Fallinlove with

•Indoor/Outdoor Pool and Sauna
•Study and Lounge Spaces
•Movie Room
•Outdoor Terrace
•Access to IU Bus Routes
• Balcony Units
•Private Bathrooms
•In-Unit Laundry
•Utilities and Wi-Fi Included
Iam one of the few students at IU that is an ‘outsider:’ I live at home. Approximately 15 minutes by car. When I tell people this, some say “Wow, that’s so nice,” and others re spond with ‘Oh...how is that?.’ From my experience, I can say that it is not fully horribly or fully amazing. Living at home has its perks: it is cheaper, I eat good food, do not have to deal with a potential bad roommate and I do not have to live far away from my parents. And I get to drive every day and blast music in my car.
Yet it is not always this per fect. Since I hate driving in the dark, I do not usually stay out late because I would have to drive back. I do not really go to parties or sleep over at friends’ dorms because I would always need to go back to change and get things for class. This does make it harder to meet and connect with new people, but classes and extracurriculars make up for this.
If we drive 15 minutes, we arrive on campus and can see all the different dorms and neighborhoods that most of the college population lives in. Starting on the Northwest side of campus (which I am never at), Briscoe is infamously known as a “bougie” dorm: rich people, including many from the Kelley School of Business, live there. Athletes also live in this dorm, which also hosts many parties. Located just behind it, McNutt and Foster are also known as party dorms containing many Kelley kids.
If you are in the Central Neighborhood, and live the single dorm life in Ashton, you are not always alone in your room. While it is known as the dorm people were sent to when they had COVID-19 during the pandemic, it now nurtures a profound sense of community and friendship. If
you choose to leave your room, there are groups of people that hang out in living rooms in the evenings and spend hours together talking and going out on weekends.
The RA’s in the buildings are relaxed, yet the building is always warm because the air conditioning and heating do not work well. The walls are also very thin, so you can hear voices in the room next door. There is also no main commons area with a TV or rec area.
Eigenmann is like Ashton in terms of living alone, except you have a suite mate you share a bathroom with. You have more space, and it is home to IU Outdoor Adventures Club. They have a lot of outdoor equipment in the basement for those who want to spend more
time outside.
Right next to Ashton is Teter and Wright. Teter is often underestimated but has its perks. It has a nice lounge where you can play video games, pool, and ping pong. It also has multiple study areas and is close to Wells Library and Wright dining hall. The SRSC is also right across the street from Teter and Wright for anyone who wants to get a quick workout in. Yet Wright is often depicted as the worst place to live in because the air conditioning is permanently set to 74 degrees, and it is not renovated.
There is also Collins, which is known as the Harry Potter dorm for how it looks. It has a castle-like structure and was renovated just last summer in 2022. A dining hall was recently added to the basement,
yet it has very limited options (more limited compared to Goodbody). Overall, Collins is known for its diversity and inclusiveness.
Moving to Southeast, Forest, Read, Spruce and Wells residents have easy access to Mother Bears Pizza and Soma. There is also the Jacobs School of Music and Bloomington Bagel. Forest is the main dining hall with many options, including pasta, spice road and a burrito bar. They also have a waffle maker with an IU logo.
Forest has the Media LLC. If you are at the Media School a lot, it is recommended that people learn to use the buses so you do not have to walk a lot. The rooms are small though and the walls are thin. It tends to run warm in the fall, but it does have carpet.
HowPHOTO BY ALEX DERYN | IDS The supermoon shines April 7, 2020 above Forest Quad. a
It was midnight at Joseph A. Wright Quad, and a resident of the Rollins house was getting ready to take her shower. She was reaching to get her bottle of conditioner in her dorm when she thought she heard her name whispered in her ear. Confused, she paused wondering what that could’ve been. However, because it is common to mistake distant murmurs for names being said, she thought little of it, continuing her walk to the shower.
It was a late school night, so the other hallmates had already gone to bed. She was washing away the day’s stressors with some alone time, or so she thought.
Suddenly, she felt a woman’s voice shout her name into her ear. Shivers ran up her spine and she instantly wondered if someone had come into the bathroom, but as she called out a name, no one responded. How could someone yell in your ear when you’re alone in a shower stall?
She knew the Wright shower pipes could make strange sounds, but none like this. Quickly, she went back to her dorm, hoping to forget what had occurred.
Wright Quad was built in 1949 and is one of the oldest dorms on campus. Over time, the amount of mold reported has gone up and as some argue, so have the number of horror stories. I began living here this year, and ever since getting back from winter break, my hallmates have continued to have strange experiences.
Another event happened when she was doing laundry. She took her dirty clothes down to the washer, but when she came back upstairs, she found a pair of her dirty socks in the middle of her floor. She took the socks down to the washer again, thinking she had forgotten them the first time. However, when
she came back up to her room, the same socks were in the very same spot on the floor, in an “X” formation.
She said she wasn’t sure if someone or something was trying to communicate with her, but she wished that it — whatever it was — would leave her alone.
Her roommate, Manali Mukherjee, had a strange encounter as well. It was 6 a.m., the birds had begun singing, and the sun was just barely coming over the horizon, however the stars were still out and it was still dark. Within the hall, everyone was asleep, until three slow knocks were heard on her door.
The three knocks were loud and forceful, as though someone was trying to knock the door down. Mukherjee woke up startled and went to see who was there, however, the hallway was empty by the time she reached the door.
Both roommates say they don’t see any harm with these random encounters and they just feel confused as to why these strange things are happening. When I asked how they don’t get too creeped out, they said they try to pretend it didn’t happen, or distract themselves with school work or spending time with friends.
These Wright residents aren’t the only ones that have had spooky encounters within IU.
