Weighing the costs-Graphic

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Nampa man makes business out of back hair shaving art.

Wrestlers from Nampa, Caldwell, Kuna win titles.




Sunday, January 10, 2016


College Scorecard helps students and parents narrow down college choices

Nampa looks to increase water rates Domestic rates would increase 18 percent, irrigation 58 percent By TORRIE COPE

Typical total debt





The College of Idaho National salary after attending is $34,343

Northwest Nazarene University

Boise State University

Average salary after attending




Average annual cost




National average annual cost is $16,789

NAMPA — Water users in the city of Nampa will be paying more for the service this year. The Nampa City Council agreed last week on an increase to water rates for irrigation and domestic water in an effort to cover the costs of maintaining the city’s water system. The increases will be included in a resolution that will go before the City Council for final approval at its next meeting on Jan. 19. If the resolution is approved, the new fees would go into effect March 1. DOMESTIC WATER FEES INCREASE 18 PERCENT OVERALL The council agreed on a one-year, 18 percent overall increase for domestic water rates. The average residential water user would see their bimonthly water increase by about $2. The average commercial user’s bill would increase about $10. Councilman Bruce Skaug said the increase for most residential water users on their bimonthly bill would be the equivalent of buying two bottles of water.

$25,000 Typical total debt

More WATER | A11

Nampa Police budgeting for body cameras

$23,660 $22,231

University of Idaho

By RUTH BROWN rbrown@idahopress.com

National salary after attending is $34,343

Idaho State University

Average salary after attending Average annual cost National average annual cost is $16,789

$35,400 $15,104

Lewis-Clark State

$39,900 $13,051

$32,700 $12,152

Illustration by Randy Lavorante/IPT and flaticon.com

Idaho college administrators feel the College Scorecard comparisons fair and helpful By ALX GEORGE ageorge@idahopress.com

NAMPA — At $12,152, Lewis-Clark State College has the lowest average annual cost of any four-year public university in Idaho. But for students who are looking to make more money once they graduate, University of Idaho graduates had the highest median salary among public univer-

sity graduates at $39,900. These numbers are according to College Scorecard, a U.S. Department of Education online tool that compares data on 7,000 institutions of higher education. The tool compares such data points as average annual cost, earnings of graduates and average student debt load after graduating. The College Scorecard is meant to help students find “clear, reliable data on critical

questions of college affordability and value,” according to a White House press release. The College Scorecard also provides information on popular and available areas of study at each institution, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores and student body demographics. “(The College Scorecard) does a good job ascertaining what information is important to show students and

Online To see the College Scorecard for yourself, go to https:// collegescorecard.ed.gov/

parents,” said Shawn Blenker, executive director of admissions for Northwest Nazarene University. “Hopefully things like (the) scorecard will help students weigh options more effectively.” More SCORECARD | A4

NAMPA — Nampa Police have submitted a request for proposals for new body cameras that officers will wear. The department budgeted $20,000 for the devices. Currently, NPD has about the depart60 cameras ment has 60 body cameras, already, but but about 48 some need to are working, be replaced said Nampa Police Lt. Joe Ramirez. The cameras out of service are not being used because repairs are needed. Replacements will cost about $1,000 apiece. Additional funding for the cameras came from a grant from the Department of Justice. Once the RFPs are reviewed and a company is chosen, the matter will go before the City Council, most likely the Jan. 18 meeting, said city spokeswoman Vickie Holbrook. Quotes for the cameras were due by Dec. 31, according to the RFP. “The cameras are aging, so it’s time to upgrade those,” said Nampa Police Chief Joe Huff. “It’s not worth it to get (broken cameras) repaired.” NPD has been using body cameras since 2010, and about 95 percent of the department’s patrol officers wear the cameras. More CAMERAS | A4

DEATHS Felix Charles Jr. Marilee Griffith C M Y K

Guy Isaac Betty Ludwig Ernest Nation

Boyd Rich Russell Rutan Sandra Stansell

Alex Tucker Obituaries, A7

Classifieds ������������������������ D1-4 Anniversaries ������������������������ C2 Senior calendar �������������������� C2

Lottery.................................... A2 Crossword ������������������������������ C4 Weather............................... A11

