Vol 148 , NO. 06
Januar y 23, 202 0
Dan F lores: ‘I have the most experience in county gover nment’ By Maryjoy Duncan Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Hundreds attend MLK Prayer Breakfast Pg. 5
an Flores is no stranger to residents of the county’s 5th Supervisorial District, the Chief of Staff to Supervisor Josie Gonzales is driven by the determination to advocate for policies and deliver services that will improve the quality of life for residents, and his commitment to the community is what inspired Dan to run for the office for which he has worked 15 years, since 2005. “I feel most myself when I get to listen (to the community), talk with them, and, driven by our values, make decisions on what we believe,” Dan shared. “I know the community, and I want to speak for them – the decisions are based solely on what’s best for the community. I’m not interested in anything other than that.” Dan Flores, a third generation Colton resident and Colton Joint Unified School District Board Flores, cont. on next pg.
Dan Flores, Colton Joint Unified School District Board member and Chief of Staff to San Bernardino County 5th District Supervisor Josie Gonzales, seeks to take over the seat when Gonzales terms out this year. Other candidates include Rialto Councilman and educator Joe Baca Jr., Fontana Councilman and business owner Jesse Armendarez, and business owner Nadia Renner. A third generation Colton resident, Dan is pictured with wife Abby and their three children.
Colton Woman’s Club awards scholar ships to high school sophomores April Nunez, Cinthya Cer rato LLUH seeks par ticipants for diabetic study Pg. 7
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 6 Opinion
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By Marina Rojas
he 2020 HOBY Award Scholarship bestowed by the Colton Woman’s Club was awarded to sophomores April Nuñez of Colton High School and Cinthya Cerrato of Bloomington High School on Tuesday, January 14. The esteemed HOBY Award Scholarship given out each year by the club pays for the students to attend the Hugh O’Brien Youth State Leadership Seminar, a three- to four-day conference focusing on leadership skills. This year the event will happen in June at Cal Poly Pomona with approximately 150 other students from around the country. Applications for the award are taken by the school’s counseling office, and students must complete an essay discussing why the leadership conference would be beneficial to their future plans. Once the Colton Woman’s Club HOBY Committee picks the winHOBY, cont. on next pg.
From left: Colton Mayor Frank Navarro, CWC Member Joan Prost, BHS Counselor Heather Butterworth, BHS student Cinthya Cerrato, CHS student April Nunez, and Tina Peterson from the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.