Ramadanise Your Life...

Page 1



Take Me Away Eid’s Greatest Escapes


Quench Your


TV Junkies

Love Lesson

Are You Afraid of Commitment?

“Most of us say that we would like to


at some point in our lives...” See Page 38



IDENTITY June 2017

volume 12 issue 09

Founder & Managing Editor ROLA KAMEL Editor-in-Chief NAWAL ISMAIL Copy-Editor AMINA EL FAYOUMY


amadan the holy month has once again bestowed upon us. The month we hope would bring peace and serenity to our hearts.

Once again the scorching heat hits the highest levels making it impossible to vent outdoors. The nights are a different story, Ramadan nights bring joy. Everyone has something to do; from tent outings to long taraweeh prayers, the choice is yours! We bring you a compilation of useful articles to keep you busy all day. Some useful recipes to help you out in that 3ozooma you are bound to do, some charity work and a few outfits to keep you on trend this month. Last but not least, take a look at all the tv mosalsalat you should watch while you are at it. Ramadan Kareem

Rola Kamel

Identity Magazine was founded in 2005 by Rola Kamel to enhance every aspect of a woman’s life style, helping our female readers to discover and improve their own identities. The subscription rate to Identity is 180 L.E. for one year (12 issues) by Al Ahram, Tel: 02-27703190 Distribution by AL AHRAM Website Company: QPIX SOLUTIONS Printing House: INTERNATIONAL PRINTING HOUSE (IPH) Contact us at: 26A Montazah St., Zamalek, Cairo-Egypt. Tel: 0227361187 Mobile: 0122-9401071 email: sendus@identity-mag.com www.identity-mag.com


4 June 2017

Junior Editors FARAH KHEDRE NOUR YOUNIS Food Writer and Critic SOHA DARWISH Freelance Writer AMINA ELGHANDOUR Relationship Expert MARWA RAKHA Fashion Expert NAHED KAZZIHA Senior Graphic Designer ALIA EL ABD Junior Graphic Designer SANDY SAIED Marketing & Advertising Manager RIHAM YEHIA Digital Marketing Executive YOUSSEF ALI Identity Magazine Distributor ASHRAF FOUAD




Eid Getaways see page 46


6 Q&A 8 Am I Afraid of Commitment? 10 Social Media Accounts to Follow for Recipes 12 Ramadan Health Tips 14 The Health Benefits of Fasting 16 Your Guide to Remaining Energized in Ramadan 18 Ramadan Home Items


22 Top Ten Trends


24 Why Ramadan is Different in Egypt? 26 What to Bring to an Iftar Instead of Food 28 Where to Have a Great Iftar with a Great View? 30 Ramadan Now and Then 32 Eight Things We should Refrain from Doing this Ramadan 34 TV Shows to Watch This Ramadan


6 June 2017

38 Charities you Could Volunteer with this Holy Month 40 The Holy Month and the Story of Angels 42 My Take on Ramadan Banquets

OUT & ABOUT 48 Advertorial 50 Snaps 52 Press Releases



R A M A DA N I S TH E TI M E TO SH A R E LOV E A N D H A PPI N E SS I N TH E R EGA L SE T TI N G O F TH E PA L AC E . As dusk falls, Omar’s Café beckons with Cairo’s grandest Iftar buffet. Then see in the early hours with ’street chic’ a la carte Sohour live cooking stations among dazzling fawanees lanterns and evening breeze at Som3a Basha. Celebrating with your favourite people has never been easier... Starting 15 or more guests, hold Iftar and Sohour banquets in our royal ballrooms or host our ‘five star’ outside catering at the comfort of your home or at your preferred venue. Rejoice in a Ramadan like no other.


Q&A Identity

Since Ramadan is upon us once again, we find ourselves excited to celebrate this time of the year experiencing the unique atmosphere that Egyptians curate to make this holy month a time of love and peace. Our team gathered to discuss what makes Ramadan special, and each of us shared his/her own favourite thing about it. We also shared our favourite Ramadan food, so now you know our Achilles heel and the fastest way to our hearts (please don’t use it against us).


What’s your favourite thing about Ramadan and your favourite Ramadan food?


“I honestly love the coziness of family in Ramadan. We all eat at the same time and share the same conversations, even if most of them are about food. My favourite Ramadan food is the mini baklavas.” Rola “I love ‘lamet el 3ela’ in Ramadan. Even though family gatherings happen all year round, the way it feels in Ramadan is completely different. I would have to say that I love all the food! I can’t pick a favourite.” Riham “What I love about Ramadan is the last hour before the call to Maghreb prayer because all roads are empty and quiet. And I’ll have to say that my favourite Ramadan food is ‘foul bil salsa’.” Youssef “I’m a big fan of family gatherings, and there are tons of those during Ramadan. It’s like you only realize how big your family truly is during Ramadan. As for the food, I would have to go for Atayef.” Nour “I love how the streets are packed at 2 am, because everyone’s going out for Sohour. Normally, I hate congestion in Egypt but Ramadan is the only time where I don’t mind crowds. They just have a different feel to them. As for my belly, I like to stuff it with as much 3esh el Saraya as it’ll allow me.” Farah “I like the spiritual side of Ramadan, specially the sounds of taraweeh prayers in the streets and how strongly you feel you’re connected to God. My favourite food is Atayef!” Sandy “Well, there’s nothing that I really like about Ramadan in specific. Can my answer be about what I dislike the most? That would have to be the TV shows. As for the food, I like Ramadan’s stuffed vine leaves.” Nourhan 8 June 2017









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Am I Afraid of Commitment? by Marwa Rakha

Dear Marwa, Beach holidays are around the corner, and I’m so excited about finally hitting the beach and attending night parties. All that, however, is leading me to second guess my relationship with my boyfriend. All my life, I’ve always been free. I’d do what I want without worrying about spending time with a partner and checking in with him every once in a while. I feel like I want to go out, have fun and get a summer fling if I can. Does that mean that I should break up with him? Could it be that I’m second-guessing this relationship only because it’s my first real commitment? Please advise. Dear Confused, Navigating through a relationship is just as confusing as navigating the desert. Just like there are no clear latitude and longitude lines in the desert, there are no clear lines to define boundaries or ethics in relationships. There are no unanimous codes for right and wrong, but there are signs, cues and natural guides to help you find your True North in a relationship.

It is normal to accept that at this point in your relationship, you cannot go on a vacation together. It is not normal to actually look forward to that. It is as though your relationship has become a burdensome duty that you are looking forward to break away from.

It’s normal, and healthy, in a relationship, to do some things together and to do other things each on their own. It’s up to each couple to decide if summer vacation and beach time is something they want to do Is your relationship stressing you out? Do you feel together or separately. Both choices are correct as long loaded and burdened? Do you feel that you need as both parties feel comfortable about it. something else or someone else? Are you bored? Are you not thinking of a future together? These are just What is not normal is to look forward to a summer fling a few questions that you need to ask yourself and to or to think of that time as putting your commitment on share with your partner to decide if you are going in hold. This is a sign that this relationship is certainly going the right direction, navigating through this relationship. the wrong way. I will not advise you to leave or to stay; I will just ask you It is also natural to maintain your freedom in a to re-evaluate the quality of your relationship and what relationship; you are free means that you are responsible it truly means to you. If you are committed, why would and that you are accountable for your actions. It is not you think of a fling? If you are committed, why is that normal to feel that you have to report to your partner commitment weighing on you? Like a wise navigator, I or check-in with him the same way you do with your want you to stop and examine the signs and cues to parents, for example. guide you to your True North. 10 June 2017

Ramadan Nights Summer Breeze.. Delicious Iftar and Special Sohor.. Ramadan Delights.. Various Shisha Flavors and Live Entertainment. Come to enjoy the Ramadan Spirit. Special rates for groups Iftar and Sohor reservations

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Social Media Accounts to Follow for Recipes by Farah Khedre

Forget covalent and ionic bonds because the bond between food and Egyptians is the most unbreakable bond on the face of the planet. Factor in Ramadan, and the bond gets even stronger. There are a variety of dishes such as stuffed vine leaves, konafa, basboosa, rokak and molokheya that are expected to be on every Iftar table in every household. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t try out new dishes every once in a while. Check out these 5 food social media accounts and blogs for mouth-watering recipes that you can try out this Ramadan. 1. Matters of the Belly Noha Serageldin is an Egyptian who lives in Oz, Australia. She loves to create new recipes, try them out, photograph and blog about her mesmerizing creations. She also knows how to tell a story powerful enough to make you hungry on the spot as she recites the story behind each single recipe. On her blog, you will find recipes of all kinds, not necessarily Oriental or even Middle Eastern only, along with techniques on how to master the dishes like a pro. Instagram: @mattersofthebelly Blog: www.mattersofthebelly.com

the kitchen to try her recipes yourself. Instagram: @noraelsadat 3. Kitchen Keys Sara El Refaie is a Cairo based food blogger and recipe developer who constantly provides her fans with enchanting and easy recipes that she cooks using everyday ingredients. She also often provides recipes of classic dishes but not before she adds her own modern twist to them! Instagram: @kitchen_keys Blog: www.kitchenkeys.net 4. Tableya Nevine Baligh, an Egyptian mother and blogger, has created Tableya to share her passion for food with others. Tableya is her 256th attempt at starting a blog, but her first one at starting a food blog! She shares everything from savory and sweet recipes to kitchen tips and everyday as well as special occasions menus. Blog: www.tableya.com

5. Buttered Up Buttered Up is a food blog created by Egyptian Indian Celebrity Chef Sarah Khanna. She doesn’t stick to a single cuisine but includes a mix of gourmet and homemade recipes from all over the globe. The recipe 2. Nora El Sadat index included in the blog is divided into different Nora El Sadat is many things at once; she’s a mother, a categories such as: Seafood, Meat & Poultry, Breakfast recipe developer, a food blogger and an avid food lover. food, Snacks, Sides & Salads, Desserts, Pastries & On her Instagram account, she shares endless delightful Confections and many more. recipes for all of us to try. If you follow her, her perfect Blog: www.butteredup.com creations will immediately inspire you to take a trip to 12 June 2017

DuraStyle Design by Matteo Thun

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you attack the table. It goes without saying that you must be smart and keep reminding yourself to drink as much water as you can to make up for a day long without water until Sohour.


