the new technologies that will be demonstrated for the first time in public during the site visit include: full-scale underwater desalination unit operating on seawater column pressure; energy recovery system with efficiency of over 98.5% with design that eliminates the need for brine booster pump; SWRO membranes with rejection of 99.93% and superior productivity which contain chemically induced nano-structures; membranes that achieve salinity of 250 ppt in two-stage low pressure brine concentration system; clean-in-place system (CIP) for cartridge filters, and a number of other inventions.



THE CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS NOW CLOSES ON DECEMBER 1, 2021 Technical Program Topics include: ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ  ʞ

Innovative Technologies for Breaking the Cost and Energy Barriers of Desalination Advances in Membrane Science and Technology Latest Developments in High Recovery Desalination Renewable Energy Driven Desalination Systems Latest Generation Energy Recovery Equipment and Systems Novelties in Seawater Pretreatment and Post-treatment Brine Concentrate Management, Ocean Mining and ZLD Innovations Out-of-the-Box Emerging Desalination Technologies Digitalization of Desalination Road-mapping of the Future of Desalination Technology

*Accepted Technical papers may also be considered for the IDA WC 2022 Technical Program. To submit your extended abstract visit here. Shortlisted authors will be notified by December 15, 2021, with full papers due by January 10, 2022. Final ppt presentations are due by January 20, 2022. For questions regarding this conference, please contact

Submit your Extended Abstract here

US$10,000 Premier Best Paper


US$5,000 Best Paper

Upcoming Events IDA-SWCC-DTRI

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Conference Chairman: Dr. Ahmad S. Al-Amoudi, President Conference Technical Program Committee Chairman: Mr. Nikolay Voutchkov, Senior Expert Conference Technical Program Committee: Dr. Christopher Fellows, Senior Expert Mr. Fritz Alt, Senior Expert

Register to Attend

Dr. Basel Al Sharkh, Senior Expert Dr. Seungwon Ihm, Senior Expert Dr. Young Yoo, Senior Expert Mr. Borja Blanco, CEO, Aqua Advise, Spain Mr. Devesh Sharma, Managing Director, Aquatech, USA

Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Strategic Development, Suez, France Mr. Silvio Oliva, Chief Executive Officer Fisia Italimpianti S.p.A., Italy Mr. Victor Verbeek, General Manager for Australia & New Zealand Regional, Toray Membrane Dr. Domingo Zarzo, Technical and R&D Manager, Sacyr Water, Spain

BECOME A SPONSOR Platinum US$ 100,000

Gold US$ 50,000

Includes 12 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Includes 8 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Silver US$ 25,000

Bronze US$ 10,000

Includes 5 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Includes 3 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

IDA-SWCC-DTRI Upcoming Events




Upcoming Events IDA-SWCC-DTRI

IDA ANNOUNCES MARCH 21-23, 2022 AS NEW DATES FOR THE SPECIALTY CONFERENCE ON OCEAN BRINE CONCENTRATE MINING FOR DESALINATION To be held at the Le Meridien Hotel, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia The International Desalination Association is in partnership with the renowned Desalination Technology Research Institute (DTRI) and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) announce March 21-23, 2022 as new dates for the 3-day Specialty Conference on Ocean Brine Mining for Desalination, to be held at the Le Meridien Hotel, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Jointly organized by the IDA and DTRI of SWCC, under the patronage of the Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this specialty conference is a forum for technical experts, scientists, applied researchers, practitioners, and innovators. The aim is to share their latest technologies and experience in brine concentration extraction of valuable minerals. Brine mining is trailblazing a new desalination industry path of Zero Discharge & Cost (ZD&C) desalination. This landmark event aims to capture a new industry trend of turning brine generated by desalination plants from a waste product into a sustainable and valuable alternative

IDA-SWCC-DTRI Upcoming Events

source of minerals currently obtained by terrestrial mining. “Our vision for the future of the desalination industry is to harness the value contained in seawater brine and to use it for subsidizing the production of desalinated water, thereby transforming desalination into the lowest cost freshwater production technology in the world,” said H.E. Abdullah Al-Abdul Kareem, Governor of Saline Water Conversion Corporation. The conference will provide a unique forum to experts and innovators in this new and promising field to share their knowledge and experience on leading-edge technologies that convert cost-effectively brine into mineral products and extract rare metals of strategic importance for advanced industries, including lithium, cesium, rubidium, barium. The conference’s Day 1 Program is entitled “Technologies for Brine Concentration and Zero Liquid Discharge.” It explores themes such as State of the Art of Thermal Brine Concentration, Brine Concentration for 73

