1 minute read
By John Hall for Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette
This issue is the one that takes us right into spring. So we are going to take quite a look at outdoor gardening – primarily of the vegetable variety, which for many of us is a “main event” of spring. We’re also going to look at another “event” of spring, specifically spring projects. Those can include getting your bicycle tuned up before hitting the trails, thinking ahead to summer and starting to plan a getaway, and of course spring fix-up and cleaning around the house.
In “Raised Bed Gardening” we get right to it, looking at the many advantages of doing gardening, literally, at a higher level. That includes looking at how raised-bed gardening boxes can be extra friendly to seniors, but also to those who need wheelchair accessibility. Be sure and read that article for some good, solid information on the topic.
Continued on page 4
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ISSN 1942-2091
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