2- BACK TO BASICS Ramadan is the real Back to Basics event. Stick to simple clothes and keep your makeup to the minimal. By doing this, you will also be evaluating your beauty routine for even after Ramadan is over. Maybe you will realize that you don’t really need to wear that much makeup and that you can look beautiful without putting in any effort.

3- BEAUTY SLEEP Just because it’s Ramadan doesn’t mean that you need or should change your sleeping pattern. If you’re an by Farah Khedre early bird and usually call it an early night, stick to your routine. You don’t have to stay up until Sohour. Sleep at During the holy month of Ramadan, it can be a your normal bedtime and set an alarm for Sohour! And hectic job trying to take care of yourself and your if you normally don’t go to bed early, Ramadan may be body. In the mornings, you’re a walking zombie the perfect time to start doing that because you’ll need because of the lack of food and water in your your beauty sleep in the morning. And of course don’t system and at night, you’re no different than a giant forget to also hydrate yourself at Sohour! overstuffed panda that can barely walk. It’s always the same each year no matter how you do your best 4- MANAGE YOUR FOOD INTAKE to be a normal functioning human being. But the We all turn to savage beasts during Iftar and while we can’t really be blamed because the variety of food truth is, maintaining your beauty and health during in Ramadan is just too tempting, we must manage Ramadan isn’t that hard and starts by following our food intake nevertheless. Every plate will look these simple 5 steps. scrumptious, but that doesn’t mean that you need to 1- DRINK WATER You need to hydrate yourself as much as you can. Just because it’s Ramadan doesn’t mean that work and school are not in session.The insufferable morning sun is hard enough on normal days so given that it’s Ramadan and you can’t hydrate yourself properly, you are the equivalent of a dead person walking. At Iftar, we forget all about water once we see the table furnished with all types of delicious food. However, you should drink water first and then wait a good 10 minutes before 14 June 2017

stuff your plate with food and end up feeling obligated to finish all of it. Just put a little bit of everything so you wouldn’t overeat. Also, eat as slowly as you can.

5- REMEMBER THAT ‘BEAUTY COMES FROM THE INSIDE The most important point of all is to remember what Ramadan is all about and that is inner beauty. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you look like or if you feel like you’ve gained weight. What matters is who you are as a human being, because it’s what’s on the inside that counts.


The Health Benefits of Fasting by Nour Younis


he holy month is known for its spiritual benefits. After all, it’s a period of sacrifice, giving and self-restraint. And while there is no doubt that the essence of fasting in Ramadan is mainly spiritual, a lot of people seem to dismiss or neglect the health benefits that come with fasting during Ramadan. So for those of you who do fast, read on to learn about some of the incredible health benefits of fasting for our overall well-being. 1. It Promotes Detoxification Processed foods which contain a lot of additives and toxins normally get stored as fats in our bodies. Fat, however, during fasting, gets burned easier and faster especially when the fasting is prolonged. The toxins get released, and the liver, kidneys and other organs become involved in detoxification.

of fats to release energy occurs. 4. It Promotes Healthy Weight Loss You probably know that by now, but fasting promotes rapid weight loss, where it reduces the fats stored in our body. 5. It Promotes Healthy Nutritional Habits In a few studies, it was proven that fasting reduces cravings for several harmful foods like for example processed foods. This helps individuals to opt for natural foods in their daily lives proving that fasting can promote a healthy lifestyle.

6. It Helps You Overcome Addictions In our daily lives, we are prone to struggle with a lot of addictions and luckily Ramadan gives us an excellent opportunity to get rid of them. After all, the whole point of Ramadan is for it to teach us self-restraint. Fasting 2. It Reduces Blood Sugar is said to be of great help to addicts who, because This happens because of the ability of fasting to of fasting, learn to reduce their cravings for nicotine, increase the breakdown of glucose so that the body alcohol, caffeine and other substance abuse. could get enough energy. Fasting is also known for reducing the production of insulin which results in Finally, despite all these health benefits, the one resting the pancreas. It also gives Glucagon the chance downside of fasting people often underestimate to be produced and to breakdown glucose, resulting in is that which happens because of the reduction in the reduction in blood sugar. our body water. Make sure to hydrate your body as much as possible in order to avoid the side 3. It Increases Fat Breakdown The first thing our body does when fasting is break effects that could come with dehydration such down glucose resulting in the exhaustion of our glucose as headaches, or its ability to trigger migraines in storage. That is when Ketosis begins, and the breakage predisposed people. 16 June 2017



A lot of people complain of the lack of energy they feel during Ramadan, despite it being a spiritual month that is all about being active and energetic. Follow these simple hacks to reach the utmost level of energy optimization everyday during the holy month!





A LIGHT SOHOUR The key to a productive day is a light Sohour. You should make sure you have a light meal. And if you are feeling uninspired, how about having a cheese pie with some cucumbers and orange juice? Believe it or not, a light meal before dawn will give you all the energy you need to keep you going during the long day of Ramadan!

MAKE SMART CHOICES DURING YOUR IFTAR Eat a lot of hydrating foods such as watermelon, cucumbers and tomatoes during Iftar, and try to limit your salt intake in the foods you consume. Not to mention that Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for you to get rid of your caffeine addiction, so limit coffee while you still can!

TAKE A WALK After putting your body in starvation mode and then overfeeding it, it is only fair that you engage in a light activity to get your metabolism running. Take a 15 minute walk right after Iftar and witness its amazing results.

STAY CLEAR OF THE SUN The sun is only bound to make you feel tired and physically drained, so always make sure to carry a hat around and try to walk in shades during the peak hours of the sun.


POWER NAP After facing a tiring day at work or school, it is only fair to take a 15 minute power nap when you get home to rest your body and give it the necessary boost of energy to be able to carry on with your day.

18 June 2017


EXERCISE Most people fall into the fallacy of thinking that squeezing a little bit of exercise during the day could drain their energy. The truth, however, is that your body needs the exercise to stay more fit and to avoid becoming easily limp, so choose a light sport and get going.


ENJOY YOUR EVENING WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY Maybe this step won’t keep you energized but it’ll sure make you happy, and happiness is the key to life! Have fun with your family and friends.


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RAMADAN HOME ITEMS ZARA HOME - BEIGE METALLIC LANTERN This unconventional metallic lantern can go well with any home style you have.Give it a candle and that will show.

MARKAZ - EMBROIDERED CUSHION The embroidery is from North Sinai, the cotton weave is from Akhmim, Sohag & the knit-work is from Tawasol NGO in Establ Antar

ZARA HOME - CONTRASTINGPRINT FRAME With wooden colours that give a cozy touch,you’ll need a good photo to compete with that. TURATH - SMALL BOOKMARK Because every Quran reader deserves a silverplated bookmark to keep them motivated.

H&M HOME - PAPER NAPKINS Spice up your tableware with this intricately styled napkin during Iftars.

IKEA - HEMMAFEST KAVA CUP, ASSORTED PATTERNS The theme of the HEMMAFEST collection is inspired by Arabic art where floral patterns are prominent. All parts fit together so you can combine your favourites as you wish. Enjoy your meal! IKEA HEMMAFEST GLASS & JUG Their floral patterns will give your Ramadan gatherings the edge you seek.

20 June 2017

Best of Instagram

Photography: Nour El Refai

Most popular articles

6 Facts No One Tells You About Graduating From College!

7 Signs Your Relationship Is Solid & Going To Last Check out identity-mag.com for more! IDENTITYMAGEG

June 2017 21



7Days of Ramadan

by Nahed Kazziha Attico

While we all embrace the start of Ramadan, the joyous season of family, friends and food can leave us a tad dazed and confused. Especially ahead of those first few Iftar invitations. Finding the right outfit can be a chore without any deprivation, so it is no wonder you may need a helping hand to guide you to a stylish sunset appropriate ensemble. So go ahead, take a load off and let us take care of your starting fasting week!


Reclaimed Vintage

Charlotte Olympia




Tuesday River Island

Comme des Garcons Asos J Crew

Simon Miller Jennifer Fisher

Piaget Mango Valentino Loewe

22 June 2017

Mansur Gavriel




Tiffany & Co Cartier


Mr Self Portrait

Dolce & Gabbana

Roksanda Technomarine


Current Elliott

Stuart Weizmann



Friday Zara

Chan Luu

Topshop Blaze Milano


Aurelie Bidermann

3x1 Sacred Hawk Fendi

Vetements + Eastpack

jimmy choo

3.1 Phillip Lim


June 2017 23


Top 10 Trends by Nahed Kazziha

Summer is upon us! Rejoice in this season’s hottest new trends that will give your getup just the right amount of oomph, without having to go through a total closet overhaul. Check out these key updates that will revamp your look, effortlessly.


MISMATCHED EARRINGS For statement jewelry that will make your look pop this summer, look no further than the nonchalance of mismatching.



2 4

CORSET BELTS Avoid the milkmaid stigma and throw on a corset over a boyfriend shirt or tee for a current take on wide belts.

Maison Michel


24 June 2017


BASKETS Add a touch of la fille francaise and prance around the city of the coast with a light woven basket at hand.

CRUISE HATS Thank you Maria Grazia Chiuri for bringing back some Wild West meets Cubano for the Dior Cruise Collection. Come on, jump on the bandwagon.


ONE PIECE SWIMWEAR Unforgiving on your tanlines? Maybe. But that right one piece is oh-soworth-it! Try one on for size in a red hot chili red, or go classic in black.

Pandora Sykes x Hunza G


PINK SHADES There is no reason why you shouldn’t stroll through summer looking out of rose tinted glasses.

New Look

CUTOFF DENIM Polish up some rugged cutoffs with sophisticated accents to elevate your style.



Sunday Somewhere



SCRUNCHIES A decided nod to the 80s, part retro and part fun, a colorful scrunchie will make your ponytail a conversation starter.

SLIDE ONS Comfy and simple, a pair of polished slide ons is sure to lend you some California casual credits.

Mercedes Castillo



SOCK SNEAKERS Never mind heavy duty trainer- swap your Stan Smiths for something a little more avant garde. June 2017 25


Why Ramadan is Different in Egypt ? by Farah Khedre

26 June 2017

Egyptians who have left their hometown and travelled abroad always mentioned that once you spend Ramadan in a country other than Egypt, you immediately feel a huge difference. From the street decorations and traditional chants on the radio to overall indescribable emotions that overflow within each of us, there are many things about Ramadan that have a special taste in Egypt only. The spirit of Ramadan is engraved in every Egyptian soul, and no matter where you are in the world during the holy month, Ramadan in Egypt will just always have a different beautiful flavour to it. The mosques are all lit up, the Nile looks breathtaking at sunset, all the shops are open all night and the streets are all just packed and jammed with Ramadan themes all over. Here are some customs we highly appreciate that have become associated with Ramadan in Egypt.

