| windows & doors
Setting New Hotel Standards UCLA’s Luskin Conference Center is LEED Platinum and one of the most sustainable hotels in the country.
he Univ. of California Los Angeles
rior is more than an architectural feature. “Max-
Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference
imizing the use of natural light also reduces
Center sets a new standard for confer-
energy consumption,” she said. The high ther-
ence centers and hotels, not just in a campus
mal performance of the windows, doors and
setting, but for the hospitality industry as a
curtainwall systems further support this goal.
whole. The $162-million building earned LEED
General contractor Morley Builders, Santa
Platinum certification and is considered one of
Monica, CA, kept the project on schedule.
the most sustainable hotels in the United States.
Working closely with them, the glazing contrac-
tor installed almost 10,000 sq. ft. of SuperWall
goals, acoustic performance, and access to nat-
curtainwall on the entry side of the center. Inte-
ural light were key contributors. Windows
grated within the curtainwall are more than a
dominate the conference center’s lobby and
dozen 4250-Z series zero-sightline, screened
meeting rooms, flooding the interior with
awning vents and four roof-access casements.
sunshine. Wausau Window and Wall Systems,
In addition to the curtainwall, more than
Wausau, WI, provided high-performance win-
300 units of Wausau’s 4250i-OS INvent series
dows, terrace doors, and a curtainwall to help
offset windows and 20 units of TD-4250i series
manage exterior noise and interior comfort,
project-in terrace doors with Juliet rails were
while contributing to the building’s overall
also installed.
energy efficiency.
The windows and doors are tested to meet AW Architectural Performance Class require-
ments set by the North American Fenestration
Architect Hornberger + Worstell, San Fran-
Standard AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/
cisco, in partnership with associate architects
A440-11 (NAFS). The standard includes strin-
Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, San Francisco,
gent criteria for air and water quality and struc-
designed the 294,000-sq.-ft., seven-story build-
tural performance.
ing for multi-purpose use: to host conferences
Validating the performance and appearance
featuring noted scholars, innovators, and
of these systems, Wausau provided a full-scale
thought leaders, and to offer comfortable and
mock-up. This allowed cost-effective adjust-
contemporary accommodations for visiting
ments prior to the company manufacturing all
experts and other UCLA guests.
of the systems as ordered, and ensured the final
The center has 254 guest rooms and more than 25,000 sq. ft. of event space, including 24
systems met the required specifications and intended architectural vision.
meeting rooms, a tiered classroom, and a 750-guest ballroom. The building also hosts a
162-seat full-service restaurant and lounge,
For a uniform look on the Luskin Conference
onsite catering services, fitness and business
Center, the terrace doors and windows have
centers, and an outdoor event terrace that over-
matching 4 1/2-in.-deep aluminum framing
looks the campus.
members. Adding to the building’s distinctive
UCLA’s motto, “fiat lux,” translates from
appearance, the windows’ glass pane is recessed
Latin as “let there be light,” providing a source
1 1/4 in. from the exterior face and comple-
of inspiration for the conference center.
mented with custom, aluminum panning
Although windows dominate the lobby and
meeting rooms in the building, flooding the
Accentuating and protecting the window,
interior with sunshine, UCLA chief sustainabil-
door, and curtainwall systems, Linetec, Wausau,
ity officer Nurit Katz noted that the bright inte-
WI, finished the aluminum framing members
JAN/FEB 2019
Top. The Univ. of California Los Angeles’ Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center sets a new standard for conference centers and hotels. Photos: Matthew Millman, courtesy of UCLA Middle. Windows dominate the lobby and meeting rooms in the building, flooding the interior with sunshine. The use of natural light reduces energy consumption. Above. Accentuating and protecting the window, door, and curtainwall systems, aluminum framing members and panning are finished in bronze color tones.