2 minute read
Complementary material
from Teacher's Guide 4
by idiomagic
Extra Activities
Use the flashcards from the unit to try different games. The first suggestion is to separate the flashcards in two groups: the characters of the unit will be lying on the floor, whereas the cards of greetings will be on a different corner of the classroom.
If you prefer it you can draw two circles with chalk on the floor and place the flashcards there, to avoid confusions on the children.
Ask them to observe the cards, and then indicate them to keep their eyes shut, so you can remove a flashcard from each group. Hide the images behind your back and when your students open their eyes, let them infer which are the missing cards. Finally, they have to deliver a complete sentence including the greeting and the character missing.
Teacher: (pick the cards of teacher and Hi)
Children: Bye bye, girl!
Teacher: No! No! No!
Children: Hi, teacher!
Teacher: Yes! (show the cards you had taken).
Later on you could give some of your students the chance to hide the flashcards, waiting for the remaining classmates to guess.
It could also happen that your students have to find the flashcards corresponding to your statement. In order to do it, place the children in a big circle and the cards from this unit inside the circle, making sure you continue having two
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groups of them. All of the flashcards will be on the floor, with the images facing downwards. Mention a volunteer who will have to turn over two cards, trying to find the images requested by you. Every time a student guesses, those cards are removed from the game.
For the next suggestion, which is ‘Musical Chairs’ you are going to need eleven chairs, placed in different corners of the classroom. Stick a flashcard on the back of each seat and give directions to every student for them to sit down.
Teacher: Good Morning! / Hi, student! / It´s a school. / Bye bye teacher. / Good Night, boy!
The last game will enable to make a general revision of all the vocabulary you have taught. Inside a box put pieces of paper with expressions or personal questions written down. This box will be passed from hand to hand as the students listen to the song of the unit. When you keep the music on hold the child who is holding the box will open it to take out a piece of paper. You will read aloud the instruction, for this child to greet back or answer. After they answer, the activity continues. Beware of the fact that all the children have to participate. Bear in mind that children at this age do not read yet, so you will be in charge of interpreting the instructions in all the cases.
We suggest you to write down the following statements and questions: Hi! / Bye bye! / Good Morning! / Good Afternoon! / How are you? / What is it? / Who is she/ he? / What´s your name? / What´s your full name?
Page 128 - Let’s cut, glue and color!
Your students will have to color the windows from the scene as they wish, and also the figures inside the circles. Later on these circles will be cut out to be pasted in the windows. Ask them to deliver the corresponding greetings.
Students: Good morning!
Page 129 - Let’s draw and paint!
Students will draw their own faces on the head and then the teacher will paint the students hands and they stamp it on the character’s arm. It is a good idea to use red paint to represent hello!
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Pages 130, 131, 132 and 133
Students will color the greetings then you will help them cutting the puppets and glue a stick at their backs so students will hold them as puppets. Students will produce sentences.
Students: Good morning, boys!
Page 134
Students will complete and color the school scene.
Finally they will produce sentences.
Students: Hello, boy! / girl! / teacher!