Mesaharati This centuries-old tradition is ongoing until now and it brings with it the spiritual aspect of the old Ramadan days. The Mesaharati can still be seen (and heard) at dawn, touring the streets, banging his drum, singing rhyming couplets and waking people up just in time for Sehour. This tradition dates back to the Ottoman era where alarm clocks were still fiction, so the Mesaharati would wake them up for their pre-dawn meal. Lanterns Legend has it that in the year 358 AH, the Fatimid Caliph Muezz El-Din El Allah visited Egypt for the first time right after dusk and when the residents arrived to greet him, they celebrated his arrival by lighting hundreds of lanterns. Ever since, the Fanous has become a Ramadan symbol and tradition for Egyptians. Today, during Ramadan, lanterns are displayed in almost every shop. Every building has one huge lantern at the entrance, and children go out into the streets carrying beautiful and brightly coloured Fawanees. The Places Associated with Ramadan There are some places in Cairo that just scream RAMADAN. Among these places is Al Muizz Street, a pedestrian historical avenue where one can experience the vibe of Old Egypt and indulge in Cairo’s largest open air museum of Islamic and medieval monuments. And of course there is AlAzhar area with its famous Fishawy café where we happily sip on minted tea and enjoy our flavourful shisha, while watching passersby and appreciating the unparalleled vibe of being in a traditional Egyptian café. Breaking Bad Habits Ramadan is meant to ground us, to humble us. It’s a time for clarity, for charity, piousness and self-restraint. Egyptians may be rude, arrogant and indulgers of all that is “haram” all year long, but not during Ramadan. Swearing is our middle name, but in Ramadan, we are

self-restrained. We don’t swear, unless it’s after Maghreb, because that way, we won’t break our fast. Egyptian logic insinuates that partaking in haram activities during Ramadan is haram, but it is halal the rest of the year. TV Shows Binging This is a new tradition that has been steadily growing in recent years. Egyptians, nowadays, associate Ramadan with the plethora of Ramadan soaps that air on TV exclusively during this month. Millions of us spend hours upon hours glued to our sofas so we can tune in to our favourite seasonal shows. The soaps are not all what people binge to because during Ramadan, we are interested to catch the commercials too. After all, it’s during Ramadan that commercial TV channels get their highest ratings for the year. Excess of Food & Drinks Nobody does “food” in Ramadan like Egyptians. Why, you ask? Simply because nobody does “food” in general like Egyptians. So it should come as no surprise that during the month of Ramadan, the emphasis we put on food is majorly heightened. As soon as the sun sets, everyone gathers around the huge table furnished with all types of delicacies and only gets up after at least an hour has passed. I bet no other culture takes an hour to finish one meal. El Madfaa’ (Firing the Cannon) The Firing of the cannon has become a staple of the many traditions that characterize the holy month of Ramadan in Egypt. The firing of the cannon from atop the Citadel marks sunrise and sunset, and therefore signals the time for beginning and ending the fast. Nowadays, it’s not heard all over, but some people still tune in to their TV sets just so they can hear the cannon being fired at Iftar time. The legend goes that it was Mohamed Ali Pasha who started this tradition when he ordered a number of cannons for the Egyptian army and when one cannon was accidentally fired during sunset, people assumed that it was a new tradition put in place by the Khedive. June 2017 27




ronically and even though Ramadan is a month of fasting, all we do during the month is gather with our friends and family and indulge in scrumptious meals whether it’s for Sohour or Iftar. And since Ramadan is also the month of doing good deeds and its essence entails that we not only think about what we eat but also feel for those who are less fortunate than us, it is only fair that we don’t waste the blessing of food that God has given us. During Iftars, we usually prepare more food than we need and a lot of it unfortunately ends up in the trash. So this Ramadan instead of bringing food to an Iftar gathering and adding up to the amount of food that will go to waste, how about you bring something else instead? Here are some gift ideas for those who are not feeling very creative.

28 June 2017

1. Qur’an There is nothing better than the holy book to greet someone and thank them for the delicious food they have prepared for you. And the best part is, every time your host reads from the holy book, you get a free ticket to heaven. 2. Flowers We often underestimate the power of nature here in Egypt, and trust us your host is bound to appreciate that bouquet of flowers sooner or later. Try buying orchids. They’re beautiful and if taken care of, they can re-bloom many times reminding your recipient of its giver over and over again!

invited to Iftar at your boss’s place. A pen is the best standard business gift. 9. CD / Mix Tape If the people you are going to have Iftar with are big fans of music, customizing a playlist for the evening is a thoughtful gift to get your host. It will also guarantee you the entertainment you need to enjoy the evening.

10. Cards / Board Games It doesn’t matter what kind of game it is, and you have a lot of options to pick and choose from. Whether it’s Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, Clue or any other board game, this is one of the best gifts 3. Something Small for the Kitchen you could buy your host, especially since you will How about you bring your host a tool that will be relieving them of the huge burden of how to come in handy in the kitchen? A cheese knife or entertain the guests and keep them on their toes. a wooden spoon are both good ideas! A bread basket too. Bottom line is there are many options 11. Fanous / Lantern and utensils from which you could pick and choose! Ramadan is all about beautiful Fawanees lit everywhere, and the truth is no home could 4. Something for the House possibly get enough of those. Just imagine how If you are not feeling the kitchen idea, how about thoughtful it would be to walk into your guest’s bringing something for the house? Like a vase or house with a Fanous that they could light in and sofa cushions that match the colours of the carpet. decorate their home with every Ramadan and remember you through the years. 5. A Framed Photo of You and Your Host Ramadan is all about sentimentality and 12. Prayer Counter / Sebha appreciating the little things, so imagine how We all like to count our prayers during the holy sentimental your host is bound to get when you month. So think about all the Thawab you will be show up at their door with an old photograph of getting when your host tracks their prayers to God you together. on the Sebha or prayer counter you got them. The results will be more than rewarding. 6. A Thank You Note On your way to your host, you could stop by 13. Drinks the gift shop and look for a thank you note that Most guests bring the dessert and forget about the expresses your gratitude towards them. Don’t drinks, even though in Ramadan you have plenty forget to add your touch to it, maybe a few nice of seasonal drinks that you could pick and choose words and your signature! from. Whether it’s Hibiscus or Amar El-Din, you name it and they’ve got it. 7. Scented Candles Just think about it, how cool would it be if you Finally, our best advice to you would be to ask show up with a bunch of candles that your host your host about what they want you to bring could use to decorate the Iftar table? And if you them. If you’re wondering about the polite way have enough time on your hands, you can even try to ask, then how about you tell them that you customizing the candles, maybe have a thank you would be taking this route, for example, while note written on it. driving to their Iftar, and you were wondering what to pick up for them along the way. And 8. A Fancy Pen most of all, remember to have fun and to thank This one could do you wonders, especially if you’re God for all his blessings. June 2017 29



Great View?

by Farah Khedre

In Ramadan, we all prefer to stay at home for many different reasons. The first is our mother’s delightful cooking. The second is the crowded spaces. The third is that the quality of the food in any restaurant never matches up to its own standard quality in the busy month of Ramadan. But the truth is if you stay home, you will miss out on some amazing Iftars with even more amazing scenery in the background. So, every once in a while, you need to venture out of your cocoon, give your mother a break and try out these 9 restaurants that will offer you a divine Iftar with a view.

30 June 2017

inside the Sequoia complex and offers you a nice and calm view of the Nile while at the same time keeps Growing up, we were big fans of Andrea. Their novel your stomach happy and full. location in New Giza is extremely impressive. It’s setup on top of a hill with an outstanding view so if you want to guarantee you don’t miss anything, pick an outdoor 6- Le Deck, Sofitel Cairo El Gezira table. However, if you end up at an indoor table instead, because we all know how Ramadan can be a very busy Le Deck, the floating-dock restaurant, is surrounded by time for restaurants, your surrounding scene will still be riverside beauty. It is the perfect remedy for a hot day just as nice. as the place has tons of fans to make sure you are not sweating your way through your meal. The ambience of the restaurant is laid-back, cool, airy and calm. 2- 139 Pavilion, Mena House Hotel 1- Andrea, New Giza

At 139 Pavillion, you will get to enjoy your Iftar while looking at one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, The Great Pyramids of Giza. What makes this spot stand out is that during sunset, the pyramids look especially beautiful, as they stand tall, ever mysterious and ancient. 3- Cairo Tower

7- Breeze, Katameya Heights Located inside Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort in New Cairo, Breeze is exceptionally perfect at Iftar dates. Ramadan is usually known for the bustle so it can be a painful process to find a good relaxing and romantic spot to take your date for Iftar. Breeze, overlooking a pool, excels at rejuvenating the night with romance as well as deliciousness.

On the 61st floor of Cairo Tower, there is a revolving restaurant where you can feast your eyes on a bird’s 8- Platform, Maadi eye view of the entire city. This scenery will haunt you, in a good way, especially during Ramadan because you Platform, Maadi has a plethora of restaurants for you get to feel like one with the city. to choose from, all of which offer you a chance to dine outside while enjoying a breathtaking view of the Nile River. The ambience is suitable for families, groups of 4- Sequoia friends as well as for couples, so it tends to all varieties. However, you must book in advance because great Located right by the Nile in Zamalek, Sequoia offers a weather, food and a view will naturally attract a crowd. mixture of elegance, fabulousness, a cozy ambience and a spectacular fresh view. The view of the Nile literally surrounds the whole of Sequoia, which leaves you in 9- Lemon Tree & Co. awe of the beauty during sunset. If you’re a fan of fresh air and a beautiful crowd, Sequoia is the place for you When Lemon Tree & Co. first opened up its doors on to break your fast. the Imperial Boat in Zamalek, there was a buzz and hype surrounding it that was as palpable as the wind, and for good reason. While many places on this list offer a Nile 5- Left Bank view, Lemon Tree & Co., situated on the top deck, mixes the beauty of this view with a Mediterranean summer We all know that it takes more than well-prepared vibe and an ambience of refinement. Everything about and scrumptious food to enjoy a restaurant, and this is the interior is colorful and tasteful with yellow shades where Left Bank comes in. It is the complete package and plentiful amounts of greenery. as it has the right dose of everything. It is also located

June 2017 31



NOW AND THEN by Nour Younis


amadan as we know it today is very different from the Ramadan our parents and grandparents talk about. And while that shouldn’t come to us as a surprise, because let’s face it the world is changing by the minute, we thought it would be a good idea to draw the lines between Ramadan then and Ramadan now. TV SHOWS

MESAHARATY Then: Believe it or not, El-Mesaharaty is not a myth. People really used to hire a man who would roam the streets and call people by their names to wake them up for Sohour! Now: Thanks to the vast development in technology, we have now replaced el Mesaharaty with our precious phones. Just a few clicks on your phone, and you set your alarm to wake you whenever you want.

