commARCH - February 2018

Page 32



Fixtures Wash Out Light Puddles LED fixtures reduce costs and eliminate poor light distribution that made it difficult for occupants to do business. The ArcheType X fixtures evenly illuminate the entire ceiling while delivering required footcandles to the customer and work areas.




he 1st Choice Savings & Credit Union in Lethbridge, Al-

for staff to do their jobs. To rectify this issue, the maintenance team

berta, Canada, was designed to be a bright and inviting

applied a tint to the windows.

facility with an open lobby, high ceiling, and glass facades

The tinting solved the sunny-day problem but created illumina-

that allow plenty of sunlight into the building. While the architect

tion issues on overcast days. The 22 legacy 150-W indirect/direct met-

had the best of intentions, the lobby lighting was not working for

al-halide (MH) fixtures provided inadequate illumination for the

customers or employees.

lobby and many people visiting the facility were compelled to com-

One issue had to do with the physical position of the building.

ment on how dark it felt. The fixtures were doing a poor job of throw-

Because it faced north, large windows offered plenty of daylight on

ing light out across the space. Instead, light would puddle on the floor

sunny days. That amount of light is normally welcome in a commer-

and ceiling, which resulted in poor illumination levels as the teller and

cial space. In the Lethbridge building, however, it caused a tremen-

the customer were blocking the light from each side. Staff frequently

dous amount of glare during prime working hours, making it difficult

found it difficult to perform critical tasks.


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