The Home News March 22

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Home & Garden Supplement

The Home News Your Local News

MARCH 22-28, 2018

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Allen Supervisors Amend township map To make Stagecoach Road ‘history’

Spring Fashion Show at Moravian Hall Square

Fashion show committee

submitted by LIZ BRANDL Morningstar Living is once again hosting a Spring Fashion Show at Moravian Hall Square in Nazareth. The Fashion Show will be held on Saturday, April 21

from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is $25. Guests will enjoy lunch in the Rose Inn Restaurant at Moravian Hall Square and Dunkelberger’s fashions modeled by residents and friends of Mora-

Looking by Back Ed Pany

One and Only Hometown Bank (Originally published in 2006)

Today’s column continues to look back at the former First National Bank of Bath, a bank organized in 1900 that showed its financial strength by surviving the Great Depression. We are, with the permission of Mr. Tim Herd, a former student of this writer, quoting from the grand Bath 1987 anniversary book that Tim and dedicated volunteers published. It’s crammed with local history and remembrances.

“In 1962 when Bath celebrated their 225th anniversary, the bank prospered with assets of $8.2 million and nine employees. The bank suffered a personal loss in 1975, when Mr. Clark Smith, president and employee for over 50 years, passed away, a guiding light during his tenure at the bank.” During the bank’s history, they faced a number of threatening and tragic confrontations. Do my readers remember the following?

vian Hall Square. A boutique of fashions and accessories will be open to guests after the luncheon program. Proceeds from the Fashion Show and from a Silent Auction on that day will benefit charitable needs at Morningstar Living. Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance at the Welcome Center at Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth Pa., 18064. Morningstar Senior Living, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that owns and operates Moravian Hall Square, a life care community in the Borough of Nazareth; Heritage Village, an active adult community in Upper Nazareth Township; and Senior Solutions, a Home Care and Care Management business located in Easton. For more information call Liz Brandl at 610-746-1327 or email “In 1963 the bank was victim of a hold-up by two armed gunmen who fled with funds in excess of $28,000. The gunmen were later apprehended, tried and Continued on page 3

By KERI LINDENMUTH Allen Township Supervisors voted 4-1 to amend the township’s official map during their meeting on Tuesday, March 13 in order to make Stagecoach Road “history.” Residents living on the road petitioned for its permanent closure. The road, on private property, was once a township road but is currently a cul-de-sac. The road has not been used by the township in over 21 years and residents are seeking a way to ensure the road is never opened. As township solicitor B. Lincoln Treadwell, Jr. explained, the township’s official map lists Stagecoach Road as a “historic trail until reopened.” He recommended taking “until reopened” out of the map’s language to make residents “more comfortable.” However, Treadwell warned that this does not guarantee that a future board of supervisors will not reopen the road. However, to do so, supervisors would have to go through a long “road opening” process that would include somehow acquiring the property. Several residents of Stagecoach Road were in attendance during the meeting and expressed their determination in preventing the road from ever being opened both now and in the future. “We do not want that road to become a through street,” said Robert Hosking, speaking on behalf of residents. “We will achieve that objective somehow.” Supervisor Dale Hassler made a motion to follow Treadwell’s recommendation and change the




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map’s language and “close the books” on both Stagecoach Road and Woodmore Road, another “historic trail.” “They are history. They are gone…and I think that is fine,” he said. In addition to the motion on Stagecoach Road, supervisors also made a motion to send a letter to The Rockefeller Group to express displeasure in the status of the FedEx warehouse construction. “They are really not where they need to be,” said township engineer Robert Cox. “[The] timeline is not being met.” Supervisor Gary Behler said supervisors should write a letter “expressing our displeasure.” While Chairman Larry Oberly acknowledged that the weather has not been “conducive” to the project, the township “still needs to say something.” Finally, supervisors talked about ways they can reward and incentivize volunteer firefighters. Due to residency requirements, not every firefighter would benefit from income tax breaks or stipends. Hassler, also the township’s fire chief, said that “showing appreciation is more than just giving money out.” Continued on page 3

77th Year, Issue No. 12

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