SUMMER Issue, August 2018, Identity Magazine

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Cairo is Calling: CITY SCOUTING see page 34 for some of Cairo’s forgotten cultural gems



2018 BEST &


Polish Your Season’s Look

Uncover Your Beach Bag From tanning oil to after sun, shades beach accessories and much more

Hottest Summer Bucket List

Ready for Summer Soak in the sun and enjoy our rejuvenating pools

and savoring brunch. Don’t forget to check out all the activities for the little ones as well. Call 202 23228000 now and book your room.

Br ac e

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hile some of us are finally kicking off their summer vacation season, others are already thinking about


how to wrap up theirs on a positive note. Whichever

COPY-EDITOR Amina El Fayoumy

phase you happen to be in right now; try to enjoy it,


slow down and take it easy. This year, explore less typical summer destinations that are sure to take your breath away, or engage in relaxing activities

STAFF WRITERS Salma Elfeqy, Rawda Hisham FREELANCE WRITERS Amina Elghandour, Rana Ramez

if you wind up at your traditional beach getaway.

INTERNS Neamat ElTouby

Meditate, exercise, love and cherish every moment


along the way. It doesn’t really matter whether you’ve reached all your summer health, relationship,


mental or physical wellbeing goals. Celebrate your


baby steps, if any, embrace your shortcomings


and learn from your mistakes. Get ready to return to work or uni and take on all your upcoming challenges with a fresh outlook on things. Lots of love from the Identity team!

Rola Kamel


Identity Magazine was founded in 2005 by Rola Kamel to enhance every aspect of a woman’s life style, helping our female readers to discover and improve their own identities. Published by Beezarre Publishing Ltd. Themistokli Dervi, 6 Papyros Building, 4th Floor, Flat/Office D5 – P.c 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus. The subscription rate is 240 L.E./year (12 issues) through Al Ahram, Tel: 02-27703190 Distribution by AL AHRAM Website: QPIX SOLUTIONS Printing House: SAHARA PRINTING COMPANY Contact us at: 26A Montazah St., Zamalek, Cairo-Egypt. Tel: 02-27361187 Mobile: 0122-9401071 email:




LIGHT UP THE PAL ACE W I T H YO U R O W N M A G I C . Write a fresh page in the majestic history of the Gezirah Palace with a wedding for today’s modern bride and groom. Blend timeless splendor with stylish chic in any of Salon Royal, Eugenie, Salon Vert and the grandeur of Aida Ballroom or enjoy the cheerful atmosphere and stunning views of the Nile from Almaz. Ask about Salon Vert special wedding package. Say YES to #MarryMeAtCairoMarriott...




14 A SLICE OF SUMMER 5 6 8 9

Identity Picks Your Checklist for Some Fun Summer Activities Five Thoughts to End Your Summer With How to Plan the Perfect Road Trip

20 22

STYLE 12 14 16


Glam on the Go What Should Your Beach Tote Have? It’s Summer’s Peak, Here’s Your Fashion Peek

Your Summer Buddies Busted! 2018 Ugliest Summer Trends

SEASONS IN THE SUN How to Turn Your Summer Fling into a Real Thing 26 Evolution of Sahel’s Trendiest Destinations 28 How to Recharge Yourself This Summer 30 Travel Pleasures in Hidden Treasures 32 Your Guide to a Calm, Stressfree Summer 34 Cairo is Calling: City Scouting 36 Ten Ways to Land Your First Real Job 38 The Commitment Phobic 40 Low Calorie Snacking 42 Tattered by Devney Perry 44 Which Summer City Suits Your Personality Best? 46 Around the World this month 48 Summer Getaways 24




52 Advertorial 54 Press Releases 60 Horoscopes

IDENTITY PICKS Bio-Oil’s Liquid Purcellin Worrying about summer scars is no longer a thing. Keep your skin hydrated, evened out, and full of life with this Bio-oil.

Beach Towel by H&M Spam your instagram feed with this trendy watermelon towel for all the summer vibes you need.

Crop Top and Trousers by Miguelina Summer is when you can look pretty in pink for the fun summer nights. You can nail it with a trendy statement necklace.

Roller Lash by Benefit What is a beach look without waterproof mascara? It will lift your lashes and give you a natural look throughout the day.

Slippers by Carrie Forbes Stay stylish with those comfortable slippers that are wearable for day and night!

Idealia Eyecream by Vichy Because there is no time to sleep in summer, this anti-fatigue eye cream is your best friend for the season.

Boxes by Zara Home Decorate your beach house with those trendy boxes where you can store all your summer essentials.

Beach Bag by Cult Gaia A see-through beach bag is what you need to quickly find beach essentials and begin the fun!



Summer is all about having fun and enjoying every minute of its amazing weather. But we don’t want you to have an ordinary summer, we want you to enjoy it in every way possible. That is why we made you a list of all the special things that would make your summer totally memorable.

Read your favourite book on a hammock Choose a night where the sky is full of stars and go stargazing Watch the sunset by the beach while listening to music Build a sandcastle on the beach Soak in the sun till you get a rich bronze tan Swim with the fish Go swimming late at night Eat Freska at the beach Have a picnic on the beach/in the garden Go fishing on a yacht with your friends Go Kayaking or canoeing Attend at least one concert Rent a bike for the day Collect seashells Go watch one movie in a summer open air cinema Go on a spontaneous trip (be it Sahel, Dahab or even Sokhna) Go to at least one summer party Binge watch at least one TV show Read all your favourite books Pull an all-nighter Spend one full day doing absolutely NOTHING Commit to playing sports


Do hair masks Go swimsuit shopping Learn a new skill Perform at least one act of kindness Prank your friends Crash a wedding Be-friend your neighbours in Sahel Make new friends Try making homemade ice-cream Learn how to bake a cake Cook one meal for your whole family Go sunglasses shopping Spend one night playing board games with your friends Create a collage of your favourite pictures of summer Go on at least one date Clean your laptop’s desktop Colour code your clothes Learn to cook a new meal Have a new haircut Have a sleepover with your close friends Netflix and chill with popcorn and cotton candy Practice yoga on the beach Free your mind by the beach

11 Reasons Your Summer Destination is Forever Going to be Paros, the New Phase of Mountain View-Ras El Hikma! Why travel all the way to Greece, when Greece is already here? Yes, Egypt now has its very own Greece! There’s nothing better than travelling to a beautiful getaway and Greece has always been at the top of the list! However, you no longer have to break the bank and travel abroad to see it! Paros, the new phase of Mountain View Ras El Hikma resort, is a beautiful recreation of Greece at the North Coast! Here are 11 strikingly captivating things about it: 1. The Traditional Greek Islands Summer Spirit: Mountain View Ras El Hikma has this traditional, authentic Greek vibe to it that makes you forget you’re only vacationing in your own homeland, not the actual island of dreams! 2. A Ladies Beach: To all the women, you don’t have to worry anymore, cause this one is for you, and you’re definitely gonna love it! 3. Taking the Swimming Experience to a Whole New Level: It has around 19 swimming pools, and some beautiful beaches identical to the real Greece, with central pools to socialize, as well as private ones if you ever fancy some ‘me time’! What could be better? 4. A Greek-like Environment That Suits All: It has been designed to suit all types of vacationers, for them to have the best time in the Greek recreation! Family atmosphere? Check. A spot for friends to chill together? Check. Relaxation matters? Check check check! 5. Less Than 3 Hours Away from Cairo: The best part about it (Aside from all the fun Greek vibes we’re getting); it’s LESS than 3 hours away from Cairo. You’ll arrive in a blink of an eye!

6. Cozy Community Center: Want to meet new people? Want to finish a few tasks on your laptop? Well, Mountain View Ras El Hikma also offers you that, as a very cozy, WiFiaccessible community centre is present to make your life easier! 7. The Promenade’s Awesome Views: A little serenity is also important! That’s what you get in the promenade area where you can sit and enjoy the beautiful view of everything around you; from the pretty Greek architecture to the mesmerizing sunset. 8. AGORA’s Greek Entertainment Experience: Because this is the place for you to have fun and enjoy your time, the night outings experience has gotten way easier, as you’ll find every essential in just one place, and that’s AGORA! 9. Open Green Spaces for the Greek Vibes Morning Walks: Woke up early and want to burn off some calories before you head to the pool? Mountain View Ras El Hikma already has it sorted out for you! 10. Kids Wonderland: You and your children will have the most fun, because while you’re chilling with friends or just relaxing by the beach, the apples of your eye will be playing in a very safe and fun-filled zone! 11. Livable Community: Mountain View Ras El Hikma is a community that is eager to spend a good summer together; the resort was created in a perfect setting that blends privacy and fun social life with an eventful calendar with some of the most exciting concerts, parties, as well as the day-to-day activities that will ensure the community thrives all summer!


Thoughts to End Your Summer With

Summer is ending and we can’t rap our heads around this fact, because no one wants summer to end. We don’t want the days by the beach to end or that summer breeze to eventually leave us. But unfortunately, we have to adapt. That is why it’s a good idea to write down these thoughts on a piece of paper and let them be your guidance to end your summer with a positive note. 1. YOU CAN STILL BE HAPPY IN OTHER SEASONS TOO Being happy has no correlation with summer. Yes the summery weather, the beach, sand, waves and the breeze can turn your frown upside down, but they’re definitely not the only things that can do that. You can be even happier in other seasons. It is just all about the mindset. 2. WINTER IS NOT AS BAD AS YOU REMEMBER Winter weather might be a little bit too much at times, but it is definitely not as bad as we all think it is. During winter you can enjoy binge watching your favourite shows, eat all the food you love and have the extra pounds hidden by the many layers of clothes. You can enjoy that hot drink you love and crave all day long. Just remember that both seasons have their perks.


by Salma Elfeqy

3. THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT SUMMER It is okay if you haven’t ticked all things off your checklist because you still have many summers. It is impossible for someone to do all the things on their bucket list in the span of 3 months. To the contrary, this keeps you excited for next summer, where you already have a list of things to do. 4. DON’T REGRET ANYTHING YOU DID Usually some people turn crazy during summer; maybe it has to do with the crazy weather or the summer spirit. That is why you have to have this mindset of not regretting anything that you do. Just embrace it and try to learn from your shortcomings. 5. THINGS MIGHT END BUT MEMORIES LAST Yes it is the end of summer, but this means that you have lots and lots of memories to add to your memory jar. Always know that memories never end like things do; they last for a lifetime. So be glad that you had a memorable summer full of memories.

Always make the best out of what you have and know that summer is just a period of time. You still have the rest of the year to create great memories, even greater than those of the summer.

PACK SMARTLY Don’t ruin the pleasure of the road by loading the car with unneeded stuff, and then sit all jammed up the whole trip! Pack smartly. And don’t forget snacks, what’s a road trip without food? Bring a cooler of finger foods, cheese sticks, roasted nuts, and indulgent treats like a bar of your favourite chocolate. BRING ALONG ANY ENTERTAINMENT THAT YOU’LL NEED If you’re the type of person who likes to spend hours in the car simply talking, sharing thoughts, listening to the radio, and watching the scenery, then you don’t need to bring much. All you need is a good playlist, and an auxiliary jack to play music. If you will be a passenger for part of the trip, bring something to occupy yourself with when the conversation dies down: a book, a journal, a game or a puzzle.


