The Home News April 19

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Decluttering your Home, one room At a time, Page 16

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The Home News Your Local News

APRIL 19-25, 2018

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Northampton’s Kids’ fishing contest in Bath Kate Gogel honored April 28 and 29 At TPA Altruism Awards Banquet by BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

The Bath Area Fish Committee and other volunteers will clean up debris and build small dams in the Monocacy Creek in Bath

this Saturday, April 21, starting at 9:00 a.m. They will follow up by stocking hundreds of trout in the cool waters on Friday, April 27, starting at 4 p.m. from the pump house just off North

Looking by Back Ed Pany

Chestnut Street and continuing downstream past the Main Street bridge. Then, on Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29 it’s the 64th annual Kids’ Fishing Contest. An opening ceremony will start promptly at 8 a.m. on Saturday, the 28th to kick off the contest. The youngsters have until 3 p.m. Sunday to catch their limit of trout. A bicycle will be raffled off on Sunday, April 29 at noon, with the winner receiving a bike of his or her choice.

Community Organizations 1937

Kate Gogel (center) with NAHS Guidance Counselor Kim Butryn and Principal Robert Steckel.

By KERI LINDENMUTH On Thursday, April 12, Post L Lehigh Valley of the Travelers Protective Association (TPA) honored sixteen area high school students who embody the spirit of community leadership and giving back. The young men and women recognized by the 127-year-old organization are active both in and out of the classroom. They are star students, athletes, and volunteers who have taken the time to not only give back to others, but who have also inspired their peers to follow their altruistic lead. “Tonight is about you,” said Pat Palencar, officer of the TPA’s

Altruism Program and director of the TPA’s Deaf and Near Deaf Trust Fund. Northampton Area High School senior Kate Gogel was among the students awarded by the TPA. Northampton Area High School guidance counselor Kim Butryn had nothing but praise for Gogel. Over the years she has worked with many students, she said, but very few who demonstrated the selflessness and humility of Gogel. “There has never been a task too small or too beneath her to Continued on page 3

Originally published in 2006 The Bath 1937 bicentennial the only Bath boy to die while in book listed a number of organi- the service of his country during zations serving the area in 1937. World War I. How many of these groups are Cement Workers Union Local still active today? 18673. Bath Building & Loan AssoFree and Accepted Masons ciation 1920: In 1924 it had a 413, 1868. capital of $1 million. Bath Lions Club, 1928. Democratic Women, 1936. Deep Sea Fisherman’s AssociaYoung Men’s Democratic tion, 1937: This was a group of Club, 1936. ardent fishermen growing to 150 Knights of Malta, 1890. members. They held their first Needlework Guild, 1885. meeting at the Bath Firemen’s Patriotic Order Sons of Amer- Hall. At this meeting the proica, 1924. verbial fish stories transformed Patriotic Order of Americans, small sea fish into whales. Three 1929. members of the clergy were Republican Women, 1928. members, Reverends Edward Local Red Cross, 1918. Burkhardt, Ralph Kerstetter and Boy Scouts, 1917. Wm. V. Helfferich. Wonder if Organized by J. Douglas they told tall fish tales? Mitchell and Eckley Patch. In Bath Bands, 1924. 1918 the leaders entered the Bath Republican Association, service and the troop was dis- 1933. banded. Nice to see a few organizations American Legion Eckley E. here survived and continue to Patch Post #470 was named after serve the community.

The committee would appreciate help from volunteers for the clean-up and stocking of trout. Call Pete Lolick at 610-7307673 for questions or more information. One more thing: They need the money to buy the fish from the trout hatchery, so please give your donations. The committee would greatly appreciate as much as you can afford. Donations can be sent to the Bath Area Fish Committee at P.O. Box 143, Bath, PA 18014.

77th Year, Issue No. 16

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