W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!
Vol 143, NO. 36
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner
Oral History Project receives funding
.com August 6, 2015
Colton Joint Unified Honored By County Board
Education Special A9-10
PHOTO/ANTHONY VICTORIA Frank Acosta, Dr. Tom Rivera, and Henry Vasquez, also with the help of CSUSB Dean of Library Cesar Caballero have compiled interviews for the Oral History Project of South Colton that depicts the lives of Mexican Americans in the early part of the Twentieth Century.
By Anthony Victoria
City Officials Take ALS Bucket Challenge A11
al State San Bernardino (CSUSB) dean emeritus Dr. Tom Rivera and company just received a substantial boost for their academic history
project. Cal Humanities, a non-profit organization that promotes and funds humanities research in California, has awarded the university a $10,000 grant to support the oral history project called,
"Growing up in Colton: An Oral History of Mexican Americans in South Colton, 1890-1960." CSUSB’s award was part of a comprehensive grant totaling Rivera cont. on next page
Football standout may be ineligible to play at Chadron State
Car Wash Helps Raise Funds for Shooting Victim A19
Calendar Classifieds Legal Notices Opinion Service Dir. Sports
A6 A14 A15 A4 A6 A12-13
HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com
Former Colton football standout Lavonte Wilson.
By Anthony Victoria
olton High School football standout Lavonte Wilson is apparently facing issues with the NCAA over his eligibility
to attend Chadron State University. on social media his concerns about The running back received a the uncertainty of the situation. scholarship from the university earlier this year. He was scheduled “Just thought I would let my folto leave for camp later this week. Wilson cont. on next page On Monday Wilson, 18, posted
Colton Joint Unified School District’s model School Attendance Review Board (SARB) was recognized by the San Bernardino County Board of Education at its meeting on Aug. 3. Colton’s program was recognized by the California Department of Education as a state model School Attendance Review Board for the 2014-15 academic year. Local and county SARB are created by school districts and county offices of education to identify and assist students with attendance problems that may be due to chronic illness, truancy, transportation problems, disabilities, or behavioral health issues. The statewide model award recognizes excellence in specific content areas, including community collaboration and measuring and reporting outcomes for chronic absenteeism and overall district attendance. For more information about the meeting or Colton’s SARB, contact San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools’ Communications office at 909.386.2413.
Got News?
ontact Anthony Victoria at (909) 637-6369 or at victoriaanthony91@gm