Identity Magazine, July 2018 Issue: Injy ElMokkaddem, Chasing the Dream

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FASHION from the

Broadwalk to the





see page 24







From Farm to Table to You.

Savor only the freshest, most delectable, locally-sourced ingredients, lovingly prepared by our talented chefs. And embark on a remarkable culinary journey that begins right on your own doorstep. Š2018 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.

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hether you’re slaying it on a heavenly beach somewhere or stuck in the suffocating city for a


reason or another, Identity’s summer issue will sure

COPY-EDITOR Amina El Fayoumy

keep you company. Our editorial team has made


sure none of our readers feel left out wherever they may be this summer. We’ve got you covered on the latest summer trends, reads, exercise and beauty

STAFF WRITERS Salma Elfeqy, Rawda Hisham FREELANCE WRITERS Amina Elghandour, Rana Ramez

routines, outings and relationship advice; you can

INTERNS Neamat ElTouby

thank us later! For our city detainees, this is your


golden opportunity to rediscover its hidden charms and fall in love with it all over again. Find out how


you can still have an urban summer to remember.


Beach or city, let the summer fun times begin!


Happy holidays y’all :)


Rola Kamel


Identity Magazine was founded in 2005 by Rola Kamel to enhance every aspect of a woman’s life style, helping our female readers to discover and improve their own identities. Published by Beezarre Publishing Ltd. Themistokli Dervi, 6 Papyros Building, 4th Floor, Flat/Office D5 – P.c 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus. The subscription rate is 240 L.E./year (12 issues) through Al Ahram, Tel: 02-27703190 Distribution by AL AHRAM Website: QPIX SOLUTIONS Printing House: SAHARA PRINTING COMPANY Contact us at: 26A Montazah St., Zamalek, Cairo-Egypt. Tel: 02-27361187 Mobile: 0122-9401071 email:



Ready for Summer Soak in the sun and enjoy our rejuvenating pools

and savoring brunch. Don’t forget to check out all the activities for the little ones as well. Call 202 23228000 now and book your room.




BEACH ME UP 6 8 10

Identity Picks Five Types of Summer Fling Relationships What Type of Summer Person Are You?

STYLE 12 16 18 22

How to Preserve your Skin Summer 2018 Makeup Trends Fashion from the Boardwalk to the Sidewalk Sexy Sandals and Flawless Flip-flops

52 24 26

Suit Up! Ingy EL Mokaddem: A Fearless Star Who Chases After Her Dreams


Sahel Guide 2018: All Day, All Night 38 Ten Ideas for Your Dream Beach House 40 Eight Different Ways to Exercise This Summer 42 Books You Need To Bring To The Beach This Summer 44 Two Loves, One Heart 46 Splendid Ways to Beat Summer in Cairo 48 Around the World 50 Get the Best of Italy at a Budget 52 Summer Getaways

OUT & ABOUT 56 Advertorial 58 Press Releases 64 Horoscopes




Star Dhafer ElAbdin, Engineer Yasser Shaker and French Ambassador Stephane Roumtier.

Super star Nicole Saba and Gihan Abdullah

General Ihab Sadek, Mariam Eldeeb, Huda eldeeb, Engineer Hossam Saleh and Amira Eltohamy

French Ambassador Stephane Roumtier, Engineers Yasser Elkady, Yasser Shaker and Naguib Sawiras

Engineer Yasser Shaker with Orange Team

Jasmine Taha Zaki, Dhafer El Abdin and Shaymaa Hafez

Engineers Atef Helmy, Yasser Shaker, Aqeel Bashir, and Alex Shalaby



Mineral 89 by Vichy Keep your face hydrated and protected with this liquid miracle worker by Vichy.

Tinted Aquafluid Sun cream by Bioderma Taking a tan does not mean you need to get burnt! Use this essential sun cream to protect your sunkissed skin and keep your face flawless with light coverage.

Kitesurfing Always been one of our favourite beach activities, kitesurfing is a way to explore the water and do something daring!

Beach Cover up by Camilla Dress your bathing suit with this Camilla cover-up and accentuate your beachy vibe in a pop of colour and unique patterns.

Thermal Spring Water by La Roche-Posay Heal your burns with La Roche Posay’s one of a kind product, and soothe your skin with the best antioxidant there is.

Artist Rouge Ink by Makeup Forever Pink is your best friend during the sizzling summer. Try this new matte liquid lip colour that will give you a radiant look every time. Embellished Woven Clutch by Sophie Anderson This is the ideal clutch to use everywhere while in summer. It is our favourite little accessory for Sahel.


Cardholder by Prada As previously established, pink is your best friend. Take your pretty pink Prada cardholder and keep your personals safe and chic.

Straw Sunhat by Eugenia Kim keep your eyes and face UV free in this beautiful sunhat that’ll surely help you flaunt your beautiful waves while resisting the humidity!




Summer is finally here again, and if you’re single, the prospect of having a summer fling can be even more exciting than eating tacos at the beach. The thing about summer flings is that they are drama free and low pressure. They make you do things you wouldn’t normally do, and if you’re in luck it could be the real thing, who knows. So let’s count down the types of fling scenarios you might encounter this summer. Scenario #1 Re-couple If this is your case than you’re no stranger to summer flings! You and your fling do it every summer. Probably the opening line of this relationship is “Hey, remember how it didn’t work out last year? Let’s do it again.” Every year you promise yourself that you won’t get back with him, but as soon as summer starts this promise of yours goes right out of the window. Scenario #2 Opposites Attract As we said earlier, summer is a time for trying something different, so you might be looking for breaking out of your usual patterns, and start dating someone so unlike you. It might be the fact that you know full well you won’t have to see him again comes September, or there is some allure to being attracted to someone who is your polar opposite. Scenario #3 On The Job For some of us, summer does not just mean beach, sand and fun in the sun; you might be working, or volunteering in some activities…etc. So there is this coworker whom you spend most of your time with every day. So when summer is here, it brings about some romance in the air, and you start to hang


out more often and without noticing it turns into a summer fling. Beware, this scenario can get really awkward if you two break up and still have to see each other every day! Scenario #4 Best Friends “We’ve known each other for years so how badly could eight weeks screw that up?” Oh boy, the most common scenario of them all, and also the most destructive of all the flings. The fate of a friendship is on the line here. But if it works out, you have won the lottery, dear friend. You could not hope for anything better than someone who knows you inside out like your best friend. Scenario #5 More Than Just A Fling And the possibility that it’s more than just fling can’t help but lurk around the corner! You might be lucky and bump into someone who clicks on every level with you; someone with an intriguing mind, a kind heart, or whatever you’re looking for, and it just happened to be summer when you found this person.

So keep an eye for these scenarios, and no matter which one happens to you, we hope that you have a good time this summer.

C. “A map, sweatpants, backpack and probably a first aid kit.” D. “My laptop, notes, power bank, and my day planner.” 3. THERE ARE A LOT OF BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES THAT ARE RELEASED THIS SUMMER. YOU CAN’T WAIT TO SEE… A. Mama Mia B. Ocean’s 8 C. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom D. Mission: Impossible – Fallout 4. PEOPLE WILL DESCRIBE YOU AS… A. The lone wolf B. The leader C. The daring D. The creative 5. IF YOU HAD TO DESCRIBE WHAT SUMMER IS TO YOU IN ONE WORD IT WILL BE… A. Freedom B. Reward C. Adventure D. Inspiration


Sand and sun, the summer has begun! Each season of the year comes, plays with the weather and leaves its trace on it and on our personalities. Yep, every season stirs a different part in you, so we can all say that we have four personalities! Since it’s summer, let’s dig in and figure out who you are this season. 1. IF ASKED WHAT YOUR VACATION PLANS THIS SUMMER WILL INCLUDE, YOU WILL SAY... A. “Spending quality time at the beach, feeling the sand on my feet and sipping on a cold smoothie.” B. “You can’t call it a vacation unless a big cozy plane heading to Europe is included, right?” C. “A vacation means adventure. Let’s go discover an obscure country.” D. “I need an intriguing place that can provide inspiration for my next project.” 2. IN PREPARATION FOR SUMMER, WHAT DID YOU PACK? A. “A new bikini, beach towels, sunscreen, flip-flops and a novel.” B. “A Camera, shorts, sneakers, and my savings.”


6. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE WAY TO DE-STRESS? A. “Having some alone time. A person needs to recharge.” B. “Planning a trip. It’s good to look forward to something.” C. “Do something new. Routine gets the better out of me.” D. “Attending any artistic event. Art is always the cure.” 7. DURING YOUR SUMMER VACATION, HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU BEEN OUTDOORS? A. “It would be easier to state the times I’ve been indoors–mainly to use the bathroom, eat, and sleep.” B. “Not so much! Shopping is mostly an indoor activity, after all, what can I do?” C. “All the time! Is there anything to do other that being outdoors?” D. “It’s hard to find an answer. It’s a tie.” 8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR FROM THE FOLLOWING? A. Blue B. Yellow C. Red D. Green 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE FROM THE FOLLOWING? A. Your mind will answer most of the questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. B. A goal without a plan is just a wish. C. Nobody owns the world. So feel free to explore it. D. Creativity is intelligence having fun.





