I Can Never Be Subject

Page 1

a view on social media and internetculture


the introduction

curated by Ida Glitre

june 2019 - the introduction

>Letter from the curator..............................................2< >Jojoba Hotkey.......................................................4-7< >Page 9 Babe <3....................................................8-9< >Vigga Wagner...................................................10-11< >Article: Never Ever Turn Off Your Phone..........12-14< >Solas Dรฅversjรถ..................................................16-17< >How To Survive In A Social World....................18-19< >Martha Guevara................................................20-21< >Gina Josephine Fischer....................................22-25< >Alister Lebeau...................................................26-27<

JOJOBA HOTKEY @jojoba_hotkey www.ruaridphillipsart.com

these are some little images and sketch/ collages that are very much relating to this idea of virtual worlds, and of loneliness and isolation within these technological realms. have been interested in these empty lands for a long time, but see them differently now. i used to feel very misanthropic about this isolation, but the feelings have evolved into more spacious horizons where once they were oppressive.

Page 9 Babe Mia Louise, 20, Cph Tell us a little about yourself <3 my name is mia and i’m an emotional creature. i enjoy singing, moving, acting, swimming, kissing, writing, and reading. i don’t enjoy fitness centres & other kinds of body fascism. values that are important to me include but are not limited to: empathy, warmth, honesty. Do you think that it’s possible meeting a partner online? yes, i’ve seen it happen! How do you selfcare? i exfoliate and call my mum. i watch eve ensler’s ted talks. i have a nice, long cry. What makes you feel sexy and empowered? being in the sea. dancing to donna summer. moisturizing. listening to to bring you my love. wearing clothes i find beautiful. seeing my body reflected in art. physical activity. i feel empowered every time i look at the sheela na gig tattoo on my hip. What is the best thing about social media? And the worst? the best thing about social media is how it’s made it so much easier to organize and join political and artistic movements. the worst thing about social media is that, despite the body positivity movement, i believe it has further exacerbated the beauty expectations on especially young women. fuck instagram makeup artists.


1. Smile and laugh. All the time. Unless you would want people to ask you “why the long face”, and tell you that “you would look so much prettier if you smiled”. 2. When people ask you how’s it going, always answer something like “fine”, or “good”. You may never speak of how things really are going, unless you want to create an awkward situation. 3. Remember, most people love talking about themselves, so if you let them it’s a win win. 4. If your friend is late, always look at your phone while waiting. Remember to make yourself look busy to mask the loneliness. 5. Apparently, you’re a weirdo if you eat alone, or do other social activities by yourself, like going to the movies or enjoying a cup of coffee at a café. Try to avoid this. 6. If you’re shy, people may mistaken it for arrogance. Maybe they will start talking about how arrogant you are. So, try to smile, even if you’re really nervous. 7. Never talk about real emotions. You would like to contribute to the illusion that everything is fine, so we don’t remember that we’re being crushed by late capitalism. 8. Blend in, meaning you should do whatever it takes not to stand out. If everyone is getting a beer, get a beer as well. Even if what you actually want is a vodka sparkling water.

9. If you’re thinking “maybe this is too extra”, while picking an outfit, it is in fact too extra, and you should definitely go change your outfit. Again, try to blend in. 10. Talking about politics has been untrendy for a while, because our culture of extreme individualism has left us with no sense of solidarity. So don’t do that, and only sign a petition if someone cool did it. 11. If you’re in a nervous situation, go get a drink. Drinking is a perfectly normal way to calm your nerves. 12. Try not to think about the fact that your life is an endless circle of coffee appointments, anxious exhibitions and small talk, while the modern idea of happiness has left us all feeling empty inside. If you follow these 12 tips, you will definitely see some progress. Good luck out there!

Yasmina Roldkjær




The box is taking the "VR-Box" literally by representing the VR-box glasses on a box. It is about the newest technology that will soon take over the world, but to me is a bit scary. I chose to wear this renaissance "princess" dress while wearing the VR glasses to highlight the contrast bewtween the future and past.


I created this image that is dealing with the topic of being an object while taking selfies for instagram, but it can also be interpreted as cam girl and being constantly watched thorugh the webcam by strangers.


ALISTER LEBEAU www.deviantart.com/alisterlebeau

Hello my name is Diga, I am the digital art robot, I am here to fuill all your digital art needs.

and stay tuned for I Can Never Be Subject vol. 2

curated by Ida Glitre

I Can Never Be Subject // vol.

a view on social media and 1 internetculture

with contributions from:

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