There are other stories that loom around the campus including a horror story of a girl found eating someone's arm and a ghost named “The Woman In Black.”
There have been multiple sightings of the ghost, and it has even been known to follow students around at midnight in Dunn Meadows. In 1911, there was revolver shoot out after a group of students were followed on Third Street by the blackveiled lady.
Stories like these make me think of creeping-up-the-spine suspense found in movies like “The Shining” or “Nightmare on Elm Street.” Somehow, it seems that this kind of fear has found its way to the lives of the Hoosiers.
So how do we know what to believe?
Luckily, my hallmates and I have found a solution. Mukherjee purchased a ghost detector gadget, which is supposed to pick up on electromagnetic waves that hold the same frequency as beings from the spiritual realm.
Wright Quad is musty and old and the walls look worn down. So why a ghost would want to live within its walls is beyond me, but who am I to judge?
Extraordinarily, one of my hallmates, Sarah Huffman, said the gadget always goes off when pointed toward the bathroom, that which she lives directly next to. Within the bathroom
is a musty 80-year old bathtub, which is up against the wall shared with the dorm. Oddly enough, this stall was recently found with its door locked. To do this, someone would’ve had to go into the stall, lock it, then proceed to crawl out from under it. To my hallmates and I, this is bewildering because why anyone would crawl on the floor of a Wright communal bathroom is baffling. Everyone knows to crawl on a communal bathroom floor would be foul. Whoever did it hopefully took a shower afterward, unless it wasn’t a someone, but rather a something that wouldn’t need to crawl under the stall.
Not only is this door locked, but a purple sock has been laying there for two weeks now. Leading me to conclude that maybe the spirits in Wright have a thing for socks.
With all of this in mind, as I take my own showers in the communal bathroom, I tend to avoid the shower stall next to the bathtub. Might as well play it safe, right? These experiences along with the other IU ghost stories leads me to believe that yes, there must be various spirits here on campus. However, they seem to be harmless pranksters that simply enjoy having a good time.
My entire hall has proceeded to name the spirit “Susan” and hope that she/he/they are not offended by this name in case she/he/they, prefers another.
A lot of ghost stories are of vengeful spirits that want to destroy humanity and take souls, but that is not the case for all of them. A ghost at the IMU has been reported to simply knock over chairs in the Tudor Room as a means of playing around with the workers.
I’d like to believe that most ghosts just enjoy interacting with us humans and may just get a little bored roaming the Earth. I mean, who wouldn’t want to have a little bit of fun in the afterlife? caremars@iu.edu
Most people live with a roommate at some point in their lives. Some people have good experiences and others have roommate horror stories.
Maintaining friendships while living with someone you know
Make plans to hang out with your roommate. Just because you live together does not mean you are spending time together. Spending time together outside of the living space can strengthen the relationship.
If you see that your current living situation is not working out, do not make things worse by trying to live together next year. You do not need to live with the same people every year.
Additionally, do not stress over the little things. While it might be hard to admit at times, maintaining the friendship with your roommate is more import-
ant than being right.
Handling difficult roommates
Next, remember to set boundaries with your roommate. For instance, if they use something of yours without asking, tell them whether you would prefer it if they asked first or if you would like them to not use it at all.
You may also consider making a chore chart. Some people do not do chores unless they can visually see they have things to do.
It is also important to have a place to escape to. Hiding away in your room is not always the best option, so having a place to go like a friend’s house or a favorite coffee shop can make all the difference.
Communication is always important when sharing a space and the house group chat might not always be the best way of doing so. Face-to-face communication
is the best way to ensure things are not misinterpreted. Clear communication with your roommate makes sure you do not let things build up. The longer you wait to say something about the dirty dishes in the sink, the more it becomes a habit. Find
a way to address the problem right away.
Finally, try to plan. Before signing a lease with someone, see how they are as a friend and peer. Just remember some people are meant to be friends but not roommates and that is okay.
Tailgating fan?
Do you mind long walks to a dining hall?
New or old?
Collins/ Wells
How close do you want to be to local shops?
Near other dorms or near the library?
Walnut Grove Briscoe Need a good place to park?
Kelley student or just a library fan? Eigenmann
The closest residence hall to the stadium and one of the best C-Stores on campus, Briscoe remains one of the most popular residence hall locations. It’s also home to the Civic Leaders Center community. Complete with its own bike lockers, Briscoe remains the place to be.
Home to the Collins LLC, this recently renovated gothic residence hall has everything: stained glass gnomes, a latenight café and a robust community. It’s just down the street from the IMU and Campus River, perfect for any member of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Colloquially known as Eigy, Eigenmann has its own library and computer labs. While a in a bit of a secluded location, it’s not too far from the Kelley School of Business and the Student Recreation Sports Center.
With 11 floors and a top-tier dining hall, it has everything you need.
It’s also home to the Media LLC and Thomas I. Atkins LLC, providing a community for freshmen. Don’t worry about climbing those stairs, the building does have elevators to bring you to your floor.
With a brand new C-Store and
dining hall, McNutt is the perfect place to live for anyone who wants a prime location for tailgating season. The residence hall rooms are spacious with the center of each hallway lined with single-stall bathrooms. Oh — and I almost forgot to mention that it contains its very own Starbucks.
You heard me — from above, the building looks like an X. Aside from the awesome architecture, Read features a Campus Café and music practice rooms for its residents. It’s just seconds away from Forest, Spruce and Willkie, creating a tight-knit community.
Featuring large windows and big rooms, Spruce is perfect for
those who need a little more wiggle room. A two second walk away from Forest’s dining hall and with communal kitchenettes, it’s incredible for the budding foodie.
Home to the Luddy LLC, it’s right on top of the IU campus bus route. It also happens to be right across the street from Wright’s dining hall and parking lot. Don’t forget to study — it’s a block away from the library.
