ith failing boilers and increasing tenant complaints for more heat, a 32-unit apartment complex in Kingsford, MI, required
major upgrades to its heating system. High-efficiency boilers from Weil-McLain, Burr Ridge, IL, ( provided the remedy along with significant fuel savings. “Residents of the building were contacting us occasionally about cool conditions or uneven heat from room to room,” said Anne Young, area director for the firm that manages the complex. “We were servicing the boilers at least three to four times every winter to maintain the prop-
Four Weil-McLain Eco 155 MBH wall-mounted boilers heat a Michigan apartment complex. The units have a stainless-steel fire tube heat exchanger and 95% AFUE efficiency rating.
er heating conditions, but it was becoming difficult to keep up.” Young turned to Mark Spencer, president and owner
has realized several benefits from the installation of the
of Universal Plumbing, based in Kingsford, for a solution.
boilers. Ongoing boiler maintenance is no longer re-
According to Spencer, the aging units were piped as a
quired—just annual servicing of the units. Fuel costs for the
hot-loop system on outdoor reset and would run continu-
complex have been reduced by more than 40%. CA
ously to maintain 180-deg. water temperatures 24 hr./day.
hvac & plumbing
Energy-Efficient Boilers Revitalize Apartment Complex
Spencer recommended the installation of four Weil-McLain Eco 155 MBH wall-mounted boilers. The units have durable stainless-steel fire tube heat exchangers and a 95% AFUE efficiency rating. One Eco unit was installed in each building with every
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unit configured with its own thermostats and pumps for
Circle 11 on the Reader Service Card.
each apartment and common area. The units also were set
Get information on the Eco boiler.
A reliable pump design enhances tenant comfort.
up to run on modulation with outdoor reset. The complex
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