Vol 148 , NO. 09
Febr uar y 13, 2020
Bloomington High School Vir tual Enter prise Team headed to National Competition Education News Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Jean Randall celebrates 100 years Pg. 5
or the second time, a High Bloomington School team will compete nationally at the Virtual Enterprise National Business Plan Competition in New York City. The school’s Mace Case Virtual Enterprise company will compete at the 2020 Youth Business Summit April 21-23 in New York. The team earned the spot after placing fifth in the state competition in Bakersfield earlier this month. Another BHS team, Life Cycle, also made it to the finals at the state level, placing 8th. The top six California teams are eligible to compete nationally. Two years ago, Bloomington’s High Rise Gardens Virtual Enterprise team participated in the National Business Plan Competition and placed among the top 6 teams in the nation. This year’s winning team is working hard to do even better than their
Bloomington High School’s Mace Case Virtual Enterprise company will compete at the 2020 Youth Business Summit April 21-23 in New York. successful predecessors, and hope to continue getting better and better. “It’s amazing how much we’ve changed and progressed,” noted team member Jeanne Gonzalez,
who serves as the Mace Case CEO. “We never thought we’d make it this far, especially New York,” added fellow team member (and Jeanne’s twin sister) Jazmin
Gonzalez. Virtual Enterprise Business Plan competitions involve student teams developing virtual BHS, cont. on next pg.
Students rally at 7-11 to celebrate Tobacco Retail Licenses success, Colton named “City on the Rise”
By Dr. G (Dr. Luis Gonzalez)
Redlands High wins Academic Decathlon Pg. 6
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 6 Opinion
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everal students from the Colton Community Coalition for Change (CCCC) organization were in the audience at the Feb 4 council meeting to hear the news of a recent report released by the American Lung Association – State of Tobacco Control 2020, announcing that the City of Colton was a “City on the Rise” for 2020. This prestigious recognition is part of an effort to encourage communities to educate, promote, and advocate programs that would lead to a reduction of the sale of tobacco products, and strictly enforce the prohibition of tobacco sales to minors. Over the last two years, the Colton Community Coalition for Change, a student outreach program of Mental Health Systems of Colton, have worked tirelessly with local schools, community groups, local tobacco control proCCCC, cont. on next pg.
Front row from left: Melanie Hernandez, Madison Warner, Peria Mendez, 7-11 employee, Itzel Calixto, 7-11 employee, Audree Vasquez, Brenda Rosales, Allysson Vasquez, Dr. G, Council Member; back row from left: Vania Ramirez Mercado, Axel Vasquez, Carlos Vasquez, Patgricia Lopez, Carlos Vasquez, Jr., Diana Villanueva, Kevin Hernandez.