2 minute read
from Teacher's Guide 2
by idiomagic
Divide the board in three sections, and on each of them stick a flashcard from this unit. After that place your students on a line. The first of them will have to observe carefully the order of the cards. Then take out the flashcards and mix them with the rest of the cards that belong to this unit. The student must recognize the three cards that were on the board at the beginning and put them where they were before. It is better if you leave the adhesive tape on the board, to make the game dynamic. This child will take the last place on the line, and the second one will be now the first. Do not forget to replace the flashcards you use, so that the activity is not predictable.
Continue the game until everybody has participated.
Go to Tests
Page 134 - Let’s listen and match!
Your students will listen to your commands in order to match the characters to the corresponding greetings. Remember that the best way to carry out these activities is to use a different color for each line.
Teacher: Hello, boy!
Good Afternoon, girl!
Good Morning, teacher!
Page 135 - Let’s join the dots! Students will join the dots to match the girl and boy with the greetings.
UNIT 2 - Colors
Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Black, White
Vocabulary Expressions
What color is it?
It is…
My balloon is…
What’s your favorite color?
My favorite color is…
Provide each student with the outline of a balloon (page 138). Beforehand, cut colored papers in small pieces and put them in different bowls. Keep in mind that the colors must be the ones they have learnt throughout the unit. The children must choose only one color and decorate the balloon. Once the activity is complete, write on a poster the phrase
My balloon is… and paste all the balloons the students have made. At the bottom of each outline add a thread of string, to finish the work nicely.
Objectives for this unit
To finish establishing the activities that are part of the routine of the class.
To incorporate the knowledge of colors.
Evaluation criteria
Show me the colors
Show me the colors!
Yellow, yellow balloon balloon
Your students will have to be able to recognize and name the colors, as to use new expressions. Flashcards of the unit, construction paper of different colors, colored paper tape, colored chalk, puppet of Mr. Lion, Balloons of different colors, Color cube (Games), Empty cans, Bed sheet, Colored papers, White sheets of paper, Birthday balloons (Games), Box, Magical Bag.
Total: 6
Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Black, White Games
Total: 3 set 1: Color cube set 2: Birthday balloons
Yellow yellow look look
Red red balloon balloon
Red red look look
Show me the colors!
Green green balloon balloon
Green green look look
Black black balloon balloon
Black black look look
Let’s color!
Black black look look.