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Student's Book

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UNIT 1 Lesson 2

UNIT 1 Lesson 2

Lesson 3



Use of different greetings together with the naming of characters. Fixation of the structures What’s your name? My name is…


Flashcards from this unit, Happy kids (Games).

Playful activities

1 | Present the new words, Boy /Girl, with the help of the Happy kids. Place yourself next to each child and perform the same question to all of them:

Teacher: Are you a boy or a girl?

Child: I’m a boy

2 | Each boy will point to himself while repeating the word that represents them. The girls will do the same with the word Girl.

3 | The objective for this activity is for the students to make a line. Call them by using the words boy, girl:

Teacher: Boy, girl, girl, girl, boy, girl…

4 | Make all the children sit in a circle, with their legs crossed. Tell them that they must clap their hands when each word of the expressions is mentioned.

In this way they will make questions to their classmates:

Teacher and students: What’s your name?

Child: My name is…

5 | Provide each student with the printed hands they prepared the previous class. Mention a greeting so that they will raise the hand that belongs to this expression (for example Hello). Do the same with the other greeting (Bye-bye). Alter the mentioning of these greetings faster to make the activity funnier to them. It is also a good idea to use your own big hands while carrying on with the game.

Teacher: Hello, boys! (only the boys will raise the printed hand that belongs to this greeting).

Bye-bye, girls! (now the girls will raise their hands).

Hello, girls! (only the girls participate).

Bye-bye, boys! (now the boys follow the command).

Hello boys and girls! (both, boys and girls will raise their printed hands)

Bye-bye boys and girls! (the same here).

Page 9 - Let’s match!

Ask your students to listen carefully to the listening. It contains a dialogue that they will have to repeat. Practice it with them. By the end of this oral activity, explore the scene of the page: request them to point at the characters Boy/Girl/Teacher Last, ask them to color the paths.

Audio Script

Listen and repeat:

Girl: Hello, teacher!

Boy: Hi, teacher!

Teacher: Hi, boy!

Hello, girl!

Go to Songs and Listenings

Go to Let’s Play!


Teaching of the expressions: Good Morning/Good Afternoon.


Flashcards from this unit, Happy kids (Games), Popsicle sticks

Playful activities

1 | Using the Happy kids plus a greeting flashcard, ask the children to say the corresponding sentence.

Children: Good Afternoon, girl!

2 | Place your students on a circle. At the center of it put the flashcards of greetings and the faces of boy/ girl. Next choose a child and tell him/her a sentence. This student will have to pick up the flashcard and face which correspond to your expression.

Teacher: Good Morning, boy!

3 | Using paper tape, stick a flashcard of greetings on the back of one of your students. He/she will have to guess what the expression is.

Child: Good Morning! / Good Afternoon! / Hello!...

4 | Place on the floor all the flashcards of the unit, and choose a student, who after listening to your sentence (that must be formed by a salutation and a character), will set a foot on one flashcard and the other one on the second image.

Teacher: Good Morning, girl! Good Afternoon, teacher! Repeat the procedure with the rest of the students, changing the structures in order to check that the learning process has been successful.

5 | With the help of Mr. Lion, say one of the greetings you have taught, which will have to be answered by the children. Then ask one student to go to the front, take the puppet and reproduce one expression. Also, in this case the rest of the children will have to answer back.

Page 11 - Color and cut

Request your students to color the figures of a boy and a girl (page 107). Cut them out and place a popsicle stick behind. Once they are ready start naming the words boy/girl to make the children raise the corresponding puppet.

As a way to end this first unit, it would be nice if you listened together to the dialogue, while they act out with their figures.

Audio Script

Listen to the dialogue and repeat.

Girl: Hello, boy!

Boy: Hello, girl!

Girl: Bye bye, boy!

Boy: Bye bye, girl!


Checking the expressions Good Morning / Good Afternoon.


Flashcards from this unit, Hello/Goodbye Mr. Sun (Games), puppet of Mr. Lion, colored papers and glue.

Playful activities

1 | With the help of Hello/Goodbye Mr. Sun present the greetings Good Morning /Good Afternoon. The children will repeat them individually and in groups. Ask each students to choose a puppets and he/she will produce sentences.

Student: Good morning, teacher!

Good afternoon, teacher!

3 | Place all the flashcards on the floor: your students will be formed on a line. Next, say one of the expressions you have taught them to a specific child, who will jump on the requested card. Continue the activity with the rest of the students.

4 | Now the students will be on a circle. Using the puppet of Mr. Lion, greet each of them. Remind them that they must greet back. Change the tone of your voice, and tickle the children to make the activity more entertaining.

Teacher (Mr. Lion): Good Morning, Marcos!

Student: Good Morning, Mr. Lion!

5 | Once again, put the flashcards on the floor. One by one, the children will put a card on Mr. Lion’s mouth, to feed him. In all the occasions, they will pick up the flashcard that the puppet (you) requested.

Teacher (Mr. Lion): Bye bye!

Student: (looks for the corresponding card and puts it inside the puppet’s mouth) Bye-bye!

Teacher (Mr. Lion): (Opens the mouth pretending it is eating).

Page 13 - Listen and glue

The children will listen to the greetings, point at the corresponding figure and repeat the expression. Afterwards they will be requested to paste colored papers on the images. In the case of the greeting Good morning, provide them with yellow papers and in the case of the expression Good afternoon, give them yellow paper and also cotton for the cloud.


Script Listen,

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