Colton Courier 02 06 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 08

Febr uar y 06, 202 0

Mrs. Redd’s Pie Company a third generation Colton business By Dr. G (Dr. Luis Gonzalez) Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

Habit Grill ear ns sustainability a wa r d Pg. 2


he Colton Area Museum guest Association’s speaker program will feature Nick Telliard, a third-generation downtown business owner of the well-known Mrs. Redd’s Pie Company, Inc. on Saturday, Feb. 8. With many stories to share on the rise of this family-owned business, Nick Telliard and his brother, Phil, will take attendees on a journey of milestones leading to the development of “Grandpa’s cookbook” which is “the key to Mrs. Redds’ success,” Nick Telliard gladly explains. “We are the third generation owners of Mrs. Redd’s,” added Telliard, “and our family has owned and operated several bakeries in Colton through the years, including Maple Lane Bakery, Inc.” Mrs. Redd’s is well known for its 4.5 oz. snack pies that come in a variety of flavors: apple, cherry, Mrs. Redd’s, cont. on next pg.


D R. G

From left: Nick Telliard with his daughter Ella and fourth generation baker, and brother Phil Telliard of Mrs. Redd’s Pie Company, will share stories of their family business during the guest speaker program at the Colton Museum this Saturday.

Councilmember Isaac Suchil appointed Colton’s mayor pro-tempore By Manny B. Sandoval


n January 21, Councilmember Isaac Suchil was appointed to mayor pro-tempore in Colton.

Deadly citr us tree disease found in Colton Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 6 Opinion


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“Tonight we are going to appoint a new mayor pro-tem as we are required to do by city ordinance, once a year. Before we move on, I would like to thank our outgoing mayor protem Councilman Cisneros for a job well done for the last year in supporting me, and representing me when I could not be there,” said Mayor Frank Navarro. As Navarro shook Cisneros’s hand, he said, “Cisneros did an excellent job in the city and I received very positive feedback from residents out in the community stating that he did a great job.” During the discussion, Councilmember Dr. Luis Gonzalez nominated Councilmember Jack Woods. Suchil, cont. on next pg.


Isaac Suchil represents District 6 and was first elected as a councilmember in 2004. He will be serving as the city’s mayor pro-tem this year.

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