1 minute read
from Teacher's Guide 5
by idiomagic
• You can offer more entertaining activities for the children to make using balloons. Beforehand, draw a spots on different small pieces of paper, and color them using the colors you have taught throughout this unit. Fold a piece of paper and put it inside a balloon; continue the procedure with other balloons. Back in class and with the children standing in a circle, blow a balloon and throw it to its center. The child who catches it has to sit in the middle of the circle and try to explode the balloon. The objective of this game is for the children to look for the little piece of paper and identify the color. Bear in mind that if you prepare this activity with plenty of time, the game will be dynamic and fun.
Once the children are divided in pairs, hand a balloon to each team. At your signal the members of each group will pass the balloon from one to the other, as they repeat the name of the color of the balloon. At some point you can shout ‘Change!’, so that the students give their balloon to another couple and take a new one, in order to continue playing. Another alternative is to mention two colors each time, so as to have groups of four students and two balloons involved in the game.
Blow balloons, and keep them outside the classroom. Name a child and ask him/her to leave the classroom; go out with your student and help them hide the balloon under their T-shirt or uniform. When this child is back inside, their classmates will try to guess what is the color of the hidden balloon. Continue the procedure calling other students.
As a last option you can divide the children once again in couples, each one with a balloon. That can be held only by their foreheads, without letting it fall. You can play the song of this unit to make the activity more entertaining. The couple that cannot hold the balloon must leave the game.
4- It’s a green balloon.
5- It’s a pink balloon.
6- It’s a blue balloon.
Page 144 - Listen and color
Your students have to follow your instructions to complete the lines and color the corresponding balloons.
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1- It’s a yellow balloon.
2- It’s a red balloon.
3- It’s a purple balloon.
Page 145 - Let’s color!
Students will color the sequence as the teacher indicates.
Teacher: 1- light blue - yellow - red - green
2- brown - purple - orange - pink
3- dark green - black - blue - white