A4 | Sunday, January 10, 2016 idaho press-tribune

Idaho Press-Tribune Sunday, January 10, 2016 | A4



National salary after attending is $34,343


Typical total debt


North Idaho College Typical total debt $24,898 College of Western Idaho

Average salary after attending

College of of Idaho The College Southern Idaho

no data available Average annual cost National average annual cost is $16,789


Students who will attend NNU in the near future are looking at an average annual cost of $19,101 and leave school with debt of about $26,050 on average. But students who graduated from NNU earn a median salary of $36,500 10 years after entering school. The national average annual cost for college is $16,789, and the average median salary students earns 10 years after entering school is $34,343, according to the Scorecard. Here’s how a few other Idaho universities compare: n C of I’s average annual cost of $16,681 is higher than BSU’s ($14,404) and University of Idaho’s ($13,051), but is lower than NNU’s. n C of I and NNU graduates will have close to the same amount of debt ($26,313 and $26,050, respectively), while BSU graduates will have about $24,898 in debt. n University of Idaho graduates on average leave with $25,000 in debt. n Second to Lewis-Clark State University, U of I students have the least average annual cost at $13,051. U of I graduates are looking at $25,000 in debt. n And students who graduate from Lewis-Clark leave school with a median debt load of $22,231. SCORECARD SCORES PRAISE FOR DATA C of I Vice President for Enrollment Management Lorna Hunter said she hopes the College Scorecard corrects the perception that private colleges are significantly more expensive than public universities. Hunter said it’s important for prospective students to also consider how long it will take to graduate. “The College of Idaho, I believe, has a reputation for being very expensive,” Hunter said. “When you look at the facts of that, across those schools, you see something very different. It’s very different from what people would expect based on local folklore or reputation.” Blenker echoed that sentiment. He said he hopes the College Scorecard breaks down long-held beliefs that a private education is unreachable due to cost. Blenker also pointed out a BSU student’s average debt is close to NNU’s and that NNU tends to graduate students faster, which will save money. BSU Director of Admissions Kelly Talbert said she is not surprised C of I, NNU and BSU are fairly close in terms of average annual cost. Talbert said this is because Idaho is a small state, and the universities have to be cost-competitive. “Private universities have more ability and flexibility to provide scholarships, which take down the total cost of a student’s education,” Talbert said. “Students have a variety of options, and (all) institutions work hard to keep tuition accessible and keep students in state.” University of Idaho President Chuck Staben said sometimes students will make the decision to go to a school because it is more expensive; they think because it costs more to

OTHER AGENCIES The Caldwell Police Department also recently budgeted for body cameras, but it does not currently wear the cameras. The department has aimed to purchase the cameras early this year. The Caldwell City Council did C M Y K

