Identity #10 | Identity: Best of the Best 2007

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10 весна 2007 spring

Identity: Best of the Best 2007 5

континентов continents


членов международного жюри members of international jury


номинаций nominations


страны countries


участников participants


работ works

Dima Dlyasin . Dmitry Kharshak . Dmitry Koulikov . Dmitry Orlov . Vladimir Podvorniy . Oleg Pudov . Jakob Straub . Victor Trosinenko . Bai Graphic design accossitation . EKH . Grapefruit . Hainan Southern Stars Culture Communication . Inarea strategic design . Jawa and Midwich . Kabel . Mixer . Murillo Design . Nancy Wu Design . ONY . StoneGarden . Studio Cuculic

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Identity #10 | Identity: Best of the Best 2007 by Andrew Pourtov - Issuu