There’s a special romance and fun attached to hitting the open road with loved ones on board, carrying high hopes for a journey rich with vivid sights, tasty food, and bonding with pals. Planning road trips, where you take a long car ride and hit many stops on the way, present their own set of challenges (and opportunities). Here are a few things you should keep in mind to plan yourself and your friends the perfect road trip. MAKE SURE YOUR RIDE IS READY First things first, right? You don’t want to ruin it all and end up with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. Make sure that your vehicle is in primo condition. Check your vehicle’s vital fluids. Pack jumper cables to jump-start your battery in case it dies. Last but not least, make sure you have all the proper tools you need to change a flat tire in your trunk, and that your spare tire is ready to rumble.

PICK THE RIGHT COMPANION The tip that can make or break your trip! The thing about road trips is that they lack the luxury of airplanes and the speed of trains. So after few hours, even if the scenery is breathtaking, you will get use to it! Your back will start to ache, and all what will matter then is the company. Pick the kind of people who click with you, who never allow boredom to crack through their happy mood, who don’t nag, or complain. Pick someone who has your same adventurous spirit. DESIGNATE ROLES Now that we have established who should be on the road with you, let’s put them to work. To stay organized, designate together roles to each person. One person in charge of the playlist, one person in charge of snacks, one in charge of the direction, etc.; this way you’ll be able to share responsibilities and ensure the trip goes as smoothly as possible. ALLOW FOR SPONTANEITY You’re on this trip to have fun, right? So allow it! Keep in mind that part of the fun is being spontaneous, so build time for freedom into the route. Stop to have lunch in a place you’ve never heard of but looks fun. Stop at the roadside attraction. If you drive alongside the sea, stop to breathe in the salty air. A road trip is all about the road, not the destination. So make each moment count.


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IS NOW IN EGYPT And It is Going to Change the Fashion Game!

Don’t you just love it when new international brands launch in Egypt? Thanks to Retail Group Egypt, Egyptian customers are introduced to the global apparel retailer’s American fashion essentials. Old Navy is one of those brands! It has something for every family member. From really cool accessories, to special trendy jeans for men and women, and cute baby outfits. It basically has all the fashion essentials you’ll ever need! We spoke to Mr. Craig Robinson, Old Navy’s Director of Retail Franchise, to know about Old Navy’s objective, future plans, and why they chose Egypt as one of the countries to launch their brand in. Why was Old Navy interested in opening a branch in Egypt? We’ve been looking for a location in Egypt for a number of years now. We wanted to come sooner, but we waited to ensure that we’ve chosen the right place here. Cairo is full of international brands, it’s a big city, and it only makes sense for Old navy to be here. Other than the branches you’ve opened up in Mall of Arabia and City stars, where will the other stores be located? We will definitely be continuing to explore other malls in the city, like Cairo Festival, it’s the one in our minds for the current time. Also, we want to look into the secondary cities of Egypt, like Alexandria, potentially. For the time being, there are no near plans for opening more stores, but we’ll keep looking.

How do you plan on introducing the trendy American fashion to the Egyptian customers? I think it’s very important to communicate to the customers what we stand for first; which is great quality, high fashion, value, family and fun. We don’t compromise on the quality of our clothing. It’s made and manufactured well, it’s tested, and it’s affordable. Once the customers understand that, we engage and keep on showing them new collections every season. Can you elaborate more on your ‘Value, Family, and Fun’ motto? It’s what Old Navy stands for. This is basically an equation that makes Old Navy really unique. It’s really fun for the whole family to be able to come here, because we have assortments for men, women, children and babies. It’s also a fun experience to engage in with the whole family in that sense. Do you think Old Navy will set a new trend in Egyptian fashion in general? Well, yes, we provide great clothing. We have great fabrications and lots of different components. We have really nice material to work with, such as Lycra, cotton and denim. Also, we have pieces here to fit every style and taste. I think all of that will impress and attract Egyptians, and maybe add to their sense of style; that we know is already great. Finally, what makes Old Navy different from other well know trendy brands? I think our quality is an opportunity to play in different areas than our competitors. It gives us a different place within the market, with the fabrications we have.



on the

Summer is the season to take on new daring shades and incoming hues for some attractive fingertips and lippies on the beach. From the ultimate boldness of red to the warmest shade of nudes, you should be ready to give off your comfort zone and embrace this new collection. And remember, a perfect summer outfit is still unpolished without the slaying details.


VIVID YELLOW Obsession over yellow is becoming the up-to-minute trend this season. After being the trendiest colour on the catwalk, there’s always a need to add a sunshine gleam for some catchy nails on the beach. Make sure to stay a la mode this summer.

LIMPID PASTEL PINK Soft pastel pink can never be culled from the list, as its tender nature is quite ideal for a smooth summer look. If you’re not likely to adopt an extra glance, this color works with all skin tones and will definitely be your first go-to on various occasions.


by Rawda Hisham



DELISH BERRY Summer is tasteless without daring dark pouts, and the reddish berry shade is the go-for this season and suits a large array of skin tones. This specific shade will do for a glowing face without being extra.

NUDE COUNTY If the sharp-lined lips look is not your thing, you can go for the blurry nude style. Nude hues are foreverlasting, thus you’ll never be singled out as old-fashioned. It’s perfect for summer chilly nights, especially if you’re wearing bold eye makeup.




BEAMING TURQUOISE Want to feel the aquatic vibes all around you? A fresh dreamy bluish look should be considered this season then since the metallic shades of turquoise seem to match the marine nature. Shine with some pearly blue nails and splash the look everywhere.

Nails Inc



Champagne’s glossy glam is crucial for a really exquisite fingertips look, if neutral is too basic. This colour will match any outfit you might fetch, either by the pool or at a fancy night party. Be daring and know that nails with a champagne shade are well bestowed!

Bobbi Brown

Classic red is a constant musthave throughout the whole year, as it adds the final touches of a shimmering goddess look. It’s a long lasting trend that’s always on the cutting edge. Show up with the most dominant nails this season and radiate.


BLAZING ORANGE Saturate your lips with some sunshine shades essential for a warm summer greeting. Radiant orange is highly ‘in’ this summer. So don’t hesitate to light up the atmosphere with your irresistible electricity.

GLASS GLOSS As fashion trends have recently shifted, lips were no exception. Showing up with a heavy glossy look is so modish for this summer. Whether you wear it alone or with your favourite pout lipstick, mirror shine juicy lips will never fail to get you undivided attention.




Ever imagined yourself floating in water on a pink Flamingo inflatable float, along with some sunshine cocktail and pink 90s sunnies? Glamorous, right? This is probably a good enough reason why you should adopt a hot pink lippie for a full unicorn look.




Beach Tote

SUNSCREEN If sunscreen isn’t the first thing to hit your mind whenever you read the word “beach”, we seriously don’t know what is! This is a small reminder so you don’t forget adding it to your tote.

by Rawda Hisham

Nothing beats a relaxing day at the beach with a cool refreshing summer cocktail, right? Now that it’s August, everyone is heading directly to the beach to enjoy the luminous climate and soak up the sunny rays. However, a tote with missing items is capable of spoiling the splashy day you’ve been preparing for. So whether you’re staying until sunset or just for a couple of hours, we made sure we’ve rounded up all the tote essentials you may need. Just be ready because you’re about to set the beach on fire!

La Roche Posay



t ycou


PORTABLE SPEAKER SYSTEM Along with beach bites and skin protection goods, music is indispensable. A portable Bluetooth speaker would be great for keeping the party going.

Arrive Well

A SMALL POUCH This would be useful if you want to go for a quick swim but don’t know where to leave your phone, keys, wallet and beach accessories, or are afraid they’d get lost in your extrasized beach bag. A small cute pouch will keep them safe and accessible.


SUN-SAFE LIP BALM Lips can be very sensitive to direct sunrays, so do your lips a favour and protect them by using a water-resistant lip balm. Sunburned lips were never a good thing, make sure you keep them moisturized and all-day glossy!


Victorias Secret

GOOD-SIZED BEACH TOWEL This can safely be considered as the most indispensible item in your beach tote. You’ll always need a beach towel whether you got a single splash on your skin or dipped yourself in water. We surely know it can’t be left behind or forgotten but this is just a quick reminder.

CUTE COVER-UP There’s no better way to hit the beach than wearing a lovable coverup or already having one in your tote. It will give you the beach charm you’re looking for and could also work as a cute dress at local beach side nights.

Prada Lila Eugénie

SUNNIES What’s a beach without voguish summer sunnies? Double-check you packed them in your summer carry and don’t forget to get the beach lit all around you. AFTER SUN MILK This is a must-have if you’re willing to embrace a longlasting glowing tan. Apply it right after sun exposure to immediately nourish your skin and cool it down for an everlasting bronze look. Vichy

SPF HAIR SPRAY A must-have that works effectively on protecting and coating hair against sea salt kinkiness, especially if you have highlighted hair. This sun protecting formula will let you embrace the beach-y curls freely with no regrets later. New Look Kerastase

HOLOGRAPHIC VISOR Because we want to make sure you stay in-style, we highly recommend having this trendiest beach accessory. It keeps you safe and sets the unicorn vibes in the air.





Jason Wu


Stuart Weitzman


MORNING/WORK Popping colours are still your go to fashion statement in the 40 degree weather. Put together a classy outfit with classic accessories and beat the days to their own game.


As August rolls in, our summer is sadly, almost coming to an end. We’re back to work and our long beautiful beach days are practically history. For that reason, putting together outfits that match our summery moods and our return to real life is precisely what we need to do.




Aquazzura Bohoo

LUNCH Dress your style in neutral bodysuits, and palazzo striped pants and keep your outfit understated, yet sexy. H&M

Try out a simple, but trendy, oversized chemise dress and match it with your favourite sneakers and clutch. Go out feeling breezy and sexy in a colourful simple outfit that’ll match any midday outing. Accessorize with a few metallic accessories that will highlight your outfit and give it an extra sexy appeal. Boohoo



Rebecca Minkof

NIGHT Even though you’re back to the city, having a good time is still a possibility! For your fun night out, satin floral pants are your go to item. Bodysuits are definitely your grey area between comfort and sexiness. Dress in a bodysuit over your patterned pants, and opt for a jacket if you see fit. Nude shoes are your number 1 bff during the summer, so dress up your pants in a nude, slick high heel that’ll elongate your figure and boost your look. With a little nude bag to match it, you’ll be looking hotter than ever. For those of you who feel like dressing in a cute cocktail dress, detailed dresses are so in right now. Put together a black dress with metallic details for a special night out and flaunt your style. Opt for a sexy white dress with sheer detail as well, and look all angelic in your outing!

Pretty Little Thing


Giavanto Rossi


SAHEL DAYS If your summer is not over just yet, then you gotta spend the remains of your vacation by the beach.

Miu Miu

Faithfull the Brand

Athena Procopiou Catzorange

BEACH On the sand, mesh is your only ally. Put on mesh cover ups to avoid sand sticking to your swimsuit and still look absolutely stunning. Accessorizing on the beach is not a crime. Sport a pair of rockstar sunglasses and statement earrings and show off your flamboyant look.

