IDA Global Connections - Fall 2018

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September 2018




HONORARY COUNCIL The Role Advanced Water Treatment Systems Play... By Patrick Regan Page 19.

Countdown to IDA World Congress 2019 Begins Page 22.

Assessing the Potential for Funding Innovation in the Water Sector By Thierry Noel Page 49.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 | MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL 5 | MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 9 | COVER STORY: IDA ESTABLISHES HONORARY COUNCIL 14 | MESSAGE FROM R&D COMMITTEE CHAIR 15 | IDA R&D Committee Workshop 2018: Bringing Cutting-edge Technology to Reality by Prof. In S. Kim 18 | EXECUTIVE INSIGHT 19 | The Role Advanced Water Treatment Systems Play in Meeting UN Sustainable Development Targets by Patrick Regan 22 | WOMEN OF OUR INDUSTRY There are many and these are a few, by Shannon McCarthy 26 | IDA INTERNATIONAL WATER REUSE AND RECYCLING CONFERENCE REPORT 27 | Making Every Drop Count: An Overview of the 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference 35 | Behind the Scenes at the 2019 IDA International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling, By Domingo Zarzo 39 | Challenges in Financing Water Reuse Projects and Pricing Long-Term Water Security for the Diversification of Water Supply Sources, by Gonzalo Delacámara

64 | Sponsorship: Offering Unmatched Opportunities for Visibility and Brand Recognition at the World’s Leading Event for the Desalination and Advanced Water Treatment Industry 67 | Creating Resilient Solutions to Water Needs: IDA to Hold Action4Good Conference Focused on Social Responsibility in 2019, by Corrado Sommariva 71 | 10 Years of Partnership between SIWW and IDA, and an Overview of the 2018 Edition 74 | IDA Signs Cooperation Agreement with Greening The Islands to Promote the GTI Observatory Initiative 75 | ISDMU China Co-sponsors 2018-2019 Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship, Applications Now Being Accepted 75 | IDA Seeks Host Agencies for 2018-19 and 2020-21 Fellowship Program 77 | IDA Yearbook Becomes IDA Water Security Handbook 78 | Sponsorship Opportunities in IDA Global Connections 80 | AFFILIATE CORNER 81 | ALADYR to Hold 2018 International Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination in October 82 | AEDyR Holds International Congress in October

42 | IDA Presents 2018 Water Reuse and Conservation Awards at International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference

83 | WSTA 13th Gulf Water Conference Takes Place in March 2019 in Kuwait

46 | Thank You to Our Sponsors

83 | WFES Water Summit 2019: Embracing the Future, Welcoming Disruption

48 | ANALYST CORNER 49 | Assessing the Potential for Funding Innovation in the Water Sector by Thierry Noel

Inside 52 | TECHNICAL CORNER 53 | Flow Reversal for High Recovery Desalination of Municipal Wastewater, as Presented by Professor Jack Gilron

57 | Innovation Leads the Way to Solving Desalination Challenges, by Richard L. Stover, Ph.D.

60 | IDA NEWS 62 | Countdown to IDA World Congress Begins - Calling All Authors!

63 | The IDA World Congress Exhibition: Showcasing the Industry’s Leading Products and Services in the Epicenter of World Congress Activities

IDA Global Connections is published quarterly in September, December, March and June. The views expressed in articles contributed to IDA Global Connections Newsletter are not necessarily the views of the International Desalination Association. IDA assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and/or artwork.


86 | SPOTLIGHT ON IDA YLP 87 | About the IDA Young Leaders Program: Opportunities Abound

88 | My IDA Experience, by Monica Boodhan

90 | IDA ACADEMY 91 | IDA Academy Collaborates with David H. Paul, Inc. to Offer International Reverse Osmosis Certification (IROC) Program, by Charles Bedford 93 | The IDA Academy… Inspiring Innovation and Excellence

94 | IDA WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS 94 | New Corporate Members 97 | CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Editorial Director Shannon McCarthy

Editorial Consultant Ann Seamonds

Editorial Offices International Desalination Association P.O. Box 387 Topsfield, MA 01983 USA Tel: +1-978-774-0959

Editorial Inquiries +1-978-774-0959

Sponsorship Inquiries +1-978-774-0959

MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL The International Desalination Association is in its 45th year of service to the community. Our Association is dedicated to leading and supporting the advancement of non-conventional water resource technologies and solutions related to the use of desalination, membranes, water reuse, and renewable energy to ensure a circular water economy. IDA has a major role in communication within our industry and communication to the general public on behalf of our industry. To enhance that communication, we have revised the format of IDA Global Connections, expanded the content and made it a quarterly e-publication. We have also renamed it IDA Global Connections to emphasize the breadth of our reach and the diversity of the thousands of stakeholders who comprise the desalination and advanced water treatment industry around the world. We would appreciate receiving your comments on the revised format, enhanced content and any other suggestions for further improvements. One of IDA’s great strengths is the commitment of its members to serve the Association and the depth of their industry experience and knowledge. We are pleased to feature in this issue of IDA Global Connections the IDA Honorary Council, a group of notable individuals who have devoted their time to the Association and have distinguished themselves in the field of desalination and advanced water treatment solutions. They bring an extraordinary

level of longstanding insight and experience in the global water industry. The Honorary Council members will act as ambassadors for the IDA. This will enhance IDA’s engagement with the world’s policymakers with the objective of proposing and promoting sustainable solutions to the growing global requirements for clean water. All of us affiliated with IDA should take pride in what our Association has achieved and the community we have built around the globe. However, as an Association we are continually in need of evaluating what we do to create benefit for the community and the world at large. We must also continually survey the environment and market within which our members work to ensure we are responsive to their expectations and needs. Your feedback is a vital part of this process. Our President, Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, has summarized progress we have made over the last nine months of Board term 18 on page 5. We are 13 months away from the 18th IDA Biennial World Congress to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, under the gracious hospitality of the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. The IDA World Congress has earned a reputation as an important global event. The Congress theme ‘Crossroads to Sustainability’ is pivotal to the various discussions already taking place concerning ways to satisfy the growing demand for sustainable sources of clean water in response to population growth, industrial needs, degradation of existing resources, energywater-food nexus, and the effects of climate change.


G We are looking forward to welcoming leaders of the water and energy industries to continue the dialogue about solutions to this important issue that has ramifications for every citizen of our planet.

With the support of our Affiliates and cooperation agreements with organizations like the UN FAO WASAG, Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance,, and the Global Solar Council, the conference technical program will focus The IDA World Congress also provides an on energy and environmental issues related to opportunity to develop business, exchange desalination and water reuse projects. You can read ideas, and share knowledge about cutting- more about the conference on page 65. edge technologies and their progress towards a sustainable future. New World Congress activities In other education matters, we thank ISDMU include a Leaders Summit, special networking China for their generous support of the newly sessions, IDA Affiliate Business Forum sessions and established IDA SWRF to support our scholarship, new awards that will be conferred in partnership which is aimed at encouraging future engineers and with international agencies, non-governmental scientists to further their post-graduate education organizations, and national utilities. in subjects related to desalination, membranes, and water reuse. We hope that other businesses Leading up to the 2019 World Congress, IDA is and organizations will follow ISDMU’s lead and also organizing in partnership with and as part of the support the Foundation. With the support of the Abu Dhabi World Future Energy Summit, a special academic, public sector and corporate communities, Water Summit from January 14-16 2019. The Water IDA can expand the number of scholarships Forum will focus on the significant challenges that available to assist more students and help assure the world faces with regards to water scarcity and that our industry will have the talent it needs for the the technological, finance, and policy-based action future. required to address them. To improve access to IDA information and IDA is also pleased to announce its 3rd Action for Good communications, we are developing a new IDA international conference titled "Creating Resilient website and back-end database system that is Solutions to Water Needs", to take place in Santa more user-friendly and will allow the membership Margherita Portofino, Italy from May 12-14, 2019. This to communicate real-time with one another using conference will be held under the patronage of the social media like features. City of Genoa and is developed in cooperation with the Rotary Club of La Spezia and Lunigiana, as well We are in a rewarding and meaningful industry, as the IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation serving humanity and its needs for water, food, and a (IDA SWRF). Part of the proceeds of the event will be healthy economy. Our industry makes a difference. earmarked to support a water-related humanitarian I look forward to meeting you at future IDA events. project and the IDA SWRF. Shannon K. McCarthy Secretary General


MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT As we arrive at the one-year mark of the 2017-19 Board term, I take this opportunity to present to the membership our achievements over the last 11 months. Our collective vision when we started our term was to expand and strengthen the IDA to provide more value to our members, affiliates, and the community at large. This included a constructive but critical inward look at what the IDA has been focused on, how it communicates with membership, the value it provides and has the potential to provide, how the association advocates on behalf of the industry, and how we can better connect the private and public sector stakeholders. It is with the spirit of teamwork, and the passion to give more added value to our members that we have worked together over this period. Eleven months later, calculating the balance of our actions, we are proud to say that more than 90 % of these targets have been implemented or are close to implementation, as you can see in the IDA Global Connections editions, the messages from our Secretary General, and our communications on social media.

The Directors of IDA represent the majority of our industry stakeholders: end-users, corporations, investors, academia and researchers, contractors, operators, suppliers, decisions makers, consultants, experts, etc. The resulting perspective is powerful and creates great synergies. We are coupling market knowledge with the role of IDA of bringing solutions, sharing experiences and innovations, communicating, training, disseminating knowledge and networking. We are preparing our events and communications in order to bring value to IDA community with this aim clearly in sight. Water reuse, which has always been a part of IDA’s mission, has been totally integrated into IDA’s activities. This market is growing at a similar velocity as desalination, and in a few years, it will reach the same size. IDA is placing its importance at the same level as desalination as both are complementary solutions to water scarcity. Our members are following this progress with the same interest as desalination had years ago. It was the reason that we organized the IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference: “Making Every Drop Count” in Valencia, Spain, held in June – our second international conference on this topic, and water reuse also has an important role in every event we are doing, such as our participation in the Singapore International Water Week Business Forum.

These achievements have been made possible thanks to the unity of IDA’s leadership and the Board, working all together as a team, and sharing the same commitments in order to shape the future of our Association. Our interests are the same as those of our members, affiliates and Both events had great success in attendance and market players. the high level of participation of all stakeholders.


Water reuse will be part of all of our events – and we are already planning the next biennial IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling conference for October 2020.

their desalination and water reuse market. We have started discussions about adding some new affiliates and hope to provide more information in the coming months.

We are proud to welcome many new individuals and corporate members to IDA. We have made the commitment to promote IDA’s benefits to our members and grow the network of individual and corporate members. Together, we have made good Today there are 20,000 desalination plants progress and have increased our membership in built worldwide with a production capacity over these last months. 100 million m3/day. The desalination market is growing again at a rate of 5-6% per year with a We are also making great progress in working with special accent in the MENA region with impressive international financial institutions, UN organizations projects and plant sizes; that is excellent for our and others associations in order to complement the stakeholder mapping in our mission. They industry interest. are important participants in the water reuse and Seawater and industry applications are again leading desalination markets, and as in the World Congress market progress, and both will take a relevant role in in São Paulo, they are more and more presents in our events and Congresses. our upcoming 2019 IDA World Congress, “Crossroads to Sustainability,” set for October 20 – 24, 2019. The The IDA Board is made up of professionals who Congress will come back to the Middle East, in Dubai, provide their expertise for the benefit of the in the heart of a blooming market. We are putting forth association and the goodwill of promoting our all of our efforts and innovative ideas to ensure that industry and the solutions it offers. The progress of this highly anticipated Congress is a great success. the desalination and water reuse sector is beneficial Please have a look at our preview article on page 60 to all companies and professionals working in it, of this issue, and be sure to follow developments in that’s our reward. the coming weeks and months. Direct and indirect potable water reuse are leading the market technologically, but irrigation and industry account for more than 90% of market volume. Both are drivers of market development of our members.

We are keeping our commitment to improve the relationship with our affiliates, having more contact, transparency and collaboration. One of the best examples was that the Water Reuse Conference in Valencia was made in partnership with our Spanish affiliate, AEDyR. In past months, we have increased the number of face-to-face meetings with our affiliates (ALADYR, AEDyR, AMTA, APDA, MIAC, EDS and SWA), and we are trying to be present in the majority of the main events organized by our affiliates. We have an agenda full of appointments for their forthcoming events, and we are also discussing ways to increase collaboration with some of them.

We have established under US law our 501 (c) (3) foundation, the Sustainable Water Resources Foundation, dedicated exclusively to the advancement of global non-conventional water supply technologies and clean energy solutions to meet water needs. Last but not least, we are increasing our efforts to promote the role of young leaders in the industry in all of our actions and events. We have a strong commitment to them. They are the future and they will take over in the market.

We hope you enjoy this new edition of IDA Global Connections. On behalf of Directors and our team, We send our congratulations to CaribDA for its 10th I would thank all of you for the advice and the Anniversary and to AEDyR for its 20th Anniversary. support we have received in the last months. We invite you to continue sharing your ideas as we look Both are long-term affiliates and partners. forward to a bright future for IDA, our members and We are pleased and proud in the progress that our the industry we serve. two newest affiliates, KPDA and ALADYR, are making, and that’s one of the reasons we are open to adding Miguel Angel Sanz new affiliates and supporting them in developing President





COVER STORY: Since its founding 45 years ago, the International Desalination has been known for the experience, expertise and strength of its membership, which comprises a veritable “Who’s Who” of the global desalination and water reuse industry – a remarkable repository of knowledge and perspectives that constitutes an invaluable asset to the community it serves. With that in mind, the Board of Directors of the International Desalination Association has established an Honorary Council with a mission to leverage knowledge, experience and volunteerism to strengthen advocacy for desalination and advanced water treatment solutions, and has named eight distinguished members of the global desalination and water reuse community to the Council for the 2017-2019 term: Dr. Jim Birkett: Dr. Birkett’s admirable career includes more than 50 years’ experience in the study of desalination, advanced water treatment, and membrane separation industries and technologies with Arthur D. Little and West Neck Strategies. He is a Past President and Director of IDA, recipient of IDA Lifetime Achievement Award, and former editor of “The IDA Journal on Desalination and Water Reuse”. Eng. Ghassan Ejjeh: Past President and Director of the IDA, and great advocate of its activities, especially in water reuse. He is highly regarded as a business leader, responsible for the expansion of BESIX activities into Water and Concessions. His career included serving as Senior Vice President of BESIX, Director of Six Construct UAE, BESIX SANOTEC SA, Ajman Private Sewage Company, as well as Safi water. He is member of Technical Working Group- Nuclear Desalination in the IAEA Vienna, and Vice Chairman of the Arab, Belgian, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

serving as Managing Director of Thames Water do Brazil and Executive Secretary of the Global Water Partnership, an international network of institutions. Dr. Gabbrielli is also a Global Ambassador of the Australian Water Association. Eng. Mutaz Ghandour: A past Director of IDA, Eng. Ghandour is known for his strong leadership, business acumen and longevity as Chairman and CEO of Metito Holdings Ltd. Mr. Ghandour also serves as Goodwill Ambassador to The UN Intergovernmental Institution for Combating Malnutrition. He is also a Permanent International Observer to The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Dr. Masura Kurihara: Dr. Kurihara is widely recognized for his great contributions in the fields of desalination and water reuse. He is Senior Scientific Director of “Mega-ton Water System”, Funding Program for World Leading Innovation R&D on Science & Technology, Japan, and a Fellow of Toray Industries, Inc. A former IDA Director, he Dr. David Furukawa: Past President and is the recipient of the IDA Lifetime Achievement Director of IDA, Dr. Furukawa is a highly respected Award and has also been honored with two member of the global desalination community for Presidential Awards from IDA. more than 50 years. Dr. Furukawa was formerly Head of Desalination Research at the Bureau of H.E. Fouad Makhzoumi: Past President and Reclamation, Manager of Research at Havens Director of IDA, H.E. Makhzoumi founded Future International / Calgon-Havens / UOP Fluid Systems; Pipe Industries in 1984 and has served as its Vice President - Marketing for FilmTec Corporation/ Executive Chairman since 2003. As a Member Dow Chemical Corporation; independent consultant; of Parliament in the Lebanese Government, he and Chief Scientific Officer for the National Centre is actively promoting change in governance and of Excellence in Desalination – Australia. democracy. A prominent figure across business and political circles, his key accomplishments Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli: Past IDA President include, being appointed a Commander of the and the current Comptroller of IDA, Dr. Gabbrielli Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy, acting is Director, Overseas Business Development, as Vice Chairman of the Institute for Social and Global Sales Water Treatment for Toray. His Economic Policy in the Middle East at the John internationally renowned career includes F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard


University and co-chairing the Executive Committee of the International Board of the U.S. / Middle East Project. In 2016, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Lebanese American University. In addition to his business leadership and success, in 1997 he founded the Makhzoumi Foundation, which contributes vocational training, health care and micro-credit programs working on all 17 SDGs for the Lebanese civil society development and empowerment. Eng. José Antonio Medina: Engineer Medina served the IDA as President and a Director of the Association. He is from Spain and has also served as the President of AEDyR. He has been a desalination engineer since 1995 and a wellknown desalination lecturer in the Universities of Madrid, Alicante, Mexico, and Cuyo. Eng. Medina is well known for his technical expertise and leadership.