Practically brand new, this residence hall is just a short walk from McNutt’s dining hall and not even a block away from the tailgating fields. The main floor features amazing kitchens, laundry rooms and study rooms for last-minute cramming. It also
has an elevator in every building, making it extremely accessible.
Want to live in a place that looks like a castle? Wells is the place for you. Home of the Goodbody Eatery and first women’s residence hall on campus, this residence hall is right next door to the science buildings and across the street from Mother Bear’s Pizza. It’s also right behind the best picnic spot on campus, so close to everything you need.
Want a private bathroom? Willkie’s got you covered. It’s the perfect mix of residence hall living and independence, only a short walk from Forest’s dining hall and the Jacobs School of Music. It even has its own C-Store.
Wintertime in Indiana can be brutal. e cold weather and lack of sunshine can lead to feelings of seasonal depression, making it di cult to even get out of bed some mornings. Despite these conditions, winter is a great time to hang out with friends. When it’s too cold to go outside, why not stay inside and enjoy the company of friends with a watch party?
A watch party is a social event in which one person will invite a group of people to watch a speci c event or program on TV. Watch parties can be as elaborate or as simple as you want. Although watch parties are easy to host, it’s understandable if the concept seems a little intimidating at rst. Below, you’ll nd all you need to know to host a fantastic watch party that’ll leave your friends wanting more.
In order to host a watch party, streaming service accessibility is necessary. e ve golden streaming service platforms are Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu and Netix. Although each and every one of these platforms provide
subscribers with a variety of TV shows and lms, Amazon Prime and HBO Max o er the most top-tier programming.
Amazon Prime Video allows its users to rent almost any lm for an average cost of $2.99 to $4.99. Newer theatrical releases may cost more, but most lms are relatively cheap to rent. Besides cheap rental costs, Amazon is the only place to view Amazon original lms like “My Policeman,” “I Am Not Your Negro” and “ e Big Sick.”
HBO Max, on the other hand, is more known for its highly-acclaimed TV series. Shows like “Euphoria,” “Game of rones” and “ e White Lotus” are only available to stream on HBO Max. Getting your friend group hooked on a certain series can even lead to weekly watch parties.
Subscriptions to Amazon Prime Video start at $8.99 per month, while HBO Max subscriptions start at $9.99 per month.
Every good watch party host knows that food is the way into a person’s heart. Your friends may be entertained with just some-
thing to watch, but they won’t be satis ed until they’ve been fed food — and lots of it. When unsure of what to make, put together a charcuterie board for everyone to feast on throughout the night.
Charcuterie boards are easy to make and o er a wide variety of hors d’oeuvres to snack on, so no one will go hungry. All you need is a simple cutting board and a variety of deli meat, cheese and crackers. Simply arrange these items on your cutting board and allow guests to dig it.
If you’d like to get fancy, you can even try making a dessert charcuterie board. Rather than use meat and cheese, ll your cutting board with sweet snack food like Oreos, graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate- covered strawberries. Party guests with a sweet tooth will be begging for more.
Just as watch parties require food to snack on, they also require drinks. When watching an exciting lm or TV show, discussions are sure to take place. As people talk on and on about what’s on the screen, they’ll start
to feel parched. While water is a necessity, fun drinks can elevate your watch party to the next level. Try making a special cocktail or mocktail for your guests to enjoy while viewing.
For 21-and-over guests, a tasty cocktail can really spice up the viewing experience. Try making a lemonade- avored cocktail with just three simple ingredients. Buy a bottle of Cruzan Blueberry Lemonade Rum and a container of Country Time Drink Mix Lemonade at the store. When preparing the drink, ll a glass three quarters of the way full with ice, water and a few scoops of the lemonade drink mix powder. Stir the mixture and then add a shot or two of Cruzan’s rum for a sweet but boozy cocktail.
For those under the legal drinking age, try making a bubbly mocktail with ice, a Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade packet and club soda. Fill a glass with ice and then pour the Crystal Light over the ice. After that is done, pour club soda over the ice and watch your Crystal Light dissolve into a carbonated dream. is saccharine treat is sure to keep guests hydrated for hours.
During the snowy winter and rainy months, Bus Genius is your best friend. Bus genius is a guide to all on-campus bus transportation needs. You can see each bus route and where they are located. Bus Genius also provides exact time stamps of when the bus is expected to arrive at your designated stop.
Canvas is the campus-wide online learning management system that all professors will use. Here you will have access to assignments, exams, grades and other course materials. By having the app on your mobile device, you will get instant notifications straight to your phone.
Did you forget your Crimson Card? No problem at all when you have a Mobile ID! Mobile ID allows you to have an online version of your Crimson Card. Once you put your phone near the scanner, it will give you access to your desired location.
The IU Hoosiers app is a must-have for all your sports fan needs. Here you can monitor all your purchased tickets for men’s basketball and football games as well as check stats and scores from other IU teams!
GroupMe is home to every group chat you will need. Here you can join club, group project, residence, class, or even ticket selling chats on and off campus. It is the perfect way to get connected with your peers!
Most importantly, students should download IU Mobile. IU Mobile is the phone-friendly version of One.iu. Here students can access links to everything they need to navigate studying here at IU. Anyone can check a personalized schedule, grades, dining plan, and so much more.
As college students, it can feel hard to prepare your own meals. With limited kitchen access along with a limited supply of money, it can feel easier to just go to the dining hall or slap together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Here are a few meals and snacks that you can throw into your diet to spice it up every once and a while.
Breakfast is the most important (and best) meal of the day. Yet, many college students skip this meal due to lack of time or lack of ideas. Here’s a few recipes that can be ready in minutes and with minimal ingredients.
