5 minute read
UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 4
by idiomagic
To acquire the possessive, descriptive sentence: My balloon is…
Flashcards from this unit, Splash of color (Games), beans, Magical Bag, shoes box with cover, balloons of different colors.
Playful activities
1 | After having checked the colors the children are learning, place the flashcards on the floor, as if they were part of a path. Mention a child at random, who will go through the path as they mention the cards. Continue playing with the rest of the students.
2 | For this next activity divide the class in two groups; a member of each team will go to the front to make a sequence with the flashcards, according to the order you (or a classmate) request.
Teacher (or student): Red, green, black, yellow…
3 | Try playing Bingo with the children using the Splash of color set. Divide them in small groups and hand them a Bingo card. After you have put all of your flashcards in your Magical Bag, take one out on each occasion; whoever has the same color you are exposing in their card can place a bean on that color. The first student to complete the chart has to shout
‘Bingo!’ and is the winner of the game.
4 | We suggest you to take advantage of the song of this unit, to keep practicing with the children. Beforehand, you could blow some balloons with the colors you are currently teaching. These balloons will be on the floor, and as you keep the track on hold, one of them (or everybody) will have to look for the balloon with the mentioned color.
5 | This next activity also involves using balloons. Inside a box with cover, put flat balloons; then ask the children to sit in a circle. Teach the expression ‘My balloon is…’ and give some examples, taking different balloons from the box. Once you infer that your students understand the activity, allow them to participate. Each of them will close their eyes as they take a balloon from the box. Then they will have to deliver the corresponding sentence. Later on it could happen that the students say the expression including a color, and take out a balloon, waiting to obtain the same color. This activity could go on as your students compete to blow the balloons; whoever does it first is the winner. The children can even throw the blown balloons up and catch a different one, to deliver new sentences. As you can see the possibilities are unlimited.
Go to Let’s Sing!
Page 17 - Let’s color!
Let’s color! The children will paint the crayons on the page using their favorite colors. Later, each of them can go to the front to describe their finished work. Child: It’s a green crayon, it’s an orange crayon, it’s a blue crayon...
all cases mention two colors for the volunteers to place a foot and a hand on top of them.
To teach Yes/No questions and their answers. Flashcards from this unit, small ball, paper tape.
Playful activities
1 | As a first activity, give a ball to a child: they will have to throw it up as they mention a color and clap their hands once, before the ball touches the floor.
2 | With the children divided in groups, stick the flashcards of colors on the board making a sequence. Once you notice that they remember the order of the colors, turn over the cards. Now the teams will have to order the pencils, hats, balloons, or any other object you had previously given them in the same order as the colors shown. Finally, turn over the flashcards one more time, to check that the students did the activity correctly, and to name the winners.
3 | Play Twister with the children: the flashcards will be on the floor, and your students on a line. In
4 | Pick a child at random and stick a card on their back. This student will turn his/her back to the rest of the classmates, and will start guessing what is the color he/she is carrying. The children can only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:
Child: Is it pink?
Children: No!
Child: Is it purple?
Children: Yes!
5 | As a way to reinforce the expressions previously taught, take a flashcard and show it to your students, while you deliver a statement. This sentence might correspond to the color shown or not. What we want is the children to correct wrong information.
Teacher: My balloon is orange. (the flashcard is orange)
Children: Yes! Orange, orange!
Teacher: My balloon is yellow. (show a blue card)
Children: No! It’s blue!
Page 19 - Listen and draw
As the children listen, they will have to draw and color the balloons following the instructions.
Audio Script
Listen and draw:
I have a red balloon.
I have a yellow balloon.
I have a green balloon.
I have a blue balloon.
I have a pink balloon.
I have a orange balloon.
Go to Songs and Listenings
Go to Let’s Play!
Acquisition of the adjectives light/dark.
Flashcards from this unit, three disposable plates, paint of different colors, paper tape or rope.
Playful activities
1 | Ask a child to go to the front and tell him/her a color. This student will have to find an object of that color in the classroom.
2 | Play the Sausage Game. The children will make a line, being one next to the other. Whisper a color to the first of them; this student will repeat the color to their classmate, but will also add a new color. Then the second volunteer will mention three colors (yours, the first child’s and his/hers). The game continues until everybody participates.
3 | Bring disposable plates to the class, and also blue, black and white paint. Put some blue paint in a plate, and after the children mention it, add some black paint. Mix it, and ask the students what color they see. Explain them how we name this color in English.
Teacher: Look! It’s dark blue!
Repeat the procedure mixing blue and white paint. Ask the children what objects are light blue, and then mention the obtained color: Teacher: Look! It’s light blue!
4 | Place a piece of rope, or paper tape on the floor, in the middle of the classroom. The flashcards of light blue and dark blue will be to its sides. Then ask the children to step on the rope; dictate these colors at random, for the students to jump to one side or the other. If you mention the same tone repeatedly, the activity will be funnier and more engaging.
Page 21 - Let’s paint!
As the students listen, they will have the opportunity to remember the difference between the adjectives light and dark. Then allow them to mix paint to obtain different colors and tones. Once they are ready the children can mention the obtained colors.
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green
White + Red = Pink
Audio Script
Listen, look and learn some more.
It’s light blue!
It’s dark blue!
Light is opposite of dark.