Harvesting of Minerals, and The Future of Brine Concentration – Next Generation Technologies. Day 2, “Technologies for Mining of Minerals and Metals from Brine,” focuses on state-of-the-art of brine extraction technologies. Day 3 has a session on “Case Studies for Desalination Brine Mining” showcasing projects for successful brine mining, an Expert Forum on “Brine Mining Challenges and Solutions,” and a visit to the SWCC Brine Mining Research Facility in Jubail and the 320,000 m3/day Ras Al Khair desalination plant.

“The question of Ocean Brine Concentrate Mining continues to be key in developing a sustainable future, and the IDA applauds the Saline Water Conversion Corporation for taking a lead role on this important subject,” said Ms. Shannon McCarthy, IDA Secretary General.


Technical Program Topics include: The conference will have four types of sponsors – Platinum – US$100,000; Gold – ʞ  State of the Art of Thermal Brine US$50,000; Silver – US$25,000; Bronze – Concentration US$10,000. ʞ  Advanced Technologies for Membrane Brine Concentration SWCC/DTRI will select and sponsor Best ʞ  Non-thermal & Non-membrane Brine Paper Awards. The awards will be as follows: Concentration Technologies Premier Best Paper and Best Paper. The ʞ  Brine Concentration for Harvesting of Premier Best Paper will reward the recipient Minerals US$10,000, and The Best Paper will have a ʞ  Brine Concentration for Harvesting of reward of US$5,000. Rare Metals ʞ  Brine Concentration for Zero Liquid Two researchers will also be awarded Discharge 6-month DTRI Scholarships for the funding ʞ  Case Studies for Brine Concentration and pilot testing of their research at the DTRI ʞ  Case Studies for Zero Liquid Discharge center in Jubail. The scholarships will cover ʞ  Lowering Cost and Energy Use Barriers all expenses of the selected scientists to for Brine Concentration travel to Jubail and pilot test and advance ʞ  The Future of Brine Concentration – Next their technologies for six months at the Generation Technologies DTRI. They will provide a 6-month stipend/ *Accepted Technical papers may also be salary for the period of the scholarship. The considered for the IDA WC 2022 Technical two scholarships to be awarded by DTRI/ Program. SWCC are: To submit your extended abstract visit ʞ  Scholarship for Advancement of Mineral here. Shortlisted authors will be notified by Extraction Technology January 10, 2021 with full papers due by January 30, 2022. Final ppt presentations ʞ  Scholarship for Advancement of Rare are due by February 10, 2022. For questions Metal Extraction Technology regarding the conference please contact


Upcoming Events IDA-SWCC-DTRI

Submit your Extended Abstract here

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Conference Chairman: Dr. Ahmad S. Al-Amoudi, President Conference Technical Program Committee Chairman: Mr. Nikolay Voutchkov, Senior Expert

Register to Attend

Conference Technical Program Committee: Dr. Christopher Fellows, Senior Expert Mr. Fritz Alt, Senior Expert Dr. Basel Al Sharkh, Senior Expert Dr. Seungwon Ihm, Senior Expert Dr. Young Yoo, Senior Expert Mr. Borja Blanco, CEO, Aqua Advise, Spain Mr. Devesh Sharma, Managing Director, Aquatech, USA Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Strategic Development, Suez, France Mr. Silvio Oliva, Chief Executive Officer Fisia Italimpianti S.p.A., Italy Mr. Victor Verbeek, General Manager for Australia & New Zealand Regional, Toray Membrane Australia Dr. Domingo Zarzo, Technical and R&D Manager, Sacyr Water, Spain Dr. Miriam Balaban, Desalination and Water Treatment, Editor-in-Chief, European Desalination Society, Secretary General and Research Associate, MIT

BECOME A SPONSOR Platinum US$ 100,000

Gold US$ 50,000

Includes 12 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Includes 8 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Silver US$ 25,000

