Assembly-Plant Lighting Retrofit TLEDs save more than $300,000 annually in energy and maintenance.
s energy optimization leader at the
to tubular LED in the body shop and through-
4.7-million-sq.-ft. General Motors’
out general assembly, material storage, kitting,
Orion Assembly plant in Lake Ori-
paint shop, final assembly, trim shop, mainte-
on, MI, Edward Fish is responsible for driving
nance areas, and administratio- building office
and supporting corporate energy conserva-
areas,” Fish explained.
tion initiatives in GM’s manufacturing and non-manufacturing facilities.
Contactors on the energy-management system serve as master controls for large banks of
The facility was built in 1983 and is where
lighting fixtures throughout the plant. Some
the Chevrolet Sonic and the Chevrolet Bolt
areas use occupancy sensors on individual fix-
EV are assembled. It is the first GM facility to
tures for improved control, which provide ad-
receive the Clean Corporate Citizen designa-
ditional energy savings.
tion by the state. In addition, it received a U.S.
Starco lamps were installed in retrofitted
Environmental Protection Agency’s Green
TCP Elite six-lamp fixtures in the manufactur-
Power Leadership Award for 2016.
ing space. Starco lamps were also fitted to two-
With linear fluorescent lamps from various
lamp open-task line lights used for line light-
manufacturers approaching end of life, Fish
and his team performed an extensive evalua-
accomplished in 2 x 2 and 2 x 4-ft. troffers.
tion of various tubular LED (TLED) product
The only issue with the project was employ-
manufacturers. The company performed a
ee feedback that 18-W lamps initially installed
technical review, followed by an on-site prod-
in the office areas were too bright. These areas
uct evaluation to assess performance. After the
were re-lamped with 15-W lamps to achieve a
studies, Fish selected products from Starco
more comfortable light level.
Lighting, Buffalo, NY.
Overall, light levels with the LED lamps
“The business case for the corporate ener-
were consistent with linear fluorescent. Later
gy-conservation project was based on engineer-
phases of the project used an improved-tech-
ing calculations, which demonstrated a simple
nology Starco lamp with increased lumen out-
two-year payback from energy savings,” Fish
put and higher efficacy. This increased initial
light levels from 29 footcandles to 34 footcan-
Starco’s extensive line of 2-, 3-, 4-, and 8-ft.
dles and assured that lighting intensities re-
product lengths and wattages, ranging from 9
main adequate even at the end of the lamp’s
W in a 2-ft. tube to 36 W in an 8-ft. tube, was
first tested at the GM Components Holdings facility in Grand Rapids, MI.
“The Starco lamp results in a 40% reduc-
DES Electrical Services of Detroit was
spaces, and a 54% reduction in office areas,” Fish said. “We expect to save just over $300,000
cess to some areas without having an impact on
annually in energy and maintenance costs
production required good communication,
from this lighting change.”
planning, and coordination with tech support
The tubes are backed with an uncondition-
teams, specifically above the robotic welding
al 8-year warranty. The shatterproof lamps are
cells in the body shop.
designed for the challenges of energy reduction
Work was done in various phases. Ceiling
and industrial safety compliance. The polycar-
heights ranged from 12 ft. in office areas to ap-
bonate circular lensing is shatterproof and
proximately 24 ft. in manufacturing areas. The
doesn’t require any extra protection. Starco’s
retrofitting process was accomplished primari-
LED driver system withstands extensive surge
ly during non-production hours, but some
voltage and high ambient temperatures and
work was performed during normal business
works seamlessly with the Fast-Fuse socket kit.
“We upgraded areas from linear fluorescent
Below. The Orion plant is where the Chevrolet Sonic and the Chevrolet Bolt EV are assembled. It is the first GM facility to receive the Clean Corporate Citizen designation by the State of Michigan.
tion in energy consumption in manufacturing
brought in to perform the retrofit. Gaining ac-
Above. Starco lamps were installed in retrofitted TCP Elite six-lamp fixtures in the manufacturing space at GM’s Orion Assembly plant. Lamps were also fitted to two-lamp open-task line lights used for assembly-line lighting.
Starco products have been used to retrofit
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Learn more about the FastFuse socket kit.
Learn more about Starco TLEDs.
17 General Motors plants in the U.S. CA