Eggs and toast
• eggs
• bread or an English muffin
• optional: cream cheese, cucumbers, and salt and pepper
Materials needed:
• stove
• pan
• spatula (or whatever device you choose to flip with) and a knife (plastic is perfectly acceptable)
The process:
No toaster? No problem. With a hot heated pan, toast your bread or English muffin on both sides. Once the toast is done, remove it from the heat and set it to the side. Crack two eggs (or however many you please) on the pan. Let them sit on the stove for a few minutes or until almost fully cooked. Gently flip the eggs and leave for only a few seconds. This ensures a runny yolk. Remove from the heat.
You can stop here and simply dip the toast in the yolk. However, you can take it up a few steps with only two extra ingredients. Slice a cucumber into thin slices. Spread some cream cheese onto the
toast, add the cucumber slices, and add an egg onto the top. Top with salt and pepper. Enjoy!
French Toast
• eggs
• milk
• bread
• butter
• maple syrup
Materials needed:
• stove
• pan
The process:
In a bowl, whisk (a fork is perfectly acceptable) 2 eggs with ¾ cup of milk. Heat the pan until hot. Coat with a thin slice of butter.
Soak each slice of bread fully in the egg mixture then place it on the pan. Cook on each side for around 2 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve with additional butter and syrup. Add any other toppings you desire. For example, peanut butter and bananas. Enjoy!
Oatmeal is a great option because it is easy, cheap, healthy, and can be topped with whatever you have on hand.
• Packets of oatmeal, water and toppings of choice
• Microwave or a way to boil water.
Follow the instructions on the oatmeal packet. (Usually involves mixing water and packet contents into a bowl and microwaving).
Top with any ingredients you have on hand. Fruit, peanut butter, granola, or anything else that sounds good. Enjoy!
Peanut butter and banana toast
• Peanut butter, banana, bread. Optional: cinnamon and honey.
• knife
The process: Toasting the bread is optional but highly recommended. Slice the banana into pennies. Spread a layer of peanut butter onto a slice or two of bread. Top with bananas. Finish with an optional sprinkle of cinnamon and honey. Enjoy!
Yogurt bark
• yogurt (flavor of choice), slivered almonds, fresh blueberries (or fruit of choice)
• granola
Materials needed:
• baking sheet
• parchment paper and a freezer (communal dorm freezers count)
The process:
Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the yogurt in a ¼ to ½ inch thick layer across the sheet.
Sprinkle the almonds, blueberries, and granola onto the yogurt.
Freeze for 1 to 2 hours. Break the yogurt into pieces. Enjoy!
Rice cakes!
Rice cakes are a great snack that can be spiced up in a variety of ways. Here are a few ideas:
Pb and chocolate
Spread peanut butter onto a rice cake and sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top. Enjoy!
Yogurt and toppings
Spread a thin layer of your favorite yogurt on the rice cake. Top with banana, raspberries, strawberries, chocolate chips or anything else you desire. Enjoy!
Vegetables/fruit and dips
A healthy and quick snack for any craving.
• carrots and hummus
• carrots and ranch
• bell peppers and hummus
• apples and peanut butter
• apples and Greek yogurt
• celery and ranch
• celery and peanut butter (preferably crunchy)
The various varieties of grilled cheese:
The classic Ingredients:
• choice of bread
• choice of cheese
• butter
Materials needed:
• stove
• pan
• spatula
• knife
The process:
It’s simple. Spread some room temperature or melted butter on one side of two slices of bread. Slap a few slices of cheese on one slice and put the other slice on top. Put the sandwich on a hot pan and cook it until golden brown. Flip with the spatula and cook until golden brown. Remove from the stove, cut in half, and serve.
The mayo
Spread a thin layer of mayo on one side of both slices of bread. The mayo replaces the butter. Follow the same steps as the classic.
The protein addition
Follow the same steps as the classic (or the mayo if you so choose). When assembling the sandwich add a layer of ham, bacon, salami or pepperoni.
After slathering your bread with butter or mayo, add your choice of cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and bacon. Grill on the stovetop and serve.
The Margherita
Make the sandwich with the same process as the classic. However, use mozzarella cheese and add fresh basil leaves, and sliced tomatoes.
Aside from grilled cheeses, here are a few five ingredient or less dinners for your week.
• microwave rice packets
• canned corn
• canned black beans
• optional: salsa and guacamole
Materials needed:
• Microwave
e Process:
Microwave your rice as the directions on the package say. Pour the rice into a bowl. Add around ¼ cup of corn and ¼ cup of black beans (measure with your heart if measuring cups are not available). Top your bowl with salsa and guacamole. Enjoy!
Chicken tacos
• chicken (precooked to make it easier, but if you’re feeling bold you can cook raw chicken and add seasonings)
• tortillas
• optional (for serving): lettuce / greens, guacamole, sour cream and lime juice
Materials needed:
(If cooking raw chicken) a stove and pan.
Cook chicken if needed. Recommended seasonings include lemon pepper seasoning, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper.
Assemble tacos by placing tortillas on a plate. Add a layer of lettuce or greens. Add the chicken. Top with a dab of guacamole and sour cream. Sprinkle with lime juice. Enjoy!
Poké bowls is may sound intimidating, but it is actually very simple!
• microwave rice packets
• canned tuna
• siracha
• mayonnaise
• vegetables of choice (recommended: edamame, shredded carrots, Avocado and cucumbers)
Materials needed:
• microwave
• 2 bowls
e process: Microwave your rice packets per the package's instructions. Poor the warmed contents into a bowl.
In a separate bowl, mix your tuna, siracha, and mayonnaise together. Pour this mixture on top of your rice. Add your desired vegetables onto the rice.
