March 03, 2022
Vol 150, NO. 12
Fa i t h w a y F e l l o w s h i p , D r. G t e a m u p f o r G a r d e n P a r t y
Volunteers from six Nazarene churches convened in Colton to lay the foundation for a community garden on Saturday, Feb. 26. By Dr.G (Dr Luis S González), community writer
SBSO presents Rom e o & Ju l i et v s . We s t S i d e Stor y Pg. 5
n Saturday, February 26, approximately 4050 individuals, both adults and children, came togeth-
er for an old-fashioned community “Garden Party,” as Pastor Ronnie calls it. These individuals, representing six Nazarene churches, took to the open area at Faithway Fellowship - Church of the Nazarene to dig, cultivate, and plant seeds in order to create a healthy, bountiful community
garden. The host church, located at 292 East E Street in Colton, along with Pastor Ronnie Steen and Dr. G, Council Member, Historian, Community Advocate and lay minister, welcomed the ”workers” from churches representing
Colton, Apple Valley, RiversideArlington, Menifee, Bloomington, Gateway-Murrieta, and Lighthouse-Costa Mesa. According to Pastor Ronnie, the purpose of this event is twofold – Garden, cont. next pg.
Slover Mt. High recognized as Model Continuation High School Community News
he San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools announced that two high schools within the county were recognized as Model Continuation High Schools (MCHS) for 2022. “I want to thank educators throughout the county for diligently working to provide equitable and accessible academic opportunities for all of our students,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “We want to ensure students are equipped with tools to succeed in the classroom and beyond, and these two continuation high schools demonstrated their commitment to provide at-risk youth the comprehensive services they deserve.”
CHC alumnus create new endowment fund Pg. 8
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
Slover Mountain High School was recognized by the state as a Model Continuation High School.
State Superintendent of Public Honor, cont. on next pg.