One of the Council’s first roles will be participation in the planning and presentation of IDA’s upcoming Water Leaders Summit, which will take place at the IDA World Congress in Dubai. “Among IDA’s great strengths are the commitment of its membership to serve the Association and the depth of their industry experience and knowledge. The IDA Honorary Council is a recognition of notable individuals who have devoted their time to the Association and who have distinguished themselves in the field of desalination and advanced water treatment solutions. They bring an extraordinary level of longstanding insight of the global industry. Through the support of the Honorary Council members, who will act as ambassadors for the Association, IDA will intensify the engagement solutions to growing water scarcity challenges,” said Shannon McCarthy, IDA Secretary General.

WHAT MEMBERS OF THE HONORARY COUNCIL ARE SAYING Dr. Jim Birkett “Each of us has favorite papers, presentations, books and patents (not necessarily our own!) which we believe influenced the way desalination was understood and advanced over the years. I suggest that we compile a master list of such materials, including full bibliographic references and a brief paragraph justifying the inclusion of each. IDA (perhaps through the Publications Committee) could then make this recommended reading list available to the larger desalination community. “In addition, each of us (and other senior members of our community) have offices stuffed with hard copy books, proceedings, journal sets, etc. which will need to be disposed of by our descendants when the time comes. Perhaps IDA could set up a sort of archives in which the most precious items could be preserved (perhaps through scanning), indexed and made available to the larger desalination community.”

Eng. Ghassan Ejjeh “IDA, since its inception, has become the godparent of the desalination and water reuse industry. The membership mix of engineers, researchers, water companies, end users, developers, contractors, legal and financial institutions has created the necessary alliance, to help achieve the goals of water sufficiency, efficiency and sustainability.”

Dr. David Furukawa "Having participated in the birth of IDA decades ago, it has been a superb experience to witness the growth of fledgling technologies to global prominence. Desalination and water reuse have become the staple of countries in need of new water sources and along the way has spawned many corporations, both big and small who supply myriads of products for this industry. IDA has provided constant leadership throughout its history guiding the present and future role of desalination. My hope is that IDA will continue its leadership in the industry and encourage greater participation of its members in humanitarian crises.”


Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli “In recent years, desalination has become a mainstream water supply alternative in a world of increasing water stress. It is no longer the lastremedy expensive technology used by those countries that can afford it as was the case at the beginning of my career in this field. The real potential of reuse is also finally being fully recognized. “In this context, the relevance and the associated responsibilities of the IDA have also increased. The IDA needs to realize its full potential and be effective in its brokering of knowledge, bringing together the worldwide desalination community in terms of sharing of information and experience and the application of the associated technologies. This can only be achieved by being open to cooperate with other organizations that share the same values, starting with the IDA affiliates. “I am honored to be part of the Honorary Council, which I trust will prove to be a useful tool to assist the IDA to progress with these challenges and to serve its members well.”

Eng. Mutaz Ghandour "It is an honor to accept this expression of confidence and invitation from the IDA, an organization that Metito has supported throughout the years and which I believe is an excellent platform to exchange ideas and come up with new ones. There is a lot more that can be done, and I am confident that with the new IDA leaders, more can be achieved especially through integrating with other organizations to widen the reach and exposure of its mission and the critical knowledge its experts have to share. Water scarcity is not an industry issue but an issue of general and global importance, and I hope the IDA Honorary Council can add shared value on this front”.

Dr. Masaru Kurihara Based on my long-range experience (close to half a century), I have to support establishment of the reliable and firm technology on membranes and membrane processes from the standpoint of the reduction of energy, environmental load and cost. We need to deepen the pursuit of existing ultimate membrane technology and also the pursuit of future essential technology based on science, not only as technology or engineering. Much progress has been done by many statesponsored R&D entities on membrane and membrane process such as the Megaton Water System in Japan. “On the other hand, future essential technology such as Forward Osmosis (FO), carbon nanotube (CN) and biomimetic is very important. However, the current status of the progress of future essential technology is so-called hybrid (embedded) membrane of polyamide. The function of new additives such as zeolite, CNT, aquaporin, etc., is not yet clear scientifically. The combination or hybrid of existing ultimate technology and future essential technology as a process might be one solution such as FO-SWRO.”


H.E. Fouad Makhzoumi "At its core, the IDA is about ‘Connecting People and Ideas to Water Solutions’. The IDA’s great strengths are the depth of our members’ industry knowledge and experience as well as our commitment to support and promote sustainable, environmentally friendly water solutions for people and industry across the world. “Every member plays a key role in evolving the role of desalination and how it will work with new technologies to provide sustainable and reliable water sources to meet current and future needs. Establishing an Honorary Council provides a catalyst to the varied discussions already taking place surrounding the growing demand for a sustainable source of fresh water in response to population growth, economic expansion, degradation of existing resources, the energy nexus and effects of climate change. The Council’s wealth of collective knowledge, expertise and leadership will strengthen our ongoing collaboration with the world’s decision makers to ensure we continue to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to address the worlds growing water scarcity challenges.”

Eng. José Antonio Medina The IDA 2007 Desalination Congress, held in Gran Canaria, registered for the first time over 2,000 attendees, many of them from Africa. The IDA World Congress’s strong attendance and geographic representation reflect the importance of IDA around the world. Many of the new attendees and members of IDA are from countries that a few years ago had no interest or even didn’t know anything about desalination and its possibilities to be used in reducing the scarcity of water resources in the world. “The role of IDA, its directors and members has been of the utmost importance to let the world know about the importance and progress of water desalination and reuse technology to make water available at a low cost, in places where development is seriously restricted by the lack of water. IDA has a high responsibility in the coming years to bring this necessary resource to such regions, and engineers, companies and institutions, member of the organization, will help the world cope with such a growing problem. Support from the Honorary Council will help to make this way simpler.”





MESSAGE FROM R&D COMMITTEE CHAIR IDA R&D Committee Workshop 2018: Bringing Cutting-edge Technology to Reality By Prof. In S. Kim, Chairman of the IDA R&D Committee An increased interest in the desalination field has led to the institution of many eminent research centers in various places. As the International Desalination Association strongly supports the implementation of new technology in the field, the R&D Committee is opening the workshop by inviting global leaders together from industry and academia.

The workshop will be graced by support from both academia and industry. It will be organized by the IDA R&D Committee along with the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC)’s Desalination Technologies Research Institute (DTRI). The Director of DTRI, Dr. Ahmed S. Al-Amoudi, and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will open the workshop’s first session with a presentation on “continuous efforts towards desalination innovation technologies.” This will be followed by presenters from Netherlands, China, Korea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Japan and US.

The objective of this invitation-only workshop is to create a platform wherein different centers can find common grounds to collaborate for future research work. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is gearing up to commence its “Desalination Park” in the near future, and we are looking forward to this workshop The second day of the workshop will kick off with a as an opportunity to create an environment for discussion of a plan of action for the next five years of research and technology. The workshop will conclude collaboration. with a tour of the DTRI Labs and Pilot Plant. The central themes in this workshop include Lowpressure Membranes, Renewable & Low Energy The idea of the 2018 workshop began when members Desalination, High Efficiency Desalination & Energy of the IDA R&D Committee proposed having a Recovery, and Pre-treatment for Desalination. The “Networking Forum” where various high-profile R&D workshop will take place over two days (Oct. 31 – centers would be invited to present summaries of Nov. 1, 2018) at Al-Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. their current research work related to innovation in The first day will be dedicated to presentations desalination. The aim of the workshop is to bring regarding the progress and work of each center, together these centers to collaborate in an alternative and the second day will be packed with a tour of environment to typical technical conferences. The the Desalination Park and a discussion session workshop has important R&D experts in the area regarding the plan for next five years of desalination who share their knowledge and expertise to all participants. research.


Day One Program Presentation 1 Continuous effort towards desalination innovation technologies

Presentation 6 Singapore’s seawater desalination landscape – current and future

Chairs Dr. Ahmed S. Al-Amoudi Vice President Desalination Technologies Research Institute (SWCC)

Chairs Mr. Puah Aik Num, Mr Sivakumar Balaji Chief Specialist (Water Treatment) & Chief Engineer, Water Supply (Plants) Department, West Division, PUB, Singapore

Presentation 2 Algal blooms and seawater reverse osmosis systems

Presentation 7 Low energy solution in desalination experience by Hyundai E&C

Chairs Prof. Maria Kennedy Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education The Netherlands Presentation 3 A state-run desalination institute, our experiences and lessons Chairs Dr. Guoling Ruan Tianjin Institute of Seawater Desalination & Multipurpose Utilization, China Presentation 4 Superior energy savings and economics for pressureassisted forward osmosis (PAFO)-RO hybrid process from pilot operation Chairs Prof. In Kim Director, Global Desalination Research Center, GIST President of KDPA, Korea Presentation 5 Seawater mining: magnesium production from seawater Chairs Mr. Thomas Altmann VP – Innovation & Technology, ACWA Power, KSA

Chairs Dr. Sang-Hyun Kim, Deputy General Manager, Hyundai Engineering & Construction, Korea Presentation 8 National projects of the technology development for economical desalination in Japan Chairs Mr. Makoto Onishi, Dr. Hideaki Kurokawa CTO, Water Business Unit, Water Solution Division, Hitachi Ltd, Japan Presentation 9 Prediction and control of biofouling of reverse osmosis membrane systems Chairs Prof. Johannes S. Vrouwenvelder KAUST, KSA Presentation 10 Low energy primary pretreatment process in seawater desalination using mesh tube filtration Chairs Mr. Sangjun Ahn, Mr. Chulmin Lee, General manager, Keosong Construction Co., Ltd, Korea Panel Discussion

Day two Program Discussion on the need of next 5 years – technology and research


Technical tour: DTRI Labs & Pilot Plant

About the Author Dr. In S. Kim is a professor in the School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) in Korea. He leads the Global Desalination Research Center (GDRC) as a Director (follow-up of SeaHERO Program). He is President of the Korean Desalination Plant Association (KDPA), an association affiliate of


the IDA. He is a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and a Fellow of International Water Association (IWA). He has served as the Chair of Water Reuse Specialist Group in IWA. He has been working as Chief Review Board for environment & renewable energy field in the National Research Foundation (NRF). Prof. Kim is the recipient of an Outstanding University Service Award by GIST (1995), Outstanding paper by Korean Federation of Science & Technology Association (2001), Prime Minister Award (2008) and National Order of Merit (2014). Prof. Kim serves as editor of several renowned international academic journals. His specific research area is membrane-biotechnology for water reuse, desalination and renewable energy.

About the IDA Research & Development Committee

The IDA Research and Development Committee reviews potential R&D development with other entities and offers guidance to facilitate capacity-building. It is one of seven Special Committees in place for the 2017-2019 term. Current members are: Prof. In Kim, Chair Dr. Hideaki Kurokawa, Co-Chair Mr. Aik Num PUAH Prof. Tony Fane Prof. John Lienhard

Korea Japan Singapore Australia USA

Dr. Ahmad Al-Amoudi Prof. Johannes S. Vrouwenvelder Dr. Don Anderson Dr. Guoling Ruan Prof. Maria Kennedy

KSA KSA USA China Netherlands




By Patrick Regan

Back in September 2015, the United Nations • By 2030, expand international cooperation and assembled 193 nations that unanimously agreed capacity-building support to developing countries to follow-up on the success of the Millennium in water- and sanitation-related activities Development Goals and align around 17 Sustainable and programs, including water harvesting, Development Targets. These targets call on all desalination, water efficiency, wastewater participating nations to promote prosperity while treatment, recycling and reuse technologies protecting the planet. In terms of water, the goal is equally profound: “Ensure access to clean water • Support and strengthen the participation of local and sanitation for all.” communities in improving water and sanitation management To be more specific: I imagine your immediate response in reading this • By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access list of goals was similar to mine; how are they ever to safe and affordable drinking water for all going to make this happen? • By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations • By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally • By 2030, substantially increase wateruse efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity

I agree that these are all excellent and noble things to do, but there is no arguing that this is going to require a level of cooperation and activation that would be unprecedented. But as opposed to feeding into my notions of disbelief, I have to think there are manageable pieces in this lofty set of goals. As a longtime member of the water community, I have to believe that some of the water treatment technologies that I have worked so hard to advocate and implement can make a dent. Take, for example, the goal of protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems. To me, this sounds a lot like watershed management, about improving the quality of the effluent coming from industry and municipal water/wastewater plants. For the most part, this is something that many of us have done successfully for years.

• By 2030, implement integrated water resources The technologies required to improve the quality management at all levels, including through of the water leaving a wastewater plant are well transboundary cooperation as appropriate known and understood. However not all plants and municipalities have the budgets required to keep • By 2020, protect and restore water-related up with growing populations or even replace aging ecosystems, including mountains, forests, assets. As such, many struggle to meet regulations, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes let alone be the stewards of the environment that


they want to be. Even in the more prosperous countries, like the United States, the water infrastructure is in desperate need of investment to maintain water and wastewater treatment plants. In most major cities, that need is measured in the billions of dollars. That leaves most wastewater plants having to do more with less.


After spending a few days at the 2018 One Water Summit in Minneapolis earlier this summer, it was exciting to see signs that we, as a water community, were capable of coming together to cooperate and activate in ways that I have never seen before. Even more exciting, it was clear to me they had made a lot of progress on the last target defined by the United Nations – to That is where I see a role for advanced water support and strengthen the participation of local treatment technologies to play. If a clarifier is able to communities in improving water and sanitation settle out solids faster, or a membrane plant requires management. less power to operate, that helps the plant stretch the miniscule budgets they have available to them. IDA has also taken on part of this challenge Advances like Evoqua’s CoMag ballasted treatment through the formation of the Sustainable Water solution has proven to improve the capacity of an Resources Foundation (SWRF). Focused on aging clarifier up to ten-fold so it can continue to educational and charitable efforts, its charter meet the demands of a growing community. And at is to improve the public interest through the Singapore’s PUB, Evoqua’s EDI technology (NexED), advancement of global non-conventional has already demonstrated its ability to desalinate water supply technologies and clean energy water using 2.4kWh per cubic meter of water treated solutions to water needs. SWRF defines non(versus the 3.5kWh required by reverse osmosis). conventional water as water that becomes PUB has already demonstrated proof of concept usable for agricultural, industrial, and/or human that they can use NexED achieve 1.8kWh per cubic use through desalination or advanced treatment meter, a capability they plan to incorporate into of wastewater. Through the promotion of water their expansion to 10,000 cubic meters of treated reuse globally, IDA is certainly advocating seawater per day next year. As exciting as cutting the efficient use of water and doing its part the energy consumption by almost 50% is, the real to promote the sustainable withdrawal and needle-mover is the impact on production costs of supplies of freshwater. the EDI technology – reduced from half a million dollars to about US$40,000. In the end, the Millennium Development Goals and the 17 Sustainable Development Targets are Getting back to the ambitious goals of the United nothing short of aspirational. I would add that Nations, there is another role for advanced water they are also inspirational as they will require a treatment systems to play. Or better yet, a role for global community to set aside their cageyness to the organizations behind those technologies to play. collaborate on basic needs that are required for current and future generations. By supporting some of the various non-profit organizations aligned with the UN Sustainable As daunting as the task may be, the water Development Goals, water treatment providers can community can play a big role in this effort. By directly support local and international efforts to developing and supporting the advancement of ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all. technologies that continue to change the status At Evoqua, we are proud to support the US Water quo of efficiency and performance, we can Alliance. US Water Alliance is focused on acting on continue to do more with less. At the same time, seven big ideas for sustainable management of by engaging and supporting those organizations water. Similar to the Sustainable Development Goals, that are promoting the deployment of both the their ideas range from accelerating technology conventional and the advanced technologies, adoption that build efficiency and improve water we can provide a stage for the monumental service to redefining affordability for the 21st collaboration required to achieve the Millennium century. Development Goals.



About the Author

to joining Evoqua, Patrick spent almost 15 years at GE, working with customers from the Americas and EMEA to India and China. He is an active in is a member of the WEF Water Reuse Committee as well as a member of the Advisory Board for the Water Design Build Council. He has BS degree in Chemistry and an MBA in Finance.

Patrick Regan, Evoqua’s VP Corporate Accounts, leads the global partnership efforts across both industrial and municipal markets, focusing on collaborating with leaders across the industry to meet their water and wastewater challenges. Prior

A wide range of industries spanning 46 countries trust us for managing their water needs. Our 60 plus years experience could be just


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women of our




There are many and these are a few of the dynamic women of our industry. We acknowledge and thank specifically the 16 women who participated in the IDA 2nd Biennial Water Reuse and Recycling Conference held, in cooperation with AEDyR, this June in Valencia, Spain. In this, the first article on the subject, we also want to recognize all the women in our industry for the many roles they have: government ministers and managers; utility and corporate executives and managers; association, and academic leaders; engineers; operators; technical experts; professors; marketing and communication gurus; and the list continues. It is important that we acknowledge and communicate the achievements and contributions of the women in our industry and identify some of the special benefits that women can bring to the industry. IDA publicly expresses its gratitude to these women for their support and participation in our conference.