Bronze US$ 10,000

Includes 5 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

Includes 3 free conference registrations and one table-top exhibit space

IDA-SWCC-DTRI Upcoming Events


IDA WORLD CONGRESS 2022: DEADLINE TO SUBMIT AN EXTENDED ABSTRACT, 15 SEPTEMBER, 2021 SUBMIT YOUR EXTENDED ABSTRACT FOR CHARTING RESILIENT WATER SOLUTIONS We are thrilled to host IDA World Congress 2022 in Sydney, Australia! As the countdown begins we invite you to submit an extended abstract to be considered for inclusion in IDA’s 19th Biennial World Congress Technical Program before 15 September 2021.



The Technical Program will cover 12 topics: 1. Seawater and Brackish Water


2. Water Reuse, Potable and

Non-Potable including Public Outreach

3. Industrial Water and Wastewater


4. Coupling Desalination and

Renewable Energy

HEAR FROM MEMBERS OF THE WC TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ABOUT SUBMITTING AN EXTENDED ABSTRACT. Technical Program Committee Members the IDA 2022 World Congress call for extended abstracts! Mrs. Ursula Annunziata President of EDS and Senior Advisor at H2O Innovation

5. Emerging Technologies,

Mr. José Díaz-Caneja CEO of Acciona Agua

6. Membrane Science

Dr. Antonio Casanas Senior Key Account Manager for Spain and Portugal, DuPont Water Solutions

Emerging Issues and Emerging Contaminants

7. Environment and Sustainability 8. Governance, Finance, and Project


9. Thermal Desalination

10. Pre-Treatment and Post Treatment 11. Plant Operations and Digitization 12. Brine management and resource



Dr. Domingo Zarzo Innovation and Strategic Projects Manager at Sacyr Water Dr. Giancarlo Barassi Sales and Business Development for the Americas & Europe, Fluid Equipment Development Company Dr. Mike Dixon CEO of Synauta


IDA 2022 WORLD CONGRESS SPONSORS Institutional Partners

Titanium Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Outback Discussion Theater Sponsor

YLP Sponsor

Congress sponsorship opportunities that include exhibit space are also now available; for more information, contact 78





BOOK YOUR EXHIBITION SPACE NOW The exhibition is the epicenter of the World Congress, offering easy access to four days of technical sessions, high-level plenary sessions, a Leaders Summit, business discussions, IDA Academy courses, and networking events. Book your exhibition space soon and take advantage of the early bird and IDA loyalty exhibitor rates!





Endorsed by







Description: The IDA Innovation Forum, new to the World Congress, is specifically designed to introduce new and innovative solutions from Universities, Research Centers, Technology Developers, and start-up companies to major organizations in the water and energy sectors, venture capitalists and developers and private investor’s. Who can submit? The Awards are open to all companies and organizations. The submission should have special emphasis on innovative energy reduction and environmental considerations; building a sustainable future with financial resilience, and innovation.


Selection process: The winners will be Forum Award Sponsorship offers the selected by an international, cross-sector unique opportunity to showcase your panel of judges. organization as a contributor to innovation in our industry. Your logo will be displayed Sponsorship: A grand prize will be on Innovation Forum branding, the Word awarded to the winning proposal The Congress website and in the Final Program. IDA R&D Committee will try to raise the industrial sponsorship and presented at Innovation Forum Travel Support Sponsor the IDA World Congress Gala dinner on The Innovation Forum sponsorship offers Wednesday, June 1, 2022. a unique opportunity to support leading innovators in their need for travel support Become a Sponsor of the Innovation to attend and pitch their technology if they Forum! are one of the eight teams shortlisted. Innovation Forum Award Sponsor Support innovation by sponsoring this impressive award! The Innovation







MEMBRANE DESALINATION 2021 (MEMDES2021) NOVEMBER 14-17, 2021 Shanghai, China




IDA 2022 WORLD CONGRESS May 29-June 2, 2022 Sydney, Australia

Check IDA Events here

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RWC and its family of brands develop safe, sustainable and efficient solutions to help shape a better world. We engineer and innovate products to integrate seamlessly within the modern built environment. We make our customers’ lives easier with a range of solutions to help them deliver, control, optimise and solve in simple, more efficient and safer ways every day. From improving plumbing and heating performance to syncing smart homes and transforming the delivery of liquid, air and data, RWC shapes a better world for millions of people around the globe.