For you, happiness comes in waves, so you want to put enough water between you and the city, with all its buzz and burdens. You are a hard worker, maybe to the point of being a workaholic, so summer is your chance to get some fresh air. Walking barefoot on the cool sand, absorbing the warmth of the sun on your skin, and breathing in the salty air; that’s freedom for you. That’s how you recharge. Eat. Beach. Sleep. Repeat.

ALL OR MOSTLY B’S: THE PLANNER Life is not worth living if you don’t pamper and reward yourself from time to time. Nothing can stand in the way of your goals; you know how to fishtail every obstacle that comes your way. You want to dance under the Eiffel Tower, checked, you want to experience the piazzas in Rome, checked. Your goal fires you up to take care of all the details, and tailor the best vacation for you.

ALL OR MOSTLY C’S: THE ADVENTUROUS ‘Close your eyes, spin the globe, point and go where your finger lands’, that’s simply who you are. You’re one who follows their soul not their mind, and your soul has wanderlust so you can’t help but feed the beast. Adding your daring heart to the mix, you more than earned the label of the Adventurous. Exploring the world is what you call a hobby, and there is so much of it, so your addiction has no end, and you don’t mind that at all.

ALL OR MOSTLY D’S: THE THINKER You know we are shaped by our thoughts, so you cherish your mind. You seek to nourish it with all the inspiration you can provide, that’s what summer is to you, an inspiration and stimulation supply. You don’t miss this opportunity to connect your mind with a sensational atmosphere. So when you go back to your work, that head of yours will be filled with thousands of ideas ready to see daylight.





by Neamat Eltouby


he weather affects our skin greatly, more than we can ever imagine. During the summer, protecting it from the harsh daylight can be challenging. Considering the different skin types and unaccountable products we choose from, it is hectic even thinking about it. But, we have your answers.


For Oily Skin AVOID OILY PRODUCTS Being exposed to the sun and high temperatures, your skin is easily prone to become excessively oily, or excessively dry. To stay away from the excessively oily possibility, make sure to check out the “oil free” label on all your skin products. This way you avoid the widening of your pores. Recommended Products: Neutrogena- Ultra Sheer Dry Touch, VICHY Ideal Soleil Sunscreen, The Body Shop Seaweed Oil Control Moisturizer, and Himalaya Oil Free Moisturizer.

EXFOLIATE EXFOLIATE EXFOLIATE! Even if you have oily skin, exfoliation is key to protecting your body during the summer. Exfoliation rubs off the dead skin cells that dry up your skin as a whole, as well as nourishes your pores and keeps them healthy.

Recommended Products: HOMEMADE SCRUBS COCONUT LIME SUGAR SCRUB Mix ¼ cup of coconut oil with 1 cup of white sugar and 1 tablespoon of coconut. Add 6-8 drops Lime Essential Oil into the mixture. Apply mixture on your face and body before you hop into the shower and guarantee yourself a moisturized, shimmering complexion. GINGER AND COCONUT OIL SCRUB Mix ¼ cup of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of ginger (chopped), ¼ almond oil, ¾ sugar, ¼ salt, and 1-4 drops of hazelnut oil together. In a small saucepan heat the coconut oil and ginger pieces on low heat for 5-10 minutes until the ginger scent has moved to the oil. While mixture is warm, mix the almond oil and set until it cools down. Add sugar and salt as well as the hazelnut oil into the mixture. Massage the liquid on damp skin and set for 2-4 minutes. Use a towel soaked in warm water over your face for a minute and rinse off.


For Dry Skin

REJUVENATE YOUR SKIN USING OILS Oils are a perfect way to sooth your skin, and keep it hydrated and smooth. Use natural fruit oils to hydrate and moisturize your skin; chemical oils with vitamins keep it healthier as well. Recommended Products: Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Johnson Bab Oil, Eau Thermal Avene Body Oil, and L’Oreal Paris Argan Dry Oil.

MOISTURIZE DAILY Moisturizing is an important remedy that your body benefits from when it becomes a routine. Make moisturizing a daily routine to prevent your dead skin cells from bothering you and drying up your skin. Make sure to use moisturizer especially after exposure to water, as the water weakens your skin cells and dries them up. Recommended Products: Vaseline Cocoa Butter Lotion, Oil Control Moisturizer and Neutrogena – Oil Free Moisturizer

RECOMMENDED HOMEMADE SCRUB COCONUT VANILLA SUGAR SCRUB Mix 1/2 a cup of coconut oil, 1/2 a cup of brown sugar, and half a tablespoon of vanilla extract together. Dampen your skin in your routine shower, and scrub your mixture in circular motions when you get out and rinse straight after.


For All Skin Types SHOWER IN COOL OR LUKEWARM WATER As much as we enjoy hot showers, cold showers are healthier for our skin during the summer. When showering with cooler water, your skin stays hydrated and preserves its healthy essential oils. Cold water also tightens the skin as it constricts blood flow.

USE SHAVING BALM AND CREAM If you’re shaving, always use shaving cream to smooth up your skin and avoid scratches. When done, use balm to sooth the new layer of skin from the scraping. Recommended Products: Nivea (MEN) Shaving Balm and Gillette Venus With a Touch of Olay Shaving Cream

WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY NIGHT Prior to your vacation or regular exposure to the sun, apply sunscreen on your body every night before bed. By doing so, you are protecting your skin from the UV light it will be exposed to later on. Recommended Products: Banana Boat Sunscreen, Neutrogena- Ultra Sheer Dry Touch, and LA ROCHE – Posay-Oil Free Anthelios Clear Skin


SUMMER 2018 MAKEUP TRENDS by Neamat Eltouby

Getting ready for summer days and nights could be challenging. Using the right colours, shades, and glitters is brain aching, but this year’s trends are making it easier than ever. Glitz, glitters, and gloss are dominating our summer nights this year, and we love it!

OMBRÉ Mix colours together to create your own sunset lids and lips. Sunset colours like orange, pink, and yellow mixed together make a beautiful shade. Try out the purples, blues, and violets as well.

AU NATURALE Keep your skin clean and clear and stay away from coverage for the summer. Apply your bronzer and highlighter on the corners of your eyes, your nose, Cupid’s bow and your cheekbones to highlight your features. Play with your look some more with kohl, a tiny liner line on your lid, a little mascara, or all of the above.


FUTURAMA Metallic colours are the talk of this summer. Metallic eye makeup is playing a huge role in our makeup routines this year, as we experiment with colours like silver, pink, blue and gold to look out of this world.

MONOCHROMATIC BRIGHT COLOURS Bright colours are so ‘in’ right now, in everything. A pop of colour in your makeup is the ultimate way to accentuate your features in a night out, no matter what you’re wearing. Use monochromatic bright colours like, yellow, blue, or pink to bring out the colours of your eyes, as well as suit what you’re flaunting that night!

GLOSSY Matte overstayed, and gloss is back where we wanted. Gloss your eyes and lips and sparkle them together with the rest of your face. Gloss gives you a soft, yet edgy look on your lips and eyes and brings that retro trend back!




Sidewalk Camilla

Summer is officially in full swing. Those long summer days and even longer summer nights beckon for attention. So whether you are off to some tropical destination, hitting the city pavement or playing tourist for your vacation, be sure to pack your hot ticket fashion scores with you!

Ray Ban Jennifer Fisher

n Loub




Trendy Tourist

Giuseppe Zanotti

Wander comfortably throughout your latest holiday expedition with some IG-worthy ensembles. Don’t forget your camera! Eres + Vita Kin

New Balance

Wicker Wings

Innika Choo



Alexander Wang

Lisa Marie Fernandez

Beach Babe



Sam Edelman

Sun and salty water shouldn’t be the only things adorning you this season. Grab some billowy silhouettes and give in to the warm breeze.




Tory Burch

Ancient Greek Sandals


Christian Louboutin

Karla Colletto


Heidi K

Jimmy Choo

Adriana Degreas Cult Gaia



y Chlo See b



Sartorial Safari Travel off the beaten path in style. Keep your cool in the season’s latest picks and channel your inner explorer.


Re Done

Rag & Bone



Goose D

eluxe Bra

nd R13 By Malene Birger


s Orig

a Adid






Mansur Gavriel

Elizabeth and James Rosie Assoulin

Stuart Weitzman


A.P.C. Atelier de Production et de Creation


Loeffler Randall

J. Crew


Crushing Concrete

Spruce up your summer in the city with these everyday essentials while battling the heat on the streets.




Alica + Olivia Lucy Folk

son x g Sea Huntin a Herrera n Caroli





2018 is all about statement footwear. Sparkles, Florals, and Translucent are all back and here to stay it seems. Not only are they here to bless our clothing, but our fabulous footwear as well. This summer, designers and high-end stores are introducing new and improved flavourful footwear, keeping our feet as dressed up as we are!

Nine West


For the Beach/Pool Flip-flops are a must during summer. Keeping them simple has substituted the bright neon colours flamboyant the past couple of years. This summer, soft pastel colours and minor metallic/colorful accents have dominated the beachy runway. Dad’s 90’s slides are back! Gucci is celebrating summer 2018 with new easy fit, fashionable slides. Bright colours, rhinestones, fabric and rubbers; they have it all.

