8 minute read
UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 5
by idiomagic
To encourage team work. Flashcards from this unit, CD, big hands (extra material), outlines made in black construction paper, paper tape, markers or chalk.
Playful activities
1 | As the first activity make the children sit in a circle on the floor and place the flashcards at the center. Taking turns, provide a big hand to the students so that they touch the image required by you: Teacher: Touch scissors. Child: (places the big hand on the flashcard)
2 | Beforehand, make outlines of school objects on black construction paper. This will enable your students to infer the elements based on the touch. Place the figures on the floor and at some distance put the flashcards of the unit. The pupils will be on a line; ask the first of them to take a card and an outline (they must belong to the same element). Then they must repeat the name of the object.
3 | On the board draw the outline to play Tic Tac Toe. Divide the class in two teams and ask a member of each group to go to the board. Show a flashcard to one of them and ask them to name it. If they do it correctly they can draw the symbol of their team (X or O) on one of the spaces of the outline. Then play with the other chid; ask for different volunteers until there is a winning team. Remember that in order to win this game the symbol must be drawn three times on a line.
4 | For the next suggestion your pupils must sit on the floor in front of the board. Name a first volunteer and mention a school object to his/her ear, so that the rest of the children do not hear you. This child will pretend to be using the element so that their classmates can infer hat is the object. Whoever guesses will be able to continue with the game.
5 | Now cut these outlines in halves and stick them on the board in two columns. Then ask the children to take turns to match (either with a marker or a piece of chalk) both halves of an element that you will mention. In case you have a large group you could ask for the volunteers to go to the board in teams of twos. One student will mention the item and the other one will match its halves.
Go to Let’s Sing!
Page 17 - Let’s match!
The children will have to identify and name the objects on the page. Then they must match both halves of each item. Remind them to use different colors for this activity.
Your students will identify the figures in the book page and name, then seek the corresponding half and join them with a line. Remind them that each line be made of a different color.
To incorporate colors as adjectives. Flashcards from this unit, small ball, paper tape.
3 | Suggest playing Twister with the children. First display the cards of school ojects and colors on the floor. To each student deliver a sentence that includes a an item and its color. They will have to step with both of their feet on the mentioned flashcards. Then dictate anoher sentence so that they use their hands this time. This is an activity that your pupils will most likely enjoy. Keep in mind that all of them must participate.
Playful activities
1 | This lesson seeks to widen the structures the children are currently using. Firstly, it would be very nice to establish some examples first, using the card of a color and one of a school object. Repeat this new structure a few times. Later put two plastic rings on the floor, or else draw two circles. On the one to the left place the flashcard of a color and on the other one that of a school object. Request each child to pick a card from each circle to deliver the appropriate sentence: Child: It is a red crayon.
2 | You could also fill two bags with flashcards and place them on the floor. Taking turns your students will take a card from each bag with their eyes shut. Then they will deliver the corresponding sentence: Child: (takes the flashcard of the ruler and that of the color gray) It’s a gray ruler!
4 | Suggest playing Hopscotch. Draw the outline of a plane on the floor and stick a flashcard on each space. Then hand a small rock to a child and ask them to throw it towards the hopscotch. After naming the image on which the rock is the volunteer mus jump on the cards, from the first one to the last one, taking into account that they do not jump on the space with the rock. Continue the procedure with the rest of your students.
5 | You can play Bingo with the children. Divide the class in teams and give each of them a Bingo card. Also, provide them with beans to place on the images. Put the cards from this game inside a bag and take them out one by one. Allow the children to mention the image they see and indicate them to place a bean on that object that they have on their Bingo card. The first team to complete the card must say ‘Bingo!’ and will win the game.
Page 19 - Listen and draw
Track number 11 contains ten descriptive sentences; after repeating them (for which it would be nice to pause the CD) your students will have to draw and color the objects following the instructions on the script.
Audio Script
Listen and repeat:
It’s a dark green eraser.
It’s a red pencil.
It’s a purple sharpener.
It’s a green pen.
It’s a light blue pencil case.
It’s yellow glue.
It’s a black notebook.
It’s a brown ruler.
It’s an orange book.
They are gray scissors.
Acquisition of the adjectives light/dark.
Flashcards from this unit, three disposable plates, paint of different colors, paper tape or rope.
