Colton Courier 11 12 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 48

November 1 2, 2020

Colton Woman's Club celebrates 120th anniver sar y

County Service Award to Fischer, Funchess Pg. 5


Colton Mayor and Councilmen present 120th Birthday Proclamation to CWC President and Board Members, (L to R) Colton City Councilmen Dr G, Kenneth Koperski, Ernest Cisneros, Mayor Frank Navarro, CWC President Pat Collier, CWC Board Members Velma Frisk, Laurie Edwards, Delma Ledesma, Linda Brooks and Dena Leavitt. By Marina Rojas


n Tuesday, October 27, 2020, Colton Mayor Frank Navarro and members of the Colton City Council presented a congratula-

tory plaque to the Colton Woman’s Club (CWC) to commemorate their 120th Anniversary and years of service to the City and other surrounding communities.

Founded on October 27, 1900, the Colton Woman’s Club is a non-profit organization initially founded with the beginning goal of providing school children with library books, the Club has expanded over the years to serve

the local communities in many philanthropic ways. Some of the many programs supported by the CWC include: CWC, cont. on next pg.

Colton City Council discuss possibility of implementing ter m limits By Manny B. Sandoval

IECF accepting applications for nonprofit assistance Pg. 6

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


n late October, city council discussed the possibility of establishing term limits for the elected office in the City of Colton. “It’s mainly about being transparent to our residents. If terms limits were imposed it would provide voters the opportunity to bring change with new expertise, innovative ideas and a fresh perspective as council members could not serve more than 2 or 3 consecutive terms,” said Mayor Pro-tem Isaac Suchil. “In the history of Colton there has not been anything preventing council (members) from holding office for as many terms as they would like.” Suchil also shared that imposing terms limits would excite candidates about running for Limits, cont. on next pg.


In 2022, Colton City Council may be adding a new measure on the ballot, imposing a cap to elected official term limits.

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