Top with extra mayonnaise and siracha. Enjoy!
Spiced up ramen
Ramen is a college staple, but here are a few ideas to make it a little fancier.
•Ramen packet
• egg
• chives or scallions
• frozen or fresh vegetables (corn, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, etc)
Materials needed:
• pot
• stove
• microwave
• knife
e process:
Cook your ramen as per the packages instruction.
Boil water in a pot. Place your egg in the boiling water for around 5-7 minutes. Place the egg in cold water and then peel o the shell. Cut in half and place in your bowl of ramen.
Slice up your chives or scallions.
Cook any vegetables that you desire and mix them into your bowl. Enjoy!
Cooking can feel intimidating in college, but there are thousands of simple easy recipes out there. Hopefully this list provides a starting base for you to achieve all your culinary dreams.
IU Campus Bus Service is open to all students, faculty, staff and visitors of the IU-Bloomington campus. No IDs, passes or fares are required to ride.
To see full routes and schedules, visit the Campus Bus Service website or download the BusGenius app. B E F W X
The B Route picks up students from the central campus and North Eagleson Avenue.
The E Route serves northeast, central and southeast neighborhoods, as well as the central part campus.
The F Route takes students from the northwest neighborhood to the central part of campus.
The W Route will take students from the stadium to Indiana Memorial Union and the IU Auditorium.
The X Route takes students from the stadium to Luddy Hall, the Psychology Building and the Kelley School of Business
If you live off campus or need to get to somewhere farther away in Bloomington, consider using the Bloomington Transit bus system. Service is available to campus from many apartment complexes and residence halls.
To ride Bloomington Transit buses for free, students will need to show their CrimsonCard.
To see full routes, schedules and all available bus routes, visit the Bloomington Transit website or download the DoubleMap app. 1 2 3 4 7 6
5 8 9
The 6 Campus Shuttle route goes through campus, taking students from areas like the Smallwood Plaza, the 10th and College Apartments, the Lofts, or the Arch, all the way to the Indiana Memorial Union or 10th Street on campus. On weeknights this bus runs every 60 minutes up to 12:30 a.m. It also runs every 60 minutes on Saturday and Sunday.
Very similar to the 6 Campus Shuttle, the 6 Limited will run a shorter version of the route. The western end of the 6 Limited is Smallwood Plaza and the eastern end of the 6 Limited is Fountain Park apartments on
The 9 IU Campus/College Mall/ Covenanter & Clarizz serves IU students living in the Arch, Covenanter Gardens, the Woods at Latimer, the Fields, Hunter Ridge, Park Doral, Tulip Tree and Eigenmann Hall to get to the Kelley School of Business, Jacobs School of Music, Memorial Hall and the Sample Gates, among others. This bus runs every 10-20 minutes, Monday through Thursday, and runs every 40 minutes on Saturday and Sundays.
To ride Bloomington Transit buses for free, students will need to show their CrimsonCard. To see full routes, schedules and all available bus routes, visit the Bloomington Transit website or download the DoubleMap app.
Tours are super important when making any housing decision. Make sure to take
note of factors like bedroom sizes, number of bathrooms, does it have carpet or hardwood flooring and how much counter space there is in the kitchen.
It’s also a good idea to take videos of the residence on your tour. Those will be good to refer back to or send to parents when making the final decision.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s better to find out the gritty details before you find yourself stuck in a 12-month lease.
• What are the lease options? How long is the lease?
• Is the lease shared or individual?
• What utilities are included in the rent?
• What utilities do residents have to set up?
• What is the parking situation like? Street parking? Driveway?
• How far is the residence from campus? Is there a bus stop nearby?
• What appliances are included?
• Is it furnished or unfurnished?
• What is the pet policy?
• What is the maintenance policy?
• What is the subletting policy?
• Are there any quiet hours?
• Is lawn care and snow removal included in the rent?
• Is there recycling?
Here are some questions to ask when touring a potential residence
Tenant: A person who rents a property from a landlord.
Landlord: A person who rents out an apartment or a house to a tenant.
A tenant’s regular payment to a landlord in exchange for the use of a property. Rent will typically be a monthly payment.
A contract between a tenant and landlord that allows the tenant to live in a property for a xed period of time. A lease will include the amount of rent due each month, when and where it’s due, policies on
late fees, among other things. A lease can also include factors like the pet policy or what utilities are included in the rent.
Security deposit:
An amount of money that a tenant pays when beginning to rent a property. is money will be used to pay for any damage that the tenant causes to the property. If there are no damages, the security deposit will be returned to the tenant at the end of the lease.
e services a home or apartment needs to keep it functioning properly. Common utilities will include water, sewer, electric, gas, Internet and sanitation.
Acollege dining plan is rare-
ly easy to navigate regardless of the school or culinary options. Here’s three tips that can help you avoid the freshman 15 and utilize I-bucks to your healthiest advantage:
ere are a handful of C-stores located across di erent campus residence halls.
ese stores are slightly bigger than what you might nd at a gas station with just less variety than what a normal grocery store o ers.
e C-stores possess a wide
range of frozen meal options, and many of them are designated as a “lean” or healthier option. Instead of springing for fried chicken at an all-youcan-eat dining hall, maybe try a frozen chicken and veggie pasta instead.
e stores also have plenty of standalone ingredients like bread, peanut butter and packaged fruits that can help you avoid less healthy alternatives from the dining halls. Treat the C-stores as your miniature grocery store, and you’ll be in good shape.
Sure, we all know that dining halls thrive o of greasy fried food, but don’t forget to
take a look at soups, salads and sandwiches every now and then.
A burger or chicken strips won’t kill you, but they will if that becomes your daily go-to meal at the IMU or any other dining location. ere are distinctive salad bars at almost every culinary location on campus and other healthier options that might not just stick out to you at rst.