HE Dr. María García Rodríguez Former Secretary of State for Environment Spain Conference held under the patronage of HE Rodriguez

Dr. Liana Ardiles Former General Directorate for Water Spain

Honorable Fatma Abdalla Awale Water Minister for Mombasa County Water, Sanitation and Natural Resources Kenya Welcome Remarks

Traci Minamide

COO LA Bureau of Sanitation USA

Conference held under the patronage of Dr. Ardiles

Welcome Remarks Panelist: The Big Debate, Water Reuse Regulations in Europe, USA and Asia

Honorable Elena Cebrian Calvo

Conchita Marcuello

Counsellor of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development Generalitat Valenciana Spain Welcome Remarks

Adjunct to the Deputy Director of Water Planning and Sustainable Water Use Water General Directorate Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment Panelist: The Big Debate, Water Reuse Regulations in Europe, USA and Asia


Julie Minton

Director of Strategic Initiatives The Water Research Foundation USA

Panelist: Research and Market Trends: Thematic Shifts and Macro Level Drivers

Marta Otegui

Engineering & Quality Director Fluytec S.A. Spain

Presented: Innovative Concept for Ultrafiltration Systems: Integration of Ultrafiltration Cartridges and Strainer in a Single Vessel

Jacqueline Reed

Project Manager Utility Advisory Services Carollo Engineers USA

Presented: One Water LA – A Collaborative Approach to Integrated Water Management

TS&D Engineer Dow Water and Process Solutions Spain

Presented: Robustness of Integrated Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Systems for Challenging Municipal Reuse

Nathalie Dorflinger

Director of Environment & Ecotechnologies BRGM France Presented: Managed Aquifer Recharge from WWTP (IPR) and Surface Waters

Kimberly Kupiecki Global Leader, Sustainability, Advocacy and Communications Dow Water & Process Solutions USA Presented: The Circular Economy

Christina Starke

Elena Campos

Presented: Multi-Reuse Research Project – From Municipal Wastewater to Industrial Water

Presented: Life13 Transfomem: Reclaiming Wastewater Using Recycled Ultrafiltration Membranes

Manager Application Service & Support inge GmbH Germany

Victoria Vasini

Application Engineer Fluence Corp. Argentina

Presented: Industrial Waste Water Reuse with UF+UV+RO: Lessons Learned Session Co-Chair


Sonia Vila

Responsible of R&D Department Valoriza Agua Spain

Kelly Grieves

Senior Manager Mergers & Acquisitions Business Development Seven Seas Canada Session Co-Chair

Photos courtesy of González-Cebrián/iAgua and IDA/AEDyR

There are many more women in our industry than those mentioned in this article. But women are still a relatively small minority in the water industry. Gender equality in the water industry is not simply a matter of balance. It is a matter of the industry making full use of all available human resources to meet its growing need for managers, engineers and technicians. Water and its use to meet human needs can be a very local matter particularly in developing countries, but also in advanced countries when the use of water from unconventional sources is an issue. A World Bank evaluation of 122 water projects found that the effectiveness of a project was to seven times higher where women were involved than where they were not. At the local level, gender-sensitive approaches are helping improve the suitability, sustainability and reach of water projects, which in turn will help advance many water services. This is accomplished by focusing on involving women in the facilities’ design, implementation and management. The subject of gender balance is integrated and highlighted in all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Embedding gender equity into policy at all levels will be crucial to achieving water and sanitation for all 17 of the Goals, particularly elements of development, education and work. Gender equality is further directly addressed in gender and water programs of six UN agencies. Links to these agencies are:

• IFAD (2012): • UNDP: home/librarypage/environment-energy/water_ governance/sub-topic_genderandwater.html • UNICEF: Gender and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) • UNESCO WWAP Overview of resources on gendersensitive data related to water • UN-Water: Gender, Water and Sanitation – A Policy Brief • UN Women: Women and the Sustainable Development Goals Current and planned IDA activities to encourage gender equality in the water industry include a mentoring program for recent graduates starting their careers in engineering or research in the water industry; post-graduate scholarship and internship programs, both of which we are planning to expand; and student and individual discounts for IDA membership. We encourage young women to apply for and participate in these programs. As funding permits, we plan to expand our scholarship programs to increase the award of scholarships at both the masters degree and doctorate levels with emphasis on students from developing countries. Finally, as part of the global emphasis on increasing the percentages of women on corporate and other boards of directors, we encourage all women members of IDA to consider being candidates for our Board in the 2019 elections.







MAKING EVERY DROP COUNT: An Overview of the 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference By Águeda García de Durango, Content Manager, iAgua After two days of intense activity, IDA’s International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling concluded in Valencia, exceeding expectations. The event, which brought together more than 180 delegates from 29 countries, was a collective recognition of the policies and technologies of water reuse and recycling, increasingly important to meet the growing global water needs.

Photos courtesy of Pablo González-Cebrián, iAgua


1 Day 1

The conference program began on Monday, June 25 with the opening by Shannon K. McCarthy, Secretary General of the IDA, who remarked that "the importance of this industry and of the interactions that bring together public and private sector stakeholders to discussing policies and technology are imperative. "She also stressed that, "at IDA, our goal is to create more interactions, networks and knowledge exchange opportunities to nurture the global dialogue on the reuse and recycling of water." Miguel Ă ngel Sanz, President of IDA, followed her in the opening ceremony. "IDA is committed to the sustainability of water supply, and we trust in the reuse of water as a complementary solution to desalination to address the problems of water scarcity," he noted. Mr. Sanz also referred to the selection of Valencia as the setting for the conference, saying "I am proud that IDA has chosen this wonderful city as the venue for our second international conference on water reuse and recycling, because Spain is a leader in Europe and the world, recycling on average more than 13% of treated wastewater and even with cities and regions recycling more than 90%." Fatma Awale, Minister of Water of the County of Mombasa (Kenya), spoke following his words, emphasizing the generalization of the drought scenario worldwide and how desalination and reuse can respond to the challenge.

From the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Eduardo Orteu said that "the response of the water challenge is in the Governments", after which it was the turn of Domingo Zarzo, President of AEDyR. The ceremony also included the participation of Elena CebriĂĄn, Minister of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development of the Generalitat Valenciana; Traci Minimide, COO of LA Sanitation, City of Los Angeles (USA); and Rafael Mujeriego, professor emeritus of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.


Subsequently, two of the Co-chairs of the Technical Program, Dr. Mike Dixon and Mr. Borja Blanco, provided the general description of the conference, noting that "this conference is both technical and policy-focused. It emphasizes the technologies and treatment processes, the regulatory needs and the legal and funding frameworks needed to expand the adoption of reuse and recycling to 'make every drop count'."

"Regulatory frameworks have been critical in areas where reuse is now a reality, as in the state of California (USA), Israel, Spain and Singapore. To chart a prominent growth in new geographies, a clear framework is needed to advance and develop the implementation of reuse. We should extend the current regulations to include new categories and uses to cover new applications. Irrigation is now widely covered, but the industrial and direct and indirect use of drinking water should be easier to implement. There are credible and transparent local regulatory frameworks, such as Title 22 in California, that could be considered a baseline that could help develop reuse in new areas, "said CosĂ­n. The panelists were Conchita Marcuello, Deputy Assistant Director General of Planning and Sustainable Use of Water of the Ministry of Ecological Transition; Traci Minamide, COO of LA Sanitation, City of Los Angeles (USA); Maurice Neo, Director, Water Reclamation (Network) at Singapore Public Services Board (PUB); and Mehul V. Patel, Director of Water Production, Orange County Water District.

Regulations of reuse in the world The day continued with two round tables and a plenary session. The first panel, entitled "The Big Debate: Water Reuse Regulations in Europe, USA and Asia," moderated by Carlos CosĂ­n, IDA Officer and CEO of Almar Water Solutions, examined regulations covering the various uses, requirements and advantages in the use of water reuse technology to meet the growing water needs for agriculture, industry and urban uses, as well as aquifer recharge, to compensate for water needs.


"This panel is a fascinating way to learn how problems are solved and solutions are applied in regulations related to reuse in different parts of the world. It allows us to see our common concerns and solutions to the possible obstacles that may come with the reuse regulations," said Patel.

of reclaimed water, which also includes, in some countries, the strengthening of the capacity of sewage treatment. This requires finding the right balance between donations from the public sector, multilateral donors and the new public-private partnerships, trying to prevent public investment, although important, excluding private contributions. On the other hand, to guarantee the operation of these plants, it is essential to redesign the incentives. This mainly requires new pricing schemes for long-term water security, emphasizing the diversification of water supply sources and the improvement of resilience. It also requires the recognition of new sources of income, such as those derived from biosolids and biogas. Funding, financing and pricing should align individual interests and collective objectives; that is, to guarantee the safety of water within a context of adaptation to climate change."

Financing tools for the reuse of wastewater The second panel, entitled "Pricing Water Security and Enhancing Practical Financing Tools for Reclaimed Wastewater Reuse," was moderated by Gonzalo Delacámara, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of Water Economics at IMDEA Water Research Foundation, and by Eduardo Orteu, Head of the Support Unit and Head of the International Affairs Service of the General Directorate of Water. In it, the panelists discussed specific approaches to setting the price of water security through the diversification of water supplies and the tools they use to finance and develop irrigation infrastructure projects and As a conclusion to this part of the program, a plenary urban needs, and other water requirements. session was held on "Research and Market Trends: Thematic Changes and Macro Level Drivers," in which the role of decentralized water and the impacts associated with the deployment of the Internet were explored. It was moderated by Tim David Chinn, Senior Vice President and Executive Consultant of AECOM's Potable Water Program, and the participants were Jeff Mosher, Senior Vice President of Technology at Carollo Engineers, Inc; Paul O'Callaghan, CEO of BlueTech Research; and Julie Minton, Director of Strategic Initiatives at The Water Research Foundation Participants included Zael G. Sanz Uriarte, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank Group; Xavier Leflaive, Leader of the Water Team in the OECD Environment Directorate; and Víctor Arroyo, Acting Director of Knowledge Management in Water of CAF.

Delacámara indicated that "there is a double discussion: on the one hand, the creation of the necessary configuration to guarantee the financial resources for initial capital investments for the reuse


Presentations in parallel sessions After lunch, the day continued with the presentations in parallel sessions. The Valentia A room hosted three talks focused on the reuse and recycling of industrial water. During the same, the latest innovations and technologies were protagonists: reverse osmosis or ultrapure water were among the terms most heard in the Melià Hotel space.

Day 2 The second day of the conference also took place in parallel sessions between the rooms Valentia A, Valentia B and Valentia C.

During the morning, both the first and the second presentations focused on the reuse and recycling of industrial water. Some of the topics dealt with For its part, Valentia B was the scene of four were the circular economy, the recovery of urban presentations on water monitoring and quality. wastewater or the collaboration in the integral Thus, several concrete projects and success stories management of water. developed throughout the world were put on the table in this line, such as the example of Los Angeles In Valentia B, and continuing with the previous line, or South Africa. the talks focused on subjects as diverse as brine reduction, membranes, the improvement of osmosis In Valentia C, non-potable and agricultural reuse processes and uses in industrial facilities. was the central axis of the four interventions. In this space, projects carried out in the matter of aquifer For its part, Valentia C hosted the presentations recharge, desalination or maintenance operations focused on direct and indirect potable reuse. were discussed. Among the interventions, it is worth mentioning the Californian case, the challenge of municipal reuse The afternoon concluded with the presentation and the analysis of the American legal framework of the magazine iAgua Magazine 19, focused on for potable reuse. water in the circular economy. The event featured the iAgua dialogue between Félix Parra, Aqualia's Later, the themes of the rooms varied. Valentia A General Director and protagonist of the cover of the focused on water quality monitoring and control, and magazine, and Alejandro Maceira, Director of iAgua. on practices used in Australia, reclaiming wastewater The presentations were followed by Gari Villa- using recycled ultrafiltration membranes, and Landa, responsible for international affairs at AEAS; industrial wastewater reuse with UF+UV+RO. Santiago Martínez, General Director of Concessions of Almar Water Solutions; Jorge Malfeito, Director Valentia B, meanwhile, hosted presentations on of R&D of Acciona Water; Joaquín Serralta, full best practices in reuse, such as maximizing reuse professor of IIAMA and Ángel Celorrio, Director of for industries, the use of membrane aerated biofilm the Iwater room. reactor (MABR) to obtain effluents with minimum energy and multi-reuse.

September 2018 31

In Valentia C, advanced technologies for joint desalination and water reuse were the chosen themes. The parallel sessions continued after lunch. On this occasion, Valentia A focused on industrial water reuse and recycling. Among the topics discussed were the analysis of pre-treatment and the latest innovations in evaporator and crystallization technology. The theme of Valentia B was the advanced technologies The end of the day passed at the Palace of Arts for joint desalination and water reuse. There was and Sciences of Valencia, designed by the famous talk of a novel hybrid of advanced water reuse architect Santiago Calatrava, in an evening with thermal desalination, beneficial reuse, hybrid sponsored by Almar Water Solutions. systems of forward and reverse osmosis for reuse and seawater desalination, and flow reversal for


high recovery desalination of municipal wastewater. Ultimately, Valentia C focused on cutting-edge technologies such as coating, enzymatic cleaners, bioluminescence or reuse without chloramine.

as well as the IDA team for conference organization and media partners for their support, and dedicated a few words to the excellent coverage that iAgua made throughout the event. Finally, Vicent Sarriá of the Valencia City Council closed the event with Borja IDA Water Reuse and Conservation Awards Blanco, Mike Dixon, Domingo Zarzo and Miguel The Conference concluded with the awarding of Ángel Sanz. the IDA 2018 Water Reuse and wards to three outstanding individuals and organizations that The Conference, and dedicated a few words to the have demonstrated outstanding performance and excellent coverage that iAgua made throughout contributions in this field. Please see article on the event. Finally, Vicent Sarriá of the Valencia pages 42-45 full coverage of the awards. City Council closed the event with Borja Blanco, Mike Dixon, Domingo Zarzo and Miguel Ángel Sanz. In short, the 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference presented two full days in terms of content, organization and networking that will undoubtedly mark the way to achieve reuse of water with a goal of its being considered a source of water supply, especially in areas with increasing water scarcity.

*IDA wishes to thank its media partner iAqua for permission to print this article in IDA Global Shannon McCarthy thanked the participants and Connections. The original author was Águeda García the Technical Program Committee for their excellent de Durango, with edits for clarity made by IDA Global assistance in development of the technical program, Connections following translation into English.


The definitive guide to the companies that count in desalination and water reuse globally

Who’s Who in

Desalination + Reuse 2018 The definitive guide to the companies that count in desalination and water reuse globally

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10/05/2018 18:30

Get your copy now at Products and services A-Z 33

Water. desalination + reuse Who’s Who 2018

inge GmbH Flurstrasse 27, Greifenberg, Bavaria, 86926, Germany TEL +49 8192 997 700 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Daniela Droessler

Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR) via P Bucci 17C, University of Calabria, Rende, Cosenza, 87036, Italy TEL +39 0984 492039 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Enrico Drioli

EPCs landscape 5

Water. desalination + reuse Who’s Who 2018

S&P Global Water Index versus S&P 500 300





50 4/12

S&P 50 S&P Global Water Index 4/13









Interfil Pty Ltd

150 Clove Road, Suite 1101, Little Falls, NJ 07424, USA TEL +1 877 372 2420 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Greg Lee

2/66 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223, Australia TEL +61 2 9533 4433 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Andrew Hall

IntelliFlux Controls

International Desalination Consultancy Associates LLC

721 South Glasgow Avenue, Suite D, Los Angeles, CA 90301, USA TEL +1 310 844 4443 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Jason Lake

Interapp AG Grundstrasse 24, Rotkreuz, 6343, Switzerland TEL +41 41 798 2233 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Olivier Notz

Hydranautics is a part of the Nitto Group and is one of the global leaders in the field of Integrated Membrane Solutions. Hydranautics offers complete membrane solutions like Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration, and Microfiltration for water, waste water and process treatment and applications. Hydranautics’ membrane based solutions are currently in use on seven continents throughout the world for diverse applications such as • Seawater Desalination • Industrial High-Purity Water • Surface Water Treatment • Waste Water Treatment • Specialty Process Applications Nitto and Hydranautics have over 40 years of experience in membrane technology. We remain committed to bringing innovative membrane technologies which provide

14 Trinity Rd, Winchester, MA 01890, USA TEL +1 781 729 2796 EMAIL CONTACT Leon Awerbuch

clean water to a thirsty world. Our global membrane division is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, USA and we have three state-of-the-art manufacturing sites located in Oceanside – USA, Shiga – Japan and Shanghai – China. For further information kindly visit our website MAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITY Manufacture Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration and

CONTACT PERSON Jayesh Shah, Global Marketing and Communications Manager EMAIL MOB +1 760 717 4529 Microfiltration membranes for water, waste water and process treatment applications; develop a range of specialized membrane products and deliver customized membranes to our clients.

