So Many So many words can fit on a page, But nothing can ever fit in all of the rage, Of the people who want justice, But have to keep fighting. So many pages can fit in a book, But none of them can give a big enough look, On how much the rights are needed for the house to stop burning. So many books can fit on a shelf, But nothing can describe what was felt, Every time they didn’t get the rights that were needed for them. So many shelves can fit in a room, But nothing alone can ever consume, The memories of hard times for people of color. So many rooms can fit in a house, But injustice can sneak by, quiet as a mouse, And take away rights from others, while unseen. • Yearbook 2021
So many houses can fit on a block, But not enough people have a talk, To their kids, about how black people have rights, Like everyone else.