Common Projects

Stripes and white are your favourite beach colours this summer. Flaunt a bandeau bikini and cover it up with a striped playsuit. Playsuits are your best friend this summer, whether it’s a plain frilly or a patterned one, they go with everything! Cartier

Jade Swim Isabel Marant



Diane von Furstenberg

LUNCH Although many of us decide to take our beachwear straight to our lunch, but for those of you who decide to put on something a little more practical to your lunch hour, graphic t’s and shorts are your best option.


Put on a crop top of your choice with a simple pair of denim shorts and your flip flops to your lunch break during the day and stay in style while you cool off after a long day at the beach.



Isabel Marant

NIGHT For your luxe Sahel night outing, put together a leather bright skirt with a bodysuit and clear heels. Who said a night out had anything to do with comfort?

Valextra D&G

Another way to dress for your night out is going for an understated colourful dress. Lemon and canary yellow are the colours of the season. A yellow dress matched with a pair of white mid-heel sandals is surely a way to maintain your cute, casual and comfortable style in a lavish night out with your friends. Valentino

Top Shop




by Neamat Eltouby


Pink Lenses Sunnies Pink lenses are back and cooler than ever. With a touch of romantic femininity and edginess, pink lenses are the new Sasha Fierce of sunglasses.

Retro Rimless

Since this is the summer of vintage, old colourful rimless sunglasses are back. Play around with your frameless trendy sunnies, and don’t worry about your face changing colours.

Noor Fares

Anissa Kermiche

Drop It Cause Its Hot

Drop earrings are the new in scene this summer. Better for a night out, drop earrings come in shapes, sizes and colors that go with everything. Plus, they’re super-hot!



Tom Ford

Straw Beach bag

Since we can’t spend a day on the beach without taking our lipgloss, sunglasses, and phone charger, taking out a straw beach bag is your easy way out. The bucket/ore shape is definetley the most stylish right now, able to take all your little things and still look absolutely stunning.

Miu Miu

Meow Meow from MiuMiu

Miu Miu

Cat eyes are not only dominating our makeup, but our sunglasses as well. The sexy cat sweep elongates and accentuates your facial features, and ensures you’re standing out! Sensi Studio


Pop of Colour Earrings

Boho rings are the new it style in rings right now. With single gems and authentic patterns, going out and about in 100 rings on your 10 fingers is not a crime. Frost yourself with silver unique rings on the beach and during your nights out, and keep your fingers as decorated as you are!

Colourful gems are back again, and we must say, are strong. Match the colours of the earrings with your favourite night outfit, and you’ll simply look amazing.

Irene Neuwirth Ippolita Haus of Deck

Anita Ko


Daisy London Ettika

Anklets, as we know, have been a traditional accessory to all our beautiful Egyptian women, but now we’ve added them to our favourite outfit pieces. Anklets look amazing on the beach, on heels, on your average pair of Converse, and on anything really. Wrap a metallic anklet around your foot every day of the week and dress your feet like you would your wrists.



Since our spectacular summer is coming to a close end, there are so many trends we feel should’ve ended way before summer had even started. On many occasions we’ve seen trends, colours, materials, and FUR everywhere and made comments about their inappropriateness. RAINBOW FACE We’ve dissed the yellow blush, and we’ve always had the red and pink blush to use, but blue? When we add blue and pink and yellow and gold highlighter, it just looks like a painting – the ugly messy kind.



Speaking of bunnies, why keep bunnies on your feet in an average 40 degree temperature? Don’t they drag sand, dust, and most importantly sweat?!


24 IDENTITY Steve Madden

The only question we have to ask is, why? The vibrant colours are nice and all when it comes to clothing but when it comes to makeup, let’s just stick to the toned down colours and stop looking so weird.

YELLOW BLUSH We must agree that yellow is definitely an ‘in’ colour this summer, but let’s avoid it on our faces, shall we? Flaunt a flirty yellow/lemon dress or a sexy yellow swimsuit, but why use yellow on your face?

FISHTAIL EYEBROWS Whatever happened to the normal natural eyebrows we were born with? Raise them, lower them, colour them, thicken them, or thin them even but why turn them into shapes. It just looks weird.

POMPOM HAT Let’s leave the pompoms to the cheerleaders. Please. To be fair, they don’t always look too terrible, but putting them on a hat is like having tiny little bunnies hung up on a straw hat. Natasha Zinko

EMBELLISHED CHEEKS Although it’s a look we see on runways all the time, doesn’t mean it looks any good. Glitter on the face is just a huge no that we can’t help but roast.

PLASTIC OVERCOATS RUBBER BATHROOM SLIDES Must stay in the bathroom frankly. Rubber and plastic slides should’ve stayed in the 90’s, and in the bathroom.


Okay so, we’ve seen the Chanel manteau and frankly, we liked it. However, plastic isn’t for everything. Clear plastic shoes, yes; Chanel long raincoat, yes. Silver embellished bolero, no. It basically looks like you’ve taken it right off of the spaceship going to planet nowhere. IDENTITY 25




n our humble definition for fling, it is enjoying all the privileges of being in a relationship without actually being in one. During the summer, sometimes, this special someone appears and you enjoy all types of lovey-dovey things without actually being in a relationship. Although being in a relationship is something we all enjoy, flings have a different vibe that can turn around the whole vacation for us. Now, we don’t know whether it’s the summer sun and the beach effect, but flings are something we never forget. What if you want to turn it into a real thing? Here’s how.




After meeting your fling, make it a point to show them you’re serious about them. It seems like a risk, agreed. However, taking it is worth the shot, you’ve got nothing to lose. Remember that your fling is neither a person you need to depend on completely, nor are they someone you’re 100% settled on. Introduce them to more of your friends – if you haven’t already -, talk about some of your problems, and get them involved in your work or your studies. Help them understand that – although they don’t right now – but there is a huge possibility that they represent significance in your life. Make your fling feel welcomed in your life.

Try to show them that you are somewhat committed. Make it clear that at the moment, they’re the only person you’re optimistic about. Mention a few times that they are the only ones you’re talking to, the only ones you want to see right now, the ones you came all this way for. Don’t overdo it though, in order not to freak them out. Simply lay out all the facts about the effort you’re making to be around them; flirt a little and centre a lot of your attention on them. They will be doing the same, if it truly is a mutual fling.


In hopes to keep your fling around, try to invest extra effort in doing activities together. Don’t ghost your group of friends of course. But try to have some private time with only the two of you. Maybe take a few walks on the beach, go for lunch alone, or spend a night out just the two of you to get to know each other more. In the process, introduce each other to your favourite activities, and do them together. Watch your favourite movies or listen to your favourite music together.

Communication, as we all know, is a major aspect in relationships. As a result, try to channel in actual conversations and talks about emotions with your fling. Try to eliminate small talk, weather talk and beach talk. Have full on real conversations with them. Talk about interests, dreams, goals and futures. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to flirt a little. MAKE PLANS Although your summer together has been and will continue to be fun and perfect, make plans for after the summer. Plans that you intend to carry on and implement. Plan on going places together, seeing movies or maybe travelling. Be sure to make them feel like you see a future in wherever your relationship is heading and that you plan to keep them a part of your life. Include them in your shortterm plans; make plans to see them when summer is over. Make plans to just hang out somewhere, see a concert or attend an art exhibition etc.




Panic only breeds more panic. Your panicking will only cause them to panic when it comes to the little things you do together. If your fling gets even the slightest idea that you’re panicking, they will panic as well, and the whole night will just blow over. Don’t spend too much time panicking over where you’re going, what they’re saying, doing or wearing. In other words, try not to try too hard. Meaning, don’t get out of your way to do something you wouldn’t normally do. On the contrary, be honest by showing them the raw, true being that is you. Keep your cool, and freak out after it’s over.

Without making it obvious that you’re all over your fling, clarify the fact that you’re worth their time. Being careful when showing them that you’re the one they deserve, and they’re the one you deserve. Show your fling that you’re there for them, and here to stay. Show them that you’re up for being in a serious relationship by showing honesty, giving your opinion, sharing your intelligence, respecting yourself and them, and most of all, not painting a picture of you that doesn’t exist. Prove yourself to your fling by showing them the qualities that make you who you are. Indirectly tell them, I am the most qualified one here.

When you get your summer fling, don’t fret! Turning your summer fling into an actual thing can happen in just a few basic steps that will guarantee a well bound relationship for the both of you. Keeping your cool, proving yourself, spending time together, and integration are just the way to do it. Breaking the surface of the superficial, summer-affected relationship is basically the way to the newfound relationship you want with this extraordinary person. Who knows, maybe this fling will be the ultimate thing. IDENTITY 27



by Rawda Hisham

With summer reaching its peak and everyone having an increasingly deep need to unplug, we stumble upon many spectacular beach destinations on the Egyptian map. But guess what? To this date, none of these places managed to fairly compete with or actually beat the everlasting Sahel vibe and ambiance. Sahel, the Egyptian Mediterranean coastline which extends from Agami to Marsa Matrouh, has always been the ‘in’ summer escape since God knows when. Packed with all the sea serenity, fun family gatherings and wild night parties; Sahel has something for everyone. However, for the sake of documenting the conspicuous annual Sahel experience, the Identity team wanted to venture and go on a time machine trip to highlight how the scene in Sahel has evolved throughout the years! We can’t help but notice how the popular destinations keep shifting and moving further west along our Mediterranean coastline that borders Libya! AGAMI Back to the most authentic Sahel time, when it was all about spending a good day on the posh Bianci beach with your favourite company and enjoying the buoyancy of glamorous night house parties; Agami, a little suburb on the outskirts of Alexandria, characteristic of its narrow curved alleys that housed the most luxurious villas was the first –considerably Sahel- destination that people used to frequent and really enjoy around two decades ago. THE OLDIES

is probably one of the most timeless getaways that people still cherish until this very moment. This breathtaking Sahel spot has never failed to provide us with the best summertime ever. Most activities revolved around spending a great day by the beach then going for a walk around the Marinas and hanging out in the countless venues at night with friends. Today, though, Marina has grown and expanded to the extent that it has become a mini city on the coast of Sahel; with all the typical hustle and bustle and torturous traffic. It’s probably not everyone’s definition of a ‘relaxing’ holiday anymore, but it still has its own charm. SIDI ABDELRAHMAN Sidi Abdelrahman has been the ‘in’ strip of the Egyptian Western coastline for many years now, and has turned the concept of chilling upside down. This Sahel destination offers a variety of options that cater to different tastes. There are endless parties to choose from, let it be a beach one with inflatable flamingos at Martin’s Beach or a night one in the overwhelming breeze at Six Degrees! Whether you decide to stay at Marassi, Hacienda, Diplo, Telal or Amwaj, you’ll have multiple options for how to spend a splendid summer day with a spice of luxury. RAS EL HEKMA New escaping gateways have recently started to emerge near Marsa Matrouh. With many visitors complaining about Sidi Abdelrahman’s restlessness and how it’s becoming more stressful than relaxing, Ras El Hekma is becoming an alternative for holiday goers who would like to recover the peaceful quiet summer days and enjoy the tranquility they terribly miss!