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Aqualia wins a clutch of new desal contracts • 49 per cent stake sold to Australian fund manager IFM Investors for €1,204 million • $320 million contract to design, build and operate a wastewater reuse plant in Cairo, Egypt

‘Abu Rawash water reuse plant, Egypt, will process 1.6 million m3/d of wastewater for potable use’ treatment plant will process 1.6 million m3/d of wastewater through primary and secondary treatment to produce potable water. Once complete, it will serve six million people. It follows a contract win in Egypt in 2016, to construct a 150,000 m3/d desalination plant at El Alamein. The company has continued to win new

projects in the current year: In January 2018, the Water Commission of State of Sonora, Mexico, awarded Aqualia a build, operate and transfer contract for Guaymas desalination plant. The project for a 17,280 m3/d plant includes design, fittings, construction, and commissioning, as well as operation and maintenance over 20 years. Capital investment is reportedly MXN 704 million ($37 million), with construction due to begin in June or July 2018, and completion slated for end of 2019. In February 2018, it won the Sohar Port project, Oman, which it secured in partnership with Oman Investment Fund and Majis Industrial Services, creating a new joint venture called Oman Sustainable Water Services (OSWS) to operate the hydraulics at the Port of Sohar for 20 years. OSWS’s operations and maintenance services will cover collection of seawater, production and supply of potable water and process water, collection of, and a network for, cooling water, wastewater treatment, a sewage network, and management of recycled wastewater. The contract begins with extracting 16.8 million m3/d of seawater; an associated distribution network; a desalination plant of 20,000 m3/d; a water treatment plant of 10,000 m3/d; seawater outfall of 14.4 million m3/d; and pumping and process systems and potable water and sewage networks for 50,000 m3/d.

DESAL18 p04-07.indd 5

International Desalination Consulting Associates (IDCA)

CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Hydranautics – A Nitto Group Company 401 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92058, USA TEL +1 760 901 2500 TEL +1-800-CPA-PURE FAX +1 760 901 2578 EMAIL WEB

Company profile: Aqualia

Spanish water company FCC Aqualia has taken steps to financially restructure in the past 18 months. The company priced two new bond issues, totalling €5,063 million, to help pay down group debt in June 2017; and in November of that year it bought back a 49 per cent stake in its water business in the Czech Republic which had been sold in 2013. In March 2018, it sold a 49 per cent stake to Australian fund manager IFM Investors for €1,204 million. In terms of performance, the company reported turnover of €704 million ($843 million), a rise of 4.5 per cent, in the year to 31 December 2017. Of this, €9 million, or 1.3 per cent, came from desalination – the majority, £394 million, or 56 per cent, was from the water supply business. In desalination, the company won new contracts internationally, including for constructing a catchment facility at Mostaganem desalination plant, Sonatrach, Algeria, to increase the plant’s capacity. And in September 2017, Aqualia and Orascom won a $320 million contract to design, build and operate a wastewater reuse plant in Cairo, Egypt. Abu Rawash wastewater

Reham Tower, Suite 703, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt TEL +20 225 257199 EMAIL CONTACT Leon Awerbuch

Hydranautics – A Nitto Group Company


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Integrated Water Technologies

10/05/2018 20:18

DESAL18 a-z section.indd 33

10/05/2018 10:42

Products and services A-Z 35

Water. desalination + reuse Who’s Who 2018

Krausz Industries Ltd

Kurita Water Industries Ltd

LANXESS Deutschland GmbH

6 Hapatish St, Tel Aviv, 66559, Israel TEL +972 3515 4000 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Doron Meigners

Giulinistr, 2, Ludwigshafen, 67065, Germany TEL +49 621 1218 3000 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Paulo Gomes

Kennedyplatz 1, Cologne, 50569, Germany TEL +49 221 8885 8558 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Alexander Scheffler

Kurita Water Industries Ltd

14 Trinity Road, Winchester, MA 01890, USA TEL +1 781 729 2796 EMAIL CONTACT Leon Awerbuch

Krohne Australia Pty Ltd 21/28 Belmont Ave, Rivervale, WA 6103, Australia TEL +61 8 94 790 901 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Ernest Arnold

KROSYS Inc 72-1 Sinsan-ro, Saha-gu, Busan, 49434, Korea TEL +82 51 220 9900 EMAIL WEB

Kube Engineering 30298 Trois Valley Street, Murrieta, CA 92563, USA TEL +1 951 926 0675 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Quinn Eddins

Nakano Central Park East, 10-1, Nakano 4 – Chome, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-0001, Japan TEL +81 36 743 5000 EMAIL WEB

Leading Edge Technologies (LET)

LEMA Dynamics PTY LTD 37 Villa di Spiranze 87 Clarendon Street, Parrow Valley, Cape Town, 7500, South Africa TEL +27 73 263 6033 EMAIL CONTACT Seqao Lepitikoe

L Lahmeyer International GmbH Friedberger Strasse 173, Bad Vilbel, 61118, Germany TEL +49 6101 55 0 EMAIL WEB CONTACT Arne Schaefer

Lenntech Water Treatment Distributieweg 3, 2645 EG Delfgauw, Netherlands TEL +31 152 610 900 EMAIL WEB CONTACT David van Lennep

Italmatch Chemicals CONTACT Italmatch Checmicals Via E Vismara 114 Arese, 20020 Italy TEL +39 02 93525202 WEB MAIN CONTACT Daniele Ciferri MOB +39 366 6021652 EMAIL Gianni Pilati MOB +39 331 3612435 EMAIL MAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITY • Industrial Water Treatment • Thermal and Reverse Osmosis Desalination Water Treatment • Water Reuse

More than 50 years ago, Dequest pioneered the development of phosphonate based antiscalants. Dequest phosphonates have been the product of choice for antiscalants/dispersants/ corrosion inhibitors/chelants in various applications for many years. Today Dequest Water Additives offers a broad range of water management solutions that go far beyond phosphonates. Italmatch’ Dequest Water Additives business is offering unique specialty additives to meet all needs related to water management, industrial processes and/or applications where water plays a crucial role. Italmatch Dequest Water Additives includes DEQUEST® P product line: a wide range of homo-polymers, co-polymers and ter-polymers functionally based mainly on maleic, PCA chemistries and specifically designed to provide superior technical performance respect to poly-acrylate polymers.

Recently Italmatch has developed a novel acrylamide free flocculant product’s line (Qualifloc AF range). Qualifloc AF emulsion based flocculant product line have been specifically designed for applications in which poly-acrylamide and / or acrylamide monomer are undesirable, such as sludge and water reuse processes, vegetable washing processes in food industries, sand washing processes for fracking & cement applications. Dequest® Water Additives is offering in desalination processes: • DEQUEST® SPE ready to use antiscalants and membrane cleaners for reverse osmosis and nanofltration applications (desulphation units) • ALBRIVAP® antiscalants and antifoams for thermal desalination units (MED – MED/TVC & MSF). For more information on Italmatch Water Additives, visit

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10/05/2018 10:46

Ensure your company appears in Who’s Who 2019 at


BEHIND THE SCENES... the 2018 IDA International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling By Domingo Zarzo An IDA conference is a serious thing. When you are at the same time a participant, co-chair, chairman, co-author, co-organizer of a training course and representing your company, AEDyR, IDA and tour guide, it is certainly insane.

The dinner at the amazing Palace of Arts and Sciences was the perfect place to encounter old and new friends and to dance with the traditional group if you were forced to against your will, like me.

The conference “Make Every Drop Count� has certainly been a success, as a result of the hard work of a team that meet for the first time for this purpose starting in the apparently far away date of December, working round the clock and organizing it in a record time.

The visits to the Albufera Park and the Water Court of Valencia were also very interesting and inaugurated a new approach to different kind of visits, more historical, cultural and environmental than purely technical.

I think the joint work of the IDA and AEDyR teams has itself been another success, representing new times and relationships between the IDA and its affiliates. The opening ceremony was a little bit bumpy with some last-minute cancellations due to the unexpected change in Spanish government a couple of weeks prior, but it wrapped up with flying colors thanks to the distinguished guests who honored us with their presence. Technically, the conference covered all the topics that program indicated: excellent keynote lecture, round tables and presentations from reputed speakers covering technical aspects, finance, planning and regulation in the specific field of reuse, and interesting debates among participants from all over the world.

And of course, on the last day the team celebrated the success of the conference with a nice paella on the beach, the only dish available these days for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and sure to increase the weight of the participants.

If you are not exhausted, like me, it is a pleasure, Beyond this, the success of a conference is also as President of AEDyR, to invite you to our next gauged by the level of participant satisfaction, international conference, to be held in Toledo, which also includes social activities, visits, enjoying Spain, next October. the city and the most important thing: networking. When you are travelling from another country to Thank you for coming! attend a conference, to meet with clients (current and potential), suppliers and friends from the water community, networking is, indeed, the main objective.



About the Author

Domingo Zarzo is Technical and Research & Development Manager of Valoriza Agua (SACYR GROUP) from 1995 and founding member of the company (called previously Sadyt). From 1995 to 2008, he was Director of the Department of Projects. More than 100 water treatment facilities have been designed and built under his supervision including some of the largest desalination facilities in the world (Australia, Algeria, Chile, Spain, etc.), with different technologies (RO, EDR, NF) as well as large wastewater and reuse plants. Currently he also acts as Valoriza’s internal technical advisor. Previously he worked as a researcher at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alicante (1988-1991) and O&M manager in different wastewater treatment plants in Searsa (1991-1994). For 10 years he was Associate Professor and currently Honorary Collaborator at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alicante, Spain. He is a


lecturer in different master courses related with water treatment in different universities, and has authored more than 100 papers and publications in conferences, scientific journals, invited lectures and international congresses. He also holds three patents on water treatment systems. Dr. Zarzo has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from the University of Alicante, Spain (1988) and a PhD in water and sustainable development with the thesis titled: “Issues and solutions for the management and treatment of desalination brines” from September 2017 (University of Alicante, Spain). In addition to serving on the IDA Board of Directors, Dr. Zarzo is President of AEDyR (Spanish Desalination and Reuse Association) and Member of the Board of Trustees and Scientific Committee in IMDEA Agua (Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies-Water).




Since its founding 45 years ago, the International Desalination has been known for the experience, expertise and strength of its membership, which comprises a veritable “Who’s Who” of the global desalination and water reuse industry – a remarkable repository of knowledge and perspectives that constitutes an invaluable asset to the community it serves. With that in mind, the Board of Directors of the International Desalination Association has established an Honorary Council with a mission to leverage knowledge, experience and volunteerism to strengthen advocacy for desalination and advanced water treatment solutions, and has named eight distinguished members of the global desalination and water reuse community to the Council for the 2017-2019 term. Technological progress has been remarkable as per reclaiming and treating wastewater for reuse, thus making this water supply source technically more feasible than ever before. A majority of IDA members, indeed, do excel at desalination and water reuse technologies. Yet, the main drawbacks faced in the penetration of water reuse have nothing to do with technological challenges anymore. If you think of new advanced tertiary treatments, triple-barrier technologies, and potential synergies between reuse and desalination, it is clear there are still areas that demand further effort in terms of basic and advanced research, technological development and innovation. The range of technological options is so wide these days that the unit cost of reclaiming, treating and reusing water is highly contingent on choices about advanced water treatment (AWT) trains, their associated treatment capabilities, effluent quality standards after indicated treatments, blends with other water supply sources, conveyance to endusers, the use of buffer resources (i.e., aquifers, surface water bodies), etc. Regarding all those decisions, there are uncertainties and pending challenges but no one seems to be binding. What

is needed to make those technologies germane is enhanced governance, something that by definition is multifactorial. Beyond institutional, regulatory and other constraints, less developed countries may either be facing suboptimal saving rates or government budget constraints to raise the necessary resources for upfront capital investments and the operation of water reuse projects. More developed economies are also facing a number of difficulties, due to high indebtedness, public deficit problems or sluggish growth, hence also struggling to secure fiscal resources for these investments. When looking at capital flows worldwide in the water sector, it is observed that 7% of the operational income in water service companies still comes from grants and 37% of capital expenses from central governments and international donors. In 2030, financing via subsidies will drop to 17% of total, whereas necessary capital will increase to US$449b. Nevertheless, even if a country or region is able to address public reluctance to water reuse and funding is not a constraint, project financing may still be challenging, which leads to a second relevant point: improving pricing schemes. To date,


even in the best cases, pricing has been able to tackle a financial objective: recovering financial costs. It is not that clear, though, those prices have been able, on one side, to send the right signals as incentives for water demand management (i.e., improved water use efficiency). On the other, a difficulty remains: pricing water security is far from becoming a reality, which hinders the ability to diversity water supply sources.


Xavier Leflaive (OECD) rightly pointed out that nowadays, to a greater or lesser extent, almost low- and medium-income countries have domestic financial markets, as an outcome of globalization. How to make sure resources are allocated to water-related investments? Even if having the technology and the funding, what is actually missing? Xavier pointed out three different elements or enabling factors for sound funding of water reuse investments: stable regulation to reduce uncertainty and build trust – water reuse is still banned in many countries, regardless of the use, and sludge management is still an issue; moving away from technical path dependence (or technological lock-in), combining large centralised facilities and small-scale distributed systems for reuse; and valuing water, not just in water-scarce areas but also where water quality degradation is a major issue.

management and how the water sector fosters projects that are not only eligible but also actually bankable. Zael Sanz (World Bank), in turn, pointed out that very often the money is the capital market but not necessarily in the budget of countries, which highlights the need to leverage private funding. How to attract those resources? How to make investment palatable and attractive for investors, while ensuring the alignment of individual interests with public policy objectives and the public interest? Zael noted that a very relevant element is on contractual arrangements, as the way to allocate risks and returns. At the end of the day, water management is very much about risk management. Along these lines, Xavier suggested that investors do have a preference for standardized schemes rather than getting into the nitty-gritty details but, specifically, made the case for proper international benchmarking in terms of transaction cost management.

Very often, in discussions about water financing and pricing, crucial elements tend to be downplayed when not overlooked at all. For instance, when referring to the actual cost of reusing water, much of the attention is placed on the cost of reclaiming and treating wastewater effluents, rather than on the wider cost of delivering it to final users, when It is important to note that water reuse capacity is we know that energy and conveyance costs are deployed in a competitive environment: reclaimed more than relevant. wastewater competes with other supply sources. This means that all water sources should reflect a Some may feel water reuse is too challenging. more precise price, as a result of charging the full Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United cost of supplying water overall. Kingdom (from 1940 to 1945, and from 1951 to 1955), said: “if you are going through hell, keep Víctor Arroyo (CAF Development Bank for Latin going.” Some others (such as the participants America) wondered what the missing piece of the in the panel) may feel slightly more optimistic. equation was for water reuse development. CAF’s Barack Obama, President of the USA (2009-2017), experience shows that the cornerstone might be in claimed: “Change will not come if we wait for some making compatible the policy cycle and the project other person or some other time. We are the ones cycle. In other words, in understanding how policy we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we makers make decisions on project finance and seek”.


About the Author Head of the Water Economics Department at IMDEA Water Research Foundation, Gonzalo DelacĂĄmara is a water policy advisor to the European Commission (through its Clean Water Unit), the European Parliament (on climate change), as well as an international consultant to different agencies and programmes of the UN (UN Water. UNESCO, FAO, WHO-PAHO, UNDP, etc.), the World Bank Group (World Bank, IFC, 2030 Water Resources Group), and a member of the OECD Water Governance Initiative. Gonzalo is the Academic Director of the Water Economics Forum, an initiative with Nobel


Prize Laureates and other international experts. He is also the Cluster Leader on the value of water for the EU Water Supply & Sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP). He has developed a number of studies on the link between water policy & management and macroeconomic performance in the EU or to maximise reclaimed wastewater reuse in the EU, as well as research projects on the use of economic policy instruments for sustainable water management. Gonzalo is the author of recent books and book chapters on the use of economic incentives for water management or water trading schemes.

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IDA PRESENTS 2018 WATER REUSE AND CONSERVATION AWARDS AT INTERNATIONAL WATER REUSE AND RECYCLING CONFERENCE The 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference: Making Every Drop Count was a time to recognize leadership within the water reuse sector, as IDA conferred its 2018 IDA Water Reuse and Conservation Awards to three outstanding individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional performance and contributions to this field. “These prestigious awards recognize people and organizations that are making a difference not only within our industry but also for the world at large. Their work has led to advancements in conserving our planet’s most precious resource, water, for today and for generations to come,” said Shannon McCarthy, Secretary General of the International Desalination Association. “On behalf of IDA, I want to thank all of the nominees for their incredible work, and also the co-chairs for the 2018 Awards Selection Committee, Mr. Borja Blanco, Dr. Mike Dixon and Dr. Domingo Zarzo, for their oversight in selecting this year’s winners from so many deserving nominees,” she added.



