Myths of multilingualism(tracey tokuhama espinosa)

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Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Ph.D. Benjamin Frnaklin School Barcelons, Spain March, 2010

• Master’s

from Harvard University in International Education and Development and doctorate (Ph.D.) from Capella University (cross-disciplinary approach comparing findings in neuroscience, psychology, pedagogy, cultural anthropology and linguistics). • Director

of the Instittue for Research and Educational Development, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. • Author

of Raising Multilingual Children (2001), The Multilingual Mind (2003), and Living Languages (2008).


(pre-kindergarten through university) with 20+ years of comparative research based on family case studies (Japan, Ecuador, USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Germany).


• Teacher



children (raised in English, Spanish, German and French).


• Three


Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa

Part I 1.  Myths of Multilingualism 2.  Questions and discussion

Do you believe the statement is true or false? Why? (Origins: These are statements made by teachers, doctors and parents I met while doing my research.)


By learning more than one language a child can suffer brain overload.

Nitsch, C., Franceschini, R., Lüdi, G., Radü, E.-W., 2006; Hirsch, 1997.

2. Some languages are easier to learn than others.

Baker, 2004; Pinker, 2000.

3. Bilinguals are more creative than monolinguals.

Ricardelli, 1992

4. Bilingualism can cause problems such as stuttering and dyslexia.

Harley 1989; McLaughlin 1992.

5. It is impossible for an adult to learn a new language as fast as a child. Harley 1989; McLaughlin 1992.

6. It is impossible for an adult to learn a new language without an accent.

Harley 1989; McLaughlin 1992.

7. When a child learns his languages from birth he is effectively learning them as two first languages.

Brain scans show that people brought up bilingual from birth have languages in the same area of the brain as monolinguals, whereas people who learn languages after the first seven months or so actually use different areas for processing sounds, or simply do not perceive sounds which are not representative in their native language at all. Kovelman, Baker, and Petitto, 2008; Fennell, Byers-Heinlein & Werker , 2006.

8. All people have the same area of their brain to speak different languages.

9. It is not recommended that children learn literacy skills in two languages simultaneously.

10. The general research findings examining trilinguals brains to date point to no pattern for multilingualism. Nitsch, Franceschini, L端di, Rad端, n/d

11. Multilinguals are shown to be faster at working memory tasks than monolinguals.

Baddeley, 2001

12. Bilingual students achieve higher results on English-language proficiency tests than their Anglophone, monolingual peers. Cenoz & Lindsay, 1994

13. A nine-year-old has the same size brain as an adult; therefore they learn foreign languages in the same way.

Suddath, Christison, Torrey, Casanova & Weinberger, 1990.

14. The more languages you know, the easier it gets to learn an additional one. Government of Canada, 2003; University of Oxford, 2003

15. The quality of the first language impacts the quality of the second language, and the quality of the third language depends on the quality of the second language.

Cenoz & Lindsay, 1994

16. Most of the world is monolingual.

Nitsch, 2004

• A

child should first study his native language, then after he has mastered this, then learn a new one. • A child who learns two languages simultaneously will be confused and have lower intelligence. • A child with two languages will never feel completely secure in either. • A bilingual child will always have identity problems and feel a lack of belonging to his cultures because he will never fully be a part of either. • Bilinguals tend to translate from the weaker language to the stronger. • True bilinguals never mix their languages. Gutierrez, s.f.; Kandolf, 1998; Narváez, 2009

All people who are bilingual from birth make excellent translators. True bilinguals never confuse their languages; if they do, they are actually semi-linguals. There are some language programs which can actually teach foreign languages in a matter of weeks or evn days, which means there is no reason, except for lack of motivation, that many people take years to learn another languaes. The ability to learn a foreign language is directly related to the level of intelligence of an individual.

Bilinguals have split personalities.

Older people can never become fully bilingual. Gutierrez, s.f.; Kandolf, 1998; Narváez, 2009

Aarts, R. and L. Verrhoeven (1999). Literacy Attained in a Second Language Submersion Context. Applied Psycholinguistics 20(3), 377-394. Abdelrazak, M. (2001). Towards more effective supplementary and mother-tongue schools. London: Resource Unit. Abramson, S., Seda, I., and Johnson, C. (1990). Literacy development in a multilingual kindergarten classroom. Childhood Education, 67, 68-72. Atkins, B. T. S. & Varantola, K. (1998). Language learners using dictionaries: The final report of the EURALEX- and AILA-sponsored Research Project into Dictionary Use. In Using dictionaries: Studies of dictionary use by language learners and translators, ed. Atkins B. T. S. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Baker, C. (2000). The care and education of young bilinguals. An introduction for professionals. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Baker, P and Eversley, J. (eds). (2000). Multilingual capital: The languages of London's schoolchildren and their relevance to economic, social and educational policies. London: Battlebridge Publications. Beebe, R.M.,&Leonard, K.S. (1993). Second language learning in a social context. In Visions and reality in foreign language teaching: Where we are, where we are going. Chicago: National Textbook. Beebe, R.M., Leonard, K. (January 1994). Second language learning in a social context. CAL Digest on foreign language education. EDO-FL-94-05 Bernard, J. and Grandcolas, B. (2001). Apprendre une troisième langue quand on est bilingue: le français chez un locuteur anglo-espagno. Paris: Aile 14, 111-113.

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Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Ph.D. Universidad San Francisco de Quito Edif. Galileo #101 Telf: +593 2 297-1700 x1338 o +593-2-297-18937 or 

Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa is a professor of Education and Psychology at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador at the undergraduate and Master’s levels. Tracey received her doctorate (PhD) in the new field of Mind, Brain, and Education Science in July 2008 (Capella University), her Master’s of Education from Harvard University (International Development) and her Bachelor’s of Arts (International Relations) and Bachelor’s of Science (Communications) from Boston University, magna cum laude.

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