Like any normal person, though, it’s not unhealthy to crave a meal that might not be super nutritious in content. Still, make sure to balance out your breakfast, lunch or dinner with the fruits and vegetables that dining halls still o er.
ILLUSTRATION BY JULIETTE ALBERTis might sound much simpler in theory than it is in reality, but planning ahead can lead to a much healthier lifestyle.
If you have a day packed with classes and no time to head back to your dorms or leave the neighborhood you’re in, bring yourself a sack lunch from home. It might feel childish, but you’ll feel a lot better about yourself without having to resort to the onion rings and garlic bread at the nearest dining hall.
Even if it’s just packing a bag of peppers, carrots, orange slices or an apple, you’ll save money while adding a dose of healthy vitamins to your meals.
In the dreary Bloomington winter, it is often hard to nd the motivation to go to the gym. With gym memberships skyrocketing, it is dicult to nd an a ordable and useful way to workout. Follow these four easy steps to create a workout all in the comfort of your own home.
With a simple search of “athome workouts,” YouTube can provide you with thousands of options to choose from.
ere is a wide range of various workouts to do including Pilates, yoga, full-body workouts and even stretching with little to no equipment needed. YouTube-based workouts can help you build con dence and stamina without requiring an investment in a membership
or a walk in the cold weather.
Grab your nearest device and head to the App Store, where there are a ton of free workout apps that make it easy to build strength. e best exercise is the one you do, so choose a home workout plan that's based rst on what looks the most fun, and then nd a way to use it to meet your goals. A Glamour article breaks down the best apps that will meet your speci c needs based on your abilities.
In addition to gym memberships already being expensive, the price of equipment can be outrageous. ankfully, some of the items we already have at home can be converted into weights. You can use a hand towel as a slider, laun-
dry detergent as kettlebells, a folding chair as a bench and a beach towel as a yoga mat. A list of more convenient ideas can be found here.
Working out can seem dreadful, especially when the weather is gloomy. But you can use apps for accountability, compare your progress with friends and push yourself to keep going. For those who
want to get out of the house or connect with others, check out community groups on websites like Facebook that allow you to nd people in your area who are planning outdoor tness events, like a group hike or trail run. If you prefer to exercise solo, virtual races are also available online. Check out the Mayo Clinic website for more ways to stay motivated.
Welcome to young adulthood, where you have more responsibility than you want, less money than you need and just enough functioning brain cells to feel anxious about both of those things.
No matter how ill-equipped for adult life you feel, you still have time to learn. Here are ve tips to aid you on your path to becoming a genuine grownup, or at least fool everyone into thinking you’re one.
Building a budget Budget can be a scary word. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to never think about money again. Unfortunately, my aversion to nancial planning is slightly outmatched by my aversion to starvation.
You don’t need to track your every expenditure in an Excel
sheet. Consider starting small by checking your most recent bank receipt and making sure you aren’t wasting money on silly things like unused subscriptions, excessive food delivery or government bribes.
From there, set small and exible spending goals for things like eating out, groceries, clothing, illicit payments to local legislators, whatever your heart desires. It’s your money to spend, but spend it wisely.
I’m going to sound like a 47-year-old father of three when I say this, but eating out is so expensive. If you develop minimal cooking skills and cut your restaurant visits down a few, you’ll be amazed how much money you save.
Of course, that means venturing into the biblical wilderness that is the grocery store. My best advice is to check the
store’s online ad, make a list before you go and never show up hungry. Not that I’m above crushing a sleeve of Oreos in the Kroger parking lot, but you don’t want to make that a weekly a air.
OK, ne — occasionally you’ll need to get somewhere or transport something that requires a car. If so, please make sure you know where you’re going beforehand. Using your phone GPS is ne for longer trips, but you don’t want to be the person swerving across Walnut Street at Siri’s behest.
Plan out parking before you leave, carpool when you can and never, ever drive on 10th Street during class changes. My roommate drove to pick up milk a week ago and he’s been sitting at the intersection of 10th and Fee Lane ever since.
ILLUSTRATION BY DONYÁ COLLINSCoping with the rapid dissolution of youth
No idea, but sounds terrifying. Email me if you have any tips.
Furnishing your apartment or house
As someone whose bedroom’s aesthetic might be accurately described as prison cell chic, I am far from an expert on home décor. However, the more cultured people in my life tell me posters, photos of loved ones, small plants and vintage memorabilia really spice up a living space.
Whatever you do, just make true to who you are. If that means lining your walls with empty bottles and a “Saturdays are for the boys” towel, so be it. I still believe you’ll have a real-life personality of your own someday, no matter what anyone else says.
For many, college is the rst time students are on their own nancially. It can be exciting to experience more freedom, but funds will quickly dwindle if they aren’t managed properly. From clothes to iced co ee, here is a quick guide on how to spend less.
Although it can be tempting to buy a virtual shopping cart full of pu er jackets or blow your rst paycheck at Urban Out tters, you can get more bang for your buck by thrifting at pves like Goodwill, located at 512 S. College Mall Road and 1284 Liberty Drive. In addition to getting cheaper prices, buying secondhand usually comes with better quality and longer-lasting pieces and allows people to choose retro styles that may not be sold by fast
fashion shops.
Dorm decor
Before every semester, Target is overrun by students desperately trying to snag fake plants and a cute desk lamp. Skip the crowds and the prices by checking Goodwill and Facebook Marketplace for furniture and décor.
To ll space on the walls, a good option is ordering prints on Shutter y. On Shutter y, prints that are 4x4 and 4x6 are free, meaning you only have to pay shipping costs. As a nishing touch, buy frames for cheap at Goodwill.