Then: Back in the days, there would be three or four TV shows which everyone would know about and follow. People would watch them with their families THE LAST DAYS OF RAMADAN and friends and discuss them together. Then: People would celebrate the last days of Ramadan Now: This Ramadan, there will be more than 38 shows by making their own Kahk while involving their whole airing meaning that not everybody would watch the family in the process. same shows or gather around the TV like the old times. The days of Layali El-Helmeya are far behind us. People have also started ditching TVs and watching the shows on YouTube instead to avoid the long commercial breaks.

Now: These days, everything can be bought. We stopped making our own Kahk and started buying it instead. And quite frankly, who wouldn’t?! Have you seen Nola’s very hip yet tasty Kahk?



Then: During the past, people would sit in front of their TVs eager to watch Fawazir Ramadan and solve them. Not to mention how they used to wait for 30 episodes in order to find out if they got it right or not.

Then: There was nothing as sweet and tasty as the old times desserts, whether it’s Konafa or Basbousa. The whole family would eat their perfectly made Konafa after having their Iftar.

Now: The days of Fawazir Ramadan are now over. In Now: Desserts have become very revolutionized, and fact, if you ask a 10-year-old what Fawazir Ramadan are, every year there is a new trend. Whether it’s the Konafa with Mango, Nutella or even red velvet, Ramadan they probably won’t know how to answer. desserts have witnessed a drastic change in taste than the ones we used to have during the old days, and honestly we wouldn’t have them any other way!

32 June 2017



Then: In the past, lite comedy shows like for instance El-Camera El Khafeya would bring families a few laughs, yet they didn’t harm anyone and were not built on the pain of others.

Then: Family Iftars were a daily tradition for our parents and grandparents. The past was a time where all family members would gather every day during the holy month to have iftar together and socialize.

Now: The trend in comedy shows has shifted vastly. Now, all the shows seem to revolve around inflicting pain on others, as if it’s the only way to make people laugh. Ramez Galal’s show, for example, makes it a point to give its guests a near death experience just to get people to watch.

Now: Nowadays, people started going out more. Instead of throwing Iftars at their homes, people started meeting one another in restaurants. And even when and if they get invited to a family member’s house, they can’t wait to rush outside once the Iftar is over to watch their favourite TV shows or go out with their friends in a café. Not to mention how everyone stopped talking to one another and started chatting and surfing the internet on their phones instead.


Then: In the old times, all the children would go out at the beginning of Ramadan to buy their Fanous which Finally, Ramadan will always be a good time to would sing Ramadan songs like for example the famous connect with our families and de-stress from the “Wahawy Ya Wahawy” song. hectic lives we have grown accustomed to, and while a lot of traditions and habits have changed through Now: Ramadan lanterns no longer look the same. In the years, Ramadan will always be the month that fact ever since we started importing them from China, is capable of giving us a wake up call and drawing they started looking differently. They now come in all us back to our roots. Times might change and shapes and styles. Who would have thought that there people most definitely will too, but the laughter and would be a lantern in the shape of a Pokemon or “ElMofatesh Korombo”? Not to mention how the modern the blissful spiritual feeling we get during the holy lanterns would play songs like “Macarena” for instance. month will always remain a constant! June 2017 33



Things We Should Refrain from Doing This Ramadan by Farah Khedre 34 June 2017

“Be Kind, Always”; that should be everyone’s motto regardless of the season. Whether it’s Ramadan or not, human beings should be kind to one another at all times regardless of anything. It’s really disheartening that every once in a while some new trendy show catches everyone’s attention and people claim, “It made them want to be kind”. As if they didn’t already know that! The same goes with Ramadan; every year around that time we somehow remember to be the best possible version of ourselves. But why can’t we seem to stitch this rule to the back of our hands our entire lives? Why do we have to wait for the holy month to arrive to start taking long looks at ourselves in the mirror? Here are 10 things that we should refrain from doing this Ramadan (and to be honest, things we shouldn’t even do at all).

1- ENGAGE IN GOSSIP It’s human nature to talk about our fellow human beings, but it really is a disgusting habit that we should try our best to give up. It won’t be easy and it won’t come as naturally to some as it would to others, but we shouldn’t stop trying. We should never be the source of gossip and if we are sitting with people and one of them starts gossiping, we don’t HAVE to take part in the conversation. It’s not mandatory and we could easily just refuse to give in to this type of behaviour. So it’s about time all the aunties stopped running their yaps about what they don’t know! 2- JUDGING OTHERS And that includes people who aren’t fasting. Even if our religion tells us that it’s the only right religion, our God asked us not to be judgmental and to let each person be. Because at the end of the day, our religion urges us to be kind to everyone regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity and religion. Always remember that “to each his own” and we are not in the right place to place judgment upon anyone. 3- ENFORCING OUR LIFESTYLE UPON OTHERS Just because we believe in our core that the way we live our life is the right way, doesn’t mean that we should push others to mold the same beliefs and way of life. Each person has a right way of their own and it will never look the same on anyone. Ramadan is not the time we should be going around and telling other people how to live their lives, but rather the time we should be dwelling on our own thoughts and pondering how we should live ours.

that harm us and do us no good. If we give in and do the same, we will be just as bad as them and that won’t make things any better. 5- OVEREATING Our religion preaches that the best of everything is being in the middle. That means that we should never over or under do anything! We should never exaggerate just like we should never hide certain parts of the truth. This implies to everything as well; so in Ramadan, try not to overeat after Maghreb prayer but rather slow down and enjoy the food you’re eating. Appreciate the fact that you’ve got so much to be thankful for including this meal. 6- LYING We all make up white lies to maneuver our way through tough situations or to get by but this year strive to not lie, even if it’s a small lie. Try to be as honest as you can with others and the more you do that, the more you’ll find it easier to be honest with yourself from deep down. 7- CONTRADICT OUR ACTIONS As in we can’t just swear off, cussing and drinking alcohol, for example, before Maghreb prayer and then resume to partaking in all the activities we refrained from doing as we were fasting. This is self-contradicting because just because we didn’t do anything “haram” during the day doesn’t mean that it had turned “halal” because we are no longer fasting.

8- NEGLECTING YOUR FAMILY Ramadan as we all know it may somehow include a lot of outings, family get together and tough morning 4- BEING MEAN work schedules. The holy month is also about getting No cussing, badmouthing, mistreating, hurting or around your family and making sure you spend some wishing harm on anyone. We should never willingly time around home and family. Try as much as you can and consciously act in a way that we know would hurt to fit in a time period during your day for that and you’ll another human being. We must always strive to be nice, never have to feel guilty. kind and empathetic towards people, even the ones

June 2017 35


TV Shows to Watch This Ramadan by Nour Younis

36 June 2017

One of our favourite things to do during the holy month of Ramadan is spending time with our families and friends curled up on the sofa while watching TV shows. Not to mention the gossip that comes after about what we think would happen in the next episode or how we think the show will unfold. That being said, we thought we’d bring you a list of the TV shows that are expected to air this month. Watch as many as you can!

8. LAMEI EL QET The Imams are breaking records this year. Mohamed Imam, Adel Imam’s son, will also be starring in the TV show “Lamei El Qet” which is written by Hazem ElHadidy and directed by Amr Arafa.

1. KAFR DELHAB Because there is no such thing as Ramadan without Youssef El Sherif, this year he is back in “Kafr Delhab”, a TV show directed by Ahmed Nader Galal and written by Amr Samir Atef.

10. AYAM HASSAN EL-GHARIB “Ayam Hassan El-Gharib” is a TV show which stars both Amr Saad and Riham Haggag. It’s written by Mostafa Hamdy and directed by Mahda Ahmed Aly.

2. AFAREET ADLY ALLAM Adel Imam enlightens us again in the TV show “Afareet Adly Allam” where he will be starring along with Ghada Adel and Hala Sedky. The TV show is written by Youssef Maaty and directed by Ramy Imam. 3. KALBESH Starring Amir Karara along with Reem Mostaga and Ahmed Abd El-Aziz, the TV show “Kalbesh” is directed by Peter Meemy and written by Baher Doweidar. 4. AL GAMA’A2 The TV show stars Abd El-Aziz Makhioun, Sabrina and Riyad El-Khouly. “Al Gama’a” is written by Wahid Hamed and directed by Sherif El-Bendary. 5. TAKET NOUR Hany Salama comes back after being absent last year to star in the TV show “Taket Nour” along with Hanan Motawei, Mays Hemdan and Salah Abdallah. “Taket Nour” is directed by Raouf Abd El-Aziz and written by Hassan Dahshan.

9. ALLAHOMA ENY SA’EM The TV show stars Mostafa Shabaan and Magda Zaki, and is written by the famous Ahmed Abd El-Fattah and directed by Akram Farid.

11. EL-HALAL Written by Samah El-Hariry, the TV show stars a diverse number of celebrities like Somaia El Khashab, Bayoumi Fouad and Yossra El-Lozy, not to mention that it’s directed by Ahmed Shaqiq. 12. BEKHAT EEDY As usual, the charming Amr Youssef will be entertaining us with his TV show “Bekhat Eedy” which is written by Mohamed Abd El-Aziz, Marian Hany and Hemed ElMadany and directed by Islam Khairy. 13. TAHT AMR EL-SEYADA Because Ramadan can’t possibly be the same without Yossra, she is back in the TV show “Taht Amr El-Seyada”. The show is written by Eiyad Ibrahim and Haitham Daibour and directed by the famous Hany Khalifa. 14. LE A’LA SEAR Nelly Karim has been breaking records for years every Ramadan, and luckily for us, she will be starring in the TV show “Le A’la Sear” along with Zeina and Ahmed Fahmy. The TV show is written by Medhat El-Adl and directed by Mohamed El-Adl.