Winners of the 2018 IDA Water Reuse and Conservation Awards are: Outstanding Professional in Water Reuse and Conservation, presented

in recognition of demonstrated exceptional individual contributions to the development and implementation of landmark water reuse projects; and advancement of technology and applied science in the field of water reuse and conservation. Winner: Dr. Val S. Frenkel, PhD, P.E., D.WRE (USA)

Vice President of Process Engineering / Managing Director Pacific Coast, Greeley and Hansen, Dr. Frenkel is an eminent figure in the water industry with expertise in water and wastewater treatment, water reuse, and membrane technologies, including desalination. Equally instrumental was Dr. Frenkel's role in the development of low pressure membrane technologies and applications. Developing, leading and delivering near 300 projects globally, Dr. Frenkel's works go far beyond his job scope as they are published extensively both in the US and abroad, authoring several patents in the process. A prolific author, Dr. Frenkel has received numerous accolades from such organizations as the International Desalination Association and American Academy of Environmental Engineering. He is also a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE), which is part of the Academy of the Civil Engineering Certification, Inc. (CEC). Dr. Frenkel has been elected a Fellow of IWA and of ASCE/EWRI.

As IDA continues to grow, it is effectively breaking down informational borders by disseminating and sharing knowledge and expertise to promote the development and use of desalination and water reuse projects around the world. I am proud to be part of this important work, and I am honored to be recognized by my peers in the industry with this award,” said Dr. Frenkel. “This year’s theme Making Every Drop Count reflects the serious global water challenges we are now facing as a result of climate change. And, once again, the annual conference brought together the best industry experts from around the world to prove that these professionals are ready and committed to addressing these challenges.


Aqualia is a full cycle water management company with a customer base of 22.5 million users (GWI). Operating in 1,100 municipalities and across 22 of outstanding performance of public and private countries in Europe, Latin America, the Middle utilities that have implemented successful leading- East and North Africa, Aqualia is a leading water edge water reuse and conservation programs and management company with a proven track record of applying research and innovation. Since 2009, projects. in collaboration with over 40 international research centers, more than 30 R&D projects have been Winner: Aqualia (Spain) implemented, generating 11 patents, most of them in the field of the circular economy and the water and energy reuse. Aqualia has been awarded over 20 million euros in co-funding, competing for prestigious European programs such as Life, FP7 and H2020. Water reuse in one of the pillars of Aqualia's circular economy commitment, but not exclusively. Through projects such as All-gas, SmartGreenGas or Methamorphosis, Aqualia is now enabling communities to use 100% local biofuel obtained from wastewater, and energy for desalination has been cut by a factor of 10. These initiatives mark a bold step forward for the water sector and for citizens.

Exceptional Utility Leader in Water Reuse and Conservation, in recognition

Aqualia is truly honored to receive this award that recognizes the outstanding performance of our company in the field of water reuse and conservation. The company has successfully implemented leading-edge programs and projects in the sphere of non-conventional technologies showing its real engagement with water security worldwide. For this reason, this acknowledgment, coming from an entity committed to the management of water scarcity globally, is especially remarkable for us. Felix Parra, CEO of Aqualia.


Industry Technology and Innovation Leader in Water Reuse and Conservation, to recognize the outstanding

performance of private consulting firms, and technology and equipment providers that have achieved disruptive advances in water reuse and conservation technology that have allowed significant reduction in energy use, carbon footprint and costs of alternative water supplies. Winner: Dow Water Solutions (Switzerland)

Dow Water Solutions, a business unit of Dow, is a global leader in sustainable water separation and purification technologies and is the home of FILMTEC™ reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes. To help communities and businesses make better progress in moving from a linear economy model (with a “take, make and dispose” approach to raw materials, including water), to a circular economy where resources are “reduced, reused and reclaimed,” Dow Water Solutions (DWS), introduced a wastewater management approach called minimal liquid discharge (MLD) in 2015. Developed based on Dow’s experience with proven water treatment technologies, MLD is a more costeffective and sustainable way for companies to improve their water footprint, enabling recovery of up to 95 percent of liquid discharges at a fraction of the costs of solutions aiming for zero liquid discharge (ZLD). With MLD, Dow has changed the conversation about water management and showed that businesses can do what is right for the bottom line, community and the environment.

Advancing sustainable water management and a true circular economy requires more than industry-leading knowledge. It requires knowledge, combined with our in-depth technical expertise and collaborative working with end-users and value chain partners to solve industry challenges better, faster and cheaper to create more value. This humbling recognition from the IDA reinforces that our MLD approach is meaningfully disruptive and increasingly being embraced and adopted by industry to further improve efficiencies across the water value chain. HP Nanda, global business director, Dow Water Solutions. MLD is centered on meeting customer’s specific needs – identifying sources and types of wastewater, and matching integrated technology systems to their waste streams to enable it for reuse. With this cuttingedge concept in hand, Dow has changed the conversation about water reuse and conservation and shown that businesses can do what is right for the bottom line, community and the environment. Tina Arrowood, lead research scientist, Dow Water Solutions



Sponsor of “An Evening at the Palace”

IDA wishes to thank the following industryleading companies for their support of the 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference.

opportunity to hear first-hand from

“Almar Water Solutions supports initiatives to promote, educate, and increase awareness of desalination and water reuse in all parts of the world, as does IDA. This conference offered an enormous learning the most innovative companies in the

Silver Sponsors “IDA’s events as well as AEDYR’s events give an excellent opportunity for ACCIONA AGUA to find out new trends in the water industry and meet the International key players in the sector. We are looking forward for IDA 2019 in Dubai!” Elena Reyna Monasterio, Marketing Director

water reuse sector. Equally important was the exchange with the public sector and international finance community about regulation and financing tools. The conference was an excellent platform to connect and share ideas with world leaders of our industry, and we are proud to have sponsored it.” Carlos Cosín, CEO

“Great opportunities to learn about new trends, policies and technologies within the framework of the water reuse. A really interesting place to network.” Alberto Justel Lera, International Communication & Marketing Executive

Welcome Reception Sponsor "Impressive panel of reuse success stories (California, Kenya, Singapore, and Spain), and very interesting market insight from the OECD and World Bank, followed by the scan of new technologies always relevant in this context of permanent innovation. IDA reuse follows the track of the well-recognized IDA desal conference." Hervé Faujour, Chief Operating Officer, Veolia Middle East


“BESIX were again proud to sponsor and participate in this second Reuse conference organized by IDA. The Conference created a platform for us to share our experience and perspective on this increasingly important issue of Water Reuse to strive towards the goal of a ‘Circular Economy’ within the Desalination community.” Rachid Ghamraoui, Vice President at Besix Middle East

“Future Pipe Industries’ commitment to the IDA and its values materialized again through the sponsorship presented to the IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference in Valencia. Water treatment, reuse and delivery are now the most critical and challenging aspects for the growing world population, expected to reach a world population of 10 billion by 2050. Supporting these topics through participation and development of new technologies and processes is guiding FPI’s approach in this new world.” Ziad Salibi, General Manager-Sales & Marketing

"The most important drivers for environmental companies, like SUEZ, are the circular economy and resource recovery. Water reuse and desalination are the key factors to guarantee the resilience of the water business of the future. That’s the reason why SUEZ is pleased to sponsor knowledge-sharing events like the IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference where important stakeholders of our community gather." Philippe Rouge, Director of Water Operations, Suez Water Spain

“IDA builds a bridge between the desalination and water reuse world and water professionals. We would love to be a part of it.” Hattie Wang, Vice President of Global Market

A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS Supportive Sponsors “Water shortages present one of humanity’s most crucial challenges, with half of the world´s population predicted to be living in waterstressed areas by 2025. This conference presents such a valuable opportunity to share ideas, discover new solutions and come together to make a difference, right here, right now. IDA conferences have regularly proven to be a fantastic platform for collaboration, where public and private sector representatives can come together to explore mutually beneficial initiatives for water treatment and infrastructure that will help ensure sustainable, safe, steady water supplies for generations to come.” – Alexander Lane, Commercial Director, Dow Water Solutions EMEA

“Sacyr Services Agua is very committed to IDA activities and events. The IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference in Valencia was an incredible opportunity for meeting clients, suppliers, colleagues and friends related to reuse, and being held in Valencia and in cooperation with AEDYR, it was something we wouldn’t miss. A great success and unrepeatable. Waiting for the next event.” Domingo Zarzo, Technical and R&D Manager

“We at Toray Industries Inc. would like to contribute to the solution of global water scarcity by all kind of membrane-based technology. And we wish to be one of global leading companies in the area of desalination and water reuse through the IDA's activities.” Dr. Masaru Kurihara, Fellow & Senior Scientific Director

Hospitality Sponsors “For a multi-product company like Piedmont, this conference was the perfect platform to connect with the key stake holders in the industry and to apprehend where customer´s innovative technologies and solutions towards environmental sustainability could match our current and future product development initiatives.” Ties Venema, Commercial Director

“PWT contributes to IDA’s objectives and to bringing water industry stakeholders together. This conference was an opportunity for PWT to connect with its target market and present on cutting edge technologies that will optimize the performance of water reuse facilities.” Ryan Furukawa, Managing Director




The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Steve Jobs

water is typically less than $100m per year for between 30 to 50 deals. If you look at the total venture capital pool, water represents less than 0.2% of it. If you believe that the amount of funding in an industry reflects the innovation taking place in that industry, the conclusion would be that there is no innovation in water – yet we know that is not true.

These words of wisdom have always carried special Surprisingly, our entrepreneurs have done resonance for me. reasonably well. An interesting analysis published recently by Global Water Intelligence looked at how Innovation is fundamental to face the challenges the Artemis Top 50 start-ups of 2011 are doing today and opportunities of our industry, to meet in 2018. Out of 45 companies, 10 are successful new requirements, provide better solutions to having provided an exit or having reached an unarticulated needs, and bring to existing markets estimated +$50m valuation. Another five are doing better technologies, products, services and business OK, and the rest are dead or barely breathing. In models. In a fast-moving and globalized world, other industries, nine out of 10 start-ups fail, so wellentrepreneur-led start-ups are a growing source of done to our entrepreneurs! innovation in all industries. Does the water industry therefore attract funding? Despite its being a large, growing and global market with strong drivers and good entrepreneurs, it does not. As we raise funds for start-ups, we hear repeatedly that the industry is too risk-averse, has no incentives to innovate, that the sales cycles of the water industry are too long, that hockey stick curve revenues in water are not real, and that business plans and cash needs are usually underestimated. So, how is the water industry doing in supporting its entrepreneurs? It is a known fact that venture capital is pulling back from the water sector. The number of cleantech-focused VC companies is thinning. If you are a non-digital start-up, you will probably have a hard time capturing VC interest.

Unfortunately, it is all true. We estimate that it takes as much time to take a technology start-up though the valley of death and across the chasm to become commercial success in water, as it does for the pharma industry to put a new drug on the market.

As a consequence, we are finding that the industry Water represents less than 20% of the cleantech brings almost no funds for Series A fund-raising, a funding market. Capital deployed for start-ups in bit more for Series B but just a bit, and not much for


Series C. We are experiencing this as I write these words, while raising funds for a game-changing start-up that is bringing to market the first large scale UV-LED solution to the municipal and industrial market. We all have LED lights at home, and all our plants will have UV-LED tomorrow. There is excitement from investors, but unfortunately, most of them are coming from outside the water industry. Another interesting source of funding for innovation and entrepreneurs is corporate venture capital. The intensity of corporate venture capital in an industry is seen as a good indicator that an industry is leaning into a different future, one where corporate cash is enabling innovation and positive outcome for clients and society.


According to the Global Corporate Venture Symposium, there are over 1,300 corporate venture units. In the water industry, we have only counted

About the Author

Thierry Noel is the Founding Partner of Amane Advisors An advisory firm dedicated to the water industry, Amane Advisors provides strategy and market intelligence consulting, fund raising and M&A services, asset funding and PPP advisory, as well as digital transformation offerings, to the players of the water industry who want to innovate, transform and grow. He has dedicated the majority of his career to the water industry working internationally for large water companies before becoming an entrepreneur in 2009. In addition to Amane Advisors, he has founded successful companies in



three: Suez, Danaher, and Dow! Thankfully, several corporate ventures of companies whose core business is not water are investing in our industry. Amongst others they include Total Energy Ventures, and BASF Ventures, which did very well with NanoH20. Saudi Aramco Ventures has invested in Oxymem, ALIAD (Air Liquide) in Water Planet, Unilever Ventures is supporting Voltea, etc.

Water is a big topic. It is one of the largest industries at over USD$900b and it is growing. Innovation has huge potential impact. So how can we collectively fix this funding gap for innovation and better support our innovators and entrepreneurs in accessing funds, accelerate the long and arduous commercialization phase, and provide a well-deserved reward to them and the investors who have backed them? This is one of the missions we have set for ourselves at Amane Advisors. The return on innovation will always outweigh the risks.

the biotech industry and digital service business in the green energy sector. Thierry is passionate about innovation, transformation, growth and contributing to the future of the water industry. “Designing tomorrow’s successes� in our industry is the tagline of Amane Advisors.


iAgua is the preferred source of information for the water industry professionals in Spain and Latinoamerica. Now, we want to be the global leader.

Are you ready for the english edition?

January 2019 Stay tuned - -





By Professor Jack Gilron

The following article was co-authored and presented at the 2018 IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference by Professor Jack Gilron, Head of the Department of Desalination and Water Treatment at Ben Gurion University in Israel. The paper was also co-authored by A.N. Puah, K. Chua, F.K. Chwee, B. Viswanath, T. Osman, D. Peled and N. Perlmutter. After being presented at the conference, the paper won the TechInno showcase award at SIWW 2018. Abstract Wastewater is a resource increasingly reused for domestic and industrial purposes as demonstrated by the extensive network of NEWater plants in Singapore using RO to produce high quality water for the semiconductor industry from municipal wastewater. Recovery is limited by the supersaturation of calcium phosphate and iron in the concentrate to 75-80% recovery. Rotating tail membrane elements with lead membrane elements allows higher recoveries since the supersaturated solution in the tail elements is replaced by undersaturated feed solution when they become lead elements. Implementation of this approach as developed by Rotec Ltd. at the Kranji NEWater factory allowed recoveries to be increased to 90%. This means 20% more high quality water can be recovered from the existing supply of municipal wastewater. Introduction Scarcity of water resources is leading increasingly to treating municipal wastewater for indirect and direct potable reuse as well as exploitation of the water for industry. This almost always involves reverse osmosis to treat the municipal wastewater to achieve final quality. In Singapore, there are now five NEWater plants supplying 40% of the country’s needs, especially for the semiconductor industry. (Seah, 2016). As in other NEWater plants, reverse osmosis (RO) recovery at Kranji NEWater Factory (KNF) is limited to 75% - 80% due to mineral scaling from relatively high feed water concentrations of

phosphate, calcium, and iron. At this recovery rate, the time interval between cleaning-in-place (CIP) of ROs at KNF is observed to range between one and three months depending on the RO stage. The CIP interval will shorten to about two weeks when recovery rate is raised to 85%. Work carried out by Gilron and co-workers (Pomerantz et al., 2006, Uchymiak et al., 2008, Lu, et al., 2012, Mizrahi et al., 2012, Gilron, et al., 2013) showed that recoveries from feed waters can be increased and/ or antiscalant and chemical usage can be reduced by exploiting the finite induction time that is associated with the supersaturation level of sparingly soluble salts. This is done by flow reversal in a simple one stage RO train, and by exchanging between the tail and lead pressure vessel in a multistage RO train (Gilron, 2014). More recently this approach has been adapted to RO treatment of municipal wastewater for savings in acid consumption (Gelman and Lankretz, 2017). This paper surveys the implementation at the Kranji NEWater plant of the flow reversal approach as designed by ROTEC, Ltd. High recovery is achieved desalinating water with a high scaling potential by periodically switching solutions before scaling can occur. As a result, the performance of such a retrofitted train was studied as recovery was increased in stages from up to 75% to 90%. Methodology The implementation involved two modifications to the standard RO unit. First, a portion of the RO pressure


vessels containing the membrane elements were split into multiple groups. While they normally operate in the first stage, each group periodically functions as a third stage in the modified RO train. (see Figure 1).

Figure 2: Retrofitting train 2221 of the Kranji NEWater plant. Left – original train. Right – train after flow reversal retrofit.