Who doesn’t have unforgettable childhood memories at Ballah, Marabella or even Marakya? These destinations were known for their simplicity and unpretentiousness. The maximum you could do was soak yourself in the mesmerizing blue waters until you get perfectly tanned shimmering skin, then you’d find yourself stuck in a never-ending cards or backgammon games till 3 AM with your friends or family. The highlight of the evening was probably buying cotton candy or ice cream from the resort’s bustling souk area. Those were the days my friends…



Through this evolution trip, it seems like old Sahel’s primitive vibes are kicking in again as a trend! An endless loop and a natural process that will never stop repeating itself through time intervals.

It all started off with only one Marina El Alamein resort, and has now ended up with 7 Marinas! This

The latest ‘in’ Sahel destination, nestling on a beautiful bay and boasting one of the clearest waters in Egypt is what actually makes Almaza Bay stand out as one of the most deluxe holiday spots. It’s another escaping getaway near Marsa Matrouh away from the congestion of all the other spots, add to this the beauty and clearness of Matrouh’s sea that makes the summer experience a truly unforgettable one.


Recharge Summer

HOW TO YOURSELF THIS by Amina Moustapha


hen the twenty times award winning novelist, Bette Lee Crosby, made up her mind that it’s about time for her to write a novel about beginnings, she picked the right season of the year to place her story. Summer! In her novel, The Summer of New Beginnings, we will witness how the warmest season of the year comes with waves of opportunities, and can mark a new beginning for any of us, only if we put our heads to it.

That’s the thing about beginnings. With every new start, new energy is gained, like a free gift! You only need to know how to access this energy, better yet how to make use of it, and reboot your life. When life gets hectic, it’s crucial to manage energy to keep on going. It becomes vital to recharge to regain motivation and stimulation. So now that summer is here, let’s make use of it with this seasonal chance and recharge ourselves. 1. Unplug From Stress & Plug Into Relaxation First things first, you must know that everything around you provides energy, but this energy isn’t necessarily positive. The negative vibes surround us just the same and can take over if we allow them to. Taking time off from work, the daily grind or any source of tension, not only helps people de-stress and feel happier, but it also helps our productivity and mood. This shouldn’t be optional; you must prioritize your break, even if you’re crazy about your work. Not taking time off will decrease your effectiveness which will lead to bad outcomes anyway. Also vacation doesn’t always mean going on a trip, though travelling has many benefits, but the main idea here is to relax. Plug into what makes you ease up, whether it’s reading, playing soccer, dancing, etc. Summer is a perfect opportunity to do that and hit the refresh button.


2. Sweat It Out of Your System Rest and relaxation. It’s such a common expression that it has become a cliché. In spite of the fact that rest definitely can be relaxing, this past phrase causes many of us to disregard the fact that exercise can also be relaxing. Regular exercise will bring remarkable changes to your body, your metabolism, your heart, and your spirits. It has a unique capacity to exhilarate and relax, to provide stimulation and calm, to counter depression and dissipate stress. Summer provides opportunity to work out, to go swimming in the pool, to take a run by the beach on the cool sand. Just move and sweat the negative energy out of your system. 3. Don’t Beat a Dead Horse The thing that doesn’t make summer as boring as the rest of the seasons is that each summer has its own story; different trip, different destination, different activity, different trend. Summer teaches us to be different, and we have to be able to learn from our mistakes in order to do that. If you have been trying to succeed at something for a while now and it hasn’t been working, or, even more importantly, it isn’t making you happy, it is time to try something else. That’s the thing about fresh starts; you need to let go of some of your old ways, to get to new satisfying results. You must see the error of your ways, find the weak point, the mistake, the loose end and fix what needs to be fixed. It does not mean that you are a failure. It means that you are smart enough to realize when something isn’t working out and that you have enough dignity to do something to make yourself happy. Being happy is a crucial way to recharge. 4. Scare Yourself Every Single Day “And then I realized that adventures are the best way to learn,” said an anonymous soul that knows that with risk comes growth. It sounds intimidating and frightening, but let’s break the news. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to create

change! Is there something that you’ve been putting off because it brings butterflies to your stomach? Whether it’s going to that job interview or just saying hello to someone you want to meet; make an effort to do it daily, knowing that it will be a step toward conquering your fears and success goals. When we cross the line that our fear draws to keep us just where we are, great things happen. It might not happen overnight that we erase this line, but it will happen eventually. 5. Spend Your Energy Wisely If one day you found yourself, crushed under the realization that your life is zooming by, and you have yet to start living it in a way that has any real meaning to you, then you’re guilty of spending your energy foolishly! And there is no worst way to lose

all the energy you recharged yourself with than on things that don’t make you feel good, happy or grateful. Don’t fall victim to being consumed by lowlevel minutiae, by problems that are only created to keep you away from what you’re chasing after. Stay focus on what you want, what you wish to accomplish or reach. Spend your energy on the obstacles that keep you from your goal, get them out of your way. That is how you spend your energy wisely, that’s what deserves your energy to be spent on. What’s the point of recharging yourself, of rebooting your life if it’s only to drain it out of energy again, and on what doesn’t make you feel fulfilled?

Every summer comes with new opportunities, so use this one to give new strength to your life. IDENTITY 31




by Rana Ramez

Most Egyptians fall into a loop of summer vacations monotony by limiting themselves to the same destinations every vacation; whether it’s Sahel, Gouna or somewhere else. And as much as we love these places, change is always needed to recharge our batteries and expand our horizons. So why not give up on our every year typical vacation destinations and experience some of the hidden gems of our magical country? Following are some unique adventurous escapes that will literally take your breath away. SUNKEN CITY IN SAHL HASHEESH Aside from the long uninterrupted stretches of white sand within the swimmable bay of its local


beach, the old town with its local craft stores, fine dining, vibrant nightlife and spas; Sahl Hasheesh resort possesses an underwater maze: a Sunken City! The historic underwater Pharaonic city sank thousands of years ago, leaving outstanding underwater ruins that can be watched by snorkelling. The columns and structures attract a large number of colourful underwater species which are great to watch as they make their way through the sunken alleys and rocks.

CASTLE ZAMAN Midway between Taba and Nuweiba, lies a spot of heaven like no other. Castle Zaman - located atop a desert cliff and overlooking the breathtaking panoramic view of Gulf of Aqaba – will capture hearts from the first sight. Aside from the majestic scene, the elegant medieval architecture of the castle adds an unmistakable charm to the place. The luxurious eco-friendly destination will take you into a serene world with their slow-food kitchen, their swimming lagoon and the Zaman’s private beach with its pristine sand and crystal clear waters. DOLPHIN HOUSE REEFS AND MARSA EGLA Two of the most important dolphin habitats in the world are located in the Red Sea in Marsa Alam. Samadai reef and Sataya reef are homes to large families of spinner dolphins besides the occasional visits by other species such as the bottlenose. So for all dolphin lovers, get ready to meet one of the most playful, intelligent and amazing sea creatures in their natural habitat. Another astonishing creature that you will get to meet is the sea turtle while diving or snorkelling in Marsa Egla, located 10 km north of Marsa Alam. Having a very rich marine life, the site is ideal for exploring the underwater world. FJORD BAY IN TABA Sinai is known for its picturesque sceneries and this one comes definitely on top of the list. Fifteen kilometers south of Taba, lies Fjord Bay, a golden beach with an astonishing background of mountains. The bay is one of the best swimming spots and is fantastic for diving with its astonishingly colourful and rich corals and fish. Relaxing there while taking in the natural beauty will just make everything right! WADI QULAAN AND RAS HANKORAB Is it your dream to escape the touristic beaches and enjoy unspoiled untouched nature? You may then head south to Marsa Alam. Located inside Wadi Al Gemal Protected Area in Hamata village, the secluded beaches of Qulaan and Ras Hankorab are considered ideal spots to reconnect with nature and unwind. Qulan exposes 4 golden sandy islands where large mangrove trees grow in the salty waters, while Ras Hankorab’s pristine beach has extremely clear waters that sea creatures can be seen from the

above. Besides that, visitors can enjoy hiking, bird watching and discovering Hamata Mountain where ibex and gazelles are still found. WISHWASHI CANYON AND COLORED CANYON Sinai is home to hundreds of canyons, which we believe is old news for all the adventurers and desert lovers. The Wishwashi Canyon is rated as one of the top 10 canyons in Sinai, where hikers will be rewarded with swimming in a natural pool of sparkling emerald water with an amazing canyon rising above it. Another canyon considered as one of the most magnificent rock formations in the world is the Coloured Canyon near Nuweiba. Eight hundred meters long with twin palm trees, the natural colourful canyon is a result of water erosion millions of years ago. AGIBA BEACH The surreal Agiba beach is located 24 km west to Marsa Matrouh. Just as its name suggests, this miraculous site is a scenic small cove with dazzling clear turquoise water, fine white sands and in between protecting cliffs. The fifty shades of blue – Marsa Matrouh has the bluest water ever – is irresistible and taking a dip will give you a dreamy experience. It’s a piece of earthly paradise. NATURAL SPRINGS IN RAS SUDR Aside from the pleasurable beaches of Ras Sudr that present a variety of water activities such as windsurfing, swimming, water skiing, snorkelling, fishing and diving; the city possesses a number of springs famous for their therapeutic and soothing effects. From the Pharaoh’s Bath Hot Springs considered as a natural sauna with a rocky carved cave on top of them to the 12 Moses Hot Springs known for providing visitors with spiritual peace and comfort and Moses Bath Hot Spring situated in the centre of an oasis; it’s a 3 hour trip from Cairo that will take you out of time and make you feel relaxed like never before.

At the end, it’s nothing but illogical to be blessed with a country full of precious destinations, hidden gems and natural treasures and still choose to be bounded to the same vacation spots every single summer. Get out of your bubbles and start exploring your magical country!



Meditation is key for a stress-free summer. Although some may perceive it as a pointless activity that only involves sitting and rhythmic breathing, it’s probably those who haven’t given it a proper and fair try. Not only does meditation calm us down, but it imposes many health and mental benefits as well. For your body, meditation is a rejuvenator, it acts like 34 IDENTITY

a restart button to your health. For your mind, meditation is your little happy pill, an advantageous drug we should all be taking. THINGS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE BEFORE MEDITATING When taking the step to begin meditation, typically, there are many obstacles that will bind your exercise. With meditation, comes the physical obstacle of sitting still and clearing your mind. Taking one position to begin your activity is possibly the most challenging issue you will face. You will want to toss and turn and itch, and then the mind games will roll in. As you start to meditate and attempt to clear your mind, doubts about the activity will surely find their way to you. You will most probably ask yourself why you’re not doing something else that is more productive, like being with family, making money or doing some extra work. However, all of this, is in fact, the reason you need to be meditating. So, keep it in mind to block out all the other whispers you will hear.

Sit/Lie Comfortably. With your hands on your lap and your body absolutely still, place yourself in a comfortable position to begin your meditative technique. Ignore rumours about the most efficient positions, as you need to take a comfortable position that takes injuries, aching areas and bodily issues into consideration.

