Colton Courier 02 20 20

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Vol 148, NO. 10

February 20, 2020

Women from Colton High’s Class of 1964 meet monthly, invite others to join By Marina Rojas Gloria’s Cor ner


uhammad Ali once said, “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But, if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” The Colton High School (CHS) Class of 1964 might beg to differ with him just a tiny bit because they obviously learned a lot about the meaning of friendship in school. A few years back at their 50th High School Class Reunion, some of the girls that had reconnected decided to keep the friendship flame alive and began meeting together once a month.

Census volunteer s reach out Pg. 5

Ophelia Fonseca Gallardo is the leader of the group. “We try to meet for birthdays, and for special occasions,” she said, “It’s just to have lunch, talk, and have a good time. A lot of the girls Class of ‘64, cont. on next pg.

The Reunion Group meets monthly for birthdays and special occasions


Colton Joint Unified Board of Education bans The Bluest Eye for sexual violence By Manny B. Sandoval


SB Symphony presents cirque Pg. 12

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 6 Opinion


Legal Notices



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he Colton Joint Unified Board of Education voted to ban “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison on February 6. “Our Board of Education voted to remove “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison from our core and extended reading list for English Language Arts classes. However, the book still remains available to students in the libraries at our high schools as well as through the digital library that we offer to students and staff,” said Colton Joint Unified Communications Director Katie Orloff. The vote to remove the book from the high school level was supported by Board President Patt Haro, Board Members Frank A. Ibarra, Berenice Sandoval, and Joanne E. Thoring-Ojeda; while Vice President Dan Flores and Clerk Bertha Arreguin voted against the opposition; Board Member Israel Fuentes abstained. “There is some graphic sexual violence depicted in the book, which is concerning for some students and families. Our board was concerned about making it a required reading for students but



The Colton Joint Unified School District removes “The Bluest Eye” from its high school curriculum.

at the same time, the book is still available to students,” continued Orloff. With the removal of “The Bluest Eye” many members of the community question if this will become a pattern in the school district. “At this time, no other books on the extended and core reading list are being considered to be removed,” Orloff said. For many years, the book has played an important role implemented into the high school English language curriculum regarding collective culture. “The story provides opportunities for students to learn about and discuss an important perspective and experience that is part of our collective culture. The extended and core reading list continues to include a variety of diverse perspectives, including two other titles by the same author,” said Orloff. The Colton Joint Unified School District shares that in regard to the future removal of texts, there are no other steps planned at this time. For more information, visit

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