The retrofitted train (2221) was compared to an adjacent conventional train (2222) operating at the 75-77% recovery, as recoveries in the retrofitted train were progressively increased from 75 – 90%. Each train was stopped for CIP when the plant operating criteria were exceeded (axial pressure drop increased by 10% or temperature corrected specific flux dropped by 10%). Figure 1: Retrofit scheme with first stage (green), second stage (yellow) and third stage (red) pressure vessels. A total of ten columns of six pressure vessels each populate the first and third stage together. Each two columns of six pressure vessels form a block in the first stage and can rotate into the third stage.

Second, every time a group of pressure vessels takes on the third-stage role, the direction of the feed stream in the pressure vessel is reversed. The result is that the most supersaturated solution in the last membrane element of the third stage pressure vessel is replaced with undersaturated feed solution when the same membrane element becomes the first element of that same pressure vessel when it returns to the first stage. This happens before any significant scale can form in the last membrane element (before the effective induction time is exceeded). All of the switching is carried out with a smart manifold of switching valves at the exit and entrance of each block of columns. Together, this approach reduces the adverse effects of scaling by rotating to the next group of pressure vessels before scale is precipitated out, and by switching the direction of feed stream to flush out what small amount of scale might have embedded on the membrane surface. An existing 8,000 m3/day RO train (2221) was retrofitted as described above with the ROTEC reverse flow technology in Jan 2017 (see Figure 2) and it was run through mid-January 2018. For sake of comparison, an adjacent train (2222) which had the original configuration was kept as a control (49 PV in first stage and 25 PV in the second stage).


Results The online time for the retrofitted flow reversal (FR) train (2221) was compared to that of a standard train (2222). During the period that recovery in train 2221 was increased from 80% to 85%, the online factor increased from 61% to over 91%. At the same time the standard train operating at 75-77% was only online an average of 47%. The online factor for train 2221 also exceeded 90% for 87.5-90% recovery. This reflects the lower frequency of CIP required for the retrofitted train, due to flow reversal preventing the build-up of calcium phosphate and iron deposits. The most striking performance during the run at 90% recovery on the FR train 2221 was that the axial pressure drop was stable in all stages throughout the run which lasted 58 days (Figure 3a). By contrast, the axial pressure drops in the control train (2222) increased by 25 kPa in the first stage and 20 kPa in the second stage out of average pressure drops of 100 kPa and 140 kPa respectively (Figure 3b). Increases in axial pressure drop with time can be an expression of increased mineral scaling or fouling. So it appears that fouling was more of a problem with the control train, even though it was only operated at 75-77% recovery. Permeate flow rates for the FR train (2221) were around 400 m3/h. By contrast, the permeate flow rates for the control train were 330-335 m3/h. That means the FR unit was producing 20% more permeate than the control train. By doing this the unit would produce over a half million m3 more per year using the flow reversal retrofit.


Conclusions The retrofitted train operated sustainably at 90% recovery with online factors equivalent to standard trains operating at the lower recovery rate (75%) typical of the rest of the plant. This means that the retrofitted unit is now producing 20% more water using the same resources as the standard plant and concentrate volumes have been reduced by 40%.


Figure 3: Axial pressure drops in the different stages of FR train 2221 (A) and control train 2222 (B).

About the Author Prof. Jack Gilron’s professional activity has been associated with finding new opportunities for introducing membrane technology to achieve water and product recovery from waste-streams and in increasing the recovery in desalination processes. He has worked on waste-streams from specialty chemicals industry, olive mill wastewater, and hypersaline brines for mineral production, among other systems.

Fouling studies continue to be another focus of Prof. Gilron’s work. Scaling by inorganic materials can limit the recovery from desalination of brackish water and municipal wastewater. Gilron has studied scaling in RO, ED, and membrane distillation systems. Biofouling is another of the major fouling problems involving membranes in desalination and other forms of drinking and wastewater treatment and can aggravate scaling as well. Prof. Gilron has studied the interaction between them together with Prof. Y. Cohen (professor at UCLA and adj. prof. at ZIWR) and Prof. Y. Oren.





The birth and growth of the desalination industry has always depended on technological advances to overcome physical and economic challenges. In the 1990s and 2000s, for example, innovation focused on reducing energy consumption in seawater desalination. Several breakthrough advancements resulted from this work including improved reverse osmosis (RO) membrane performance and reliability and the innovation of energy recovery devices. Not only was the energy required for seawater desalination cut in half, but very large membrane desalination plants became possible. Thanks to the terrific work that was done by many companies, researchers and innovators, today’s RO plants operate at about the lowest energy consumption that's reasonable to achieve, and its adoption has been widespread. Desalination is now practiced in 150 countries, and globally, more than 300 million people rely on desalinated water for some or all their daily needs.

Here are five exciting developments that hold great promise in achieving higher recovery and minimizing brine production: 1. The first development is getting higher fresh water recovery out of RO. One group of methods being used and improved on are process designs that feature transient or batch operation. They involve re-circulation of the brine back to the membrane feed for a period of time, followed by a flushing step. Re-circulation increases recovery rate by increasing fresh water yield and reducing brine flow. This is how many micro-filtration systems work, but historically batch operation has not been applied to reverse osmosis. Recent results have been promising, with reported brackish RO recovery rate increases from the historical standard of 75% to as high as 98%. High-pressure membranes are another means of increasing RO yield and reducing brine production. Although even high-pressure membranes are limited to 1,200-1,800 psi, while the pressure required to concentrate brines to higher than 10% salt with RO can be many thousands of psi, any increases in RO recovery reduce the cost of downstream brine treatment or disposal.

Fast forward to today; RO remains the dominant technology for desalination. But innovation is now aimed at achieving different objectives, in particular, raising fresh water yield, reducing waste brine production and dealing with tougher water sources. Desalination is increasingly moving away from the sea as innovation is spurring the growth of desalination in industrial and inland brackish applications. 2. The second area of innovation is in an earlier stage of development but shows promise Brackish water is defined as being less salty than for higher brine concentrations without seawater. It might come out of the ground or it exceedingly high feed pressures. Counter-flow might be a waste stream. The reason that high RO, or osmotically-assisted RO, incorporates a fresh water recovery and brine minimization are saline solution on the fresh water side of the so key in brackish desalination is that the cost and membrane to reduce desalination’s osmotic environmental issues associated with disposing pressure barrier. This innovation reduces feed of brine can be substantial. In fact, brine disposal pressures enough to allow use of standard or treatment is the largest cost component of RO membranes and equipment for treating brackish and industrial water desalination. This is brine streams up to 25% salt. Historically, brine where we see a lot of research, development and concentration to greater than 7% salt required innovation taking place now and expect to see it use of an evaporator – a very energy- and costcontinuing into the coming 10 years. intensive desalination method. The production


of 25% salt brines with RO represents more than a three-fold reduction in brine production and a dramatic increase in the range of usability of RO, as well as an increase in fresh water yield. 3. The third innovation is for desalination applications where thermal methods are required, for example, for oil and gas wastewater that contains concentrations of organic materials that would quickly foul RO membranes. One of the most promising is humidification / dehumidification. This process bubbles a carrier gas through the brine to evaporate water out of it in the same way that air moves water around in nature. Evaporation is followed by rain-like condensation, producing very pure product water and leaving behind brine concentrations of 25 percent or more. 4. The fourth promising innovation is the integration of precipitation and clarification with desalination. At high brine concentrations, some salts tend to come out of solution and deposit on equipment surfaces, stopping or slowing the desalination process. Salt deposited in this way is called scaling. One way to address this problem is to deliberately precipitate and remove these salts before desalination or as an interim step, thereby allowing additional desalination. There's a lot of work going on in the integration of precipitation into both membrane and thermal desalination processes, and we expect to see continued innovation in this arena. 5. The fifth innovation on my list is improved membranes. Researchers are attempting to make membrane materials that can be operated at extremely high pressures, at extremely high salinities or under conditions that would foul or scale today's membranes. This not only includes new membrane materials but how the membranes are put together and operated. Better membranes could enable increased recovery and reduced brine production as well as further reducing energy consumption. There are two other innovations that warrant mention when discussing advances in desalination.


One is the development and incorporation of digital technology. Smarter systems that better detect, anticipate and manage desalination upsets and operations are an ongoing opportunity and challenge that many are working on. Day-to-day operations and new innovations alike are potentially informed and enhanced by improvements in process control, monitoring and response. For example, an instrument that could detect an increased risk of scaling before it actually happens could enable operators to reduce system shutdowns and cleaning requirements. Second, new business models may encourage earlier adoption of new technologies. The designbid-build project structures still used in many municipal and industrial sectors select system designs largely on the basis of lowest capital cost, which inherently favors incumbent technologies. Although many new technologies can provide better long-term value, they are often shut out by old business models. Conversely, most large seawater desalination plants around the world are awarded as designbuild or design-build-operate contracts bid on a long-term cost-of-water basis. With this criterion, large seawater desalination projects have incorporated innovations to the benefit of everybody involved. As this model is increasingly adopted across industrial and municipal sectors, we may well expect to see more rapid uptake of innovation. Ongoing innovations in desalination technology go beyond creating new opportunities for water equipment and service providers. These advancements can have profoundly beneficial impact on the world’s water resources by making desalination more sustainable and affordable, a goal that the International Desalination Association (IDA) supports and promotes around the world.

About the Author A member of the IDA Board of Directors, Richard L. Stover, PhD, has 25 years of experience making global water resources sustainable through improved treatment efficiency. As President of Gradiant Membrane Systems, he is enabling inland desalination and water reuse projects that were not previously possible with a new membrane brine concentration process. In his previous role as Desalitech’s Executive Vice President, he was responsible for growth of the company’s reverse osmosis products. He previously

served as Chief Technical Officer and Senior Vice President of Marketing for Energy Recovery, Inc., the leading supplier of energy recovery devices for seawater desalination. Dr. Stover has been granted numerous patents. He was co-recipient of the European Desalination Society’s Sidney Loeb award for outstanding innovation. He has a PhD from the University of California Berkeley and a BS from the University of Texas Austin, both in Chemical Engineering.

This article first appeared in the July 2018 issue of Water Innovations Magazine and runs here with their permission.



COUNTDOWN TO 2019 IDA WORLD CONGRESS BEGINS CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN! The IDA World Congress will take place October 20-24 at the Dubai World Trade Centre hosted by the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA), a globally recognized sustainable, innovative and world-class utility. It will be held with the full support of HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO and his team. With the 2019 IDA World Congress on Desalination: Crossroads to Sustainability just over a year away, let the countdown to the 2019 IDA World Congress in Dubai begin! The Call for Papers for the Technical Program is now open, and IDA is unveiling its plans for an extraordinary event designed to connect, inform and engage all participants on the new World Congress website and social media channels.

Attended by public and private sector leaders, researchers and academia working in the fields of desalination, advanced water treatment, energy, environment and project finance, the Congress will consist of several new features such as a Leaders Summit, business forums and Dialogue Hall; an exceptional technical program; an industrydriven exhibition located in the heart of Congress activities; unparalleled networking opportunities; specialized workshops and training; and always popular facility tours.

TECHNICAL PROGRAM: The Technical Program focuses on a broad range of desalination and water reuse technologies, practices and experiences, recognizing that resources and requirements can vary based on local needs, climate conditions, natural resources, and locations. IDA invites papers in the following subject areas reflecting the achievements and future challenges in the field of desalination and water reuse. There will be four concurrent streams, allowing for a total of 400 invited and submitted podium oral and digital poster presentations. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract to be considered for inclusion in the Technical Program. Subject areas are:

• Desalination, Water Reuse and Our Wider World • Seawater Desalination • Brackish Water Desalination • Thermal Desalination • Pre and Post Treatment Algal Blooms • Operations and Optimization Energy, Water, Waste Nexus • Industrial Applications of Desalination and Water Reuse • Environment • Innovation • Making Waste Useful • Renewable-driven Desalination • Seawater Mining

Submissions are now being accepted and must be • Foundations for Success – Policy, Finance and submitted no later than October 31, 2018 through the IDA website Market Challenges


INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW • As English is the official language of the World Congress, papers should be submitted in English. • No previously published or presented material will be accepted. This policy will be strictly monitored. • Detailed information for submission of your abstract, for consideration in the program and participation requirements, can be found at the authors corner. • All draft manuscripts will be reviewed by session Co-chairs for originality, importance of findings and relevance to the theme of the World Congress. • Information collected from those accepted into the program will be used for marketing and promotional purposes such as online announcements, social media, print material, the

Final Program and Proceedings. • The authors of papers for presentation in the Congress will be expected to sign a participation agreement of requirements and are required to submit a full manuscript and power point presentation. • All accepted podium oral and digital poster presenters are required to register and pay Congress registration fees once they receive the acceptance letter. Please direct all inquiries regarding the Technical Program to (please write “IDA World Congress 2019” in the subject line of your email).

IMPORTANT DATES October 2018 Extended abstract submission closes December 2018 Notifications of accepted abstracts Agreement package distributed February 2019 First draft manuscripts submitted All co-authors listed March—May 2019 Review process of draft to final manuscript

August—September 2019 Oral/Poster assignments Advance Program available September 2019 Presenter introductions completed in the database profile Draft PowerPoint presentations October 2019 Final PowerPoint presentations Welcome to the Congress

June 2019 Final manuscript and copyright agreement Photo and Bio updated in the database of all author profiles Presenters register for Congress Information is subject to change. Please visit the IDA Author's Corner at for updates.


SPONSORSHIP: BRAND RECOGNITION AT THE WORLD CONGRESS Sponsors of the IDA World Congress enjoy an unparalleled opportunity to promote their leadership and industry support among esteemed delegates from both the public and private sectors. Sponsorship offers an ideal way to demonstrate your leadership, establish your company as a pioneer in the field and foster connections with potential clients and partners.

Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. In addition, the sponsorship prospectus showcases an array of opportunities to promote your company leading up to and during the World Congress Week. These include the Mobile App sponsorship as well as Dialogue Hall, Official IDA Awards, IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation Evening Event, Young Leaders Program, IDA Academy Course, and Technical Session IDA’s Sponsorship Program provides diverse and sponsorships. unique opportunities to promote your company during the World Congress Week. Sponsorship Sponsorship information is available at wc.idadesal. packages are available at the Titanium, Platinum, org/sponsors/ , or contact

SAVE THE DATE NOW AND PLAN TO ATTEND THIS LANDMARK EVENT! The IDA World Congress is always an exceptional event, each memorable for the quality of the program, the relationships that it nurtures, and the cultural experience presented by meeting with colleagues in venues around the world. We are


confident that the 2019 World Congress will set new standards for the quality of its program and the level of interaction we hope to inspire. It’s time to save the date and plan ahead for an unparalleled experience.




By Corrado Sommariva, Conference Co- Chairman

This water transition encompasses all segments that have an interest water from water generation, to water treatment. We increasingly foresee the application of the “cradle to cradle” concept to water where water is constantly upcycled for anthropogenic use. As the power sector has already developed and, in some cases is implementing, an “energy transition“ scheme where abundant energy will be provided The conference Creating Resilient Solutions at low cost by renewable sources, the water sector to Water Needs follows a long and successful will follow suit and take advantages of the benefits history of IDA Action4Good (“action for good”) that this new wave of energy development enables. events focused on social responsibility held in the beautiful Miramare Hotel in Santa Margherita, This encompasses reversing the current statePortofino, Italy in 2011 and 2015. of-the-art whereby water is abstracted from the biosphere, conveyed, and after anthropogenic use, Creating Resilient Solutions to Water Needs will wastewater is either sent back to the biosphere as take place on May 12-14, 2019, also at the Miramare waste or treated to a minimum quality required Hotel, and will finally address the need for a change to enable the discharge. With the new model, in the industry’s approach to water. wastewater is seen as a resource to be generated, used and upcycled by mankind so that a new As sustainable solutions are being increasingly abundance of fresh water can be generated by applied to all fields of industry and human nature. developments – from energy, infrastructure and mobility – the water sector must also prepare In this process, innovation is a key element to for a necessary “water transition” leading to a boost more efficient desalination technologies sustainable management of water resources. that are capable of taking advantage of renewable energy, and operating so that they incorporate Paralleling the decrease of fresh water is a renewable energy sources in an integrated waste constant increase in wastewater, which is now water scheme that is gradually changing to match seen as a liability to get rid of at the lowest the energy transition that is occurring. possible cost. In reality, in the same way as waste needs to become the technological and This changing scenario will represent a revolution biological nutrient store for future, wastewater in the industry that is going to radically revise needs to become the new water source for the the current state-of-the-art and offer enormous future. opportunities for new technologies processes and materials that, in turn, enable a wave of new This imposes the need to increase the reuse and economic development. reclamation of wastewater. If the concept of “cradle to cradle” is currently being applied to solid waste, The conference Creating Resilient Solutions to then, in the case of water, this is an essential Water Needs will be the first one to address the requirement for a sustainable future. need for a sustainable and resilient water industry


and the promise for a sustainable future and Both the La Spezia and Lunigiana Rotary Clubs abundant water and resources. have joined forces to support the conference and are currently working to identify this project and In line with the tradition of the previous events, this raise funds to add to the IDA donation. time part of the proceeds of the conference will be raised for the IDA Sustainable Water Resources Attending this conference is an opportunity not to Foundation and to finance a humanitarian project be missed! related to water with the support of the Rotary Club.

