March 24, 2022
Vol 150, NO. 15
Colton High School’s Pepper Bou gh recognizes the power of community news By Manny B. Sandoval
lthough Pepper Bough has been keeping Colton High School (CHS) informed since 1917, it wasn’t until recent years that its digital presence caught the attention of the community with its quick turnaround, timely news.
While the news publication was once physically printed, yes on paper, now it’s making headway with its website,, and social media channels; giving parents and the greater community a stronger insight into impactful stories on and off-campus.
IECN recognizes Women’s History Month Pg. 5
The 2021-22 Pepper Bough staff. Back row (from left): Edgar Lopez Perez, Myles Garza, Corinne Miranda Anton, Jicell Gutierrez Urenda, Alexander Sanchez, Briana McMullen, Misael Terriquez; front row: Alexander Cespedes Montiel, Alexus Perez, Emmanuel Ramos, Erin Dallatorre, Sadie Larios, Aireanna Romo.
March 17 was a busy day for the Colton Leprechaun. After visiting many city offices, Dr G was invited to present himself to the children at the Colton pre-school, and then the Nazarene Church, and later at the Hutton Center to take part in the Senior 50+ St. Patrick’s Dinner. In addition, several local businesses, including Stater Bros., House of Eggs, and Karla’s Flowers requested that the Colton Leprechaun make an appearance. Yvette Salas, Manager at Stater Bros. offered this personal quote, “I think the costumes are a great way to interact with the community.” In addition, Karla Ramirez, owner of Karla’s Flowers, commented, “This is always enjoyable for my staff and my children,” and continued, “We’ll stop by after work to take a picture.”
Pg. 4
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Pepper Bough, cont. next pg.
D r. G d e l i g h t s r e s i d e n t s w i t h festive cheer
By Christina Perris
Arts Fest returns to San Bernardino
“Over Christmas break, we had a student named Sadie Larios, who’s also an editor of the Pepper Bough, write a six-part awardwinning series called Second
ast week, one might have noticed a tall man, wearing a green-vested suit and standing at the corner of Valley and La Cadena. On one hand, a visiting passerby might be asking what was going on, but, on the other hand, most everyone in the City of Colton knows it’s probably Dr G, our resident “Colton Leprechaun.” For several years, Dr. G has donned custom-made costumes on holidays and has devoted quality time in and amongst the residents. This time Dr G played the part of a Leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day, at Halloween he was a Pharaoh, at Thanksgiving he donned a man-sized turkey costume to the delight of children, and at Christmas, Dr G performed Christmas carols on his trumpet, as the “Colton Elf.”
Dr. G got festive on St. Patrick’s day, dressing up as a leprechaun and posted at the Stater Bros. on the corner of La Cadena and Valley Blvd to mingle with residents.
For the dozens of people who Festive, cont. on next pg.