Average salary after attending

Average annual cost

Scorecard/from A1

Cameras/from A1

$29,000 $ 9,599

National salary after attending is $34,343

$26,900 $35,300 $ 5,904 $38,900 Boise State University


National average annual are open access, so we accept everycost is“We $16,789 WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN body,” Couch said. “Our cost is going to be Quoting Scorecard definitions: much different. (Students) just have to take Average Annual Cost: The net price for each of the bits of information into considerfederal financial aid recipients, after aid from the ation, but really, as far as a community college school, state or federal government. is concerned, do the best you can to compare Salary After Attending: The median earnapples to apples, obviously.” ings of former students who received federal fiLooking at those apples, North Idaho Colnancial aid at 10 years after entering the school. lege, while having the highest average annual Typical Total Debt: The medium federal debt of cost at $9,599, also has the highest median undergraduate borrowers who completed college. salary after graduation at $29,000. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes College of Southern Idaho has the lowest private student loans and parent PLUS loans. average annual cost of the three community colleges at $5,904 but has the second-highest average Typical totaldebt debtstudents graduate with at attend a particular institution the education $12,592. The median salary is $26,900. must be better. Staben said this is not necesCWI does not have median salary data sarily the case. yet because that data looks at students who “You often see college consumers saying, ‘I entered the school at least 10 years ago; CWI got a $19,000 scholarship from the College of hasn’t been an institution for that amount of Idaho. They must really love me. They gave time. CWI students have the lowest typime $19,000. Gee, the University of Idaho cal debt of the three community colleges at gave me $5,000. They don’t love me as much.’ (That’s) not necessarily true and not really the $7,602. CWI’s average annual cost is $7,193. after at- said that while these numbers can value comparison you should be making.”National salaryCouch help students narrow their college choices, she tending is $34,343 For example, C of I’s estimated total cost still advises students to Idaho contact State the institutions of attendance for 2015-16 academic year is they are interested in to get better details. University $37,906, while U of I’s estimated total cost of “I don’t think there’s any one source of data, attendance for 2015-16 is $20,400. unfortunately, ” Couch said. “It’s not easy to According to College Scorecard, C of I’s decide where to go to college, but I think there average annual cost is $16,681; U of I’s is Average are a lotsalary of resources out there, and the more $13,051. This means that through financial information that you can find and pull up that after attending aid, C of I students get about half of their helps educate you I think is good. ... If I were college costs covered by aid from the school, sitting with my son, yes, I probably would use whether it’s loans or scholarships. Average annualbut costit wouldn’t be the only thing (Scorecard), Staben said this is pretty typical for private that Iaverage would look at.” National annual schools. Staben said students still need to cost is $16,789 consider what kind of educational experience IF THE (COLLEGE) FITS, WEAR IT they are looking for. Students can consider personal preferences “If you go to the University of Idaho, you’re such as location, size and faculty of a college, going to get exposed to a much larger diversity aspects which, according to Hunter, contribof person,” Staben said. “You’re going to have ute to the “feel” of a college. a larger variety of educational programs to “For me, making a college selection is so choose from. You’re going to have access to much about fit, and fit is a very personal top-of-the-line research faculty that you do thing, ” Hunter said. “It’s why we encourage not get at a smaller institution, so (C of I and students to visit a campus, to get some sense U of I) are qualitatively somewhat different; of what professors are like, to talk to other stuboth are good experiences.” dents (about their experience at the college).” Blenker and Staben agreed that an imCOLLEGE SCORECARD IS A SNAPSHOT, portant part of the decision process involves NOT A WHOLE PICTURE deciding what kind of experience the student Representatives from BSU, UI, NNU and C is looking for. Some may want the large uniof I agree that the scorecard provides valuable versity experience while others would prefer a data for students and parents. They all also smaller campus and classroom sizes. agree that it’s just a starting point, and stuBlenker, Talbert and Staben said that the dents and parents need to utilize and consider College Scorecard does a good job of coma variety of resources and aspects. paring important elements. Hunter said she “Ideally, College Scorecard is a springboard appreciates that this information is now easier which drives students and parents to the to find through College Scorecard. admissions office and other resources to get “It’s interesting to compare the schools and more information on what financial aid (stusee where they stack up against the benchdents) might qualify for at universities they mark,” Blenker said. “Idaho has a lot of great are interested in,” Talbert said. schools with great graduation rates. It would be a shame for some students to overlook or COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHALLENGES not visit (institution) options because they Comparing Idaho’s community colleges think it can’t be a reality.” is a bit different from looking at four-year Alx George is the IPT education reporter. institutions on College Scorecard, according Contact her at 465-8178 or ageorge@idato College of Western Idaho spokeswoman hopress.com. Follow @missalxgeorge. Jennifer Couch.

approve about $10,000 to help Caldwell Police purchase at least 50 body cameras for officers. They will also receive grant money for the cameras and use previous funds set aside. The Caldwell cameras will cost more than $80,000 when including the cost of storage, software and the salary of a civilian to edit the video. That community service officer





$35,400 $15,104

will cost about $44,000, which includes salary and benefits. Former Caldwell Police Chief Chris Allgood previously said they hoped to have that person hired by April. In November, a Caldwell officer shot and injured Clifford Carter, 40, when responding to a domestic disturbance. Police have said Carter attempted to hit the officer with his vehicle. The

officer involved in the shooting, whose name has not been disclosed, was not wearing a body camera. The Canyon County Sheriff ’s Office has been wearing body cameras for more than 10 years, and all uniformed deputies wear the cameras. In March, a deputy shot and killed Brandon Rapp, 31, in Middleton. The deputy involved,

College Scorecard

puts College ofof Western University Idaho Idaho’s graduation rate at 19 percent. But CWI spokeswoman Jennifer Couch said that for CWI, the graduation rate is not necessarily an accurate indicator of student success at the college. One reason is that the Scorecard considers someone a graduate who completed a degree within three years at the community college. CWI serves a lot of special populations that may not be taking that educational path. Students who are part time may take longer to complete a degree. Some students may be enrolled at a university but are taking a couple classes at CWI for cost or other convenience reasons, Couch said. Others may need more time because they need remedial classes in math or English. “Graduation rates of a community college versus a four-year (college) are not going to be the same,” Couch said. “People go with different purposes a lot of times, and even if their purpose is to end up with a four-year degree, they may start at a community college and transfer before they are up with a two-year (degree). That in my mind is a success.”

$39,900 $13,051

Chad Bingham, was wearing a camera. The footage was used when Idaho State Police investigated, and the investigation determined the deputy was within the bounds of his authority when he shot Rapp. Ruth Brown is the public safety and digital first reporter. Contact her at 465-8105 or rbrown@ idahopress.com. Follow @RuthBrownNews. C M Y K

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