Conference Chairs: Dr. Corrado Sommariva

Conference Co-Chair UAE

Mr. Edoardo Garibotti Conference Co-Chair Italy

Technical Program Committee: Mr. Borja Blanco Spain

Dr. Mike Dixon Canada

Mr. Leon Awerbuch USA

Mr. Jose Diaz Caneja Spain

Mr. Alistair Munro UAE




IDA Action4Good Conference: Creating Resilient Solutions to Water Needs


May 12-14, 2019


Miramare Hotel in Santa Margherita, Portofino, Italy




Since the last IDA Board of Directors meeting in Paris, IDA has organized or participated in a number of activities, including the 2nd IDA International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference “Making Every Drop Count.” However, one of the events where IDA has enjoyed a long partnership is Singapore International Water Week. From July 8-12, SIWW celebrated 10 years from its first edition in 2008. IDA has been a strategic partner of PUB and SIWW since the beginning, and we will continue to support the next editions of this globally prominent event.

The 8th edition of SIWW saw plenty of records: 24,000 participants from 110 countries and regions, 500 water leaders, and 1,100 companies and innovative start-ups in 35,000 m2 of exhibition space.

SIWW 2018 was exceptional in terms of the attendance, organization, speakers and treated subjects in all parallel events. The TechXchanges and Hot Issues Workshops also received high praise. Miguel Ángel Sanz, Director of Strategic

On Sunday July 8, at a Networking Reception Development for Treatment Infrastructure at Marina Barrage, a ceremony took place to Division, SUEZ celebrate SIWW’s 10th Anniversary. During the ceremony, IDA received a Token of Appreciation for the Association’s continuous support directly from the Environment and Water Resources IDA participated on the panel Water Leaders Summit Insights in the session "Recycling and Minister, Mr. Masagos Zulkifli. Reusing Water Endlessly,” held on Tuesday July 10,


with a very high level of participants representing of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy, Kiribati the main stakeholders in water reuse, regulatory • Desalination and Water Reuse in Australia by Mr. entities, water industry and associations, investors Roch Cheroux, Chief Executive, South Australia and decisions makers. In addition to IDA President Water Corporation Miguel Angel Sanz, the panellists were: The presentations were followed by an interactive • Mr. Bruce Gordon, Coordinator of Water, debate with speakers driven by questions from the Sanitation, Hygiene and Health, World Health attendees. Organization • Ms. Diane D’Arras, President, International Water In the Business Forum, we also presented Association “Desalination and Water Reuse Growing Markets” • Ms. Jane Nishida, Principal Deputy Assistant including the conclusions from our recent Water Administrator for International and Tribal Affairs, Reuse Congress in Valencia. Some highlights: The United States Environmental Protection Agency Middle East and especially Saudi Arabia have • Mr. Allard Nooy, Chief Executive Officer, InfraCo impressive projects in the pipeline for the coming Asia Development years; China is growing faster in the desalination • Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee, Additional Municipal and water reuse market; and Australia is more Commissioner (Projects), Municipal Corporation focused in improving desalination operations & of Greater Mumbai, India maintenance and is growing in reuse in industry • Mr. Ng Joo Hee, Chief Executive, PUB, Singapore’s and irrigation. Of great interest was the case of National Water Agency Kiribati (pronounced Kiribass) in the Pacific Ocean, a country with 32 atolls and one island, where The session was moderated by Mr Peter Nicol, decentralized desalination coupled with renewable Global Director of Water, Jacobs. energy has provided the key water supply for the population. In addition to addressing the importance of water cost and water tariffs, part of the panel debate was The IDA-Singapore Water devoted to the public perception and treated water quality monitoring related to direct or indirect Academy Desalination Masterclass potable reuse. brings very rich lessons and PUB and IDA co-organized the Desalination and Water Reuse Business Forum presented on Tuesday. This year, we focused on the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions. The three-hour program included: • Opening Remarks by Ms. Shannon McCarthy, Secretary General, IDA • Keynote Speech by HE Eng. Ali Al-Hazmi, Governor, Saline Water Conversion Corporation • Trends in Desalination and Water Reuse by Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, President, IDA • Desalination and Water Reuse Market in the Middle East by Mr. Carlos Cosín, Chief Executive Officer, Almar Water Solutions and Director and Treasurer, IDA • The Challenges and Opportunities for Desalination in China by Ms. Hattie Wang, Vice President Global Market, ROPV • Overcoming Drought, A Pacific Island Experience by Ms. Keisy Tarakabu, Coastal Engineer, Ministry


insights that don’t get published in recent journals and publications. The case studies presented and actual tour to the Tuas Desalination Plant have deepened my understanding of both the challenges and best practices in the design and operation of desal plants, including the real cost of desal water. Highly recommended for utility engineers and managers in getting a fresh outlook in the planning and design of RO desalination plants of the future.

Karl Galing, Water and Sanitation Specialist, East Asia and the Pacific, Global Water Practice

In the debate, we pointed out the questions about Last but not least, two important sessions deserve innovation and the interest of our young leaders recognition: asking for a more active role in the desalination • AQUA Conversations and the excellent speech and water reuse industry. of Mr. Peter Ho and the way he treated the The other important event was the three-day IDA challenges of the cities about water and how he Academy-Singapore Water Academy Desalination replied to the questions that were posed; and Masterclass held during SIWW on July 12 to 14. • SIWW Water Dialogue, with special speaker H.E. Bam Ki-moon, 8th Secretary General of The IDA Academy Master Teachers were Nikolay the United Nations Organization, moderated by Voutchkov and Professor Tony Fane. The main subjects of the course were: Design, Process and Dr. Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information, O&M of RO Desalination Plants, Challenges & Solutions of Membrane Desalination, and The and Ministry of Transport of Singapore. Desalination Plant of the Future. The course and the teachers were highly evaluated by the 25 Finally, IDA would like to thank PUB for their hospitality, all the kindness shown to us and attendees. the excellent organization of the 8th Singapore International Water Week. Congratulations on behalf of the IDA!

Thanks to SWCC for Continued Collaboration with IDA.

IDA wishes to thank HE Eng. Ali Al-Hazmi, Governor, Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), for participating in the SIWW Business Forum on Desalination and Water Reuse. HE Al-Hazmi’s keynote speech was one of the highlights of the program, and we are grateful that he was able to take part in this well-received and informative event. “IDA and SWCC have enjoyed a long collaborative relationship, and we thank them for their continued support,” said Shannon McCarthy, IDA Secretary General. Thanks to WaterWorld for covering the PUB-IDA Business Forum.



IDA SIGNS COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH GREENING THE ISLANDS TO PROMOTE THE GTI OBSERVATORY INITIATIVE IDA and Greening the Islands have entered into a cooperation agreement to promote Greening The Islands Observatory (GTI Observatory) a continuous structured research and analysis initiative on energy, water and mobility that looks into island needs across different sectors, starting with these topics. The GTI Observatory will map the most sustainable and innovative solutions and trends on technologies and costs, providing key information to develop strategies and plans that can be deployed on islands and in remote locations.

regard, with great potential in remote and island settings in many parts of the world. We look forward to collaborating with the GTI Observatory over the next three years and helping to advance our mutual goals,” said Shannon McCarthy, Secretary General of the International Desalination Association.

“At the COP 21 in Paris, governments from all over the world recognized that islands are more exposed to the effects of climate change and that they would be ideal locations to test technological innovation aimed at environmental protection. Islands strongly need energy and water supply solutions and innovative IDA will promote communication and dissemination environmental solutions tested on islands can be of the GTI Observatory’s results and also promote replicated in all isolated locations in five continents,” said the GTI Observatory internally in order to support the Gianni Chianetta, Director of initiative. In addition, IDA will actively participate on the GTI Observatory’s Scientific Committee. In these is a non-profit organization ways, IDA’s collaboration will aid development of set up to promote and disseminate innovative sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions for solutions for sustainable development of islands and islands around the world. remote locations. The GTI Observatory was decided in 2015 on the occasion of COP21 to analyze the “IDA is pleased to support the work of the GTI existing situation and monitor energy transition on Observatory as part of our commitment to support islands, identifying solutions to the various obstacles and promote sustainable, environmentally friendly as they emerge. water solutions for people and industry around the world. We believe that the use of renewable energy For more information, please visit http://www. to power desalination is a game-changer in this


ISDMU CHINA CO-SPONSORS 2018-2019 IDA CHANNABASAPPA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IDA thanks ISDMU, the Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, SOA (Tianjin), as co-sponsor of the IDA Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship for FY 2018-19.

prove admission to a graduate program of doctoral studies in desalination or water reuse and must exhibit leadership and achievement potential. All applicants must be IDA members. The applications will be considered on the basis of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, references from university staff and one or more IDA members, along with the individual’s motivation statement for a planned career in desalination or water reuse technologies.

Applications are now being accepted for the 201819 Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship. Through this program, IDA awards scholarship grants to one or more graduate students who have been accepted into a program of doctoral studies and who intend to pursue a desalination and water The deadline for applications is October 30th. The reuse related research thesis. Scholarship Award will be announced within 60 days of the application deadline. Applicants must have graduated from an accredited university and must be from the top 10% of their For more information or to download an application, class in science or engineering. The applicant must please visit

IDA SEEKS HOST AGENCIES FOR 2018-19 AND 2020-21 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM IDA is seeking host agencies for its 2018-19 and Each host agency is a high-profile public utility or research organization known for its leadership in 2020-21 Fellowship Award Program. desalination and/or water reuse. The illustrious Inaugurated in 2008, the IDA Fellowship is one of roster of previous IDA Fellowship host agencies the industry’s most prestigious awards, featuring includes PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency both a monetary prize of up to 10,000 USD and (twice); the Saline Water Conversion Corporation an attachment with a high-profile host agency to (SWCC) in Saudi Arabia; Water Corporation and work on a specific project. Its purpose is to promote Murdoch University in Western Australia; the U.S. greater interaction and sharing of knowledge, Bureau of Reclamation in the USA; the Ministry technologies and processes in the desalination of Electricity & Water in Kuwait; and the Public and water reuse industry, thus benefitting not only Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW), located the Fellow and host agency, but also the industry in Oman. at large. For information about the IDA Fellowship Program, please email




IDA YEARBOOK BECOMES IDA WATER SECURITY HANDBOOK Just as IDA has broadened its mission to include not only desalination but also water reuse and advanced water treatment, the focus of the IDA Desalination Yearbook has also been expanded to cover advanced solutions aimed at addressing growing water scarcity. The new IDA Water Security Handbook builds on the IDA Desalination Yearbook’s market analysis and reference directory and gives end-users dealing with water scarcity the information they need to future-proof their operations for 2050 and beyond.

and technology & equipment suppliers to provide information, the publication serves to connect the entire water supply chain, from customer to solutions provider.

“By expanding the Yearbook to include water reuse and smart demand management as complementary solutions to desalination, we are addressing a holistic strategy for water scarcity,” said Miguel Angel Sanz, IDA President.

The new handbook will include coverage of the State of Global Water Scarcity, Desalination and Water Reuse in 2018, and Smart Water Management in 2018. It will also include supplier profiles.

As the successor to the IDA Yearbook, the IDA Water Security Handbook is aimed at connecting decision makers facing water scarcity with the leading desalination, reuse, smart leakage reduction and demand management solutions providers. With a controlled-circulation to utility Publication is expected in early fall 2018. The Water and industrial end-users, and opportunities for Security Handbook is free to all IDA members as EPC contractors, engineers, systems integrators, part of IDA’s membership benefit package.

Excel in creating sustainable solutions for a better world


SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN IDA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS IDA now offers sponsorship opportunities in IDA Global Connections, creating a new avenue to promote your company’s brand, products and services, and leadership in the global desalination and water reuse community. IDA Global Connections now reaches more than 10,000 advanced water treatment professionals around the world. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact






IN OCTOBER Water as a resource is one of the most critical issues confronting the world today. The increasing demand for water in response to economic expansion, population growth, climate and other related issues represents a concern that Latin American Association of Water Desalination and Reuse (ALADYR) seeks to address. To this end, ALADYR – IDA’s Latin American affiliate – will hold its International Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination in Santiago de Chile, October 9-11, 2018. This event is expected to bring together more than 450 water, environment and related professionals from more than 20 countries. By connecting water science and research with the public and private sectors, financial institutions and policy makers, this congress will provide a platform for regional and international cooperation in the water field. The ALADYR Congress offers exceptional opportunities to expand knowledge of current and emerging desalination and advanced water treatment technologies, and network with end users, researchers, consultants and water experts of Latin America. Highlights of the ALADYR Congress & Exhibition include:

also highlighting the opportunities that exist in the region. South America still must face major challenges in the management of water resources. However, these countries have made substantial progress. According to a study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), “to converge with the more developed countries, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) must invest at least 5% of GDP in infrastructure over a prolonged period. To achieve this convergence would require an additional investment to which countries have been making between 2 and 2.5% of GDP in recent years; that is, between 120,000 and 150,000 million dollars per year. Parallel to the increase in public investment, the countries of the region should experience an increase in the proportion of private investment. On average, if public investment were 2% of GDP, it would be necessary to triple private investment from 1 to 3% of GDP”.

• 60 exhibitions • 24 training hours • 2 workshops • Expected representation by more than 150 The update of Latin America’s legal framework is companies slow, but countries are working towards this goal. • More than 65 speakers At the same time, the Latin America industrial water One of the reasons that the ALADYR Congress is market offers substantial business opportunities. so important is that it provides a forum to address Regional governments are making commitments the issue of water scarcity in Latin America while to fund water treatment projects. This will continue


driving the municipal water market to reach $21.16 billion, with a forecast size of $10.73 billion during this year, according to Latin American Water and Wastewater Industry Outlook, 2018.

ALADYR is a non-profit international organization committed to the development and promotion of the appropriate use of water treatment technology for desalination, water reuse, water management, water strategy and other applications. ALADYR For more information about ALADYR and the organizes seminars and congresses to connect International Congress, or to register for the event, Latin America and the global community. It serves visit over 500 members in 15 countries and is the International Desalination Association Affiliate for Latin America.

AEDyR HOLDS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS IN OCTOBER IDA’s Spanish affiliate Asociación Española de Desalación y Reutilización – which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year – will hold its 12th AEDyR International Congress from October 23-25, 2018. Held at the Congress Center El Greco in Toledo, Spain, the event provides an international forum where experts in desalination, reuse and water treatment will connect to present the latest innovations and research & development in these fields – promoting dialogue, collaboration and the exchange of experiences, Members of the Technical Committee are Antonio techniques and ideas among professionals. Ordóñez-Fernandez, Ma Carmen Garcia Panadero, Daniel Prats Rico, Noemi Sanchez Castillo, Eloy The program includes sessions on regeneration, García Calvo and Alejandro Zarzuela López. The reuse and desalination; water in Spain; investment Honor Committee includes Excma Mrs. Milagros in R&D in the water sector; law pertaining to Tolón Jaime, Mayor of Toledo, Emiliano Garcíacontracts in the public sector; challenges of the Page Sánchez, President of Castilla-La Mancha, and urban sector; legislation; new technologies; and Agustina García Élez, Minister of Development of management of water resources. Castilla-La Mancha. In addition to technical sessions, the Congress To learn more, please visit http://congresoaedyr. features an exhibition area where companies can com/ show their products and services to attendees. The exhibition space is conveniently located in the main hall where coffee and lunch will be held on the first day of the event. Click here to learn more about the exhibition or reserve a stand. The opening ceremony will be attended by members of the Honor Committee as well as the presidents of IDA, AEDyR and EDS.


WSTA 13TH GULF WATER CONFERENCE TAKES PLACE IN MARCH 2019 IN KUWAIT WSTA (the Water Sciences and Technology Association (WSTA), IDA’s affiliate, will hold the 13th Gulf Water Conference, “Water in the GCC: Challenges and Solutions,” on March 12-14, 2019 in Kuwait. The event will focus on identifying innovative sustainable solutions for the major water challenges facing the GCC countries. The conference will invite top keynote speakers and experts in the conference theme and sub-themes to address the sustainability-innovation nexus and share their knowledge and transfer their experience.

The conference will be held in Kuwait in collaboration with Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) represented by the Water Research Center. It will be organized in close coordination with the GCC Secretariat with such potential sponsors as Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS), Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), Ministry of Electricity and Water of Kuwait (MEW) and others.

For information about the conference, please visit The event includes an exhibition, providing an php# outstanding opportunity for providers of equipment and services in the water and wastewater sector to show their offering to potential customers from the region and internationally.


