2 minute read
UNIT 1 Lesson 2
from Teacher's Guide 5
by idiomagic
To recognize greetings based on images and mimics.
Flashcards from this unit, CD, puppets of moments of the day (extra material), Magical Bag, paper tape, masks Boy/Girl (extra material), puzzles of moments of the day (extra material)
Playful activities
1 | Present the greetings Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Night using the puppets. Once the children understand the differences among them expose the images alternating them; your students will have to repeat each greeting, add the word teacher.
Children: Good Morning teacher!
Good Afternoon teacher!
A good suggestion is to hold these puppets with one hand and the flashcards of boy/girl/teacher with the other. In this way your students will easily identify the sentences they have to deliver:
Teacher: (show the puppet with the un and the image of student)
Children: Good Morning, student!
2 | Using codes to associate movements to gretings is always an excellent tool for the teacher since it enables the children to have access to the learning through a simple way. We suggest you to use the following:
Good Morning – stretch your arms as we do when waking up. Good Afternoon – pretend you are reading.
Good Night – place your hands to a side of your face, and pretend to sleep. Explain these codes to your students and repea them until the children acquire this new information. Later on deliver a greeting so as for the pupils to make the movements. Continue the procedure faster each time. Another option is to let them mention the greetings so you make the mimics.
3 | Put the flashcards inside your Magical Bag and as you take them out on by one stick them on the board. While you do this your students will have to name all the items they see. Request them to shut their eyes so that you can remove a card from the board. The children will have to infer which the missing image is. Teacher: Who’s missing?
Cildren: Girl!
4 | Place your pupil in a circle on the floor, and put the puppets of moments of the day at its center. Name a volunteer and ask them to place a puppet in front of their face; after mentioning the item this element will pass from hand to hand, while all of the chikldren repeat the greeting. Continue with the activity allowing everybody to participate.
5 | This time mix the puppets and place them on the floor: next, choose a student at random and greet them. This child will have to identify the puppet before placing it in front of their face. Then the rest of the students will deliver the appropriate sentence based on the image they see: Children: Good Afternoon, María!
6 | Provide your pupils with puzzles to solve. First divide the class into small groups and then distribute the puzzles (if the pieces are inside an envelope or container it will be much better). The winning team will be the one that solves the puzzle first and names the greeting it represents. Make sure all of the children participate of the activity.
Page 7 - Let’s draw!
Your students will be asked to make drawings on each of the three windows on the page, taking into account the activity the characters are performing. For instance, on the window above the sleping child the pupils should draw a moon and stars. Once everybody has finished their work you could point at the different windows for the children to mention the greetings.