Although, seeking relaxation is most probably the reason why you’ve begun this activity, but consider the many other benefits you will be experiencing as well. The short term goals of meditation are primarily the main focus of those who meditate, yet, meditation vastly affects our hearts, brains, thoughts, emotions, and in many cases our brain’s capacity. PHYSICALLY Physically, meditation lowers your blood pressure and your heart rate, improves your blood circulation, and slows your respiratory rate. Not only that, but it boosts your immune system and energy levels as well as curb asthma and other inflammatory disorders. Meditation can also be an effective cure for feminine disorders like PMS and a useful regulator for menopausal symptoms. When feeling menstrual cramps, make sure to try meditating to regulate the cramps and calm your stomach down. As a whole, meditation helps you live longer and healthier.

Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end


Meditation is a mean to relax, that’s a given result. However, considering your emotional and mental well-being, meditation is just a better chance for you to reduce your anxiety and impulsivity. With feeling stress, loneliness, and/ or depression, meditation is also medication. It increases Swami Sivananda your self-awareness as you focus more on your breathing Close your Eyes. Closing your and yourself more than eyes keeps you focused on the process you’re about anything else. As a result, it increases self-acceptance to begin, and keeps you from being distracted with and acceptance of the world around you in general. your surroundings. Total darkness is the only thing It relieves you from harmful emotional impulses like you should be seeing. Do not visualize. eating away your feelings or smoking them off. As a whole, it improves your mood and focuses on your Breathe. Focus on your breath, the movement of emotional and social connections, developing your your chest and the air coming in and out. Notice the intelligence on both. Surprisingly, meditation has movement of your body as you breathe. Observe also proven to strengthen and improve memory, your chest, shoulders, ribcage and stomach. Centre as it increases memory retention and focus skills. your attention on that, and only that. It also helps with processing, creativity and critical thinking. Clear Your Mind. Rid your head from all thoughts to focus on absolutely nothing. For a few moments, Starting meditation is guaranteeing yourself pretend like nothing is around but you and your a calmer, less nerve-wrecking lifestyle. After breathing. And, you’re all set.

Meditating is more beneficial than you might have heard. Relaxation is mainly your goal and is usually the attainable result, but it is not the only one.

meditating, you will easily notice the obvious changes in your health, and you will feel a healthy, gorgeous glow. Your mind will clear and you will find the stressful things in life, less stressful. IDENTITY 35



Most Egyptians have already headed to the beach getaways. But for those who are stuck in Cairo for any reason, worry no more! You are lucky enough to be residing in one of the wealthiest destinations in the world, culturally. Cairo always has something to offer, and we are here to show you where to look to have the equivalent of beach fun: City fun!


GAYER ANDERSON MUSEUM Adjacent to Ahmed Ibn Tulun mosque, Gayer Anderson art museum is a historical treasure chest; it’s totally different from any other museum you’ve visited in Cairo. Between 1935 and 1942, this museum used to be Major R.G. Gayer Anderson’s house. The orientalist British soldier was in the Egyptian army. The museum is known to be one of the best preserved examples of the domestic architecture of the 17th century in Cairo. Fond of the oriental culture, Gayer has filled his house with pieces of furniture from Turkey, Persia, Syria as well as Egypt. His collection includes items from various historical periods and ranges between carpets, crystals, embroidered Arab costumes, glassware and silks as well as works of art. The Egyptian government declared the house as a museum in 1937.


KHAN EL KHALILI MARKET Established as a shopping district in AD 1400, Khan El Khalili located in Old Cairo provides one of the world’s greatest shopping experiences ever. From antiques, handmade carpets, stained glass lamps, handmade silver and copper accessories to silverware, gold artifacts and spices; the souk is a breathtaking place. Besides that, the cultural and historic structures in the area will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time to medieval Cairo. And after you shop till you drop, you can relax at one of the historic cafes located in the area, such as El Fishawy or Naguib Mahfouz. If you’re lucky enough, you can catch one of the many culture carnivals that take place there. You can also pay a visit to Wekalet el Ghouri, where the Tannoura show is held 3 times per week.


GEMS OF DOWNTOWN Cairo wasn’t nicknamed the “Paris of the East” for nothing. If you want to take a glimpse of late 19th century Cairo, you got yourself a date. Don’t miss out on the empty streets on weekend mornings and take advantage of the fact that Egyptians are late risers. Wander in the downtown area and observe. The


entire district has drop dead gorgeous architecture, with some of the best belle époque buildings especially around Talaat Harb square. Not to mention the Abdin Palace located on the western edge of downtown, now open as a museum to the public.


BAB ZUWEILA The most interesting gate of the Islamic Cairo district is undoubtedly Bab Zuweila. Built in the 11th century, it is one of the three remaining gates in the walls of the Old City of Cairo. What’s special about this gate is that climbing to its top will give you an amazing rooftop view over Islamic Cairo. Previously a dungeon, the mosque of Sultan Al Muayyad was built to the west of Bab Zuweila. While still a prisoner, Sheikh Al Mahmudi had vowed to build a mosque in place of the dungeon if he was ever released. Rose to become Sultan of all Egypt with the name of Muayyad, Al Mahmudi had stuck to his promise and destroyed the dungeon and built a new mosque in the same location.


SALAH EL DIN SQUARE Sultan Hassan and Al Rifae are the two grand mosques facing each other in Midan Salah El Din. On one hand, the mosque and madrasa of Sultan Hassan is not only an example of the finest Mamluk architecture ever, but it is also one of the largest mosques in the world. Combining elegance, beauty and strength, the mosque and madrasa will give you shivers with its magnificence and multiplicity of decoration. On the other hand, Al Rifae mosque, known as the royal mosque, was built in 1912 to replicate its older neighbour with the main aim of housing the tomb of Khedive Ismail Pasha. The mosque also served as the resting place of Khushyar Hanim, Khedive Ismail’s mother, Sultan Hussein Kamel, King Fouad and king Farouk as well as Reza Shah of Iran.


SAKKARA PYRAMIDS As one of the most untouched extensive archeological sites in Egypt, Sakkara was the

Photo by: Eslam Yahia

primary necropolis of Memphis, the ancient capital of the country. The site boasts one of the oldest stone structures in the world, the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, dating back to 2700 BC. Alongside the step pyramid dominating southern Sakkara, another 16 pyramids are located in the northern area and are dominated by the pyramid of King Titi and the Mastaba tombs of the old kingdom. A small piece of advice: Dahshur complex lies south of Sakkara so it is totally feasible to visit both sites on the same day.


DAHSHUR COMPLEX With more palm trees and fields and much fewer traffic and cars, Dahshur area – a part of greater Cairo – is located 60 KM from central Cairo. The Dahshur complex is home to three pyramids: black, white and red. As Egypt’s first smooth pyramid, the bent pyramid – aka the black pyramid – is the most

impressive one due to its very distinctive shape. The red pyramid in Dahshur is the third largest pyramid in Egypt; it is the only one where visitors are allowed to enter to explore its internal fascinating construction and impressive architecture. Fun Fact: These pyramids were part of a process of experimentation; Ancient Egyptians actually redefined their technique later on to create more majestic structures.

In the end, this is just a short list of the wealth of cultural treasures within our amazing city. Every corner of Cairo is literally stuffed with ancient gems, historic treasures, marvellous architecture, eccentric museums and splendid ruins. Give your city a chance to unveil its magic and get ready to be dazzled. Be a tourist in your own city! IDENTITY 37



One of the things that worries fresh graduates the most during their last summer vacation is not being able to secure a good job. One reason might be the false belief that there aren’t enough jobs in the market for the amount of students graduating. However, this is not the case. Finding a job is not easy, but it is doable, only if you follow a smart plan. Here are tips and tricks on how to land a job easier than ever before: 1. Update Your Resume and Make it Presentable

5. Browse Your Favourite Companies’ Career Portal

Recruiters and HR specialists give a lot of weight to presentable and well structured resumes, because they believe that your resume says a lot about you. It is the initial means of communication between you and the employer, so try to make that first impression as best as you can.

Check your favourite companies’ websites, create accounts in the career section, subscribe to their career portal so that they would send you emails when there are vacancies in your area of study. Search for jobs in the function and country of your choice; all you need to do then is apply and wait for them to call you back.

2. Create Accounts on Career Portals There are lots of websites where you can apply for jobs, internships and competitions. Examples include LinkedIn, Cantalop and Wuzzuf. Create an account and upload your resume, highlighting your skills and activities. The next step is to follow your favourite employers, send them your resume and simply apply to their vacant positions. 3. Join Jobs-related Facebook Groups and Pages Facebook groups and pages post job vacancies of all disciplines and career levels all year long. Examples of these groups can be Career Advancers, Jobs 4 ever, and Take-Off Egypt. 4. Use Your Connections Wisely Your social network can be your door to many companies. Ask them about the companies you are interested in, the work environment, the interview process and the needed requirements. If possible, ask them to pass down your resume to the human resources department.


6. Prepare for the Interview The interview process starts the second they call you to set an interview date. You first need to educate yourself about the company background and scope of work, read about their values, strategies for growth, products/services they provide. Try to find the interviewer on LinkedIn to know a little bit about them and their previous experiences. Ask people, who have been interviewed by the same company, about the common questions and the expectations of the interviewer. Don’t forget to prepare answers for the most common interview questions. 7. Do Lots of Job Shadowing Unlike what most people think, job shadowing is actually one way for you to land a job. It is you simply going to a company to shadow its employees; you take notes and they take notes of you as well. They look at how interactive you are, your willingness to learn, your interest in the company and whether you are a good candidate for the company or not. So even if you already graduated, apply for job

shadowing opportunities and at least you’ll be able to get the chance to evaluate this company for future employment. 8. Make Use of University Events and Career Fairs These give you the chance to connect with people from different companies and different backgrounds. You’ll be able to talk with professionals working in the field of your interest. Be presentable, and try to prepare for a pitch, because guess what? They are also looking for people to hire. 9. Go for Internships and Grad Programs A job can also be in the form of an internship or a graduate program. It doesn’t need to carry the title of ‘job’. With internships you get a hint of how your future life would be like, and it also helps you add

some experience to your CV. So when you apply to other jobs, you’d find lots of experience to talk about and you’d also show how committed you can be. In addition to this, internships are also one way into the company for future full time employment. 10. Don’t Stop Applying Getting rejected at this point of time is very normal, because there are lots of fresh graduates and only a limited number of vacant positions. Accept those rejections, and keep on applying. Remember that it only takes one position to be employed. So don’t take no for an answer and keep that positive attitude.

With patience and the right kind of research, landing a job can seem like a less daunting task.