WFES WATER FORUM & EXPO TO PLACE THE SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATIONS ENABLING WATER SECURITY IN ARID REGIONS The Middle East & North Africa are some of the most arid regions the world, and this is driving massive investments in water infrastructure from governments that are keen to ensure their water security. Regional government leaders, planners and utility operators will gather at the WFES Water Forum & Expo (formerly known as the International Water Summit) to review how innovative technology and global expertise can help solve the region’s current and future water challenges. An integral section of the World Future Energy Summit (WFES); part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, hosted by Masdar; the WFES Water Forum & Expo; attended by some of the region’s foremost leaders including H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, Secretary General, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi; H.E. Eng. Suhail Mohamed Faraj Al Mazrouie, Minister of Energy and Industry, UAE, H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and Chairman of Masdar, H.E. Dr. Thani Bin Ahmed Al-Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE, H.E. Eng Awaidha Murshed Ali Al Marar, Chairman of Department of Energy, UAE and Member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Counsel, Turki Al Shehri, Head of Renewable Energy, Project Development Office, Ministry of Energy, Saudi Arabia; is the leading event showcasing the latest innovations in water and wastewater reuse, industrial and municipal water management, water desalination, and smart water grids. Leading providers such as Utico and Andritz AG, as well as key government entities, including Abu Dhabi Sewage Services Company and the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi are just some of the major entities showcasing their project plans for future development.


WFES takes place from 14-17 January 2019 in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., and will host the WFES Water Forum organised in partnership with the IDA. The forum will focus on disruptive solutions to the global challenges of water scarcity, from using wastewater as an industrial resource to growing food with a fraction of the water we use today. The segment 'Technologies for Good' will examine the current, as well as the upcoming cutting-edge technologies and how their use can positively impact our future.

The Forum will also address the use of renewable energy in the Water-Energy Nexus to optimize the production of clean water as well as discuss the UN's sustainable development goals and the role of finance, technology, and process advancements in achieving food security. For more information on how to register to attend WFES, and upgrade your experience at the foremost water and sustainability event, please visit https:// IDA members will receive a 10% discount on space only exhibits at WFES Water and a 15% discount on registration.





The mission of IDA’s YLP is to create opportunities for emerging leaders in desalination to network, advance their careers and promote interest in  desalination around the world. Our hope is that the YLP will aid in the growth of the IDA membership by appealing to younger participants who are passionate and enthusiastic about getting involved in the industry. The program offers numerous benefits to members inclusive of access to an extensive collection of publications; eligibility to win awards and attend invitation-only events; the option to participate in the mentorship program and webinars; and several other benefits. Benefits There are several awards, scholarships, and benefits that are targeted to IDA-YLP members only. Some of these include the “Emerging Leaders Achievement Award in Desalination & Water Reuse” and the “Best Paper by a Member of the YLP” award. The latter must be authored and presented by a member of the YLP at the IDA World Congress, and is selected by the Awards Committee as the best paper presented by a member of the IDA Young Leaders Program demonstrating scientific originality on a topic that is relevant and important to the fields of desalination and/or water reuse. Introduced in 2011, the Emerging Leaders Award is a corporately sponsored monetary award of $5000 US given to one member of the IDA Young Leader’s Program whose contribution to the desalination and water reuse industry has shown a track record of positive leadership and originality. Networking events are hosted across the globe throughout the year. These events are held alongside international conferences and are exclusively for members. The key objective of these events is to create an elegantly casual setting where YLP members can look forward to spending a relaxing evening exchanging ideas and forming collaborations with fellow young professionals and leaders in industry and academia.

The IDA-YLP Mentorship Program has attracted significant interest from both industry leaders and YLP members. The IDA Mentorship Program is exclusively for YLP members and encourages a collaborative relationship that offers a unique opportunity to engage with experienced water, wastewater and desalination experts throughout the world. As a participant in this program, mentees will be paired with experienced, successful and innovative IDA members who will provide guidance on various topics including career goals, networking, work/life balance, navigating employer changes, and many others. The YLP currently hosts free webinars on timely, important topics related to the desalination and water reuse industries. The focus of the webinars is quite diverse thus allowing a range of speakers who deliver on both theoretical and practical discoveries. The webinars offer the opportunity to learn about innovative developments and cutting-edge research being executed in the industry and in academia. Webinars are held every three to four months and are usually announced on IDA’s social media channels. Help Support the IDA Young Leaders Program – Sponsorship Opportunities To ensure success, the YLP is seeking sponsors to fund various activities that take place internationally throughout the year. There are four tiers of sponsorship packages: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze, from which interested sponsors may choose. Your support will aid in providing students and young professionals with the opportunity to attend and participate in IDA and IDA Affiliates’ regional conferences, social mixers, fun educational programs and networking opportunities, university outreach activities, mentorship programs and career guidance in the early stages of their career. For more information please contact the YLP co-leaders Naomi Jones and Monica Boodhan at



I first read about the IDA online back in 2011. I was enrolled as a Master of Philosophy student actively involved in Solar Distillation research. Due to the dire lack of locally accessible expertise, I searched diligently for opportunities to increase my knowledge and broaden my network. After reading about the IDA and the YLP program, I quickly learned that the IDA’s Young Leaders Program targets young professionals with interest in desalination and water reuse techniques. As such, I decided to become a member of the IDA and I also joined the YLP. The first international water conference I attended was the IDA conference in Santa Margherita, Italy in May, 2011. At this conference I had the opportunity to attend numerous technical sessions, networking events and specialized workshops targeted at various topics in desalination and water reuse. The knowledge gained over those five days coupled with my passion for research in desalination and renewable energy prove to be the perfect balance in fostering the road to successful completion of my research degree.

range of easily accessible publications such as manuscripts, reference books, white papers, the IDA Desalination Yearbook, the IDA newsletters and a multitude of other publications. These items help me to keep abreast of developments and innovative ideas in areas of interest. Moreover, there are countless other benefits targeted at Young Professionals such as the Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship, the IDA Fellowship Program, the IDA Mentor Program and the IDAYLP Webinars. The IDA often sponsors YLP-exclusive networking events across the globe that coincide with International Conferences. These receptions have provided opportunities for me to network with my peers and with leaders in the Industry and Academia. Through these interactions, I have been able to build very strong international connections which have aided significantly in my professional development.

All in all, I am happy I made that choice several years ago to become part of such a dynamic, supportive, productive network. I encourage all students and young professionals to become a Since 2011, the IDA-YLP has provided significant member of the IDA-YLP, especially those who are benefits that have proven invaluable in the pursuit searching for a supportive program that can aid in of my career. Personally, the most valuable benefit their career development. has proven to be the number of complementary publications available to members. There is a wide I did, and I have no regrets.

About the Author Monica Boodhan is a Physicist who specializes in Solar Distillation and Renewable Energy. She currently works as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Trinidad and Tobago whilst simultaneously completing her Ph.D. in Physics at the University of the West Indies. Monica is the Co-Lead of the IDA-


YLP Committee and has served as the YLP Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean since 2015. Additionally, Monica is the Secretary and a Director on the Board of Directors of CaribDA; she is also one of the founding members of CaribDA’s YLP and Humanitarian Committees.





By Charles Bedford

Many municipal water treatment operators must obtain certification to assure their qualifications to maintain the drinking water standards. However, that is not the case in industrial water treatment. The qualifications for operators are set only by each individual facility at most production or manufacturing plants. A semiconductor facility requires different water process than a steel factory. Yet the RO membrane technology that both are using is consistent, varying only by the feedwater, pre-treatment and required product water. But what goes on inside the RO element is the great bottleneck where all the issues in purifying water seem to present themselves. Knowing the membrane technology and how to identify problems before they become costly, as well as how to resolve those problems, is of great demand of any RO operator.

training. This push recognizes that there is an increasing demand for skilled people to fill jobs that have dramatically shifted over the past 25 years. People will have the chance to move into better paying jobs and earn bigger paychecks, even without a college degree, or a mid-career change. Advanced RO water treatment is intertwined with all these new industries and pays well. The expectations for water treatment professionals to fill these future jobs is right up there with all the new industries out there worldwide.

David H. Paul, Inc. (DHP) and the IDA Academy have been working together for a few years now to establish this same goal. The key is to establish consistent baseline qualifications for any RO system. The objective is to provide a tool that supervisors can use to gauge where their operators are in RO knowledge and proficiencies, and to hire, But how does a supervisor in an industrial water train or promote accordingly. This also benefits the plant know if an operator has the knowledge RO professional in building his or her credentials and proficiencies necessary to assure the RO for that job or promotion. system is truly operating to its fullest? There are no set government standards or organization The standards that have been set by DHP comes certification out there. On-the-job training and from thousands of RO consulting jobs and training years of experience are all the supervisor can go of over twenty thousand RO professionals since by in evaluating an operator. But we are entering 1988. The IDA Academy and DHP offer a reverse an era with new RO professionals, supervisors and osmosis specialist certification to meet this new worldwide demand through a training program opportunities. called IDA Desalination Academy's International In the United States, there is currently a new push Reverse Osmosis Certification (IROC) Program. We by the current administration to expand workforce invite you to learn more!


About the Author Charles Bedford is the Operations Manager and Director of RO Specialist Certification of David H. Paul, Inc, (DHP, Inc.) an advanced water treatment training and consulting firm located in Farmington, New Mexico. Charles has 20 years of experience in managing the operations and directing training programs for DHP, Inc. He has introduced and developed the company’s hybrid college-type training program, using both instructor-based and online instruction and certification. Charles was a producer of television programs for 16 years prior to coming to DHP, Inc. He was directly involved

in the development of numerous video training programs initially used in DHP, Inc’s seminar training. Later, he produced with David Paul 12 educational books and online exams for four oncampus colleges degree programs in advanced water treatment, which he later converted into a hybrid training program being used today. These programs have provided training to over 8,000 clients from many industries, including semiconductor, pharmaceutical/biotech, power generation, military, drinking water and water treatment equipment and service companies.

IDA Academy IROC Training Program One of the IDA Academy’s most popular courses is the International Reverse Osmosis Certification (IROC) course for individuals involved in the RO membrane business. Offered as an online program in collaboration with industry-leading training company David H. Paul, Inc. (DHP), the IROC course consists of several RO course modules that may be taken online as standalone training modules. In addition, the IROC program offers RO Specialist Certification Level 1 that requires the completion and passing of these four courses: Introduction to Water Treatment (8 hours), Water Treatment Plant Fundamentals (9 hours), Piping and


Instrumentation Diagrams (3 hours) and RO Operation & Maintenance (11 hours). The online format eliminates the need to travel, and because it is a self-paced open enrollment program, participants may begin whenever it is convenient for them, although it is required that the Certification Level 1 Program is completed within one year of enrollment. IDA members are eligible for a 15% discount on the IROC courses. For a complete IDA Academy course listing, please visit For general inquiries, please contact IDA at

THE IDA ACADEMY... Inspiring Innovation and Excellence The IDA Academy is a global program for higher learning and professional development in all aspects of desalination and water reuse. Its mission is to provide the highest level of training, education and instruction to individuals, utilities, companies, institutions, universities and other organizations interested in all aspects of desalination and advanced water treatment. The IDA Academy is aimed at mid to senior level management in utilities, suppliers, consultants, plant operation, and contractors. In addition, the Academy offers an introductory course for individuals with 0-1 years of industry experience as a way to broaden their knowledge and understanding of desalination and advanced water treatment, and the important role these solutions play within the overall context of the circular water economy. For questions or inquiries on the IDA Academy, please email us at  



Aguas Bonaerenses SA (ABSA) is one of the largest operators of water and sewage in Argentina. Its concession area includes 79 localities in the Province of Buenos Aires. With 16 years of experience, ABSA guarantees and improves the provision of the potable water and wastewater services in most areas of the province. At the present moment, the company provides these essential services to more than 2 million people, constantly renewing the commitment with the community, optimizing the service and promoting its responsible use.

Founded in 2001 in Ontario Canada, Canadian Solar (NASDAQ: CSIQ) is a global leading manufacturer of solar PV modules and a solar energy solution provider. It operates business subsidiaries in 20 countries and regions, with over 12,000 employees. Canadian Solar has about 9 GW module manufacturing capacity in China, Asia and America. In the past 17 years, it has delivered more than 29 GW of premium quality solar modules to customers in over 100 countries. To date, Canadian Solar has built and grid connected 4.3 GW of solar power projects around the world. Among them, Canadian Solar owns 1.4 GW of solar power plants that are in commercial operation. In addition, Canadian Solar has a geographically diversified utility-scale solar power project pipeline totaling 8.9 GW. 2.2 GW of projects are at late-stage development and have secured energy offtake agreements. For Q2 2018, Canadian Solar was ranked the Top 1 in Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Tier 1 Module Manufacturers ranking in terms of bankability, and Top 3 Global Utility-scale Solar PV Project Developer for 2017 by GTM Research.


Hassan Allam Holding (“HAU�) is an asset developer and investment platform for power, renewables, and water opportunities that address the underserved energy market and growing demand for infrastructure in Egypt and the region. Established in 2017, the platform focuses on partnerships to develop and operate renewable power as well as water desalination and treatment projects. For more information, visit HAU is a subsidiary of Hassan Allam Holding, one of the largest privately-owned groups in Egypt and the MENA Region, with over 80 years of experience in the field of engineering, procurement & construction, building materials and utilities, led by 25,000 of the most dynamic and talented employees in the region, with more than USD 3 billion backlog.

Innocorps has developed a unique humidificationdehumidification (HDH) platform for desalination and brine concentration. Industrial users in the oil & gas, mining, and environmental remediation sectors can benefit from Innocorps' technology by reducing overall hauling and disposal cost, recycling water within their operations to ease logistical issues. Innocorps' first commercial energyefficient, modular, self-contained system is currently available for demonstration purposes with large-scale industrial users. In recent months, Innocorps has been in development of drinking water systems that can be integrated within new and existing homes to provide high quality drinking water. Further details are to be released in the near future through an updated website regarding beta testing and pre-orders.

Nanostone Water did not invent ceramic membranes, but we pioneered the technology and manufacturing innovations that have enabled the commercialization of the first high performance, robust, and cost-effective ceramic ultrafiltration membrane modules. We see a world where global water scarcity and water quality can be addressed through reliable, safe, and cost-effective treatment. Ceramics are the ideal format for ultrafiltration and we remain committed to helping the world we live in achieve water sustainability. The CM-151TM ceramic membrane from Nanostone Water was launched in February 2017, and is a unique high surface area pressurized ultrafiltration monolith style membrane module with improved permeate flow efficiency and lower energy consumption versus currently available ceramic membranes. The form factor enables replacement of existing PUF hollow fiber modules with minimal system modifications. Nanostone is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, and has membrane manufacturing in Halberstadt, Germany.

Oceanus Power & Water is an international infrastructure development company based in Palo Alto, CA, with offices in Mexico and Chile. Oceanus has developed a patent pending technology platform referred to as Integrated Pumped Hydro Reverse Osmosis Clean Energy System (IPHROCES). We are focused on the integration of seawater pumped storage hydro and seawater desalination to drive down rates and costs for clean water; energy storage; and reliable renewable energy, while maintaining the highest environmental standards. IPHROCES is an ideal solution for water stressed regions also seeking clean energy security and can scale from the largest metropolitan utility sized facilities down to small, micro-hydro grid facilities on islands or military bases.

M With a portfolio of more than 4,000 products, Promega is a global leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to life scientists in academic, industrial and government settings. Promega products are used to ask fundamental questions about biological processes as well as by the water and process industry professionals to monitor microbial contamination and identify microbial species. Promega strives to bring the tools of biotechnology to greatest unmet needs of the water industry to streamline analysis and lead to quick data-driven decision making. Originally, founded in 1978 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Promega has a global presence with branch offices in 16 countries and more than 50 global distributors serving over 100 countries. Please see our website for additional information on our water quality testing products and applications: https://

Waterfund is a global water investment and trading firm, focused on acquiring and managing infrastructure assets utilizing the latest technology in desalination and wastewater treatment to produce and sell clean water to the highest-value end users. We manage a portfolio of assets that capture the rising value of water globally while rationalizing consumption and promoting sustainable patterns of water use to preserve this vital resource for the future.


Meet the

IDA Team Shannon McCarthy

Karen Zilinek

Darlene Seta

Michele Pzsenny

Ann Seamonds

Cristina Mauleรณn

IDA Secretary General

Technical Programs and Awards Manager

Editorial and Public Relations Consultant

Deputy Secretary General

Office Manager/ Membership Services

Social Media and Marketing Consultant



WFES Water Summit – organized by IDA January 14-16, 2019 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Click here for more information

IDA Action4Good: Creating Resilient Solutions to Water Needs May 12-14, 2019 Grand Hotel Miramare Santa Margherita, Italy

Click here for more information

IDA 2019 World Congress, hosted by DEWA October 20-24, 2019 Dubai, UAE

Click here for more information


ALADYR International Congress October 9-11, 2018 Santiago, Chili

Click here for more information

12th AEDyR Congress October 23-25, 2018 Toledo, Spain

Click here for more information

AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition February 25- March 1, 2019 New Orleans, LA USA Click here for more information

WSTA 13th Gulf Water Conference March 12-14, 2019 Kuwait

Click here for more information


May 7-9, 2019 Melbourne, Australia

Click here for more information

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