H&M Gucci

Nine West



Tory Burch

Jimmy Choo

Aldo Gianvito Rossi

For Your Night Out For your glamorous Sahel nights; colours, prints and metallics are all you need. Louis Vuitton and Monse explicitly designed hip, bright and leathery sandals for nights like those. Thick wedges are as ‘in’ as thin heels for your nights of fun. Dress your feet in metallic mattes and shiny leather silver and gold heels by Steve Madden. Dress up from head to toe – literally – this summer. Christian Louboutin

Nine West Aldo

Le Chateau




Steve Madden FSJ

IDENTITY 25 Nina Cherie

POLKA DOTS Your mom’s polkadotted swimsuits are back and are hotter than ever! Dress yourself in that bikini and show off your curves in a simple and authentic pattern that’ll absolutely rule your Sahel beach.



Florals are back again and are here to stay. From solid colours decorated in solid flowers to bursting trends of colour, florals are definitely the way to go!



Velvets are taking their toll on all our clothing, even our beachwear. Flaunt your sexy velvet bikini on the beach and don’t worry about the stickiness. Velvet swimsuits are surely one of our favorite ways to be unique and hotter than ever.

by Neamat Eltouby


Marios Schwab


The sun’s finally here and so are our swimsuits! From trends coming back from the 90’s and solid colours reeling back in to the refurbishments of classic silhouettes, summer 2018 is refurnishing and rehabilitating all the sexy trends of the past.

CHOCOLATEY The colour chocolate is dominating the swimsuit runway in bikinis, one pieces, and that hot two piece one piece we’re all waiting to buy.



Pink Lisa Marie Fernandez

BELTS Belted solid colours are improved and in again. Wear that spaghetti strap lightly, vaunt your perfect waist and flaunt your natural beauty!

Marios Schwab

Caroline Constas


THE 2 PIECE ONE PIECE As tacky as it seems, 2 piece one pieces are so in right now. Put on your lightly covered swimsuit and cover lots but little at the same time. Show your skin in a classy sexy manner in that tied little one piece all through the summer.



Lisa Marie Fernandez



Pop your shoulders out in all the ways you like! Off shoulder bikinis are here and so are those one shoulder one pieces we all love.



INJY EL MOKKADDEM A Fearless Star Who Chases After Her Dreams Interview by Amina Moustapha


Stars are meant to be in the spotlight, but when one steals the show from everyone else, that merits a pause and a well deserved round of applause. Sofia, or we should say Injy El Mokkaddem, managed to steal our hearts this Ramadan with her awe-inspiring performance in Layaly Eugenie. The exceptional actress’s career is glowing year after year, so we had to meet up with her to have a chit chat and hear all about the secrets behind this major success.



Dress: Villa Baboushka



Kaftan: Rania Samaha Designs, Trousers and Belt: Maison 69, Shoes: Christian Louboutin

HOW DID YOUR CAREER KICK OFF? It all traces back to when I was in college, studying Psychology as a major, and Theater as a minor; I was infatuated and besotted with acting. At the time, the man I love, who is now my husband, didn’t like much the idea of me getting into the world of acting outside of college. Still not wanting to let go of the dream, I worked as a reporter, and then a TV host. As a career it was second best to me, but still it was in front of the camera. Afterwards, I started to get acting offers which I turned down, though some of them were really good, and I wanted to play them so badly. In 2007, I got the offer for ‘Ahmed Etgawez Mona’. I started to debate the matter with my husband once again, telling him that it was a small project, not a big movie, just a mini comedy, and how much I wanted to give it a shot though deep down I was so scared of doing it too. He said yes, I took the role, and I was over the moon. He saw how much happier I became pursuing this career, so he started to encourage me, and he is now my agent! Things started from there. HOW DO YOU PICK YOUR ROLES? First off, there are basic factors, such as a good script, a capable director, an intriguing role, a good cast, nothing cheap, distasteful or poor quality… And then comes how I feel about the role, do I think it will add something to me and to my career? If so, what will it add? How different is it from other characters I already played? What will I learn from this director? What will this writer unleash in me while I perform? After answering all these questions, I make up my mind about the role. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ROLE SO FAR? Sofia in Layaly Eugenie TELL US MORE ABOUT HOW YOU GOT SOFIA’S ROLE? Ahmed El Sharkawy, the series’ script supervisor, called to tell me about this one character he was already in love with, and her name was Sofia. He said he saw me in this character and so did the director, Hany Khalifa. He started to tempt me to read the role, stating how special Sofia was, and how he was certain the audience would feel deep affection for her. I am already a big fan of Hany Khalifa. He told me that he liked my performance in La Totfe’ Al Shams, and that he and the team of writers, Ingy El Kasem and Samaa Ahmed Abd El Khaleq thought I was the right actress for this role. I later went to meet them, and we talked for hours about the script, the story and the characters. The more I got to know Sofia, the more I felt a connection with her. I felt that many signs were drawing me to her, so I took the role.




Not that much! I knew she was loveable, that people would like her and the fact that she is Italian also helped, but I would have never expected this amazing feedback! How the audience loved her! My husband and I are still trying to study what might be the factors that led to this, what is Sofia’s secret, we just can’t figure it out. THE CHALLENGE THAT YOU HAD TO LEARN ITALIAN IN ORDER TO DO THE ROLE, DIDN’T GIVE YOU COLD FEET? Quite the contrary, the challenge made the role even more desirable to me. It was one of the reasons why I said yes in the first place. I love challenges. I love to test my boundaries, to know the extent of my abilities, where my limits are, if I can push through them, if there is more in me, and how I can get better. IF YOU CAN TAKE ONE THING FROM THE SET OF LAYALY EUGENIE, WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE? The patisserie of course! I would open it, and serve you all cinnamon cake and hot chocolate as Sofia does! I am so lost in this world, that I am still living in it inside my head. YOU AND MOURAD MAKRAM FORMED A TREMENDOUS DUO IN THE SERIES; TELL US ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH HIM. It’s truly an unexplainable chemistry. Mourad and I didn’t personally know each other before. When I got to know him, I discovered how decent, polite and hardworking he is. He has the purest of souls. We became instant friends when we started shooting, and then something clicked when we were acting opposite each other. We didn’t intentionally plan for it to happen; maybe it occurred because each one of us was so into their characters. We believed our roles so much, and we loved them, so we clicked. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE TO ASPIRING ACTORS AND ACTRESSES? Without sounding cliché, I would tell them not to give up or get discouraged, and to chase after their dream. Stay focused, and don’t distract yourselves with minor things such as where your name will appear in the credits or the size of your role. Just focus on your work, on your goal. Work hard, study, try to work with good directors and writers; that’s what makes the difference. Evolve and work on yourselves, attend workshops, read, watch movies as much as you can... Just don’t give up.


Dress: Alice McCall from Maison 69

THIS IS OUR SUMMER ISSUE, SO TELL US HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR SUMMER? I am so excited that summer is finally here! I love to travel abroad and inside Egypt, to Gouna especially. I save August for Sahel where I have some quality time with the kids.

We thank Injy for this exceptional interview and wish her all the best for her next project. 34 IDENTITY


Kaftan and Trousers: Maison 69, Shoes: Valentino



Dress and Belt: Villa Baboushka, Shoes: Gucci



ummer is officially setting in and we can’t help but run away from sizzling hot Cairo at the first chance we get. And so the weekly migration to our beloved North Coast has also started with the same hassle of keeping up with the hottest spots in Sahel. IDENTITY comes in handy, providing you with a list of the must-go destinations. Let’s not waste any more time and start kicking off those summer vibes!

LA BODEGA They knew that no one wants summer without La Bodega, so they are returning to Sahel with their usual unforgettable nights full of new experiences with old friends. THE SMOKERY Dinning out should always be an elegant experience and The Smokery settles for nothing less. Located in Marassi, you are promised a calm relaxing atmosphere, breathtaking views and delicious meals.


THE BEACH BAR BY LEMON TREE & CO. Located in Telal, the Beach Bar is where you can relax by the beach, savour delicious Mediterranean delicacies and refreshing cocktails while enjoying the lively sounds. SOL BEACH If you are looking for a place to chill, relax and luxuriate at the same time, look no more. Sol Beach in Amwaj morphs smoothly from chic beach club by day to an extravagant nightlife hub by night. You will be mesmerized by the scenic interiors, the crystals-like sands and the shades of blue.

MARTIN’S BEACH CLUB Every summer has its story, and the best stories are created by the beach! At Martin’s Beach Club you are guaranteed an amazing super-fun summer at Marassi.

CONTAINER PARK SAHEL From 5 PM until sunrise, Container Park is your go to place this summer. Located in front of Hacienda White and right next to McDonalds Dunes, this is definitely not the typical container.

LAKE YARD Alongside enjoying the artistically decorated walls, the Lake Yard brings together popular restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in a colourful chilling setting.

PEARL BEACH BAR Pearl Beach Bar is not a regular bar, with its wide range of water sports, food, beverages, parties and entertaining activities for you and your children! It seems that they got the whole package for this summer.

TRUX Providing a variety of gourmet goodies to starving beach goers, Trux is a food-truck park located right outside Amwaj. Go grab a quick bite and choose from their wide varieties of street food.