Dear Marwa, I’m 23 years old and I’ve been in a relationship with my high school sweetheart for 7 years now. I’m writing you because he has this weird thing I call “seasonal commitment issues”. It first started during our first summer together, where we had a huge fight and broke up for the 3 months of summer. But as soon as we were back to school, we got back together. This pattern kept repeating almost every summer of every year. Needless to say that it used to kill me every summer, at least at first, but after that it has become kind of expected. Whenever Sahel season starts, he comes up with a silly problem and keeps overreacting about it until we break up. I confronted him before, but he always 40 IDENTITY

keeps going around it and never gives me a valid explanation of why he is doing that. Many times I refused to get back with him, but he just wouldn’t take no for an answer! He did all the crazy romantic stuff in the book to bring me back to him. For me, that’s emotional abuse, to expect our break-up every summer, go through it all over again every single time and try to talk him out of it and failing every time. It’s a never-ending loop that I’m unable to break. I’m totally lost and don’t know what to do!! Dear Seasonal Commitment Issues, In relationships, the rules of fair play include that if someone is in a relationship, and he broke up with his partner, he is free to date again. The rules of fair play also mandate that if that person and his partner, with whom he broke up, decide to hook up again, there is nothing to prevent them. Since we are speaking about “fairness”, it is only fair for you to know what he did last summer, and the summer before, and seven summers ago. It is only fair for you to decide to take him back, or not, only after you know. Since this is a recurrent issue in your relationship, I can safely assume that your boyfriend wants to flirt left right and centre during the summer, then return safely to your haven. He wants to make sure he is “free” so that when he meets someone, he could look her in the eye, and tell her without a blink, that he is single. He would not be lying then. I am not saying that he does not love you, I am saying that he wants to be uncommitted for a couple of months every year to flirt around and date confidently. From his perspective, he thinks he is too young to settle for just one girl. Some men never manage to settle for one girl even in their 50s and 60s. Enough about him! What are your options? First: Accept his summer flings and continue like this forever after – if you get married. Second: Accept his summer flings and let him know upfront that you will be free to try dating other men.

Third: Refuse this “abuse”, as you named it in your message, and turn the page. You are growing up and you are no longer that sixteen-year-old girl who hooked up with her high school crush. Personally, I would advise you to go for the third option. • Your boyfriend is selfish, immature, and far from committed. • Yes, he loves you! But this is a bad kind of love! • If you choose the second option, you will never be fully able to date. You will still feel committed on some level and your heart will still be waiting for the summer to end. • What if, one summer, he does not come back? What if he meets someone who truly blows his mind away? What if he realizes that he is still young and that he wants to wait for ten years before he commits? • What if there are truly decent men around you and you are missing out on true love? Your boyfriend is just being himself and you cannot change that. Maybe in five years he will stop, but what would be left of you then? All the pain and agony that we go through wears us out, toughens us up, and changes our core – eventually. Maybe this story is meant to end here. Maybe it is time to archive it with the sweet teen memories and embrace adulthood like a grown-up woman? Maybe you owe it to yourself to stop this recurrent pattern of frustration? I have seen many women, ripe mature married women, whose souls get crushed many a time when their husbands cheat or have summer flings. There is a look that they all have in common – the look of a woman who was let down by her man. There is a sense of defeat about them – they were defeated because they chose to accept the “recurrent pattern of abuse” instead of opting out and embracing life with all the other options out there. I would hate to hear from you again, ten years down the road, after being married to that man, and having to listen to the story of your defeat. This is your chance … think about your options … take your time… decide when you are ready to let go.



Low Calorie Snacking by Neamat Eltouby

During our summer days, we just can’t stop snacking. It could be the ample free time we have on our hands or just the excessive activities we do, but food is always a huge part of our day. To secure your banging bikini bodies, we’ve come up with a few snacks that could easily maintain your weight but also leave you enjoying a good energizing snack.

AVOCADO TOAST Avocados and bread are two great ways to satisfy your hunger without threatening your waist! Mashed avocados are not just a tasty way to rejuvenate but, they also carry many benefits for your body. To assemble your Avocado Toast you will need; 2 slices grainy bread, 1 avocado, mashed with salt and pepper, ¼ cup cubed and cooked eggplant. Toast the bread and spread the mashed avocados on both slices. Then, top the slices with your cooked eggplant, and opt for cubes of Camembert if you’d like.

BANANA SUSHI During the summer, bananas must be your best friends. They’re good for your skin, your hair, your health, and we can’t deny they taste pretty good too. What if we propose Banana Sushi? Intriguing, isn’t it? For banana sushi, you will need a banana, a nut butter/spread of your choice, and nuts/toppings of your choice. Spread your butter/spread on your full (uncut banana), and top it with the toppings you’ve chosen. Then, cut into even pieces resembling sushi pieces, and enjoy!


FROZEN YOGURT CUPCAKES With just Greek yogurt, strawberries, a banana, and chocolate chips, you can make fabulous frozen yoghurt cups to satisfy your sugar craving. Fill silicone cups with Greek yoghurt and purees of the fruits picked and mix until the yoghurt changes colour. Sprinkle a couple of chocolate chips on each cup and place all your cups in a tray in the freezer. Leave until they mold together, and take them out just in time for dessert. ASIAN SLAW Use your common coleslaw mix with a twist. Avoid creamy high calorie dressings, and use the following instead; white vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce, garlic and minced ginger.

HOMEMADE-NO BAKE GRANOLA BARS Granola bars are an all-time favourite for everyone who invests both time and effort watching their weight. In just a few quick steps, you could easily create your favourite granola bar at home. With 2 cups of oats, ½ cup shredded coconut, ½ cup sliced almonds, ¼ cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of vanilla, half a teaspoon of salt, dark chocolate chips, and chocolate hazelnut spread. Grease up a pan, add a baking sheet, and spread out the oats, coconut and almonds. Toast the pan in the oven for 15-20 minutes until they turn into a slightly gold brown – careful not to burn it. In a saucepan, combine the brown sugar, coconut oil, vanilla and salt. Pour the mixture on the baked oats and push it down until evenly coated. Leave your masterpiece to cool, then cut it up in bars and drizzle your hazelnut spread all over.

POPCORN Ignore the myths about popcorn. Popcorn is only high in calories at the movies, where there is butter, pounds of salt, and caramel. At home, pop yourself a big bowl of popcorn during the day, just a little snack to fill your stomach and keep your calorie count low.




BY DEVNEY PERRY by Rawda Hisham


Devney is the bestselling author of the Jamison Valley series, living in Montana with her husband and two children. After having had enough with working in the field of technology, she stood out for getting a private peaceful life with her beloved family. The thing that made her commit herself to writing and entertain readers with some engrossing masterpieces. With the Jamison Valley series’ ultimate success and its crew of characters that have made us love each new story more than the last, Devney Perry’s books remind us with vibrant romances that we all opt for, and while she continues to amuse us by compelling, well-written and dynamic stories that never fail to engage its readers, Perry just can’t get over where she lives. The story takes place in small-town Montana, with a book striking with the readers’ favourite romance notions. A convoluted, thoughtful, heartwarming and exquisite best seller, one with all the feels! THE BOOK “Tattered” is the first release in the Lark Cove series for Devney Perry. The book revolves around Thea Laundry, the single bartender who has the normal daily struggle to make ends meet. Her life hasn’t been exactly the best, especially after she found herself dumped in a trashcan as a child when her mother didn’t want her. After a lifetime of feeling unwanted, abandoned and rejected, she had this one night with a stranger that turned everything upside down. “Thea has spent her whole life fighting. Don’t make her fight you.”


An uncharted New York City hotel bar might have been where Thea first met Logan Kendrick, the charming successful lawyer who runs his own family business, but nothing about the instant spark between them ever felt anything less than extraordinary. They would share a single night of unbridled crazed passion, giving them both memories they would cherish for years to come, but for Thea Laundry, that night would also change her life forever. “My childhood had been full of disappointment. I didn’t want that for Charlie. I didn’t want her to know that people let you down more often than not and that counting on others was usually pointless.” Six years later, Logan Kendrick suddenly shows up into her life once more when he walks into a dingy little bar in the middle of Montana while in town for work, the last person he expects to find there is the woman he always hoped he’d see again, or to discover he is a father. This time around, Thea won’t make the same mistake. She’s going to fight to keep him in her life, not for herself, but for their innocent daughter whose father doesn’t know she exists! There is something utterly irresistible about a story that centres almost entirely on the internal struggle of its lead characters, which was obvious in their dialogues, as opposed to external forces trying to keep them apart. In Logan, we find a man who is faced with the challenge of wanting to have it all—a successful career and a happy family—and having to figure out a way to make room for two people he can’t live without, when his old life won’t allow it. And in Thea, we find a young woman whose life has taught her to have serious trust issues, but who has worked hard to build a life she can be proud of, for her and her daughter. Her need to put herself and her daughter first, and thus take control of her own destiny, speaks to anyone who’s ever felt torn or desperate to feel loved. Logan and Thea

I didn’t want her to know that people let you down more often than not and that counting on others was usually pointless.

are different in too many ways, but their romance makes a compelling argument for the beauty of a life that is simpler, more balanced, and ultimately more worthwhile.

Devney Perry has made it crystal clear that she is one of the best storytellers of her time. Her tender romances capture us from the very first page, and

leave us with a heart so full to an extent that takes over our lives. There’s something mesmeric about a story that pulls you in, grabs hold of you, and refuses to let you go. And while we wish we could have stayed even longer with these characters, we already cannot wait for the next book in the Lark Cove series! IDENTITY 45


WHICH Summer City SUITS YOUR PERSONALITY BEST ? by Amina Moustapha

Do you think that just because you were born somewhere, this should mean that you belong there? We don’t think so! As Rachel Wolchin said, if we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet. Just like each one of us has a story of their own, every city has a story to tell too, has a character of its own. So since it’s summer, let’s figure out which summer city suits your personality best. 1. If you didn’t hold your current job, what would you likely be doing? A. Writing a novel B. Living one year abroad C. Painting a masterpiece D. Starting my own business 2. Which of the following places would you live in? A. A studio apartment B. A tree house C. A one room cottage D. A villa 3. How would you most like to get around in an urban area? A. By bike B. On foot C. By bus D. By car 4. What is your favourite colour from the following? A. Blue B. Green C. Orange D. Red 5. What topic are you most passionate about? A. People and how sophisticated they are B. Music and how it brings life into everything C. Art and how it brings beauty into the world D. Travel and exploring what the world has to offer


6. What word do you think others would use to describe you as first impression? A. Dreamy B. Adventurous C. Stylish D. Intelligent 7. What appeals to you the most? A. Fun & activities B. Simplicity & contentment C. Beauty & quietness D. Luxury and convenience 8. What is your favourite quote from the following: A. I think of myself not just as a dreamer but as a dream chaser. B. Notice the smiling faces, smell the rain, feel the wind. Life is full of beauty, notice it. C. Colour in painting is like enthusiasm in life. D. Plan out your life on paper, but live your life by heart.

IDENTITY 47 You’re a planner; you simply want the best life can offer, so pack your bags and head to one of the world’s premier beach destinations! Barcelona. You know pretty well that the Catalan capital is not only good for some sandy shores! You want a place that has it all. At Barcelona, after an early morning dip, you will wander the city’s sun-soaked, Mediterranean streets, go on a culinary adventure by visiting restaurants in the historic Ciutat Vella district, watch the sunset from Park Guell or Mt Tibidabo, and spend your nights at Passeig del Born or Plaça de Sol, the most popular squares with many of the best clubs in the world. That’s life for you.

You’re a dreamer, but an active one, a person who chases after their dreams to make them come true. Miami is the place for you; it’s where dreams meet reality. Few cities in the world can compete with Miami, especially in the summer when the nights are longer and the parties are wilder. Blessed with sublime beaches and world famous nightlife, this city translates the meaning of life. It has the best of both worlds; you can avoid the city’s crowds by heading to the quiet white sands of Virginia Key or experience what makes Miami “Magic City” at South Beach! For every active dreamer, Miami is your home.

