2 minute read
Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 5
by idiomagic
To teach the meaning and use of greetings. Flashcards from the unit, CD, big hands (extra material), masks of Boy/Girl; Happy/Sad (extra material), blindfold.
Playful activities
1 | In order to begin the lesson take both of the big hands and present with them the words Hello and Bye-bye (take advantage on the colors of the hands so as for your students to differentiate the greetings). Repeat these words a few times and as you notice that the children identify the greetings, walk around the classroom placing the big hands on top of the pupils’ heads. They should be able to greet you back. Use the same hands for the students to aply the greeting Hi 5 amon themselves.
2 | Suggest playing Who’s Mr/Miss X? Request a volunteer to point at a classmate after you have blindfolded them. This child will ask What’s your name? The pointed pupil must answer My name is..., but will not reveal his/her identity. Their voice should be enough for the child with the blindfold to discover the name of the other student. The answers can only be ‘Yes!’ or ‘No! ’ After guessing the identity of one pupil look for another volunteer and continue the activity.
When you notice that these words have been incorporated add the adjectives happy/sad. You could explain first their meaning through your facial expression. Your students should imitate you so that later they can use the words on their own. Do not forget to use these masks to make questions about the children’s mood.
Teacher: Are you happy or sad? (show both asks)
Child: I´m a happy boy. (the pupil will look for the mask that belongs to the statement)
4 | Now it is a good moment to show the different flashcards from this unit to your students, as you check the vocabulary with them. In order to vary the activity, when you say ‘Boys!’ only your male pupils will name the cards and by saying Girls!’ it will only be your female students the ones who participate. Finally, ask for both, boys and girls to mention the flashcards you point at.
5 | With all the children in a circle begin naming them, so that their classmates classify them as boys or girls. Do it uickly and do not follow a predictable order, so as to be sure that everybody is engagedwith the activity.
Teacher: Juan!
Children: Boy!
Teacher: Ana!
Children: Girl! Another possibility might be to classify as teacher or student. In this case do not forget to add your name and the names of other teachers of the institution where you work.
1 Unit
Page 5 - Listen and color
Colors 5
The children will listen to the CD (track 2) in order to repeat the words and phrases, while they point at the corresponding drawings on the page. Next, they will be able to color them as they wish.
Audio Script
Listen, repeat and pick up:
• Hi, girl!
• Hello, boy!
• Hi-5!
• Good Morning, teacher!
• Good Afternoon, students!
• Good Night, mummy!
• Goodbye, daddy!
• It’s my school.
Go to Songs and Listenings
3 | This time use the masks of Boy/Girl to present the new words. Ask each of them about the mask that