If you don’t have a meal plan or simply want an escape from IU Dining, make your own meals for cheap by shopping at Kroger, Target or Aldi. Aldi in particular o ers cheap prices, although you need to use your own bags and need a
quarter to use a cart.
Food-wise, pasta is always a good option on a budget, and getting creative with vegetables and legumes can be a cheap way to get much-needed nutrients in a college student diet.
Bloomington has many amazing places to eat out at, but the cost can really add up. If you’re not hungry, it can be nice to get a decently priced appetizer or soup. at way, you can really splurge on a place you love for special occasions.
Grabbing co ee or boba in between classes can help break up a particularly boring day. But these beverages can add up — consider learning how to make your own coffee and boba or buy packs of canned or bottled co ee at the store.
Another good way to save
ILLUSTRATION BY JULIETTE ALBERTis to ask yourself why you want something and how often you’ll use it. If you really want something expensive, wait for a week or so before you buy it so you can be sure it’s something you really want.
It’s also helpful to keep track of how much you spend on a particular thing per month. If you feel horri ed to learn that you spent $100 on iced co ee in one month, it can quickly become good motivation to think twice about that brown sugar iced oat milk latte.
Whether it’s your freshman year dorm or your very rst apartment, an empty space and bare walls can be intimidating. To make your new home begin to feel homey, decorating to your tastes is a must.
e best way to decorate a new space and make it feel like yours is to start incorporating welcoming elements. Wall décor, good lighting and houseplants can all add a cozy aspect to your space. Amazon is a good place that has all of these and more.
All people have di erent preferences when it comes to the way their personal spaces look. Whether you’re just looking for guidance to start or you’ve had Pinterest boards lled with inspiration for months, you’ll be able to nd something that ts your style. Urban Out tters isn’t just a popular retailer for the latest fashion trends: it also has tons of home décor like throw blankets, abstract shelves and mirrors that may be the look you’re going for.
If you’re more into unique items, you could always go thrifting! Antique stores always have aisles upon aisles of furniture and oneof-a-kind décor that just might be more your style if you’re into the sweet cottage-core or grandma aesthetic. Yelp provides a list of all the local thrifting stores in Bloomington. You can also try Etsy! It’s an online source for artists and retailers to sell their items, but it is known for its ability to cater to niche interests with thousands of unique and wonderful items. You can choose to buy from tons of small businesses with anything from wall art to crystals to crocheted blankets at your ngertips.
Another way to get high-quality items at a secondhand price is to try online ad sections like Facebook Marketplace and IU Classi eds. People can post anything they have for sale on these sites, allowing you to pick and choose what ts your needs and style. ese sites are especially helpful for nding nice pieces of furniture if your new place isn’t already furnished.
Whatever your goals are for your new space, if you bring in elements that you love, it’s sure to feel like home in no time.
Maybe you already have a collection of plants, but some of them need some extra tender loving care. Or you’re worried about buying that plant because you don’t have a green thumb. Well, here are some tips and tricks for keeping those plants happy, healthy and green for spring!
1. It’s better to underwater than to overwater your plants.
According to e Sill, too much water can lead to root rot, so instead of watering plants
on a schedule, do it when the plant needs it. If your soil is dry 2 inches deep, then it’s time to water.
2. Be mindful with how you water your plants.
Make sure the water is room temperature because cold water could shock the plants. Also, use ltered water if you can because tap water can have harmful minerals. Water the plants until water drains out of the hole in the bottom of the pot, even if it’s a plant that prefers dry soil.
You could also try watering
plants from the bottom, by setting the pot in a saucer or shallow pan, according to Almanac.
3. Be sure to replant.
Replant your plant if it starts to outgrow the pot. You can tell if it has overgrown by the roots circling inside the pot. Transfer it to a larger pot and make sure it has drainage. Spring and summer are the best seasons for repotting your plants, according to Better Homes & Gardens.
4. Protect your plants from bugs and flies.
Start by cutting o any parts
that look incredibly damaged by the bugs. is article from Plant Hill Nursery titled, “How to Get Rid of Bugs on Indoor Plants” or other online resources can help you identify which type of bug you’re dealing with. You can also invest in a general indoor plant insecticide or try neem oil to combat bugs.
5. Label your plants.
Labeling plants will help you keep track of each plant’s individual needs. Look up the water and sunlight requirements for your plants to keep them alive and healthy.
Whether you frequent the IU dining halls or cook your meals at home, a nice meal out can be a mood booster and an enjoyable treat. However, dietary restrictions or preferences can sometimes make the search for a restaurant seem daunting. If you are looking to narrow down your choices before your next night out, here is a list of suggestions.
e Owlery, located at 118 W. Sixth St., serves a range of vegetarian dishes on its lunch and dinner menus. e Owl-
ery opened in 2011 and moved to its current location on the square in 2012. According to e Owlery website, the establishment is Bloomington’s only fully vegan and vegetarian restaurant.
Have more of a sweet tooth but looking for some vegan options? Rainbow Bakery is Bloomington’s rst 100% vegan bakery, according to Visit Bloomington. All baked goods
through Rainbow Bakery are dairy-free. Rainbow Bakery is open for walk in, pick-up and delivery from its location at 201 S. Rogers St. However, those interested can also nd Rainbow Bakery’s treats at Hopscotch Co ee & Kitchen, as well as Morgenstern’s Books.
For those avoiding gluten in their diets, Samira Restaurant offers a variety of dishes to fit this requirement. Lo-
cated at 100 W. Sixth St., the family-owned business serves authentic Afghanistan cuisine. Diners can find gluten-free appetizers, salads and entrees on Samira Restaurant’s menu.
If you are more of a picky eater, you may enjoy Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream. Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream’s Bloomington location, 480 N.