All or mostly D’s: BARCELONA, SPAIN

All or mostly A’s: MIAMI, UNITED STATES

All or mostly B’s: RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL When an adventurous soul is on the lookout for one place that can satisfy their wanderlust; Rio is their perfect answer. With its plentiful beaches, dramatic mountains, and backdrop of samba rhythms; which adventurous soul wouldn’t fall for this city? It has the perfect combination of abundant natural beauty and enticing city vibe. From Copacabana beach to Ipanema, Barra de Tijuca, and Praia Vermelha; you can never go wrong with the beach in Rio. Your adventurous soul will never get disappointed. All or mostly C’s: NICE, FRANCE You seek peace and beauty, and what better place than Nice, La Bella as they tend to call it, can answer that for you. Nestling on the French Riviera in the south of the country, boasting pristine beaches and elegant palm tree-lined boulevards, Nice is the perfect home for you. With its laid-back, authentic vibe, the seaside life at Nice is where beauty and serenity shake hands. When you get your dose of peacefulness, Promenade des Anglais is the heart of the city with swarms of people strolling, jogging or simply kicking back on one of the world’s most famed boardwalks.



Around the World this month

by Salma Elfeqy

SZIGET FESTIVAL When August 8 - August 15 Where Budapest, Hungary This festival is a must go to for anyone who likes music and partying. It is one of the largest festivals in Europe, and takes place on an amazing island in the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary. Tickets are always sold out, so if you are really interested then you have to pre-book your tickets. Lots of amazing art projects, theatre shows and circus acts will be on display there.

ØYA FESTIVAL When August 7 - August 11 Where Oslo, Norway


If you are a fan of Kendrick Lamar, then this should be a priority. He’ll be featuring in this festival this summer along with Arcade Fire, Wolf Alice, J Jus and Jorja Smith. It takes place in Oslo, Norway where it has an environmental cause, enforcing a strict environmental friendly policy and only serving organically sourced food. You’ll get a chance to enjoy your music while helping the environment as well.

LA TOMATINA When August 29 Where Valencia, Spain This festival is quite different from any other because it is the world’s biggest food fight. It takes place annually in a town called Buñol in Spain, with over 20,000 attendees. It has been a Spanish tradition since 1945. Towards the end of the festival, all people, streets, stores, cars will be covered in tomato paste. It is definitely a once in a lifetime experience, so remember to pack some old clothes and goggles. And don’t forget to embrace the dirt.

BRISTOL INTERNATIONAL BALLOON FIESTA When August 9 - August 13 Where England This is considered to be Europe’s largest balloon event, taking place annually in Bristol, United Kingdom. This year marks its 38th run with over 500,000 people expected to be present. Over 130 balloons from different countries participate in that event over the course of four days. Participants use their creativity to shape their balloons, which makes the event all the more interesting.

MYSTERYLAND When August 24 - August 26 Where Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands This one is the longest running music festival in the entire globe. It is a two day Dutch dance festival that is all about music, culture and arts. You’d find lots of different stages across the festival where not a single one will be like the other. It’s located in Haarlemmermeer, one of the most amazing cities of the Netherlands, where you’ll definitely enjoy the music.




Getaways PARIS AND BARCELONA 3 Days/ 2 Nights Departs: 19/08/2018 Starting from: 22900 EGP (excluding transportation) Package Includes • Accommodation in 3* or 4* hotels on BB basis, 3 nights in Paris and 4 nights in Barcelona • International flight round trip economy ticket • Internal airline ticket • Tour leader escorting from Egypt • Airport transfers • Airline taxes For more information visit:


BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA, MONTENEGRO, SLOVENIA 14 Days/ 13 Nights Departs: 17/08/2018 Starting from: 2100 USD (excluding flights and visa fees) Package Includes • Accommodation for 9 nights in Slovenia, Croatia & Montenegro, 3 nights in Ljubuski in Bosnia & Korana forest village in Croatia and 1 night in Bohinj in Slovenia • All land transfers between the 4 countries in a private vehicle • All meals • Airport pickups For more information visit:


SRI LANKA ADVENTURE 8 Days/ 7 Nights Departs: 17/08/2018 Starting from: 1400 USD (excluding international flights) Package Includes • Accommodation at hotels and camps on a twin room basis • All meals provided • Transportation in an A/C caravan or mini coach with an English speaking guide • Canyoning and White Water Rafting • Climbing Adam’s Peak with local guides • Cycling adventure • Safari and whale watching


For more information visit:

8 Days/ 7 Nights Departs: 17/08/2018 Starting from: 3050 USD (excluding international flights) Package Includes • Physical and mental consultation • All accommodation • Highly experienced guides • Camp crew to set up tents • Customized food menus that meet all dietary requirements • Thick foam pad for sleeping • All car transfers in Tanzania For more information visit:

PARIS 6 Days/5 Nights Departs: 22/08/2018 Starting from: 15900 EGP (excluding visa fees and insurance) Package Includes • Hotel accommodation at 4* hotel on BB basis. • International flight economy ticket • Airport transfers • Tour leader escorting from Egypt • Airline & hotel city taxes included For more information visit:


LISBON, PORTUGAL 6 Days/5 Nights Starting from: 980 USD Package Includes • Flight tickets • Hotel accommodation • Airport transfers For more information visit: triptanzä’s Facebook page


4 Days/3 Nights Departs: 17/08/2018 Starting from: 1650 USD (excluding visa and flight fees) Package Includes • All Accommodations on a double occupancy basis • All transfers during the trip in private cars • All meals • Experienced English speaking guides • All national park entrance & rescue fees


For more information visit:

NUWEIBA 4 Days/ 3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 148 USD Package Includes • Accommodation (Tents on the beach) • All activities • Round trip from Cairo to Nuweiba • First Aid trained local guides and camp crew • Rock climbing gear & instructor For more information visit:


SAAHL HASHEESH 3 Days/2 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 2800 EGP Package Includes • Per person for 2 nights in double occupancy • Accommodation based on deluxe suite at the five stars Oberoi Hotel on bed and breakfast basis • Daily 2 bottles of water in the suite • Inclusive of service charges & taxes For more information visit:

MOUNT MOSES, SAINT KATHERINE 2 Days/1 Night Departs: Upon request Starting from: 675 EGP Program includes • Transportation round trip in A/C vehicles • Experienced hiking guides • Sheikh Moussa Camp • Mineral water/ soft drinks • Desert recovery equipment • Professional photography


For more information visit: Dunraider’s Facebook Page

4 Days/3 Nights Departs: Upon request Starting from: 3600 EGP Package Includes • Per person for 3 nights on board of the Sonesta St. George Nile cruise • Accommodation based on deluxe cabins on full board basis • Daily afternoon teatime. • Open buffet breakfast and lunch & A La Carte menu during dinner (except the Galabeya party night) • All visits as per the cruise program itinerary • Inclusive of service charges & taxes For more information visit:



President and CEO of Marriott International, Arne Sorenson, visits Marriott’s two Historical Palaces: Cairo Marriott Hotel and Marriott Mena House, Cairo

Cairo Marriott Hotel and Marriott Mena House, Cairo had the pleasure to welcome President and Chief Executive Officer at Marriott International, Arne Sorenson, on his second visit to Egypt. Mr. Sorenson was welcomed by hotel associates whom he greeted personally and expressed his appreciation for all efforts done to ensure offering guests a brilliant brand experience in these unique properties. With Cairo Marriott being the first hotel and Marriott Mena House, Cairo being the latest addition to Marriott International as of February 2018, the two historical landmark hotels in Cairo share the same story. All started by being built by Khedive Ismail for the inauguration of the Suez Canal and being hosts to historical and political events in the last 30 years.



In celebration of the “Festival of Sacrifice,” The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo has prepared an array of memorable activities and offers to ensure a joyful Eid filled with relaxation and an enticing culinary experience. Eid al-Adha Lunch Culina, the all-day dining restaurant invites you to an extravagant Eid Lunch buffet on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of August with live cooking, carving and seafood stations and a lively family atmosphere opens from 12:00 pm until 5:00 pm. A live jazz band will set the tone for a liberated festive atmosphere; children are invited to the kids’ corner for some Eid celebrations. Eid al-Adha Lunch is priced at LE 500++ per person. Family and Friends Eid al-Adha Getaway Experience a relaxing family setting in with a luxury

pool cabana, complete with an outstanding outdoor pool. Indulge in sensational summer moods as you sip on refreshing cocktails, delicious summer bites and relax in a laidback atmosphere grooving to the loungy DJ beats. Delight in day and night happy hours from Aqua the pool bar and restaurant when you can enjoy a drink and the other will be with our compliments. Pamper yourself with Aqua summer bites happy hours all day along. For the Hotel’s younger guests, they are invited to enjoy their day in the kid’s cabana. Eid Party at Nox Guests are invited to dance the night away at Nox rooftop party on the first, second and third day of Eid El Adha as the holiday begins. Nox will brings you extravagance famed belly dancers, DJs and a lot of surprises as guests can enjoy great drinks, food and music that’ll have them dancing long into the night.


Old Navy Opening in City Stars Old Navy’s City Stars grand opening was on July the 5th, where a 30% offer was also up until the 7th. Lots of people were waiting in line for the ribbon to be cut, songs were played, everyone was dancing, and a nice speech by Mr. Craig Robinson was given and people enjoyed the customized tote bags by a talented artist! Influencers and celebrities like Huda El Mufti were also present.


Old Navy Opening in Mall of Arabia The global store, Old Navy was introduced to Egypt when it opened its doors in in Mall of Arabia, on July the 3rd. The Grand opening was full of social media influencers and celebrities like TV Presenter Sherine Hamdy and Actress Iman El Assy, who met and greeted the people there. The first customers enjoyed free limited edition tote bags and there was a 30% off sale on all items!


Hyde Park Developments signs exclusive sponsorship with Farida Osman and announces the launch of “Farida Osman Swimming Academy” Hyde Park Developments signed their exclusive sponsorship with international swimmer and record holder Farida Osman who most recently won 2 gold medals in the Mediterranean tournament. As part of the agreement, Hyde Park Developments is set to support the champion in all upcoming local and international championships, both financially and logistically. Hyde Park Developments will also create a brand under Farida’s name so she can become an ambassador for the developments’ swimming academy, located inside “Hyde Park New Cairo”.

Huawei CBG Adds Celebrated Arabic Music to its MENA Music Streaming Service Renowned Arab singer Elissa’s “Al Makhfi” exclusively available on Huawei Music Service. Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG), recently launched its own Music Streaming Service across five markets in the MENA region that include Egypt, UAE, KSA, Iraq and Jordan. There are plans to gradually expand it to more countries in the region. Huawei Music Service is an official free Music store pre-installed in all Huawei devices with operating system EMUI 5.0, 5.1, 8.0 and 8.1 with no commercial interruptions.