THE GREEK VILLAGE For an in-border trip to Mykonos, go give The Greek Village in Sahel a visit. It lies between Diplo and Sidi Abdelrahman and you will feel the Greek atmosphere all around the place. EXIT CLUB Hidden along the beautiful North Coast, Exit brings together the finest house music with a crowd that loves to party to the early hours of the morning. Located in Dunes mall, opposite to Hacienda, Exit is a weekend club. PIER 88 For a truly luxurious unparalleled beach fine dining experience, our one and only Pier 88 is heading to the Mediterranean. Make sure to bring your appetite to Sahel this summer and dine in sophistication in Pier 88 at Almaza Bay. DANOS BEACH BAR Danos is your day and night casual bar located in Hacienda. After all, what can be more exciting than sipping on delicious cold drinks by the beach while listening to the best music? Exactly, nothing! DIPLOMATIC VILLAGE 5 If you are seeking calmness and peace of mind, then Diplo beach is what you’re looking for. It’s the perfect spot for enjoying a relaxed morning by the beach and spending some time tanning and swimming. THE LEMON TREE MARASSI With live performances, exquisite cocktails and energetic beats, The Lemon Tree is taking the clubbing scene in Sahel to a whole new level. With these guys, you are guaranteed a night well-spent that you will remember for a long time.

WHITE COAST Inspired by the Greek Santorini, White Coast is offering you a picturesque setup, some amazing bites and cocktails that come hand in hand with the latest beats. DIRTY BYRD Dirty Byrd already proved to be Sahel’s favorite fast food restaurant. So do yourself a favour and stop by Hacienda for their selection of comfort food and yummy fried chicken. They will make you forget temporarily about Formet el Sahel, and it’s totally worth it. 6IX DEGREES Undoubtedly, 6ix Degrees is one of the masters of the partying scene in the North Coast. The weekend club is reopening its doors for summer 2018 and we can’t hide our excitement about it. MISTIQA SAHEL Mouthwatering food? Check. Family friendly atmosphere? Check. Food that tastes like home? Check. Oriental cuisine and off the grill meals? Check. For all that and more, find Mistiqa at Rivette mall by the entrance of Amwaj. SACHI BY THE SEA For the third year, Sachi by the Sea is welcoming a new summer in Hacienda. Giving it the ultimate Mediterranean palette, the seasonal fine diner and beach bar should be on your list for this summer. ANDIAMO PIZZA BAR The one and only Pizza bar is back in Sahel! Located in Marassi, it’s one of the cosiest spots with the freshest cocktails and most delicious pizzas on the coast.

At the end, it doesn’t matter if you are a beach lover who spends lots of hours sunbathing and swimming or a crazy hyped party animal who is bound to nightlife, or even both! What truly matters is knowing how and where to have fun. Let the summer festivities begin! IDENTITY 39


Summer is finally here and that only means one thing: heading to the BEACH! Our beach houses are undoubtedly our favourite kind of homes; nothing beats the idea of knowing that the sea is just right outside the walls of your home! But keep in mind that what is inside the walls of the house is just as important as what is outside. That’s why we’re dedicating this article for 10 easy and feasible tips and tricks that will grant you your dream beach house, and with no need of a fat wallet. 40 IDENTITY

1. Seashells Fever Looking for an attractive centrepiece for your coffee table or your dining table? Gather different forms, types and sizes of seashells and set them in a large beautiful glass jar or clamshell. For an easy DIY decoration idea, attach shells to blue papers and frame them. You can also use colourful conches to decorate your shelves, your bedside tables, your dressing tables or anything else for that matter! 2. Storage Picnic Baskets and Framed Bathing Suits Search no more for an effective yet beautiful way of storage. Place picnic baskets under beds and use the extra space for storage artistically. The baskets

3. Wreaths for Doors and Hooks for Walls The front door of your Sahel place must reflect the spirit of the house. That’s why wreaths exist. Whether it’s a shell and starfish wreath, easy DIY long driftwood pieces arranged into starburst shape or a nautical wreath wrapped with blue and white striped fabric; anything will do the trick just fine. Besides wreaths, hooks are essential for beach houses so that some items don’t track sand indoors. Specify one wall for hooks and try hanging hats, beach bags and other accessories on it. It will give it an artistic chaotic view. 4. Mermaids and Maritime Wallpapers In case you have little kids, the choice of the colours of their bedroom walls could be tricky. Be fearless and go for nautical or beach-y wallpapers for a festive mood inside your kids’ rooms. And mermaids are definitely girls’ favourite sea characters. So if you are looking for a piece to complement a room for girls, you can try hanging gorgeous mermaid illustrations and you are good to go. 5. Wooden Shelves and Glass Jar Candles In case you need to add shelves to your living room, bedrooms or even kitchen, go for wooden ones. They will give your Sahel home a catchy coastal look. Moreover, nothing shouts out “beach house” like candles in glass jars filled with shells and starfish. Go for scented candles for an extra relaxing atmosphere. You can also mix up different candle colours that match the themes of your rooms. 6. Light Breezy Space Are you still in the phase of furnishing your house by the beach? Then choose the airy light whitey colours. To contrast it, go for sandy colours like caféau-lait, beige, brown or gray pillows and rugs. If you are not a big fan of white, try using different shades of blue and turquoise for a seaside sense. Stick with open spaces and don’t stack items and furniture. 7. Vintage Oars and Burlap Ropes A thing about oars is that they can be used in many ways to decorate your beach house. They could be hanged on the wall, hanged on a door or just standing in a corner in the living room. To be more

will give your bedrooms a nostalgic summery look. Additionally, if you want to add a cheerful character to your living room, get some of your old bathing suits that you don’t use anymore, put them into picture frames with basic colours and hang them. You’ll get an adorable decorative piece with zero cost.

Beach house isn’t just real estate. It’s a state of mind Douglas Adams

creative, hooks can be attached to the oars and it can be turned into a creative clothes hanger. Also add burlap ropes to your beach house décor for it to feel like a cabin or a ship. They can be glued to vases, added to frame mirrors, tied around glass jars or even attached to the back of beds or the tables. 8. Driftwoods and Signal Flags Driftwoods are great for wall decorations and are perfectly suitable for any room in the house, just like the signal flags representing letters. You can collect driftwood and make whatever shapes you like such as sailboats, fishes or seahorses. And for the flags, get the ones corresponding to your name and each one of your family’s and hang them up on their beds. Their vivid colours will top your beach house bedrooms with delightful vibes. 9. Rugs, Illustrations and Starfish Settings To add up a nautical touch to your beach house, go for the blue and white rugs. Get some illustrations of anchors, ships and sailboats and edge them with blue and white picture frames. Likewise, starfish settings are considered as a great addition to your house. From hanging a big yellow starfish on your living room wall, adding small starfishes to your bathroom walls to getting starfish lanterns, colourful starfishes for your shelves and starfish illustrations, a seaside appearance is guaranteed. 10. Wooden Wheels Wooden wheels are highly underestimated! You will be mesmerized after trying to hang up wooden wheels in one of the bedrooms of your beach house. They completely change the look of the room and give it the needed nautical spirit. For an innovative accessory, add a wooden sign with your name on it or with your favourite summer/beach quotes.

At the end, you don’t need to spend a fortune to have your dream beach house in real life. All you need to do is be creative, think out of the box, don’t limit yourself to what’s trendy and be bold enough to try out new ideas. IDENTITY 41






et’s agree that exercising during summer is not so easy compared to other seasons, simply because the weather is too hot for any person to make any extra unnecessary move. But exercising is essential if you want to stay in shape and live the healthy lifestyle. That is why, this summer you need to find a fun way to exercise to enjoy every bit of it even if it is too hot out there.

1. BEACH VOLLEYBALL If you are one of those people who spend most of their summer vacations by the beach, then this is definitely super easy for you. You get to burn calories while the sun kisses your skin, and you get to enjoy every second of it. You can either play with friends or people that you just met 5 seconds ago on the beach. But don’t forget to add some extra sunscreen to avoid getting your skin burnt. 2. RACQUET BY THE BEACH This one is many people’s favourite beach time activity. Get a pair of racquets and challenge your partner/friend to reach a certain count; a challenge always adds a little bit of fun to everything. But don’t forget to pack balls as well; otherwise you’ll end up carrying the pair of racquets with no use. 3. CYCLE THE WHOLE TOWN Instead of using the car in Sahel, choose to ride your bicycle to the supermarket, beach or even to your night outings, unless you are planning to visit another resort, then of course don’t! The whole point is to indulge you in sports without even noticing. Riding a bike gives you the necessary cardio workout for your body while feeling nothing but the amazing breeze. 4. ARRANGE AN INSANITY SESSION WITH YOUR FRIENDS Insanity is a program by the amazing Shaun Tee who is one of the most well known fitness instructors worldwide. It is a daily program that if done in groups, can become very addictive. All you need to do is set a good time for you and your friends to meet up in one of your houses in either Sahel or Cairo. Two weeks later, you’ll notice all the difference. 5. WALK BY THE BEACH It can be your daily thing whether with your dog, a friend or by yourself. A walk by the beach is therapy

to both your body and soul. You can free your mind in a matter of just one hour, and you’ll be the happiest fit person you know. Just set a fixed time daily and the habit will grow on you even after you are back in Cairo. 6. GO SWIMMING Obviously this one doesn’t take a smart person, but yes go swimming. Set a certain number of minutes where all you need to do is just swim back and forth. The effort you exert will tremendously affect you in positive ways while you are having the maximum amount of fun with your family and friends. Those couple of laps will turn your physique around. 7. CROSS FIT SESSIONS Even if you are spending your summer in Sahel, you’ll still find a team there that does daily workouts. Cross fit is very fun because you build a community with those who join the program, and it’s also very flexible with your timings. Results are fast as well. Cross fit by the beach is fun, because you just finish this one-hour workout and jump into the sea right away. 8. DO SOME YOGA Yoga is one of those activities that both work on your physical and psychological health. It is not all meditation and just closing your eyes doing nothing but freeing your mind, absolutely not! Yoga can be very challenging physically and no one can deny that. It takes you days to be able to do a move, not to mention mastering it. You can practice yoga by the beach or in your home. Accept the challenge and start today!

