Colton Courier 02 25 21

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Vol 149, NO. 11

Febr uar y 25, 2021

Rec on the Road at Home engages Colton youth Community News


rom (around) 2018, Colton’s Community Services Department has brought recreation activities to neighborhoods and parks around the city for its youth.

Since the start of the pandemic in early 2020, the department found a way to reach out to its target audience with its weekly activity bag distribution.

G o v. N e w s o m visits LLUMC Pg. 4

Courtesy PHOTO Colton’s Community Services Department distributes an estimated 25 activity bags per week to keep children active and engaged.

Pg. 8

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

Many of the activity bags are Recreation, cont. on next pg.

Red Cross calls for blood donations, community asked to


Boys & Gir ls Club members receive free books

“On Mondays we distribute activity bags with puzzles, crafts, activity sheets, and games to kids ages six to 12 years old at the Gonzales Community Center, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.,” said Erica Cereceres, community services recreation specialist.

give blood on Mar. 1 at American Legion Post 155

ecord-breaking cold and winter storms across much of the U.S. has forced the cancellation of hundreds of American Red Cross blood drives in about 30 states and caused more than 15,000 blood and platelet donations to go uncollected. The Red Cross is urging healthy individuals, especially those with type O blood, to give now to ensure blood products are available for patient emergencies when help can’t wait. The Colton community is invited to donate blood on March 1 at the American Legion Post 155, 1401 Veterans Way, from 1 - 7 p.m. Every day thousands of patients rely on lifesaving blood donations. The need for blood is constant, even during snowstorms and the COVID-19 pandemic. To help ensure lifesaving patient care isn’t impacted, individuals in areas unaffected by severe weather are urged to make Donation, cont. on next pg.



The Red Cross is urging all healthy individuals to donate much-needed blood. A blood drive will be held on Mar. 1 at the American Legion making it easy for Colton residents to donate blood.

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