6. ARD GAW Starring Ghada Abd El Razik and Haitham Shaker, the 15. WAHET EL-GHEROB TV show “Ard Gaw” is written by Mohamd Abd El The TV show stars Menna Shallaby and Khaled ElMoaty and directed by Mohamed Gomaa. Nabawy, and is written by Bahaa Taher and directed by Kamla Abo Zekry. 7. HARBANA MENHA This year, we will be feeling Yasmine Abd El-Aziz’s 16. LEABET EL-SAMT beautiful spirit on the screen through her TV show The TV show stars Yasser Galal and Mahmoud Abd “Harbana Menha” which is written by Khalid Galal and El-Ghani, and is written by Mohamed Ismail Amin and directed by Moataz El-Toni. directed by Ahmed Samir Farag.

June 2017 37


17. EL-TOFAN Wafaa Amer, Magdy Kamel and Maged El Masry have collaborated together this Ramadan in “El-Tofan”, a TV show written by Wael Hamdy and Mohamed Ragaa and directed by Khairy Beshara.

Za’ebak”which is directed by Wael Abdallah and written by Walid Youssef and Wael Abdallah.

25. AL-DAWLY After his major success in the previous years, Bassem Samra makes a comeback this year in the TV show 18. BEN ALAMEN “Al- Dawly” in which he stars along with Rania Youssef. This sure-to-please TV show stars Tarek Lotfy, Hisham The TV show is written by Nasser Abd El-Rahman and Selim and Lekaa El-Khamisy. It’s written by Ayman directed by Mohamed El Noqaly. Medhat and directed by Ahmed Medhat. 26. EZAI EL-SEHA? 19. HALAWET EL-DONIA Aiten Amer and Ahmed Rizk star together in the TV Hend Sabry’s gorgeous smile will be brightening our show “Ezai El-Seha?” along with Salwa El-Khatab and days this Ramadan too, where she will be starring Bayoumi Fouad. The TV show is written by Youssef in “Halawet El-Donia” along with the most eligible Maaty and directed by Ibrahim Fakhr. bachelor Dhafer Abdin. The TV show is written by Tamer Habib and directed by Hussein El-Menyawi. 27. ASR EL OSHA’A Farouk El-Fishawy, Poussy and Ezzat El-Alaily all star in 20. HAZA EL-MASA’A “Asr El Oshaa”, a TV show written by Mohamed El“Haza El-Masaa” is a TV show starring Eiyad Nasser Henawi and Ahmed Sakr. and Arwa Gouda along with Hana Shiha. It’s written by Warshet Ketaba and directed by Tamer Mohsen. 28. EL-HALA GIM “El Hala Gim” is a TV show written by Fayez Rashwan 21. PHOBIA and directed by Hussein Shawkat, starring Horreya After his huge success in his previous TV show, Khaled Farghaly and Ahmed Zaher. El-Sawy comes back this Ramadan in the TV show “Phobia” along with Aiten Amer and Ahmed Safwat. The TV show is written by Tarek Barakat and directed by Adel El-Attar. 22. LA TATFEA EL-SHAMS Amina Khalil and Mahmoud Mamdouh are making a comeback together again this year along with Mervat Amin in the TV show “La Tatfea El-Shams”. It was written by Ihsan Abd El Kudous and directed by Mohamed Shaker Khodeir. 23. NOUH The happy newlyweds Hassan El-Radad and Amy Samir Ghanem will be starring together in the TV show “Nour”, which is written by Ayman Salama and directed by Mohamed Aly. 24. AL ZA’EBAK Karim Abd El Aziz and Sherif Mounir are co-starring in the TV show “Al

38 June 2017

29. AL-HERBAYA Haifa Wehby strikes again this Ramadan in the TV show “El-Herbaya” along with Mahmoud Abd El-Ghany. The TV show was written by Akram Moustafa and directed by Mariam Ahmedy. 30. 30 YOUM Asser Yassin has recently become one of the big players in the Ramadan battlefield. He is starring this year in the TV show “30 Youm” along with Bassel Khayat. 30 Youm is written by Moustafa Gamal Hashem and directed by Hossam Aly. 31. RAMADAN KARIM Rouby and Sherif Salama will be starring together in the TV series “Ramadan Kareem”, which is written by Ahmed Abd El-Fattah and directed by Samah Abd ElAziz. 32. KHALSANA BESHYAKA Ahmed Mekky, Shiko and Hesham Maged will be starring together in the TV show “Khalsana Beshyaka”, a TV show written by Ahmed Mohei and Mohamed Mohamady and directed by the famous Hisham Fathy. 33. EL-DAYIEEN And since Ramadan won’t be complete without Donia Samir Ghanem’s presence on the screen, she will be starring in “El-Dayieen”, a TV show written by Mostafa Sakr and Mohamed Ezz El-Din and directed by Mohamed El-Gindy.

36. SABAA SANAYEA The beautiful May Selim will be starring along with Sherim Ramzy in “Sabaa Nasaye7”. The TV show is said to have been written by Warshet Ketaba and directed by Taghrid El-Asfoury. 37. EL-HOSSAN EL-ESWED And just when we were starting to get worried that Ahmed El-Saqqa won’t be showing up on our screens this Ramadan, he assures us with his leading role in “ElHossan El-Eswed” where he will be acting along with Sherry Adel and Yasmine Sabry. The TV show is written by Mohamed Soliman Abd El-Malek and directed by Ahmed Khaled Moussa.

34. HOWA W HEYA W HOWA This comedy TV show stars Ahmed Fahmy, Akram Hosny and May Amr. It is written by Tamer Ibrahim and 38.TAKET EL-KADAR As for the TV show “Taket El-Kadar”, we are happy to directed by Karim El-Adl. deliver the news that it will be starring Youssra El-Lozy and Hamda Helal along with Sahar El-Sayegh and May 35.YAWMEYAT ZOGA MAFROUSA AWI PART 4 Dalia El-Beheiry couldn’t let this Ramadan go without El-Qady. The TV show is written by Ahmed Mahmoud making sure that we had a few good laughs. She is back Abou Zeid and directed by Mohamed Mostafa. again with her TV show “Yawmeyat Zoga Mafrousa” where she stars along with Khaled Sarhan, Samir We hope that you have enjoyed our list of TV shows Ghanem and Ragaa El-Gedawy. The TV show is written for this Ramadan. Luckily, there are plenty of TV shows that you could pick and choose from and that by Amany Dorgham and directed by Ahmed Nour. will undoubtedly suit every taste!

June 2017 39




by Nour Younis

Every now and then, it’s good to get out there and do something for someone other than yourself. A simple act of kindness that could change someone’s life or at least make it a little bit better than the way it was before you showed up in it. Most of us say that we would like to volunteer at some point in our lives, but never get the chance to because of our busy schedules. But what better month to invest your time in doing ‘good’ other than the holy month? Check out this list of NGOs where you could volunteer this Ramadan. Go out there; do some good.

40 June 2017

Their main purpose is to improve the lives of the Egyptian youth, and they are currently seeking research Located in Maadi, African Hope is a school that has staff interns and volunteers for their International Center for and student members from over 14 African nations. Technology (ICT) Program, Teaching Life Skills Program Most of these students have escaped the civil war in and business development training. different areas in Africa. African Hope offers these children a safe learning environment. They consider ANIMAL CARE IN EGYPT themselves more than just an ordinary school since they provide psychological and emotional support that Animal Care Egypt has been providing free veterinary the students need for the future. care to help animals in Egypt. They’re a passionate and dedicated team of vets who treat and save the lives of The hours and scope of work needed from the thousands of animals in underprivileged communities. In volunteers are very flexible, and the good news is all 2014 alone, they managed to save over 29,000 animals. of their students are taught in English so there won’t be a huge language barrier. They need volunteers in the They’re seeking vets, students or general volunteers following fields: 1.) English language assistants who can who are passionate about animals’ welfare. help students with their literacy skills. 2) Other subject assistance where they could teach the students math COPTIC ORPHANS or other subjects. 3) Repair and maintenance for those of you who have any training in electrical, plumbing, They’re an award winning international Christian carpentry, computer maintenance, painting and scraping development organization that works with or interior design skills. 4) Communications and disadvantaged children in Egypt and tries to equip public relations to help get the school mission, vision them with the necessary tools to break the cycle of and needs out there for the world. 5) Holistic care poverty, and instead become the change makers in where they would appreciate anyone with a burden their communities. They work through grassroots for intercessory prayer to come and walk around the partners and volunteer networks to strengthen local campus and through the hallways and classrooms and communities for sustainable impact. It is said that since pray for their community. Counselling or medical skills the year 1988, Coptic Orphans has equipped over to assist the staff and the students would also be highly 30,000 children throughout Egypt. appreciated. Their Serve to Learn Program is looking for volunteers REACH OUT who would conduct activities in English and share a journey of self-discovery and transformation with the Reach Out Academy is an educational institute and children and communities they serve. They have several NGO that focuses on developing and increasing sites from the Mediterranean Coast and Nile Delta to the level of education in Egypt. They attain that by the rugged villages deep in the heart of Egypt. giving Egyptians who come from less privileged social economic backgrounds the opportunity to study a THE BEDOUIN PRIMARY SCHOOL PROJECT foreign language for free, hoping that by studying this (THE BIRDS OF PARADISE NURSERY) new language these Egyptians would have better job opportunities and in turn contribute to the overall level The Birds of Paradise nursery is located in Dahab, of development in Egypt. South Sinai. Around 18 children aged from 3 to 6 years attend this local initiative in Assala. The school is very They’re currently looking for enthusiastic teachers well developed and equipped with excellent resources, who can teach either English, German, French, Spanish, all of which were donated. Italian or Russian in different classes that generally accommodate from 5 to 10 students. They are seeking volunteers who could work as Kindergarten teachers at the nursery from 9am to Better World 12.00am Sundays to Thursdays and who could teach the children craftwork, artwork, songs and games. The Better World Foundation is an officially registered non-governmental, non-profit foundation under the Finally, we thought we would leave you with the Ministry of Social Solidarity. It was created by a number reminder that a simple act of kindness creates an of Egyptian and foreigner students, all fighting to make endless ripple. Happy Ramadan! this world a better place. AFRICAN HOPE LEARNING CENTER IN CAIRO