Practicing sports during summer is one of the toughest things to do, but if you want to live the healthy life, you don’t walk around giving yourself excuses. Change your attitude, and start being committed to sports this summer. Your body will reap all the benefits.





by Amina Moustapha

icture this, you lying on a chaise lounge in the warm sun by the beach, drinking a cold smoothie, listening to the music of the splashing water and the waves hitting the shore, and smelling the salty air while smiling; what could be missing in this unparalleled picture? The answer is definitely a book. Feed your brain while you catch some rays this summer with this assortment of great books…

1. By Invitation Only - Dorothea Benton Frank

4. Beach House Reunion - Mary Alice Monroe

They weren’t wrong when they said that marriage isn’t just two people getting married, it’s two families! In her funny, sharp and empathetic novel, Dorothea Benton Frank shows us what happened when the worlds of two families, one struggling to do well, one well to do, were forced to collide their worlds together. When the privileged daughter of Chicago’s crème de la crème and the son of hardworking Southern peach farmers fell in love, their families couldn’t stand in their way, so at the barbecue engagement party they took the chance to learn more about each other through this amusing character-driven tale.

When it comes to summer reads, no one can do it like Monroe. Her bestselling Beach House series returns this year with this amazingly rich and relatable tale, Beach House Reunion. Three generations of the Rutledge family gather at the family beach house on the picturesque Isle of Palms, to uncover their problems, and forge new bonds that will endure long beyond the summer.

2. The Favorite Sister - Jessica Knoll In Knoll’s highly anticipated second novel, it seems that she decided to take a page out of Suzan Collins’ book and deliver a novel that somehow mirrors the Hunger Games. In the Favorite Sister, two sisters join the cast of a reality TV series about ambitious, hyper-successful women. But of the two sisters, only one will make it through the season alive. We will leave you to discover the story on your own, but you won’t be able to put this one down — no matter how good the water looks.

3. When Life Gives You Lululemons - Lauren Weisberger Can’t get over The Devil Wears Prada? Well, instead of re-reading it or re-watching the movie for the hundredth time this summer, Weisberger answered our prayers and returns with a novel starring one of her favorite characters from The Devil Wears Prada, Emily Charlton. Charlton left Miranda, her ex demanding boss, behind to build a career as a publicist to Hollywood’s elite. But soon she will realize that Miranda isn’t just part of her past, but in fact could become a valuable ally.


5. The High Season - Judy Blundell Ruthie Beamish can deal with any curveball fate throws her way, as long as she has her house. Her idyllic summer home near the Hamptons is her egg nest. Come summertime, she must rent it out to afford it. But this summer’s renters, wealthy Adeline Clay and her beautiful stepson are truly like no other renters Ruthie and her family have ever encountered. A beautiful novel that will teach you that sometime you must let go of what you love, even if it’s just partial, in order to keep it.

6. Another Side of Paradise - Sally Koslow When a gossip columnist, someone who makes a living out of exposing other people’s secrets while she carefully guards her own, and a once-famous author, who hides his secrets behind the characters of his stories, fall for each other, the consequences are bound to be exceptional and intriguing. Sheilah and Fitzgerald begin an unusual relationship with highs and lows, and twists and turns. The story will take you on a trip back to 1937, where you will meet a colorful cast of characters, and will enjoy various timelines.

7. The Perfect Couple - Elin Hilderbrand Want to spice up your summer with a mysterious novel? The New York Times bestselling author, Hilderbrand can always deliver an intriguing summer

read. When the fancy wedding, of a perfect couple, gets interrupted by the police, who find a dead body in the harbor, fear and suspicion dominated the wedding. Suddenly, all the guests are under investigation, and secrets begin to come out, and we discover that the couple isn’t that perfect after all.

8. The Pisces – Melissa Broder They always say to never judge a book by its cover. In this case if you were dazzled like many others with the Oscar winning movie, the Shape of Water, if you were on the look for a novel that explores a romance between a woman and a merman, then we can safely give you the go ahead. You can with good conscious judge this book by its cover, and assume it’s an accurate description of what you’ll find in its pages. Melissa Broder’s novel will swallow you whole into one of the most capturing love stories.

10. Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One - Raphaëlle Giordano Is there a better goal in life than to find joy? Camille thinks not. In this feel-good story, the author takes us through her heroine, Camille, onto a journey, where she tries to transform her life and find happiness though on paper she already had a perfect life, perfect job and marriage. The story follows her to the city of light, Paris, where she started looking for her path of joy, and she bumped into Claude, a French Sean Connery look-alike and routinologist, who decided to help her find what she was looking for.

9. How To Stop Time – Matt Haig Don’t we all wish we could stop time? Especially since it’s summer? Well, Zelig might not agree with us. The idea of stopping time isn’t that attractive if you are a middle-aged man, but actually you’re hundreds of years old. When you freeze in time, but everything around you keeps going, it’s bound to be very tiring. If you’re a fan of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or the Age of Adeline, this is the book for you.

One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by. Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle



Two Loves, One Heart by Marwa Rakha

Dear Marwa, People always complain about not finding love, but I found it. Two times... At the same time in fact! I am in love with two guys, and I am not sure if this is even possible, but I am truly in love with both of them. I live abroad, and I go to college there, but I come back to Egypt every summer. The summer before my freshman year in college, I met my first boyfriend while I was still in Egypt. He is just amazing, kind, and we click together on so many levels. We couldn’t help but fall in love with each other. It broke my heart that I had to leave to college, but there was nothing to be done. We didn’t break up though, we decided to try and make it work. We did...... until I met my other boyfriend in college. He is the funniest guy you can ever meet! He radiates positive energy wherever he is. We got to know each other, and something prevented me from telling him about my boyfriend (who I kept in touch with). We became friends, and then more than just friends! I fell for him. We started dating, and I promised myself that when I go back home, I would break up with my first boyfriend (whom I didn’t tell about the second boyfriend)! When I returned home for the 46 IDENTITY

summer, and as soon as I saw my first boyfriend, I remembered why I fell in love with him in the first place. I couldn’t let go of him. I decided to break up with my college boyfriend, but when I went back I couldn’t do it! For months I was depressed for months and didn’t know what to do, and what made it even more complicated is that both of them were there for me! So I took a decision to keep them a secret from each other. I know how awful this sounds, and how selfish I am but that’s why I am reaching out to you. For four years I’ve been leading a double life. Fortunately my two worlds didn’t collide in any way. But I can’t do it anymore! Should I tell them the truth? Should I break up with one of them? Both of them? Please note that I am not faking my love toward them. Yes, it’s still cheating. But I feel like there is two of me, and each one is in love with one of them. Can this happen? Dear In-Love-With-Two-Guys, You do not have to choose unless you have to decide which marriage proposal you are going to accept. Relax! Ethically speaking, what you are doing would fall under lying and betrayal. But, technically speaking, you are involved in two platonic relationships that are more of friendships, than actual dating. Realistically speaking, a human being, man or woman, is capable of having feelings towards more than one person at the same time. A real relationship is a lot of work; you invest time, energy, emotions, and thinking into communication, understanding, planning, emotions, and sex. A real relationship is so consuming that at times, some people, decide to take a break from all the daily work.

The physical factor is also an element that needs to be considered. Women are fully capable of having sex with more than one partner, physically speaking. But emotionally speaking, there is only one favourite … one person she longs for and wants to be with. In your case, you have feelings for two men, but you are only investing in a relationship with one of them – the one you met in college and get to see regularly. The textbook advice would be to tell them both the truth, and bear the outcome. But can you handle losing one of them? Can you handle losing both of them? My advice would be to just let it be! I know that this sounds horrible, but I am a believer in natural selection; eventually, one of the relationships will fade away. One will prove itself wrong for you. One guy will totally win you over. One guy might get fed up of the long-distance relationship. The other guy might meet someone who gives more of herself. Both guys might decide that they want something different. In other similar cases, a third guy would show up and would trump the other two. It might take a totally different person to show you what real love is, and that those two guys are just best friends to you. You never know what the future holds, but the current status quo would not last beyond college years. For the time being, I want you to enjoy being young, happy, in love, loved, and sought after. Enjoy the companionship, the attention, and the warmth your two friends are offering. Everything comes to an end, eventually. Nothing glows forever. Until that end comes, just live in the present moment and do not torment yourself with guilt. Relationships are not carved in stone, and there is a fine line between love and friendship that men and women cross many times throughout the path of their relationship. I would just like to end my horrible advice with an ethical note: Do not make plans with either boyfriend. Do not make promises you cannot fulfil. Do not mislead either one into the forever after ending. Do not use big words. If one relationship gets more serious than the other, you would have to have a talk with the person you are leaving behind.