Caroline Selim the New General Manager For Sonesta Hotel Tower & Casino – Cairo Cairo Festival City Mall hosts Russian Summer Cheering Experience There is no doubt that watching Egypt in the World Cup this year has been a dream come true for millions after waiting for 28 years. This historical moment must feel really surreal in the stadium but not all of us have been able to make it to Russia. Shame? Huh? Not entirely, good news is you can still be part of the moment as CFCM has brought you piece of Russia straight to Tagamoaa.


Glad to announce the assignment of Mrs. Caroline Selim to the position of Sonesta Hotel, Tower & Casino – Cairo’s General Manager Mrs. Caroline has more than 28 years of experience in the hotels and tourism industry inside and outside Egypt. Her last position was the Executive Assistant Manager for Sonesta Hotel Cairo and since joining the hotel in 2009 her commitment and the results achieved in making the hotel successful have been exemplary and make this assignment well deserved.

Juhayna unveils its new “Lactose free Milk” In a country that loves milk, lactose intolerance has become a growing unmet demand in the market. Juhayna takes the lead in Egypt’s nutrition awareness by conducting an educational event highlighting the benefits of dairy products and tackling the challenges of lactose intolerance. This event was proficiently moderated by Dr. Nourhan Kandil, nutrition expert, and Mrs. Passant Fouad, Juhayna’s Associate Director-External Communication.

Fairmont Nile City’s Restaurants Earn Tripadvisor’s 2018 “Certificate Of Excellence” Fairmont Nile City’s Asian fusion restaurant Saigon and Middle Eastern restaurant Bab El Nil have been awarded TripAdvisor’s 2018 “Certificate of Excellence.” This prestigious award recognizes both restaurants in the topperforming 10% of all businesses worldwide consistently achieving great reviews on TripAdvisor. Certificate of Excellence winners include accommodations, eateries, and attractions located all over the world that have continually delivered a superior customer experience.

Brand and Social for Event Management; O! solutions for PR Decathlon CFC Store opening Brand and Social Event Management along with O! solutions for PR, collaborated together in bringing Decathlon store opening that took place at Cairo Festival City on the 26th of June featuring and showcasing, its newest sports collection to the Egyptian Market.

For the first time, Egypt enters the era of green buildings with an investment size exceeding 2.5 billion pounds Social Housing is the choice for the beginning of cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Housing and the Italian Alliance developers Start of implementing social housing units according to the latest international quality standards

In Alignment with Egypt’s 2030 Youth-Empowerment Vision PepsiCo Egypt Honors the Winners of the 15th Edition of the Pepsi Schools Football League. Omar Farid: “We constantly focus on building capabilities for performance, through our global “Performance with Purpose” strategy.” Mohamed Shelbaya: “Egyptian sports need unified efforts from the private sector, the state’s institutions and sports’ experts to create future stars.”

Celebrate an Unforgettable Eid Holiday at Grand Nile Tower Grand Nile Tower invites you to a unique Eid celebration offering unforgettable dining experiences, exciting entertainment and special room packages in honor of the holiday. This year, renowned Executive Chef Ernest Frank and his culinary team will prepare a special bunch at Sakya Terrace from 1-5 pm offering a delicious, extensive international buffet and a variety of live entertainment in a wonderful atmosphere overlooking the Nile.

Al Adha Feast at Sonesta Hotel, Tower & Casino, Cairo Feast would never be complete without “Family & Friends”. Celebrate with them Al Adha feast in style at Sonesta Hotel, Tower & Casino – Cairo, where you can treat yourself with the golden sun rays & delicious buffet with live entertainment, all around the pool for only LE 1000 per person/ per night in a superior double room, based on half board basis

Renaissance Cairo Mirage City Hotel: #Dayofdiscovery Renaissance Cairo Mirage City Hotel celebrated its 7th Annual Global Day of Discovery with an unforgettable exploration trip to one of the hidden gems in the city, the Gayer Anderson Museum followed by a vibrant Bedouin night overlooking the great pyramids of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world.


Steigenberger Hotel El Tahrir receives 5 consecutive prestigious awards Steigenberger Hotel El Tahrir has once again been recognized as a top performing hotel based on guest reviews as it received the Guest Review and excellence Awards 2018 from, TripAdvisor , Orbitz, Holiday Check and Expedia, the 5 top world leaders in booking accommodations online.

Four Editor’s Choice Awards at Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah La Palmeraie Moroccan restaurant, Kebabgy, Manipuri Indian restaurant and So SPA at Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah were chosen among the absolute best venues & SPA in an exclusive list of winners across 30 categories in Cairo 360 online city guide in Egypt. Cairo 360 the leading online city guide, has announced the winners of the annual Editor’s Choice Awards for 2018 – a stamp of appreciation, through over 5000 reviews and features covering dining, nightlife, hospitality and retail. The Editor’s Choice Awards is an exclusive seal of approval recognizing the best of the best in Cairo.

Ski Egypt, one of Majid Al Futtaim Ventures’ Unique Projects focusing on educational and recreational activities, introduces penguins to the Egyptian public for the first time A pioneer in developing and managing shopping malls and communities in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, Majid Al Futtaim Ventures announces its first educational and recreational activity that involves penguins at Ski Egypt in Mall of Egypt, 6th of October city. Ski Egypt is a large and impressive indoors snow park where visitors can ski and experience a completely different climate. Recently, penguins were added to the breath-taking venue, and now Egyptians can finally see penguins up close and in person, so they can learn more about them and engage with them in various edutainment activities.

Sonesta Hotel, Tower & Casino, Cairo Welcomes Summer Time! Enjoy the sun and summer fun around the pool for a day use with only LE 700, check in 10:00 AM & check out 06:00 PM Get together with family and Friends during the breezy summer nights every day at our Pool bar and Lounge from 08:00 PM till 01:00 AM for some quality time in a cheerful ambiance with live nightly live entertainment and special shisha flavours. Shut down and get refreshed during the weekends with our Yoga and Zumba classes every Friday & Saturday for LE 100 per person per class.


GROHE Ceramics Lines – the Perfect Match for the Perfect Oasis of Well-being in the Bathroom GROHE is a full-service supplier of harmoniously designed complete bathroom solutions Cube, Euro and Bau are perfectly designed to match the most popular GROHE faucets series .Innovative features for more comfort, longevity and hygiene.

Ariston Offers Consumers in the Middle East the Revolutionary Energy Efficient Natis Washing Machine Ariston has introduced its new Natis washing machine with the most advanced antistain technology, that ensures excellent anti-stain performance at 20° keeping fabrics and colours completely safe.

Yousry Ali Joins Radisson Blu Hotel, Cairo Heliopolis As General Manager Radisson Blu Hotel, Cairo – Heliopolis is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Yousry Ali to the position of General Manager. Mr. Yousry’s Career spans over 30 years in the hospitality industry. Prior joining Radisson Blu Hotel, he served as General Manager for Movenpick Hotel & Resort in several destinations in Egypt. Other than those he had a great experience working with several international chains all over Egypt beginning from Asswan to Alexandria.

With the presence of a constellation of public figures and the automotive fans, Maxim Automotive celebrates launching its first commercial brand “Domy “in a mega-ceremony “Domy” is presented to the Egyptian market for the first time. Maxim Automotive celebrates in a huge event next week in Cairo “Launching of Domy Car“ one of the best Chinese automotive brands in “SUV” class and unique commercial products in China that has an edge in the world of automotive manufacturing especially in the type “MultiFunctional “; and it will be it’s the first presence in the Egyptian market.

Marriott International Reinforces Commitment To Egypt With Launch Of Tahseen Hospitality Training Program The Hotel Group Currently Employs Over 10,000 Associates Across 18 Operating Hotels Marriott International, the world’s leading hotel company, launches Tahseen, a unique hospitality training program developed in response to a growing need for talent within the industry. Created in partnership with Helwan University and Professional Development Foundation (PDF), the program focuses on fast tracking the next generation of hospitality leaders from Egypt by providing them with firsthand experience in the industry.

Le Meridien Cairo Airport hotel Welcomes Arne Sorenson Mr. Arne Sorenson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International has visited Le Meridien Cairo Airport hotel during his recent visit to Egypt. Mr. Arne was warmly welcomed by the hotel General Manager, Mr. Atef Wilson and hotel’s Executive Committee. During the visit, Mr. Arne took time out to meet with many of hotel associates who were excited by his special visit.

For the First Time in Egypt, La Roche Posay Commences Its First Derm Class La Roche Posay launches the first Derm Class in Egypt as part of the brand commitment to raise consumer awareness and educate the audience about the skin’s wellbeing. The first Derma Class, which was organized during Ramadan in attendance of professor Dr. Rehab Hegazy focused on the oily skin and its routine. La Roche Posay, namely, aims at utilizing unique and innovative tools to reach out for its clients, intending to upsurge their awareness about the best skin care routines.

IKEA comes to West Cairo at Mall of Arabia MARAKEZ for Real Estate Investment, the Egyptian arm of Saudi Arabian conglomerate Fawaz Alhokair Group, recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Al-Futtaim Misr for Retail, to open the first IKEA store in West Cairo at the Mall of Arabia. This will be the Swedish retailer’s second store in Egypt and follows on the heels of its successful entry into Cairo Festival City in 2013.




July 23 – August 22

Strengths Generous, passionate and warm-hearted Weaknesses Arrogant, stubborn and self-centered Most Compatible With Gemini and Aquarius Love Leos are romance-a-holics by nature. They love being in love and will always want to show their partner off to the whole world. However, a Leo’s number one addiction is attention, and sometimes they might get over-dramatic.

LOVE COMPATIBILITY ARIES This match is never dull since both your energy levels are high. Your thrive for spotlights can make it difficult if you’re both competing for the same role. TAURUS The least compatible match. You both seek pleasure. But a battle can erupt because Leo strives for freedom, while Taurus always craves consistency. GEMINI This relationship is quite playful. While Gemini tends to be cool and detached, Leo is more impulsive and expressive. These differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience. CANCER Both Cancer and Leo recognize each other’s uniqueness. The main problem here is connection, for Cancer needs to feel the love, while Leo wants to shout it out from the rooftops. LEO This relationship is ripe with chemistry as long as there’s mutual respect. You just need to forget about your ego or else competition will get fierce! VIRGO A hot-and-cold match that rarely ends up together because of many differences. However, a Leo-Virgo relationship is successful once balance is achieved but you have to exert an extravagant effort.


LIBRA There is an agreeable union in this match. As a couple, Libra lays on the charm and good manners, which tame Leo’s direct personality. Though Leo is far more decisive than Libra. SCORPIO Both have very powerful, yet different personalities. Which is why this match is nearly impossible to find, and if it happened, it would be unbreakable. SAGITTARIUS This couple is full of life and is fun to be around, with each person encouraging the other to aim high! A duo that complements one another with a combined attention to personal and world affairs. CAPRICORN apricorn is more conservative and traditional in outlook, while Leo is a firm believer in hard work. They may at times seem an unlikely pair, this is a case of opposites attracting. AQUARIUS This relationship would be admired and get the spotlights. A Leo-Aquarius relationship thrives on unending mutual admiration, for Leo admires the individualism of Aquarius, while Aquarius admires the Lion’s charm. PISCES This match would be rare to find! Leo will often burst the bubble of Pisces’s sensitive world, and because Pisces usually takes time to articulate their needs, a Leo might assume they’ve got the upper hand.


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