Colton Courier 01 09 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 04

Januar y 09, 202 0

The Unforgettables Foundation hosts Annual Lights for Little Lives memorial walk for children Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3


Vo l u n t e e r s n e e d e d for homeless Point in Time Count Pg. 5


The Unforgettables founder Timothy Evans (center in a black sweater) is surrounded by families who experienced a loss of a child during the year. Pictured to Evans’ left in purple are Chris and Nikki Villalobos who lost their daughter, Arianna, this past October at the age of 15. Their children pictured with them are Elijah (behind Evans), Noah and Isabella Villalobos. By Ricardo Tomboc


n New Year’s Eve Tuesday, December 31, during the late afternoon hours, several hundred people gathered in the parking lot in front of the Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda to take part

in The Unforgettables Foundation’s “20th Annual Light for Little Lives Memorial Walk”. There was a brief opening ceremony that included a welcome and introduction by the Unforgettable’s Founder Chaplain Timothy Evans and several others who also wel-

comed the participants. At sunset, parents who have lost a child in 2019 released a dove into the sky. A larger dove release followed, as all the doves took flight and gathered above the spectators into one flock encircling the area for several

minutes before making their way home. A presentation to the mothers was made where dozens of red roses were placed on a little red wagon by everyone who had suffered a loss of a child. Carlos Pastrano (12) from Memorial, cont. on next pg.

City of Colton employees r ecognized for ear ning bachelor’s and master’s deg rees By Manny B. Sandoval

Caden sets collection record of teddy bears for LLUCH

Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 6 Opinion


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n December, two city of Colton employees, Victor Ortiz and Dawn Miller, were recognized by city council for completing a degree in higher education. “We have two employees who completed college degrees, while working full time. As someone who did the same thing, I understand the amount of work and commitment that goes into this; I think it’s a big deal,” said City Manager Bill Smith. “Both employees were able to utilize the city’s education reimbursement program; it’s a great benefit and we encourage our employees to take advantage of this program. I do not think either employee was excited to be recognized, but I appreciate both of them for being here and indulging us,” concluded Smith. Degrees, cont. on next pg.



Victor Ortiz, left, and Dawn Miller, right, were congratulated by Mayor Pro-Tem Ernest Cisneros, center, and the entire city of Colton, for earning a higher education.

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