Spending a memorable relaxing summer is an annual ultimate goal that no one ever wants to miss. With temperatures reaching their peak, daydreaming about eating a watermelon slice by the beach and partying all night in cool weather is very common. But what if you’re stuck in a situation where you can’t leave for summer vacation, let it be the office deadlines or a busy schedule that holds you back from enjoying spectacular summer vibes. We assure you that you can still have the best of both worlds and enjoy the season from indoors, that’s why we have got you covered with an activity list that still enables you to enjoy bits of summer in Cairo. STAY OUTSIDE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN There’s no need to spend plenty of time at home while others are enjoying their tanned skin and salty beach curls at coastal areas. Staying outside will help you get over the stressful fact that you just can’t go anywhere because of numerous responsibilities taking over your summer and will definitely boost your mood. Try taking long outdoor walks in empty streets where you can enjoy the refreshing summer breeze while listening to your favourite playlist. Solo road trips can be highly meditative as well; you just have to avoid bustling city areas where all the hustle happens so that anxiety won’t find its way to you. Clear your mind and make sure you unplugged it from all problems and labyrinths. HIT THE POOL Instead of hiding out from intense summer morning heat, you can hit the pool and bask in the sunshine. Whether alone or with peers, you can enjoy the ambiance and let Mother Nature take care of your body. Lie in the sunshine, stay wet, relax and increase your UV exposure to get perfectly tanned shimmering skin in only one day at the pool. Having a book as a helpmate will work perfectly for times spent in the shade, along with a fresh summer cocktail by your side to keep you hydrated. Stay till the very end and watch the sunset, it’s good for the soul. HEAD TO A SPA Getting oneself pampered is a summer essential, which is why you should go and spend a luxurious


day at a spa. Envisioning every muscle in your body relaxing will support your ultimate focus on keeping a clear head and rejuvenating away from all stresses and exertions. Treat yourself to all the basic spa treatments in order to restore the summer blossom; a massage does miracles for your muscles as it helps in getting rid of muscle tension, a facial works as a deep cleanser that makes you radiate once you’re done, while a body treatment exfoliates your body and softens your skin. Heading to a spa enhances a pretty good summer experience, so you shouldn’t miss it. GO TO PARTIES If you want to settle for a striking unforgettable summer nighttime experience, ensure you hit at least one glamorous party. Bring on the chilly summer nights in style, dress like a popular celebrity and glamorise the atmosphere. Socializing with different people will get you out of your comfort zone, boost your spirit as well as enable you to throw all worries and stresses behind. Embrace the trendy music, feel the youthful vibes all around you and dance like it’s the last night you’ll ever have. Don’t forget to enjoy the good food and have a few laughs. BINGE WATCH ON NETFLIX What’s summer without Netflix? Binge-watching is great for times when you don’t feel like leaving home in summer. You can invite your friends over, order pizza and binge watch together. Various shows will heat up your summer with thrill and excitement, as you can get more than what you bargained for through these plentiful show genres. Even if you decided to re-watch one of your favourite shows, a priceless evoked nostalgia will bring joy to your heart and the summer vibes you’ve missed. Binge watching is a perfect solution when you just need to get away from everything. EXERCISE REGULARLY Want to feel substantially better and healthier? Exercising on a regular basis will give you all the positive vibes you might lack in the city, add more years to your life and even help you control your weight. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym in order to exercise, just keep active throughout the day and do some cardio workouts in your leisure time. Besides, exercising will actually lift you

emotionally, release your mind from any stressful toxic thoughts and leave you feeling relaxed; which will consequently boost your confidence and selfesteem. Most importantly, it reduces the risk of body diseases especially heart-related ones. So make sure you look forward to the change of life and exercise daily. EASE UP ON YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES This is the most important tip on our list. Being evermore busy became the new norm in our challenge-rooted culture, but you have to understand that rushing into things will do nothing except add more pressure and anxiety to your life.

No one is running after you or obliging you to do anything you don’t want to do; just slow down and run at your own pace. This will lessen your anxiety and worries about what’s coming up next. Meditation helps you let go of small things that might spoil your entire mood, that’s why we highly recommend you go for it. Just ease up on yourself and know that you’ll achieve your ultimate goal at your own pace and time.

There are various things to do in summer other than travelling. So here that you figured them out, be ready to commit because you now have a summer packed with action ahead. IDENTITY 49


Around the World this month

by Neamat Eltouby

WIRELESS FESTIVAL, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM When July 6 - July 8 Where United Kingdom What you are going to experience during this festival is a weekend full of every trending 2018 rapper and hip-hop artist that you can ever think of or like. During this month, you’ll get to see all those amazing artists in Finsbury Park. It is not a camping kind of festival, but it is definitely a must go.

NOS ALIVE, LISBON When July 12 - July 14 Where Lisbon


This festival takes place in one of the most beautiful summer destinations of all times. This one is the ultimate festival if you are into culture, sea, sun and sand. You’ll get to listen to great music while enjoying your beach summer vacation. Be ready for late night dancing and long days of no sleep but with lots of fun, music and tanning.

SOUNDWAVE FESTIVAL, CROATIA When July 26 - July 30 Where Croatia If you want to go to the new Ibiza then this is definitely your place to go. You’ll enjoy the beach, sun and the best music out there at the bijou bash. Daily boat parties are the best, in addition to waking up all night long dancing and having fun under the stars.

BRITISH SUMMER TIME, LONDON When July 6 - July 15 Where London It is not like any other festival in London. This festival will take over Hyde Park for the audience to have the time of their lives. The weather is also ideal, so you’ll be able to enjoy the festival with no worries at all. You’ll get to listen to great performers such as Bruno Mars, Eric Clapton, and Paul Simon. The shows are granted to be a fun day in the park.

TOMORROWLAND, BELGIUM When July 20-22 & July 27-29 Where Belgium This festival is a dream come true for many people around the globe. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy great music over the course of 2 weeks. You’ll get the chance to have fun alongside 400,000 other attendees. You’ll witness some of the greatest performers including David Guetta, Martin Garrix, Dua Lipa and many more DJ favourites.



a budget


by Amina Elghandour

Travel is one of life’s most enriching experiences. However passion for travel needs to be balanced with a reasonable budget. Since Italy is a popular summer destination with much to offer to every type of traveller, Identity here presents you with five unusual and charming Italian cities and towns that you can visit for maximum beauty and minimum budget.

1. MARINA DI CAMEROTA – SALERNO More seaside? Famous for its wondrous blue waters and its recently discovered caves, visit the town of Marina di Camerota in Salerno. Marina di Camerota is a picturesque fishing town and beach resort in the heart of the Cilento National Park, between Capo Palinuro and Sapri. It nestles in a curve along a coastline thick with olive trees, between two small promontories, each dominated by a Saracena tower.


Book a boat trip and enjoy the enchanting rugged coastline of Marina di Camerota, covered with rich natural vegetation, small bays, caves and small beaches. And just like any Italian town it offers layers of history. Visit the tower Zancale from ancient times and the telegraph towers built by Bourbons in the 18th century. And don’t miss its most famous cave, located in the Lentiscella zone and made into a museum, the Leone de Caprera.


2. CATANIA IN SICILY Palermo is the largest and most popular city in Sicily; beautiful, sophisticated and quite expensive too. So discover, Catania the second largest city of Sicily with equal beauty, a younger vibe and lesser prices. A survival city lying at the foot of the great Volcano, Mount Etna and surrounded by the Ionian Sea, Catania offers visitors enticing nature whether they are seeking sea or mountains. Not only has the city survived seven blows from earthquakes and eruptions, it preserved monuments from its multilayered past: Roman, Byzantine, Arab and Norman. Today Catania’s historic core is a UNESCO-listed black and white palazzi tower overlooking gorgeous baroque piazzas; and like all Italian cities, at the heart of the old town is the Cathedral or the Piazza Duomo. Wait! When in an Italian city, never forget to delve into the gifts of its gastronomy. Catania is the home of Sicily’s iconic pasta alla Norma and the extraordinary La Pescheria market. 3. TRIESTE THE CAPITAL OF FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA Trieste is a seaport city in Northeastern Italy, lying between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia. Its history and culture have always been coloured by its geographical location at the crossroads of Latin, Slavic and Germanic countries. It spreads along its harbor that is adorned by a number of squares typical Italian piazzas where you enjoy food, wine and music. The Canale Grande is one of the city’s landmarks, lined with charming local cafes and exquisite buildings on both sides. Visit the Roman theatre and just above it, at the crest of the hill is the Castle Hill and the 17th century Santa Maria Maggiore where you can enjoy enticing baroque interiors. More from the Habsburgs who ruled the city for two centuries - visit Castello di San Giusto. Despite its interesting history and lasting elegance, Trieste is not stormed by tourists, which makes it an affordable Italian Austrian charm.

Fancy the Italian seaside? Visit Terracina, a pleasant seaside resort in the south of the Lazio region, between Rome and Naples. It was an important Roman port and the site of a major temple to Jupiter. Nowadays the modern town spreads out on the plain below the hills, along a wide sandy beach which attracts many summer visitors. The modern part of Terracina is a popular seaside resort, with wide tree-lined boulevards leading to the beach west of the port. Ferries depart from the port for the Pontine Islands. A boat-lined canal leads to the harbour, passing the fish-hall where crates are loaded with fresh fish; so don’t forget to sit for a seafood meal, fresh from the sea. For more charm and historical interest, go uphill to the old part of town. The historical Terracina, the Piazza del Municipio, a pretty piazza containing paving stones from the Roman Forum, a crumbling archway, the town cathedral, the headquarters of the town council and the archaeological museum.