Amorphic Tech Ltd

Amorphic Tech Ltd is a multifaceted engineering solutions company who provides manufacturing, design, and commissioning services to industrial mechanical systems. With thousands of parts delivered globally, from fluid systems to machine components, Amorphic Tech has satisfied the needs of local organizations to Fortune 500 companies. With cutting edge in-house capabilities, Amorphic Tech manufactures with 5 CNCs (up to 6-axis), and has top-tier engineering software (ANSYS Mechanical, CFX, NI Labview). With primary experience in rotating machinery, Amorphic is the manufacturer and sole provider of the SEER energy recovery device (ERD). The SEER is designed to reduce RO energy costs by 20 to 40%. With only 5 unique components, the SEER has the lowest CapEx of any ERD - establishing an ROI break even in 12 to 24 months. With the ability to assemble in minutes and service without removing any piping, the SEER keeps OpEx down to boost value for process owners. These characteristics allow the SEER to be applied where other commercially available ERDs can not: small-to-large scale BWRO, small-to-large scale SWRO, process water RO, agriculture RO, food & beverage RO, and produced water treatment. Please reach out to see how we can help reduce the energy cost of your water process.

Oneka Technologies

Oneka Technologies has developed a technology that produces freshwater from desalination buoys powered exclusively by wave energy. It allows a sustainable, accessible and affordable water supply. The Oneka modular solution can be adapted over time according to evolving water needs. This zero-emission system is decentralized and discharges responsible brine in the ocean. Installed offshore, the Oneka solution does not require any land space and can act as an artificial reef. Water is sent to the coast through an underwater pipe. Our all-in-one system is ideal for municipalities, coastal industries, islands, resorts and can also be used in emergency situations. Oneka currently has an operational demonstrator in Florida and is now starting to commission its first commercial projects.

Become an

IDA Member Today!

As the world is faced with a rapidly increasing demand for fresh water, our sector stands on the threshold of unprecedented growth, poised between the reality of future climate change and the immediate need for sustainable water solutions. More than ever before is a network of global connections needed, so stakeholders are ready to fight water scarcity with sustainable water solutions.

Membership Benefits: • Voting privileges for IDA Board of Directors election and constitutional changes each term • Ability to run for IDA Board of Directors after one year of membership • Participation in Board Committees and activities • If under 35, you are eligible to apply for IDA’s YLP Program, IDA Fellowship Program, and the Channabasappa Scholarship • Discounted registration to all IDA events and various partner events • Free registration to all IDA Webinars • Discounted registration to all IDA Academy Training events (note: does not include events where IDA Academy is a supporting partner) • Access to the IDA Directory of Manuscripts • Access to IDA Membership Database and social networking portal • Subscription to IDA Global Connections quarterly publication • Complimentary Copy of IDA Water Security Handbook. Produced with GWI

Established in 1973, IDA is a non-profit 501 (c) (6) organization, bringing together people, ideas, and knowledge to advance sustainable water solutions. We are a UN recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) and partner of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization WASAG – Global Framework on water scarcity in agriculture. For more information on membership, please contact or view


In 2019, the IDA established the IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation, a US non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that promotes creative solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. SWRF supports innovation by advocating clean energy solutions, organizing educational programs and projects concerning the nexus of water, energy, food, and the environment. To learn more, visit

IDA Global Connections offers companies an outstanding opportunity to show their support for the IDA and advanced water treatment industry that we serve, while reaching approximately 10,000 industry professionals around the world. IDA offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities. For details, please visit or contact DOWNLOAD DE THE MEDIA KIT HERE!


Ms. Shannon McCarthy Secretary General

Karen A. Zilinek

Alessandra Michelangeli

Cristina Mauleón

Anne Mulrooney

Deputy Secretary General

Social Media and Marketing


Project Coordinator

Project Coordinator

Connecting People and Ideas to Water Solutions

Address P.O. Box 387 Topsfield, MA 01983 USA Phone +1-978-774-0959

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