June 2017 41


The Holy Month and the Story of Angels by Amina El Ghandour

Ramadan is a month of heightened spirituality. We control the physical needs to achieve a higher humanity and a sense of spirituality. Thoughts of the spiritual world naturally bring us to its inhabitants; thus the holy month is a good time to recount the story of the angels. What are angels? What is their purpose? How were they presented in art and how do they stand in the collective imagination? Angels in History, Philosophy and Religion History delves beyond the faith and tries to trace the origin of ‘angels’, hence it tells us that the idea of angels or ethereal beings is borrowed from the multiple gods in polytheistic religions.There is a particular emphasis on the influence of Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion to which the Jews were exposed during their Babylonian captivity. Judaism was a strictly monotheistic religion and hence, developed the concept of angels to replace the Zoroastrian gods – and influenced Abrahamic religions that followed, namely, Christianity and Islam. That is the view of history, how about philosophy? Plato and Aristotle recognized the presence of creatures of higher intelligence with no bodies. And that these incorporeal intelligences affect the planets and stars. Aristotelian ideas were transmitted to the West through the works of Islamic scholars. As a result, Abrahamic philosophers incorporated the classical ideas and refined them. These ‘intelligences’ became angels, an intermediate between “the Prime Cause” and “existing things.” In the Abrahamic tradition, the role of angels was predominantly to deliver divine messages. Like the story of Abraham and the sacrifice, Moses and the burning bush and Prophet Mohamed and the angel ‘Jibril’. But besides the prophets, angels provide comfort to believers.The human life is much defined by its cycle, and many believe that angels are present at the crucial points of birth and death, and during tough times to help and guide us. In Islam particularly, they are believed to be record keepers present with every new life. Art Expressions of Angels The Judeo-Christian religious texts are fraught with stories of angels. The three angels who visited 42 June 2017

Abraham, the angel that announced to Mary her pregnancy, and more. All these biblical stories have found expression in artistic forms and have adorned the walls of churches and religious manuscripts. The Quran also mentions the angels often and specifically names two, Jibril and Mikhail. However, Islam and Judaism’s restriction in depicting holy people and angels, limited the material with visual representation of angels. A handful of medieval Persian and Ottoman manuscripts embellished with angles, and 17th century Jewish amulets with angels are largely what we have of angelic artistic representation for those two religions. Much of the artistic forms common to us today of angels sprang from the Christian tradition.

Wings, Halos and Harps One of the earliest descriptions of wings comes from the Hebrew Scriptures, where there is instruction on how to carve cherubim with wings. Biblical accounts of the temple of Solomon also describe two giant cherubim. The cherub was thought of as some guarding figure like the griffin or sphinx in ancient cultures. Some early cherubim combine human and animal features (eagle or lion) that was always winged. Only later, in the Christian tradition, the cherub acquired the features of the Greco-Roman god Cupid and came to be shown as the “plump winged boy” we are used to today.

The earliest representation of Christian angels dates from the 3rd century and appears as carvings mainly on sarcophagi. The angels at this time appear as young men without halos and wings. But art is ever evolving, hence by the 4th century wings start to appear on angels. Some think this was borrowed mainly from depictions of the pagan gods Nike and Eros. But giving angels wings found resonance also in biblical texts, and hence became widely accepted. In Isaiah, there is description of the six winged seraphim (6:2).The Quran also reasserts this view “Praise be to Allah Who made the angel messenger with wings” (35:1). As a result, angels took the form of winged creatures in the collective imagination of believers. As for halos, they were used to adorn the gods and often the emperors in ancient cultures. In early Christian art, only Jesus was depicted with a halo to emphasize his divinity – then at a later stage, they were applied to the angels to draw a link between them and Jesus. The common depiction of an angel with wings and a halo took off in the 5th century and to our day. Harps were another artistic addition to the image of angels that has been borrowed from ancient cultures. However, the association between angels and musical instruments

is not far from the religious texts. In both the New Testament (Revelation 8:2) and the Quran (39:68), we are told that angels blow a trumpet to announce the end of the world. But again, since Islam restricts the depiction of angels, it is the Christian tradition that provides us with the marvels of artistic expression. By the 12th century onwards, angels are shown playing a variety of musical instruments like lutes, flutes, viols, horns and mandoras.

Angels in the Collective Imagination While on earth, humans dream of ways to reach the heavens – and the presence of angels is assurance that part of heaven is here on earth. Although the Quran and the Christian tradition tell us that angels were made of light while the Hebrew Scriptures describe them as creatures of fire, over the centuries we have presented them with more and more human features and enforced their proximity to our lives through art, film and folktales.

However, nothing fed the collective imagination more than the fallen angels. These creatures resulted in a sea of tales expressed in art and film, and maintained in folklore around the world. Stories of djinn and demonic possession have dominated the oral and literary traditions for centuries, and finally found expression in the film industry. The Exorcist (1973) The Omen (1976) and the Egyptian movie Al Inss w AL Jin (1980s) are a few of the important releases that dealt with the topic. The fact is, so as long as there is a belief in ethereal beings and underworld creatures, there will always be room in our minds to reinvent their roles in our lives and express these interactions in every available form of art. June 2017 43

IDENTITYholyjoy audacioussoul

My Take on Ramadan Banquets

by Soha Darwish

Food writer & Critic - Menu Consultant & Designer Diploma in Food Journalism-London, UK

No preaching here, Ramadan is all about food! Here you go, I said it out loud. I think we all can’t deny the fact that for hundreds of years our perception for the holy month of fasting has gone a bit out of track. So instead of going on about keeping it simple, focusing on the spiritual and moral side, rather than the food-I’m cutting corners here, and helping you out with your top indulgences of the month. Introducing new and unconventional recipes to break the monotony of our typical traditional dishes. Because really at this day and age, if we can’t change our misconception of Ramadan, at least go for better choices of food that would nourish our bodies and souls, while tantalising our taste buds. Even if you are not big on banquets or as we call it ‘ozoumah’ in Ramadan, the pressure is on- at all levels we are expected to prepare a lavish meal for family, friends and even extended relatives, day in day out. Here is an untraditional complete Iftar menu for you to impress your guests, without big kitchen dramas. They are fairly easy to executeno stuffing pigeons or ‘mombar’ here- just prepare well in advance. 44 June 2017

Iftar Menu Soup Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Appetisers Stuffed Mushrooms Chicken Rolls

Salads & Dips Levantine Quinoa Salad Quinoa, kale or mixed leaves, pomegranate seeds, slivers of dried figs, radish, toasted cashews- with balsamic vinaigrette and a dash of pomegranate molasses. Red Pepper Hummus Mains Pesto Salmon Chicken & Mushroom Pie Side Dishes Quick Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni Grilled Vegetables Thinly sliced zucchini, aubergine and bell peppers- grilled then drizzled with herb & garlic infused extra virgin olive oil. Saffron Basmati Rice Topped with nuts and raisins Desserts Sticky Toffee Pudding

Iftar Recipes


A mellow velvety soup, with a luscious orange colour and a kick of heat that pleasantly surprises you at the end. Enjoy the warmth and comfort soups always bring us! Shopping Basket: 1 kg pumpkin, peeled deseeded and chopped-1 large onion, chopped- 2 carrots- 1 garlic clove, crushed- 2 bay leaves-2 cloves- 1 litre of chicken stock or vegetable stock-200 ml whipping cream-50 gm of salted butter- pinch of nutmeg – ¼ tsp of curry powder- ¼ tsp of cayenne pepper– salt & pepper. 1. Lay the pumpkin chunks on a roasting dish, drizzle generously with olive oil or sunflower oil, then place in

a preheated oven, gas mark 220 degrees, for about 40 minutes until it oozes with its caramelised syrup. You can do that a few days before, and have it ready in a box in the fridge- it won’t jeopardise the flavour. 2. In a large saucepan, sauté the chopped onion and garlic with the butter, until lightly golden. 3. Add the roasted pumpkin, chopped carrots, all the seasonings listed in the shopping basket, then sauté for a couple of minutes. Pour the stock and simmer for 15 minutes, until carrots are soft. 4. Taking the cloves and the bay leaves out, blend the mixture in a blender or using a hand blender, until thick and smooth consistency. 5. Put it back on the heat, bring it to the boil, then add the cream, and simmer for few minutes. 6. Serve it steaming hot, enjoy!

CHICKEN ROLLS (Serves 10-12)

Traditionally, something fried must be on our Iftar table to get us through the soup course until we tuck into the mains, although we all know by this stage, we can actually stop eating now because we are not hungry anymore! Shopping Basket: 2 large onions, sliced- 500g finely chopped boneless chicken breast- 1 tsp ground cinnamon – 1 tsp sumac- ½ cup of ground almond- 1 cup of plain flour- 12 spring roll sheets- olive oil- 1 tbsp. of sugarsalt & pepper. 1. Heat about 1 cm of olive oil in a medium sauce pan, add the onions and cook until golden brown. Then remove half of the onion and leave it on a kitchen towel. 2. Add in the chicken and stir fry until light golden colour, then stir in all the spices- until chicken is cooked. 3. Add the sugar and give it a final stir, then take it off the stove, and leave it to cool down. Mix with the ground almond and the rest of the onions. 4. Mix the plain flour with enough water to make a thin paste- this will be used to seal the rolls. 5. Take one sheet of pastry and cut into half, and at one end spoon a line of about 1-2 tablespoons of the filling. Fold in the edges and roll it up tightly, leaving about a centimetre at the end. Rub this exposed end with the flour paste, then press it down to seal. 6. Fry in 3-4 cm of sunflower oil, until golden brown. Serve immediately and enjoy!


For mushroom lovers, a hassle-free recipe that can be prepared a day in advance then shoved in the oven just before serving. Shopping Basket: 1 kg chestnut mushrooms, cleaned and stem scooped out- 3 cloves of garlic, minced- handful of finely chopped fresh parsley- ½ a cup of soft bread crumbs- 1/2 cup of light cream cheese- ½ cup of parmesan cheese½ cup of grated mozzarella cheese½ tsp of Paprika-salt & pepper. 1. Finely chop the mushroom stems and mix with all the above ingredients, making a thick paste. 2. Fill the empty mushroom heads with teaspoon scoops of the paste. 3. Lay the stuffed mushrooms heads on an oil greased roasting tray, and drizzle with olive oil. 4. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven at 200 ̊, or until the mushrooms are piping hot and liquid starts to form under heads. Enjoy!