5. ANCONA THE CAPITAL OF LE MARCHE Ancona is a picturesque port city marked by its Roman Arch of Trajan, its marvelous Romanesque Cathedral and its rich Museo Archeologico. Ancona is the quintessential Italian city, diverse in history and alluring in nature. It is the capital of Le Marche and a likely destination to land and start your journey if you wish to explore this rich and small region in central Italy. As the sun dawns on Ancona, head to the charming Pasticceria Patrizia, (Via Del Pinocchio 56, 60127, Ancona) for a breakfast of homemade pastries and freshly brewed coffee. Spend the day exploring the historical city and just before the sun settles in the horizon make it to the Passetto - the balcony of the town overlooking the coast - for an enchanting sunset walk. You can later sip an aperitif or have dinner at the scenic Passetto restaurant while you inhale the sea and delve in its boundless beauty. All at a very reasonable budget.

When you visit the beautiful and less popular places, you get to experience something authentic in a world tainted by commercialism, hence you don’t only save in money but you expand in exposure. IDENTITY 53




MARSA ALAM 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 2400 EGP (excluding transportation) Package Includes • Accommodation for 3 nights in Double Superior Side Sea View Room at five stars hotel. • All inclusive For more information visit:

MARSA MATROUH Carols Beau Rivage 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 5660 EGP (excluding transportation) Package Includes • 3 nights accommodation in a standard room • Half board meal plan For more information visit:


SHARM EL SHEIKH Hayatt Regency Resort 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Price: 1800 EGP (excluding transportation) Price Includes • Accommodation in a standard sea view room • Daily Breakfast • Complementary fruit basket For more information visit:

SOMA BAY Sheraton Soma Bay 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 3300 EGP Package Includes • Accommodation per person in a double room • Half board meal plan For more information visit:

HURGHADA Royal Lagoons Resort 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 1650 EGP Package Includes • Accommodation per person in a double room • Soft all inclusive • Aqua park included For more information visit:


PARIS & BARCELONA 8 Days/ 7 Nights Departs: 13/07/2018 Starting from: 24500 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Includes • Accommodation on BB basis. 4 nights in Paris and 3 nights in Barcelona. • International and domestic flights. • Airport transfers For more information visit:

PARIS & AMSTERDAM 8 Days/ 7 Nights Departs: 12/07/2018 Starting from: 22500 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Includes •Accommodation on BB basis for 4 nights in Paris and 3 nights in Amsterdam • International roundtrip flight • Internal bus Between Paris and Amsterdam • Tour Leader For more information visit:

LONDON 6 Days/ 5 Nights Departs: 20/07/2018 Starting from: 20990 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Includes • International economy flight •All accommodation • Daily breakfast. • Airport- Hotel transfers • Tour leader


For more information visit:

SPAIN: Malaga 7 Days/ 6 Nights Departs: 22/07/2018 Starting from: 21990 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Includes • International economy flight •All accommodation • Daily breakfast. • Airport- Hotel transfers For more information visit:

ITALY: Rome, Florence,Venice 10 Days/ 9 Nights Departs: 12/07/2018 Starting from: 17500 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Include: • Flight tickets • Hotel accommodation • Airport transfers For more information visit:

MOROCCO 7 Days/ 6 Nights Departs: 20/07/2018 Starting from: 15350 EGP (excluding visa fees) Package Includes • All accomodation on BB basis • Roundtrip international flight ticket • Airport transfers • Bus transfer between 2 cities • Half city tour in Casablanca • Half city tour in Marrakech For more information visit:



Grand Nile Tower hosted its media partners for Sohour gathering Grand Nile Tower held a charming Sohour evening for its press & media partners at Marquise Boat where they enjoyed the Ramadan lovely atmosphere and the delicious Sohour specialties, at the moon deck Terrace at Marquise Boat overlooking the Nile and the oriental takht which provided a perfect setting to enjoy Ramadan social evenings. They expressed their admiration for the place and their excitement to spending extraordinary Ramadan experience.

IKEA Hosts its Annual Iftar In occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, IKEA chose to celebrate an exceptional Ramadan IFTAR with their media partners at the famous IKEA store in Cairo Festival City. The gathering was hosted by Thomas Sirguey, IKEA Store Manager, Dalia Refaat, Country Marketing Manager and Doaa Hashim, IKEA Family Manager.



THE NILE RITZ-CARLTON, CAIRO In a world where the demand for fresh, locallysourced ingredients is on the rise and younger consumers are trending toward a more healthconscious lifestyle, The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo is joining the movement and adopting a global market trend by bringing organic and sustainably grown food and beverages to the restaurants and dining tables of the hotel. In support to local agribusiness and the economy as part of community footprint initiatives, the hotel’s culinary team is embracing local farms as business partners by offering diners ever-changing culinary creations with a strong community connection. Owning the “Healthy Eating & Good for You Lifestyle” platforms, The Nile Ritz-Carlton is determined to offer better quality food that is fresher, healthier and one that retains higher level of nutrients. In addition to offering seasonal and every changing food and beverage offerings. The “Farm to Table Brunch” at Culina is a seasonal open-air dining experience that focuses on fresh local foods featuring fresh local produce, fruits and

vegetables, quality meats, fresh seafood, honey, dairy products and live music. Brunch is paired with “All you can drink” local and organic bloody mary, mimosa, sangria or martini, in collaboration with local beverage sponsor “Al Ahram Beverages”. A live jazz band sets the tone and an inviting ambiance for friends and family accompanied by kid’s activities and a special kids buffet for a warm family atmosphere. The setting is rustic with a modern twist while the mood is set to emphasize that guests will indulge in everything that is grown and produced organically. The Nile Ritz-Carlton’s renowned Italian restaurant Vivo will also be celebrating the “Farm to Table” concept by offering Italian seasonal organic and vegetarian promotions. Italian chef Carmine de Luggo will be offering rotating local food specials and promotions to supplement the regular menu. The farm’s available produce will serve as an inspiration for seasonal dishes which will enjoy an element of comfort and will be fusing fresh flavours.


Mount PR Sohour MountPR hosted a Ramadan sohour for their success partners the top tier Egyptian Media. The sohour was attended by more than 120 journalists and witnessed wide spectrum of specialized media. It was a lovely night in with friends interacting taking photos and enjoying a warm Ramadan friendly

Ramses Hilton Annual Sohour overlooking the Nile


A successful Ramadan Annual Sohour party was held recently at “BREEZES” lounge & Grill on Ramses Hilton swimming pool overlooking the Nile River. Mrs. Soha Eel Torgoman, the hotel general manager has welcomed more than 400 invitees from media figures in different publications, travel agencies, corporate accounts in addition to food bloggers and Influencers.

OPPO Sohour Event by the Nile OPPO held a mesmerizing Sohour event by the Nile in the Blue Nile Boat where esteemed media personnel gathered to meet up with the new management members over a mouthwatering Sohour and amongst celebratory and spiritual atmospheres of Ramadan. Attendees had so much fun taking selfies with the amazing front Camera of OPPO F7 and had their caricature portraits drawn.

Vodafone Egypt indulges its guest in a mouthwatering sohour in celebration of “Ramadan Stars” campaign In a festive Ramadan atmosphere, Vodafone Egypt – the no. 1 network and leading mobile operator – hosted its annual unforgettable Sohour evening to honour this special time of the year and enjoy the festivities in full swing. This year’s event was noteworthy as Vodafone celebrates its remarkable big hit this Ramadan #‫ جنوم_رمضان‬that features none other than Egypt’s National football players; Ahmed Fathy, Ahmed Hegazy, and Saad Samir, alongside some of the biggest actors. The Sohour was held at “West El-Balad tent” in the Nile Ritz Carlton on an enchanting Sunday night, and it was graced with the attendance of Ayman Essam, Vodafone Egypt External Affairs and Legal Director and Noha Saad, Vodafone Egypt External Communications and Media Senior Manager.


The Westin Cairo Celebrated The International Yoga Day The Westin Cairo celebrated The International Yoga Day, inviting our guests to enjoy a Yoga session with our Expert Lobna Nashed, followed by a chance to experience our SuperfoodsRx and Fresh by the Juicery smoothies to kick off a rejuvenating day ahead. The celebration was attended by 20 Yoga enthusiasts who opted in for a fresh start of the day.

Ahl Masr Foundation 3rd Annual Fundraising Sohour at Marriott Mena House, Cairo


As part of Marriott international’s continuous initiative to support the community known as “Serve 360”: Doing good in every direction the Marriott Mena House, Cairo had the pleasure to host Ahl Masr annual sohour with the mighty Pyramids backdrop. During the event Ahl Masr announced the launch of a new initiative- Ashet El Asamy (long live names).

IWAN Developments hosts its annual exclusive sohour In occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, IWAN developments chose to celebrate an elegant Ramadan night with their media partners over an exclusive sohor at Wust el Balad tent at the Nile Ritz Carlton, where IWAN Developments is one of the sponsors of the famous Ramadan tent. The gathering was hosted by Rana Helal, Marketing Director, and Lina El Tazy, Marketing Manager, IWAN Developments.

Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts – Egypt Revives Ramadan’s Authentic Spirit with its Annual Sohour Gathering. Each year, Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts Egypt celebrates its success with their media partners by hosting an elegant themed sohour night. This year, the teams of Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts as well as Jaz Hotel Group were there to welcome all the media partners. An elegant gourmet Sohour was held at DownTown Restaurant in Steigenberger El Tahrir where the guests enjoyed everything, from the decorations and the music, to the food.

Marriott International Enhances Online Customer Journey of Arab Travelers Marriott International, the world’s leading hotel company, has today announced the relaunch of its Arabic website to enhance the online customer journey of the Arab traveler. With nearly 400 million Arabic speakers in 22 countries, the company is now providing an end-to-end solution for a seamless Arabic booking experience.

Fine Tissues brings the World Cup atmosphere to life for the 57357 Children For over 25 years, Fine has been the market leader in Paper and Hygiene products in Egypt and the Middle East. Fine took a national social initiative, by giving the children of 57357 hospital the chance to live the excitement and gave them the feel of the world cup atmosphere. Fine built a mini stadium inside 57357 hospital with a huge screen, flags and football streamers wherein the children were wearing team Egypt’s jersey, while cheering on with Fine team, the Egyptian football players live from the hospital garden.

“SICO” Officially Launches “Express 3” Tablet at competitive price and specifications Under the Slogan “Made in Egypt” Egyptian Silicon Industries Company (SICO), the trademark of the first Egyptian-made mobile, has announced the official launch of its new Express 3 tablet in the Egyptian market under the slogan “Made in Egypt” as of today.


Samsung Continues Spearheading the TV Sector in Egypt with over 37% Market Share The electronics leader adds the manufacture of its 75 inch TV to the portfolio of the Egypt factory Samsung Electronics Egypt revealed today the increase of its local TV market share to over 37% in April 2018, compared to 30% as of January 2018. The recent pickup in Samsung’s local sales comes as a result of the company’s relentless efforts to offer the most cutting edge technologies to users in the Egyptian market. With its Egypt factory manufacturing the TV sets locally, Samsung is not only providing end users with an exceptional viewing experience, but is also transferring the essential know-how to its local team members.

Zewail City, Where Unconventional, Specialized Learning is Undergone Education is the essence of life; it’s an endless journey full of queries and passion. As the journey begins, being courageous, innovative and passionate is the key. Knowledge is not limited to books and classrooms, knowledge is questioning the world around us, and constantly asking why. Consequently, a global movement has been evolving in the education sector towards untraditional methods of learning, empowering the new generation to enhance the current technological and scientific revolution.

SCCT Sohour Event Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT) hosted its Sohour event on the 31st of May at El Kebabgy Sofitel Cairo Al Gezirah Hotel. The guests included a number of Editors in Chiefs of Egyptian newspapers in addition to a number of media and social celebrities. SCCT senior management was present to welcome the guests headed by Mr. Lars Christensen– SCCT CEO and Mr. Hany El Nady – SCCT Head of Public and Governmental Relations & Security Department

A wonderful Summer Holiday at Sheraton Sharm E Sheikh Planet 21 at Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah Ideal Standard Reaches 2 Billion EGP in Sales by End of 2018 The company is celebrating their 35th anniversary in the Egyptian market. Ideal Standard partners with Masr Al Kheir in its efforts towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals During a press conference at the Four Seasons Nile Plaza, Ideal Standard, global leading provider of innovative bathroom solutions, celebrated its 35th anniversary in the Egyptian market.


PLANET 21 day (formerly Earth Guest day) is the climax of all the sustainable development actions carried out by Accor employees and referring to the PLANET 21 program’s social and environmental commitments. PLANET 21 day symbolizes Accor’s engagement for sustainable development, with actions occurring all over the world at the same moment. This year Sofitel Cairo Nile El Gezirah employees cut the grass growing in the Nile and at night started 8pm we switched off the lights in all public areas and used the candlelight to protect the planet.

Take a break from the ordinary and run from the intense to the inspiring Sheraton Sharm El Sheikh. Sheraton Sharm carries you through a memorable journey where the desert stops at the seashore. Enjoy the majestic view of the azure blue water and gigantic mountains from the terrace of the main hotel seafront guest rooms, stroll along the 800-meter sandy beach and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Want to relax on a chaise lounge or take a plunge in the cool pool, Swimup bar is the perfect spot for a quick bite from our assortment of delicious burgers and salads and freshen up with a selection of juices and drinks.

Emirates NBD Egypt three new branches


Mohamed Berro: The Opening of these new branches comes as part of the banks expansion plan and to also support the CBE’s financial inclusion initiative Emirates NBD Egypt opened three state of the art branches in New Cairo and 6th of October as part of its expansion plan in the Egyptian market, aiming to constantly improve and introduce the newest, most intuitive services to better facilitate banking services for its customers. The bank opened two branches in New Cairo; one in Point 90 mall in front of the AUC and the second one in Katameya Heights compound. In addition to the strategically located third branch that opened in the industrial zone at 6th of October which caters to the surrounding businesses.

L’Oréal Egypt Launches Its First “Digital Forum” To Create a Communication Platform in the Beauty Industry Over 300 beauty professionals attended the launch of the First “digital Forum” that was launched by Professional Product Division at L’Oréal Egypt. The Digital Forum came in line with L’Oréal Strategy to lead the digital transformation in the beauty industry. The Forum served as a communication platform amongst diverse industry professionals, digital expertise and unique SMEs lead digital transformation where panelist shared experience, cases of success, and knowledge with salons to help them step-in strongly to the digital world.

Jaz Hotel Group… The Awards’ Collector Jaz Hotel Group properties are celebrating another great success and starting the summer of 2018 with lots of good news, happy customers and great reviews. The World’s Largest Travel Website “TripAdvisor” gladly announced granting many of Jaz Hotel Group’s properties the prestigious “Certificate of Excellence 2018” award, based on reviews and opinions from millions of travellers.

At Ikea, Catch the Big Sale Offers of This Month with a New Payment Solution Allowing Customers to Buy Now and Pay Later Under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Juhayna for Food Industries was honoured during the closing ceremony of the “MEDTEST II program the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology in the Southern Mediterranean region”, for its sustainable efforts to preserve the environment and rationalize energy consumption.

Nokia 7 plus, Nokia 6.1, Nokia 1 and Nokia 8110 4G Arrive to Egypt HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, announced that the Nokia 7 plus, the Nokia 6.1, Nokia 1 and Nokia 8110 4G have arrived to Egypt and will be available across all retailers this month. Unveiled earlier this year at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the smartphones offer the craftsmanship and reliability people expect from a Nokia phone, and come with a pure, smart, secure and up-to-date Android experience.

With new in store summer inspirations to stimulate the artistic minds, customers’ long awaited summer shopping lists have now become more affordable and reachable then ever. The IKEA July sale has just started with mark downs up to 75 % on more than 1500 item around the store, coupled with new payment solutions bridging the gap again between its customers’ aspirations and affordability. The new payment solution presents multiple installments schemes to choose from all based on 0% interest for purchases over EGP 1,000. IDENTITY 65



June 21 – July 22

Strengths Highly emotional, loyal and persuasive Weaknesses Moody, suspicious and manipulative Most Compatible With Capricorn and Taurus Love Emotions of love and care are very important to Cancer, which is why finding true love is what matters to them the most. Cancers are willing to give with nothing in return if they know that their loved ones are going to stay for the longest ride.

LOVE COMPATIBILITY ARIES The relationship between both signs is doomed to fail due of the battle of egos and misunderstanding of one another. If you want to make it work, both of you will need to compromise a lot. TAURUS Very successful combination, as both of you go through mood shifts, have a strong need to display affection, and demand constant support and love from one another.

misunderstandings from time to time, but with the right communication skills, everything will be fine. LIBRA Being sensitive makes you both have one of the best relationships, because you two understand the emotional side of one another and are able to satisfy each other’s needs. SCORPIO Both of you demand care, love, emotions and affection, but the problem with Scorpios is that they tend to ask for more than what they generally give. This might be an issue in your relationship.

GEMINI You two will have to shift your natures a bit to make it work. Geminis tend to be more on the intellectual side, while you tend to be emotional. But if you balance it, everything will fall into place.

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius is a free spirit out there, which contradicts the reserved Cancer. You both don’t understand each other enough to maintain the relationship.

CANCER This match is very hectic as you both need emotional reassurance and substantial amount of care, but you two are capable of giving, so you will be fine.

CAPRICORN Capricorns understand your emotional needs to the extent that they make you feel drained at times. You two can make it work if you start acting maturely.

LEO The enthusiastic nature of Leo makes this combo great. You lack enthusiasm and confidence, while Leo helps you achieve that in life. They push you hard enough in order for you to succeed.

AQUARIUS Aquarians choose thoughts over emotions while you do the total opposite. Aquarians love mingling with people, while you don’t like it that way. These might be the core issues in your relationship.

VIRGO Virgos tend to be very practical, while you tend to be very emotional. This might cause issues and

PISCES You two belong to the water signs; which means you have lots of common traits that make things work. You two are caring, sensitive and generally nice.


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