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UNIT 2 Lesson 1 Student's Book

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Presentation of new vocabulary.



Flashcards of the unit, Birthday balloons (Games).

Playful activities

1 | Use the flashcards to present the new words. The children will name the colors as you show them, firstly all together, and then individually. Change the sequence of the colors so that the activity is not predictable.

2 | Suggest playing under the commands “Show, Take, Give”. To do this you can use the Birthday balloons. Your students will listen to your directions and will either give, take or point the balloons. This is an excellent resource to teach the new vocabulary.

3 | Give the same balloons to the children; shout the name of one color so that whoever possesses the corresponding balloon will have to repeat the word and place it on the floor. Continue the activity in the same way.

4 | This time give all the balloons to one volunteer. He/ she will have to place them on the floor based on the sequence that you or any other student says: Teacher: Blue, yellow, red, green, black...

5 | Provide each child with a balloon (use both sets if necessary). While listening to the song Show me the Colors, the children will dance around the classroom, and when the music is paused, they will have a moment to look for the classmate who has the same color they do. The one who cannot find his/her partner, or commits a mistake must leave the game. On each occasion give the colors to different students.

Page 15 - Listen and color


Go to Picture Dictionary

Make your students listen to the sentences, repeat the colors they hear and color the crayons that are mentioned. Bear in mind that they can choose any figure to color: the important thing is that they respect the requested color.

Audio Script

Listen, repeat and color.

It´s blue.

It´s yellow.

It´s red.

It´s green.

It´s black.

It´s white.

Go to Songs and Listenings


Teaching of the structures What color is it? / It is…


Flashcards of the unit, colored chalk or colored paper tape, colored papers, Festive fingers (Games), paint of different colors.

Playful activities

1 | Using the colored chalk or paper tape, make a line on the floor of the classroom, taking into account that it must contain different colors. Your students will walk stepping on the line, and as they do this, they will have to mention the color they see under their feet.

Children: Red, red, red, red, red, red, blue, blue, blue, yellow, yellow...

2 | Play the sequence game: show the children the flashcards in a particular order, to be memorized by them. Turn them over so that they can remember to which color each of them corresponds.

3 | For the next activity take two chairs and on the back of one of them make an x using paper tape (which will mean ‘incorrect’), and on the other one a tick (that means ‘correct’). The children will be on a line: say a sentence to each of them while you show a flashcard:

Teacher: It is blue. (show a card with this color)

Child: (He/she will sit on the chair with the tick).

Teacher: It is red. (present a flashcard with the color yellow).

Child: (He/she will sit on the chair that has the cross, since the mentioned color is not the same as the one shown. Afterwards this student will have to say the correct sentence). It is yellow! Give all the children the opportunity to play.

4 | Give commands so that your students run around the classroom looking for objects that have the same color as the one mentioned by you. Teacher: Touch something green! Touch something black!

5 | Show the flashcards of this unit to the children, asking what color they see in each case. If they answer correctly, stick the cards on the board and then provide one of them with a Festive fingers puppet. This child will have to touch the flashcards that you mention. Allow all of them to participate. Teacher: What color is it?

Child: It’s blue.

Page 17 - Let’s paint!

On each occasion put a small amount of paint on your students’ index finger; they will have to paint the stain under the paint can. When they reach the bottom of the page they must shout the name of the color, and wait until you continue the process with another color.


To reinforce the knowledge on colors using balloons.


Flashcards of the unit, balloons of different colors, bed sheet, colored papers, paper tape.

Playful activities

1 | On a box put flat balloons of the six colors you are teaching, making sure you will have enough for all the children. One volunteer will shake the box to mix the balloons and another one will close their eyes to take out a balloon. When they opens their eyes they will have to name the color they chose. Blow up the balloons for them and once everybody is ready, ask them to go to the front of the classroom and say the corresponding expression: mention the color of the balloon. The game consists on not letting the balloon touch the floor, and if it does, you will have to take another balloon and restart the activity.

Child 1: My balloon is red.

Child 2: My balloon is blue.

If you can, put the balloons on balloon holders, so that they can take them home at the end of the class. Also if you can, with a fiber write on each balloon the phrase My balloon is…, plus the name of the color of the balloon.

3 | On a student’s ear, whisper the name of a color. This child will have to look for the corresponding balloon in silence, so that the rest of the children mention the color the balloon has. Give everybody the opportunity to participate.

4 | Ask the students to form couples and give each team a balloon. Next, play the song of the unit so that they dance around the classroom holding the balloon using only their foreheads. The couples that let the balloon fall down will have to leave the game, and the last team will be the winner. In order to make the activity more engaging, say different commands for the children to follow while dancing. Teacher: Everybody jumping! Everybody marching!

