3 minute read


Use the puppets of the different parts of the day to carry out different activities.

For instance, you can ask the children to sit in a circle; choose a volunteer and hand them the three puppets. Then play the song of the unit so that the children pass these elements from one to the other as fast as possible. When you keep the music on hold, whoever has the masks will have to place one in front of their face. In this way the rest of the students will be able to greet this child, taking into account the image they see.


Child: (picks the mask of the sun)

Children: Good Morning, José!

Child: Good Morning, students!

Continue the same procedure until all of the children participate.

The second idea is to divide the students in three groups: boys, girls and teacher. Once the three teams are on the floor in a circle, place the three masks in the middle. Then deliver sentences which contain these greetings plus a character; the children who represent the character mentioned must take the corresponding mask. Carry out the game faster, to make the activity engaging and dynamic.

Teacher: Good Morning, boys! (the members of this team look for the puppet).

You can vary the activity using other expressions, such as Good Afternoon, teacher! Good Night, girls! etc. Another option might be to draw on the floor a sun that represents Good Morning; a sun covered by a cloud (stands for Good Afternoon), and a moon (Good Night) These drawings should be made in a large size. All of

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the children will be in a circle and as you say the first expression the students who represent that greeting will run towards the corresponding drawing. Make sure you vary the expressions; repeat the same greeting a few times, use other characters, etc. In this way the activity will not be predictable and the children will have to pay attention if they want to score for their team. For instance, try using phrases like Good Morning, teacher! / Good Night, girls! / Good Afternoon, boys and girls! / Good Morning, students!

Draw three windows on the board or on the floor. Inside each of them place a mask of greetings. You can number each window to make the activity easier. Ask the children to shut their eyes so that you can remove the masks. Then dictate a number that belongs to one of the windows: the pupils have to remember what was the corresponding greeting.

of a different color, of this way will do the most prolix activity and easy to comprise. Once that all have connected to the figures will be able to appoint the greetings.

Teacher: Good Morning, teacher!

Hi, girl!

Let´s go to school, student!

Good Afternoon, boy!

Page 136 - Let’s mark an X

Students will cross the pictures the teacher names in some sentences.

Teacher: She is a girl. / This is my school. / Good morning! / Hello! / She is my teacher! / Good afternoon!

Page 135 - Let’s listen and match!

The children will have to listen his teacher to connect a column to the another, always respecting the greetings listened. Each line will have to be

UNIT 2 - More Colors


Black, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Gray, Brown, Purple, Orange, Pink, Light / Dark blue.


What color is it?


I have a…

My balloon is…

What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is…



Make sure you have a copy for each child of the photocopiable balloon (page 140). Once your students have painted it with their favorite color, cut it out and paste it on a piece of construction paper, to help it be more rigid. You can also add a brochette stick. After the work is ready, each child can go to the front of the class to describe their balloon:

Children: My balloon is red. You might want to paste all the balloons on a poster, under the title: My balloon is...

Objectives for this unit

To revise and check the pronunciation of colors learnt. To learn more colors.

To learn and use the possessive form My.

Evaluation criteria


By the end of this unit your students should be able to recognize and name different colors. Flashcards from this unit, dice (made out from a squared box), colored chips, tins wrapped in colored paper, Color spin (Games), plastic hats, small ball, shoes box (decorated as a train wagon), stones made out of colored paper, Splash of color (Games), beans, Magical Bag, shoes box with cover, colored balloons, paper tape, three disposable plates, paint of different colors, rope.

What color?


Blue, yellow, red, green

Blue, yellow, red, green

Blue, yellow, red...

What color is missing?


Brown, purple, orange, pink

Brown, purple, orange, pink

Brown, purple, orange...

What color is missing?



Total: 12

Yellow, red, green, black, white, pink, orange, purple, grey, brown, light blue, dark blue


Total: 5

Set 1: Splash of color

Set 2: Color spin

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