Vol 149, NO. 13
March 11, 2021
Colton approves coronavir us g rant to benefit residents By Manny B. Sandoval
n March 2, Colton City Council unanimously voted to approve the CDBG COVID-3 Funding for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, consisting of $288,940 to directly benefit residents experiencing hardship.
The funds, distributed by The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will provide residents assistance towards food, health and safety, as well as making improvements to the Hutton Senior Center patio to provide safe outdoor programing.
Caden examines w hy Ins id e t he NBA is greatest spor ts show Pg. 4
The Colton Community Services Department hosts a monthly food drive for at need residents; its next distribution date is March 25, 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM at 292 East O Street (Luque Community Center).
“On January 13, Colton department directors including public safety and public outreach discussed how the CDBG-CV3 funds should be allocated. The decision was unanimous that the Grant, cont. on next pg.
Music Changing Lives to create a million millionaires in the Inland Empire By Contributing Writer
Crafton Hills students administer vaccine Pg. 8
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
usic Changing Lives Founder and CEO Josiah Bruny has set forth on a new initiative, to create one million millionaires across the Inland Empire by targeting youth’s understanding of health, wealth, fitness and self actualization. The 501(c)(3) has been busy transforming the lives of the IE’s youth since 1998 through music, art and tutoring programs…but has recently set forth an ambitious initiative to provide an even greater hand up to the youth in the region. “I created a policy titled ‘Empowerment 2 Policy: A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out’, where we’ll be turning our sites into wellness centers and give our youth access to attain support PHOTO MCL from career counselors, financial Music Changing Lives Founder and CEO Josiah Bruny (far right), with volunteers distributing thousands of pounds of food to the community, a weekly initiative in response to the COVID-19 MCL, cont. on next pg. pandemic.