commARCH - February 2018

Page 24



Above. The ventilated façade system contributes to the building’s energy efficiency. Two tones of gray and creamwhite panels were chosen.

Left. The new science building at the German School needed an exterior to match the clean, modern look of the main building. Trespa panels provided the solution.

Smart Design For Learning Trespa panels clad a new science building for a prestigious school.


he German International School Washington

Renfrow Architects, Alexandria, VA (, con-

Meteon panels are installed using a back-ventilation

D.C., located in Potomac, MD, serves more than

ducted a great deal of research when selecting an exterior

system. This installation option was the single most-im-

500 students from preschool through grade 12.

façade and cladding for the new building. Keeping in

portant factor in the final product selection. A ventilated

While educating German-speaking students, the school

mind that the school planned further expansion, he

façade system can contribute to a building’s energy effi-

is also devoted to offering children from all backgrounds

needed to find a durable material that could withstand

ciency. Additionally, the panels require low maintenance

the opportunity to learn using the latest technologies

time and weather, while fulfilling LEED-Gold sustain-

but offer high durability and impact resistance.

and aims to instill tolerance, respect, and cooperation.

ability along with aesthetic and budget requirements.

The new science building’s eco-friendly design is an

Beyond the curricula being German, German is spoken

Renfrow’s research pointed to ventilated façades, com-

extension of the school’s ecological philosophy with fea-

at the school and students live the German culture. The

monly used in Europe, and as a result, Meteon panels

tures such as the rain-collecting rooftop garden and the

student body comprises families from German-speaking

from Trespa, New York (, were selected.

ventilated façade system. The panels add a modern look

countries who temporarily reside in the area for profes-

and functionality to the building, reflecting the innova-

sional reasons, and local families with or without a Ger-


tive educational experience the German School offers its

man-speaking parent. The school needed expansion due

The panels are offered in a variety of colors, which al-

students. CA

to rising enrollment and the administration’s desire to

lowed the new construction to connect visually with the

give graduates a competitive edge with experience using

existing structure’s design and color palette. The estab-

state of-the-art science equipment and technology.

lished building featured a solid upper level and an artic-

A German architect designed the school’s main class-

ulated ground level with brilliant yellow-gold window

room building during the 1970s. The administrators

frames. In a similar fashion, the new science building

wanted a new science building with an exterior to match

showcased a solid top with an open and transparent low-

Want more information? To download the information listed below, visit 1802trespa.

the clean, modern look of the main building, while al-

er level. The panels also blended well with the variety of

Circle 8 on the Reader Service Card.

lowing future expansion to adopt a more overall contem-

other materials used on the science building’s exterior,

porary look. They also wanted to incorporate the latest

including natural wood and glass. For the initial phase

eco-friendly technology, while keeping utility and main-

of renovation, two tones of gray and cream-white panels

See more photos of the project.

tenance costs at a minimum.

were chosen, but plans for the next phase will include

Explore the range of Meteon panels.

Lead architect Philip W. Renfrow of Geier Brown 22



more playful colors.

Learn more about the German School.

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