5 | Stick a colored circle on the board, with the students sitting in front of it. Show the flashcards one by one: the idea is that when you show a card with the same color as the one exposed, the children will recognize it and shout the name of the color. Pass the cards at high speed, to make the activity more entertaining. Also, bear in mind that when a color has been discovered, you must replace the colored circle for a different one.

2 | Now that the balloons are blown up, ask the children to hold a bed sheet by the ends. Place a balloon in the middle of the sheet and request the students to start shaking it, as they repeatedly Go to Let’s Play!

Page 19 - Listen and glue

Play the listening and ask the children to repeat the phrases they hear. After this oral activity your students will have to paste colored papers on each balloon of the page, following the directions of the track. It is a good idea to put the papers in separated bowls, to prevent the colors from mixing.

Audio Script

Listen and repeat.

My balloon is yellow.

My balloon is blue.

My balloon is red.

Go to Songs and Listenings


To apply the knowledge of colors through a bingo game. Flashcards of the unit, Festive fingers (Games), paper tape, puppet of Mr. Lion, beans, Magical Bag.


3 | Place the cards on the floor and use the puppet of Mr. Lion to lift them with its mouth. While the puppet does the action, the children will have to name the colors they see. Stick all the cards on the board, and after your students have named the colors they see, ask them to close their eyes. Take out a flashcard and once they open their eyes, ask them which the missing color is. Later on you can remove two cards per turn, to make the activity funnier.

Playful activities

1 | Lay out all the flashcards of the unit on the floor and handle a child one of the Festive fingers. You will name a color and this student will have to look for it. Once he/she finds it, they must try to lift the card with the big hand, and then take it to the other side of the classroom without letting it fall off.

2 | With paper tape stick a flashcard on the back of a child. His/her classmates will not be able to name the color, but they can guide the student with the words “No!” or “Yes!”, depending on what the volunteer says:

Lucas: Blue!

Children: No!

Lucas: Green!

Children: Yes!

4 | Propose playing Twister: lay out all the cards on the floor, making sure that there is some distance among them. Your students will have to put their hands and feet on the flashcards, based on the colors you mention.

5 | You can also play The Secret. To carry out this activity ask the children to place themselves one next to the other on a line. Pick a flashcard and whisper its color to the child next to you. He/she will have to repeat the word, also as a secret, and the rest of the children will do the same. The last student of the line must say aloud what the color was. Make sure that you name different colors and that everybody has the chance of being the last child of the line.

Page 21 - Paint and play

Your students will listen to some commands and will be requested to touch an object of the classroom of the same color as the mentioned. After this activity they will choose three colors, and will color with paint each stain. Once the paint is dried, everybody will be ready to play Bingo. Provide each child with three beans and put all the flashcards inside your Magical Bag. Afterwards take them out one by one, so that the student who has colored the stain with the same color you show, can place a bean. The first one to have completed the colors will shout “Bingo!”, and will be named the winner. You can do this activity as many times as you wish.

Audio Script

Listen and touch.

Touch the color blue.

Touch the color yellow.

Touch the color red.

Touch the color green. Touch the color black. Touch the color white.

Lesson 5


To use structures related to colors.


Flashcards of the unit, Color cube (Games), empty cans, colored papers, small stones, puppet of Mr. Lion.

Playful activities

1 | Sit your students on a circle and present the Color cube. Firstly, throw it and ask the children what color they see. They will have to be able to answer properly. Then let every child throw it and name the resulting color. Another option is to ask a volunteer to think of a color, and afterwards throw the Color cube, expecting it to fall on the same color. If this student guesses correctly, he/she can continue playing; otherwise another classmate will have the opportunity to play.

2 | Beforehand, wrap empty cans in papers of the different colors you have taught throughout the unit. Place them in the middle of the classroom, and call a volunteer: give him/her a ball and ask them to throw it, trying to knock down as many cans as possible. Finally, this student will name the colors of the cans he/she was able to knock over.

3 | Use the cans of the previous activity to propose another game: put them again in the middle of the classroom, taking into account that there should be a distance of 20 cm. among them. Next, give small stones to the children, so that they can try to throw the stones inside the cans. Finally, each of them will have to mention the colors they used.

Teacher: What color is it?

Child: It is yellow.

4 | Using the puppet of Mr. Lion ask the children what their favorite color is. You can start by giving an example. Do not forget that all your students must take part in the activity.

Teacher: What´s your favorite color?

Child: My favorite color is red.

5 | This time stick the cards on the board. With a big hand point at a flashcard and request a volunteer to say a sentence using the color shown.

Child: It is blue.

To make the game funnier, point at two cards, and later on at three.

6 | Place the flashcards on the floor, and ask a child to throw the dice. He/she will have to name the resulting color, and then they will jump on the corresponding card. Continue the procedure with the rest of your students.

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