Motion St., opened in 2010. Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream serves traditional grilled cheeseburgers, fries, pies and milk shakes, on what their website describes as a “simple menu.”
We’ve all heard the enduring recommendation: shop local. Whether we have heard the message from TV commercials, local leaders or online influencers, the push to buy locally sourced food has been growing across the world for years. So why exactly should people buy local instead of just stopping by the nearest Kroger?
Shopping for locally sourced food has a myriad of benefits for producers and consumers alike. With less steps between you and the food’s source, purchasing local foods allows for less chances of contamination, decreased presence of chemical enhancers and a limited environmental impact. Additionally, buying local foods not only stimulates the local economy, but can even help build a sense of community through the shared support of neighborhood producers and distributors. Luckily for those interested, Bloomington has plenty of opportunities to shop locally.
A community staple since its founding in 1976, Bloomingfoods Coop partners with more than 95 local and regional producers to provide healthy and sustainable products for local residents. Designated as a coop, Bloomingfoods is owned, operated and governed by local commu-
nity members. Bloomingfoods offers a large selection of fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, snacks and drinks, even serving house-made deli sandwiches. The organization prioritizes products that are organically grown, contain natural ingredients, are nonGMO and are affordable for consumers. Bloomingfoods has regular sales events and community engagement programs such as the “Positive Change Register Round-Up Program,” which allows shoppers to raise money for local nonprofits. Bloomingfoods maintains two storefronts in the area, Bloomingfoods East at 3220 E. Third St. and Bloomingfoods Near West at 316 W. Sixth St., which are open to residents daily 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. respectively.
For decades, the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market has been a way for residents and visitors to find the best produce the city has to offer. Hosting more than 40 vendors every weekend, residents can find many different locally sourced items, from produce to coffee to handpicked flower arrangements. Shoppers can even find handmade soaps and decorations in the market. To sell at the farmers market, farm vendors
must reside and produce their goods in Indiana and are expected to participate in the production of goods offered for sale, as the goal of the market is to support small farmers. Food and beverage artisan stands are selected to sell at the market based on their menu, price, product balance, customer satisfaction, use of local products and location. Local shoppers can stop by the market, hosted at the Showers Commons at 401 N. Morton St. every Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Bethel Lane Farm Stop is a collective of four farms in the Unionville and Bloomington area that is working to build the local food economy. The farm stop utilizes an everyday farmers’ market that sells produce, meat, eggs and dairy from nearby farms. The farm stop has an “honor system” meaning that the market is self-serve and customers are expected to pay for their items in cash boxes located around the market. In addition to the regular products sold at the market, shoppers can expect to see varying seasonal items available each week including apple cider, granola, jam, popcorn, flowers and pumpkins.
Bethel Lane Farm Stop at 4741 E. Bethel Lane is open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
As college students, we have so much on our plate, and it can sometimes be difficult trying to put ourselves first.
The endless amounts of assignments, having to go to work so you have money on the side to support yourself, managing your mental health, dealing with relationships and friendships, the list goes on.
Planning time for yourself is something you shouldn’t feel bad about. It should be a priority. Below I have provided some tips on how to plan a relaxing night in, whether you want to spend it alone or with friends.
1. First things first, get all of your assignments done and out of the way. Then, pick a time frame when you aren’t too busy and can dedicate the majority of the day to yourself. Easier said than done.
2. Next and most importantly, figure out what you want to have for dinner that night. Think of something that brings you comfort and makes you happy. On days where I don’t feel like cooking, ordering takeout from Taste of India or Do Asian Fusion Restaurant are my go-to spots. When I do feel like cooking, I search on TikTok to find new recipes to try. I love pasta, so I try to find new pasta recipes.
Now that you have your day set and what you
plan on eating, it’s time for the fun part: relaxing.
3. Take some time to debrief and journal your thoughts. When things are getting a little bit too stressful, and I have a lot on my mind, I write it out. When I journal, I vent to either my laptop or my notebook and write whatever is on my mind. Afterward, I feel so much better and more relaxed. Emotions are better out than in.
4. While doing this, you might want to listen to music and have a candle burning. It sets the mood and makes the space around you so much more peaceful.
5. After journaling, take time to feed your mind. Pick up and read a good book. I’ve been trying to read more this year, so I bought a variety of books that interest me. Currently, I am reading “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.
6. After reading a few chapters, turn on a movie or show, put on a face mask, and just do absolutely nothing for the rest of the night. Eat your meal, and enjoy life.
Although these are tips, figuring out what makes you happy and would cater to your needs at that moment is what’s important. Treat yourself and make life beautiful.
When the time comes to look for an apartment in college, students should consider doing some research to nd out if that apartment is pet-friendly or not.
For IU on-campus apartments, IU permits service animals in all university buildings and facilities, however, emotional support animals are only permitted in the owner’s on-campus residence or IU real estate housing with approval beforehand.
If a student is wanting to have a pet, it would be best to look into o -campus apartments.
Some of the main o -cam-
pus apartments that are pet friendly are the Dillon, Atlas on 17, Reserve on ird, Evolve, the Monroe and Verve.
ere is most likely going to be a fee for having a pet. ese fees may include a nonrefundable pet fee as well as a monthly pet fee. ere also may be a restriction on the number of pets and the type of pet you can have.
Always verify pet policies with the housing’s management before signing the lease.
For example, the Dillon has a two pets per unit policy, a $200 nonrefundable pet fee and $25 per month pet rent fee.
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• Include having a pet in your daily schedule.
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• Become friends with others who have pets.
• Identify a veterinarian location near you. Identify a veterinarian loca-
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Address: 1439 N. telluride Street, Bloomington IN 47404
Library Lounge
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