Playful activities
1 | The main goal for today’s lesson is for you to teach the meaning of yes/no questions. You might begin asking questions to Mr Bird. Expose flashcards and ask questions so that the puppet ‘answers’:
Teacher: Mr Bird, is it a sharpener? (show the flashcard of a sharpener)
Mr Bird: Yes, it is!
Teacher: (hold the image of a book) Is it a notebook?
Mr Bird: No, it isn’t!
Later on your students will be able to answer as well:
Teacher: It is a pen? (show the card of a pen)
Child: Yes, it is.
Teacher: Is it an eraser? (hold the flashcard of glue)
Child: No, it isn´t.
Encourage your pupils to correct the information when the answers are negative.
2 | Make use of the big hands with the thumb up and down, that stand for right and wrong. With the children sitting in a circle place the big hands at the center and select a volunteer. This pupil must answer to a question you will ask while showing a flashcard. They must also rise the hand that corresponds to their answer, either affirmative or negative.
Teacher: Is it a school bag? (show the picture of an eraser) Child: No, it isn´t. (rises the big hand with the thumb down)
3 | Stick the flashcards on the board and draw a little square next to each of them. Then choose a student at random and ask them a question about an image. As they answer, the child will have to draw either a tick or an X on the corresponding square, depending on the answer.
4 | Place two chairs at the center of the classroom and stick a hand on the back of each of them. Then mention a volunteer and show them a card as you ask them a question. They must answer an sit on the chair that corresponds.
Teacher: (show the image of a pencil box) Is it a crayon?
Child: No, it isn´t. (he sits on the chair with the hand that stands for wrong)
5 | Bring to the lesson flat balloons with little pieces of paper inside in which you will have drawn school objects (make sure you have a balloon for each student). Once you hand your pupils the balloons and after blowing them up, ask for a volunteer. This child must sit on the balloon seeking to explode it, and then he/she has to look for the piece of paper with the drawing. Now you will be ready to carry on a brief dialogue:
Teacher: Is it a ruler?
Child: No, it isn´t.
Teacher: What is it?
Child: It’s an eraser. It’s a green eraser.
Page 21 - Listen and mark an X
Once the children listen to the dialogue on track 12, practise it with them using different cards and the big hands that stand for right and wrong. Once this activity is finished the students will have to listen to the sentences in order to mard an X on the correct option. Make sure they use a different color on each occasion.
Audio Script
Listen and learn some more: Yes, it is. Is it a ruler? No, it isn’t. It’s a crayon. Now, listen and mark the correct option:
Number 1- Is it a pen?
Number 2- Is it a computer?
Number 3- Is it a chair?
Number 4- Is it a sharpener?
Number 5 - Is it a pencil case?
Lesson 5
To teach the possessive form I have...
To check the acquisition of vocabulary and expressions.
Flashcards from this unit, CD, flashcards of colors, school objects made in construction paper, four sheets of paper, blindfold.
Playful activities
1 | On the board draw five squares and stick a flashcard inside each of them. Once the children name the sequence remove the images and place them on a table at random. Your students will have to remember the order in which the cards were at the beginning. Continue the activity selecting new flashcards
2 | In order to teach the possessive structure ‘I have...’, place yourself in frotn of your pupils and show them real school objects or flashcards. Deliver a sentence for each item you show:
Teacher: Look, I have a pencil!
Once you notice that the students understand the meaning of this expression ask them to make a circle on the floor to play Sausage Game. Show an image to a child and ask them to deliver a possessive sentence. The pupil next to him/her will be shown a different flashcard, and will have to name the object the previous child had mentioned, plus the one one.
Child 1: I have a pen.
Child 2: I have a pen and a school.
Child 3: I have a pen, a school and a table.
3 | Select three volunteers to go to the front and ask them to come up with one sentence, in hich each of them will say a part of the statement. This sentence must include the possessive form, the color and the object:
Child A: I have...
Child B: a green...
Child C: chair!
Allow everybody to take part in the game.
4 | Beforehand, draw, cut out and color scholl objects in construction paper. You should make two of each item. Also, take two sheets of paper and draw at least eight school objects on each of them. Back in the classroom, divide the students in two groups. Each team will be given a sheet of paper, which will stand for a shopping list. Place the items you had made in construction paper in different corners of the classroom. At your signal both teams will look for the objects on their list. The group that finds everything first will be the winner. Once the game ends ask both teams to mention the elements they found.
5 | Blindfold a volunteer and hnd them a real object. Through the touch this child should be able to infer what is it. Follow the same procedure with the rest of the children and remind them to use the expression ‘I have...’