June 2017 45

IDENTITYholyjoy RED PEPPER HUMMUS (Serves 10-12)

A creamy dip with a beautiful colour, always a lovely addition to my table despite its simplicity! Shopping Basket: 2 large red bell peppers- 1 can of chickpeas- 1 clove of garlic- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil- 1 teaspoon of paprika- 2 tablespoons of light cream cheese- 1 tablespoon of lime juice-salt & pepper. 1. Deseed the peppers and grill them, either in the oven or even your electric grill. 2. Put the grilled peppers, drained chickpeas and all the other ingredients together in a food processor. 3. Whiz to form a hummus- like purée, and season to your liking. 4. Keep it in your fridge, and serve it whenever you like!


For me, the heavenly match of pastry and white sauce is the ultimate comfort food. I think it’s the mellowness of the flavours that soothes your soul and calms your nerves. I am sure many will relate! Shopping Basket: 4 boneless chicken breasts, sliced- 250g of asparagus spears- 250g of chestnut mushrooms- 1 cup of chicken stock- 1 small chopped onion- 2 tablespoons of plain flour- ½ cup of double cream- 2 tablespoons of butter1 egg- 1 roll of puff pastry-pinch of nutmeg-salt & pepper.


Serving salmon has always made a statement, in all times and places. This ridiculously easy, original recipe of mine will not only impress your guests, but will also put a smile on their faces! Shopping Basket: 6 skinless and boneless 200g salmon fillets, 6 crushed garlic cloves- 6 teaspoons of pesto- 2 lemons – generous drizzles of extra virgin olive oil- salt & pepper. 1. In an oven dish, drizzled with olive oil, lay the salmon fillets, allowing enough space between them. 2. On each fillet, crush one clove of garlic, put one tsp of pesto, a squeeze of lemon juice, then a pinch of salt and pepper. Rub evenly, and repeat for each fillet. 3. Leave it to marinate for max 1 hour, as I don’t want the ingredients to overpower the salmon flavour. 4. Roast in preheated oven, 180 ̊, for about 20 minutes. 46 June 2017

1. In a large frying pan, heat the butter. Add the chicken and stir fry until light brown, then add the onion and mushrooms, and sauté together. 2. Sprinkle the flour and stir well. Pour the stock and simmer for 10 minutes, then add the cream, and simmer for another few minutes. 3. Leave it to cool down, finely chopping the asparagus and stir into the chicken. 4. Place the chicken stew in a deep oven dish, and brush the edges with the beaten eggs. 5. Cover with the puff pastry, and trim off any overhanging dough. Brush the top with the rest of the egg, and cut few slits. 6. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes, until the crust is golden brown.




In this recipe, I am using the authentic Italian version of cannelloni, which you can buy from the pasta section in big supermarkets, hence the very quick execution of the recipe and its lightness! Shopping Basket: 500g chopped fresh or frozen spinach, sliced- 1 medium onion, finely chopped- 250g of fresh ricotta cheese- 500g of cannelloni pasta- 1 can of chopped tomatoes- 2 tbsp of tomato paste- 1 cup of béchamel sauce (optional)-2 cloves of garlic, crushed- 2 tablespoons of olive oil250g of grated mozzarella cheese250g of grated parmesan cheesepinch of nutmeg-salt & pepper. 1. In a large frying pan, heat the olive oil and sauté the onions. Add the spinach and stir fry until completely thawed, then add the nutmeg and season well, until spinach is cooked. 2. Stir in the ricotta cheese, and take it of the stove, and leave it to cool down. 3. In a sauce pan, sauté the garlic in olive oil, then add chopped tomatoes, 2 tbsp tomato paste and one cup of water, then season and simmer. 4. Fill the uncooked pasta tubes (cannelloni) with the spinach and ricotta mixture, then lay them in an oven dish. 5. Cover with tomato sauce and béchamel sauce (optional), and sprinkle the mozzarella and parmesan cheese on top. 6. Bake in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes, until top is golden brown and pasta is cooked. Serve piping hot!

A simple recipe to follow, for a sumptuous English classic dessert. However, having date as the star of the show, makes you think of the Middle Eastern influence in this famous dessert. All the better in Ramadan! Shopping Basket 75g dates, pitted and chopped- 75g butter-50g light brown sugar-2 eggs- 1tsp vanilla extract140g plain flour-1 tsp baking powder. Sauce: 150 ml double cream- 75 g light brown sugar25g butter.

1. Put the dates in a small saucepan and pour over 75ml water. Bring to a simmer and cook for 3-4 mins until the dates are mushy and have absorbed the water. Gently stir to blend. 2. Heat the oven to 180 ̊ and grease the bases of 4 x 150ml pudding molds. 3. Mix the butter and sugar with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Gradually add the eggs and vanilla, then fold in the flour and baking powder. Mix in the blended date purée and divide between the molds. 4. Transfer to a roasting tin and pour enough boiling water in to reach halfway up the molds. Cover the tin with foil and cook for 25 mins until risen and firm to the touch. 5. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Pour half the cream and all the sugar and butter into a small saucepan. Heat gently until sugar has dissolved, stirring often. Turn up the heat and simmer for 3-4 mins until the sauce is glossy and thick, then stir in the remaining cream. Re-heat the sauce when the puddings are cooked and serve poured on top. Serve steaming hot, with vanilla ice cream on the side. Tuck in! June 2017 47


Eid Getaways PARIS, FRANCE 8 Days/ 7 Nights Departs: 26/06/2017 Starting from:13990 EGP (excluding Visa) Package Includes Round trip economy airfare on Egypt Air regular flights, including taxes 7 nights accommodation including breakfast and hotel taxes Round trip airport transfers in Paris Tour leader with the group For more information, visit travcoholidays.travel



7 Days/ 6 Nights Departs: 25/06/2017 Starting from: 1500 USD (excluding airline taxes and Visa)

6 Days/ 5 Nights Departs: 27/06/2017 Starting from: 7990 EGP (excluding Visa)

Package Includes Accommodation in lodges/hotels/resorts All parks entrance fees and safari permits All land transfers including airport pickups Domestic flights to Mombasay All meals mentioned in the itinerary For more information, visit destination31.com 48 June 2017

Package Includes Round trip economy airfare on Egypt Air regular flights, including taxes Accommodation for 5 nights at a hotel of your choice on Bed & Breakfast basis Round trip airport transfers in Beirut Tour leader with the group For more information, visit travcoholidays.travel

CROATIA & SLOVENIA 9 Days/ 8 Nights Departs: 24/06/2017 Starting from: 1380 USD (excluding flight and Visa) Package Includes All transfers between the 2 countries in a private vehicle All breakfasts & 2 dinnners All activities and tours Airport pickups For more information, visit destination31.com

ATHENS 7 Days/ 6 Nights Departs: 26/06/2017 Starting from: 10650 EGP Package Includes Round trip flight ticket on Egypt Air regular flights 6 nights accommodation in Athens including breakfast Round trip transfer in Athens Airport / hotel / Airport For more information, visit dealandpack.com

BARCELONA 5 Days/ 4 Nights Departs: 27/06/2017 Starting from: 13300 EGP (Visa fees and travel insurance) Package Includes Hotel accommodation in 4* hotel in Barcelona central area on Bed & Breakfast basis The International airline ticket on Egypt Air Transportation from airport to hotel and vice versa Tour leader escorting from Egypt For more information, visit travistaegypt.com

June 2017 49

JW Marriott Cairo


RAMADAN NILE RITZ CARLTON Ramadan is giving, Ramadan is family and friends, Ramadan is gathering with your beloved around one table full of oriental food. Visiting Nile Ritz tent with your family and friends is a must because it gets us in the festive Ramadan mood. Also, the food is delicious, the environment is decent and service is on point. If you’re looking for something different this Ramadan, head to the Nile Ritz tent because its theme is a mixture of downtown Cairo and Moroccan style with a modern twist.


atmosphere, an array of shisha flavours paralleled with oriental entertainment during Sohour, the modern Si Omar lounge is perfect!

ROYAL MAXIM PALACE KEMPINSKI This year, Royal Maxim Palace Kempinski launch their very much anticipated Ramadan tent, Bab Al Qasr, which features a modern Arabian Nights set with upscale luxury, entertainment and an oriental ambiance that we all seek during the holy month. The set up of the tent promises to be breathtaking as vibrating colored and tribal print FAIRMONT HELIOPOLIS & fabrics are spread across the arena TOWERS Twelve years of success and still going! beside the glistening pool. It’s the stuff Si Omar tent has been around for Ramadan dreams are made of. ages and its popularity is undying. Located at Fairmont Heliopolis pool, UPTOWN CAIRO Si Omar tent overlooks the gardens The Uptown Cairo “Lanterns” and is set against the backdrop of Ramadan tent, located on the high contemporary design. For a magical cliffs of Mokattam, has it all. With an

50 June 2017

exquisite landscape of greenery, a cool breezy atmosphere and a comfy seating of beanbags and sofas, you can sit back and enjoy their delicious Sohour or even order their wide range of Shisha flavours from 10 PM till 2 AM. The tent has oriental takht music playing in the background with music bands performing on weekends. Don’t worry; they’ll be playing your favourite Ramadan series on a large screen in case you don’t want to miss out! FEL-FELUCCA Fresh air and good food is what you need to complete the Ramadan spirit, and Fel-Felucca is successfully providing this amazing experience. You will enjoy a luxurious Nile cruise, while food and desserts is catered by Crave. Your Iftar or Sohour is guaranteed for you and your friends starting from a minimum number of 10 people up to 50. You need to be

there only 45 minutes prior to the ride to save you a lot of time. The packages will range depending on the number of guests, but reservation is a must. Your safety is number one priority for them; they will also make sure your experience is comfortable and fun. They are located at Corniche El Nile, Maadi, opposite Alfa Market.

view, a pool deck furnished with contemporary rattan lounge elegant sofas, beanbags and chairs. If you’re looking for some place cozy and with a great view in Zamalek, The Terrace and Abu Ali at the Hilton is the place to be.

on the menu is artistically prepared by our gifted Chefs to your liking. Find all of your shisha favourites as you indulge in the tunes of nightly entertainment.


