*Colton Courier 01/18/24

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Vol 152 , NO. 04

Januar y 18, 2024

Omni trans Board Elects New Leader shi p, Including Colton Mayor Frank Navar r o


Community News

t its monthly meeting on Wednesday, the Omnitrans Board of Directors elected current Vice Chair and Mayor of Colton Frank J. Navarro to its Chair position, and current Board Member and Ontario Councilmember Alan D. Wapner to the position of Vice Chair. The offices will take effect immediately and will be held through June 2025.


“Both Mayor Navarro and Councilmember Wapner have a history of dedication to and support of Omnitrans,” said CEO/General Manager Erin Rogers after the meeting. “I look forward to partnering with the Board under their leadership to provide innovative mobility solutions to connect our region and strengthen the economy.”

Opinion: Dry January and Beyond: Stop Drinking for your Health Pg. 3

FUSD High Senior’s Passion for Robotics and Coding Leads to World Robotics Olympiad


Colton Mayor Navarro and Ontario Councilmember Alan Wapner being elected by the Omni Trans board.

Reappointed to Lead Of fice: (909) 381-9898 State's Student Aid E dito rial: iecn 1@mac.co m Efforts Adver tising: sales@ iecn.com Pg. 8

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Former Board of Directors Chair Wapner has a legendary record of public service, having served on the Ontario City Council for more than 27 years and as an Omnitrans Board of Directors member or alternate since 2000. He represents the city on regional boards including his service as President of the Ontario International Airport Authority, Vice Chair of the NLC Public Safety Policy Committee, the SBCTA Governing Board, the San Bernardino County Council of Governments Board of Directors, the Metrolink Board of Directors, the Metro Foothill Gold Line Extension Construction Authority Board of Directors, the League of California Cities Board of Omni, cont. next pg.

Applications Now Open for Colton’s Esteemed 2024 M i s s a n d Te e n M i s s P a g e a n t

Pg. 4

I nland SBCCD’s Angel Empir e Community Rodriguezs Newspaper

Navarro, who has served as an Omnitrans Board alternate since 2012 and has been an active member since 2019, was first elected to the Colton City Council in 2012. In addition to his work for Omnitrans and the city, he serves on the Inland Valley Development Agency board, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) governing board, the Southern California Association of Government’s

Regional Council and Transportation Committee, and as President of the San Bernardino International Airport Authority. “It is an honor to have been elected as Chair of the Omnitrans Board,” said Navarro of his new position. “The agency provides a vital public service, and I look forward to working with my fellow Board members and Omnitrans’ results-focused staff to build service and continue to develop ridership and our workforce.”


Colton Councilman and Rotary VP John Echevarria with Miss and Teen Miss Colton Pageant winners in July 2023.

By Manny Sandoval

he Rotary Club of Colton has excitedly announced the application period for its highly anticipated 4th annual Miss and Teen Miss Colton Pageant is now open. Aspiring participants for this illustrious event, which will be held on June 22, 2024, are encouraged to apply. The pageant comprises two divisions: the

Miss Colton Division for young women aged 18-25 who are unmarried and without children, and the Teen Miss Colton Division for girls aged 15-17 who are either students in the Colton Unified School District or residents of Colton and its neighboring areas, including Bloomington, Grand Terrace, Washington, and Slover High School. Erlinda Armendariz, President of the


Colton Rotary Club, emphasized the significance of the pageant. "The opening of the application period for our Miss and Teen Miss Colton Pageant marks an exciting time for our community. This event is not just about beauty; it celebrates intelligence, talent, and community engagement among young women. We're looking forward to discovering the diverse talents and personPageant cont. next pg.

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