Iftar & Sohour Buffet at the Terrace Café

Conrad Cairo offers a magical Ramadan experience nights for the Choose to break your fast at Plateau whole family and friends this year, or enjoy an exclusive Sohour set offering a full range of Iftar and Sohour menu in an alfresco setting, order your options in an authentic Ramadan favourite shisha flavour and enjoy the spirit. magnificent golf course views and its shimmering lake. Guests can experience an extravagant Iftar buffet with a spectacular view For the ultimate Ramadan ambiance, of the Nile at Solana Restaurant, enjoy Layaly Mirage serving daily featuring a diverse selection of Salads, Iftar or have an exquisite Sohour a generous selection of hot & cold experience at Welad El Zawat in Mezze and sumptuous hot specialties the fresh open air with live Arabic entertainment in the fresh open-air SONESTA HOTEL, TOWER & both venues located at the Club CASINO- CAIRO House. Enjoy the summer breeze CAIRO MARRIOTT HOTEL & accompanied by the unique Ramadan OMAR KHAYYAM CASINO atmosphere at the Swimming pool Lounge at Sonesta Hotel, Tower & Welcome Ramadan in style this year Casino - Cairo. at Som3a Basha! Go back to the old traditions of Ramadan in the modern Treat yourself to our delicious time capsule that is the Palace. “Iftar” & “Sohour” Specialties, while Enjoy plenty of delicious food and enjoying the traditional Ramadan entertainment whether at Iftar, Shour spirit and nightly live entertainment or both! Bring your loved ones for an overwhelmed by typical Ramadan authentic night to remember at any decorations and various “Shisha” of the following venues flavours. JW MARRIOTT CAIRO

Enjoy a nice Iftar at Omar’s Café. A delicious array of Egyptian and oriental buffet is served daily with all your favourite grills, appetizers and sweet oriental desserts. HILTON ZAMALEK Ramadan is going to be different with friends and family at The Terrace and Abu Ali. They offer games such as cards and dominos for entertainment and if you’re looking to smoke shisha, that is the place to be. They have an outdoor venue with a breathtaking

SAFIR HOTEL CAIRO Palm’s Coffee Shop offers exquisite Iftar and sohour buffets where you can enjoy an array of international cuisines. Oriental, Lebanese and Asian with specialized Egyptian dishes. Hala Ramadan tent by the Blue Pool. It’s designed to offer an exquisite Sohour in an Oriental style. It gleams with an assortment of Sohour menus from Egyptian cuisine to charcoal grilled BBQ and more. Every dish


Celebrate the month of generosity and experience our spectacular Oriental Iftar Buffet served daily from sunset at the Terrace Café located at the “R” level overlooking the Nile River while listening to Oriental music “El OUD”, you can also come and enjoy our Sohour Buffet with a wide variety of Ramadan specialties. SHERATON SHARM EL SHEIKH Spend a wonderful Ramadan at an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Capture a true essence of Egyptian tradition and savour the spirit of Ramadan at our charming resort enjoying a memorable stay with our great deals on rooms, variety of dinning options, extravagant Ramadan Iftar and Sohour buffet with a range of mouth-watering Egyptian delicacies and delights prepared by our highlyskilled chefs to let you enjoy a unique Ramadan ambiance. RENAISSANCE CAIRO MIRAGE CITY HOTEL Renaissance Cairo Mirage City hotel welcomes Ramadan with authentic Iftar & Suhour offering during the holy month. The hotel invites guests to share the ceremonial breaking of the fast with loved ones in the relaxed, family-friendly setting of Afandina Ramadan venue located around the pool area offering various selections of shisha flavours. Afandina also serves Sohour menu options for guests who’d like to enjoy a magnificent getaway under the stars surrounded by lush greenery and pool. June 2017 51


Mercedes-Benz holds the 9th round of “Mercedes Trophy– Egypt National Final 2017 Golf tournament” Mercedes-Benz Egypt has concluded its 9th round of the “Mercedes Trophy” annual golf tournament in Egypt. This year’s national final was marked by 72 golfers competing throughout two days of skilled golfing playoffs. The Mercedes Trophy - Egypt National Final 2017has been played at the Sokhna Golf Club on the 19th and 20th of May 2017. In order to be able to participate at the prestigious Mercedes Trophy Egypt National Final, all players competed throughout 3 qualifying rounds taking place across some of Egypt’s most competitive and skill demanding – 18 hole golf courses in Alexandria, Giza & Cairo, namely, the Alexandria Sporting Club, the Allegria Golf Club and the Katameya Dunes Golf Club.This year’s competition also featured the “Hole in one”, an independent competition for the proficient participants of the Mercedes Trophy-Egypt National Final 2017. Three Egyptian winners, which are Mercedes-Benz owners will travel to Stuttgart, Germany to compete at the Mercedes Trophy World Final next October to represent Mercedes-Benz Team Egypt and compete with other qualifying golfers from over 60 countries.

52 June 2017



Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo is now the stunning setting for a unique experience not only to Egypt, but also to any other Dusit hotel in the world. Their multi-Asian ‘live cooking’ restaurant ‘Tao’ offers a journey through Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine, where guests can select from one, two, or three menus on a journey of discovery. ‘Tao’ means ‘journey’ or finding a path which is why Dale D’cruz, restaurant manager at Tao, who arrived from New Delhi, explains: “We take our arriving guests briefly through this journey of Indian, Japanese and Indian cuisine. This is what makes Tao unique; there are other multi-Asian restaurants, but none have open ‘show’ kitchens for each style of live cooking.”

Guests can watch their choices slowly grilling over the robato charcoal. For example sea bream or salmon and they can also choose between 12 separate items and four set menus that include tenderloin and sirloin steak or salmon and lobster. As for the ‘multi-Asian’ experience, it crosses even more boundaries. Chef Ta Duy Dat’s Chinese section’s open kitchen boasts four wok stations and a Peking Duck oven under the expert eye of a chef from Beijng recruited to prepare this delicacy. There is a special section for dumplings and Dim Sum.

The Chinese menu will include noodles as well;Tao’s Head Chef Panya recruited a chef who specialises in preparing Head Chef Panya Thosaunchit, who has moved along just this essential element of Chinese cuisine. On the menu a few paces from being Chef de Cuisine at the Dusit’s you will find homemade hand-pulled noodle soup and signature Ruen Thai restaurant, “This is a very exciting wok-fried hand-pulled noodles with a huge choice of concept for Cairo and we have recruited the best possible accompanying dishes. There is a show kitchen for generic team to create the best for our guests.” desserts and homemade ice cream selections. The Indian open kitchen has three Tandoor ovens in full view of the diners, who can watch the chefs creating, for example, Mutton Seekh Kebab, Suva Salmon Tikka or Lobster Tandoori. “We are ready to create ‘off menu’ - if they love a particular curry, they can help to make their own Naan bread and choose items for their own ‘basket’.

For before, or even after the meal, there is a lounge area with a bar and a team of expat barmen mixing cocktails, with a divine selection of fine wines imported from France and Italy specifically for Tao. There is also an outdoor terrace where guests can choose from a selection of fine cigars.

The Japanese kitchen and cuisine is under the loving care of Sherwin Anib, formerly in charge of the Dusit’s Izumi sushi restaurant. Sherwin’s domain includes the sushi kitchen, a hotplate for teppanyaki and a very unique twist - a robato grill.

Dining at Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo always offers an extra dimension of style, class, charm and excellence of Thai hospitality. Now, Tao offer the chance of taking an exciting journey too.

54 June 2017


Bar’Oro Cuban Cigar Aficionado Night at The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo Located with boundless views of the Nile, the Nile Ritz-Carlton, Bar’Oro, “The Golden Bar” celebrated a special cigar connoisseur’s Cuban experience hosted by his excellency the Ambassador of Cuba Mr. Laureano Rodriguez Castro, Mr. Magued El Menshawy, Chairman of the Habano lovers club and The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo. Bar’Oro gathered top notch gentlemen, political figures and the true cigar loverscommunity in Egypt who enjoyed a night of exclusive commemorative cigars, ala’ minute cigar experience, live music, food, drinks and much more.

Women Empowerment Forum at The Nile RitzCarlton, Cairo The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo collaborated with Hana El Awadi to drive a women empowerment initiative and encourage Egyptian female entrepreneurs to be part of the first empowerment forum of its kind. The event hosted 25 Egyptian female entrepreneurs with successful local businesses for an inspiring and fabulous conversation over a lavish Italian brunch by the Italian restaurant Vivo. This high-level event was held on the 4th of April, gathering talented ladies to support one another, encourage, network, grow and enjoy some ‘Ladies Only’ time. The meeting consisted of Networking and Connecting, recognitions, and Empowering Speakers. 56 June 2017

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Love will conquer all for you. You will be reaching new stages in your relationship with your partner, and finally building the mutual trust you always hoped for.


Prosperity in your career awaits you this month. Bear in mind though that more often than not, it will affect your personal life. Your family needs you, so be there.


Things at work will be moving quickly this month, so remember to take things in stride and stop trying to bite more than you can chew.


New opportunities are likely to come up at work, so don’t be afraid to get out there and grab them while you can.



May 20 – June 20

You might be a little tired from all the extra work that you’ve been doing lately, but rest assured that your hard work will eventually pay off.


Strengths Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable

Cupid is on your side this month, so gear up and put some flirty moves on. Your love interest will fall head over heels for you in no time!

Weaknesses Inconsistent, indecisive


Most Compatible with Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius Love: Your interests will shift from career issues to domestic concerns where you will be facing a lot of disputes at home and in your personal life. Don’t worry about your job, all will be fine. All you need to do is focus on your personal life for a while, because your family will be needing you more than ever before. Career: Your unemployment issues will soon be a thing of the past. This month, your sign forecasts for you a lot of employment opportunities that will be available in the neighbourhood. All you have to do is remain persistent; you will land a job before you know it!


Stop looking for a new chance at romance without doing anything about it, because it will only come if you step out of your comfort zone, and actually sought it.


Your work will be taking most of your attention. That could sever your relationship with your partner, so beware because it looks like you have a decision to make.


You will be feeling more creative at work this month, so don’t be shy to share some of your ideas with your boss. A raise is on its way!


Even though you’re normally used to carefree and spontaneous relationships, this month, you will find yourself desperately needing to dig into a more serious relationship.

You will be more in control of your emotions than PISCES usual this month, which will help improve your love Your relationship is getting a little bit rusty. It’s about life in more ways than you would think. Make sure you time you did something to spice things up a little bit use your reasoning when making important decisions. and keep your partner on their toes. 60 June 2017

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